Le sam  9 nov 13 à 21:00:51 +0100, Chess Griffin <ch...@chessgriffin.com>
 écrivait :
> For about 2-3 weeks now, I have continued to run into problems with 
> opencv-core not building on my 9.2-RELEASE poudriere box that uses 
> clang.  I reported it here:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/183238
> This problem prevents me from building multimedia/ffmpeg which in turn 
> causes a bunch of issues with other ports, including audacious-plugins.
> Has anyone else run into this or have a solution?  Thanks in advance.

As I need it for my ports, I has just been rebuilt in poudriere, and
everything is fine.

Full log available at

Is your poudriere's ports tree up-to-date?
Th. Thomas.

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