Re: ruby-bdb broken somehow?

2006-07-06 Thread Riemer Palstra
On Wed, Jul 05, 2006 at 10:38:00AM -0400, Robert Huff wrote:
>   _Please_ read /usr/ports/UPDATING.

Been there, got no t-shirt. And I already was using portupgrade with
BDB4. But thanks anyway, it's already fixed.

Riemer PalstraAmsterdam, The Netherlands
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RE: ruby-bdb broken somehow?

2006-07-06 Thread Matt Sealey


Okay I rebuuilt from scratch.

First run of portupgrade complained that the DB was not the required
format and completely rebuilt the package database.

It makes me wonder what else broke that used Ruby and put databases
on my disk somewhere.. and is going to explode because it was using
a 1.8x bdb database and not a 4.3?

Manager, Genesi, Developer Relations

> -Original Message-
> From: Sergey Matveychuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 12:49 PM
> Cc: 'Riemer Palstra';
> Subject: Re: ruby-bdb broken somehow?
> Matt Sealey wrote:
> > (that is to say I applied the patch from the bugtracker and it 
> > rebuilds but it still does the same error.. what exactly am 
> I meant to 
> > rebuild as in dependencies and so to make it work?)
> > 
> After the patch applied, make sure you set WITH_BDB_VER to 
> version you want and type `portupgrade ruby-bdb'.
> You should have ruby18-bdb-0.5.9_1 after that. It should be 
> fixed. If not, remove portupgrade and ruby-bdb ports and 
> reinstall them from scratch.
> --
> Dixi.
> Sem.

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INDEX now builds successfully on 4.x

2006-07-06 Thread Erwin Lansing

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Re: pkg_version confused by architecutre in package name

2006-07-06 Thread [LoN]Kamikaze
Brooks Davis wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 02:45:45AM +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
>> I normally run the command
>> #  pkg_version -Iv | grep \<
>> before running 'portupgrade -a', to see what's going to happen. This time I 
>> got the following output:
>> diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.  <   needs updating (index has 
>> It seems that the tool is confused by the i386 in the package name.
> Actually I think it's confused by the fact that the package name is
> "diablo-jdk" and the version is "freebsd6.i386.".  That's
> just plain bogus.
> -- Brooks

So who is at fault? The ports infrastructure or the FreeBSD foundation?
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Re: editors/emacs-devel: error at make install

2006-07-06 Thread Boris Samorodov
On Thu, 6 Jul 2006 01:27:31 +0300 Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

> An updated patch for fixing this is now in the followup of the problem
> report at:


This is to confirm that all problems are gone. Thanks!

> Thanks for the feedback guys :)

You are welcome. ;-)

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, The Power To Serve
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Conflict between avahi and howl/mDNSResponder

2006-07-06 Thread Willy Picard

Currently, avahi conflicts with howl/mDNSResponder. As a user of KDE, I have
plenty of applications that depend on mDNSResponder. But at the same time, I am
a user of, Firefox, eclipse and many others that depend on avahi
(mainly because of gnome-vfs). The current conflict has the following
consequence: I cannot update the applications that depend on avahi because avahi
cannot be updated. Therefore, my question is the following: what should I do to
have Firefox, and the like updated? Should I delete avahi and
force a dependence of these applications with howl/mDNSResponder? Should I wait
till Gnome and KDE find an agreement on this conflict :) ?


Willy Picard
Willy Picarde-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Information Technology www:
The Poznan University of Economics  tel:+48 61 848 05 49
Mansfelda 4, 60-854 Poznan, Poland  fax:+48 61 848 38 40
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Portupgrade lock problem

2006-07-06 Thread Arseny Nasokin
I had pressed ^C when portupgrade checks database. Portupgrade's db is locked 
always after it.
I have tryed to remove db and lock, remove and install again portupgrade but 
nothing happines. 

What should I do in this case? 
   Best regards,
Arseny Nasokin
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Re: Conflict between avahi and howl/mDNSResponder

2006-07-06 Thread Sam Lawrance

On 06/07/2006, at 9:11 PM, Willy Picard wrote:


Currently, avahi conflicts with howl/mDNSResponder. As a user of  
KDE, I have
plenty of applications that depend on mDNSResponder. But at the  
same time, I am
a user of, Firefox, eclipse and many others that  
depend on avahi

(mainly because of gnome-vfs). The current conflict has the following
consequence: I cannot update the applications that depend on avahi  
because avahi
cannot be updated. Therefore, my question is the following: what  
should I do to
have Firefox, and the like updated? Should I delete  
avahi and
force a dependence of these applications with howl/mDNSResponder?  
Should I wait

till Gnome and KDE find an agreement on this conflict :) ?

This has been raised a number of times, check the archives.

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Re: Portupgrade lock problem

2006-07-06 Thread Sergey Matveychuk
Arseny Nasokin wrote:
> I had pressed ^C when portupgrade checks database. Portupgrade's db is locked 
> always after it.
> I have tryed to remove db and lock, remove and install again portupgrade but 
> nothing happines. 
> What should I do in this case? 

What portupgrade version do you use?

A lock feature still under developing (and exists only in
portupgrade-devel now) and require to rewrite database operations.

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Re: Portupgrade lock problem

2006-07-06 Thread Arseny Nasokin
On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 04:14:27PM +0400, Sergey Matveychuk wrote:
> Arseny Nasokin wrote:
> > I had pressed ^C when portupgrade checks database. Portupgrade's db is 
> > locked always after it.
> > I have tryed to remove db and lock, remove and install again portupgrade 
> > but nothing happines. 
> > 
> > What should I do in this case? 
> What portupgrade version do you use?

> A lock feature still under developing (and exists only in
> portupgrade-devel now) and require to rewrite database operations.

thanks, latest portupgrade(,2) doesn't have this bug.

   Best regards,
Arseny Nasokin
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Re: HEADS UP: Krb5-1.5

2006-07-06 Thread Cy Schubert
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Cy Schubert 
> There is an issue with the new Kerberos 1.5. It does not currently support 
> building static libraries. I'm willing to leave the port at 1.4.3 until MIT 
> fixes the static library build. OTOH, if folks want 1.5, without static 
> library support, the 1.5 port is ready to commit. I may update the port to 
> build 1.5 if static libraries are not wanted and build 1.4.3 if they are 
> wanted. Static libraries are not a high priority for the Kerberos project 
> at the moment.

There is no simple solution to the problem. Now that Kerberos supports plugins, 
static linking is no longer supported, at least not until the Kerberos 
development team has thought through the issue of how to handle plugins in a 
statically linked environment. I will commit the krb5 1.5 upgrade to the port 
as soon as I finish up the pkg-plist.



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Re: pkg_version confused by architecutre in package name

2006-07-06 Thread Brooks Davis
On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 11:01:43AM +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
> Brooks Davis wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 02:45:45AM +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
> >> I normally run the command
> >> #  pkg_version -Iv | grep \<
> >> before running 'portupgrade -a', to see what's going to happen. This time 
> >> I got the following output:
> >>
> >> diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.  <   needs updating (index has 
> >>
> >>
> >> It seems that the tool is confused by the i386 in the package name.
> > 
> > Actually I think it's confused by the fact that the package name is
> > "diablo-jdk" and the version is "freebsd6.i386.".  That's
> > just plain bogus.
> > 
> So who is at fault? The ports infrastructure or the FreeBSD foundation?

I don't know.  How did you install it?

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
PGP fingerprint 655D 519C 26A7 82E7 2529  9BF0 5D8E 8BE9 F238 1AD4

Description: PGP signature

Question about ports builds

2006-07-06 Thread Charlie Sorsby

When one builds (or attempts to build) a port, does the Makefile
know about dependencies and, if necessary, fetch and build any 
that are needed but not found?

Thank you and kindest regards,


PS It would be really helpful if each port/package at
had an indication whether it requires the latest and greatest
version of freeBSD.  Put another way, it would be nice to know the
oldest version of freeBSD it will work with.  Perhaps that could be
included in the "Requires" list on the page for the port/package.
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Reason for 11 or 1.1 appended to SDL files?

2006-07-06 Thread Dmitry Marakasov

I wonder what is the reason SDL has it's version appended everywhere
(include/SDL11 instead of include/SDL, instead of, sdl11-config instead of sdl-config). It takes extra time when
porting SDL software, extra patches need to be added. Is there any good
reason for such changes to sdl' file names?

Best regards,
 Dmitry  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Question about ports builds

2006-07-06 Thread Chuck Swiger

Charlie Sorsby wrote:

When one builds (or attempts to build) a port, does the Makefile
know about dependencies and, if necessary, fetch and build any 
that are needed but not found?

Yes and yes.

[ ... ]

PS It would be really helpful if each port/package at
had an indication whether it requires the latest and greatest
version of freeBSD.  Put another way, it would be nice to know the
oldest version of freeBSD it will work with.  Perhaps that could be
included in the "Requires" list on the page for the port/package.

The people maintaining the ports attempt to support them on all of the active 
versions of FreeBSD, which means 4.10 or 4.11, 5.3 and later, 6.0 and later, 
and -CURRENT (what will become 7.0).  Support for 4.x is going away soon, 
however, and it will become more common for new ports to not work on 4.x as 
time passes.

For those ports that do not work with an older version like 4.x because of 
features added to more recent versions of the operating system, ports usually 
will indicate this in the Makefile.

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Re: pkg_version confused by architecutre in package name

2006-07-06 Thread Vivek Khera

On Jul 6, 2006, at 11:24 AM, Brooks Davis wrote:

Actually I think it's confused by the fact that the package name is
"diablo-jdk" and the version is "freebsd6.i386.".  That's
just plain bogus.

So who is at fault? The ports infrastructure or the FreeBSD  

I don't know.  How did you install it?

I would suspect a binary download from http://

which are the "official" Java for FreeBSD packages.

Question about ports builds

2006-07-06 Thread Robert Huff

Charlie Sorsby writes:

>  When one builds (or attempts to build) a port, does the Makefile
>  know about dependencies and, if necessary, fetch and build any 
>  that are needed but not found?


>  PS It would be really helpful if each port/package at
>  had an indication whether it requires the latest and greatest
>  version of freeBSD.  Put another way, it would be nice to know
>  the oldest version of freeBSD it will work with.  Perhaps that
>  could be included in the "Requires" list on the page for the
>  port/package.

Scan the Makefile for OSVERSION.

Robert Huff
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Re: Netwatch?

2006-07-06 Thread Chris Maness

Freddie Cash wrote:

On Wed, July 5, 2006 2:08 pm, Chris Maness wrote:

Used to have this cool little tool on my slackware box to monitor
network traffic.  Just curious as to why it has not been ported (are
there any issues with it?)

p.s.  What would be a good substitute for now?

Install trafshow instead.

Freddie Cash

This program seems to stay in memory after the shell closes and eats up 
processor time.  Top showed this thing at 98%.  Does this app. have a bug?

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Re: Netwatch?

2006-07-06 Thread Freddie Cash
On Thu, July 6, 2006 9:35 am, Chris Maness wrote:
> Freddie Cash wrote:
>> On Wed, July 5, 2006 2:08 pm, Chris Maness wrote:

>>> Used to have this cool little tool on my slackware box to monitor
>>>  network traffic.  Just curious as to why it has not been ported
>>> (are there any issues with it?)


>>> p.s.  What would be a good substitute for now?

>> Install trafshow instead.

> This program seems to stay in memory after the shell closes and eats
> up processor time.  Top showed this thing at 98%.  Does this app. have
> a bug?

I've never had a problem with it, but I've never let it run for more
than 5 minutes at a time while tracking down a problem station.  And
I've always quit it manually using CTRL+C or Q.

Doing a quick test on a 6.0-p4 system, I can reproduce this issue,
  in terminal 1:
ssh to remote system
su - to root
start trafshow

  in terminal 2:
ssh to remote system
su - to root
kill -9 the first instance of csh
check ps to make sure it's dead but trafshow is still alive
check top and see 0% idle, ~66% system and ~33% user, with
trafshow at the top of the process list
kill trafshow in top, get 99% idle

Not sure if this is a bug in csh, trafshow, both, or something else.

Freddie Cash

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Re: pkg_version confused by architecutre in package name

2006-07-06 Thread [LoN]Kamikaze

Brooks Davis wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 11:01:43AM +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
>> Brooks Davis wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 02:45:45AM +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
 I normally run the command
 #  pkg_version -Iv | grep \<
 before running 'portupgrade -a', to see what's going to happen. This time 
 I got the following output:

 diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.  <   needs updating (index has

 It seems that the tool is confused by the i386 in the package name.
>>> Actually I think it's confused by the fact that the package name is
>>> "diablo-jdk" and the version is "freebsd6.i386.".  That's
>>> just plain bogus.
>> So who is at fault? The ports infrastructure or the FreeBSD foundation?
> I don't know.  How did you install it?

# pkg_add diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.
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Re: Reason for 11 or 1.1 appended to SDL files?

2006-07-06 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Dmitry Marakasov wrote:

> I wonder what is the reason SDL has it's version appended everywhere
> (include/SDL11 instead of include/SDL, instead of
>, sdl11-config instead of sdl-config). It takes extra time when
> porting SDL software, extra patches need to be added. Is there any good
> reason for such changes to sdl' file names?

Once we had SDL 1.0 in the tree too and this was done to avoid conflicts
between both versions.

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: ruby-bdb broken somehow?

2006-07-06 Thread Matthias Andree
"Matt Sealey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Mrff.
> Okay I rebuuilt from scratch.
> First run of portupgrade complained that the DB was not the required
> format and completely rebuilt the package database.
> It makes me wonder what else broke that used Ruby and put databases
> on my disk somewhere.. and is going to explode because it was using
> a 1.8x bdb database and not a 4.3?

As your database was rebuilt (since ruby18-bdb-* didn't like the 1.85
format it found), no need to be scared, it's in 4.3 format now.

Follows generic Berkeley DB 4.2 -> 4.3 upgrade instructions:

Other than that, db43 can handle db42 *non-transactional* databases
(like portupgrade uses).

Transactional databases leave log. and __db.NNN files behind.
If you have *transactional* databases (those to write BOTH
log.NN and __db.NNN), see the application-specific upgrade notes
(for instance, bogofilter has them in README.db). If there are none,
remove the db42-written __db.* files *BEFORE* running the now db43-based
application for the first time, Berkeley DB will then upgrade the
database logs properly.

It cannot hurt to make proper backups before database/application
upgrades though -- be sure to backup the log.* files *AFTER* the *.db

Matthias Andree
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mplayer skins no suitable checksum

2006-07-06 Thread Bram Kuijper


I just synced my ports using cvsup, but I can't seem to install mplayer:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer]# make install
===>  Installing for mplayer-gtk-esound-0.99.7_15
===>   mplayer-gtk-esound-0.99.7_15 depends on file: 
/usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin - not found
===>Verifying install for /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin in 

===>  Found saved configuration for mplayer-skins-1.1.2_1
===>  Extracting for mplayer-skins-1.1.2_1
=> No MD5 checksum recorded for mplayer/.
=> No SHA256 checksum recorded for mplayer/.
=> No suitable checksum found for mplayer/.

if I first try to build mplayer-skins, I get exactly the same:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer-skins]# make install
===>  Found saved configuration for mplayer-skins-1.1.2_1
===>  Extracting for mplayer-skins-1.1.2_1
=> No MD5 checksum recorded for mplayer/.
=> No SHA256 checksum recorded for mplayer/.
=> No suitable checksum found for mplayer/.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer-skins.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer-skins]#

anybody knows what to do? I am quite a newbie in this OS.

thanks in advance,

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Re: mplayer skins no suitable checksum

2006-07-06 Thread IOnut
On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 20:38:43 +0200
Bram Kuijper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just synced my ports using cvsup, but I can't seem to install mplayer:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer]# make install
> ===>  Installing for mplayer-gtk-esound-0.99.7_15
> ===>   mplayer-gtk-esound-0.99.7_15 depends on file: 
> /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin - not found
> ===>Verifying install for /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin in 
> /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer-skins
> ===>  Found saved configuration for mplayer-skins-1.1.2_1
> ===>  Extracting for mplayer-skins-1.1.2_1
> => No MD5 checksum recorded for mplayer/.
> => No SHA256 checksum recorded for mplayer/.
> => No suitable checksum found for mplayer/.
> if I first try to build mplayer-skins, I get exactly the same:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer-skins]# make install
> ===>  Found saved configuration for mplayer-skins-1.1.2_1
> ===>  Extracting for mplayer-skins-1.1.2_1
> => No MD5 checksum recorded for mplayer/.
> => No SHA256 checksum recorded for mplayer/.
> => No suitable checksum found for mplayer/.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer-skins.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer-skins]#

In /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer-skins do a 
 # make config
and choose at least 1 OPTION. (gmplayer won't start without at least a
default skin anyway).

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
  "Intellectual Property" is   nowhere near as valuable   as "Intellect"

BOFH excuse #292:
We ran out of dial tone and we're and waiting for the phone company
to deliver another bottle

Description: PGP signature

Re: Netwatch?

2006-07-06 Thread Peter Jeremy
On Thu, 2006-Jul-06 09:35:25 -0700, Chris Maness wrote:
>Freddie Cash wrote:
>>Install trafshow instead.
>This program seems to stay in memory after the shell closes and eats up 
>processor time.  Top showed this thing at 98%.  Does this app. have a bug?

Most likely.  {p,k}trace it whilst it's eating processor time and see
what it's doing.  The most likely scenario is that it's reading stdin
(which has gone away), ignoring the read error and re-issuing the
read.  In this case, fixing it would be a matter of finding the
relevant code (main input handling loop) and implementing the missing
error checking.

Peter Jeremy

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question about ports builds

2006-07-06 Thread IOnut
On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 12:07:55 -0400
Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Charlie Sorsby wrote:
> > When one builds (or attempts to build) a port, does the Makefile
> > know about dependencies and, if necessary, fetch and build any 
> > that are needed but not found?
> Yes and yes.
> [ ... ]
> > PS It would be really helpful if each port/package at
> > had an indication whether it requires the latest and greatest
> > version of freeBSD.  Put another way, it would be nice to know the
> > oldest version of freeBSD it will work with.  Perhaps that could be
> > included in the "Requires" list on the page for the port/package.
> The people maintaining the ports attempt to support them on all of the active 
> versions of FreeBSD, which means 4.10 or 4.11, 5.3 and later, 6.0 and later, 
> and -CURRENT (what will become 7.0).  Support for 4.x is going away soon, 
> however, and it will become more common for new ports to not work on 4.x as 
> time passes.
> For those ports that do not work with an older version like 4.x because of 
> features added to more recent versions of the operating system, ports usually 
> will indicate this in the Makefile.

Actually "support" for 4.x is gone already. We're only required to mark
the ports broken or incorporate patches from the users. Of curse, we
try to fix broken ports on 4-STABLE but that battle is going to be lost.

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
  "Intellectual Property" is   nowhere near as valuable   as "Intellect"

Change is the essential process of all existence.
-- Spock, "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield",
stardate 5730.2

Description: PGP signature

Re: Renaming and symlinking shared libraries

2006-07-06 Thread Alejandro Pulver
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 04 Jul 2006 07:43:08 +0200
Alexander Leidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> Quoting Alejandro Pulver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from Sat, 1 Jul 2006
> >> 20:25:22 -0300):
> >
> > But then how do the databases/dbXX ports achieve the same result
> > without it? I thought it should find it since there is a symlink
> > in /usr/local/lib that points to it. I want that when I compile a
> > program with -L/usr/local/lib/test -ltest it actually links to test-2
> > for example. Please look at the dbXX ports to see what I mean.
> If you link with "-ltest-2" or if you link lib/ ->  
> lib/test2/, it should work, else you have to use the new  
> LDCONFIG infrastructure.

The problem is that there are many versions of libtest
(lib/, lib/, and I want to select the library
by adding a -L linker flag to the corresponding directory, without
altering the program (each lib/test2, lib/test3, etc. has a symlink which points to the corresponding one; I want the mapping to
take effect at link time).

For example (note that  I didn't specify -ldb-4.2, just -ldb, and
lib/db42 isn't in the linker path):
% cc test.c -L/usr/local/lib/db42 -ldb
% ldd a.out
a.out: => /usr/local/lib/ (0x28077000) => /lib/ (0x2814a000)

When I try it after symlinking the lua4 library this happens:
% cc test.c -L/usr/local/lib/lua4 -llua
% ldd a.out
a.out: => (not found) => /lib/ (0x2814a000)

I would like to achieve the same result as the first case.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (FreeBSD)

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new port of bonfire

2006-07-06 Thread Sergio Lenzi
Hello all..

I have made a port of bonfire
and would like to publish it in the ports collection

After reading the ports documentation I 
found nothing abou publishing it in the ports collection

Can someone, please,   give me a direction on
how o publish the port?  or submit it to a commiter

Thanks for any help,

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Re: new port of bonfire

2006-07-06 Thread Lars Engels
On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 04:16:05PM -0300, Sergio Lenzi wrote:
> Hello all..
> I have made a port of bonfire
> and would like to publish it in the ports collection
> After reading the ports documentation I 
> found nothing abou publishing it in the ports collection
> Can someone, please,   give me a direction on
> how o publish the port?  or submit it to a commiter

Hi Sergio!

You have to send it with 'send-pr'. It's described here:


Description: PGP signature

Re: Netwatch?

2006-07-06 Thread Chris Maness

Freddie Cash wrote:

On Thu, July 6, 2006 9:35 am, Chris Maness wrote:

Freddie Cash wrote:

On Wed, July 5, 2006 2:08 pm, Chris Maness wrote:


Used to have this cool little tool on my slackware box to monitor
 network traffic.  Just curious as to why it has not been ported
(are there any issues with it?)


p.s.  What would be a good substitute for now?


Install trafshow instead.


This program seems to stay in memory after the shell closes and eats
up processor time.  Top showed this thing at 98%.  Does this app. have
a bug?

I've never had a problem with it, but I've never let it run for more
than 5 minutes at a time while tracking down a problem station.  And
I've always quit it manually using CTRL+C or Q.

Doing a quick test on a 6.0-p4 system, I can reproduce this issue,
  in terminal 1:
ssh to remote system
su - to root
start trafshow

  in terminal 2:
ssh to remote system
su - to root
kill -9 the first instance of csh
check ps to make sure it's dead but trafshow is still alive
check top and see 0% idle, ~66% system and ~33% user, with
trafshow at the top of the process list
kill trafshow in top, get 99% idle

Not sure if this is a bug in csh, trafshow, both, or something else.

Freddie Cash

I ran it in bash. 
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Re: new port of bonfire

2006-07-06 Thread Pav Lucistnik
Sergio Lenzi píše v čt 06. 07. 2006 v 16:16 -0300:

> I have made a port of bonfire
> and would like to publish it in the ports collection

We already have a Bonfire port.

It's not in the mainstream Ports Collection because it depends on HAL
functionality, currently still unavailable in the Ports Collection.

I do wonder, how have you handled this problem?

Pav Lucistnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Why do we need a film of "Lord of the Rings" when we have the book?
Because watching a cg enhanced Legolas fire a flaming arrow
into the heart of a warg is cool?

Description: Toto je digitálně	 podepsaná část	 zprávy

Re: new port of bonfire

2006-07-06 Thread Jeremy Messenger
On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:21:03 -0500, Lars Engels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 04:16:05PM -0300, Sergio Lenzi wrote:

Hello all..

I have made a port of bonfire
and would like to publish it in the ports collection

After reading the ports documentation I
found nothing abou publishing it in the ports collection

Can someone, please,   give me a direction on
how o publish the port?  or submit it to a commiter

Hi Sergio!

You have to send it with 'send-pr'. It's described here:

We already have bonfire in MC ports.

The reason why we didn't put it in FreeBSD ports tree is that there is no  
HAL port, which it exists in MC ports. You will have to talk with ahze  
about it. I personal have no idea if it required HAL support or whatever.



FreeBSD GNOME Team  -  FreeBSD Multimedia Hat (ports, not src)  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: new port of bonfire

2006-07-06 Thread michael johnson

On 7/6/06, Jeremy Messenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:21:03 -0500, Lars Engels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 04:16:05PM -0300, Sergio Lenzi wrote:
>> Hello all..
>> I have made a port of bonfire
>> and would like to publish it in the ports collection
>> After reading the ports documentation I
>> found nothing abou publishing it in the ports collection
>> Can someone, please,   give me a direction on
>> how o publish the port?  or submit it to a commiter
> Hi Sergio!
> You have to send it with 'send-pr'. It's described here:

We already have bonfire in MC ports.

The reason why we didn't put it in FreeBSD ports tree is that there is no
HAL port, which it exists in MC ports. You will have to talk with ahze
about it. I personal have no idea if it required HAL support or whatever.

I haven't looked but I don't think the newest version of bonfire uses hal.




> Lars

FreeBSD GNOME Team  -  FreeBSD Multimedia Hat (ports, not src)  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: new port of bonfire

2006-07-06 Thread michael johnson

On 7/6/06, michael johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/6/06, Jeremy Messenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:21:03 -0500, Lars Engels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 04:16:05PM -0300, Sergio Lenzi wrote:
> >> Hello all..
> >>
> >> I have made a port of bonfire
> >> and would like to publish it in the ports collection
> >>
> >> After reading the ports documentation I
> >> found nothing abou publishing it in the ports collection
> >>
> >> Can someone, please,   give me a direction on
> >> how o publish the port?  or submit it to a commiter
> >
> > Hi Sergio!
> >
> > You have to send it with 'send-pr'. It's described here:
> >
> We already have bonfire in MC ports.
> The reason why we didn't put it in FreeBSD ports tree is that there is
> no
> HAL port, which it exists in MC ports. You will have to talk with ahze
> about it. I personal have no idea if it required HAL support or
> whatever.

I haven't looked but I don't think the newest version of bonfire uses hal.

2006: Bonfire-0.3.90
Lots of small and big fixes/changes to improve the overall UI and usability
of B
onfire (See Changelog).
Three deps were removed (HAL, DBus, GDL). I know many of you (including me)
d GDL but it is not enough maintained to be fully usable.
User can now choose image type when copying a disc to hard drive.
Three new translations: Italian, and Brazilian Portugue


> Mezz
> > Lars
> --
> FreeBSD GNOME Team  -  FreeBSD Multimedia Hat (ports, not src)
> ___
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Re: new port of bonfire

2006-07-06 Thread Jeremy Messenger

On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:35:11 -0500, michael johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/6/06, michael johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/6/06, Jeremy Messenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:21:03 -0500, Lars Engels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 04:16:05PM -0300, Sergio Lenzi wrote:
> >> Hello all..
> >>
> >> I have made a port of bonfire
> >> and would like to publish it in the ports collection
> >>
> >> After reading the ports documentation I
> >> found nothing abou publishing it in the ports collection
> >>
> >> Can someone, please,   give me a direction on
> >> how o publish the port?  or submit it to a commiter
> >
> > Hi Sergio!
> >
> > You have to send it with 'send-pr'. It's described here:
> >

> We already have bonfire in MC ports.

> The reason why we didn't put it in FreeBSD ports tree is that there is
> no
> HAL port, which it exists in MC ports. You will have to talk with ahze
> about it. I personal have no idea if it required HAL support or
> whatever.

I haven't looked but I don't think the newest version of bonfire uses  

2006: Bonfire-0.3.90
Lots of small and big fixes/changes to improve the overall UI and  

of B
onfire (See Changelog).
Three deps were removed (HAL, DBus, GDL). I know many of you (including  

d GDL but it is not enough maintained to be fully usable.
User can now choose image type when copying a disc to hard drive.
Three new translations: Italian, and Brazilian Portugue

Thanks! Now, you guys can make an agreement for who want to maintain it.  



> Mezz
> > Lars

FreeBSD GNOME Team  -  FreeBSD Multimedia Hat (ports, not src)  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: new port of bonfire

2006-07-06 Thread michael johnson

On 7/6/06, Jeremy Messenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:35:11 -0500, michael johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 7/6/06, michael johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 7/6/06, Jeremy Messenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:21:03 -0500, Lars Engels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > > On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 04:16:05PM -0300, Sergio Lenzi wrote:
>> > >> Hello all..
>> > >>
>> > >> I have made a port of bonfire
>> > >> and would like to publish it in the ports collection
>> > >>
>> > >> After reading the ports documentation I
>> > >> found nothing abou publishing it in the ports collection
>> > >>
>> > >> Can someone, please,   give me a direction on
>> > >> how o publish the port?  or submit it to a commiter
>> > >
>> > > Hi Sergio!
>> > >
>> > > You have to send it with 'send-pr'. It's described here:
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> > We already have bonfire in MC ports.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > The reason why we didn't put it in FreeBSD ports tree is that there
>> > no
>> > HAL port, which it exists in MC ports. You will have to talk with
>> > about it. I personal have no idea if it required HAL support or
>> > whatever.
>> I haven't looked but I don't think the newest version of bonfire uses
>> hal.
> 2006: Bonfire-0.3.90
> Lots of small and big fixes/changes to improve the overall UI and
> usability
> of B
> onfire (See Changelog).
> Three deps were removed (HAL, DBus, GDL). I know many of you (including
> me)
> like
> d GDL but it is not enough maintained to be fully usable.
> User can now choose image type when copying a disc to hard drive.
> Three new translations: Italian, and Brazilian Portugue

Thanks! Now, you guys can make an agreement for who want to maintain it.

I'd like to see the port first =)



> Michael
>> Cheers,
>> > Mezz
>> >
>> > > Lars

FreeBSD GNOME Team  -  FreeBSD Multimedia Hat (ports, not src)  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Question about ports builds

2006-07-06 Thread Mark Linimon
On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 09:58:54PM +0300, Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu wrote:
> Actually "support" for 4.x is gone already. We're only required to mark
> the ports broken or incorporate patches from the users. Of curse, we
> try to fix broken ports on 4-STABLE but that battle is going to be lost.

The latest results from the battlefield are not encouraging.  I just
finished another i386-4 build.  Here are the stats of # of packages that
completed versus whether the build is still running or not, compared to
the slightly more than 15,000 possible packages:

i386-4  10,167 (complete)
i386-5  13,064 (still in progress)
i386-6  13,599 (complete)
i386-7  13,412 (still in progress)

For comparison, a complete run of amd64-6 recently produced 12171 packages,
and this was with kdebase3 and docbook-xsl not having finished successfully,
which would have added many more.  (I may try to restart it).

The burden of trying to keep everything working on 4 i386 branches, 3
amd64 branches, and 3 sparc64 branches is too high at this point, especially
with the degree of drift in such things as header files and base compiler
between -4 and -5.  Of course, most of these things can be fixed given
sufficient maintainer and committer interest, but at some point you have
to conclude that you're in the realm of diminishing returns.

(pedantic note: we also try to keep two branches of ia64 running, at a
lower priority.  Even those may be in better shape than i386-4, currently.)

Further note: there may be a recent checkin affecting the linux_base
ports which completely skews this result; I am investigating.  However.
there are 206 legitimate build errors on i386-4 now; that doesn't include
any port already marked as BROKEN.  That's quite high.

Those interested in further research can check out a new statistics
display at
(Among other things it will prove that you should not trust me to do
web design, but never mind that.)

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fetching linux (was: Re: Question about ports builds)

2006-07-06 Thread Boris Samorodov
On Thu, 6 Jul 2006 16:38:23 -0500 Mark Linimon wrote:

> Further note: there may be a recent checkin affecting the linux_base
> ports which completely skews this result; I am investigating.  However.
> there are 206 legitimate build errors on i386-4 now; that doesn't include
> any port already marked as BROKEN.  That's quite high.

I noticed a few days ago that the first site at FEDORA_CORE_SITES
( is acting not relyable. Your logs says the
same (most distributions were taken from the next site -- I'd rather delete the first site from the list.

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: [HEADSUP] latest round of bsd.*.mk changes committed

2006-07-06 Thread Edwin Groothuis
On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 09:22:09PM -0500, Mark Linimon wrote:
> BROKEN is intended to be set in individual ports.
> With IGNORE, the build cluster will never attempt to build these
> ports.  Common cases for IGNORE are for the CONFLICTS logic; for
> licensing/packaging reasons; and for the impossibility of ever using
> that port on a particular architecture.  (Well, in the latter case,
> we hope someone might be able to update the application to do so, but
> in the meantime there is no reason for anyone to try to install it.)

>From a discussion on IRC:

How about BROKEN (software doesn't work for some reason), IGNORE
(port infrastructure doesn't work because if port building
requirements not met) and FUBAR (port infrastructure itself is
fucked up (distinfo wrong, failing patches))

Edwin Groothuis  |Personal website:
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Re: [HEADSUP] latest round of bsd.*.mk changes committed

2006-07-06 Thread Mark Linimon
On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 09:03:47AM +1000, Edwin Groothuis wrote:
> How about BROKEN (software doesn't work for some reason), IGNORE
> (port infrastructure doesn't work because if port building
> requirements not met) and FUBAR (port infrastructure itself is
> fucked up (distinfo wrong, failing patches))

Well, we currently also use IGNORE in some cases where the port builds
successfully but then doesn't run (e.g. coredumps).

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Re: fetching linux (was: Re: Question about ports builds)

2006-07-06 Thread Mark Linimon
On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 02:45:02AM +0400, Boris Samorodov wrote:
> I noticed a few days ago that the first site at FEDORA_CORE_SITES
> ( is acting not reliable. Your logs says the
> same (most distributions were taken from the next site --
> I'd rather delete the first site from the list.

Please send me a patch to either delete it, or move it down, and I'll
review it and commit it.

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Re: pkg_version confused by architecutre in package name

2006-07-06 Thread Brooks Davis
On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 06:04:37PM +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
> Brooks Davis wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 11:01:43AM +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
> >> Brooks Davis wrote:
> >>> On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 02:45:45AM +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
>  I normally run the command
>  #  pkg_version -Iv | grep \<
>  before running 'portupgrade -a', to see what's going to happen. This 
>  time I got the following output:
>  diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.  <   needs updating (index has 
>  It seems that the tool is confused by the i386 in the package name.
> >>> Actually I think it's confused by the fact that the package name is
> >>> "diablo-jdk" and the version is "freebsd6.i386.".  That's
> >>> just plain bogus.
> >>>
> >> So who is at fault? The ports infrastructure or the FreeBSD foundation?
> > 
> > I don't know.  How did you install it?
> # pkg_add diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.

It definitly installs correctly if you use the port instead of the
package.  It looks like the package is incorrect.

-- Brooks

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Ports support for RELENG_4 (Was: Re: Question about ports builds)

2006-07-06 Thread Doug Barton
Mark Linimon wrote:

> The burden of trying to keep everything working on 4 i386 branches, 3
> amd64 branches, and 3 sparc64 branches is too high at this point, especially
> with the degree of drift in such things as header files and base compiler
> between -4 and -5.  Of course, most of these things can be fixed given
> sufficient maintainer and committer interest, but at some point you have
> to conclude that you're in the realm of diminishing returns.

I think you're right about that, and my preferred method of operation for
the ports that I maintain has been to try and test on RELENG_4 whenever
possible, but not let not testing stop me from updating a port that works on
7-current and 6-stable. What I've found is that in those rare cases where
there is an intersection between a port that is broken on RELENG_4 and users
that care about that, I'm notified fairly promptly. If not by users, I
usually get a krismail to the same effect. :) Thus, things in my little
world don't stay broken for too long.

All that said, I'd love to officially drop support for RELENG_4, but I think
that until we drop support for RELENG_4 in the base, dropping support for
the ports would break faith with our users. At the same time, I think that
some bit rot at the edges (of the seldom-used ports) is natural, and not to
be mourned.

> there are 206 legitimate build errors on i386-4 now; that doesn't include
> any port already marked as BROKEN.  That's quite high.

The way you break those numbers down is interesting. On i386 there are 206
errors on -4, 277 on -5, 119 on -6, and 151 on -7. I would be interested to
know what the percentage of overlap is ... in other words what percentage of
the 119 ports broken on -6 also comprise the broken ports on the other
releases. Based on a cursory examination of the errors on -4, I'd estimate
that percentage to be quite high. Assuming that it's 90%, that means that 99
ports are uniquely broken on -4, which is a very small percentage of the
packages that actually built (0.097%). IOW, there is actually less bit rot
(in terms of unintended brokenness) than I would have expected.



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FreeBSD Port: repeater-0.08_2

2006-07-06 Thread Marc & Debbie Hoaglin



Is there a way to get the VNC repeater to run as a daemon or somehow in the
background. I don’t want to have to start it everytime I need to use it.



Marc D Hoaglin


FreeBSD is awesome!

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