I don't know what part of "this has nothing to do with hacking
FreeBSD" you did not understand before, but this list has a very clear
and well-stated CHARTER which is posted here:
and this discussion clearly does not fall under it. As the charter
very explicitly states: "Ongoing irrelevant chatter or flaming only
detracts from the value of the mailing list for everyone on it and
will not be tolerated"
You may therefore consider this your second official warning that you
are not in compliance with the charter for this mailing list and need
only one more offense to warrant a ban. Since this will also not be
the first time you have managed to ban yourself from this list, I
suspect that a ban on this occasion may prove permanent, so take heed!
I have already communicated the true situation with ftp.freebsd.org as
best I could using the appropriate channels and whatever you or SVBUG
may choose to say about it is purely your own business, simply keep it
off this mailing list. A perfectly good mailing list, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
also exists for just this kind of thing and you are more than
encouraged to take this "discussion" there.
This is your second and final warning and if you choose to reply to
this message, either make it personal to me only or cc it to
freebsd-chat. I've only cc'd hackers twice myself to show that the
issue is being dealt with and to ensure that the warnings are properly
on record. Anything further you send to -hackers, unless on a more
appropriate topic, will constitute a banning offense. Thank you.
- Jordan
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message