Re: KEvent doesnt return and KEvent sample tr... 

2001-05-03 Thread Dominic Marks

Many thanks. I see where I was going wrong now.

Dominic Marks
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how to use netgraph?

2001-05-03 Thread Gunnar Olsson

Hi there,
I have a process in user space, that wants to send a packet
direct on the ethernet, not encapsulate the packet in IP.
When I read about netgraph, it looks like it possible to do, or?
When I hook to a upper or a lower hook, does the kernel create
the ethernet header, or do I have to create the ethernet header
in the user process myself before sending down?

If the kernal is adding the ethernet header,
what is actually sent out on the wire? Usaully an ARPLOOKUP
is done and maps the IP dst to a MAC dst, but now I do not
have the IP header. How to get the MAC dst field filled in?

If someone has an example how to write a small
program that using the netgragh to sent a packet down
via an hook, I would be so happy if you could send that
to me:-)

Best Regards

Gunnar Olsson Phone: +46 8 5062 5762   
Xelerated Packet Devices AB Fax: +46 8 5455 3211
Regeringsgatan 67  Mobile: +46 73 3279765
SE-10386 Stockholm
Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: inquiry 6700

2001-05-03 Thread crystal_243
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Re: new syscons screensaver

2001-05-03 Thread Jan Grant

Very neat.

[forgive flippancy]

On Wed, 2 May 2001, Andrew Hesford wrote:

> The screensaver isn't bad, and it gets pretty trippy when you focus at
> infinity and let the 3D-Illusions (TM) effect set in.

Argh! I've just gone blind.

jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol.
Tel +44(0)117 9287163 Fax +44 (0)117 9287112 RFC822 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
YKYBPTMRogueW... you try to move diagonally in vi.

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Re: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on AKA]

2001-05-03 Thread jessem

I don't buy this story for a moment. You should expect
SVBUG not to either. This can only be classified as:

A) A poor excuse for a coverup (for some unknown reason)
B) Major incompetence (in which someone should resign)
C) Aliens have landed

If as you say, it has been known since the 20th of 
April, 2001, then the world (and FreeBSD) has plenty
of channels for communications. Windriver has a website,
it is un-affected by FreeBSD traffic. BSDi has a website,
it is un-affected by FreeBSD traffic. Daemonnews has
a website Do I need continue?

Best Regards,

> Subject: ANNOUNCE: Status update on AKA
> X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94.1 on Emacs 20.7 / Mule 4.0 (HANANOEN)
> Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 20:58:09 -0700
> From: Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi folks,
> This is just a short note to discuss the current state of affairs with
> our master FTP site, explain what we're doing about it and combat some
> of the FUD floating around which has everyone from space aliens to
> Wind River Systems (who supply the space aliens with navigational
> software, of course) intentionally killing the site off.
> On April 20th, 2001, the day that FreeBSD 4.3 was due to be released,
> we lost access to our main FTP site,, without any
> advance warning.  Further investigation revealed that the problem was
> due to an unforeseen network outage which caused the hosting ISP to
> have to block access to the site.  With one of their major links down,
> it was overloading the ISPs backup links and denying bandwidth to
> their other customers.
> It was also not clear to us, then or now, just how long the outage
> would last and whether this was to be a short-term or a long-term
> problem.  With the release date for 4.3 already well publicized in
> advance and many people asking me for it, I decided to use one of our
> backup sites, the usw[1-6] cluster, and at least get the
> current releases bits up somewhere on an interim basis.
> Unfortunately, I really underestimated both the extent of the demand
> and the degree to which our big, fat Gigabit pipe at
> has made distributing the bits to our mirrors look comparatively easy.
> Even with the login limits set *significantly* greater in favor of the
> registered mirror sites, and with multiple machines pulling the load,
> it quickly overwhelmed the new hosting infrastructure and resulted in
> significant bandwidth limiting on FTP traffic being instituted by the
> ISP.  Even delaying the official announcement by 24 hours had no
> measurable effect on the overload since word of mouth and anticipation
> had already built demand beyond the saturation point.
> In short, what many of us have suspected for years turned out to be
> proven rather abruptly true: The services infrastructure
> has become overly reliant on resources which constitute single points
> of failure and lacks both sufficient tiering and redundancy in the
> face of such failure.  We lost a key FTP resource and our entire
> distribution service essentially collapsed.  The same may be true for
> CVSup, mail and WWW services and that's something we definitely need
> to look at.
> For now, the most critical item is to finish implementing the
> discussed-but-not-implemented ftp-master site scheme.  A machine to
> serve as the project's "master FTP host" has been procured will
> shortly be available for FTP access.  ONLY mirror sites will be
> allowed to connect to it, and it will always be pre-loaded with
> release bits, CERT advisories and anything else which requires the
> mirrors to have a head-start in advance of any public announcement.
> Announcements will only be made after a hand-inspection of the mirror
> sites reveals that a significant degree of propagation has taken place
> from the master site and not beforehand.
> What people currently regard as "" will become another
> tier of sites, probably served in round-robin DNS fashion, which have
> all agreed to meet the minimum requirements for being "full and
> complete mirrors" of the bits offered from
> Existing mirror sites which wish to maintain only a subset of the
> master bits will become clients of these second-tier sites and subject
> to whatever distribution policies they institute.  It would be my
> expectation that certain 2nd-tier sites will also have mirror access
> lists which favor the 3rd-tier sites over end-users, but that's a
> detail to be worked out over time.
> It's also not clear what, if anything, needs to be done to make sites
> like and more reliable in the face of
> failure, but people can certainly expect that a good deal of thought
> will be going into answering those questions over the next few weeks.

RE: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA]

2001-05-03 Thread Koster, K.J.

Dear Jessem,

> A) A poor excuse for a coverup (for some unknown reason)
Need a reason? See item C.

> B) Major incompetence (in which someone should resign)
Does this mean you're volunteering?

In case you don't: I hereby resign from the position of Major Incompetence.
I have proudly held this position for the past eigthteen seconds. However,
in honest and open talk with General Protection Failure we have come to the
conclusion that it's best for me to let the younger generation move up and
fill my shoes in this department. I have learned a lot from working with you
in this position and it hurts me to make this decision. Still, my life goes
on, and so does yours.

> C) Aliens have landed
Ah. All is explained.

Kees Jan

 You are only young once,
   but you can stay immature all your life.

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

RE: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA]

2001-05-03 Thread Raymond Wiker

Koster, K.J. writes:
 > Dear Jessem,
 > > C) Aliens have landed
 > >
 > Ah. All is explained.

Note that "jessem" appears to be Jesus Monroy Jr, who about 6
or 7 years ago conducted various experiments on PC hardware. Among
other things, he proved that

>>> if you turn off DRAM refresh, the PC crashes <<<

Ignore him.


Raymond Wiker

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Q: porting a driver from linux to freebsd.

2001-05-03 Thread Robert Suetterlin


I asked this already on freebsd-questions and was suggested to ask on this list, too.

I have a linux driver for a video grabber card (dfg/bw1 from 'the imaging 
source').  This card does not use a well bt848 or similar chip.  I would like to 
transfer this driver to freebsd.

I do understand how the driver works under linux and I will explain below.  I have 
also read articles on newbus, some netbsd docs, several freebsd manpages and the 
sources of meteor.c.  I know in principle how to do a driver under freebsd.  But I 
never did it before and wanted to get some expertise on how to do it best.

Under Linux the driver is just an empty shell that links into the kernel, then 
allocates some memory and provides rather general access to the pci-bus and the 
allocated memory using ioctl and mmap.
There is a 'lowlevel' library that translates the ioctl and mmap calls to a 
struct based API.
This API is then used by a binary only library to do all the work.  I.e. find 
the hardware on the pci-bus.  Read and write the device memory.  Transfer data to main 
memory.  Set grabbing specifics, etc.

The reasons for this implementation are not mine to discuss, but in pricipal I do 
understand the idea, as it separates the OS/hardware specific part from a more general 
library.  And it allows to distribute the library in binary format and evade some 
copyright problems.

A driver as described above would not really be a PCI-device-driver as it would not 
allocate (attach to) a pci-device during configuration.  My feeling is, that this is 
some kind of PCI-interface, or PCI-bus abstraction, more like an API, not like a real 
device.  I think it is more like a new system call then a real device.

My question:  If you (as very experienced driver / kernel programmer) would face this 
task.  And if You were not allowed to question /sidestep the task itself.  Haw would 
You implement this under Freebsd?
I even do not know enough keywords to ask more specific.  I could ask: Would 
You do a pseudo device?  But I do not know if this could be done by a pseudeo device.  
Etc. ...


Robert S.  Haw would You implement this under Freebsd?
I even do not know enough keywords to ask more specific.  I could ask: Would 
You do a pseudo device?  But I do not know if this could be done by a pseudeo device.  
Etc. ...


Robert S.

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: NMI during procfs mem reads (#2)

2001-05-03 Thread Warner Losh

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kevin Day writes:
: I tried sending this from my work account, but our new exchange server isn't
: exactly sending mail correctly... Excuse the duplicate post if you see it.
: :)

It sounds like the PCI card that you are trying to read from is
generating the pci fault cycles to cause the bridge to generate an
nmi.  Either that, or you have one of those handy nmi switches that
you used to break into the debugger.


To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: NMI during procfs mem reads (#2)

2001-05-03 Thread Kevin Day

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kevin Day writes:
> : I tried sending this from my work account, but our new exchange server isn't
> : exactly sending mail correctly... Excuse the duplicate post if you see it.
> : :)
> It sounds like the PCI card that you are trying to read from is
> generating the pci fault cycles to cause the bridge to generate an
> nmi.  Either that, or you have one of those handy nmi switches that
> you used to break into the debugger.
> Warner

The PCI target itself isn't doing anything like that, but it's possible that
the PCI-PCI bridge we're going through might be. In any case, getting the
NMI isn't really all that bad, it's stopping the chipset from getting hung
on a infinite retry. My only concern is the NMI handler while in the kernel
may be too aggressive in causing a panic.

-- Kevin

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on ftp.freebsd.orgA KA]

2001-05-03 Thread Jordan Hubbard

Well, given that it's you I'm speaking with, I think we can just
settle for the Aliens explanation and leave it at that.  In the real
world, shit happens and people do their best to deal with it, often
with inadequate information and a lack of alternative resources.

I suppose I could also ascribe your own failure to ever come up with a
QIC tape driver or a floppy driver (despite months of "newsletters"
and apparent effort) as a coverup or major incompetence in action, but
that would be another case of reading too much into a sitution where
simple human frailty was a more than adequate explanation.

If you wish to turn SVBUG into your own personal pulpit for conspiracy
theories and other wild-ass politicking then you're also free to do
so, but SVBUG should not then be surprised if the rest of us avoid it
like the plague.  I've already made our position plain and this is the
last communication we need to have on the matter since I can easily
see that we're going squarely down the path of serious
non-productivity with this whole exchange.  I also don't see where the
-hackers mailing list needs to be involved since this has NOTHING to
do with FreeBSD hacking.  Have a nice day.

- Jordan

Subject: Re: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA]
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 03:14:44 -0700 (PDT)

> Jordan,
> I don't buy this story for a moment. You should expect
> SVBUG not to either. This can only be classified as:
> A) A poor excuse for a coverup (for some unknown reason)
> B) Major incompetence (in which someone should resign)
> C) Aliens have landed
> If as you say, it has been known since the 20th of 
> April, 2001, then the world (and FreeBSD) has plenty
> of channels for communications. Windriver has a website,
> it is un-affected by FreeBSD traffic. BSDi has a website,
> it is un-affected by FreeBSD traffic. Daemonnews has
> a website Do I need continue?
>   Best Regards,
>   Jessem.
> > Subject: ANNOUNCE: Status update on AKA
> > X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94.1 on Emacs 20.7 / Mule 4.0 (HANANOEN)
> > Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 20:58:09 -0700
> > From: Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > Hi folks,
> > 
> > This is just a short note to discuss the current state of affairs with
> > our master FTP site, explain what we're doing about it and combat some
> > of the FUD floating around which has everyone from space aliens to
> > Wind River Systems (who supply the space aliens with navigational
> > software, of course) intentionally killing the site off.
> > 
> > On April 20th, 2001, the day that FreeBSD 4.3 was due to be released,
> > we lost access to our main FTP site,, without any
> > advance warning.  Further investigation revealed that the problem was
> > due to an unforeseen network outage which caused the hosting ISP to
> > have to block access to the site.  With one of their major links down,
> > it was overloading the ISPs backup links and denying bandwidth to
> > their other customers.
> > 
> > It was also not clear to us, then or now, just how long the outage
> > would last and whether this was to be a short-term or a long-term
> > problem.  With the release date for 4.3 already well publicized in
> > advance and many people asking me for it, I decided to use one of our
> > backup sites, the usw[1-6] cluster, and at least get the
> > current releases bits up somewhere on an interim basis.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, I really underestimated both the extent of the demand
> > and the degree to which our big, fat Gigabit pipe at
> > has made distributing the bits to our mirrors look comparatively easy.
> > Even with the login limits set *significantly* greater in favor of the
> > registered mirror sites, and with multiple machines pulling the load,
> > it quickly overwhelmed the new hosting infrastructure and resulted in
> > significant bandwidth limiting on FTP traffic being instituted by the
> > ISP.  Even delaying the official announcement by 24 hours had no
> > measurable effect on the overload since word of mouth and anticipation
> > had already built demand beyond the saturation point.
> > 
> > In short, what many of us have suspected for years turned out to be
> > proven rather abruptly true: The services infrastructure
> > has become overly reliant on resources which constitute single points
> > of failure and lacks both sufficient tiering and redundancy in the
> > face of such failure.  We lost a key FTP resource and our entire
> > distribution service essentially collapsed.  The same may be true for
> > CVSup, mail and WWW services and that's something we definitely need
> > to look at.
> > 
> > For now, the most critical item is to finish implementing the
> > discussed-but-not-implemented ftp-maste

Re: NMI during procfs mem reads (#2)

2001-05-03 Thread Warner Losh

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kevin Day writes:
: The PCI target itself isn't doing anything like that, but it's possible that
: the PCI-PCI bridge we're going through might be. In any case, getting the
: NMI isn't really all that bad, it's stopping the chipset from getting hung
: on a infinite retry. My only concern is the NMI handler while in the kernel
: may be too aggressive in causing a panic.

Yes.  The NMI handler is a little too agressive about panicing.  Also,
current has problems where sometimes it will panic when the nmi
happens with GIANT held.


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Re: Q: porting a driver from linux to freebsd.

2001-05-03 Thread Gary Jennejohn

On Thursday 03 May 2001 16:53, Robert Suetterlin wrote:
> Hello!
> I asked this already on freebsd-questions and was suggested to ask on this
> list, too.
>   I have a linux driver for a video grabber card (dfg/bw1 from 'the imaging
> source').  This card does not use a well bt848 or similar chip.  I would
> like to transfer this driver to freebsd.
> Under Linux the driver is just an empty shell that links into the kernel,
> then allocates some memory and provides rather general access to the
> pci-bus and the allocated memory using ioctl and mmap. There is a
> 'lowlevel' library that translates the ioctl and mmap calls to a struct
> based API. This API is then used by a binary only library to do all the
> work.  I.e. find the hardware on the pci-bus.  Read and write the device
> memory.  Transfer data to main memory.  Set grabbing specifics, etc.
> My question:  If you (as very experienced driver / kernel programmer) would
> face this task.  And if You were not allowed to question /sidestep the task
> itself.  Haw would You implement this under Freebsd? I even do not know
> enough keywords to ask more specific.  I could ask: Would You do a pseudo
> device?  But I do not know if this could be done by a pseudeo device.  Etc.
> ...

I suspect that this thing uses libpci under Linux, which allows one to do all 
the nasty stuff in userland which is normally done in the probe and attach 
routines in the kernel. AFAIK libpci is very general und should work under 
FreeBSD too.

However, if libpci does not work (I've never tried to use it with FreeBSD), 
then there's probably no way around writing a driver which at least does the 
basic probe/attach stuff to get the card mapped into the kernel. Beyond that 
you can probably get away with just providing mmap/ioctl support a la Linux.

I personally would write a full-fledged driver. I don't think that this is 
something for which a pseudo-device is appropriate.

I see that you're in Garching. I live in Munich and could maybe give you 
some help. Look me up in the phonebook, my name is unique.


To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: NMI during procfs mem reads (#2)

2001-05-03 Thread John Baldwin

On 03-May-01 Warner Losh wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kevin Day writes:
>: The PCI target itself isn't doing anything like that, but it's possible that
>: the PCI-PCI bridge we're going through might be. In any case, getting the
>: NMI isn't really all that bad, it's stopping the chipset from getting hung
>: on a infinite retry. My only concern is the NMI handler while in the kernel
>: may be too aggressive in causing a panic.
> Yes.  The NMI handler is a little too agressive about panicing.  Also,
> current has problems where sometimes it will panic when the nmi
> happens with GIANT held.

Correction, with a spin lock held.  It may try to acquire Giant (not sure _why_
it acquires Giant) and then it pukes.  Getting a traceback would be most
helpful. :)  Also, the output of 'show locks' from ddb could help, too.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
PGP Key:
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA]

2001-05-03 Thread jessem

On  3 May, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> Well, given that it's you I'm speaking with, I think we can just
> settle for the Aliens explanation and leave it at that.  In the real
> world, shit happens and people do their best to deal with it, often
> with inadequate information and a lack of alternative resources.
> I suppose I could also ascribe your own failure to ever come up with a
> QIC tape driver or a floppy driver (despite months of "newsletters"
> and apparent effort) as a coverup or major incompetence in action, but
> that would be another case of reading too much into a sitution where
> simple human frailty was a more than adequate explanation.
> If you wish to turn SVBUG into your own personal pulpit for conspiracy
> theories and other wild-ass politicking then you're also free to do
> so, but SVBUG should not then be surprised if the rest of us avoid it
> like the plague.  I've already made our position plain and this is the
> last communication we need to have on the matter since I can easily
> see that we're going squarely down the path of serious
> non-productivity with this whole exchange.  I also don't see where the
> -hackers mailing list needs to be involved since this has NOTHING to
> do with FreeBSD hacking.  Have a nice day.
Mr. Hubbard,
It's more than apparent I've found the right point at which to
discuss this issue. If flame bait had to be labeled, in this case
it would be 'aliens'. We both have bitten into that apple now.

I hoped you would answer the question. However, given the past
nature of your responses, my guess that you would take the 'aliens' 
route proved correct (at least to me). Conspiracy, that's your label.
It has implications, I don't see any that apply; perhaps you do.

As for the nature of SVBUG, perhaps you might consider
that my 'wild-ass politicking' might be the response of the
club as a whole. To which, a bunch of OS-X newbies might
be the least of your issues for years to come.

Lastly, as an SVBUG club member remarked last might, "perhaps
FreeBSD will now become familiar with how the Jolitz felt, when
they were accused of coverups."

Best Regards,

> - Jordan
> Subject: Re: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA 
> Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 03:14:44 -0700 (PDT)
>> Jordan,
>> I don't buy this story for a moment. You should expect
>> SVBUG not to either. This can only be classified as:
>> A) A poor excuse for a coverup (for some unknown reason)
>> B) Major incompetence (in which someone should resign)
>> C) Aliens have landed
>> If as you say, it has been known since the 20th of 
>> April, 2001, then the world (and FreeBSD) has plenty
>> of channels for communications. Windriver has a website,
>> it is un-affected by FreeBSD traffic. BSDi has a website,
>> it is un-affected by FreeBSD traffic. Daemonnews has
>> a website Do I need continue?
>>  Best Regards,
>>  Jessem.
>> > Subject: ANNOUNCE: Status update on AKA
>> > X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94.1 on Emacs 20.7 / Mule 4.0 (HANANOEN)
>> > Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 20:58:09 -0700
>> > From: Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > 
>> > Hi folks,
>> > 
>> > This is just a short note to discuss the current state of affairs with
>> > our master FTP site, explain what we're doing about it and combat some
>> > of the FUD floating around which has everyone from space aliens to
>> > Wind River Systems (who supply the space aliens with navigational
>> > software, of course) intentionally killing the site off.
>> > 
>> > On April 20th, 2001, the day that FreeBSD 4.3 was due to be released,
>> > we lost access to our main FTP site,, without any
>> > advance warning.  Further investigation revealed that the problem was
>> > due to an unforeseen network outage which caused the hosting ISP to
>> > have to block access to the site.  With one of their major links down,
>> > it was overloading the ISPs backup links and denying bandwidth to
>> > their other customers.
>> > 
>> > It was also not clear to us, then or now, just how long the outage
>> > would last and whether this was to be a short-term or a long-term
>> > problem.  With the release date for 4.3 already well publicized in
>> > advance and many people asking me for it, I decided to use one of our
>> > backup sites, the usw[1-6] cluster, and at least get the
>> > current releases bits up somewhere on an interim basis.
>> > 
>> > Unfortunately, I really underestimated both the extent of the demand
>> > and the degree to which our big, fat Gigabit pipe at
>> > has made distributing the bits to our mirrors look comparatively easy.
>> > Even with the login limits set *signi

RE: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA]

2001-05-03 Thread jessem

thanks for your comments. I'll make sure to pass them
on to the club. :-)

Best Regards,

On  3 May, Koster, K.J. wrote:
> Dear Jessem,
>> A) A poor excuse for a coverup (for some unknown reason)
> Need a reason? See item C.
>> B) Major incompetence (in which someone should resign)
> Does this mean you're volunteering?
> In case you don't: I hereby resign from the position of Major Incompetence.
> I have proudly held this position for the past eigthteen seconds. However,
> in honest and open talk with General Protection Failure we have come to the
> conclusion that it's best for me to let the younger generation move up and
> fill my shoes in this department. I have learned a lot from working with you
> in this position and it hurts me to make this decision. Still, my life goes
> on, and so does yours.
>> C) Aliens have landed
> Ah. All is explained.
> Kees Jan
>  You are only young once,
>but you can stay immature all your life.

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on ftp.freebsd.orgA KA]

2001-05-03 Thread Jordan Hubbard

I don't know what part of "this has nothing to do with hacking
FreeBSD" you did not understand before, but this list has a very clear
and well-stated CHARTER which is posted here:

and this discussion clearly does not fall under it.  As the charter
very explicitly states: "Ongoing irrelevant chatter or flaming only
detracts from the value of the mailing list for everyone on it and
will not be tolerated"

You may therefore consider this your second official warning that you
are not in compliance with the charter for this mailing list and need
only one more offense to warrant a ban.  Since this will also not be
the first time you have managed to ban yourself from this list, I
suspect that a ban on this occasion may prove permanent, so take heed!

I have already communicated the true situation with as
best I could using the appropriate channels and whatever you or SVBUG
may choose to say about it is purely your own business, simply keep it
off this mailing list.  A perfectly good mailing list, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
also exists for just this kind of thing and you are more than
encouraged to take this "discussion" there.

This is your second and final warning and if you choose to reply to
this message, either make it personal to me only or cc it to
freebsd-chat.  I've only cc'd hackers twice myself to show that the
issue is being dealt with and to ensure that the warnings are properly
on record.  Anything further you send to -hackers, unless on a more
appropriate topic, will constitute a banning offense.  Thank you.

- Jordan

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Re: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA]

2001-05-03 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp


As far as I can see the ECHELON is still doing a good job of
filtering his messages out, I have seen no traces of this thread
anywhere else than on the encrypted monitor VPN.

But I guess he is on to our plan, so we really have no choice but
to kill him.  Is it your turn or my turn to call the squad ?

Ohh, btw: great cover story you got going there, I wonder if anybody
else will catch the subtle irony of the first space tourist having
the same name as a former eastern block dictator, TSGM were all
howling from laughter when they heard it, you certainly scored 
some brownie points with that.

And how's your new helicopter ?  Black is always beautiful as they say :-)


>On  3 May, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
>> Well, given that it's you I'm speaking with, I think we can just
>> settle for the Aliens explanation and leave it at that.  In the real
>> world, shit happens and people do their best to deal with it, often
>> with inadequate information and a lack of alternative resources.
>> I suppose I could also ascribe your own failure to ever come up with a
>> QIC tape driver or a floppy driver (despite months of "newsletters"
>> and apparent effort) as a coverup or major incompetence in action, but
>> that would be another case of reading too much into a sitution where
>> simple human frailty was a more than adequate explanation.
>> If you wish to turn SVBUG into your own personal pulpit for conspiracy
>> theories and other wild-ass politicking then you're also free to do
>> so, but SVBUG should not then be surprised if the rest of us avoid it
>> like the plague.  I've already made our position plain and this is the
>> last communication we need to have on the matter since I can easily
>> see that we're going squarely down the path of serious
>> non-productivity with this whole exchange.  I also don't see where the
>> -hackers mailing list needs to be involved since this has NOTHING to
>> do with FreeBSD hacking.  Have a nice day.
>Mr. Hubbard,
>It's more than apparent I've found the right point at which to
>discuss this issue. If flame bait had to be labeled, in this case
>it would be 'aliens'. We both have bitten into that apple now.
>I hoped you would answer the question. However, given the past
>nature of your responses, my guess that you would take the 'aliens' 
>route proved correct (at least to me). Conspiracy, that's your label.
>It has implications, I don't see any that apply; perhaps you do.
>As for the nature of SVBUG, perhaps you might consider
>that my 'wild-ass politicking' might be the response of the
>club as a whole. To which, a bunch of OS-X newbies might
>be the least of your issues for years to come.
>Lastly, as an SVBUG club member remarked last might, "perhaps
>FreeBSD will now become familiar with how the Jolitz felt, when
>they were accused of coverups."
>   Best Regards,
>   Jessem.
>> - Jordan
>> Subject: Re: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA 
>> Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 03:14:44 -0700 (PDT)
>>> Jordan,
>>> I don't buy this story for a moment. You should expect
>>> SVBUG not to either. This can only be classified as:
>>> A) A poor excuse for a coverup (for some unknown reason)
>>> B) Major incompetence (in which someone should resign)
>>> C) Aliens have landed
>>> If as you say, it has been known since the 20th of 
>>> April, 2001, then the world (and FreeBSD) has plenty
>>> of channels for communications. Windriver has a website,
>>> it is un-affected by FreeBSD traffic. BSDi has a website,
>>> it is un-affected by FreeBSD traffic. Daemonnews has
>>> a website Do I need continue?
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Jessem.
>>> > Subject: ANNOUNCE: Status update on AKA
>>> > X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94.1 on Emacs 20.7 / Mule 4.0 (HANANOEN)
>>> > Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 20:58:09 -0700
>>> > From: Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> > 
>>> > Hi folks,
>>> > 
>>> > This is just a short note to discuss the current state of affairs with
>>> > our master FTP site, explain what we're doing about it and combat some
>>> > of the FUD floating around which has everyone from space aliens to
>>> > Wind River Systems (who supply the space aliens with navigational
>>> > software, of course) intentionally killing the site off.
>>> > 
>>> > On April 20th, 2001, the day that FreeBSD 4.3 was due to be released,
>>> > we lost access to our main FTP site,, without any
>>> > advance warning.  Further investigation revealed that the problem was
>>> > due to an unforeseen network outage which caused the hosting ISP to
>>> > have to block access to the si

real time

2001-05-03 Thread Joao Carlos

Does FreeBSD has any related work about it as an real time operating
Where can i find information about that ??

Joao Carlos

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Re: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA]

2001-05-03 Thread Matt Dillon

:And how's your new helicopter ?  Black is always beautiful as they say :-)

Helicopter?  Pah!  I know for a fact that Jordan was bribed with
a brand spanking new hovermobile by the afformentioned aliens!
(which, oddly enough looks somewhat like a DeLorean with a MrCoffee
bolted to the back, hrm).


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Web Development

2001-05-03 Thread tonyg

Hi, I do web development and database work out of Las Vegas.
I was wondering if you needed any development done. I have been 
doing web work for 6 years. I know Cold Fusion, ASP, Oracle, SQL 
and Flash.

Tony Grijalva 

Here's some the sites I've worked on: -  Complete site. Turned out in 3 days. - Complete sites along with www.brushed as a content manager, shopping cart, FAQ, Referral Program. - Pre-IPO Company I did the 
Complete site. I can send you a complete document about this site. - My own site with a bunch of guys here. 
I did the graphics. - The graphics were given to me in PhotoShop
format. I have to make them web ready and add functions. - Backend Cold Fusion work. - Their print company in Arizona sent me
the project and related functions. I can walk you through a back
door process. - Working on Now. - Needed the site before they went
public... I didn't do the flash but everything else and some cgi. - Got PhotoShop files. Added Cold Fusion
Please let me know if you need any help..
Thank You for your time and consideration, 
Tony Grijalva 

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Re: [ ANNOUNCE: Status update on A KA]

2001-05-03 Thread Alexander Langer

Thus spake Matt Dillon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Helicopter?  Pah!  I know for a fact that Jordan was bribed with
> a brand spanking new hovermobile by the afformentioned aliens!
> (which, oddly enough looks somewhat like a DeLorean with a MrCoffee
> bolted to the back, hrm).

I always thought sheep drive Vespas. :)


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Re: Kernel Console speed

2001-05-03 Thread Daniel Lang

Dear Mike,

Mike Smith wrote on Wed, May 02, 2001 at 04:08:25PM -0700:
> You don't want to set CONSPEED in the kernel config, or change the loader 
> configuration.  Just build/install boot1/boot2 with a new 
> BOOT_COMCONSOLE_SPEED, and ensure that /etc/ttys is correctly set for 
> your desired console rate.  This works. 

I tried this. Rebuilt the kernel without any CONSPEED 
option, bootstrap untouched (did already work with 38400),
still the same problem. To illustrate it a bit, here cut & paste
from the console server, which is permanently set at 38400:

Console: serial port
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS drive D: is disk2
BIOS drive E: is disk3
BIOS 639kB/523264kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 0.8
([EMAIL PROTECTED], Tue Apr 24 09:16:22 CEST 2001)
Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf
/kernel text=0x20ec4e data=0x27cd4+0x301a4 syms=[0x4+0x2d3e0+0x4+0x32f1e]

Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
Booting [kernel]...
[.. from here on, the kernel boot messages should appear
starting with:
Copyright (c) 1992-2001 The FreeBSD Project.
but its not readable on the console-server, because
of the wrong speed.

This stays until /etc/rc.sysctl resets 
Then the system startup / rc continues (then readable)
until the getty is started (which of course is also
running at 38400)
øàþøÀøàüüxachdep.conspeed: 9600 -> 38400
Doing initial network setup: hostname.
fxp0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
  inet netmask 0xfe00 broadcast
  inet6 fe80::2a0:c9ff:fe99:504e%fxp0 prefixlen 64 tentative scopeid 0x1
  inet netmask 0x broadcast
  ether 00:a0:c9:99:50:4e
  media: autoselect (100baseTX ) status: active

[ remaining startup output omitted ]

Additional TCP options:.

Thu May  3 21:02:16 CEST 2001

FreeBSD/i386 ( (ttyd0)


So far...

IRCnet: Mr-Spock- Eddie would go! -
 Daniel Lang * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * +49 89 289 25735 *

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Re: how to use netgraph?

2001-05-03 Thread Brooks Davis

On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 10:20:45AM +0200, Gunnar Olsson wrote:
> I have a process in user space, that wants to send a packet
> direct on the ethernet, not encapsulate the packet in IP.
> When I read about netgraph, it looks like it possible to do, or?
> When I hook to a upper or a lower hook, does the kernel create
> the ethernet header, or do I have to create the ethernet header
> in the user process myself before sending down?
> If the kernal is adding the ethernet header,
> what is actually sent out on the wire? Usaully an ARPLOOKUP
> is done and maps the IP dst to a MAC dst, but now I do not
> have the IP header. How to get the MAC dst field filled in?

It's rather unnecessicary to use netgraph for this purpose.  Instead you
can use the well hidden feature of the bpf device that it can write as
well as read.  If you want to send packets with arbitrary sender
addresses, you will want to use the BIOCGHDRCMPLT ioctl to enable that
(not all cards support this, for instance wireless cards do not.)  You
might also look at libnet which provides wrappers for this, but I seem
to recall that it doesn't support BIOCGHDRCMPLT.

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
PGP fingerprint 655D 519C 26A7 82E7 2529  9BF0 5D8E 8BE9 F238 1AD4

 PGP signature

/etc/ and natd_enable

2001-05-03 Thread Nick Rogness

In 4.2-STABLE, /etc/ has entries to turn on natd.  However, natd
does not get enabled if you don't specify natd_interface.  WHat if you you
have setup stored in a configuration file and do not wish to supply an
interface flag in /etc/rc.conf?  Well, natd does not turn on!

Would it make more sense to do something like (psuedo-ish code):

if (natd_enable = YES)

if (natd_interface defined)
natd -n $natd_interface $natd_flags
elif (natd_flags defined)
natd $natd_flags

It would allow for people to not specify a natd_interface but still be
able to run natd out of rc.conf.  What does everyone think of this?

I guess you pay the penalty if someone doesn't setup the flags properly
but I guess you could write that off as a config error anyways.

Nick Rogness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 - Keep on Routing in a Free World...
  "FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!"

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Re: /etc/ and natd_enable

2001-05-03 Thread Chris Dillon

On Thu, 3 May 2001, Nick Rogness wrote:

> In 4.2-STABLE, /etc/ has entries to turn on natd.
> However, natd does not get enabled if you don't specify
> natd_interface.  WHat if you you have setup stored in a
> configuration file and do not wish to supply an interface flag in
> /etc/rc.conf?  Well, natd does not turn on!

I've attached a very simple, but untested patch that will DTRT.
Anyone care to commit this if Nick says it works as expected?

Just in case the attachment doesn't make it, here it is inline (be
careful of cut'n'paste tab-to-space conversions).

--- Thu May  3 17:04:05 2001
+++  Thu May  3 17:18:52 2001
@@ -269,7 +269,9 @@
+   fi

+   if [ -n "${natd_interface}" -o -n 
+"${natd_flags}" ]; then
echo -n ' natd'; 
${natd_program:-/sbin/natd} ${natd_flags} ${natd_ifarg}

   FreeBSD: The fastest and most stable server OS on the planet.
   For IA32 and Alpha architectures. IA64, PPC, and ARM under development.

--- Thu May  3 17:04:05 2001
+++  Thu May  3 17:18:52 2001
@@ -269,7 +269,9 @@
+   fi
+   if [ -n "${natd_interface}" -o -n 
+"${natd_flags}" ]; then
echo -n ' natd'; 
${natd_program:-/sbin/natd} ${natd_flags} ${natd_ifarg}

Re: /etc/ and natd_enable

2001-05-03 Thread Ruslan Ermilov

On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 05:17:17PM -0500, Nick Rogness wrote:
> In 4.2-STABLE, /etc/ has entries to turn on natd.  However, natd
> does not get enabled if you don't specify natd_interface.  WHat if you you
> have setup stored in a configuration file and do not wish to supply an
> interface flag in /etc/rc.conf?  Well, natd does not turn on!
> Would it make more sense to do something like (psuedo-ish code):
>   if (natd_enable = YES)
>   if (natd_interface defined)
>   natd -n $natd_interface $natd_flags
>   elif (natd_flags defined)
>   natd $natd_flags
>   fi
>   fi
> It would allow for people to not specify a natd_interface but still be
> able to run natd out of rc.conf.  What does everyone think of this?
> I guess you pay the penalty if someone doesn't setup the flags properly
> but I guess you could write that off as a config error anyways.
${natd_interface} is required to set up the ``divert natd'' rule
from /etc/rc.firewall.

Ruslan Ermilov  Oracle Developer/DBA,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sunbay Software AG,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  FreeBSD committer,
+380.652.512.251Simferopol, Ukraine  The Power To Serve   Enabling The Information Age

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