Re: Automatically generate symlinks for virtual categories.

2009-06-05 Thread Vitaly Magerya
> If anyone could improve the script please let me know.

How about adding options?
This patch [1] adds an option to specify alternative port root,
an option to perform a dry run, and some usage printing.

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Re: Automatically generate symlinks for virtual categories.

2009-06-05 Thread Vitaly Magerya
And here [1] is a new version that does the same thing,
but uses INDEX file instead of traversing the ports tree.
It's quite faster this way (assuming your INDEX is up to date,
maybe it's better to allow both algorithms?).

Disclaimer: I did not test it properly.

The thing that looks strange to me is that the original script
appends main category to the name of port when symlinking.
I copied that behavior for safety, but are there really
naming conflicts in the ports tree?

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Re: Automatically generate symlinks for virtual categories.

2009-06-05 Thread Vitaly Magerya
> I'll added your script to mine as a option.
Yeah, I've done that too in the mean time, take a look: [1].
In that version both traverse algorithms share common linking code,
it seems more maintainable this way.
(I've added -w and -i to catch up with you, but the code overall
is quite different, sorry about that).

There's a question about the test for main category dir:
if you use -w to specify a directory different than that of -p,
a simlink "$whereto/category/portname-category" will be created.
Maybe "$whereto/category/portname" would be the right thing in this case?

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Re: Automatically generate symlinks for virtual categories.

2009-06-05 Thread Vitaly Magerya
> No - you still have the issue of languages. For example japanese/xchat
> and irc/xchat have the same name. This is the issue I was trying to avoid.
When you do:
 $ auto-symlink-virtual -p /usr/ports -w /tmp/ports
You will have this links:

So while the conflicts may require the latter two names to have "-irc",
there's no need for irc/xchat-irc and japanese/xchat-japanese.
In fact you would not have created those links, if you'd run
 $ auto-symlink-virtual -p /usr/ports -w /usr/ports

Anyway, patch for yours [1] or mine [2] should make the issue obvious.

There's also an issue with relative paths in -w option: after
make -C is made, all relative paths are wrong, so currently
you have to specify the full path.

PS. In your latest file -n option is reversed because of the
"if [ -z "dryrun" ];" tests in lines 45 and 51.

I forgot to CC ports@ when send this letter the first time.
Sorry for the noise.
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Re: Automatically generate symlinks for virtual categories.

2009-06-05 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Some random comments:
- you really want to add usage [1] ("-d" is intentionally not documented)
- when destdir does not exist the script should make one [2]
- you really want to handle whitespace in paths [3]
- there's no easy way to use an INDEX that is not under portsdir;
  I think that in -i you should specify a path, not a filename [4]

(The patches should be applied in the listed order).

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Re: Automatically generate symlinks for virtual categories.

2009-06-05 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 06/06/2009, Ion-Mihai Tetcu  wrote:
> Did you test what happens with all this idea when a port has a
> .include "${CURDIR}.."
> ?

When running the script uses $(make  -C),
which in effect is $(cd  && make ), so
including current directory works fine when symlinks are generated.

When actually installing the port from a symlink,
the current directory is reported to be the original, not the symlink.
So it should work. I've tried a few ports with .include ${CURDIR..},
there seems to be no problems.
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Re: Let's add more DESKTOP_ENTRIES to our ports

2009-08-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 19/08/2009, Dmitry Marakasov  wrote:
> Here's the list of ports that depend on libX11 (based on INDEX-8) and do
> not either have DESKTOP_ENTRIES in Makefile or share/applications/*.desktop
> in pkg-plist:

Should interactive console applications have desktop entries?
For example we have console games (e.g. games/tornado), interpreters,
shells; there's also irc/irssi, www/elinks and similar.

How do others (e.g. pkgsrc, debian/ubuntu) handle this?
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Re: GPLv3-licensed ports

2010-05-19 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Charlie Kester wrote:
> Will someone with edit privileges for the wiki please add the following to the
> list of GPLv3-licensed ports (
>   math/ised 
>   misc/xsw 
>   sysutils/rdup

And lang/ikarus too while we're at it.

I don't understand the purpose of that list though. What does "legal
decisions regarding the use of GPLv3 in our ports system" mean?
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Re: GPLv3-licensed ports

2010-05-19 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
>> I don't understand the purpose of that list though. What does "legal
>> decisions regarding the use of GPLv3 in our ports system" mean?
>  :
>  ( BSD License is NOT compatible to GPL v3 ... , please see figure , if I
> understand it correctly . )

No, 3-clause BSD license is compatible with GPLv3 [1] (you can follow
multiple arrows on that figure). You can combine BSD-licensed code with
GPLv3-licensed code and either use it privately or redistribute it under
GPLv3. Pretty much the same as with GPLv2.

This actually implies that the packages and possibly the patches in GPL
ports are covered by GPL too... hence the "legal decision" I guess. OK.

[1] 4-clause BSD is incompatible with both GPLv2 and GPLv3.
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Re: FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2010-06-21 Thread Vitaly Magerya wrote:
> portname:   lang/mlton
> description:An optimizing Standard ML compiler
> maintainer:
> status: BROKEN
> deprecated because: has been broken for 5 months
> expiration date:2010-01-08
> build errors:   none.
> overview:   

A fix was sent a few weeks ago as ports/147278 [1], and the maintainer
already approved it. Still waiting for a commiter to take a look at it.

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Re: Call for testers: www/shellinabox (Shell in a Box)

2010-06-25 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Olivier Cochard-Labbé wrote:
> I've just finished my port of Shell in a Box: It's a secure web server
> that provide ajax terminal emulator.
> Before to submit it, Can someone test it ?

Builds & installs fine. Does not run:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/shellinaboxd onestart
Starting shellinaboxd.
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/shellinaboxd onestatus
shellinaboxd is not running.
# tail -1 /var/log/messages
Jun 25 11:31:30 vbsd kernel: pid 4461 (shellinaboxd) uid65534:
exited on signal 11
# shellinaboxd
Segmentation fault
# uname -mrsi

The machine in question is a vanilla 8.0-RELEASE in VirtualBox.
I can provide any additional information, just name it.
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Re: Call for testers: www/shellinabox (Shell in a Box)

2010-06-25 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Olivier Cochard-Labbé wrote:
> Do you have special optimization in /etc/make.conf ?

Nope. Only PERL_VERSION is there.

BTW, I tried on another VirtualBox setup (8.0-RELEASE-p2).
Crashes here too.
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Re: Call for testers: www/shellinabox (Shell in a Box)

2010-06-28 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Olivier Cochard-Labbé wrote:
> I've just finished my port of Shell in a Box: It's a secure web server
> that provide ajax terminal emulator.
> More information on the official website: 

After looking at the port for a while, I have some suggestions.

The port creates ${PREFIX}/etc/shellinabox directory, chowns it to
nobody and chmods it to 777. The reason for this is that shellinabox
creates certificates during the runtime and stores them into that
directory, but it only does that after dropping to "nobody" user.

As the author of shellinabox notes [1], this is a bad idea, because any
user can read and modify your keys this way. I also have a vague feeling
that storing variable files in ${PREFIX}/etc/shellinabox is a bad idea
as well (to compare, Debian port uses /var/lib/shellinabox).

So what I propose is this:
1. Create "shellinabox" user and group (via USERS and GROUPS).
2. Update rc script to start shellinaboxd with that user and group.
3. Make the certificate directory 700, owned by shellinabox:shellinabox.
4. Move the certificate directory to /var/shellinabox or similar
   (what's our conventional location for this kind of files?).

I'm not sure on the 4 though. Any thoughts?

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Re: Call for testers: www/shellinabox (Shell in a Box)

2010-06-28 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Olivier Cochard-Labbé wrote:
> Thanks for your tips, I've updated the port

Looks good. Works with --disable-ssl on my VirtualBox (but, as before,
not without it).
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Re: lang/chicken, fails to package, needs MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE

2011-10-05 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Doug Barton wrote:
> Trying to create a package for lang/chicken today, it fails to build at
> all with FORCE_MAKE_JOBS, so it needs MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= true in the
> Makefile.


> Also, once it got built, it failed to package:
> ===>  Building package for chicken-4.7.0
> tar: lib/chicken/6/modules.db: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
> pkg_create: make_dist: tar command failed with code 256
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/lang/chicken.

Seems to work for me on 8.2-RELEASE amd64.
Can you send me your build/install/package logs?
I'll try to reproduce the problem.
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Re: lang/chicken, fails to package, needs MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE

2011-10-08 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Doug Barton wrote:
> On 10/05/2011 15:19, Vitaly Magerya wrote:
>> Doug Barton wrote:
>>> Trying to create a package for lang/chicken today, it fails to build at
>>> all with FORCE_MAKE_JOBS, so it needs MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= true in the
>>> Makefile.
>> True.
> Do you mind if I go ahead and add that sooner rather than later?

I'll appreciate if you will.

I actually have a seemingly working fix, but I'll submit it after the
upstream will accept it.

>> Seems to work for me on 8.2-RELEASE amd64.
>> Can you send me your build/install/package logs?
>> I'll try to reproduce the problem.
> Sure, here you go:
> FYI, I did some more testing and it only fails on i386. I confirmed your
> experience that it works fine on 8-amd64.

I'll look into it, thanks.
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Re: lang/chicken, fails to package, needs MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE

2011-10-10 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Doug Barton wrote:
>>> Also, once it got built, it failed to package:
>>> ===>  Building package for chicken-4.7.0
>>> tar: lib/chicken/6/modules.db: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
>>> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
>>> pkg_create: make_dist: tar command failed with code 256
>>> *** Error code 1
>>> Stop in /usr/ports/lang/chicken.
>> Seems to work for me on 8.2-RELEASE amd64.
>> Can you send me your build/install/package logs?
>> I'll try to reproduce the problem.
> Sure, here you go:
> FYI, I did some more testing and it only fails on i386. I confirmed your
> experience that it works fine on 8-amd64.

Doug, is there something peculiar about your i386 box? I tested on my
laptop and on a clean VirtualBox setup (both 8.2-RELEASE, i386); in both
cases the installation (and make package) work fine.

Can you show a list of the installed ports on your system?
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Re: - The public FreeBSD ports development infrastructure

2011-12-29 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Bernhard Froehlich wrote:
> Hi Porters!
> I am happy to announce that has finally
> reached the point where I think It's safe to be used
> by everybody!

First of all, this is pretty great.

Next, questions, comments & feature requests.

1. It would be good to see what is currently in the queue for each
backend (or buildgroup) right now; just to get an estimation of when
your build will finish (e.g. "in a few minutes" vs. "in a month"). An
actual estimation would be even better.

2. GCC 4.5 buildgroup currently shows 0 queued builds, but for some
reason my build in that buildgroup does not start. Is there really
nothing queued there?

3. On "My builds" page I see two strange builds in "waiting" state: one
for buildgroup "GCC" another for "4.5"; should that be one buidgroup
"GCC 4.5"?

4. Is each backend a separate physical (or virtual) machine (i.e. do
they all operate independently)? Are more machines planned?

5. Is there a way to see all the build archive, not just yours when you
are logged in?
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Re: - The public FreeBSD ports development infrastructure

2011-12-31 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Bernhard, is there a time limit on build execution, or some other kind
of hang prevention?

My port (lang/stklos) has a known problem with hanging on 9.x, and
it's already been building for 90 minutes (normally it takes one)...
So, if you'll read this message before it is finished, please just
kill it.

This brings me to a feature request: being able to abort your own
builds before they are finished.
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Re: - The public FreeBSD ports development infrastructure

2012-01-01 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Hi again. I've got this issue: an update to one port depends on an
update to another one, and I'd like to test both before submitting.
So the question is this: if I've got both ports in the repository,
when rebuilding the dependent port, will redports use the dependency
from official ports tree, or from my repository?
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Re: Adding licensing info to my ports: some questions

2012-01-17 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Eitan Adler wrote:
>> 1) Will licensing section ever appear in the Porters Handbook? :-)
> Yes

Is someone actually working on it? If so, and is there some sort of
target timeline?

Back in 2010 when the framework was introduced, my general impression
was that maintainers where advised to wait with the adoption until that
chapter is written...
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Re: FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2012-02-08 Thread Vitaly Magerya
> portname:   graphics/vrml2pov
> description:Convert VRML files to POVRay source
> maintainer:
> status: BROKEN
> deprecated because: unfetchable
 This seems to be a ports-infrastructure problem, rather than a
 problem in the vrml2pov port. 
>>> No, it's a "No one cares enough about this port to step forward
>>> and maintain it" problem.
>> Er, as of a few hours ago (when I tried it), the URL in the distfile
>> link on vrml2pov's download page *exactly* matched the URL that the
>> port tries to fetch.
> The default FETCH_ARGS include -A which makes fetch fail on redirects;
> this is presumably because some sites redirect rather than return 404
> when a file is not found. In cases when redirect needs to be followed,
> you need to override FETCH_ARGS in the port's Makefile.
> See the attached patch (I hope it'll get through the list). I can submit
> a PR, or some brave committer can apply it right away...

Oh, it's actually appears to be fetchable the way it is right now, just
remove the BROKEN lines.
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Re: FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2012-02-08 Thread Vitaly Magerya
 portname:   graphics/vrml2pov
 description:Convert VRML files to POVRay source
 status: BROKEN
 deprecated because: unfetchable
>>> This seems to be a ports-infrastructure problem, rather than a
>>> problem in the vrml2pov port. 
>> No, it's a "No one cares enough about this port to step forward
>> and maintain it" problem.
> Er, as of a few hours ago (when I tried it), the URL in the distfile
> link on vrml2pov's download page *exactly* matched the URL that the
> port tries to fetch.

The default FETCH_ARGS include -A which makes fetch fail on redirects;
this is presumably because some sites redirect rather than return 404
when a file is not found. In cases when redirect needs to be followed,
you need to override FETCH_ARGS in the port's Makefile.

See the attached patch (I hope it'll get through the list). I can submit
a PR, or some brave committer can apply it right away...
--- Makefile.orig   2012-02-08 13:18:22.0 +0200
+++ Makefile2012-02-08 13:18:47.0 +0200
@@ -17,13 +17,10 @@
 RESTRICTED=Redistribution is not allowed
-EXPIRATION_DATE=   2012-03-21
 USE_ZIP=   yes
 MAKEFILE=  makefile
 PLIST_FILES=   bin/vrml2pov
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Re: libaio freebsd port

2012-03-19 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Chad Perrin  wrote:
>> I found linux version in ports /usr/ports/emulators/linux-libaio but
>> could not even find project homepage to look at source code.
> Is this it?

I think it is [1] and related functions, at least those
are what emulators/linux-libaio provides.

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Re: [HEADSUP] pkgng 1.0-beta9 please test

2012-03-30 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
>   * pkg set -o oldorigin:neworigin allow the user to modify the origin of a
> packages (useful for MOVED)

Can such things be tracked automatically?
I.e. will "pkg upgrade" upgrade moved packages?
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OPTIONS-NG (was: port variants)

2012-04-15 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Ion-Mihai Tetcu  wrote:
> I hope things will change once we get OPTIONS-NG in, since the new
> framework will address (AFAIK) all the objections people have against
> our current OPTIONS.

Is that a thing in existence? Is there anywhere I can read about it?
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Re: port dependencies with port options

2012-04-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Chris Inacio wrote:
> I wanted to add an option to multiple ports - that is easy.  But, those
> ports have a dependency relationship, and I only want the last node in the
> port dependency graph to build with that option if the requisite ports have
> too.
> In real terms:
> net/spread <- net/libfixbuf <- net-mgmt/yaf
> I added a SPREAD option to net/libfixbuf & to net-mgmt/yaf.  net-mgmt/yaf
> can only build a Spread version if libfixbuf was built with a Spread
> version.
> Question 1)  How do you construct such that if a user goes into
> net-mgmt/yaf chooses Spread and fixbuf isn't already installed, it builds
> fixbuf with the spread option?
> Question 2) How do you ensure that if fixbuf is already installed, it has
> the Spread option enabled, or disallow/error the Yaf Spread option?

One way to do this is to create a separate port net/libfixbuf-spread
that either installs separate or just conflicts with
net/libfixbuf, and then make net-mgmt/yaf depend on that if SPREAD
option is on.
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Re: port dependencies with port options

2012-04-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Chris Inacio  wrote:
> So let me see if I understand the conversation so far correctly:
> (*) If I want to detect it, then I would need something like a new library
> name output from from fixbuf based on the build.  (This currently doesn't
> exist.)

New library name is not for detection; net/libfixbuf installs (and a bunch of related files), what you need is a
separate port, net/libfixbuf-spread, that would compile libfixbuf with
Spread support and install a separate library (so it would not
conflict with the one net/libfixbuf installs), e.g. Then your port, net-mgmt/yaf, depending on the
USE_SPREAD option, will either depend on net/libfixbuf and link with
-lfixbuf, or will depend on net/libfixbuf-spread and will link with

> (*) I could do some split port, but (even being a noob) sounds pretty bad.

It's not hard, and we can help you.

> (*) There isn't a current method that directly queries build options from
> one port to another.


> Am I capturing current state?
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Re: [ANNOUNCE]: clang compiling ports

2011-06-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Hi, Roman. Can you specify what environment and which make options
where used? I'm somewhat confused because of log [1]: the Makefile
basically does the compiling this way:

${MAKE} PROG=lemon NOMAN=1 NO_MAN=1 \
-f /usr/share/mk/

Since does respect CC, and the log says that "cc" was
invoked, it must follow that CC is "cc" (or empty). What am I missing?

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Re: FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2011-08-21 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 21/08/2011,  wrote:
> portname:   devel/noweb
> description:A simple, extensible literate-programming tool
> maintainer:
> deprecated because: No more public distfiles
> expiration date:2011-09-01
> build errors:   none.
> overview:

The distfile for this port exist and is still fetchable from the
same place as always, [1]. Please, unbreak it (or should I send
a PR about this?).

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Re: how to find the number of processor cores

2012-05-16 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Svyatoslav Lempert wrote:
>> Try to describe why/ and why you want to do this.
>> Try:
>> CPUS!= ${SYSCTL} -n kern.smp.cpus

What if the package was built on one machine, but is installed on
another one? The number of CPUs during the build is meaningless; you
need to test for those at runtime (or find another workaround).
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Re: [HEADSUP] New framework options aka optionng

2012-05-30 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Folks, when moving forward with optionsng, do we want to convert
NOPORTDOCS and NOPORTEXAMPLES to options everywhere? I fear that if we
do, way too many ports which otherwise have no options will start asking
if I want the docs -- which I don't really care either way (unless that
brings in new dependencies).

Maybe it would be best if ports which otherwise don't have options, and
for which building docs don't require new dependencies would not put
DOCS and EXAMPLES into options? What do you think?
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Re: [HEADSUP] New framework options aka optionng

2012-05-30 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
>> Maybe it would be best if ports which otherwise don't have options, and
>> for which building docs don't require new dependencies would not put
>> DOCS and EXAMPLES into options? What do you think?
> You can still switch to optionsng, if you don't define DOCS in OPTIONS_DEFINE
> but just use the if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} you are using optionsng but won't 
> have
> the dialog showing up

That sounds sensible.

How should users activate/deactivate DOCS and/or EXAMPLES from command
line in this case? Should they use "make OPTIONS_UNSET=DOCS"?

> anyway yes NOPORTDOCS and NOPORTEXAMPLES should disappear in long term

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Re: [CFT] Xorg 7.7 ready for testing!

2012-06-07 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Martin Wilke wrote:
> With the new mesa 8.0 release, accelerated support for a number of
> older graphic cards was dropped. At the moment we are not sure how to
> deal with that.We are thinking of just replacing mesa 7.11 with 8.0 or
> making a new flag like WITH_MESA= 7.11.2 / 8.0 in combination with
> WITH_NEW_XORG, and let the mesa 7.6.1 set as default together with the
> old xorg version. Obviosly the latter option make the already complex
> situation more complex. The problem is, users, especially  the new ones
> can easily get confused with it. Another issue is, the packages.We
> can't deliver a package set with the new Xorg releases.

Will it be possible to provide, say pkgng repo with packages compiled
with new xorg and new mesa? That would simplify testing (and using) by a
very large factor. We'd just change PACKAGESITE and run pkg upgrade.
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Re: [HEADSUP] Please convert your ports to new options framework

2012-06-08 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Bryan Drewery wrote:
> Another common question is how to check if an option is not set. We all
> try !${PORT_OPTIONS:MFOO} to find it does not work.

$ cat Makefile
.if ${LIST:MFOO}
@echo HAVE FOO
.if !${LIST:MFOO}
@echo NO FOO

$ make LIST=FOO

$ make LIST=BAR

Seems to work fine. What am I missing?
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Re: Documenting 'make config' options

2012-06-10 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Baptiste Daroussin  wrote:
> There was a PR[1] to use some dialog(1) feature to expose it to
> the user, would be nice if that extended description could
> implemented that way (using help button from dialog(1)) I do not
> plan to work on this now if someone want to do it that will be
> great
> 1:

I'm attaching a simple patch that allows you to hit F1 and view
pkg-options-descr file in the options dialog ("pkg-" prefix
should probably be removed, as that file has nothing to do with
--- 11:11:40.0 +0300
+++ 2012-06-10 12:15:44.0 +0300
@@ -2374,6 +2374,7 @@
 PKGINSTALL?=   ${PKGDIR}/pkg-install
 PKGDEINSTALL?= ${PKGDIR}/pkg-deinstall
@@ -6068,8 +6069,15 @@
(${ECHO_MSG} "===> Cannot create $${optionsdir}, check permissions"; 
exit 1)
@TMPOPTIONSFILE=$$(mktemp -t portoptions); \
+   if [ -e "${OPTIONS_DESCR}" ]; then \
+   helpopt="--hfile ${OPTIONS_DESCR}"; \
+   helptitle=" (F1 for details)"; \
+   else \
+   helpopt=""; \
+   helptitle=""; \
+   fi; \
trap "${RM} -f $${TMPOPTIONSFILE}; exit 1" 1 2 3 5 10 13 15; \
-   ${DIALOG} --checklist "Options for ${PKGNAME:C/-([^-]+)$/ \1/}" 21 70 
+   ${DIALOG} $${helpopt} --checklist "Options for ${PKGNAME:C/-([^-]+)$/ 
\1/}$${helptitle}" 21 70 15 ${DEFOPTIONS} 2> $${TMPOPTIONSFILE} || { \
${ECHO_MSG} "===> Options unchanged"; \
exit 0; \
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Re: ports need a uniq identifier, do you have any suggestion?

2012-06-11 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
>> Perhaps we could introduce UNIQUE_ORIGIN which is
>> ${ORIGIN}_${SUBPACKAGE} or something of the sort?
> I thought about this one, but while here we should think about package move
> which keeps being the same package, in that case origin will change, and the
> uniquename will change which is no good for binary world.

Does pkgng handle MOVED during upgrades? If so, ${ORIGIN}_${SUBPACKAGE}
will work fine, if not -- then it should; relying on unique name not to
change is fragile.

For example when audio/polypaudio was renamed to audio/pulseaudio, it
would be unreasonable to keep it's unique name as "polyaudio".
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Re: custom license on new port?

2012-06-18 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Michael Scheidell wrote:
> got a new port. submitted by the copyright owner and author.
> for reference, pr ports/168832
> there is no LICENSE= in the Makefile, no LICENSE.txt in the 
> distribution, but it does have the attached in the main.c file.
> [...]
> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
> * are met:
> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
> * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
> * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
> * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
> * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
> *

That is 2-clause BSD [1], aka the FreeBSD license [2], so LICENSE=BSD
should be sufficient if you want to add that (my understanding is that
the license framework is unused and should probably be removed).

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USE_GMAKE fails in QATty?

2012-07-07 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Hi, folks. I'm getting strange errors when building ports with
USE_GMAKE=YES on redports. See for yourself: [1-3]. It seems
that gmake is first built, but when it's time to install it --
turns out that it is already installed.

This only happens in QATty (i.e. with custom LOCALBASE and

Does anyone know what's going on?

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Re: USE_GMAKE fails in QATty?

2012-07-07 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 07/07/2012, Boris Samorodov  wrote:
> Seems that Mk/ assumes that LOCALBASE for gmake
> is always /usr/local. Please, try the following patch.
> ---   1 Jul 2012 20:57:48 -   1.732
> +++   7 Jul 2012 12:20:17 -
> @@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@
>  EXTRACT_DEPENDS+=unmakeself:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unmakeself
>  .endif
>  .if defined(USE_GMAKE)
> -BUILD_DEPENDS+=  gmake:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gmake
> +BUILD_DEPENDS+=  ${LOCALBASE}/bin/gmake:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gmake
>  .endif

It helps partially: gmake is correctly recognized as installed,
but building ports with it still does not work since GMAKE is
still "gmake". This is additionally needed:

--- 16:59:52.0 +0300
+++ 2012-07-07 16:59:44.0 +0300
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 FIND?= /usr/bin/find
 FLEX?= /usr/bin/flex
 FMT?=  /usr/bin/fmt
 GREP?= /usr/bin/grep
 GUNZIP_CMD?=   /usr/bin/gunzip -f

The problem comes down to the fact that redports/QATty changes
LOCALBASE, but does not put it into PATH. Are ports are supposed
to work without $LOCALBASE/bin in PATH? Maybe it's just a glitch
in redports setup?
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Re: maintainer timeout for FreeBSD commiters

2012-07-14 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Chris Rees  wrote:
> No-one is exempt from timeouts on ports except secteam and portmgr.

One problem (at least how it appears to me) is that when a PR gets
automatically assigned to a maintainer who is also a committer, it is
not automatically unassigned if the person is missing for a few
months, and other committers ignore the PR because it is already

This only happened once to me, but it took 6 months for another
committer to notice it. And that was pretty fast, comparing to, say
ports/154456 [1], which is open since 2011-02.

Is automatic unassignment possible?

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Re: maintainer timeout for FreeBSD commiters

2012-07-14 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Chris Rees  wrote:
>> Is automatic unassignment possible?
> Technically yes, but it's highly undesirable.


> You can feel free to
> bring it up here if you think that's happened.

I will, if it'll happen to me. In the mean while here's an
incomplete list of PRs that where (auto)assigned to committers
in June and didn't see any progress in at least 2 weeks:
(previous one is misassigned; the submitter *is* the maintainer)

(I did not expect there to be this many of them).

In some of these cases I think that work may continue behind the
scenes, but it's hard to tell.
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Re: How to remove erroneous deps from pkgng

2012-07-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Julien Laffaye  wrote:
> Yes it is needed at runtime if you are a developper using sqlite3 and
> pkg-config:
> to use `pkg-config sqlite3 --cflags` and `pkg-config sqlite3 --libs` in
> your $APP build process.

It's $APP that needs pkg-config as a build dependency. Sqlite3 does
not need to depend on pkf-config at all; it should install .pc file
and nothing more. Look at lang/gcc, lang/python or devel/pcre: they
all do it this way.

In short, sqlite3 should completely drop the dependency on pkg-config.
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Re: How to remove erroneous deps from pkgng

2012-07-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Julien Laffaye  wrote:
> I am not trying to state what it should or should not do.
> I am trying to guess why it is doing things like it does.

I apologize for being patronizing then.

Is any committer here willing to remove sqlite3's dependency on
pkg-config, or should I file a PR? (A grep through the sources reveals
that sqlite3 does not use pkg-config for it's own build, so it should
be safe to completely drop the dependency).
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Re: pkgng 1.0 release schedule, and HEAD switch to pkgng by default schedule

2012-08-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Baptiste Daroussin  wrote:
> Please [...] ask question about pkgng [...]

What would be the best practice of mixing ports with packages?

The use case I have in mind is compiling Xorg ports locally
WITH_NEW_XORG and WITH_KMS, and using packages from for everything else. Is there some mixture of pkg
and portmaster flags that allows this kind of setup?
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Re: Plugins support in pkgng

2012-08-31 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Marin Atanasov Nikolov  wrote:
> This is just to share with you that soon after the official 1.0
> release of pkgng we now have basic plugins support in pkgng's
> development branch.
> [...]
> It's not perfect or covering everything, but it will give you a quick
> start though :)

How about the ability to add new commands to "pkg"?
For example something like "pkg cutleaves" via plugins would be cool.
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Re: Plugins support in pkgng

2012-08-31 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Glen Barber  wrote:
>> How about the ability to add new commands to "pkg"?
>> For example something like "pkg cutleaves" via plugins would be cool.
> I think 'pkg autoremove' already does this.

Does autoremove show you all the leaves and ask which ones you want
removed? I honestly don't know (and can't test at the moment); I
assumed it only removed the ones with "auto" flag on. In any case,
what I actually want is a pkg_cleanup alternative (i.e. cutleaves with
a dialog(1)-like interface).

There are other utilities that could benefit from being a plugin too.
For example "suggest" plugin could use hooks on the build server to
construct a database of "binary name->package" mapping, and add "pkg
suggest" command on the client to query that database (e.g. "pkg
suggest ogg123" would suggest you to install "audio/vorbis-tools",
which is an idea that has been floating around).
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Re: Strange behavior in mc-light

2012-09-05 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Alexander Yerenkow  wrote:
> CONFIGURE_HOST=arm-portbld-freebsd10.0
> PATH=/usr/obj/arm.armv6/usr/src/tmp/usr/bin:${PATH}
> STRIP_CMD=/usr/obj/arm.armv6/usr/src/tmp/usr/bin/strip gmake man2hlp
> cc -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -I..
> -I/wrkdirs/usr/ports/misc/mc-light/work/mc-4.1.40-pre9/intl -I./../vfs
> -I./.. -I./../slang -I.. -DBINDIR=\""/usr/local/bin/"\"
> -DLIBDIR=\""/usr/local/share/mc/"\"
> -DLOCALEDIR=\""/usr/local/share/locale/"\" -DWANT_PARSE -DREGEX_MALLOC
> armv6 man2hlp.c -o man2hlp
> cc: armv6: No such file or directory
> gmake: *** [man2hlp] Error 1
> Seems that somehow after -DREGEX_MALLOC there for some reason inserted
> $TARGET_ARCH (rechecked with different values, like arm67 )
> Is there any sense in this?

It appears that man2hlp above is built using an implicit builtin
rule, which for GNU make involves TARGET_ARCH for some reason.
I don't know where this is documented, but take a look:

$ strings /usr/local/bin/gmake | grep TARGET_ARCH | grep CC

So your best bet is to add a rule for man2hlp to src/;
I'm attaching a patch agains the port to this effect; it seems
to work for me.
diff -ruN mc-light.orig/files/ 
--- mc-light.orig/files/   2012-09-05 23:40:25.0 
+++ mc-light/files/patch-src_Makefile.in2012-09-05 23:47:01.0 
@@ -3,7 +3,17 @@
 --- src/   Wed Aug 18 23:32:30 2004
 +++ src/Makefile.inFri Sep  3 14:47:25 2004
-@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
+@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@
+   $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) -L../vfs -L../slang -L../edit $(OURLIBS) 
++man2hlp: man2hlp.c
++  $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ man2hlp.c
+ mfmt: mfmt.o
+   $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) mfmt.o -o mfmt 
+@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@
  install: mc mfmt @saver@
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) mc $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix)mc
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) mcmfmt $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(binprefix)mcmfmt
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Re: New experimental gimp 2.8.2 port

2012-09-07 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Matthieu Volat wrote:
> I've been continuing to maintain my gimp 2.8 experimental ports, more
> rigorously checking pkg-plist files and updating to 2.8.2 (well, just
> incrementing the version number in the Makefile).
> For those who are interested, until gimp 2.8 is properly imported in
> the port tree, I've put everything on a github repo:
> Along a script to update the dependancies and gimp itself. Still
> missing are the help ports, and a script to revert to the standard
> versions, I'll check that ASAP.

For the record it works fine for me, and doesn't even break any of other
applications that depend on the updated libraries.

Why isn't this all in the ports tree though?
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Re: [CFT] New dialog for ports

2013-03-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Daniel Nebdal wrote:
> I just found a niggle:
> I have LANG=en_US.UTF-8 , NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1, TERM=xterm, and I'm
> using putty to connect to a FreeBSD-10 machine running a snapshot from
> february with ports from an hour ago. Putty is set to Translation:
> UTF-8, and "use unicode line drawing code points".
> With those settings, dialog gives me nice line drawing characters (for
> some reason). If I unset NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS, all boxes are drawn
> using random letters instead. (jlmqx, to be exact.)

They're not actually random; 'jlmqx' is the ASCII rendering of line
drawing characters in ACS (alternative charset), which putty doesn't
support in UTF-8 mode (therefore it shows the ASCII, not the ASC versions).

> The problem: ports config dialogs are _always_ drawn with the same
> random letters, and I haven't found any setting or combination of
> settings that works.
> This is probably more of a mis-configuration on my side

I'm seeing the same thing too.

I think I've found what causes it: unlike dialog, dialog4ports does not
call setlocale(3) during startup. Try saving the attached patch as
'ports-mgmt/dialog4ports/files/patch-dialog4ports.c' and reinstalling
dialog4ports; report back if it'll help.
--- dialog4ports.c.orig 2013-03-20 14:07:09.0 +0200
+++ dialog4ports.c  2013-03-20 14:07:56.0 +0200
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "mixedlist.h"
@@ -213,6 +214,7 @@
char *helpfile;
+   setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
init_dialog(stdin, stdout);
errno = 0;
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Re: maintainer timeout for FreeBSD commiters

2013-03-25 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 2012-07-14 18:27, Chris Rees wrote:
> On 14 July 2012 16:24, Vitaly Magerya  wrote:
>> One problem (at least how it appears to me) is that when a PR gets
>> automatically assigned to a maintainer who is also a committer, it is
>> not automatically unassigned if the person is missing for a few
>> months, and other committers ignore the PR because it is already
>> assigned.
>> This only happened once to me, but it took 6 months for another
>> committer to notice it. And that was pretty fast, comparing to, say
>> ports/154456 [1], which is open since 2011-02.
>> Is automatic unassignment possible?
> Technically yes, but it's highly undesirable.  You can feel free to
> bring it up here if you think that's happened.

Hi, everyone. Two of my PRs, ports/175223 [1] and ports/176701 [2], have
been automatically assigned to committers, and both have reached
maintainer timeout a while ago. Could someone unassign them, so other
committers could take a look?

Thanks in advance.

(I still think this should be done automatically. I would prefer not to
bother everyone at ports@ for such things).

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Re: problems with half installed ports

2013-04-11 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Matthias Apitz wrote:
> Say, we are installing ports/A which depends on ports/B; the Makefile
> detects the dependency and goes to install ports/B; if now during the
> final installation process, some files are already delivered to
> /usr/local, some files not, the system goes down (by intention because
> it's time to go out), before the installation of ports/B is fully done
> and registered to /var/db/pkg, next time when you restart installing
> ports/A it often sees, because the file referenced in the Makefile
> was allready installed (while others not), it thinks that ports/B was
> installed fine and proceeds with ports/A which later (or even in some
> other area) gives an error due to missing files of ports/B;
> I think, the only solution is that the dependency is not only based on
> some (random) file of B, but on the fact if B was *fully* installed and
> registered in /var/db/pkg;

There is a case where this will break: if multiple ports install the
same file, and you don't care which of them installed it, then you need
to depend on the file, not on a specific port.

For example, both www/node and www/node-devel install the same binary,
and dependent ports will work with either of them.

Now, it's true that using files as a proxy for interchangeable ports
isn't ideal, and we could do better...

Anyway, the problem you're describing allows for another fix. If ports/A
depends of file-B, port system could check not only that file-B exists,
but if there is also a package that installed it (via 'pkg which'), and
if not, install ports/B. This will of course slow down ports operations
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Re: problems with half installed ports

2013-04-11 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Earlier I wrote:
> Anyway, the problem you're describing allows for another fix. If ports/A
> depends of file-B, port system could check not only that file-B exists,
> but if there is also a package that installed it (via 'pkg which'), and
> if not, install ports/B. This will of course slow down ports operations
> somewhat.

Here's a patch to that effect.

(Only tested with PKGNG; should work with old pkg tools, but some
tweaking may be required).

Matthias, can you try to reproduce the situation you described, and see
if it will be resolved after applying this patch?
diff -ruN Mk.orig/ Mk/
--- Mk.orig/ 2013-03-19 11:27:52.0 +0200
+++ Mk/  2013-04-11 14:15:49.0 +0300
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
 PKG_CREATE?=   ${PKG_BIN} create
 PKG_ADD?=  ${PKG_BIN} add
 PKG_QUERY?=${PKG_BIN} query
+PKG_WHICH?=${PKG_BIN} which
 .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_info)
 PKG_CMD?=  ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_create
@@ -135,12 +136,14 @@
 PKG_DELETE?=   ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_delete
 PKG_INFO?= ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_info
 PKG_VERSION?=  ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_version
+PKG_WHICH?=${LOCALBASE}/sbin/pkg_info -W
 PKG_CMD?=  /usr/sbin/pkg_create
 PKG_ADD?=  /usr/sbin/pkg_add
 PKG_DELETE?=   /usr/sbin/pkg_delete
 PKG_INFO?= /usr/sbin/pkg_info
 PKG_VERSION?=  /usr/sbin/pkg_version
+PKG_WHICH?=/usr/sbin/pkg_info -W
diff -ruN Mk.orig/ Mk/
--- Mk.orig/ 2013-03-30 07:31:29.0 +0200
+++ Mk/  2013-04-11 16:35:42.0 +0300
@@ -5063,6 +5063,9 @@
if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
${ECHO_MSG} "   (but 
building it anyway)"; \
notfound=1; \
+   elif ! ${PKG_WHICH} "$$prog" 
>/dev/null; then \
+   ${ECHO_MSG} "   (but not 
installed by any package)"; \
+   notfound=1; \
else \
notfound=0; \
fi; \
@@ -5104,6 +5107,9 @@
if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
${ECHO_MSG} "   (but building it 
anyway)"; \
notfound=1; \
+   elif ! ${PKG_WHICH} `${WHICH} "$$prog"` 
>/dev/null; then \
+   ${ECHO_MSG} "   (but not installed 
by any package)"; \
+   notfound=1; \
else \
notfound=0; \
fi; \
@@ -5141,11 +5147,19 @@
dir=$${dir%%:*}; \
fi; \
${ECHO_MSG} -n "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on shared library: 
$$lib"; \
-   if ${LDCONFIG} ${_LDCONFIG_FLAGS} -r | ${GREP} -vwF -e 
"${PKGCOMPATDIR}" | ${GREP} -qwE -e "-l$$pattern"; then \
+   libs=`${LDCONFIG} ${_LDCONFIG_FLAGS} -r | ${GREP} -vwF -e 
+   if ${ECHO_CMD} "$$libs" | ${GREP} -qwE -e "-l$$pattern"; then \
${ECHO_MSG} " - found"; \
if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
${ECHO_MSG} "   (but building it anyway)"; \
notfound=1; \
+   elif ${ECHO_CMD} "$$libs" | ${GREP} -wE -e 
"-l$$pattern" | ${SED} 's/.*=> //' | \
+   while read lib; do \
+   if ${PKG_WHICH} "$$lib" >/dev/null; 
then return 1; fi; \
+   done; \
+   then \
+   ${ECHO_MSG} "   (but not installed by any 
package)"; \
+   notfound=1; \
else \
notfound=0; \
fi; \
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Re: Proposal: do not show up the dialog(1) by default?

2013-05-23 Thread Vitaly Magerya
>> I think it is not good idea, because if user don't know regarding
>> options in ports he should do a make config and if it not exist
>> should do a make install in this case we have two action..
>> Maybe other way for fix these frequent "popping" add needed options to 
>> make.conf
> I like the suggestion that if the dialog consists only of globally set 
> options (NLS, DOC, etc) then it shouldn't appear by default.

Except the cases when those options pull in additional dependencies.

In those cases either the dialog should be shown, or the options should
be disabled by default.
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Re: Proposal: do not show up the dialog(1) by default?

2013-05-23 Thread Vitaly Magerya
John Marino wrote:
>>> I like the suggestion that if the dialog consists only of globally set
>>> options (NLS, DOC, etc) then it shouldn't appear by default.
>> Except the cases when those options pull in additional dependencies.
>> In those cases either the dialog should be shown, or the options should
>> be disabled by default.
> The issue is that _by definition_ these options are enabled by default.
> I'm not sure I agree that an always-enabled option should trigger a 
> dialog just because it has dependencies.

My motivation is that some of those dependencies (especially for DOCS)
are quite big (docbook for example). Under no circumstances do I want to
waste hours of time building those and all of their dependencies.

So, again, silent DOCS/NLS/EXAMPLES when additional dependencies are
involved is very, very undesirable.

> Doesn't NLS have dependencies? 

NLS does often mean gettext, yes.

> That would already negate the benefit greatly if this suggestion were 
> followed.

If that is a concern, we can actually count how many ports will be
affected by such a policy. I expect the number not to be high.

For example there are only 13 ports with NLS in the whole 'lang'
category. Out of those 13, only 4 have no other options and will require
a config dialog under the policy I propose.
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Re: [HEADSUP] dialog4ports does not popup anymore only for global options

2013-06-07 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> I have committed the code preventing config-conditional to popup the dialog 
> only
> if some global options are defined (NLS, DOCS, EXAMPLES and IPV6 for now).
> This was a popular demand, hope that it fits the requirement.
> So from now please always define via OPTIONS_DEFINE those options if your 
> ports
> are going to use them.

Is it possible to still show the dialog if one of those options implies
additional dependencies?

If not, what should those of us who do not want them installed do?
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Re: [HEADSUP] dialog4ports does not popup anymore only for global options

2013-06-07 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
>> Is it possible to still show the dialog if one of those options implies
>> additional dependencies?
>> If not, what should those of us who do not want them installed do?
> make config will always show those options so you can always tune them.
> just make config-conditional will not fireup a new dialog automatically if the
> defined options are only those from the global options.

I see. As far as I can tell though, and correct me if I'm wrong, but
'make install' doesn't show those options. It also does not show those
options for dependent ports. Neither does 'make config-recursive'.

Tools like portmaster will now ignore those as well during install and

So, again, what are my options if I don't want dependencies to be pulled
in silently?
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Re: [HEADSUP] dialog4ports does not popup anymore only for global options

2013-06-07 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
>> So, again, what are my options if I don't want dependencies to be pulled
>> in silently?
> You have no options and you never had one in the ports tree sorry.

Previously maintainers could decide to show dialog with only DOCS or not
to show it.

They didn't do it consistently, of course. Probably because no
guidelines where established.

> If you have a way to implement that cleanly, I'll be happy to push such 
> features
> in the ports but really I see a way to do what you ask for.

We could provide 'OPTIONS_DEFINE_SILENT' for ports that don't want to
spam the users with dialogs, but still want to provide the options. Or a
separate flag, like 'OPTIONS_ARE_SILENT'.
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Re: [CFT] Update of xorg libraries and MESA

2013-09-16 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Niclas Zeising wrote:
>> xorg-server now has the possibility to use devd instead of hal for
>> autoconfiguration.

This is pretty great, and very much appreciated. I do have questions
though; reading the code it seems that:

1) 'usb_id' is always NULL, so 'MatchUSBID' directive in xorg.conf won't

2) 'vendor' and 'product' will be determined from 'dev.x.x.%desc' sysctl
by splitting on the first space, so for example my USB tablet, which has
%desc equal to "WALTOP International Corp. Slim Tablet" will have vendor
"WALTOP" and product "International Corp. Slim Tablet" -- so those are
the strings I should use in 'MatchVendor' and 'MatchProduct';

3) if 'devd' is restarted while Xorg is running, further hardware
changes will not be reported to Xorg.

Can you confirm I'm reading this right? If so, are there any plans to
improving these points?
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Re: [CFT] Update of xorg libraries and MESA

2013-09-16 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
>> 1) 'usb_id' is always NULL, so 'MatchUSBID' directive in xorg.conf won't
>> work;
>> 2) 'vendor' and 'product' will be determined from 'dev.x.x.%desc' sysctl
>> by splitting on the first space, so for example my USB tablet, which has
>> %desc equal to "WALTOP International Corp. Slim Tablet" will have vendor
>> "WALTOP" and product "International Corp. Slim Tablet" -- so those are
>> the strings I should use in 'MatchVendor' and 'MatchProduct';
>> 3) if 'devd' is restarted while Xorg is running, further hardware
>> changes will not be reported to Xorg.
>> Can you confirm I'm reading this right? If so, are there any plans to
>> improving these points?
> Yes you are totally right about all this points this should be fixed.
> I have no time to work on this right now. Anyone volunteering?

I am, once my flu is gone.

I'm actually using a devd backend I wrote a few months ago
(which avoids the mentioned issues), but it's rather different
from yours (more intrusive that is): directives are added to
devd config to call a script when devices appropriate for Xorg
are added or removed. That script will maintain a file with the
list of those devices; it will also print add/remove messages
into a special pipe, if it exists. Xorg will read the file with
the list on startup, and will create and listen to the pipe to
see added/removed devices. This way devd restarts are safely
handled, and the script called from devd can invoke 'usbconfig'
to correctly determine vendor name, product name and usb id.

The open problems here are:
1) what should happen if multiple X instances are running?
2) how to clean the file with the list of devices on boot?

If you're OK with this approach in general, I can clean up my
code, update it and submit a patch.
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Re: [CFT] Update of xorg libraries and MESA

2013-09-17 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 09/17/2013 10:29, Matthieu Volat wrote:
> Just as a side note : I tested the devd backend and mouse & keyboard were 
> detected.
> But what would be the best way to set the keyboard layout now?

You should add something like this to your xorg.conf:

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "All The Keyboards"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/*kbd*"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,ru"
<-- any other kbd(4) options here -->

(Warning: not tested).

This should work with any backend, be it HAL or DEVD; see "INPUTCLASS"
section of xorg.conf man page for details on how it works.
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New devd-based X.Org autoconfiguration backend

2013-09-21 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 09/09/2013 17:52, Niclas Zeising wrote:
>> The attached patch, also available in the latest updated version at
>> updates various xorg related libraries and drivers, most of this is
>> visible for all users of xorg.
>> xorg-server now has the possibility to use devd instead of hal for
>> autoconfiguration.

And here's an update to that patch that implements a (hopefully)
better devd-based autoconfiguration backend.

Comments, questions, failure reports are welcome.

Note that this backend is only enabled if you're using WITH_NEW_XORG.
My attempts to port it to older xserver has so far been a failure
(I left a piece of code that will compile with xserver-1.5.x,
but X will fail to load drivers when my code asks it to).

== How to install it

Apply xorg-mesaupdate.diff to your ports tree, or grab the ports
tree from Xorg development repo [2] (which is what I do).

Apply the patch at [1] on top of that.

Reinstall x11-servers/xorg-server with DEVD option on.

As a first-time measure, either reboot or run "service xhotplug
start". Then (re)start X server (don't forget to remove InputDevice
sections from your xorg.conf, if you've been using static
configuration before).

== What it does

The backend will first add two devices: syscons keyboard device
and sysmouse mouse device. Then, any atp(4), joy(4), psm(4),
uep(4), uhid(4) and ums(4) devices will be added and removed
dynamically, as they appear in your system. atp, psm and ums
devices will by default use xf86-input-mouse driver; uep will
use xf86-input-egalax, if it's installed. The rest will have no
default driver.

You can change the driver, and set any needed options for any
of the devices by using InputClass section of xorg.conf (see
xorg.conf man page).

== Cooperation with moused(8)

The backend will try to play along with moused(8): if you have
moused_enable=YES (by default it's NO), or moused_nondefault_enable=YES
(by default it's YES) set in your rc.conf, moused will be given
the priority to take over psm and ums devices. The upside of
this is that you'll have mouse working in console. The downside
is that X server will only see the combined mouse device (sysmouse),
and will not be able to configure each mouse individually.

== Keyboards

While it is possible to make X server to see and configure each
keyboard individually, this backend chooses to let kbdmux(4)
take over any ukbd device that appears in your system, and only
expose X to one combined keyboard. This is so that your keyboards
would work in both X and the console. The alternative (to let
Xorg see each keyboard separately, but not to enable them in
console) seems too error prone for my taste.

== Multiple Xorg servers running at once

As discussed earlier in this thread, sharing input devices is
not really possible in FreeBSD. If multiple X servers are running
on your machine at the same time, each will try to grab every
input device, but aside from syscons and sysmouse, they will
fail, and only the first server will be able to actually use the

== Debugging hotplug

(Users are not expected to know or care about this part).

You can get a list of devices the backend tried to add by running
"service xhotplug list". Here's what it should show on a typical

# service xhotplug list
syscons driver=kbd device= flags=keyboard name=System%20Keyboard 
sysmouse driver=mouse flags=pointer name=System%20Mouse product=sysmouse
psm0 driver=mouse flags=pointer name=PS%2f2%20Mouse   

You can remove any device like this:

# service xhotplug remove psm0

... and add it back, with different options:

# service xhotplug add psm0 Emulate3Buttons=OFF

To verify that X actually has all the devices you think it should
have, you can use x11/xinput utility:

# xinput
⎡ Virtual core pointer  id=2[master pointer  (3)]
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointerid=4[slave  pointer 
⎜   ↳ System Mouse  id=7[slave  pointer 
⎜   ↳ PS/2 Mouseid=8[slave  pointer 
⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3[master keyboard (2)]
↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard   id=5[slave  
keyboard (3)]
↳ System Keyboard   id=6[slave  
keyboard (3)]

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Re: help categorise license

2015-07-27 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 2015-07-27 11:59, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> I'm making a port of
> Their license looks like BSD2CLAUSE, but can
> somebody please check:

That link should end with ".html", not ".htm". In any case, the license
seems identical to the 3-clause BSD [1,2] (note the "Neither the name of
... may be used to endorse or promote ..." part).

(Also note that our license framework should probably be scrapped
entirely, because it is ambiguous and undocumented).

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Re: help categorise license

2015-07-27 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 2015-07-27 13:52, Kubilay Kocak wrote:
>> (Also note that our license framework should probably be scrapped
>> entirely, because it is ambiguous and undocumented).
> Or it could just be made less ambiguous and documented.
> Otherwise, we should scrap entirely all other things that are also
> ambiguous and undocumented.
> I imagine this will be a large list, and include large parts of the kernel.

You're right, "ambiguous and undocumented" is not a great summary. My
bad. I did not want to write an essay in an off-hand remark though, so
let me clarify.

What I mean is that it's not clear, not documented, and probably not
widely agreed upon, what guarantees should the framework provide, or
what use cases should it serve. Hence ambiguous and undocumented. If we
where to resolve those questions, and document the result in the
handbook, the complaint would be resolved.

As an example: if a given port consists of a program, a few libraries, a
set of documentation and a test suite -- all under different licenses
(some of which are custom, some of which are dual), with the docs being
optional, and the tests only used in the 'regression-test' target (so,
not installed, but can be used during the build), what should we put
into the LICENSE variable (there will be half a dozen of licenses in
total)? For which users will the resulting LICENSE be helpful?

Another example: if a port comes under a BSD license, but links with a
GPL library, so that the resulting binary is necessarily GPL, what
should the LICENSE be? Why?

Next, let's say a port requires user to read and accept a license before
installation (so, no auto-accept), should I use the license framework to
present the said license to the user?

As you can see, there are questions that arise in some of the trickier
situations, with the end result that I neither know what to put into the
LICENSE of my own ports, nor how to interpret the LICENSEs of other
ports. I don't even have an understanding of what sort of a user
benefits from my ports having a LICENSE.

So, after 7 years (!) of waiting for official clarifications -- with no
visible progress -- I think it is not surprising that I don't see a
clarification to ever be made, and would prefer the framework removed.
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Re: opensmtpd / openssl 1.0.2_8 problem

2016-01-31 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 01/29/16 22:00, Pietro Cerutti wrote:
> On 2016-Jan-29, 19:29, Pietro Cerutti wrote:
>> I got reproducible errors in opensmtpd since I upgrade OpenSSL to
>> 1.0.2_8 today. 1.0.2_4 is fine. I'm bisecting versions right now.
> OpenSSL 1.0.2e works fine, 1.0.2f does not.
>> Anybody else got hit by this?
>> Jan 29 18:08:36 mail smtpd[31270]: smtp-in: session 16287480c99a20ee: 
>> connection from host [] established
>> Jan 29 18:08:36 mail smtpd[31268]: warn: lka -> pony: pipe closed
>> Jan 29 18:08:36 mail smtpd[31267]: warn: control -> pony: pipe closed
>> Jan 29 18:08:36 mail smtpd[31265]: warn: parent -> pony: pipe closed
>> Jan 29 18:08:36 mail smtpd[31266]: warn: queue -> pony: pipe closed
>> Jan 29 18:08:36 mail smtpd[31271]: warn: ca -> pony: pipe closed
>> Jan 29 18:08:36 mail smtpd[31269]: warn: scheduler -> control: pipe closed
>> At this point the service goes down.

I'm seeing the same problem, and I'd really, really like to have my
smtpd running again.
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Help making a port for a (somewhat) restricted program

2009-03-28 Thread Vitaly Magerya
I'm creating a port for Petite Chez Scheme [1], which is a free interpreter
for commercial Chez Scheme, and has some licensing restrictions.

>From what I understood in the license [2], user must accept it before
The text of the license is also distributed in the tarball, so it
seems appropriate
to simply display the license file on post-extract.

Is there a common way to display such a file before installing?
I'm currently using ${PAGER} for that [3], but it's unlike any other
port we have.

There's also a problem with packages: you can't create one unless
there's a way to show the license on pkg_add. I believe that pkg-install script
can be used here, but I don't think that putting the whole license inside
hat script is a good idea.
Currently I've forbidden making packages; any thoughts on the right way
to do that?

And the last issue: depending on a command line switch the port
requires fetching two different files. The way I've set it up is to set
a parameter depending on the switch, and then use it in DISTNAME.
In short, that makes portlint go crazy. Help on this is also appreciated.

[3] http://tx97/pub/patches/petite-chez.shar
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Re: Help making a port for a (somewhat) restricted program

2009-03-28 Thread Vitaly Magerya
>   Look at how java/jdk-* does it.

java/jdk* uses ${PRINTF} (/usr/bin/printf) to display a message about
you having to go and download some of the restricted files, and then exits.
Once you've downloaded the files (and that implies that you've accepted
the license), the message no longer appears, and you can proceed with
(This seems to be the common way of treating restricted ports).

The difference with Petite Chez is that you do not need to accept anything
to download sources (no restriction on redistribution), so this part can be
automated; but you do have to read and accept the license before
installing it. ${PRINTF} won't help too much, as you can't display a
file with it;
and license is too big to fit on one screen anyway (that's why I'd use a pager).
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Re: Help making a port for a (somewhat) restricted program

2009-03-28 Thread Vitaly Magerya
>   I just re-compiled jdk-1.6 (all 6 hours of it) yesterday.
> After unpacking the tarball(s) but before config. it popped up the
> Sun license and asked for a "yes/no".  I have no idea exactly how.

Oh, yes, I missed that part somehow.
The port has a script in it that shows the license and asks for yes/no.
Looks good; I think I'll do that too.


(The first time I've mistakenly sent this only to Robert).
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Re: Help making a port for a (somewhat) restricted program

2009-03-28 Thread Vitaly Magerya
> [3] http://tx97/pub/patches/petite-chez.shar

That should have been
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Drop maintainership of lang/stklos and lang/ikarus

2014-06-16 Thread Vitaly Magerya

Hi, someone please mark these two ports as unmaintained:


The first port has problem building on FreeBSD, fails it's own test 
suite on other platforms (a memory corruption bug probably), and the 
last time I heard anything from it's author was in 2012.

The second port is a project that died in 2009.

Note that both these ports are currently unstaged, and I'm fine with 
both being deprecated (unless someone will step in to fix them).

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Re: Patch for premake 4.4 beta 5 from premake 4

2014-06-24 Thread Vitaly Magerya

On 2014-06-24 09:51, Sergei G wrote:

I had to update Premake 4 port (4.3) to 4.4 beta 5 on FreeBSD
10.0-RELEASE #0.

I wanted to wait for the full (non-beta) 4.4 release, but seeing that 
some projects are already using 4.4-betas, I guess it's time to update 
the port...

I included patch file with changes applied to Premake 4 port. The
changes consist of:

1. updating version and addition of beta version in Makefile
2. switch to clang compiler in Makefile

It's better to use 'cc' instead of 'clang'; this way nothing will break 
in 8.x and 9.x branches where GCC is still the default.

3. update of download file signatures
4. removal of 2 patch files, because the files appear to be obsolete
and I could not figure out the proper fix. Keeping both patch files
resulted in error during premake execution.

I was successful for my small scope of compiling Box2D, but I observed a
couple of issues with my upgrade.

3 regression tests failed (it appears due to at least one missing patch


Once I installed premake I observed that it generated Makefile with gcc
in it, instead of clang. Should switch to clang be applied at premake or
Box2D project level?

I'll need to look into that before saying anything definite; I'll report 
back once I'll do that.

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Re: Patch for premake 4.4 beta 5 from premake 4

2014-06-24 Thread Vitaly Magerya

TL;DR: could a brave ports comitter apply an update for
devel/premake4 at [1]? That would be much appreciated.

Redports logs for this update are at [2].

Note that redports for some reason doesn't invoke regression-test
target today; probably a bug on their part.

On 2014-06-24 09:51, Sergei G wrote:

I had to update Premake 4 port (4.3) to 4.4 beta 5 on FreeBSD
10.0-RELEASE #0.

I included patch file with changes applied to Premake 4 port. The
changes consist of:

3 regression tests failed (it appears due to at least one missing patch

The main cause of these regressions is actually a very strange
one (and you're right that those patches are what fixed it in
the past). So, in one of it's routines premake tries to open
'/etc/'; it does so via Lua function ''. Now,
FreeBSD doesn't have that file, and in theory '' should
return 'nil', which should cause premake to skip this file. What
actually happens is that '' returns some object that is
neither nil, nor a proper file object. Premake thinks that ''
succeeded, and tries to read from that non-nil, non-file object,
which doesn't work.

Why doesn't '' return 'nil' here is a mystery to me. Maybe
premake ships with buggy Lua sources. I don't know.

In any case, this problem is fixed in the patch at [1].

Once I installed premake I observed that it generated Makefile with gcc
in it, instead of clang. Should switch to clang be applied at premake or
Box2D project level?

It appears that Premake only supports GCC for its "gmake" target.

It is possible to simply replace "gcc" with "clang" in the premake
sources, and it will mostly work, but:
1) it will not work for projects that use advanced options, since
   clang does not support, and in fact fails on some of the flags
   premake may pass to it ("-ffast-math" for example);
2) makefiles generated on FreeBSD will fail on other platforms
   (not sure if premake promises them to work though).

The long-term solution for premake is to recognize "clang" as a
valid compiler, and provide a set of flags it understands.

The short-term solution for programs that use premake is to either
require GCC from ports, or to manually replace "gcc" with "clang"
before building, patching out incompatible compiler flags, if any.

Note that Box2D v2.3.1 doesn't seem to use any flags that clang
doesn't understand, so it is safe to change "gcc" into "cc", and
"g++" into "c++" in the makefiles that premake generates for it.

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Re: How do maintainer updates work with bugzilla?

2014-08-04 Thread Vitaly Magerya

On 2014-08-03 22:18, Matthew Seaman wrote:

By virtue of sending a PR into the system a account
will have been created in Bugzilla.

So, 'send-pr' still works? That's good news then, I was under impression 
that it was disabled after the bugzilla switch.

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Redports, broken regression tests and missing check-orphans

2014-08-13 Thread Vitaly Magerya
Bernhard, while we're at it, there are currently two problems with 
redports which diminish it's usefulness significantly:

1. Redports used to run "make regression-test" on every build; right 
now, each log has this instead:

[: -eq: unexpected operator
=== Regression tests skipped. ===

So, no regression tests are executed. I don't know what the problem is here.

2. Most ports now have stage support; this means that checking for 
leftover files under ${PREFIX} is close to useless: only files in 
pkg-plist are copied there. Instead, leftovers should be searched for in 
${STAGEDIR} -- running "make stage-qa" and "make check-orphans" with 
every build would do that.

(I've already botched two patches when I assumed that successful 
redports run means that pkg-plist is complete).

So, can the first problem be fixed and the second suggestion 
implemented? Should I be bothering tinderbox author(s) instead?

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Re: [package - 91amd64-quarterly] build failure mail

2014-09-24 Thread Vitaly Magerya

On 2014-09-24 08:37, wrote:

You are receiving this mail as a port that you maintain
is failing to build on the FreeBSD package build server.
Please investigate the failure and submit a PR to fix

Last committer:
Ident:  $FreeBSD: branches/2014Q3/editors/wordgrinder/Makefile 357277 
2014-06-10 07:39:01Z olgeni $
Log URL:
Build URL:

>> Building editors/wordgrinder
build started at Wed Sep 24 05:37:27 UTC 2014
port directory: /usr/ports/editors/wordgrinder
building for: FreeBSD 91amd64-quarterly-job-16 9.1-RELEASE-p17 FreeBSD 
9.1-RELEASE-p17 amd64
maintained by:
Makefile ident:  $FreeBSD: branches/2014Q3/editors/wordgrinder/Makefile 
357277 2014-06-10 07:39:01Z olgeni $
Poudriere version: 3.1-pre
Host OSVERSION: 1100027
Jail OSVERSION: 901000

Folks, what should I do to not receive these messages? I've already 
updated the port (long time ago), but I still get mail about build 
failures in the quarterly branch.

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Re: Request for (i386) testing: american fuzzy lop

2014-11-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 2014-11-20 14:43, Fabian Keil wrote:> Quoting the pkg-descr:
> | American fuzzy lop is a fuzzer that employs a novel type of compile-time
> | instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically discover clean,
> | interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the targeted
> | binary. This substantially improves the functional coverage for the
> | fuzzed code.
> |
> | WWW:

I very much welcome this effort; I myself have tried to create a port
for it, but it required a whole lot of hacks (AFL is intertwined with
internals of GCC, which I failed to make work); I ended up needing
to rewrite it's assembly filters in a fairly hackish way... Can't
remember precisely what the problem was though.

> The shar file is available at:
> The port is supposed to work on amd64 and i386 but so far
> it has only been tested on amd64 (with 64bit binaries).

I don't know what this part is supposed to do:

# Workaround to make sure clang isn't confused for gcc

... but it seems to set CC to empty string on my machine; and I
get a whole bunch of this as the result:

--version: not found
make: "/usr/ports/Mk/Uses/" line 66: warning:
" --version" returned non-zero status

I also get this:

> ===>  Building for afl-0.60b
> gmake[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/ports/security/afl/work/afl-0.60b'
> [*] Checking for the ability to compile x86 code...
> gcc: not found
> Oops, looks like your compiler can't generate x86 code.
> (If you are looking for ARM, see experimental/arm_support/README.)
> Makefile:46: recipe for target 'test_x86' failed
> gmake[2]: *** [test_x86] Error 1
> gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/ports/security/afl/work/afl-0.60b'
> ===> Compilation failed unexpectedly.

Missing GCC dependency?

(This is all on 10.0-RELEASE amd64).
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Re: Request for (i386) testing: american fuzzy lop

2014-11-20 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 11/20/14 17:02, Fabian Keil wrote:
> 0.57b and later have "[f]ixes to make things work on FreeBSD and
> OpenBSD: use_64bit is inferred if not explicitly specified when
> calling afl-as".
> If you started with an earlier release, this might have been
> the problem.

I was working with version 0.27b, so I guess lots of things changed
since then. They even have afl-clang now.

> Does it work for you if you replace the line with:
> ?

Yes, this fixes all the problems; AFL now installs fine.

I also tested actually compiling stuff with afl-clang and then running
afl-fuzz, which also seems to work.

I don't have an i386 system though.

> And if not, does it work if you remove it completely?

Removing it does not work ('test_build' fails).
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Re: mypaint

2015-01-11 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 01/11/15 16:30, Ajtim wrote:
> Hi!
> I like to install graphics/Mypaint on FreeBSD 10.1, p, amd64
> and I got:
> ---
> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> building for 'python2.7' (use scons python_binary=xxx to change)
> using 'python2.7-config' (use scons python_config=xxx to change)
> rm -f
> python2.7
> Writing mypaint-brush-settings-gen.h
> Writing brushsettings-gen.h
> You need to have numpy installed.
> ImportError: /usr/local/lib/ Undefined symbol
> "cblas_zswap":

Do you have math/py-numpy with ATLAS option on? If so, try toggling that
option, reinstalling numpy and installing mypaint again. I don't know if
this is still the case, but there was some interaction between that
option and mypaint the last time I tried it.
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Re: mypaint

2015-01-12 Thread Vitaly Magerya

On 2015-01-12 15:42, wrote:

It works but application doesn't start:

We are not correctly installed or compiled!
script: "/usr/local/bin/mypaint"
deduced prefix: "/usr/local"
lib_shared: "/usr/local/share/mypaint/"
lib_compiled: "/usr/local/lib/mypaint/"

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/local/bin/mypaint", line 170, in 
 datapath, extradata, confpath, localepath, localepath_brushlib =
   File "/usr/local/bin/mypaint", line 111, in get_paths
 from lib import mypaintlib
   File "/usr/local/share/mypaint/lib/", line 25, in 
 _mypaintlib = swig_import_helper()
   File "/usr/local/share/mypaint/lib/", line 17, in
 import _mypaintlib
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/mypaint/ Undefined symbol

Yeah, I'm actually getting the same error myself now. There's even a bug 
report about this problem (PR 193429; bugzilla is down at the moment 

I'm currently updating my ports to see if the problem remains with the 
latest everything... (this will take a day or two on my hardware).

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Re: mypaint

2015-01-14 Thread Vitaly Magerya

On 2015-01-12 20:16, Jan Beich wrote:

I think the following are relevant patches from bugzilla.

Index: Mk/Uses/
--- Mk/Uses/ 376385)
+++ Mk/Uses/ copy)
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ IGNORE=   Incorrect 'USES+= scons:${scons_ARGS}' sco
  CPPPATH?= ${LOCALBASE}/include
Index: graphics/mypaint/Makefile
--- graphics/mypaint/Makefile   (revision 376385)
+++ graphics/mypaint/Makefile   (working copy)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ BUILD_DEPENDS:=   ${RUN_DEPENDS} \

  USE_GNOME=glib20 pygtk2
-USES=  gettext pkgconfig scons tar:bzip2 python
+USES=  compiler:gcc-c++11-lib gettext pkgconfig scons tar:bzip2 python



Yup, this fixes the problem. Thank you.
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Could a brave committer apply the fixes for graphics/mypaint? (was: Re: mypaint)

2015-01-16 Thread Vitaly Magerya

In the original thread Jan Beich wrote:

I think the following are relevant patches from bugzilla.

Index: Mk/Uses/
--- Mk/Uses/ 376385)
+++ Mk/Uses/ copy)
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ IGNORE=   Incorrect 'USES+= scons:${scons_ARGS}' sco
  CPPPATH?= ${LOCALBASE}/include
Index: graphics/mypaint/Makefile
--- graphics/mypaint/Makefile   (revision 376385)
+++ graphics/mypaint/Makefile   (working copy)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ BUILD_DEPENDS:=   ${RUN_DEPENDS} \

  USE_GNOME=glib20 pygtk2
-USES=  gettext pkgconfig scons tar:bzip2 python
+USES=  compiler:gcc-c++11-lib gettext pkgconfig scons tar:bzip2 python



In short, graphics/mypaint is currently broken, and PRs 193434 [1] and 
193429 [2] should be committed to fix it. Both of them are one-line 
changes, and both have been open for 5 months now.

Can someone commit those PRs?

Or better yet, give their submitter, Jan Beich, the commit bit so he 
could do it himself? The guy submitted 300+ PRs, and he's not even 
mentioned in the "Additional Contributors" list...

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Re: tdb

2015-01-16 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 2015-01-16 16:47, R. Scott Evans wrote:
> On 01/16/15 09:39, Larry Rosenman wrote:
>> On 2015-01-16 08:33, R. Scott Evans wrote:
>>> Admittedly I've only got a math minor, but isn't 1.3.4 > 1.2.13?   ;-)
>>> # pkg version -IvL=
>>> tdb-1.2.13,1   >   succeeds index (index has 1.3.4)
>>> -scott
>> the ,1 is the PORTEPOCH which apparently was changed because of a
>> version number regression.
> Well, I mention it because while I use "pkg version -IvL=", I know the 
> FreeBSD Handbook section on updating ports instructs one to use 'pkg 
> version -l "<"' which will cause this ports change to go unseen. 
> Likewise, "portmaster -a" on my box didn't catch this and I had to 
> specifically update/downgrade the port.

Folks, the relevant diff here is [1]; it reverted PORTEPOCH
from 1 to 0. And you're right, it's a bug, since PORTEPOCH
should never ever decrease.

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Re: LICENSE documentation

2016-09-14 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 2016-09-14 10:19, Bob Eager wrote:
> This port never did have LICENSE, and it had been updated recently with
> no issues. However, I was told that "I don't see any mention of any
> kind of license in the package or on the site, so it should be
> LICENSE=  NONE. Note that without clear licensing terms it's impossible
> to legally use and redistribute the code."

My interpretation of this phrase is not that LICENSE variable is
mandatory (to which I would object on the basis that ports licensing
framework is vague, incomplete, and apparently used by noone too), but
rather that for the program to be freely distributable at all, it's
author(s) need to explicitly give their permission. That permission is
the license. If no license statement can be found in the sources or the
website, then no permission is given, and it's technically illegal for
anyone but the author(s) to use the software. If this is the case, I
suggest you to contact the authors, explain the situation, and ask them
to include some sort of a license statement -- we'll be forced to remove
the program from ports collection otherwise.
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Re: LICENSE documentation

2016-09-14 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 2016-09-14 11:49, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
>> My interpretation of this phrase is not that LICENSE variable is
>> mandatory (to which I would object on the basis that ports licensing
>> framework is vague, incomplete, and apparently used by noone too), but
>> rather that for the program to be freely distributable at all, it's
>> author(s) need to explicitly give their permission. That permission is
>> the license. If no license statement can be found in the sources or the
>> website, then no permission is given, and it's technically illegal for
>> anyone but the author(s) to use the software.
> This interpretation is based on the hypothesis
> that the user is located in a country that has this kind of legal rule.
> This is not the case in every country, so your conclusion is not
> always valid.

That's true. Still, the inclusion of the program in ports collection
depends on author(s) giving their permission, otherwise users in
majority of countries FreeBSD is used in will be disqualified from using
it -- and FreeBSD would probably be liable for copyright infringement too.
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Re: Inconsistency? (was Re: misc/jive deleted)

2016-10-25 Thread Vitaly Magerya
> can anyone in
> this thread explain why misc/jive is considered offensive and removed

I'd like to extend the question: is there a new policy about "offensive"
ports not being allowed in the ports tree any longer? If so, could
someone point me to it?

If not, then, well, I don't know what to say. You leave me very
confused. Was the removal arbitrary? Is someone working on updating
ports tree policies?
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Re: Looking for porting experience

2017-07-09 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 07/10/2017 12:05 AM, Jake Roberts via freebsd-ports wrote:
> Good evening. I'd like to try my hand at making a port.

You could submit an update to x11-fonts/unifont [1] from 7.0.3 to the
current 10.0.04 [2]. This is both easy, and useful (for those running
FreeBSD on desktop).

There's also a fairly extensive list of tasks at [3].

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Re: [HEADUP] FLAVORS landing.

2017-09-26 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 09/26/2017 05:38 PM, George Mitchell wrote:
>> What is the last SVN revision without the changes?  I just updated a
>> few minutes ago and portmaster is already unable to build lang/perl5.24
>> to fix a security vulnerability. -- George
> Empirically, 450588 seems to still work. -- George

The first FLAVORS commit is [1], but I think portmaster still generally
works as before. The failure you're seeing with lang/perl5.24 is also
there if you build it manually.

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Re: Flavors *COMPLETELY* break the port system (synth and poudriere are useless)

2017-12-07 Thread Vitaly Magerya
On 12/07/2017 12:36 AM, Mel Pilgrim wrote:
> As for those complaining about, it's a remarkably small number of very
> loud people,

Let's not jump to the conclusion that since only the vocal minority who
complains, then they are the only ones affected. Plenty of us are just
silently waiting for a portmaster fix, seeing as complaints have no
visible effect.
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Re: [FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD bug tracking moves from GNATS to Bugzilla

2014-06-03 Thread Vitaly Magerya

On 2014-06-03 11:05, David Chisnall wrote:

We are pleased to announce that the FreeBSD project has begin the
transition from the GNATS bug-tracking system to Bugzilla.  The
Bugzilla installation can be found here:

It doesn't seem to be possible to post comments (or bugs) without 
creating an account and logging in. No comment-by-email too, as far as I 
can tell.

Are those features gone forever? Can I ask them to be restored, at least 
in some capacity?

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Re: [FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD bug tracking moves from GNATS to Bugzilla

2014-06-03 Thread Vitaly Magerya

On 2014-06-03 15:16, David Chisnall wrote:

On 3 Jun 2014, at 13:09, Vitaly Magerya  wrote:

It doesn't seem to be possible to post comments (or bugs)
without creating an account and logging in.

That is correct.  The current leaning is towards not providing
such functionality as:

- It makes spamming easy

- If someone can't be bothered to make an account, they are
  unlikely to provide the feedback required to correctly
  diagnose the bug.

Let my protest against such sweeping judgements be noted.

No comment-by-email too, as far as I can tell.

This is probably going to reappear at some point, if there is
sufficient demand for it.

I see. Consider me to be expressing the demand then.

Anything that would allow me to participate without using an account 
would be very much appreciated.

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