Re: security/openssh-portable

2012-03-15 Thread Grzegorz Blach

On 03/14/2012 09:01 PM, Cy Schubert wrote:

In message<>, Mel Flynn writes:

Hello Cy,

On 3/14/2012 08:57, Cy Schubert wrote:


What I propose to do is remove the GSSAPI
patch from security/openssh-portable and for those who need the GSSAPI
server key exchange, create a new port (through a repocopy of course) which

includes the GSI patch with reworked FreeBSD patches resolving

patch conflicts, calling it security/openssh-portable-gsi. Does this make
any sense to anyone?

Or, instead of the above, just include the GSI patch by default in a
one-size-fits-all openssh-portable port? (Meaning that the GSI patch is
applied regardless.) Does this make more sense to people?

Personally, I use HPN and LPK. If KRB5 becomes a requirement for HPN, I
don't find that an issue, but others may.

Given that the current LPK patch is unmaintained by our upstream, I think
it should be removed and we either move toward a one size fits all port or
have a second port with the one-size-fits-all GSI patch. Basically the
current hodgepodge of patches in this port are unmaintainable, which is why
this port is usually slow to be updated.

We can address the KRB5 requirement with an ifdefs.

I'm leaning toward gutting a one-size-fits-all approach with patches that
are maintainable. Secondly, if there are requirements for an insecure
backlevel port, we could repocopy it. I'm not entirely enamoured with that
idea, caveat emptor of course.

I'm also keeping a local fix you might want to properly integrate into
the LPK patch: it fixes a bug that TLS cannot be turned off if
LPKLdapConf is used.

If I go ahead and have the port repocopied and move forward with this, I'll
see if I can include this patch.

I'll give it another day before making the repocopy request. The current
port should be repocopied to openssh-portable58 and the new port assume the
openssh-portable name.

I've yet to hear from the maintainer of this port for his thoughts on this.

I (maintainer of security/openssh-portable) need one or two days to 
review GSI patch and other patches which are available for openssh-5.9.

But repocopy security/openssh-portable to security/openssh-portable58
and upgrade security/openssh-portable to 5.9 sound reasonable.

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RE: security/openssh-portable

2012-03-15 Thread Dewayne Geraghty

If the option of splitting openssh into two ports means that one of those
ports is closer to the base system's openssh, and the base system's openssh
requires the FreeBSD patch-set, for base, then this is a commendable
suggestion.  Otherwise, I would vote for one kit, subject of course to
Grzegorz' nod.

Like Mel, I enjoy the benefit of HPN and keys only.

Kind regards, Dewayne.

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Re: security/openssh-portable

2012-03-15 Thread Grzegorz Blach
I (maintainer of security/openssh-portable) need one or two days to 
review GSI patch and other patches which are available for openssh-5.9.

But repocopy security/openssh-portable to security/openssh-portable58
and upgrade security/openssh-portable to 5.9 sound reasonable for me.

Beginning from FreeBSD 9.0 openssh in base system has applied HPN 
patches, so I think it isn't a good idea to maintain port which is very 
close to system's openssh. In this case simply use openssh from base system.

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Quick compile test,new port? sparc64, ppc, ia64?

2012-03-15 Thread Michael Scheidell
Just put in a nice new port, dns/knot (as in NOT bind ... I think). 
authoritative ONLY dns server. looks nice.
I have I386 and AMD64 tinderboxes, and am looking to see if this 
compiles on sparc64, ppc, and or ia64.
(vendor README mentions special flags and configuration args for 
'WITH_X86_64' which autoconf seems to have taken care of)

I don't need to know if it works yet, just looking to see if it compiles.

I have left the PR open for comments till Saturday. (will sparc64 
compile a port by Saturday ;-)?

If I have any failures, I'll update port with (not for arch? only for 
arch? if arch broken?),  Ill make that decision Saturday.

(post results as followup to  pr please)

Michael Scheidell, CTO
>*| * SECNAP Network Security Corporation
d: +1.561.948.2259
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Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Kazuaki ODA

(12/03/15 0:59), Gabor Kovesdan wrote:

Hi Folks,

some time ago I started writing a BSDL sort variant from scratch since
the OpenBSD version did not support multibyte locales and was hard to
modify. The development was a bit stalled but recently, Oleg Moskalenko
 showed interest in continuing this version
and he has made a very good job on this BSD sort variant. Now it is
compatible with the base version of GNU sort but the performance in most
cases (string sort and -n) is quite behind GNU sort (although with -g it
is about *4 times* faster). Oleg is still working on optimizing the code
and the long-term plan is to drop GNU sort once this variant is good
enough to replace it. For now, it is only available in Ports Collection
as textproc/bsdsort but if there is no objection or any serious bug
report I plan to add it to base installed as bsdsort, being GNU sort
still the default sort until it proves that we can safely drop GNU sort.
If you are interested in this sort utility, could you please try the
port and report us any issue that you experience?

Thanks in advance,
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bsdsort is one of my long awaiting ports.  Because GNU sort has a 
numeric sort bug in some multi-byte locales.  For example,

ls -l /usr/bin | env LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sort -n -k 5
(we expect the result is sorted by file size.)

shows invalid result.

bsdsort does not has such a bug, so I hope our base system will include 
bsdsort in the near future.

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Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Chad Perrin
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 10:14:28PM +, Jonathan Anderson wrote:
> In fact, the runtime behaviour of the Debian "alternatives" system is simpler 
> than that:
> The custom Perl script with a config file is used to set up symlinks,
> which at runtime are... well, just symlinks. For instance, /usr/bin/vim
> is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/vim, which is itself a symlink to a
> binary like vim.gtk (example shamelessly stolen from the linked page,
> since I no longer have any Debian boxes to check for myself on :). No
> magic binaries or argv[0] fu.
> In one way, it's an elegant solution. On the other, it's a classic
> example of Wheeler's Law in action. :)

I'm peripherally aware of at least three different things known to at
least someone as Wheeler's Law.  The only Wheeler's Law that comes to
mind as being relevant here is Wheeler's Law of Hype (which, ironically,
applies to itself to reduce the measure its own importance and
significance to one quarter according to how Andrew Wheeler stated the
law, but to one half according to his examples):

Each adjective reduces, by half, the importance and significance of a
blurb or award description.

Is that the Wheeler's Law you mean?

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
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Re: p0f v3

2012-03-15 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> Is anyone working on a port of p0f v3? It is much more accurate at  
> detecting newer OSes. I have seen emails from 2008R2 servers get higher  
> than normal SpamAssassin scores because it thought they were Windows XP,  
> which is causing spam filter accuracy issues.
> I think this would be a great benefit to everyone. The current p0f port  
> does not have a maintainer.

As I've read your mail, I had a look at p0f 3. It looks doable.

I'll give it a try.

-- 171 3101372 8 years to go !
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Re: p0f v3

2012-03-15 Thread Mark Felder

On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:28:31 -0500, Kurt Jaeger  wrote:

As I've read your mail, I had a look at p0f 3. It looks doable.

I've been busy and didn't have a chance to reply earlier -- I look forward  
to your work. I am preparing a test environment soon so I can push some  
emails through one of our filters with an updated p0f port. If I don't get  
to the port before you I would be able to at least test it.

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Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Gabor Kovesdan  writes:

> some time ago I started writing a BSDL sort variant from scratch since
> the OpenBSD version did not support multibyte locales and was hard to
> modify. The development was a bit stalled but recently, Oleg
> Moskalenko  showed interest in continuing
> this version and he has made a very good job on this BSD sort
> variant. Now it is compatible with the base version of GNU sort but
> the performance in most cases (string sort and -n) is quite behind GNU
> sort (although with -g it is about *4 times* faster). Oleg is still
> working on optimizing the code and the long-term plan is to drop GNU
> sort once this variant is good enough to replace it. For now, it is
> only available in Ports Collection as textproc/bsdsort but if there is
> no objection or any serious bug report I plan to add it to base
> installed as bsdsort, being GNU sort still the default sort until it
> proves that we can safely drop GNU sort. If you are interested in this
> sort utility, could you please try the port and report us any issue
> that you experience?

portsdb(1) (from portupgrade) doesn't seem to like it; 
apparently it is missing a '-2' option, which I haven't
tracked down yet...
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lang/lua: It does need gmake.

2012-03-15 Thread Jeremy Messenger
I get a build failure on amd64:

/usr/bin/ld: lapi.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `luaO_nilobject_'
can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
lapi.o: could not read symbols: Bad value
*** Error code 1

I got it fixed by add USE_GMAKE=yes in the Makefile and now I can get
it built ok. If you compare the build log between make and gmake. You
will see it has different output. This has broken it.

May I commit it by add USE_GMAKE=yes back in?


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FreeBSD GNOME Team -
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Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Chris Rees
On 15 March 2012 19:18, Lowell Gilbert
> Gabor Kovesdan  writes:
>> some time ago I started writing a BSDL sort variant from scratch since
>> the OpenBSD version did not support multibyte locales and was hard to
>> modify. The development was a bit stalled but recently, Oleg
>> Moskalenko  showed interest in continuing
>> this version and he has made a very good job on this BSD sort
>> variant. Now it is compatible with the base version of GNU sort but
>> the performance in most cases (string sort and -n) is quite behind GNU
>> sort (although with -g it is about *4 times* faster). Oleg is still
>> working on optimizing the code and the long-term plan is to drop GNU
>> sort once this variant is good enough to replace it. For now, it is
>> only available in Ports Collection as textproc/bsdsort but if there is
>> no objection or any serious bug report I plan to add it to base
>> installed as bsdsort, being GNU sort still the default sort until it
>> proves that we can safely drop GNU sort. If you are interested in this
>> sort utility, could you please try the port and report us any issue
>> that you experience?
> portsdb(1) (from portupgrade) doesn't seem to like it;
> apparently it is missing a '-2' option, which I haven't
> tracked down yet...

Fails with gnusort too anyway:

[crees@pegasus]~% gsort -2
gsort: invalid option -- '2'
Try `gsort --help' for more information.

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Swatch rc script

2012-03-15 Thread Chris Widger
There's a bug in the rc script for /usr/ports/securit/swatch

With the bug swatch can be started, but getting status or stopping the
process' always fail.

To fix this bug I had to change:




With this change all instances of swatch start, stop, and report status

-Chris Widger
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RE: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Oleg Moskalenko
There is no option "-2" in the new BSD sort or in the GNU sort. There is no 
such option in Posix standard, too.

What is this option about, do we need to add something ?


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Rees
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 12:50 PM
To: Lowell Gilbert
Cc: Gabor Kovesdan; Oleg Moskalenko;
Subject: Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

On 15 March 2012 19:18, Lowell Gilbert
> Gabor Kovesdan  writes:
>> some time ago I started writing a BSDL sort variant from scratch since
>> the OpenBSD version did not support multibyte locales and was hard to
>> modify. The development was a bit stalled but recently, Oleg
>> Moskalenko  showed interest in continuing
>> this version and he has made a very good job on this BSD sort
>> variant. Now it is compatible with the base version of GNU sort but
>> the performance in most cases (string sort and -n) is quite behind GNU
>> sort (although with -g it is about *4 times* faster). Oleg is still
>> working on optimizing the code and the long-term plan is to drop GNU
>> sort once this variant is good enough to replace it. For now, it is
>> only available in Ports Collection as textproc/bsdsort but if there is
>> no objection or any serious bug report I plan to add it to base
>> installed as bsdsort, being GNU sort still the default sort until it
>> proves that we can safely drop GNU sort. If you are interested in this
>> sort utility, could you please try the port and report us any issue
>> that you experience?
> portsdb(1) (from portupgrade) doesn't seem to like it;
> apparently it is missing a '-2' option, which I haven't
> tracked down yet...

Fails with gnusort too anyway:

[crees@pegasus]~% gsort -2
gsort: invalid option -- '2'
Try `gsort --help' for more information.

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Re: Swatch rc script

2012-03-15 Thread Michael Scheidell

On 3/15/12 4:24 PM, Chris Widger wrote:

There's a bug in the rc script for /usr/ports/securit/swatch

With the bug swatch can be started, but getting status or stopping the
process' always fail.

To fix this bug I had to change:




With this change all instances of swatch start, stop, and report status

no, don't do that.

look at all the patches to and from, back and forth, if you patch it 
yourself, some of your installation will work, others won't.

to to, support, search bug reports, single line, 'swatch', 
include closed reports.
procname depends on the size of your cmd_arg, maybe the os version, 
maybe the arch.

Depending on these, procname needs to be one or the other.
What is your version of rc file?

# $FreeBSD: ports/security/swatch/files/,v 1.7 2012/01/14 
08:56:53 dougb Exp $

Michael Scheidell, CTO
>*| * SECNAP Network Security Corporation
d: +1.561.948.2259
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Re: Swatch rc script

2012-03-15 Thread Michael Scheidell

On 3/15/12 4:29 PM, Michael Scheidell wrote:

# $FreeBSD: ports/security/swatch/files/,v 1.7 2012/01/14 
08:56:53 dougb Exp $

or this one?

# $FreeBSD: ports/security/swatch/files/,v 1.8 2012/02/10 
14:37:30 scheidell Exp $

sb swatch 3.2.3_2

Michael Scheidell, CTO
>*| * SECNAP Network Security Corporation
d: +1.561.948.2259
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RE: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Oleg Moskalenko
In the "old" BSD sort, originated from OpenBSD, there was no -2 option, as far 
as I can see.


-Original Message-
From: Oleg Moskalenko 
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:30 PM
To: 'Chris Rees'; Lowell Gilbert
Cc: Gabor Kovesdan;
Subject: RE: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

There is no option "-2" in the new BSD sort or in the GNU sort. There is no 
such option in Posix standard, too.

What is this option about, do we need to add something ?


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Rees
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 12:50 PM
To: Lowell Gilbert
Cc: Gabor Kovesdan; Oleg Moskalenko;
Subject: Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

On 15 March 2012 19:18, Lowell Gilbert
> Gabor Kovesdan  writes:
>> some time ago I started writing a BSDL sort variant from scratch since
>> the OpenBSD version did not support multibyte locales and was hard to
>> modify. The development was a bit stalled but recently, Oleg
>> Moskalenko  showed interest in continuing
>> this version and he has made a very good job on this BSD sort
>> variant. Now it is compatible with the base version of GNU sort but
>> the performance in most cases (string sort and -n) is quite behind GNU
>> sort (although with -g it is about *4 times* faster). Oleg is still
>> working on optimizing the code and the long-term plan is to drop GNU
>> sort once this variant is good enough to replace it. For now, it is
>> only available in Ports Collection as textproc/bsdsort but if there is
>> no objection or any serious bug report I plan to add it to base
>> installed as bsdsort, being GNU sort still the default sort until it
>> proves that we can safely drop GNU sort. If you are interested in this
>> sort utility, could you please try the port and report us any issue
>> that you experience?
> portsdb(1) (from portupgrade) doesn't seem to like it;
> apparently it is missing a '-2' option, which I haven't
> tracked down yet...

Fails with gnusort too anyway:

[crees@pegasus]~% gsort -2
gsort: invalid option -- '2'
Try `gsort --help' for more information.

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Re: lang/lua: It does need gmake.

2012-03-15 Thread Niclas Zeising
On 2012-03-15 20:50, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> I get a build failure on amd64:
> -
> /usr/bin/ld: lapi.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `luaO_nilobject_'
> can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
> lapi.o: could not read symbols: Bad value
> *** Error code 1
> -
> I got it fixed by add USE_GMAKE=yes in the Makefile and now I can get
> it built ok. If you compare the build log between make and gmake. You
> will see it has different output. This
> has broken it.
> May I commit it by add USE_GMAKE=yes back in?
> Thanks,
> Mezz

I can't reproduce the error. I just tried and succeeded in compiling and
linking lua on a x86_64 virtual machine.
The md5 sum of is also the same, regardless of using
make or gmake.
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graphics/dri maintainer?

2012-03-15 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette

Who is allegedly maintaining the graphics/dri port at this moment in time?

I would rather like to know, because it is in serious need of updating.
(The version upon which the port was based was apparently released on
June 23, 2009, and there have been numerous new releases since then.)

I wouldn't care, except that gthumb was crashing on me (SIGSEGV) and a
stack backtrace clearly showed that the problem resides within the Mesa/DRI

Of course, I asked the Mesa/DRI dudes for help and advice, and of course
they suggested that I consider using a rather more current version.
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Re: graphics/dri maintainer?

2012-03-15 Thread Jerry
On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 14:46:23 -0700
Ronald F. Guilmette articulated:

> Who is allegedly maintaining the graphics/dri port at this moment in
> time?

Jerry ♔

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Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Oleg Moskalenko  writes:

> There is no option "-2" in the new BSD sort or in the GNU sort. There is no 
> such option in Posix standard, too.
> What is this option about, do we need to add something ?

No, clearly I have misdiagnosed the problem.
I'll take another look.

Sorry for the confusion.
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Re: graphics/dri maintainer?

2012-03-15 Thread Ivan Klymenko
В Thu, 15 Mar 2012 14:46:23 -0700
"Ronald F. Guilmette"  пишет:

> Who is allegedly maintaining the graphics/dri port at this moment in
> time?
> I would rather like to know, because it is in serious need of
> updating. (The version upon which the port was based was apparently
> released on June 23, 2009, and there have been numerous new releases
> since then.)
> I wouldn't care, except that gthumb was crashing on me (SIGSEGV) and a
> stack backtrace clearly showed that the problem resides within the
> Mesa/DRI library.
> Of course, I asked the Mesa/DRI dudes for help and advice, and of
> course they suggested that I consider using a rather more current
> version.

Take a look here:
or you can select a new Mesa in this repository:
svn co

My current ports:
... etc...
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Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Lowell Gilbert  writes:

> Oleg Moskalenko  writes:
>> There is no option "-2" in the new BSD sort or in the GNU sort. There is no 
>> such option in Posix standard, too.
>> What is this option about, do we need to add something ?
> No, clearly I have misdiagnosed the problem.
> I'll take another look.
> Sorry for the confusion.

I think I'll need to dig into portsdb itself a bit.

>Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait..
>sort: invalid option -- 2

I'll let you know what I find.

 - Lowell
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Re: lang/lua: It does need gmake.

2012-03-15 Thread Jeremy Messenger
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Niclas Zeising  wrote:
> On 2012-03-15 20:50, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
>> I get a build failure on amd64:
>> -
>> /usr/bin/ld: lapi.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `luaO_nilobject_'
>> can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
>> lapi.o: could not read symbols: Bad value
>> *** Error code 1
>> -
>> I got it fixed by add USE_GMAKE=yes in the Makefile and now I can get
>> it built ok. If you compare the build log between make and gmake. You
>> will see it has different output. This
>> has broken it.
>> May I commit it by add USE_GMAKE=yes back in?
>> Thanks,
>> Mezz
> Hi!
> I can't reproduce the error. I just tried and succeeded in compiling and
> linking lua on a x86_64 virtual machine.

Figured out. Add custom CFLAGS in the make.conf and you will get a
build failure with make but not gmake. Here's what I have in my

CFLAGS= -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -g


> The md5 sum of is also the same, regardless of using
> make or gmake.
> Regards!
> --
> Niclas

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FreeBSD GNOME Team -
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Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Lowell Gilbert  writes:

> Lowell Gilbert  writes:
>> Oleg Moskalenko  writes:
>>> There is no option "-2" in the new BSD sort or in the GNU sort. There is no 
>>> such option in Posix standard, too.
>>> What is this option about, do we need to add something ?
>> No, clearly I have misdiagnosed the problem.
>> I'll take another look.
>> Sorry for the confusion.
> I think I'll need to dig into portsdb itself a bit.
>>Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait..
>>sort: invalid option -- 2
> I'll let you know what I find.

This is taking longer than I had hoped; apparently I am handicapped by
the fact that I do not know ruby at all. I am having difficulty finding
a call out to the sort program, as opposed to sort routines implemented
in ruby.
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Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Jos Backus
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Lowell Gilbert
> Lowell Gilbert  writes:
>> Lowell Gilbert  writes:
>>> Oleg Moskalenko  writes:
 There is no option "-2" in the new BSD sort or in the GNU sort. There is 
 no such option in Posix standard, too.

 What is this option about, do we need to add something ?
>>> No, clearly I have misdiagnosed the problem.
>>> I'll take another look.
>>> Sorry for the confusion.
>> I think I'll need to dig into portsdb itself a bit.
>>>    Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait..
>>>    sort: invalid option -- 2
>> I'll let you know what I find.
> This is taking longer than I had hoped; apparently I am handicapped by
> the fact that I do not know ruby at all. I am having difficulty finding
> a call out to the sort program, as opposed to sort routines implemented
> in ruby.

portsdb.rb:  open("| sort #{index_files}", 'r:utf-8') do |f|

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Jos Backus
jos at
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Re: lang/lua: It does need gmake.

2012-03-15 Thread Jeremy Messenger
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Chuck Swiger  wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2012, at 4:18 PM, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
>> Figured out. Add custom CFLAGS in the make.conf and you will get a
>> build failure with make but not gmake. Here's what I have in my
>> make.conf:
>> CFLAGS= -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -g
> Does it work properly if you use "CFLAGS+=" instead?

It will, but you do not need to put '+' in make.conf. I have same
CFLAGS for years and years, btw.


> Regards,
> --
> -Chuck

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FreeBSD GNOME Team -
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Re: CFT: new BSD-licensed sort available

2012-03-15 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Jos Backus  writes:

> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Lowell Gilbert
>  wrote:
>> Lowell Gilbert  writes:
>>> Lowell Gilbert  writes:
 Oleg Moskalenko  writes:

> There is no option "-2" in the new BSD sort or in the GNU sort. There is 
> no such option in Posix standard, too.
> What is this option about, do we need to add something ?

 No, clearly I have misdiagnosed the problem.
 I'll take another look.

 Sorry for the confusion.
>>> I think I'll need to dig into portsdb itself a bit.
    Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait..
    sort: invalid option -- 2
>>> I'll let you know what I find.
>> This is taking longer than I had hoped; apparently I am handicapped by
>> the fact that I do not know ruby at all. I am having difficulty finding
>> a call out to the sort program, as opposed to sort routines implemented
>> in ruby.
> portsdb.rb:  open("| sort #{index_files}", 'r:utf-8') do |f|
> Hth,
> Jos

Thanks, it does help somewhat.

Unfortunately, I had already tried to instrument that line, and didn't
get anything useful. I probably still need to learn a bit more ruby in
order to figure out precisely where the '2' comes in.
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Re: graphics/dri maintainer?

2012-03-15 Thread Eitan Adler
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette
> Of course, I asked the Mesa/DRI dudes for help and advice, and of course
> they suggested that I consider using a rather more current version.

x11@ has an experimental repository available (information here with an updated version. Note that if
you have an Intel card you will have to patch your kernel.
We plan on merging the repository to mainline after the release of 8.3.

Eitan Adler
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