Gabor Kovesdan <> writes:

> some time ago I started writing a BSDL sort variant from scratch since
> the OpenBSD version did not support multibyte locales and was hard to
> modify. The development was a bit stalled but recently, Oleg
> Moskalenko <> showed interest in continuing
> this version and he has made a very good job on this BSD sort
> variant. Now it is compatible with the base version of GNU sort but
> the performance in most cases (string sort and -n) is quite behind GNU
> sort (although with -g it is about *4 times* faster). Oleg is still
> working on optimizing the code and the long-term plan is to drop GNU
> sort once this variant is good enough to replace it. For now, it is
> only available in Ports Collection as textproc/bsdsort but if there is
> no objection or any serious bug report I plan to add it to base
> installed as bsdsort, being GNU sort still the default sort until it
> proves that we can safely drop GNU sort. If you are interested in this
> sort utility, could you please try the port and report us any issue
> that you experience?

portsdb(1) (from portupgrade) doesn't seem to like it; 
apparently it is missing a '-2' option, which I haven't
tracked down yet...
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