Re: ng_eiface hangs on 4.6RC

2002-05-24 Thread Mike Tancsa

On Thu, 23 May 2002 08:32:35 -0400, in you wrote:

>I updated to 4.6-RC on May 22. Posted to freebsd-stable
>(I also made /usr/sbin/ngctl; but I did not do a complete buildworld.
>Could that be a problem ?)

Yes, it could very much be your problem.  Do a complete buildworld first so
you really do update to 4.6 and try again. 

Mike Tancsa  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Sentex Communications Corp, 
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
"Given enough time, 100 monkeys on 100 routers 
could setup a national IP network." (KDW2)

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Re: ng_fwdswitch netgraph node

2002-05-24 Thread Yuri Victorovich

And why make it one-directional only? It shouldn't improve performance.
So it's rather an "IP router" than "fwdswitch".
many2many IP routing node would be useful in many situations.


>The fwdswitch node, could be imagined as a 'many2many' node but
> monodirectional only: packets flow from 'in' hooks to 'out' hooks
> only. The decision about which 'out' hook to choose to forward a
> packet is taken going through a forwarding table that associates
> an IPaddress/netmask to an output hook index. Packets that are not
> matched or frames that are not IP packets will be forwarded to the
> 'default' hook.

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Re: ng_fwdswitch netgraph node

2002-05-24 Thread Yuri Victorovich

And why make it one-directional only? It shouldn't improve performance.
So it's rather an "IP router" than "fwdswitch".
many2many IP routing node would be useful in many situations.


>The fwdswitch node, could be imagined as a 'many2many' node but
> monodirectional only: packets flow from 'in' hooks to 'out' hooks
> only. The decision about which 'out' hook to choose to forward a
> packet is taken going through a forwarding table that associates
> an IPaddress/netmask to an output hook index. Packets that are not
> matched or frames that are not IP packets will be forwarded to the
> 'default' hook.

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Re: Question about Dummynet and Diffserv

2002-05-24 Thread Luigi Rizzo

On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 12:59:35PM -0400, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> Hi,
> I merged from -CURRENT to my -STABLE tree some changes made in October 2000 to
> sys/netinet/ip_fw.{c,h} and sbin/ipfw/ipfw.c which add ipfw
> filtering based on iptos.
> However, from reading the documentation, it seems that only the
> older IP TOS precedence values are supported for filtering.

i am not sure but i seem to remember seeing keywords for the
newer codepoint values as well. In any case, they should not be
hard to add.


> Is it possible to use ipfw to filter based on any Diffserv codepoint value?
> This is from the man page:
> " iptos spec
>  Match if the IP header contains the comma separated list
>  of service types specified in spec.  The supported IP
>  types of service are:
>  lowdelay (IPTOS_LOWDELAY), throughput (IPTOS_THROUGHPUT),
>  reliability (IPTOS_RELIABILITY), mincost (IPTOS_MINCOST),
>  congestion (IPTOS_CE).  The absence of a particular type
>  may be denoted with a `'!.
> "
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Craig RodriguesDistributed Systems and Logistics, Office 6/304
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   BBN Technologies, a Verizon company
> (617) 873-4725 Cambridge, MA
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Re: ng_fwdswitch netgraph node

2002-05-24 Thread Rocco Lucia


On Friday, May 24th, 2002, alle 03:09 PM, Yuri Victorovich wrote:

> And why make it one-directional only? It shouldn't improve performance.
> So it's rather an "IP router" than "fwdswitch".
> many2many IP routing node would be useful in many situations.
> Yuri

   Well I needed a node that would have forwarded IP packets from a source
interface pool to a destination interface pool analyzing source and
destination addresses.

   The very task this node had to accomplish was to nicely behave as an 
load balancer, whence the monodirectional nature. The source pool would
be hooked to the span/mirroring ports to monitor, and the destination 
would be hooked to the IDS sensors. Because of the way a distributed IDS 
working I needed to forward them packets in some coherent fashion. The
quickest idea to implement was just tag or identify packets flowing 
an IP network to monitor and forward them to the sensor which is 
supposed to
analyze that data. In this case for each IP network we configure we 
have a
destination hook to forward the traffic.

Needless to say that if you want to monitor two different networks and
forward them to different destination hooks, since the module does not
copy data, it will forward to the first match when we sniff packets which
come from one of those and go to the other one.

As for treating ng_fwdswitch more like an IP router, well it is not 
to be that.

I agree with you about the misleading name, I think I'd have called it
something like "basicsrcdstpacketfwd" :-) I'm sorry about that.


Rocco Lucia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Iscanet Internet Services and Network Admin
C6E6 AC9A 1361 FB38 B47A  2792 9FC4 C52F 7A68 4468

Free unices for a free world. Support *BSD.

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lge driver and vlan

2002-05-24 Thread Christophe Prevotaux

is it possible to do vlan tagging 802.11q with the lge
driver under FreeBSD RELENG_4 (4-STABLE) ?

If not ? does someone has patches so it can be done ? 

Christophe PrevotauxEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Z.A.C Les CharmillesTel: +33 (0)3 26 79 30 05 
3 Allée Thierry Sabine  Direct: +33 (0)3 26 79 08 02 
BP202   Fax: +33 (0)3 26 79 30 06
51686 Reims Cedex 2
FRANCE   HEXANET Network Operation Center 

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lge question

2002-05-24 Thread Christophe Prevotaux

Why do I get this messages on a regular basis even
knowing that the interface is already up and running ? 

mymachine /kernel: lge0: gigabit link up

Christophe PrevotauxEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Z.A.C Les CharmillesTel: +33 (0)3 26 79 30 05 
3 Allée Thierry Sabine  Direct: +33 (0)3 26 79 08 02 
BP202   Fax: +33 (0)3 26 79 30 06
51686 Reims Cedex 2
FRANCE   HEXANET Network Operation Center 

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Re: lge driver and vlan

2002-05-24 Thread Dmitry Morozovsky

On Fri, 24 May 2002, Christophe Prevotaux wrote:

CP> is it possible to do vlan tagging 802.11q with the lge
CP> driver under FreeBSD RELENG_4 (4-STABLE) ?

>From lge(4) manpage:

 The LXT1001 supports TCP/IP checksum offload for receive and VLAN-based
 filtering as well as a 64-bit multicast hash filter.  It also supports
 jumbo frames, which can be configured via the interface MTU setting.
 Selecting an MTU larger than 1500 bytes with the ifconfig(8) utility con-
 figures the adapter to receive and transmit jumbo frames.  Using jumbo
 frames can greatly improve performance for certain tasks, such as file
 transfers and data streaming.

[Don't know whether VLAN support really works due to absense of lge cards

D.Marck   [DM5020, DM268-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]

*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ***

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Re: ng_fwdswitch netgraph node

2002-05-24 Thread Julian Elischer

some comments..

1/ it may be more useful to not make any distinction between 
'in' and  'out' hooks but just have connections..
The hooks could be given purely arbitrary names
e.g. "source1" and "suspicious"
a hook could be configured as being 'read-only' by command
rather than by special name.. (though special names are 
not a very bad way of doing it..

for example..

I haven't looked at the code yet, just the man page..


On Fri, 24 May 2002, Rocco Lucia wrote:

> Hello,
>I tweaked a little the one2many node to realize some different
> kind of packet switching node. I needed something that would help me
> to split over different IDS sensors data coming from span/mirroring
> session done on the network. At first I tried to glue some bpf nodes
> but I had no luck since performance was very poor and I had tons of
> packets lost (p3 866MHz, ~100kpt/s inbound).
>The fwdswitch node, could be imagined as a 'many2many' node but
> monodirectional only: packets flow from 'in' hooks to 'out' hooks
> only. The decision about which 'out' hook to choose to forward a
> packet is taken going through a forwarding table that associates
> an IPaddress/netmask to an output hook index. Packets that are not
> matched or frames that are not IP packets will be forwarded to the
> 'default' hook.
>I just finished to fix it, made some documentation so it is still
> incomplete, requires cleanup and has some bugs in the configuration
> part, but it is nicely working. Let me know if it can be of any
> interest.
> It's downloadable at 
> It will compile on 4-STABLE.
> Ciao :)
> Rocco
> --
> Rocco Lucia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Iscanet Internet Services
> and Network Admin
> C6E6 AC9A 1361 FB38 B47A  2792 9FC4 C52F 7A68 4468
> Free unices for a free world. Support *BSD.
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> with "unsubscribe freebsd-net" in the body of the message

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splimp() during panic?

2002-05-24 Thread Archie Cobbs


I'm trying to debug a mbuf corruption bug in the kernel. I've added
an mbuf sanity check routine which calls panic() if anything is amiss
with the mbuf free list, etc. This function runs at splimp() and if/when
it calls panic() the cpl is still at splimp().

My question is: does this guarantee that the mbuf free lists, etc. will
not be modified between the time panic() is called and the time a core
file is generated? For example, if an incoming packet causes a networking
interrupt after panic() has been called but before the core file is
written, will that interrupt be blocked when it calls splimp()?

I've been working under this assumption but it seems to not be
valid, because I seem to be seeing panics for situations that are
not true in the core file.

If this is not a valid assumption, is there an easy way to 'freeze'
the mbuf free lists long enough to generate the core file when an
inconsistency is found (other than adding the obvious hack)?


Archie Cobbs * Packet Design *

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Re: splimp() during panic?

2002-05-24 Thread Bosko Milekic

Archie Cobbs wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to debug a mbuf corruption bug in the kernel. I've added
> an mbuf sanity check routine which calls panic() if anything is amiss
> with the mbuf free list, etc. This function runs at splimp() and if/when
> it calls panic() the cpl is still at splimp().
> My question is: does this guarantee that the mbuf free lists, etc. will
> not be modified between the time panic() is called and the time a core
> file is generated? For example, if an incoming packet causes a networking
> interrupt after panic() has been called but before the core file is
> written, will that interrupt be blocked when it calls splimp()?

  splimp() ensures that no driver handlers will be executed.  Further,
  dumpsys() is called from panic() at splhigh() which would also mean
  that none of those potentially troublesome handlers will run.

> I've been working under this assumption but it seems to not be
> valid, because I seem to be seeing panics for situations that are
> not true in the core file.

  Are you seeing invalid stuff from DDB but valid stuff from the core
  file?  Because if so, that's REALLY WIERD.  If you're just seeing two
  different but invalid things, then perhaps something is happening when
  Debugger() runs (is it possible that the cpl() is changed after
  or before a breakpoint()?).

> If this is not a valid assumption, is there an easy way to 'freeze'
> the mbuf free lists long enough to generate the core file when an
> inconsistency is found (other than adding the obvious hack)?

  To make doubly-sure, what you can do is just keep a variable 'foo'
  which you initialize to 0.  Before any mbuf free list manipulations,
  place a 'if (foo == 0)' check.  Atomically set foo to 1 before the
  panic.  See if the inconsistency changes.  If you're seeing garbage in
  both cases, but the garbage is inconsistent, perhaps there's a memory
  problem or the dump isn't working properly (I've never heard of
  anything like this before).

> Thanks,
> -Archie
> __
> Archie Cobbs * Packet Design *

Bosko Milekic

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setting up batch files

2002-05-24 Thread Vinod

whats the best way to execute a series of commands in
freebsd?something like a batch file in MS-DOS.

suppose i want to execute the two commands,
ifconfig_eth0="inet e.f.g.h netmask e.f.g.h"
by typing something like 'change' on the terminal
window;howdo i go about this?
note these two commands are set in /etc/rc.conf and i
want to execute the changes through a batch sort of
Thanks in advance,

Do You Yahoo!?
LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

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Re: setting up batch files

2002-05-24 Thread Annelise Anderson

On Fri, 24 May 2002, Vinod wrote:

> whats the best way to execute a series of commands in
> freebsd?something like a batch file in MS-DOS.
> suppose i want to execute the two commands,
> defaultrouter="a.b.c.d"
> ifconfig_eth0="inet e.f.g.h netmask e.f.g.h"
> by typing something like 'change' on the terminal
> window;howdo i go about this?
> note these two commands are set in /etc/rc.conf and i
> want to execute the changes through a batch sort of
> file.
> Thanks in advance,
> vinod
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience
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You use a shell script; put the commands in the script as you would
type them at the command line; make the shell script executable; 
run it.

The commands aren't really set in /etc/rc.conf; only the values of
the variables are set there.  /etc/rc and scripts it calls actually
run the commands.  So if you don't want to reboot, do it at the
command line or do a shell script.

Annelise Anderson
Author of:   FreeBSD: An Open-Source Operating System for Your PC
Available from: and
Book Website: 

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mpd: pptp server

2002-05-24 Thread GM GG

I am trying to implement a small vpn solutions with
mpd as pptp server and pptpclient from home to office.
I have setup also in other implementations and it
works fine, but I need for this situations pptp
The office is connected directly to the net, while at
home I am using user ppp and a PPPoE connection.

The situations is this one:
Home : pptpclient from the ports.
Office: , real ip , mpd
as pptp server 

This is the config for the mpd - pptp server:

--- mpd.links ---
set link type pptp
set pptp self
set pptp enable incoming
set pptp disable originate

--- mpd.conf ---
new -i ng0 pptp pptp
set iface disable on-demand
set iface enable proxy-arp
set iface idle 1800
set bundle disable multilink
set link yes acfcomp protocomp
set link no pap chap
set link enable chap
set link keep-alive 10 60
set ipcp yes vjcomp
set ipcp ranges
set ipcp dns
set bundle enable compression
set ccp yes mppc
set ccp no mpp-e40
set ccp yes mpp-e128
set ccp no mpp-stateless

--- mpd.secret ---
mylogin "mypwd"

For the pptpclient I have added to my ppp.conf the
following lines:

--- ppp.conf ---
 set authname mylogin
 set authkey mypwd
 set timeout 0
 set ifaddr 0 0
# alias enable yes

I run on the server:
mpd pptp 

and on the client: 
pptp vpn-pptp-cof

where is the real ip of the server (like
in the links section).

I think the connections is fine because...
On the CLIENT:
a new tun device (the tun0 is the user ppp with the
PPPoE on the DSL cable)  is created on the client side
with the requested ip address:

tun1: flags=8051 mtu
inet --> netmask
Opened by PID 2152

and the appropriate routing added:
0   tun1   UH  1   
3   tun1

On the SERVER:
mtu 1496
inet --> netmask

the netstat -rn:
[...]  0   
3ng0   00:10:5a:dc:21:f6  UHLS2   0   

But when I try to use a ping I receive:

[pptp] IPCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Opened
[pptp] IPCP: LayerUp ->
[pptp] IFACE: Up event
[pptp] exec: /sbin/ifconfig ng0 netmask 0x -link0
[pptp] exec: /usr/sbin/arp -s
0:10:5a:dc:21:f6 pub
[pptp] IFACE: Up event
[pptp] CCP: rec'd Configure Request #3 link 0
   0x0040: MPPE, 128 bit
[pptp] CCP: SendConfigAck #3
   0x0040: MPPE, 128 bit
[pptp] CCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Opened
[pptp] CCP: LayerUp
  Compress using: MPPE, 128 bit
Decompress using: MPPE, 128 bit
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected

and on the client:
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP:  COMPPROTO[6]  16 VJ slots with
slot compression
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(2) state
= Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP:  MPPE[6] value 0x0040 (128
bits, stateful)
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(3) state
= Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP:  MPPE[6] value 0x0040 (128
bits, stateful)
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(2) state
= Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent
--> Opened
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: deflink: LayerUp.
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: myaddr hisaddr =
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(3) state
= Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent
--> Opened
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: LayerUp.
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: MPPE: Input channel initiated
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: MPPE: Output channel initiated
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: Out = MPPE[18], In =
ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: Unknown protocol 0x2145
(unrecognised protocol)

with the ssh from the client to the server I got:

ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: Unknown protocol 0x2145
(unrecognised protocol)
last message repeated 9 times
ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: Unknown protocol 0x2145
(unrecognised protocol)
ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: deflink: HDLC errors -> FCS:
0, ADDR: 0, COMD: 0, PROTO: 11


[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: bad length: says 0, rec'd 65
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: bad length: says 174, rec'd 65
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x

Re: splimp() during panic?

2002-05-24 Thread Archie Cobbs

Bosko Milekic writes:
> > My question is: does this guarantee that the mbuf free lists, etc. will
> > not be modified between the time panic() is called and the time a core
> > file is generated? For example, if an incoming packet causes a networking
> > interrupt after panic() has been called but before the core file is
> > written, will that interrupt be blocked when it calls splimp()?
>   splimp() ensures that no driver handlers will be executed.  Further,
>   dumpsys() is called from panic() at splhigh() which would also mean
>   that none of those potentially troublesome handlers will run.

OK, good...

> > I've been working under this assumption but it seems to not be
> > valid, because I seem to be seeing panics for situations that are
> > not true in the core file.
>   Are you seeing invalid stuff from DDB but valid stuff from the core
>   file?  Because if so, that's REALLY WIERD.  If you're just seeing two
>   different but invalid things, then perhaps something is happening when
>   Debugger() runs (is it possible that the cpl() is changed after
>   or before a breakpoint()?).

I'm not trying to use DDB for debugging.. just letting it panic and
generate the core file and then using GDB to examine it. I got one
panic that happened because mclfree was NULL (it was a bug in the
debug code :-) but looking at mclfree in the core file with GDB
showed it to be not NULL. So somehow some mbuf operation must have
occurred in there somewhere that modified mclfree it seems.

> > If this is not a valid assumption, is there an easy way to 'freeze'
> > the mbuf free lists long enough to generate the core file when an
> > inconsistency is found (other than adding the obvious hack)?
>   To make doubly-sure, what you can do is just keep a variable 'foo'
>   which you initialize to 0.  Before any mbuf free list manipulations,
>   place a 'if (foo == 0)' check.  Atomically set foo to 1 before the
>   panic.  See if the inconsistency changes.  If you're seeing garbage in

Yep, I'll probably do that as well.. thanks.


Archie Cobbs * Packet Design *

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Re: mpd: pptp server

2002-05-24 Thread Mike A. Oligny


> Hi,
> I am trying to implement a small vpn solutions with
> mpd as pptp server and pptpclient from home to office.

Just a thought - I have had much better luck using MPD
for both sides of the pptp equation.  pptpclient seemed
quite unstable the last few times I tried it.


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Re: mpd: pptp server

2002-05-24 Thread GM GG

 --- "Mike A. Oligny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha
scritto: > GM GG ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to implement a small vpn solutions
> with
> > mpd as pptp server and pptpclient from home to
> office.
> Just a thought - I have had much better luck using
> for both sides of the pptp equation.  pptpclient
> seemed
> quite unstable the last few times I tried it.

Can you suggest a config for mpd used like a pptp
client ? It seems to me there is not such config
sample in the provided mpd.conf default.

Or I have to use the vpn label perhaps ?

Btw I was testing with pptp client because I'd like to
use this vpn from a windows box too that has only the
pptp stuff ("virtual private network adapter) 

Thanks for your kind reply...

Scommetti gratis sui Mondiali!

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Re: ip src address in outgoing ipv4 multicast packets

2002-05-24 Thread Rob

* Naga Narayanaswamy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020523 19:21]:
> When you say src address is set to host group, what application generates
> them? What is the src and  dest address ? I quickly checked Rich Stevens vol
> II.
> Looks like the code has been like this since old days.
> Is the application setting the src address as mc group intentionally?

yes, it does in the call to bind, though I wouldn't think that one would
have to use two sockets for outgoing / incoming traffic if we just
wanted to restrict incoming traffic to have a dst address of the host's


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mpd: pptp server

2002-05-24 Thread Gianmarco Giovannelli

I am trying to implement a small vpn solutions with mpd as pptp server and 
pptpclient from home to office. I have setup also in other implementations 
and it works fine, but I need for this situations pptp server...
The office is connected directly to the net, while at home I am using user 
ppp and a PPPoE connection.

The situations is this one:
Home : pptpclient from the ports.
Office: , real ip , mpd as pptp server 

This is the config for the mpd - pptp server:

--- mpd.links ---
set link type pptp
set pptp self
set pptp enable incoming
set pptp disable originate

--- mpd.conf ---
new -i ng0 pptp pptp
set iface disable on-demand
set iface enable proxy-arp
set iface idle 1800
set bundle disable multilink
set link yes acfcomp protocomp
set link no pap chap
set link enable chap
set link keep-alive 10 60
set ipcp yes vjcomp
set ipcp ranges
set ipcp dns
set bundle enable compression
set ccp yes mppc
set ccp no mpp-e40
set ccp yes mpp-e128
set ccp no mpp-stateless

--- mpd.secret ---
mylogin "mypwd"

For the pptpclient I have added to my ppp.conf the following lines:

--- ppp.conf ---
 set authname mylogin
 set authkey mypwd
 set timeout 0
 set ifaddr 0 0
# alias enable yes

I run on the server:
mpd pptp 

and on the client: 
pptp vpn-pptp-cof

where is the real ip of the server (like in the links section).

I think the connections is fine because...
On the CLIENT:
a new tun device (the tun0 is the user ppp with the PPPoE on the DSL cable)  
is created on the client side with the requested ip address:

tun1: flags=8051 mtu 1498
inet --> netmask 0xff00
Opened by PID 2152

and the appropriate routing added:
192.168.0   tun1   UH  13   tun1

On the SERVER:
ng0: flags=88d1 mtu 1496
inet --> netmask 0x

the netstat -rn:
[...]  03ng0   00:10:5a:dc:21:f6  UHLS2   00xl1

But when I try to use a ping I receive:

[pptp] IPCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Opened
[pptp] IPCP: LayerUp ->
[pptp] IFACE: Up event
[pptp] exec: /sbin/ifconfig ng0 netmask 0x -
[pptp] exec: /usr/sbin/arp -s 0:10:5a:dc:21:f6 pub
[pptp] IFACE: Up event
[pptp] CCP: rec'd Configure Request #3 link 0 (Ack-Rcvd)
   0x0040: MPPE, 128 bit
[pptp] CCP: SendConfigAck #3
   0x0040: MPPE, 128 bit
[pptp] CCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Opened
[pptp] CCP: LayerUp
  Compress using: MPPE, 128 bit
Decompress using: MPPE, 128 bit
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected

and on the client:
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP:  COMPPROTO[6]  16 VJ slots with slot compression
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(2) state = Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP:  MPPE[6] value 0x0040 (128 bits, stateful)
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(3) state = Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP:  MPPE[6] value 0x0040 (128 bits, stateful)
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(2) state = Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent --> Opened
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: deflink: LayerUp.
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: myaddr hisaddr =
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(3) state = Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent --> Opened
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: LayerUp.
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: MPPE: Input channel initiated
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: MPPE: Output channel initiated
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: Out = MPPE[18], In = MPPE[18]
ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: Unknown protocol 0x2145 (unrecognised protocol)

with the ssh from the client to the server I got:

ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: Unknown protocol 0x2145 (unrecognised protocol)
last message repeated 9 times
ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: Unknown protocol 0x2145 (unrecognised protocol)
ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: deflink: HDLC errors -> FCS: 0, ADDR: 0, COMD: 0, 


[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: bad length: says 0, rec'd 65
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: bad length: says 174, rec'd 65
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: proto

mpd: pptp server

2002-05-24 Thread Gianmarco Giovannelli

I am trying to implement a small vpn solutions with mpd as pptp server and 
pptpclient from home to office. I have setup also in other implementations 
and it works fine, but I need for this situations pptp server...
The office is connected directly to the net, while at home I am using user 
ppp and a PPPoE connection.

The situations is this one:
Home : pptpclient from the ports.
Office: , real ip , mpd as pptp server

This is the config for the mpd - pptp server:

--- mpd.links ---
 set link type pptp
 set pptp self
 set pptp enable incoming
 set pptp disable originate

--- mpd.conf ---
 new -i ng0 pptp pptp
 set iface disable on-demand
 set iface enable proxy-arp
 set iface idle 1800
 set bundle disable multilink
 set link yes acfcomp protocomp
 set link no pap chap
 set link enable chap
 set link keep-alive 10 60
 set ipcp yes vjcomp
 set ipcp ranges
 set ipcp dns
 set bundle enable compression
 set ccp yes mppc
 set ccp no mpp-e40
 set ccp yes mpp-e128
 set ccp no mpp-stateless

--- mpd.secret ---
mylogin "mypwd"

For the pptpclient I have added to my ppp.conf the following lines:

--- ppp.conf ---
  set authname mylogin
  set authkey mypwd
  set timeout 0
  set ifaddr 0 0
# alias enable yes

I run on the server:
mpd pptp

and on the client:
pptp vpn-pptp-cof

where is the real ip of the server (like in the links section).

I think the connections is fine because...
On the CLIENT:
a new tun device (the tun0 is the user ppp with the PPPoE on the DSL 
cable)  is created on the client side with the requested ip address:

tun1: flags=8051 mtu 1498
 inet --> netmask 0xff00
 Opened by PID 2152

and the appropriate routing added:
192.168.0   tun1   UH  13   tun1

On the SERVER:
ng0: flags=88d1 mtu 1496
 inet --> netmask 0x

the netstat -rn:
[...]  03ng0   00:10:5a:dc:21:f6  UHLS2   00xl1

But when I try to use a ping I receive:

[pptp] IPCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Opened
[pptp] IPCP: LayerUp ->
[pptp] IFACE: Up event
[pptp] exec: /sbin/ifconfig ng0 netmask 0x 
[pptp] exec: /usr/sbin/arp -s 0:10:5a:dc:21:f6 pub
[pptp] IFACE: Up event
[pptp] CCP: rec'd Configure Request #3 link 0 (Ack-Rcvd)
0x0040: MPPE, 128 bit
[pptp] CCP: SendConfigAck #3
0x0040: MPPE, 128 bit
[pptp] CCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Opened
[pptp] CCP: LayerUp
   Compress using: MPPE, 128 bit
Decompress using: MPPE, 128 bit
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected

and on the client:
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP:  COMPPROTO[6]  16 VJ slots with slot compression
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(2) state = Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP:  MPPE[6] value 0x0040 (128 bits, stateful)
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(3) state = Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP:  MPPE[6] value 0x0040 (128 bits, stateful)
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(2) state = Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent --> Opened
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: deflink: LayerUp.
ppp[2152]: tun1: IPCP: myaddr hisaddr =
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(3) state = Ack-Sent
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent --> Opened
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: LayerUp.
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: MPPE: Input channel initiated
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: MPPE: Output channel initiated
ppp[2152]: tun1: CCP: deflink: Out = MPPE[18], In = MPPE[18]
ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: Unknown protocol 0x2145 (unrecognised protocol)

with the ssh from the client to the server I got:

ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: Unknown protocol 0x2145 (unrecognised protocol)
last message repeated 9 times
ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: Unknown protocol 0x2145 (unrecognised protocol)
ppp[2152]: tun1: Phase: deflink: HDLC errors -> FCS: 0, ADDR: 0, COMD: 0, 


[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: bad length: says 0, rec'd 65
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
[pptp] LCP: protocol 0x2145 was rejected
[pptp] LCP: bad length: says 174, rec'd 65
[pptp] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 li

Re: mpd: pptp server

2002-05-24 Thread Mike A. Oligny

> Can you suggest a config for mpd used like a
> pptp client ? It seems to me there is not such
> config sample in the provided mpd.conf default.

Sure, I'll include some that I've used
successfully -

client configs are old and haven't been tested
recently - they were last used with mpd 3.6.

server configs work very well with W2K/XP clients,
however, I think my IP calculations in .secrets
may be incorrect.  Perhaps this isn't even
necessary with 3.7 - my goal was to have one user
always get the same IP - this worked fine, except
if that user disconnected and someone else
connected on same interface, they ended up with
the reserved IP.  Eventually, I'd end up with a
couple clients connected as :(

I find the same sort of thing happens if I log in
twice with the same username unless I have the
client request a specific IP.  Probably just need
to play with numbers in .secrets file.

Any feedback/corrections would be appreciated!


** `client' mpd.conf **

load vpn

new -i ng1 vpn vpn
set iface disable on-demand
#   set iface addrs
set iface idle 0
set iface route
set bundle disable multilink
set bundle authname ""
set bundle password ""
set link yes acfcomp protocomp
set link no pap
#   set link yes chap

set link enable no-orig-auth
set link keep-alive 10 75
set ipcp yes vjcomp
set ipcp ranges
set bundle enable compression
set ccp yes mppc
set ccp yes mpp-e40
set ccp yes mpp-e128
set bundle enable crypt-reqd
set ccp yes mpp-stateless

** `client' mpd.links **

set link type pptp
set pptp self 
set pptp peer 
set pptp enable originate incoming outcall

** `server' mpd.conf **

load client1
load client2
load client9

set iface disable on-demand
set iface enable proxy-arp
set iface idle 0
set bundle enable multilink
set link yes acfcomp protocomp
set link no pap chap
set link enable chap
set link keep-alive 25 60
set ipcp yes vjcomp
set ipcp dns
set ipcp nbns

set bundle enable compression
set ccp yes mppc

# I've been trying mpp-compress every couple
# months... it doesn't work for me.  :)

# set ccp yes mpp-compress

set ccp yes mpp-e40
set ccp yes mpp-e128
set ccp yes mpp-stateless

new -i ng0 pptp1 pptp1
set ipcp ranges
load pptp_common_settings

new -i ng1 pptp2 pptp2
set ipcp ranges
load pptp_common_settings


new -i ng8 pptp9 pptp9
set ipcp ranges
load pptp_common_settings

** `server' mpd.links **

set link type pptp
set pptp self
set pptp enable incoming
set pptp disable originate

set link type pptp
set pptp self
set pptp enable incoming
set pptp disable originate


set link type pptp
set pptp self
set pptp enable incoming
set pptp disable originate

** `server' mpd.secret **

user1   "password"
user2   "password"
user3   "password"
user4   "password"
user5   "password"

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data link layer protocol

2002-05-24 Thread Henry Fung

Is there any module or well-known mechanism available 
for punting a data link layer PDU to a user process? 
Also for sending out PDUs?
Say I'd like to implement ARP as a user process, or 
some other protocols.

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Re: data link layer protocol

2002-05-24 Thread Craig Rodrigues

On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 07:05:38PM -0700, Henry Fung wrote:
> Is there any module or well-known mechanism available 
> for punting a data link layer PDU to a user process? 
> Also for sending out PDUs?
> Say I'd like to implement ARP as a user process, or 
> some other protocols.
> Thanks.
> Henry


Try reading the man page for the tap device:
man tap

There is also a web page with more information:

You may also wish to look at netgraph:
man 4 netgraph

Craig RodriguesDistributed Systems and Logistics, Office 6/304
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   BBN Technologies, a Verizon company
(617) 873-4725 Cambridge, MA

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