some comments..

1/ it may be more useful to not make any distinction between 
'in' and  'out' hooks but just have connections..
The hooks could be given purely arbitrary names
e.g. "source1" and "suspicious"
a hook could be configured as being 'read-only' by command
rather than by special name.. (though special names are 
not a very bad way of doing it..

for example..

I haven't looked at the code yet, just the man page..


On Fri, 24 May 2002, Rocco Lucia wrote:

> Hello,
>    I tweaked a little the one2many node to realize some different
> kind of packet switching node. I needed something that would help me
> to split over different IDS sensors data coming from span/mirroring
> session done on the network. At first I tried to glue some bpf nodes
> but I had no luck since performance was very poor and I had tons of
> packets lost (p3 866MHz, ~100kpt/s inbound).
>    The fwdswitch node, could be imagined as a 'many2many' node but
> monodirectional only: packets flow from 'in' hooks to 'out' hooks
> only. The decision about which 'out' hook to choose to forward a
> packet is taken going through a forwarding table that associates
> an IPaddress/netmask to an output hook index. Packets that are not
> matched or frames that are not IP packets will be forwarded to the
> 'default' hook.
>    I just finished to fix it, made some documentation so it is still
> incomplete, requires cleanup and has some bugs in the configuration
> part, but it is nicely working. Let me know if it can be of any
> interest.
> It's downloadable at 
> It will compile on 4-STABLE.
> Ciao :)
> Rocco
> --
> Rocco Lucia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Iscanet Internet Services
>    System and Network Admin
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