Re: Exim - Courier-Imap - imp/horde problem

2006-06-24 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Sam 24 jui 06 à 17:59:09 +0200, tracy musaza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Dear All,
>   I develop a mail server using  Exim - Courier-Imap - imp/horde, from
>   MUA ( Thunder bird or Outlook express) my mail server work
>   perfectly, then I would like to use a webmail ,my choice is

Good choice ;-)

>   I'm installing IMP/Horde as webmail on my FreeBSD 6.0 box from ports
>   . When I try to install Imp from ports:
>   # cd /usr/ports/mail/imp # make install clean
>   I get an error saying:
>   verifying install for /usr/local/share/pear/PEAR.php  in
>   /usr/ports/devel/pear This port requires the CLI version of PHP,but
>   you have all ready installed a PHP port without CLI.
>   I try to deinstall php4 but no success,
>   can someone give me help to fixe this problem!

Could you please report the output of `pkg_info -I -x php'?

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: no success!! : Exim - Courier-Imap - imp/horde problem

2006-06-24 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Sam 24 jui 06 à 21:14:46 +0200, tracy musaza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Dear Marcio Luciano
>I cd to  /usr/ports/devel/php4-pear  then # make install clean

If your ports tree is up-to-date, there is no more devel/php4-pear, it
has been removed:

grep php4-pear /usr/ports/MOVED
devel/php4-pear||2005-12-09|Obsoleted by devel/pear port

If no PHP port has been installed (as reported by pkg_info),

cd /usr/ports/www/horde
make install

should install the right dependencies.

Failure causes might be:

- uncoherent ports tree (to be fixed by cvsup or csup);

- special variables defined in your /etc/make.conf;

- uncomplete previous deinstallation (is there some

- ...

Th. Thomas.
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Re: Elmer 5.2.0 Released

2006-07-12 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Lun  3 jul 06 à  0:14:24 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Hello;


> FYI science/elmer*-5.2 has been released!
> Unfortunately my main development machine was stolen so I won't be able to 
> work
> on these ports anymore (at least not soon), but updating it should be very 
> easy
> and I'll be glad to answer questions from anyone wanting to be the new
> maintainer. It would be interesting to have a metaport for Elmer too that adds
> reasonable (non-hardware dependant) softlinks to the main executables.

Just updated, thanks for the notification!
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature


2006-07-12 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu 13 jul 06 à  0:24:03 +0200, Dejan Lesjak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> So it is general intention to go with /usr/local or rather ${LOCALBASE} as 
> prefix for X11 ports. If anyone feels that this is horribly wrong, please 
> speak up.

Do you plan to port on FreeBSD-4.x? If not, ports would have to
support X libs either under ${LOCALBASE} or under ${X11BASE}, or they
will be broken on 4.x.
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: GNAT port is broken, maintainer don't care

2006-07-28 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Ven 28 jul 06 à 16:30:45 +0200, Frank Laszlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> I myself had no problem building databases/gnats4 on -RELEASE.
> databases/gnats is marked as FORBIDDEN due to a security issue.

databases/gnats* != lang/gnat
Th. Thomas.
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[RFC] Upgrading ports/lang/f2c.

2006-07-30 Thread Thierry Thomas

I have just sent a PR to upgrade lang/f2c to its latest version:


It has been tested successfully against the ports which use it as a
dependency, but this is almost the plain version, without FreeBSD
specific patches.

Because I don't know why this port uses a specific tarball, and which
are the differences between this tarball and the previous official
tarball, I have possibily missed important things...

Your comments are welcome! I won't have an access to Internet for 3 or 4
days, then don't expect a quick answer...

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ports defying WRKDIRPREFIX

2006-08-07 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Lun  7 aoû 06 à 11:55:59 +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> It has come to my attention that the line
>   ${CAT} pkg-message
> breaks when WRKDIRPREFIX is set, because the shell command will be invoked
> from WRKDIRPREFIX/PORTSDIR/category/port instead of PORTSDIR/category/port
> I think this is a new problem in, but I am not certain about
> this. A quick solution is to replace the line with
>   ${CAT} ${.CURDIR}/pkg-message

should be sufficient.
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Problem with devel/libtool22? [was Re: OpenCASCADE marked broken]

2010-04-05 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mar 23 mar 10 à 22:37:24 +0100, Andrea Venturoli 
 écrivait :
> Just to let you know this used to work on 6.3, though I cannot test it 
> anymore now.
> I can compile it without any problem on 7.2/i386, though I remove
> "USE_FORTRAN=yes".
> The latter is to avoid compilation with gcc4.4, which will lead to 
> incompatibilities with other libraries (such as boost) I use on a 
> project of mine.

It should be fixed now.

Actually, it used to work untill gcc- Gcc-44 is needed
because f77 has been removed from the base.

Since gcc-, we got errors at linkage:

local symbol 0: discarded in section `.text._ZNSs12_...
local symbol 1: discarded in section `.text._ZNSs12_...

The OpenCASCADE port was built using devel/libtool22, and this port
installs a libtool file where LD and CC are hardcoded.

To fix OpenCASCADE, I had to link it with g++44, so I switched to the
included libtool.

I guess there might be a problem with devel/libtool22, but I don't dare
patching this beast: it could fix some ports, and break many others...

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem with devel/libtool22? [was Re: OpenCASCADE marked broken]

2010-04-10 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mar  6 avr 10 à  8:14:57 +0200, Andrea Venturoli 
 écrivait :

> Are you sure OpenCASCADE requires f77?
> I looked into the source and didn't find any file like "*.f" or "*.for", 
> although of course they might have other extension or be generated 
> during the build process.
> Also I can confirm it compiles with the base system gcc, although I 
> don't remember if I had gcc44 installed at the time, so it might also be 
> it picked f77 from gcc44 anyway.

You're right: it builds succesfully in a tinderbox without USE_FORTRAN,
which is just searched by configure.
Should be some remaining of an older version...

> The whole point of the above is that, due to gcc44's libstdc++ recently 
> becoming incompatible with older versions, if you mix different g++ 
> versions in the same project, you'll get "Undefined symbol" errors when 
> starting your executable.
> In my case, I'm linking (amongst others) against Boost and OpenCASCADE, 
> so I need them to use the same compiler (and use that myself).
> Again, this is not a problem with OpenCASCADE only, but potentially 
> affects any C++ library which is build with gcc44.

True: that's why I think that libtool should'nt force $CC and $LD.

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.
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Re: After horde 3.3.6_1 upgrade with php 5.3.2 - PHP deprecated - assigning the return value of new by reference

2010-05-07 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mer 28 avr 10 à 14:40:57 +0200, Troy 
 écrivait :
> Hi Matthew,


> That fixed the timezone problem but all those errors are all over the 
> pages when you try and login.  Eventually it stops working altogether.
> Thierry is the port maintainer and copied on this E-mail.  I can't 
> imagine I'm the only one with this issue because clearly PHP 5.3.2 has a 
> problem with the 'new' value which is used all over the horde 
> framework.  Thierry -- have you had anyone else bring this to you?

Sorry for the delay: I released the maintainership of these ports 4
years ago, and lost the address!

Anyway, I'm running Horde (with IMP, Turba, etc.) with php5-5.3.2: there
is a lot of lines
PHP Deprecated:  Assigning the return value of new by reference is
deprecated in...
in httpd-error.log, but this is just a warning, and the applications are
fully usuable.

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: what next for the pkg_install rewrite

2010-08-19 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu 19 aoû 10 à 23:24:10 +0200, jhell 
 écrivait :

>   As well I would also like to see something done about packages that
> don't need to be upgraded because they are neither platform or arch
> dependent but yet they are upgraded due to being listed as a dependent
> of another port that needs to be upgraded. For example any package that
> may be type shell script does not need updating due to a major lib
> version bump of for say libpng.

For this purpose, it's already possible to check if the port set

Th. Thomas.
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Re: OpenCASCADE port outdated

2011-09-09 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mar  6 sep 11 à 17:10:01 +0200, Andrea Venturoli 
 écrivait :
> Hello.


> Port is at 6.3, but 6.5.1 is out.
> Is upgrading under way or planned?

Yes, I know, but unfortunately I have been too busy. Hope to work on it
RSN. Anyway, patches are welcome!

Th. Thomas.
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Re: FreeBSD Port: tidy-lib-090315.c_1

2012-01-25 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mer 25 jan 12 à 18:28:43 +0100, ?? ??? 
 écrivait :
> Hi, Thierry.


> Since tidy-lib hadn't had any updates for over 3 years, there is a
> non-official patch to support new tags and correct doctype for HTML5. Is it
> possible to include it into the port?
> The patch itself:
> There is also github repository you might want to look at -
> Their readme says it contains not only
> the first patch, but additional changes.

I'm subscribed to the tidy-develop@, and there have been some recent
activity. Bjoern Hoehrmann has checked these patches, and one can expect
an official release. Please just wait a little!

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal moving *spell dicts to ports/textproc/*spell/dicts

2010-12-04 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le sam  4 déc 10 à 11:58:44 +0100, David DEMELIER 
 écrivait :
> Hi,


> As I said some weeks ago I personally don't like much the use of
> ports/{french,chinese,whatever}/ directories. I saw that openbsd
> created sub directories in the aspell port. I think this is a really
> good idea, it's really easier to find.
> I don't think german/ispell french/aspell textproc/gu-aspell are
> really easy to find.
> I propose creating a ports/textproc/aspell/dicts and same for
> textproc/ispell and textproc/hunspell and moving every spellings ports
> to these directories.

I don't know about hunspell and ispell, but aspell's dictionaries are
maintained and updated independently, at different dates: its why these
are separate ports.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: net/mpich2: libraries with many 'undefined symbols'

2011-02-02 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mer  2 fév 11 à 21:54:34 +0100, Rainer Hurling 
 écrivait :
> Dear list,


> since there is no maintainer for net/mpich2 I am writing directly to the 
> list. Hope this is ok.
> I need MPICH2 for math/R (package Rmpi) and others (e.g. upcoming new 
> package math/sprng, PR 154249). Software using MPICH2 complains about 
> 'undefined symbols' like 'MPL_trfree'.
> Looking into (after building net/mpich2), it shows many 
> undefined symbols (symbol names are stripped in installed version?):
> nm work/mpich2-1.3/lib/ | grep " U "
>  U MPL_TrSetMaxMem
>  U MPL_env2bool
>  U MPL_env2int
>  U MPL_env2range
>  U MPL_env2str
>  U MPL_trDebugLevel
>  U MPL_trcalloc
>  U MPL_trdump
>  U MPL_trfree
>  U MPL_trid
>  ...

These symbols belong to libmpl:

nm -A /usr/local/lib/libmpl.a | grep MPL_

So you have to link with -lmpl (and maybe with -lopa too).

Another solution could be to link with mpicc and friends instead of
gcc/g++/gfortran, as these wrappers set the correct flags and link to
the correct libraries as required.

Yet another solution could be to configure mpich2 with
--enable-lib-depend, but this is experimental...

BTW, a new version has been released, and I have plan to upgrade it
after the ports thaw.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [CFT] cpu stresser^W libreoffice 3.3.0 final

2011-02-04 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le ven  4 fév 11 à 17:01:37 +0100, Chip Camden 
 écrivait :

> It finally came through on portsnap late yesterday.  The install phase
> still filled up my /tmp drive, so I had to umount /tmp, create a symbolic
> link to /usr/tmp, and then it installed OK.  My usual /tmp partition has
> 500MB -- why does the libreoffice install require so much tmp space?  OOo
> always installed OK.

Does'nt it honor TMPDIR?
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Why so many versions of the port science/hdf?

2011-05-10 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mar 10 mai 11 à 15:05:02 +0200, Stephen Montgomery-Smith 

 écrivait :

> If we could settle on using hdf5-18 throughout, that would be great.  (I 
> currently maintain opendx, so that would be something I can fix.)
> Are there ports that need hdf but don't build with hdf5-18?

I already switched several ports from hdf5 to hdf5-18 (see
PR ports/154736).

It seems that it would be possible to replace hdf5-18 by hdf5
everywhere, but some ports would require to define H5_USE_16_API.

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: net-p2p/bitcoin fails to install

2011-05-22 Thread Thierry Thomas
On sun 22 mai 11 at 15:07:31 +0200, Ion-Mihai Tetcu 
> Index: Makefile
> ===
> RCS file: /home/pcvs/ports/net-p2p/bitcoin/Makefile,v
> retrieving revision 1.1
> diff -u -r1.1 Makefile
> --- Makefile 20 May 2011 22:50:37 -  1.1
> +++ Makefile 22 May 2011 13:04:54 -
> @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
>  #USE_WX=2.9+
> -BUILD_DEPENDS+= include/wx-2.9/wx/aboutdlg.h:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/wxgtk29
> ${LOCALBASE}/include/wx-2.9/wx/aboutdlg.h:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/wxgtk29
>  WX_CONFIG=  ${LOCALBASE}/bin/wxgtk2u-2.9-config
>  PLIST_FILES=bitcoin

Yet better: wxgtk29 should be handled by ports/Mk/
(alepulver Cc:ed')

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: request: Port of 'miro' player

2007-11-01 Thread Thierry Thomas
I have uploaded the latest version of this port at

but it still segfaults on my test machine...
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: distfiles for lang/g95

2007-11-04 Thread Thierry Thomas

Le Dim  4 nov 07 à 17:11:35 +0100, M. L. Dodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> I am the maintainer of lang/g95.  The source tarball for this
> software changes almost daily.  I need to put a snapshot tarball
> up to support the lang/g95 port.  I will also need to make
> available the gcc-core-4.0.3.tar.gz tarball as the lang/gcc40 port
> has been removed, evidently.  Specifically, how can I make the
> tarballs available via  ${MASTER_SITE_LOCAL}?

When you'll send a PR with your updates, just ask the committer to put
these distfiles on his directory.

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.
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Re: stlport

2007-11-18 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Lun 19 nov 07 à  3:56:50 +0100, Stephen Montgomery-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Is anyone working on this?  If not, would you guys be kind enough to 
> make my patch more proper?

I'm working on a patch to upgrade it to the latest STLport-5.1.4 (from

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: stlport

2007-11-20 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Lun 19 nov 07 à  7:28:48 +0100, Thierry Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Le Lun 19 nov 07 à  3:56:50 +0100, Stephen Montgomery-Smith <[EMAIL 
>  écrivait :
> > Is anyone working on this?  If not, would you guys be kind enough to 
> > make my patch more proper?
> I'm working on a patch to upgrade it to the latest STLport-5.1.4 (from
> <> ).

If you want to test it, my patch is available at

It does not seem bad on i386, but there is a problem on amd64: it builds
and installs fine, but the regression tests eat all the memory! (If no
solution is found, I shall mark it broken on != i386).

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: stlport

2007-11-21 Thread Thierry Thomas
Selon Stephen Montgomery-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> le Mer 21  
nov 01:44:33 2007 :

It didn't build at all on my system.  I am sure it is a problem   
with stlport/config/stl_gcc.h.

What version of FreeBSD are you using?  Did you build it with gcc or icc?

Adding this attached file to stlport/files made it work for my system.

Thanks for your feedbacks!

It had been tested successfully on my dev machine (i386 / FreeBSD-7)  
and on tinderboxes (i386 & amd64 / FreeBSD-6 & FreeBSD-7), and I'll  
test it again with your patch.

Th. Thomas.
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Re: stlport

2007-11-21 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mer 21 nov 07 à  1:44:33 +0100, Stephen Montgomery-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> >It didn't build at all on my system.  I am sure it is a problem with 
> >stlport/config/stl_gcc.h.
> >
> >What version of FreeBSD are you using?  Did you build it with gcc or icc?
> Adding this attached file to stlport/files made it work for my system.

Could you please check that my patch provided you the file
files/patch-stlport_stl_config_host.h? This config/host.h is the way to
handle this kind of specificities and should give the same result that
your patch.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: stlport

2007-11-22 Thread Thierry Thomas
Selon Stephen Montgomery-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> le Mer 21  
nov 22:52:53 2007 :

Now that you mention it, I can see it in the diff file that you sent me.

How do you get patch to behave properly when the file it diffs   
against doesn't

already exist?

If you `cd /usr/ports',

patch -p0 < /tmp/stlport.diff

should apply everything. Ajust -p0 (-p1, etc.) if you run it from another dir.

Th. Thomas.
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Re: duration of the ports freeze

2007-12-01 Thread Thierry Thomas
On Sat  1 dec 07 at 14:25:08 +0100, Erik Trulsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The ports freeze is intended to make sure the ports tree is in a stable and
> well tested state for the release.  Updating major ports always carry a
> great risk of breaking things thus defeating the point of the freeze.

Anyway, if the freeze is too long, and if the new version is released
several weeks after the thaw, very few will install these packages:
a lot of updates will be committed, and many users will update their
ports tree to install the new versions. This is very difficult to find a
good compromise!
Th. Thomas.
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Re: Maintaining of *-aspell ports

2007-12-03 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mar  4 déc 07 à  4:46:50 +0100, Nikola Le??i?? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Hello,


> All ~80 *-aspell ports have '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. Does this
> mean that someone should take maintainership?

Of course, that's why their maintainership has been released: don't
hesitate to adopt one of them!

Note: pending updates for -ga -hi -sk -fy are ready, to be committed
after ports thaw, and they are available on demand.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Maintaining of *-aspell ports

2007-12-04 Thread Thierry Thomas
Selon Nikola Lečić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> le Mar  4 déc  
16:51:19 2007 :

У уторак, 4. децембра 2007. у 07:43:15 +0100
Thierry Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> је написао(ла):

Thierry, thank you (and Peter) for replies. I asked because I wasn't
sure if some kind of automation (linked with textproc/aspell) was
employed here...

don't hesitate to adopt one of them!

OK, I'd gladly take care of sr-aspell.

Great! Because we have a ports freeze, it's not possible to change the  
maintainership ATM, but just send a PR.

Th. Thomas.
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Re: miro "Loading Miro Guide" forever

2007-12-13 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu 13 déc 07 à 11:34:25 +0100, Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <[EMAIL 
 écrivait :
> Hi,


>   I've been trying to use multimedia/miro but I am having a problem. I 
> cannot access the Miro Guide. On startup, miro delivers the message 
> "Loading Miro Guide" and it stays there indefinitely. I've left my 
> laptop unattended for a couple of hours but nothing changed.
>   miro seems to be working otherwise. I can search videos, create 
> channels and watch/download videos.
>   I am attaching the script(1) output. Let me know if there is anything 
> I can do to help.

Your script shows that you built it against xulrunner, which is not
enabled, and I have not tested this combination; could you please build
it again, defining either WITH_GECKO=firefox or WITH_GECKO=seamonkey?

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: miro "Loading Miro Guide" forever

2007-12-14 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu 13 déc 07 à 20:16:49 +0100, Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <[EMAIL 
 écrivait :

>   Okay. Checking ${WRKSRC}/platform/gtk-x11/ shows that 
> xulrunner is always preferred over any other found GECKO options. 
> Actually, the WITH_GECKO is only controlling the port dependency and it 
> has no influence whatsoever on what will pick.
>   That said. I removed xulrunner from the list of possible 
> choices. Reinstalled and miro works with firefox. :)
>   I have a patch attached that rectifies this situation.

Just committed, thanks!
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems with OpenOffice 2.3.1 on FreeBSD

2008-01-01 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mar  1 jan 08 à 21:21:43 +0100, Stephen Montgomery-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> My personal wish list is that opencascade builds on FreeBSD-7 with the 
> new stlport, and that octave-forge not be in its current "IGNORE" state. 
>  But I fully appreciate that I must either wait, or help make it happen.

A patch is ready for that, and is available at

but I cannot commit it right now: it will fail without the patch
included in PR ports/118958. That means that we have to wait untill the
ports tree is totally unfrozen.

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Miro crashes at startup

2008-01-10 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu 10 jan 08 à 12:06:16 +0100, Volker Glatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Hi there,


> I installed miro with "portinstall miro" - not changing any make options. It 
> crashes at startup.
> Let me know, if you need more informations.

Could you please tell me if xulrunner is installed on your machine?
And the date of

Such a bug had been reported by lioux, and has been fixed on Dec 14.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Miro crashes at startup

2008-01-11 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Ven 11 jan 08 à  4:25:04 +0100, Jeremy Messenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> The boost with WITH_PYTHON=yes and boost-python are exactly same. The  
> boost-python call on boost with WITH_PYTHON=yes define. Read in  
> devel/boost-python/Makefile. I doubt this crash issue has to do with boost  
> vs boost-python. When I created different miro port, all FreeBSD 6.x users  
> report me crash issue while FreeBSD 7.x and above users don't have any  
> problem. I can't figure what's wrong with miro in FreeBSD 6.x as all of my  
> machines have FreeBSD 7.x.

Actually, yes, it's possible to run Miro on FreeBSD-6, but it seems very

That means:

- check that all dependencies are up to date;
- no dangling libraries or binaries linked against something located
under /usr/local/lib/compat;
- nothing linked against previous versions of system libraries (e.g.
old libm);
- and maybe some conflicts not yet detected...

BTW, I'm working on the upgrade to 1.1, but I don't think that it
contains anything related to this problem.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Another question based on: Re: HOW-TO get Flash7 working!

2008-01-13 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Dim 13 jan 08 à 15:25:15 +0100, eculp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> Is there an "accepted" or reasonably so, sure-fire way to get linux  
> flash[79] working in Prerelease or in current?  If so, would you  
> please share how you did it on this list?

Well, I have a working flashplugin 7, on FreeBSD-6 and FreeBSD-7.
I have'nt configured anything special: just install
www/linux-flashplugin7, and then www/nspluginwrapper.
After that, follow the instructions in the pkg-message:
nspluginwrapper -v -a -i
(for each user)

This is working for the native firefox & seamonkey.

It seems that flashplugin 8 has never been ported to FreeBSD (I don't
know why), and flashplugin 9 is reported as not working.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Another question based on: Re: HOW-TO get Flash7 working!

2008-01-13 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Dim 13 jan 08 à 19:21:50 +0100, eculp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> I probably have something wrong and there are many variables.  If I may ask,
> which linux emulator and kernel are you using and are you using AMD or  
> i386 distributions?  I'm assuming there could very well be differences  
> with these.

Just i386, no amd64, and I run the default linuxolator
(linux_base-fc-4_10 ATM).

> I'm going to uninstall all the related ports and completely erase the  
> leftover garbage and try again to see what happens.

Good luck!
Th. Thomas.
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Re: FreeBSD Port: devel/bouml

2008-01-18 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu 17 jan 08 à 21:16:18 +0100, V.Chukharev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Hi maintainer,


> I do not know the reason, but devel/bouml (cvsup'ed yesterday) cannot fetch 
> the distfile.
> I think that it has been updated or something on the main web site.
> MD5 shown below is same as shown on their site, SHA256 and SIZE I found from 
> the
> downloaded file. It builds OK, starts, and works - to the extent I could 
> check within
> 10 minits.

Thanks for the notification.

The author silently fixed a line.

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD Port: www/openvrml

2008-03-24 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Lun 24 mar 08 à 15:16:27 +0100, Alex Tsvelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Hello!


> I can not build port www/openvrml-0.17.5_1. The compilation process is
> stopped at file vrml97node.cpp with message "bad C++ code"
> (portinstall message). I tried to build this port on different i386
> machines with 6.x FreeBSD.

Could you please try the patch submitted at

Th. Thomas.
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Re: Advice sought for ports/vis5d+

2008-05-02 Thread Thierry Thomas
On Fri  2 may 08 at 17:39:08 +0200, Stephen Montgomery-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am the maintainer of the science/vis5d+ port.  It was recently marked 
> broken, and I submitted the PR ports/123233 to fix it.  However my fix 
> doesn't seem to work for the amd64 - 
> The problem seems to be with the libgfx port.  A month or two ago, it must 
> have somehow been brought in as part of the netcdf port.  But now it 
> has become necessary to explicitly link against libgfx.a.  For whatever 
> reason, this doesn't work on the amd64.
> Any help or advice much appreciated.

Hello Stephen,

The message is:

/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libgfx.a(time.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be 
used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

That means that graphics/libgfx should be modified to use -fPIC, and
better to produce a shared library (maintainer Cc'ed).

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Unicode plane 1 in rxft-unicode

2008-05-10 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Sam 10 mai 08 à  9:07:40 +0200, Andrew Pantyukhin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> I wonder if anyone succeeded in getting subj working. The
> simplest way to test it is:
>  - install a plane one font (e.g. I've just committed code2001)

Thanks for adding this one!

>  - verify it's working in firefox (after a restart)
>  - add something like 'xft:Code2001:size=19,xft:' to
>'URxvt*font:' in .Xresources, and merge it with
>xrdb -merge < .Xresources

BTW, it's possible to just run

urxvt -fn "xft:Code2001:pixelsize=14"

>  - restart rxvt and try to view a text file with the symbols
> A good test case is this:
> Wikipedia title page (with languages) also contains some plane
> one symbols.
> My rxvt is compiled with --enable-everything (which includes
> --enable-unicode3) and with all encodings. Ctrl+Shift+Click shows
> code point fffd for plane one characters, but then I've never
> seen it show codes over 16 bits.

It's fine within firefox, but there is a problem with programs in
console mode, like rxft-unicode or mined, or cat. I have checked with
the file available at

and all languages are well displayed, excepted the lines from Bhutan,
Canada - Nunavut, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia and India (Hindi).
Actually, for these languages, it seems that Code2001 is not used, and a
square is displayed with the built-in support font.
Th. Thomas.
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Re: Unicode plane 1 in rxft-unicode

2008-05-11 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Sam 10 mai 08 à 15:44:59 +0200, Thierry Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> <>
> and all languages are well displayed, excepted the lines from Bhutan,
> Canada - Nunavut, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia and India (Hindi).
> Actually, for these languages, it seems that Code2001 is not used, and a
> square is displayed with the built-in support font.

Sorry, I thought that Code2001 is a superset of Code2000, but it is not!
Th. Thomas.
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Re: regression-test

2008-06-19 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu 19 jui 08 à 19:06:36 +0200, Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> We *want* regression tests to be available unconditionally -- that is 
> why I added the hook to the package build process to run them if 
> present.  Please don't hack around this because you think you're doing 
> us a favour :-)

I try to enable regression-test when possible, but the current
implementation is a post-build target, and some ports' testings need a
post-install target. In these cases, I enclose the regression-test
target between .ifdef MAINTAINER_MODE.
Th. Thomas.
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Re: regression-test

2008-06-20 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Ven 20 jui 08 à  3:54:04 +0200, Garrett Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> >> I try to enable regression-test when possible, but the current
> >> implementation is a post-build target, and some ports' testings need a
> >> post-install target. In these cases, I enclose the regression-test
> >> target between .ifdef MAINTAINER_MODE.
> >
> > I'd say those ports are broken; conceptually, you should be testing whether
> > or not your port works *before* you install it, not after.
> >
> > Kris
> Agreed. Functionality verification is a requirement for acceptance in
> any release structure, not the other way around.

That's not always so simple:

- when you run the configure script, it may define some paths (e.g.
  DATADIR), and some files under this directory may be required for the
  program to be run;

- some runtime dependencies may be required;

- the program may be unusable without some additional steps taken into
  account by a pkg-install script;

- etc.

Th. Thomas.
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Re: [CHANGE PROPOSAL] Moving WWW from pkg-descr to Makefile

2012-10-05 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le ven  5 oct 12 à 16:05:35 +0200, Baptiste Daroussin 
 écrivait :
> Hi,


> I want to propose and make the actual move of the WWW information from the
> pkg-descr to the Makefile itself via a WWW variable.

Good idea!

But just a warning: some pkg-desc may contain two URLs.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Do you support creation of "chemistry" and "physics" virtual categories?

2018-07-30 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le lun. 30 juil. 18 à 12:21:04 +0200, Mateusz Piotrowski <>
 écrivait :

> >> I assembled the lists of 50 ports for the chemistry virtual category, 
> >> and 25 ports for the physics virtual category: 
> >>
> > [...]
> >> Do you support creation of "chemistry" and "physics" virtual categories?
> > 
> > Yes.
> Yes.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: cclient, panda-cclient, and php71-imap (and others?)

2019-04-24 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le lun. 22 avr. 19 à 20:05:07 +0200, Adam Bernstein 
 écrivait :

> It seems to me that 'mail/cclient' should be marked as broken with 
> current OpenSSL 
> (, and possibly 
> as unmaintained, and that all other ports that use it (the one that 
> concerns us currently is 'php71-imap') should switch to using the fork 
> 'panda-cclient' instead. That fork has this bug fixed already, and 
> php71-imap offers panda-cclient as a build option but not as the default.

Indeed, I've been using Panda for a long time, and it is a safer
replacement for cclient and uw-imap, and we could set it by default.
(adding PHP maintainer to Cc:)

> Or am I missing something? If not, is there anything we can do to 
> facilitate?

However, note that Panda is not bulletproof, and mostly unmaintained
too. Someone tries to revive this project and help is wanted: see

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: med

2019-12-24 Thread Thierry Thomas

Le mar. 24 déc. 19 à 17:19:25 +0100, ajtiM via freebsd-ports 

 écrivait :

> Is the proble related to  /usr/ports/french/aster/
> due to the source file aster-full-src-10.8.0-3.noarch.tar.gz can't be
> fetched from and it is old more
> than 5 years?

According to your previous post, your ports tree is up-to-date, and you
are trying to fetch
which is fine.

Sometimes, the Code_Aster site is not reliable; could you please try
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: openblas - cblas

2020-01-25 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mer. 22 janv. 20 à 16:48:43 +0100, Jan Beich 
 écrivait :
> ajtiM via freebsd-ports  writes:
> > It is impossible to update ports because there are a conflic with
> > openblas and cblas - installs files in the same place.
> math/openblas exposed its own CBLAS API which is a superset of
> math/cblas with extensions. For example, some consumers want
> openblas_set_num_threads().
> In short, deinstall math/cblas.

Openblas does not totally replace cblas. E.g. science/code_saturne fails
without cblas: undefined reference to `cblas_ddot'

Since there is a conflict, Code_saturne is now broken.
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pkg repository is broken...

2020-03-07 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le sam.  7 mars 20 à  1:38:55 +0100, Greg 'groggy' Lehey 
 écrivait :

> > Still broken for me on 12.1.

Still broken for me on 12.1-STABLE, but with a different error:

"size mismatch, fetching from remote" and then
"size mismatch, cannot continue" for the first package being fetched.

Same after a `pkg clean'.

> Strange.  Mine cleared up automatically the following day.
> It's also strange how few replies I have received.  Two private
> messages (why?), yours, and that was it.  You'd think that people
> would be screaming.

I read somewhere that the packages building farm switched from 12.0 to
12.1, and I was just waiting for the dust to settle...
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: cad/gmsh port

2020-03-12 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le jeu. 12 mars 20 à 17:19:20 +0100, Montgomery-Smith, Stephen 

 écrivait :

> For some reason fetch freezes when the ports tries to build cad/gmsh. 
> But if I download the tarball via my web browser, it works.  Any ideas why?

Same for me. Trying

$ fetch -vvv

works fine until 96 or 98 %, then it freezes. Should be a problem of the
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: cad/gmsh port

2020-03-12 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le jeu. 12 mars 20 à 18:08:37 +0100, Thierry Thomas 
 écrivait :

> Same for me. Trying
> $ fetch -vvv
> works fine until 96 or 98 %, then it freezes. Should be a problem of the
> site

But fetching from gitlab at <>, i.e.

works fine for me. You could add it to MASTER_SITES.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

OMP status?

2020-03-13 Thread Thierry Thomas

devel/openmp is deprecated, and should be removed, OK.

But USES=compiler:openmp still brings GCC. Is there any reason for that?

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: python 2.7 marked as deprecated and EOL while 2.7.18 RC is available

2020-04-18 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le sam. 18 avr. 20 à 20:24:21 +0200, Christoph Moench-Tegeder 

 écrivait :

> > opencascade: 7.4.0_2
> Again, vtk6...

I just committed a switch to VTK-8.1.

But there is also inkspace (if the option DOXYGEN is selected). It
should be upgraded to a newer version to avoid Python 2.7. See PR
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: python 2.7 marked as deprecated and EOL while 2.7.18 RC is available

2020-04-19 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le sam. 18 avr. 20 à 22:37:19 +0200, Loïc Bartoletti 
 écrivait :

> > I just committed a switch to VTK-8.1.

> Salut,
> I'm working on a port which requires opencascade.
> Maybe I'm wrong, but just repalce vtk6 to vtk8 is not enough. Vtk8 does not
> have python, and also requires qt5. According to my tests, you should add to
> opencascade
> USES= qt:5 qmake
> USE_QT= buildtools_build

You are right! I tested this switch to VTK-8 some time ago, forgot to
commit it… and then forgot the details!

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: python 2.7 marked as deprecated and EOL while 2.7.18 RC is available

2020-04-19 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le dim. 19 avr. 20 à  0:57:29 +0200, Christoph Moench-Tegeder 

 écrivait :

> Hmpf - now I _had_ to fix FreeCAD - that thing has it's own dependency
> on vtk, and we cannot have vtk6 and vtk8 at the same time.

Thanks, I did not know that.

> > Looks like vtk8 need some love... building as I write.
> Either
>  - math/vtk8 should convert the QT5_USE of qmake_build and
>buildtools_build to qmake and buildtools, respectively
> Or
>   - every consumer of math/vtk8 (I'm talking about opencascade here)
> needs to QT5_USE qmake_build and buildtools_build.
> vtk8's CMake-Files reference Qt and are very unhappy if they don't
> have qmake and moc.

This simple patch could help:

Index: math/vtk8/Makefile
--- math/vtk8/Makefile  (revision 531138)
+++ math/vtk8/Makefile  (working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=math graphics
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 QT5_USES=  qt:5

Cc'ing: Yuri (maintainer)
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: python 2.7 marked as deprecated and EOL while 2.7.18 RC is available

2020-04-20 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le dim. 19 avr. 20 à 11:24:30 +0200, Thierry Thomas 
 écrivait :

> > Hmpf - now I _had_ to fix FreeCAD - that thing has it's own dependency
> > on vtk, and we cannot have vtk6 and vtk8 at the same time.
> Thanks, I did not know that.


Unfortunately, I had to switch back to VTK-6.1 because it broke the
build. Thus you have to switch back too for FreeCAD...
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: need help with a poudriere build error of the port math/maxima

2020-07-06 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le lun.  6 juil. 20 à 20:06:47 +0200, Robert Cina 
 écrivait :

> Hi, I need help with creating a patch for a poudriere build error I'm
> experiencing for the port math/maxima using 12.1 stable amd64.


> I have filed a bug #247805 for the issue and was told there is no
> maintainer for this port and I should create a patch for it myself. The
> only problem is I don't know where to start to debug the specific error in
> question.

I have not yet tested the committed version, but previously I tested the
version proposed in Phabricator at:
and it built fine, either in poudriere or as a port in my workstation
(I´m still using it to run Sage).

I guess that this failure is surely caused by some modification in an
external dependency, but this is a good point to start.

This port is strongly related to lang/ecl, and when I built it, it was
with the patch from:

Thanks for taking care!
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: OpenJDK ports and 13-CURRENT

2020-10-10 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le sam. 10 oct. 20 à 21:49:26 +0200, Shawn Webb 
 écrivait :

> > Ah, that is -fno-common fallout, strange that there is no build breakage
> > reported in the FreeBSD ports build cluster?
> > 
> > From gcc 10 and clang 11 onwards, -fno-common is the default (this is
> > really a historical mistake, -fcommon should never have been default).
> > 
> > It can result in link errors, if duplicate symbols exist in object
> > files. There is a suprising amount of software that makes this very
> > basic mistake!
> > 
> > The quick way to work around these errors is to set -fcommon in CFLAGS,
> > which will basically fudge around the actual issue. The better way is to
> > get rid of the duplicated symbols. This is usually easy, except that
> > Java ports tend to take ages to build. :) I'll submit a patch when my
> > machine's finished crunching through it.
> Yup. Another victim: print/tex-luatex:

There is a meta-PR for that:

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Status of PEAR ports

2020-10-16 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le ven. 16 oct. 20 à 11:14:42 +0200, Andrea Venturoli 
 écrivait :

> Hello.


> I'm maintaing a software that uses some pear packages, i.e.
> php74-pear-1.10.6
> php74-pear-MDB2-2.5.0.b5
> php74-pear-MDB2_Driver_pgsql-1.5.0.b4_2
> php74-pear-Mail-1.4.1,1
> php74-pear-Mail_Mime-1.10.9,2
> php74-pear-Mail_Queue-1.2.7_1
> php74-pear-Net_SMTP-1.9.0
> php74-pear-Net_Socket-1.0.14
> What's its support status?
> I see that, e.g., MDB2 was released in 2012, Mail_Queue in 2011.
> I'm seeing lots of warnings/errors:
> > PHP Fatal error:  Cannot unset $this in 
> > /usr/local/share/pear/Mail/Queue.php on line 269
> (Once that is commented:)
> > PHP Warning:  Declaration of Mail_Queue::isError($value) should be 
> > compatible with PEAR::isError($data, $code = NULL) in 
> > /usr/local/share/pear/Mail/Queue.php on line 590
> > PHP Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that 
> > implements Countable in /usr/local/share/pear/MDB2.php on line 826
> > PHP Notice:  Only variables should be assigned by reference in 
> > /usr/local/share/pear/Mail/Queue/Container/mdb2.php on line 153
> Are they really compatible with php74?
> Are they abandoned upstream?

Some activities take place in GitHub. E.g. for MDB2 and Mail_Queue:

but no release seem produced.

The Horde project used to be an important consumer of PEAR packages, but
they are working on switching to a new framework:

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: STOP rust!

2020-11-12 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le ven. 13 nov. 20 à  0:47:49 +0100, Adam Weinberger 
 écrivait :

> It would be really nice if poudriere could keep a list of pkgs that
> should be fetched rather than built locally, but that alone is a
> nightmare for the solver, I suspect.

Good news: it´s coming!

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: editors/vim needs devel/llvm90 and devel/llvm10

2020-12-02 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mer.  2 déc. 20 à 16:55:33 +0100, tech-lists 
 écrivait :

> Hi,

> Is there a minimum version/maximum version listed in dependencies that 
> one can filter on? Is it the case that some ports want eg llvm8 and 
> *only* that version? Is llvm11 incompatible with llvm9 for example?

Yes, some ports might be incompatible with some versions.

But I´m wondering why a dependency on a port of llvm is needed (let´s
say 10 or 11), even when the compiler in base has the same version.
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Time to swicth from svn to git ?

2020-12-13 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le dim. 13 déc. 20 à 14:08:29 +0100, Xavier Humbert 
 écrivait :

> Hi,


> Ca we switch our ports repository from svn to git ?

Doc already switched, next will be src, and ports the latest.

More infos on freebsd-git:

Hungarian: rST localisation for language "hu" not found

2021-04-14 Thread Thierry Thomas

The port math/sage used to build on different releases of FreeBSD (when
there is no problem with some dependencies...), but since some days pkg-
fallout reports a strange error when building the doc:

[dochtml] [a_tour_of] The HTML pages are in 
[dochtml] Error building the documentation.
[dochtml] Traceback (most recent call last):
[dochtml]   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 193, in 
[dochtml] "__main__", mod_spec)
[dochtml]   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 85, in _run_code
[dochtml] exec(code, run_globals)
[dochtml]   File 
 line 2, in 
[dochtml] main()
[dochtml]   File 
 line 1729, in main
[dochtml] builder()
[dochtml]   File 
 line 353, in _wrapper
[dochtml] build_many(build_other_doc, L)
[dochtml]   File 
 line 296, in build_many
[dochtml] _build_many(target, args, processes=NUM_THREADS)
[dochtml]   File 
 line 289, in build_many
[dochtml] raise worker_exc.original_exception
[dochtml] OSError: 
 WARNING: rST localisation for language "hu" not found.

Note: it builds for the other languages, and only fails for Hungarian.

Any idea? Maybe some locale bits have been removed?
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hungarian: rST localisation for language "hu" not found

2021-04-14 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mer. 14 avr. 21 à 14:50:37 +0200, Jan Beich 
 écrivait :
> Thierry Thomas  writes:
> > [dochtml]   File 
> > "/wrkdirs/usr/ports/math/sage/work/build/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sage_setup/docbuild/",
> >  line 2, in 
> > [dochtml] main()
> > [dochtml]   File 
> > "/wrkdirs/usr/ports/math/sage/work/build/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sage_setup/docbuild/",
> >  line 1729, in main
> > [dochtml] builder()
> > [dochtml]   File 
> > "/wrkdirs/usr/ports/math/sage/work/build/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sage_setup/docbuild/",
> >  line 353, in _wrapper
> > [dochtml] build_many(build_other_doc, L)
> > [dochtml]   File 
> > "/wrkdirs/usr/ports/math/sage/work/build/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sage_setup/docbuild/",
> >  line 296, in build_many
> > [dochtml] _build_many(target, args, processes=NUM_THREADS)
> > [dochtml]   File 
> > "/wrkdirs/usr/ports/math/sage/work/build/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sage_setup/docbuild/",
> >  line 289, in build_many
> > [dochtml] raise worker_exc.original_exception
> > [dochtml] OSError: 
> > /wrkdirs/usr/ports/math/sage/work/sage-9.2/src/doc/hu/a_tour_of_sage/index.rst::
> >  WARNING: rST localisation for language "hu" not found.
> Probably regressed by
> via
> Sorry, I can't help with a fix.

Effectively, that seems related. Thanks for the pointer!
Th. Thomas.
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Re: Is there a way to subscribe to the commit messages for only ports you maintain?

2021-05-18 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mar. 18 mai 21 à 18:27:09 +0200, Julian H. Stacey 
 écrivait :

> Dave Horsfall wrote:
> > On Tue, 18 May 2021, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> > 
> > > I'd use /usr/ports/mail/procmail
> > 
> > I wouldn't; it's an unsupported and obscure scripting language just asking 
> > for bugs, and actually has several CVEs against it.
> URLs please ?
> None on
> just some obscure FUD 
>   "a number of security vulnerabilities have been discovered
>   since its last release"
> But no URLs to CVEs. BTW It also says:

Maybe this one:

But nobody cares enough to add an entry in VuXML… because the FreeBSD
port is patched.
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Large builds with poudriere

2021-05-20 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le jeu. 20 mai 21 à 14:47:35 +0200, Fernando Apesteguía 

 écrivait :

> > Hi guys,


> > I've recently been using poudriere to test news ports but this resulted in
> > building two large ports, namely:
> > - devel/llvm [1]
> > - lang/rust [2]
> >
> > Now, lang/rust takes 2 hourse to compile. So testing for 13.0, 12.2 and
> > 11.4 means around 6 hours in total, a lot of time for my desktop
> > computer. Especially if the dependencies are upgraded later on.
> >
> > Do you have any tips to deal with such long build time ? Apart from
> > have a dedicated server :)
> >
> Patience :-)

At least, if your machine is powerful enough, you can edit your
/usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf and list these big ports in

> Package seeding in poudriere is a long awaited feature.

+ 1
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD Port: horde-4.0.15

2012-11-27 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mer 28 nov 12 à  2:29:51 +0100, Campbell (Freebsd support, IT HO) 

 écrivait :
> G'Day


> Is there a timeline for the Horde 5 Application Framework to be added to 
> the ports collection?

Just wait for the end of the ports freeze, i.e. the release of 9.1.

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Dealing with options in dependent ports

2012-11-30 Thread Thierry Thomas

Le ven 30 nov 12 à 16:36:32 +0100, Paul Schmehl 
 écrivait :
> I'm working on a port that has an option for a build_depends on another 
> port.  If that option is selected, the dependent port MUST be built with an 
> option that is not selected by default.
> Is there a way to either force that option to be selected in the dependent 
> port?  Or, failing that, is it possible to pop up a message warning the 
> installer that they must select that option before building the dependent 
> port or, if they've already installed it without the option, they must 
> deinstall and reinstall after selecting that option?

I'd suggest to make a slave port where you force the required option.
However, to enforce the right dependency, this option have to produce a
different plist.
Th. Thomas.
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Re: Dealing with options in dependent ports

2012-11-30 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le ven 30 nov 12 à 19:07:20 +0100, Alberto Villa 
 écrivait :
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Thierry Thomas  wrote:
> > However, to enforce the right dependency, this option have to produce a
> > different plist.
> Really? Isn't enough to depend on the package name instead of a file?

xxx_DEPENDS=   specific_file:slave_ports
Th. Thomas.
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Re: Adopt an orphaned port project

2012-12-10 Thread Thierry Thomas

Le lun 10 déc 12 à 17:29:29 +0100, Lars Engels 
 écrivait :

> === How do I know which ports are unmaintained? ===
> Thats pretty easy: If you want a list of all unmaintained ports, run
> # nawk -F"|" '$6 == "" {print $2}' /usr/ports/INDEX-`uname 
> -r |\
>   cut -d'.' -f1`

Or just `make search display=path'
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: illegal port version

2012-12-17 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le lun 17 déc 12 � 17:19:13 +0100, Radim Kolar 
> what can i do with this?


> fbsd9:~/ports/hornetq> port test
> ===> Validating port with portlint
> WARN: Makefile: Setting PORTREVISION to 0 is not necessary.
> FATAL: Makefile: PORTVERSION looks illegal. You should modify "2.2.24.GA".
> 1 fatal error and 1 warning found.
> Error validating port
> this GA suffix appears in directory name of extracted file

Th. Thomas.
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2013-03-24 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le ven 22 mar 13 à 14:58:48 +0100, Andrea Venturoli 
 écrivait :
> Hello.

Hello Andrea,

> Several months ago, I sent you a port skeleton for OpenCASCADE 6.5.2.
> The version in ports is still at 6.3.
> In the meanwhile 6.5.2 is already old, as 6.5.3 is out.
> I understand there are other ports in the tree which require OpenCASCADE 
> 6.3.

This is the first point. The second one is my lack of availability...
Have you checked that the ports depending on OpenCASCADE are really
incompatible with this latest release?

> My proposal is to rename 6.3 from opencascade to opencascade-legacy or 
> opencascade63 and introduce a new 6.5.3 port.
> I could create the latter and volunteer to maintain it.
> What do you think?

Yes, that would be fine! Please go.
Th. Thomas.
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Re: LC_MESSAGES plist generation

2013-04-18 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le jeu 18 avr 13 à 22:55:18 +0200, Chris Rees 
 écrivait :
> HI all,


> Who else wants to chop out loads of useless plist lines? :)

Well, these lines are not useless: it may be interesting to know if the
software has been translated in your language of choice.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Stage and /var ?

2013-10-31 Thread Thierry Thomas


How should we stagify ports writing out of their $PREFIX for
good reasons, e.g. a statedir like /var/foo/$PORTNAME.

I don't like the idea of $PREFIX/var, and prefer the real /var.

Thanks for your suggestions.
Th. Thomas.
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Re: Stage and /var ?

2013-10-31 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le jeu 31 oct 13 à 16:05:57 +0100, Alex Dupre 
 écrivait :

> > How should we stagify ports writing out of their $PREFIX for
> > good reasons, e.g. a statedir like /var/foo/$PORTNAME.
> Usually such directories are created at runtime (perhaps by the startup
> rc script) and not during package installation.

I was creating the directories in post-install. I'll check if everything
is still OK without that.

Th. Thomas.
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Re: Stage and /var ?

2013-11-01 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le ven  1 nov 13 à 10:11:50 +0100, Tijl Coosemans 
 écrivait :

> Something like this should work:
> In post-install do: ${MKDIR} /var/foo
> In pkg-plist add:
> @unexec rmdir /var/foo 2>/dev/null || true
> @exec mkdir -p /var/foo

Thanks for this, it could be useful for some other ports.

About net/neubot (just committed), I removed the creation of the
directory from the Makefile, and it still works: it's created anyway
when the application creates its database.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: continued graphics/opencv-core problems

2013-11-09 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le sam  9 nov 13 à 21:00:51 +0100, Chess Griffin 
 écrivait :
> For about 2-3 weeks now, I have continued to run into problems with 
> opencv-core not building on my 9.2-RELEASE poudriere box that uses 
> clang.  I reported it here:
> This problem prevents me from building multimedia/ffmpeg which in turn 
> causes a bunch of issues with other ports, including audacious-plugins.
> Has anyone else run into this or have a solution?  Thanks in advance.

As I need it for my ports, I has just been rebuilt in poudriere, and
everything is fine.

Full log available at

Is your poudriere's ports tree up-to-date?
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pourdriere produces faulty build results due to bug

2015-04-01 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le mer  1 avr 15 à 22:59:56 +0200, Yuri 
 écrivait :

> I found that packages produced by poudriere likely link with base 
> openssl, while port make likely links with the port openssl.
> This is because of the lines in which check for the 
> presence of openssl shared library and headers under PREFIX, and set 
> WITH_OPENSSL_BASE when they aren't present. In case of port make files 
> are likely present, and in case of poudriere build files are likely not 
> present.

On this subject, please read "Build packages in poudriere without
OpenSSL in the base jail" at

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [New Port] Working on Gitlab - Calling for Help and Ideas

2015-04-23 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le jeu 23 avr 15 à 17:47:16 +0200, Torsten Zuehlsdorff 

 écrivait :

> Also the article takes the user away its decisions. I really love nginx, 
> but i could not find any specifics which makes it mandatory. The user 
> easily can use apache, yaws or something other.

ATM, you could choose a web server (Apache seems wellknown, but if you
prefer nginx, go for it!). Soon, pkg will be enhanced to handle
"provides / needs", and then you'll be able to just set "needs a
webserver". Or if you have many time, you could provide a set of

About the configuration, I would suggest:
- provide sample config files (with comments when possible)
- explain the first steps in pkg-message (or just explain which document
  to follow).

Good luck!
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: OpenCASCADE 6.9.1

2015-10-31 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le sam 31 oct 15 à 11:40:52 +0100, Andrea Venturoli 
 écrivait :

> I think it can be done, but I'll let Thierry (the port maintainer) decide.
> I'm happy to help, but I don't want to step too much into his way.

Thanks Andrea for your help!

I'll check it ASAP. In the meantime, the distfile is available under:


Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: OpenCASCADE 6.9.1

2015-11-08 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le ven 30 oct 15 à 12:08:36 +0100, Andrea Venturoli 
 écrivait :

> Hello.

> This is what I've come up with, by modifying your port.

Just committed, thanks for your help!
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: ports, dependencies and conflicts with other ports' options ?

2016-01-10 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le dim 10 jan 16 à 21:51:23 +0100, Kurt Jaeger 
 écrivait :

> Hi!


> There's a PR for a new port, see
> which has the problem that if some other port has some option
> set, this will cause this new port fail on build.
> So the question is: Is there any idea on how one might
> document / encode this kind of CONFLICT ?
> I'm pretty sure there's no mechanism in place right now,
> any ideas on a mechanism that would cover this ?

Next releases of pkg should support flavors, but in the meantime, I
would suggest to create slaves ports with the conflicting options
disabled, and then depend on these ones.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: help make port for opencoarrays

2016-02-21 Thread Thierry Thomas

[+ tijl@ to Cc: as maintainer of net/mpich]

Le mer 17 fév 16 à 23:50:37 +0100, Anton Shterenlikht 
 écrivait :
> Please help/advise
> It requires mpich built with at least gcc5.3,
> more specifically mpif90 built with gcc5.3 or gcc6.
> net/mpich has FORTRAN_USES=fortran, which I understand
> triggers lang/gcc.
> Is it a good idea (or at all possible) to add
> an option to net/mpich to choose a particular
> gcc version?
> Any other advice?

ATM Fortran in FreeBSD is in a very bad shape, and, as you know, we
encounter difficulties with several ports (french/aster, cad/salome,
etc.) caused by a mix between clang and Gcc, and thus libstdc++ /

If building mpich with a newer Gcc could solve the problem with
opencoarrays, I'm afraid it would cause uncompatibilities in other
dependencies - but unfortunately I cannot suggest a better alternative!
Th. Thomas.
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Re: What is proper way to re-do "check-plist" after pkg-plist editing?

2016-03-21 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le lun 21 mar 16 à 20:29:10 +0100, Lev Serebryakov 
 écrivait :
>  What should I call after I fixed issues in pkg-plist found by "make
> check-plist"? New "make check-plist" doesn't work for me.

Run `make restage' and then `make check-plist'.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: tidy-lib

2008-07-26 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Sam 26 jul 08 à 17:13:05 +0200, Max Brazhnikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 07:05:26 -0500, Mitja wrote:
> > FreeBSD version 7.0.
> >
> > Update of kdewebd...failed because:
> >
> > tidy-lib-080621.c conflicts with installed package tidy-2804_2
> >
> > Thanks.
> deinstall tidy-2804_2 and install tidy-lib-080621.c:
> portmaster -o www/tidy-lib tidy-2804_2
> or
> portupgrade -o www/tidy-lib tidy-2804_2

And if using portupgrade, set

'www/tidy' => 'www/tidy-lib',

in your pkgtools.conf.
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Q: Is there any use for Oracle database port installation under Linux compat root ?

2008-10-21 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mar 21 oct 08 à 22:09:44 +0200, martinko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> Hi,


> No Oracle installation I have ever seen was installed into /home and it 
> would be against Oracle Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) guidelines!


> /usr/local/oracle would be OK and users can move the directory tree 
> elsewhere afterwards.  Or maybe you can ask about Oracle Base directory 
> during config/installation process, if possible.

I would suggest to install under $ORACLE_HOME, defaulted to:

ORACLE_HOME?=   ${PREFIX}/oracle

(or may be ${PREFIX}/oracle${VERSION} to allow the installation of
different versions)

Th. Thomas.
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Re: ADS STudio

2008-10-27 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Lun 27 oct 08 à 20:04:18 +0100, Melissa A. VandenBrink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Hello,


> I only have a license for adstudio 6.5 - 7.0 - is there a port for that 
> version?  I can't seem to find it.

The port databases/adstudio is currently at version 7.0.4, and your
license should be OK.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: tora2

2008-12-04 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu  4 déc 08 à 15:38:25 +0100, Sergey V. Yaroshevskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Good day


> Do you have plans about porting tora2?

Could you please test

It does not work here, and I have not yet investigated it.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD Port: openfoam-1.4.1_1

2009-01-07 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mer  7 jan 09 à  8:50:57 +0100, Richard Samuel 
 écrivait :
> Dear Thierry and Ports crew,

Hello Richard,

> I have constructed (some might say cobbled together) a port of Paraview 3.4
> and OpenFOAM 1.5.1. They appear to work ok but as I am only just meshing up
> my first test case, much remains to be seen. They are also not fully
> featured - so far I have only implemented the features I am likely to use in
> the near future or that I am able to test, so Paraview has no PYTHON
> support, and features Takuya Ashima's native parallel reader but parallel
> operation is not enabled, and some other fringe things. Also OpenFOAM is not
> so much of a port, as it is a patched version of the latest git sources.
> Neither port is very elegant - in the case of Paraview I have probably
> broken multiple taboos, but as a first-time porter that should not be any
> surprise.

This is very interesting. I tried to upgrade OpenFoam to the latest 1.5
from the offcial tarball, but did'nt succeed: it seems that some files
(e.g. mgridgen.h are mising)!

I don't find 1.5.1 on their site; is it available only from git, or is
there a tarball available?

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD Port: openfoam-1.4.1_1

2009-01-08 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu  8 jan 09 à  8:17:53 +0100, Richard Samuel 
 écrivait :
> Thierry,


> Sorry, 1.5.1 is more my term than their's, a better term would be OpenFOAM
> 1.5-CURRENT. Yes it from the latest git sources.
> BTW thanks for all your work on OpenFOAM and Paraview - without it I would
> not have known where to start.
> I recall seeing the mgridgen.h issue at some point, but presently I am only
> using the native openmpi port - the metis and gridgen components I am using
> are from the OpenFOAM ThirdParty tarball, which probably avoids that issue.

OK, I shall try again with this (I'm currently busy, to upgrade
french/aster, but I put OpenFoam again on my TODO list).

In the meantime, my WIP is available at

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: STILL OPEN: ports/129226: update devel/boost from 1.34.1 to 1.37

2009-01-11 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Dim 11 jan 09 à  0:25:54 +0100, Pav Lucistnik 
 écrivait :

> > 1) rename devel/boost to devel/boost-134
> > 2) switch all ports depending on devel/boost to devel/boost-134
> > 3) check-in boost-1.37 as devel/boost
> > 4) have enough time to fix applications depending on boost-1.34
> > one-by-one
> > 
> > This introduces another level of indirection - a common way to solve
> > issues like that
> That's certainly a possibility -- but can two boost versions coexist in
> a single system?

I don't know, but I know at least one port which is broken and cannot be
fixed, because the required upgrade needs a newer boost (cad/freecad).

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: OCILib & Ports

2009-02-06 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Ven  6 fév 09 à  9:00:01 +0100, Franco Marchesini 

 écrivait :
> Hello guys,


> there is someone that already working on OCILib port?

It seems interesting, but this is a wrapper on Oracle's OCI, and ATM
there is no "supported" OCI in the ports tree. Do you think that it
could work with oracle8-client or with linux-oracle-instantclient?

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: OCILib & Ports

2009-02-06 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Ven  6 fév 09 à 10:05:27 +0100, Franco Marchesini 

 écrivait :
> Hello,


> I read in documentatione that there is support for instantclient...
> Now prepare a virtual machine and I try to compile.

Beware: instantclient does not provide a native FreeBSD library, linux
emulation is required.

Anyway, good luck!
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: firefox and anti aliased printouts

2009-02-23 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Sam 21 fév 09 à 18:01:20 +0100, Oliver Lehmann 
 écrivait :
> Hi,


> I don't know when this first occured (maybe when switching from firefox 2
> to 3) but all the printouts I'm doing from a webpage have their fonts
> displayed extremly grainy. It is hard to read anything on the printout.
> Any idea how I can get my firefox to print nice anti aliased fonts?

There is an answer about this problem at

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeMat 3.0 doesn't call functions and help

2007-04-07 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Sam  7 avr 07 à 21:24:05 +0200, Vittorio De Martino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> I've just installed FreeMat 3.0 from the ports in my i386 6.2 box but, while 
> it is able to accomplish simple calculations it is not able to use the 
> functions e.g to invert a matrix
> a=[1,2;-4,3]
> inv(a)
> instead of inverting the matrix hangs endlessly.

You're right: I have no problem to run the examples and the classical
functions are OK, simple operations on matrix are OK, but inv() hangs.

I'll report this to the author.

> Besides if I ask for the "help on line" (OR helpwin) the following error 
> messages pops up  
> "The file modules.txt is missing from the directory  where I think help files 
> should be."

It's working on my machine, but the same problem has been reported in PR
ports/109469 .

Could you please send me output of truss when you just launch FreeMat
and call helpwin?

Could you please also try again from the package (`pkg_add -r' should be

> I think I didn't configure something but I don't know what (the main.pdf 
> manual isn't that helpful as far as the installation is concerned).
> Could someone out there help me to start FreeMat?

I'd like to fix it!

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeMat 3.0 doesn't call functions and help

2007-04-08 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Sam  7 avr 07 à 21:24:05 +0200, Vittorio De Martino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Besides if I ask for the "help on line" (OR helpwin) the following error 
> messages pops up  
> "The file modules.txt is missing from the directory  where I think help files 
> should be."
> I think I didn't configure something but I don't know what (the main.pdf 
> manual isn't that helpful as far as the installation is concerned).

I had forgotten about that, but I think that the first time I had

FreeMat -i /usr/local/share/FreeMat-3.0

and then it uses QSettings to store this path persistently.

Could you please try it, and if it solves this problem, I'll add a post-
installation message?

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeMat 3.0 doesn't call functions and help

2007-04-15 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Lun  9 avr 07 à 16:39:49 +0200, Vittorio De Martino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> P.S. By the way, launching FreeMat as root the "Help on line" works whilst 
> inv 
> still doesn't work. Ciao Vittorio


I have just upgraded FreeMAT to 3.1, which fixes the inv() problem, and
which should fix this "Help on line" bug too; could you please check it?

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeMat 3.0 doesn't call functions and help

2007-04-22 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Jeu 19 avr 07 à  1:00:38 +0200, Vittorio De Martino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> > I have just upgraded FreeMAT to 3.1, which fixes the inv() problem, and
> > which should fix this "Help on line" bug too; could you please check it?
> >
> Yes, with the new version 3.1 inv now works fine. Unfortunately the "Help on 
> line" still doesn't work. I think that something worsened because with this 
> new port now I cannot use the help on line even as root (in the previous 
> version "Help online" as root worked quite well).

Could you please script (1) a session with only `truss FreeMat', just
calling the help and exiting? Then please send me the compresed log of
this session.

If you had created some symlinks, please don't forget to remove them.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeMat 3.0 doesn't call functions and help

2007-04-24 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mar 24 avr 07 à  1:21:08 +0200, ml-vic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> I'm attaching the truss logfile obtained as a generic user issuing "truss 
> FreeMat", calling the Help online and exiting.
> Ciao
> Vittorio

Could you please check the output of
find $HOME/.config -ls

It seems that your file /home/victor/.config/FreeMat/FreeMat.conf cannot
be opened; maybe it belongs to root (or some part of the directory)
since you tried the previous version as root?

Th. Thomas.
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Re: grace 5.1.21 port

2007-04-24 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Mar 17 avr 07 à 13:38:03 +0200, Xavier Otazu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
>   Hello:


>   I do not know if this e-mail account is a mail-list or a
> personal e-mail. Anyway, I woul like to say to the maintainer of this
> port to upgrade it to the newest recent version, i.e. 5.1.21.

Just upgraded.

Note: there is currently no maintainer for this port; if you are
interested, you could grab its maintainership.

Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

Re: HEADS UP: xorg upgrade plans

2007-05-07 Thread Thierry Thomas
Le Lun  7 mai 07 à 22:58:50 +0200, Brooks Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :

> The other problem is that if you're going to automatically update all
> the dependencies for a port, you need to upgrade all the stuff that
> depends on them as well.  For example the gettext upgrade got triggered
> on my laptop by upgrading something the used gmake.  The result was that
> virtually nothing outside the base worked any more.  Saving the shared
> library would have prevented this and allowed a more graceful upgrade
> over a few weeks.  The fact that a basic desktop setup takes days to
> build on fairly fast hardware seems to be an indication that we need a
> workaround here.  There are other possible solutions, but saving copied
> of libraries seems to be the accepted one at the moment.

For this kind of upgrades, it's possible to add

in your /etc/libmap.conf. Just delete these lines after the storm...
Th. Thomas.

Description: PGP signature

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