Also sending to @ports because I kind of left the thread hanging.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Damian Gerow<> wrote:
> Did you get any traction on your bump on a ghc update?  I can't find your
> message in my history, so it's likely I've auto-deleted it.

No, I got blown out of the water by a hardware failure -- currently
running off an EEEPC with NetBSD until I can afford to buy a new

In a previous message I was able to update GHC to 6.10.2, but it
failed a significant number of tests in GHC's regression test suite,
and with that build something weird happens to ghci where it outputs
control characters and backspaces as ^H. Probably not picking up
libedit or something.

With GHC 6.10.{3,4} they've moved off libedit, instead using a
Haskell-based library, haskeline. When I tried to build it, the
compilation always broke down about an hour in complaining that that
library, Haskeline, was missing. I assume it has to be included in the
bootstrap package (and currently isn't). I'm not quite sure how to go
about fixing that.

Anyway, I mailed out a Makefile patch for my 6.10.2 stuff (Mon, Jul
13, 2009 at 8:29 PM); I can pull it off my email and send it to you
(or anyone else) off-list if you want.

Sucks :(
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