Re: misc/e2fsprogs-libuuid should be MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE

2009-07-27 Thread Matthias Andree

Am 24.07.2009, 14:52 Uhr, schrieb Andriy Gapon :

on 21/07/2009 18:20 Dmitry Marakasov said the following:

A fix for this was recently added. Does the updated port show the
same bahavior?

Matthias, Dmitry,

thank you very much for the responses (off- and on- list)! And sorry for  
the delay.

Yes, the updated port works perfectly.

Hi Andriy,

my pleasure. Thanks for your report and your follow-up.

I'm sorry that I missed the subst build issue on my system the first time  

Best regards

Matthias Andree
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Re: FreeBSD Port: mplayer-0.99.11_14

2009-07-27 Thread peterjeremy
On 2009-Jul-24 22:56:55 -0800, Mel Flynn 
>I don't consider sticking code into a repository "developing".

This is exactly the approach the Xorg project has adopted - and the
result is that Xorg is now incredibly fragile and very often broken.
(Though they have gone the additional step of ripping out existing,
working code for no reason other than to increase POLA violations).

> Release 
>engineering is an important part of the development process and shifting this 
>burden onto packagers, while stuffing more and more non-portable code into the 
>repository is exactly why it's hard to find volunteers with the time and 
>knowledge to maintain an up-to-date mplayer port.

Unfortunately, this fact appears to escaped the Xorg project as well.

Peter Jeremy

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD Port: mplayer-0.99.11_14

2009-07-27 Thread Andriy Gapon
on 25/07/2009 08:20 b. f. said the following:
> Thomas Zander wrote:
>> Stackhouse wrote:
>>> I think we'll investigate VLC as an alternative.  Not too comfortable
>>> building around a solution that's not being maintained as it should be.
>> mplayer is definitely continuously developed, it's not an abandoned
>> project! They just do not follow a release scheme at the moment.
> He may have been referring to the FreeBSD port here, not upstream.  ;)
>> If the svn version does the job you want it to do, it's definitely worth a 
>> try.
>> I personally like mplayer as it is still lighter than VLC.
> I was going to submit a snapshot update some months ago to Riggs, but
> I got bogged down (sorry, Riggs!) with sound problems on my computer,
> and other demands on my time. By the time that I returned to it,
> upstream developers who were using Linux had introduced several
> additional hurdles by using SSE3 and several C99 math functions that
> were missing from our gcc 4.2 base compiler toolchain and our aging
> and largely unmaintained math library.  Since then, after complaints
> from users on the mplayer mailing list who were attempting to build
> snapshots on FreeBSD, they resolved some but not all of these problems
> by just disabling some of the newer code, which is ... not altogether
> satisfactory.  Also, there was, the last time I checked, some kind of
> problem with our base compiler on amd64.  Suggested workarounds for
> some of these problems were submitted by "Tomek" on March 2 to the
> freebsd-multimedia mailing list (under messages entitled "x264 patch"
> and "ffmpeg patch", but there are still some problems to resolve.  So
> this will probably require a little time and effort to update.  If no
> one else does it, I'll try to get to it in the next few weeks.  It
> definitely ought to be done.

Just curious, can't newer GCC(s) from ports be used to build those mplayer 
We have:
/usr/ports/lang/gcc42 <- 4.2.5
/usr/ports/lang/gcc43 <- 4.3.4
/usr/ports/lang/gcc44 <- 4.4.1
/usr/ports/lang/gcc45 <- 4.5.0

Andriy Gapon
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Current unassigned ports problem reports

2009-07-27 Thread FreeBSD bugmaster
(Note: an HTML version of this report is available at .)

The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users.
These represent problem reports covering all versions including
experimental development code and obsolete releases.

S Tracker  Resp.  Description

o ports/137162Change in port math/vtk5: add GL2PS knobs to OPTIONS
o ports/137157mark broken ports/net/ssmping for FreeBSD 7.x dan Free
o ports/137153lang/slib upgrade version from 3a4 to 3b1
o ports/137151lang/slib-guile using latest 3b1 version of slib fails
o ports/137124[patch] ports/palm/coldsync segfaults with gcc 4.x
o ports/137115net/pptpclient: pptp client for freebsd 7.1
o ports/137112[mail/courier] update to 0.62
o ports/137105sysutils/freebsd-snapshot not handling non C LANG/LC_A
o ports/137100security/openssh-portable: Add BSM audit support knob
o ports/137054Update devel/boost from 1.37 to 1.39
f ports/137046Port upgrade: ports/postgresql-odbc: 08.03.0400 -> 08.
f ports/137043[patch] multimedia/mplayer: add SSSE3 support
o ports/137020New port: comms/dfu-programmer Programmer for USB Atme
f ports/136984textproc/xerces-2 port no longer needs gcc_pic patch i
f ports/136934devel/root is marked as BROKEN but OK with GCC 3.4
o ports/136916New port: net/dbeacon Distributed multicast beacon ser
o ports/136915[NEW PORT] multimedia/opencore-amr: OpenCORE implement
o ports/136892mail/prayer: fixup username in prayer-cyclog
o ports/136886multimedia/mplayer does not play CSS enrypted DVDs
f ports/136882kdenlive (multimedia/kdenlive port) project rendering 
o ports/136711update java/java3d
f ports/136615[update] converters/pdf2djvu: update to 0.5.9
f ports/136611security/swatch: leaves zombies behind
o ports/136427can't make devel/gwenhywfar
o ports/136359New port - lang/gnat-gcc44
f ports/136258Port for sysutils/heartbeat (1.2.5_6) fails to build
f ports/136227science/Gramps Crashes When Opening a Family File
o ports/136133New port: net/callweaver Open source IP PBX based on A
f ports/136132Update port: devel/srecord to 1.49
f ports/136129multimedia/kbtv won't build & install on 7.2
o ports/136124sysutils/bsdstats needs timeout settings
o ports/136089New port: devel/mercurialeclipse A mercurial plugin fo
o ports/135974news/inn - innd core dumps with newer versions of libp
f ports/135867net-im/gajim 0.12.3: wrong $path in bin file
o ports/135593net-im/ejabberd: ram_file_io_server makes ejabberdevel
f ports/135541[PATCH] math/p5-NetCDF cannot load module with netcdf-
o ports/135019sysutils/bubblemon-dockapp 1.46_6 memory usage meter i
f ports/134743devel/Monotone and pthreaded dependencies
o ports/134711mail/postfix - repocopy of (old) postfix to postfix25 
f ports/134639devel/boost can't be made with parameteres  -DWITH_PYT
o ports/134618news/inn update to 2.4.6
s ports/134485net-mgmt/trafd doesn't collect traffic
o ports/134443[NEW PORT] multimedia/2ManDVD: Create your own video d
f ports/134264audio/cmus - segmentation fault with ogg files
s ports/134112[MAINTAINER] net/asterisk16-addons: update to
o ports/133563security/cfs rc script needs "mntudp" option on 8-CURR
f ports/133344net/nss_ldap fails to compile if world was installed w
f ports/133031ports/net/igmpproxy "must be at least 2 Vif's where on
o ports/132786New port: sysutils/sispmctl Utility for controlling a 
o ports/132607security/denyhosts: command_interpreter warnings in /v
o ports/131526lang/cmucl: CMUCL for FreeBSD 7
s ports/131218www/privoxy+ipv6: /etc/rc: WARNING: run_rc_command: ca
o ports/130772news/inn: innd core dumps at startup after perl upgrad
f ports/130209www/typo3 upgrade removes configuration
o ports/129435java/jakarta-commons-dbcp not BROKEN on jdk15
o ports/128025[patch] security/heimdal ldap support broken under 7
o ports/127728ports/games/freebsd-games doesn't build, and larn(6) s
o ports/127321japanese/kon2-16dot: buffer overflow and mouse bugs
o ports/127181audio/musicpd logs warning
s ports/127087mail/bincimap port does not include an rc.d file
o ports/127017sysutils/ntfsprogs - ntfsclone not working version 2.0
o ports/126085news/inn update make e

Re: FreeBSD Port: mplayer-0.99.11_14

2009-07-27 Thread b. f.
On 7/27/09, Andriy Gapon  wrote:

> Just curious, can't newer GCC(s) from ports be used to build those mplayer
> snapshots?
> We have:
> /usr/ports/lang/gcc42 <- 4.2.5
> /usr/ports/lang/gcc43 <- 4.3.4
> /usr/ports/lang/gcc44 <- 4.4.1
> /usr/ports/lang/gcc45 <- 4.5.0

We may have to USE_GCC , at least for some earlier supported versions
of the OS, if we want to retain some of the newer mplayer/mencoder
features.  (I was hoping to avoid this, but it may be the easiest way
to solve some problems.) But remember that the entire toolchain is
involved, not just the compiler -- our gcc ports are still wired by
default to our system gnu binutils, as is our base system compiler.
These older base system binutils lack support for some newer
instruction sets.  obrien@ said some time ago that he planned to
update them to the latest GPLv2 versions, but he didn't respond to my
later questions about progress on this front, so I'm assuming that
this will not happen soon, especially with the release engineering
that is now going on.   Now that we have a newer devel/binutils port,
we may be able to work around this -- for example, you can see how one
submitter is trying to incorporate SSE3 support in the old sources:

As for the missing C99 features in our math and C libraries, we may be
able to compensate for them with compiler built-ins, but not all
versions of gcc have the necessary functions, nor are they present for
all architectures, because the built-ins weren't really intended to be
full replacements for library functions, but only to provide optimized
versions for some architectures.  And some of them are unfinished or
broken, even in the latest versions of gcc:

So there will probably still be some minor surgery that needs to be done.

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Re: FreeBSD Port: mplayer-0.99.11_14

2009-07-27 Thread Mark Tinguely

As a FYI and cross my fingers that this does not take an OT life of its own.

The newer ARM chips could benefit from a new GCC and GNU binutils. So
we have spent some time experimenting in this area.

I have added the FreeBSD kernel printing extensions (-fformat-extensions)
and the FreeBSD path (PREFIX) code and the freebsd config entries into the
GCC 4.5 (have kept it updated to the July snapshot). The GCC and libgcc have
been ported to BSD Makefiles, with the following exceptions:

  1) I have not added the last two week changes to gcc/gcclibs.

  2) for some reason gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_tools/option.h must exist,
 even if blank, before the compile begins. It must be a makefile
  3) In libdecnumber from GCC, I statically chose the dpd routines.

  4) libgcc compiles with 8.0 header files. I believe there are errors
 in the gcc libssp. If I remember, it was an error with an include file
 that I got manually around.

  5) libgmp/libmpfr required by the new compilers has not been ported,
 right now I link them against /usr/local/lib. libgmp looks the
 messiest of the two. In the mpn directory, there are generic routines
 and per ARCH and sub-ARCH assembly replacements which require m4
 preprocessing. Some replacements are for both add and subtract versions:
 aors_n.asm is equivalent to add_n.asm and sub_n.asm.

For the ARM, I changed the hardware floating point to be "vfp".

I see there are ARCH restrictions of "NOT_FOR_ARCHS=  alpha ia64 powerpc"
in the newer GCCs.

I have used the ported compiler mostly on the kernel sources. The standard
GCC 4.5 "-O" option kicks up several new warnings on the inline that
are conditional - a lot of them are inlines for locks.

I use the new binutils, but have not tried to port them to the BSD makefiles.

This is just a FYI of some of what would be require to update the native
compiler. I hate to think what port source issues would be.

--Mark Tinguely
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mail/postfix-current error: conflicting types for 'closefrom'

2009-07-27 Thread Jorge Medina
set -e; for i in src/util src/global src/dns src/tls src/xsasl
src/milter src/master  src/postfix src/fsstone src/smtpstone
src/sendmail src/error src/pickup src/cleanup src/smtpd src/local
src/trivial-rewrite src/qmgr src/oqmgr src/smtp src/bounce  src/pipe
src/showq src/postalias src/postcat src/postconf src/postdrop
src/postkick src/postlock src/postlog src/postmap src/postqueue
src/postsuper src/qmqpd src/spawn src/flush src/verify  src/virtual
src/proxymap src/anvil src/scache src/discard src/tlsmgr
src/postmulti; do  (set -e; echo "[$i]"; cd $i; make 'CC=cc -DHAS_PCRE
-I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
-DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include
-DSNAPSHOT' update MAKELEVEL=) || exit 1;  done
cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
-DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
 -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c alldig.c
cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
-DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
 -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c allprint.c
cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
-DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
 -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c argv.c
cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
-DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
 -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c argv_split.c
cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
-DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
 -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c attr_clnt.c
In file included from attr_clnt.c:77:
/usr/include/unistd.h:329: error: conflicting types for 'closefrom'
./sys_defs.h:1395: error: previous declaration of 'closefrom' was here
*** Error code 1

I change int closefrom(int) to void closefrom(int) like
/usr/include/unistd.h:329 in sys_defs.h and sys_defs.c and work ok

Jorge Andrés Medina Oliva.
System Manager & BSD Software Advocacy Leader
___ mailing list
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Re: mail/postfix-current error: conflicting types for 'closefrom'

2009-07-27 Thread Jorge Medina
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:46 PM, Jorge Medina wrote:
> set -e; for i in src/util src/global src/dns src/tls src/xsasl
> src/milter src/master  src/postfix src/fsstone src/smtpstone
> src/sendmail src/error src/pickup src/cleanup src/smtpd src/local
> src/trivial-rewrite src/qmgr src/oqmgr src/smtp src/bounce  src/pipe
> src/showq src/postalias src/postcat src/postconf src/postdrop
> src/postkick src/postlock src/postlog src/postmap src/postqueue
> src/postsuper src/qmqpd src/spawn src/flush src/verify  src/virtual
> src/proxymap src/anvil src/scache src/discard src/tlsmgr
> src/postmulti; do  (set -e; echo "[$i]"; cd $i; make 'CC=cc -DHAS_PCRE
> -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
> -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
> -DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include
> -DSNAPSHOT' update MAKELEVEL=) || exit 1;  done
> [src/util]
> cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
> -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
> -DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
>  -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c alldig.c
> cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
> -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
> -DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
>  -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c allprint.c
> cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
> -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
> -DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
>  -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c argv.c
> cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
> -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
> -DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
>  -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c argv_split.c
> cc -DHAS_PCRE -I/usr/local/include -DUSE_SASL_AUTH
> -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\"dovecot\" -DUSE_TLS -I/usr/include
> -DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -DSNAPSHOT
>  -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -DFREEBSD7 -c attr_clnt.c
> In file included from attr_clnt.c:77:
> /usr/include/unistd.h:329: error: conflicting types for 'closefrom'
> ./sys_defs.h:1395: error: previous declaration of 'closefrom' was here
> *** Error code 1
> I change int closefrom(int) to void closefrom(int) like
> /usr/include/unistd.h:329 in sys_defs.h and sys_defs.c and work ok
more information
r...@mail% uname -a
FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #0: Mon Jul 27
15:01:32 CLT 2009

maybe the problem is in the line 329  of /usr/include/unistd.h
because had a type conflict with __void closefrom(int);__ after update
from source tree

Jorge Andrés Medina Oliva.
System Manager & BSD Software Advocacy Leader
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Re: graphics/jpeg especially UPDATING

2009-07-27 Thread Doug Barton
Jason J. Hellenthal wrote:
> If you pkg_delete -r that will remove every package that depends on jpeg. 
> This is not the right way of just getting rid of jpeg considering it involves 
> the complete almost full re-installation of the entire system manually.
> A better route to upgrade would be: pkg_delete -f jpeg-\*
> reinstall the new jpeg and then portmaster -r jpeg-\*

There is no need to do the pkg_delete first, and in fact I do not
recommend it. 'portmaster -r jpeg-' will accomplish what you want to
do on its own.

On the other hand, since just about every X-related binary links to
libjpeg you may want to consider using 'portmaster -w jpeg-' instead.
That will update you to jpeg-7 but leave the old library in
/usr/local/lib/compat/pkg. That way things linked against the old
library will still work and at some point in the future you can delete
the old library when everything (or almost everything) has been
updated in the natural course of events.

hope this helps,



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Re: graphics/jpeg especially UPDATING

2009-07-27 Thread Mel Flynn
On Monday 27 July 2009 14:52:04 Doug Barton wrote:
> Jason J. Hellenthal wrote:
> > If you pkg_delete -r that will remove every package that depends on jpeg.
> > This is not the right way of just getting rid of jpeg considering it
> > involves the complete almost full re-installation of the entire system
> > manually.
> >
> > A better route to upgrade would be: pkg_delete -f jpeg-\*
> > reinstall the new jpeg and then portmaster -r jpeg-\*
> There is no need to do the pkg_delete first, and in fact I do not
> recommend it. 'portmaster -r jpeg-' will accomplish what you want to
> do on its own.
> On the other hand, since just about every X-related binary links to
> libjpeg you may want to consider using 'portmaster -w jpeg-' instead.
> That will update you to jpeg-7 but leave the old library in
> /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg. That way things linked against the old
> library will still work and at some point in the future you can delete
> the old library when everything (or almost everything) has been
> updated in the natural course of events.

Unfortunately, that can lead to problems as well. I don't have the precise 
error anymore, but it is possible for programs to be linked to two different 
libjpeg's and fail the assertion that (paraphrased) "foo wants JPEG_70 API yet 
JPEG_62 API available". This was me trying to start kde, while the complete 
upgrade did not finish yet.
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INDEX build failed for 6.x

2009-07-27 Thread Erwin Lansing
INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-6 - please wait..pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
make_index: p5-ex-lib-0.90: no entry for /usr/ports/devel/p5-lib-abs

Committers on the hook:
dougb jpaetzel miwi pav 

Most recent CVS update was:
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Re: graphics/jpeg especially UPDATING

2009-07-27 Thread Doug Barton

On Mon, 27 Jul 2009, Mel Flynn wrote:

Unfortunately, that can lead to problems as well. I don't have the precise
error anymore, but it is possible for programs to be linked to two different
libjpeg's and fail the assertion that (paraphrased) "foo wants JPEG_70 API yet
JPEG_62 API available". This was me trying to start kde, while the complete
upgrade did not finish yet.

That can happen sometimes, yes, but not often. I did what I suggested in 
my post (portmaster -w) and haven't had any problems yet.



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Re: ports/130218 Maintainer timeout? (lang/ghc update)

2009-07-27 Thread L Campbell
Also sending to @ports because I kind of left the thread hanging.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Damian Gerow wrote:
> Did you get any traction on your bump on a ghc update?  I can't find your
> message in my history, so it's likely I've auto-deleted it.

No, I got blown out of the water by a hardware failure -- currently
running off an EEEPC with NetBSD until I can afford to buy a new

In a previous message I was able to update GHC to 6.10.2, but it
failed a significant number of tests in GHC's regression test suite,
and with that build something weird happens to ghci where it outputs
control characters and backspaces as ^H. Probably not picking up
libedit or something.

With GHC 6.10.{3,4} they've moved off libedit, instead using a
Haskell-based library, haskeline. When I tried to build it, the
compilation always broke down about an hour in complaining that that
library, Haskeline, was missing. I assume it has to be included in the
bootstrap package (and currently isn't). I'm not quite sure how to go
about fixing that.

Anyway, I mailed out a Makefile patch for my 6.10.2 stuff (Mon, Jul
13, 2009 at 8:29 PM); I can pull it off my email and send it to you
(or anyone else) off-list if you want.

Sucks :(
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INDEX build failed for 6.x

2009-07-27 Thread Erwin Lansing
INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-6 - please wait..pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
make_index: p5-ex-lib-0.90: no entry for /usr/ports/devel/p5-lib-abs

Committers on the hook:

Most recent CVS update was:
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[ALERT]: It's the time to come out on streets and stop the complete nation on it's place - Take immediate actions at once with full force.

2009-07-27 Thread Organization
Respected Friends,
It's my pleasure to get in touch with you. This email is about security and 
future safety of your family, your child, your wife, your friends and 
relatives. It has become very necessary to take action now and get united else 
there will be no one behind you to take care of your family, if any thing 
happens to you in future, due to the Islamic Terrorism Related Activities that 
are spreading all over the world with millions and millions of terrorists 
joining these islamic terrorism related organizations. 1/4th of the population 
of earth contains members who are working with thousands and thousands of 
Islamic Organizations to help them to spread terrorism. If we all are not 
united today then the day is not far when they all are going to over ride all 
of us and our childrens. So, better take action now to secure your and your 
children and family future. 
If you don't fight for your freedom today then there will be no one on the 
 to fight for the freedom of your children in future,
 from the corrupt politicians, from the terrorism and from the criminals.
We all can together fight together against terrorism, against crime, against 
corrupt political peoples,
Only when we decide to remain united by forgetting the religious boundaries and 
the national boundaries.
This is a step which I am trying for human safety, future and security.
Come and join us as soon as you can, before it's too late.
Agar Aaj Aap Apne Ghar Mein Chup-Chaap Baithe Rahoge, 
Toh Phir Kal Aapke Baccho Ko Help Karne Wala Koi Nahin Hoga.
Aisi Paristhiti Paida Ho, Isse Pehle Is United and Peaceful Organization Ka,
Saath Do Aur Immediately Jyada Soche Bina Join Karo,
Isi Mein Hum Sab Ki Bhalai Hai, Aur Agar Aapko Meri Baatein Bakwaas Lagti Hai,
Toh Phir Mein Faisla Aap Par Chodta Hoon, Kya Karna Chahoge,
Aane Wali Barbaadi Ka Intzaar Ya Phir Usse Makabla Karne Ki Tyaari?
Freedom of Rights Ke Tahat Faisla Aapka Hai.
I am running this campaign with a pure intention of unity amongst every citizen 
of every country so that in future we have the capacity and are able to face 
terrorism troubles. Millions and millions of people across the globe are today 
members of our organizations and I want to increase it more globally. No charge 
for joining this organization who has millions of members to help for your 
safety and security anytime, anywhere whenever you need help. No limits or 
restrictions of boundaries, caste, creed, religion because out organization's 
ultimate goal is peace and unity across the world. This is an email related to 
many issues, which are a part of your freedom and democratic rights. 
Before proceeding further, let me tell you something about me and give my 
introduction as well. The AIM is to work in co-operation, co-ordination and 
compromise with all of you regardless of whatsoever party or organization you 
belong. You are my and I am your - This is the philosophy I follow to create 
genuine long term relationship with everyone. If we all help each other 
together in co-operation, compromise and co-ordination with each other then we 
all will win our games. But seperately it's difficult task for all of us, which 
I hope all of you accept. Unity power is what I am trying to create through a 
genuine relationship with you. Anyone who wants to work in collabration with me 
under mutual understand which you think can be of great benefits for both sides 
then kindly do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I perform those tasks 
which no one can dare to perform. I like to do exclusive and unique things. I 
personally guarantee you for the best of the best once we start working 
together under co-operation and compromise with each other. Trust is a must for 
all the things. Even if you have any business related queries then feel free to 
get in touch with me. What I can do and what is my expertise is mentioned below 
in my digital signatures. I have the capacity to work 20 hours daily and can 
alone do work equivalent to 10 persons. I have the capacity of non-stop 
work for 36-48 hours without sleep. I have experience in several industry 
sectors and can do most exclusive and unique things whether whatsoever is the 
level of competition. 
My introduction:  I am an Information Security Expert with world records in 
hacking world's maximum websites live on air in a 3 hour non stop telecast with 
Honorable Rajat Sharma(Chairman, IndiaTV) in the presence of state minister of 
technology, technical experts, legal expert, stock exchange experts, corporate 
bodies, star media personnels and millions of public in a hot debate where I 
was alone to answer and there were so many peoples on other hand and we did the 
show with huge success. We did it for national interest and public interest. 
So, it was not considered as crime/offence because every country has a law that 
any action taken for the safety of public, citizen, national interest or with 
an intention to do something good for a 

INDEX build failed for 6.x

2009-07-27 Thread Erwin Lansing
INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-6 - please wait..pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
make_index: p5-ex-lib-0.90: no entry for /usr/ports/devel/p5-lib-abs

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