Re: new device drivers

2000-01-03 Thread Michael Lucas


>From a long time lurking on -current, I would suggest that you do the
following.  (This might not be strictly official, but it's how it's
worked on this list in the past.  ;)

Put the driver up on a web page.  Post a message on -current giving
the URL and specifics of the drivers.  Request testers.

Take feedback from testers, patch, and repeat.  When not only you are
happy with them, but your testers are happy, use send-pr.

By the time you finish testing, however, you'll probably have enough
offers from committers who will be willing to commit the drivers that
you won't need to use send-pr.


[Charset koi8-r unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> Hello All,
> I've written a couple of drivers and would like to include them in current.
> What the procedure to add new device driver to current?
> Who is the point of contact?
> I think, I could not commit it to the cvs tree or can I? 
> Thanks,
> emax
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Re: options COMPAT_LINUX makes kernel fail to compile

2000-01-05 Thread Michael Lucas


Not that this is an actual fix to the problem, but:

The COMPAT_LINUX kernel option isn't needed any more, per Marcel.  (At
least, when I wrote an article on this, it wasn't.)  You can probably
remove COMPAT_LINUX entirely.

(If only the rest of the problems were this easy.  :)


> Hi!
> With option COMPAT_LINUX (which present in LINT) make depend fails with:
> cc -O -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes
> -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual
> -fformat-extensions -ansi  -nostdinc -I- -I. -I../.. -I../../../include
> -D_KERNEL -include opt_global.h -elf -fno-builtin
> -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2  -UKERNEL -o linux_genassym.o -c
> ../../i386/linux/linux_genassym.c
> genassym -o linux_assym.h linux_genassym.o
> genassym:No such file or directory
> *** Error code 1 
> Dmitry.
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Re: Proposal: Removing doscmd from the source tree...

2000-01-05 Thread Michael Lucas

> > > A possibility could be: 1. build it for i386 only, 2. build it via
> > > buildworld without X11, regardless if X11 exists. If I want to use it
> > > with X11, it is interactive and I can make it for X11 by hand - it will
> > > not break on compile runs at some hour at night.
> > 
> > I'll commit a fix that will prevent including X when DESTDIR has been
> > set. In practice this means that doscmd will never include X, unless you
> > compile it by hand. This of course implies that you have to compile
> > doscmd by hand every time you do an installworld, given that you want X.
> Maybe knob in /etc/make.conf instead to force compiling with X?
> best regards,
> taavi

Actually, several ports give you the option of building with or
without X support (i.e., SSH).  It would be nice to have a USE_X11
option in /etc/make.conf for doscmd as well as these ports, so you
don't have to specify it on the command line while building.

Of course, I'd like a pony too.  And a pink bike shed.


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Re: Making sure /var/tmp/vi.recover exists during reboot

2000-01-14 Thread Michael Lucas

A *lot* of us have local administration procedures that are
inappropriate elsewhere, but are proper in a local context (or are
wrong, but they want or need to do anyway).

My laptop, for example, has a lot of o+rw permissions in /dev, /mnt
owned by mwlucas... you get the idea.  I don't want to become root to
mount a CD or hotsync my pilot, and my laptop isn't sitting behind a
T1.  Ditto for my desktop system.  I'm not going to suggest to the
Project that they run /dev/MAKEDEV with a nightmare umask just so I
personally don't have to "chmod 666 /dev/cuaa0" after every make

The point is that system administrators, whether on big-ass systems or
little boxes, have to have local procedures to deal with local quirks.

I have shell scripts to handle these changes for me.  Simple shell
scripts, easy-to-write shell scripts, that handle my localizations.

FreeBSD's wdc driver does not support CD-Rom configured as a slave
without a primary.  This is because it is a violation of the IDE
specs.  This strikes me as more of the same.

Now please, can we let this die?  We all make suggestions that make
people go "bleah".


> On Fri, 14 Jan 2000 10:12:54 EST, Vivek Khera wrote:
> > If you don't like the warning, just delete the recovery procedure
> > rather than creating the directory.  It does no good for you to try to
> > recover something that will never be there.
> Exactly.  The only thing that comes out of this patch is we support
> an administrative mistake that leads naive users to believe that vi
> recovery on reboot is going to work as expected.
> This is a stupid idea.  I wish the person who came up with it would just
> acknowledge that he's doing something inappropriate and move on, rather
> than insisting that the rest of us introduce a bad idea into our systems
> to support his bad practice.
> Ciao,
> Sheldon.
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NO_NAMED (patch attached)

2000-01-31 Thread Michael Lucas

Well, the corporate firewall doesn't allow send-pr, so I'm trying this
the noisy way.  Sorry.  :(

We have a no_named flag in /usr/src/usr.sbin/Makefile, right by
no_sendmail.  A recent discussion on -security shows that at least a
couple people have a use for this.  Therefore, submitted for your
approval, as per the Handbook:

*** make.conf~  Mon Jan 24 13:55:29 2000
--- make.conf   Mon Jan 31 15:25:49 2000
*** 28,33 
--- 28,36 
  # To avoid building sendmail
  #NO_SENDMAIL= true
+ # To avoid building named and related tools
+ #NO_BIND= true
+ #
  # To have 'obj' symlinks created in your source directory
  #   (they aren't needed/necessary)
  #OBJLINK= yes

This is against -stable, about a week old.  Sorry, don't have
-current on my laptop... I'm not a real hacker.


(Wow, my first patch.  Trivial, yet I find myself heady with success. ;)

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GNATS reply?

2000-02-03 Thread Michael Lucas


Shouldn't I get a response email from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]?  Or is this a casualty of the mail

Would I be better of using the web form, or just waiting until after


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make buildworld failure

2000-02-07 Thread Michael Lucas

Since we're in code freeze, I decided to install -current and have a
go.  (Yes, I'm specifically on the list of people who should not run
-current; this is a test box being temporarily donated.)

I installed off of the 2101 snapshot CD-Rom, cvsupped to -current.
The make buildworld fails at:

cc -O -pipe -I/usr/obj/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/libperl 
-I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include -c 
/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/libperl/../../../../contrib/perl5/perl.c -o perl.o
cc -O -pipe -I/usr/obj/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/libperl 
-I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include -c 
/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/libperl/../../../../contrib/perl5/gv.c -o gv.o
cc -O -pipe -I/usr/obj/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/libperl 
-I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include -c 
/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/libperl/../../../../contrib/perl5/toke.c -o toke.o
mkdir: build: File exists
*** Error code 1

Dmesg, kernel, etc. available on request.  I don't recall seeing a
perl problem on the -current list lately.  Any thoughts?


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HP servers and FreeBSD?

2000-02-25 Thread Michael Lucas


I've been offered a deal on a couple of HP servers.  Does anyone have
any experience with the HP Netserver LC3 7/550?

How about the HP Surestore DAT 12/24?

These machines will be dedicated to testing 4.0 for the next six
months or so, so I'm copying -current.  (Sorry, I'll shut up now.)


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Request for Flames

1999-10-12 Thread Michael Lucas


I'm writing a series of web pages on how to ask for help on the
FreeBSD mailing lists.

>From time to time, some innocent newbie wanders in here asking a
question with far too little information.  ("CVSup/pn0/sio.c doesn't
work. Why not?")

On occasion, you folks have taken the time to write detailed notes
describing the exact information you need to solve these problems.
(On other occasions, said newbie is seen around town: a little bit
here, a little bit there... but that's another problem.)

I'me searched the mail archives looking for these messages, and am
having difficulty finding them.  (It's difficult to search for "That
message where Bill Paul told a newbie in excruciating detail what he
needed to fix the problem, and what would happen to the next newbie
who asked this question without providing this information.") Lots of
questions, very few detailed answers.

If any of you have copies of messages that you have previously sent,
describing what information you need to solve a particular problem, I
would appreciate it if you would forward these to me.  I'll use this
information to write another guide.

For an example of what I'm trying to do, take a look at:

My eventual goal is to have something like this for every troublesome
part of the system.  Hopefully newbies will either read these and give
the proper information, or go away and leave us alone.  ;)


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Re: How to report problems (was: Request for Flames)

1999-10-13 Thread Michael Lucas


Actually, I used your page (or its predecessor, it looks different
now) back when I started.  ;)

I'd like to do something more detailed on each type of problem.
Eventually, I'd like to turn this into a troubleshooting helper for
the most common problems.  But information gathering is the first

Yes, "troubleshooting wizards" might be beneath FreeBSD's target
market, but with the sort of questions we get on -questions -- or even
-hackers -- I think it would be worthwhile.  Anything to slow the
growth of the mailing lists.


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Re: Solaris Binaries on FreeBSD

1999-10-19 Thread Michael Lucas


Yes, you can.  You will need a copy of the Solaris shared libraries,
which are not freely available.

Poke around Sun's site for their $10 personal edition of Solaris X86.
This will give you the libraries.

Then search the freebsd-emulation archives for details on how to make
this work.


> Hi,
>  I was wondering if we can run Solaris Binaries on our great OS? I've
> heard that OpenBSD can do it. If FreeBSD will, what do I need to do this?
> Thanks
> Bill
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make buildworld breakage

2000-05-05 Thread Michael Lucas

Anyone else, or am I special?


===> usr.bin/systat
cc -O -pipe -I/usr/src/usr.bin/systat/../../sys   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include 
-c /usr/src/usr.bin/systat/cmds.c
cc -O -pipe -I/usr/src/usr.bin/systat/../../sys   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include 
-c /usr/src/usr.bin/systat/cmdtab.c
cc -O -pipe -I/usr/src/usr.bin/systat/../../sys   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include 
-c /usr/src/usr.bin/systat/devs.c
cc -O -pipe -I/usr/src/usr.bin/systat/../../sys   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include 
-c /usr/src/usr.bin/systat/fetch.c
cc -O -pipe -I/usr/src/usr.bin/systat/../../sys   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include 
-c /usr/src/usr.bin/systat/iostat.c
In file included from /usr/src/usr.bin/systat/iostat.c:68:
/usr/src/usr.bin/systat/../../sys/sys/buf.h:91: field `b_io' has incomplete type
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/usr.bin/systat.

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Re: Cardbus Support?

2000-06-01 Thread Michael Lucas

Cardbus is a work-in-progress.

Check the archives of freebsd-mobile for the gory details.

Short answer: Warner Losh & others are beavering away on it.

> I have seen so far a few people ask this question and all they have been told
> is to look at the supported hardware section on the handbook at the freebsd
> home website (which is useless as there is nothing listed under PCMCIA on the
> site at the moment).   Perhaps then someone working with PCMCIA could answer
> this:
> Is there cardbus support under FreeBSD-Current and if so what can it currently
> support?  If there is not cardbus support then are there any other users
> interested in working on it?
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Re: HEADS UP: Destabilization due to SMP development

2000-06-19 Thread Michael Lucas

>   On a totally non-technical, but somewhat related note, can anyone 
> give me any kind of idea how often relatively "large scale" changes 
> like this typically occur with FreeBSD?

IIRC, this is the biggest operation of its sort since 2.1.

Can't comment on anything before then, I wasn't around.


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new kernel, pcm vanishes

2000-06-23 Thread Michael Lucas


I had a pre-config-change kernel that picked up my PCM audio nicely

pcm0:  at port 
0x220-0x233,0x530-0x537,0x388-0x38f,0x330-0x333,0x538-0x539 irq 5 drq 1,0 on isa0

Today, with a post-config-change kernel, I don't detect it at boot.

Both kernel configs have the same pcm config line:

device pcm

Any thoughts?


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hints syntax?

2000-07-03 Thread Michael Lucas

I'm having trouble with the hints file syntax for a more complicated
device, namely a sound card.

The device shows up with the unknown driver:

unknown7:  at port 0x220-0x233,0x530-0x537,0x388-0x38f,0x330-0x333,0x53
8-0x539 irq 5 drq 1,0 on isa0

I've tried hints files with a variety of syntaxes, including listing
only the first variable (i,e., "hint.pcm.0.drq="1"), and listing them
all (hint.pcm.0.drq="1,0").  Currently I have:


Anyone have any suggestions?


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*weird* post-upgrade problem

2000-07-11 Thread Michael Lucas

Before I start digging into this, I thought someone might have a lead
for me.  The archives say nothing, although I'm not sure how to search
on something like this.  ("Just Plain Weird" generates too many hits.)

I just upgraded to yesterday's -current from last week's -current.
via make buildworld, make buildkernel, make installkernel, and make
installworld, mergemaster, blah blah blah.

Now, when I boot, I get:

No /boot/loader
>>FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
Default: 0:ad(0,a)/kernel

So, I typed in the default.  Nothing seemed to happen, but the hard
drive lit up, so I figured that I'd leave it be.  No dmesg appeared.

Moments later, however, a login prompt appears.  The keyboard is still
nonresponsive.  I can access network services the laptop offers, but I
don't have telnetd or sshd installed. :(

Does anyone have *any* clue on where I should start to look?  I'm
rigging up a serial console as soon as I'm done here.


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re: *weird* post-upgrade problem

2000-07-11 Thread Michael Lucas

Well, I fixed the problem with a serial console, and doing 

cp /boot/loader.old /boot/loader

Has anyone else seen anything like this? Or is it flat-out pilot error?


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MS CHAP v2 in -current?

2000-07-17 Thread Michael Lucas


Does anyone know if ms chap v2 will be integrated into -current any
time soon?  I need it for pptpclient.

If anyone has any patches they'd like public testing on, I'll volunteer.  :)


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Re: Latest kernel won't boot

2000-08-03 Thread Michael Lucas

> Just recently build a kernel from cvsup, and the kernel won't boot.  It
> gets to the point where you see
> booting [kernel]
> \
> And it just hangs right there.  There's a lot of disk activity, and after
> about 2 minutes (and no boot messages), I see a login prompt, but the
> machine is froze.  Anyone else see this?
> - Donn
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Re: Latest kernel won't boot

2000-08-03 Thread Michael Lucas

Sorry for the last try, not enough caffiene yet...

Anyway, I had this problem as well.  The problem was that /boot/loader
wasn't working properly.  Without it, the system runs, but you can't
talk to the console.

You can either boot from fixit cdrom and install a new /boot/loader
or, as I did, use a serial console to connect to the machine.  (You
might be able to connect via TCP/IP as well; the system that had this
problem is a laptop, and gets configured via a shell script after

Good luck!


> Just recently build a kernel from cvsup, and the kernel won't boot.  It
> gets to the point where you see
> booting [kernel]
> \
> And it just hangs right there.  There's a lot of disk activity, and after
> about 2 minutes (and no boot messages), I see a login prompt, but the
> machine is froze.  Anyone else see this?
> - Donn
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Re: membership

2000-08-09 Thread Michael Lucas


You'd have better luck talking to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with any
specific problems you have.

This list is for nitty-gritty discussion of some of FreeBSD's guts.
While the folks here are friendly enough, they aren't really
interested in answering basic questions and helping new users.

You might also check out the freebsd-newbies list.


> i am not versed on the mechanics of freebsd; in fact, i barely
> understand the mechanics of the suse linux 6.4 package that i sm
> currently using.  i became aware of the bsd package after seeing one for
> sale (freebsd 'powerpak') in a computer. i read on the box that bsd will
> run linux app's, so i decided to download bsd and try it on my system. 
> it will be interesting to see how this works.  if you-someone contacts
> me, i would be surprised and greatly appreciative.
> thank you, xavian
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Re: Question from a neophyte... Why isn't rc.local being read?

2000-08-21 Thread Michael Lucas


This sort of question is better suited to
future, please ask there first.

rc.local is deprecated.  Drop a shell script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d


The short answer

> I've added startup commands to /etc/rc.local on my 3.4 Stable machine.
> /usr/local/etc/webmin/start # Start webmin
> /usr/local/sbin/sshd# Start open ssh
> /etc/init.d/apachectl start # Start apache web server
> Yet, these are not starting at reboot...
> What am I missing? Probably something obvious, but it escapes me...
> On 8/21/00 at 9:53 AM Julian Elischer wrote:
> >since config has changed.. where do I set the flags on my debug port
> >(sio2?)
> >the sio man page has no hints..
> >it looks to me as it if is now controlled differently 
> >unles I've made a mistake
> >
> >
> >julian
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Re: guide to downgrading from 5.0 to 4.4-STABLE

2001-11-02 Thread Michael Lucas

Having done this several times before, I highly recommend downgrading
via binary package.

Back up your system first!

Get your 4.4 CD, throw it in the drive, and see what happens.

As a rule this is not guaranteed to work, but if it doesn't then a
downgrade from source certainly won't.  I believe (knock on wood) that
the filesystems between 4.4 and -current are in sync, so you'll
probably be OK.

You will, of course, have to reinstall every single program on the
system.  Enjoy.  :)

On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 12:36:18PM +, John wrote:
> Hello List
> Is there a guide or a how-to showing how to downgrade from a
> 5.0-CURRENT snapshot to 4.4-STABLE without having to blat the system and
> start again? The reason 5.0 is on there is because only 5 had support for
> the promise udma 100 tx2 card, but now that 4.4 has it, i would like to
> downgrade. Any help or pointers how to accomplish this welcomed. If I have
> to blat the system, I guess I have to do it but it is the least favoured
> option.
> Please cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I am not on this list at this address
> Thanks
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Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

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Re: rm -rf /usr/obj/usr/src/usr.bin/tip helps build -CURRENT

2001-11-27 Thread Michael Lucas

On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 04:20:54PM +, Brian Somers wrote:
> A ``rm -fr /usr/obj; make -DNOCLEAN buildworld'' is quicker than 
> ``make buildworld'' anyway :*)

Really?  Is this recommended?

==Michael "Mad doc PR submitter" Lucas

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

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more -current testers

2002-02-19 Thread Michael Lucas

I understand that we're getting to that stage where we need more
-current testers.

We all agree that the optimal thing would be to have hordes of very
sophisticated users who can debug problems on their own and submit
patches to fix all their issues.  I would guess that we all also agree
that that's not going to happen.

It seems that the best we can hope for is to educate some of the
braver users who are ready to take the next step and are willing to
donate some time to us.

I'm considering doing a series of articles on testing FreeBSD-current,
including: setting up for kernel dumps, what to type at the debugger
prompt after a crash, filing a decent bug report, what to expect from
-current, and so on.  I would also make it clear when to not bother
filing a bug report (i.e., "You crashed, but had no WITNESS?  Sorry,
enable WITNESS & try again."). This would be (I suspect) three
articles, running about a month and a half.

The last time I checked, I get 12-15 thousand readers for each
article.  One half of one percent uptake would (hopefully) be quite a
few bug reports.

My question to the community is: is it too early to do this?  If I
start now, the articles would probably appear April-May.


my FreeBSD column:

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Re: more -current testers

2002-02-19 Thread Michael Lucas

In an ideal world, you're correct.

The real question here should have been: do those people who are
actively committing rapidly to the tree want to see this happen?  They
are the people who will realistically have to deal with the PRs.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 07:01:42PM +0100, Miguel Mendez wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 12:50:11PM -0500, Michael Lucas wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> > It seems that the best we can hope for is to educate some of the
> > braver users who are ready to take the next step and are willing to
> > donate some time to us.
> Agreed. I think there are people out there willing to help and become
> testers, they're just afraid of -CURRENT 'horror histories'. Running
> -current is not a walk in the park, and no one should attempt to do any
> serious work with it, but imho it's stable enough for your average mp3
> listening, web browsing and kde/gnome/whathaveyou usage.
> > I'm considering doing a series of articles on testing FreeBSD-current,
> > including: setting up for kernel dumps, what to type at the debugger
> > prompt after a crash, filing a decent bug report, what to expect from
> > -current, and so on.  I would also make it clear when to not bother
> > filing a bug report (i.e., "You crashed, but had no WITNESS?  Sorry,
> > enable WITNESS & try again."). This would be (I suspect) three
> > articles, running about a month and a half.
> Sounds very good, and yes, most people disable witness so their system
> doesn't crawl like a 286 :)
> > My question to the community is: is it too early to do this?  If I
> > start now, the articles would probably appear April-May.
> I don't think it's too early, IMHO it's a very good idea, having
> specific info on how to use -CURRENT will be beneficial for the
> community and atract more users to it.
> Cheers,
> -- 
>     Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> GPG Public Key ::
> EnergyHQ ::
> FreeBSD - The power to serve!

my FreeBSD column:

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-current broken, or am I?

2001-03-15 Thread Michael Lucas

Is it just me?

===> usr.bin/join
cc -O -pipe-I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include -c /usr/src/usr.bin/join/join
cc -O -pipe-I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include  -o join join.o  
gzip -cn /usr/src/usr.bin/join/join.1 > join.1.gz
===> usr.bin/jot
cc -O -pipe  -Wall -W   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include -c /usr/src/usr.bin/
cc -O -pipe  -Wall -W   -I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include  -o jot jot.o  
gzip -cn /usr/src/usr.bin/jot/jot.1 > jot.1.gz
===> usr.bin/kdump
cc -O -pipe  -I/usr/src/usr.bin/kdump/../ktrace -I/usr/src/usr.bin/kdump/../..  
 -I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include -c /usr/src/usr.bin/kdump/kdump.c
cc -O -pipe  -I/usr/src/usr.bin/kdump/../ktrace -I/usr/src/usr.bin/kdump/../..  
 -I/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include -c ioctl.c
In file included from ioctl.c:96:
/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include/sys/memrange.h:18: warning: `MDF_ACTIVE' redef
/usr/obj/usr/src/i386/usr/include/pccard/cardinfo.h:81: warning: this is the loc
ation of the previous definition
ioctl.c: In function `ioctlname':
ioctl.c:528: sizeof applied to an incomplete type
ioctl.c:904: sizeof applied to an incomplete type
ioctl.c:1034: sizeof applied to an incomplete type
ioctl.c:1882: syntax error before `;'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/usr.bin/kdump.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/usr.bin.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: Current for production?

2001-03-27 Thread Michael Lucas

I'd like to reinforce this:

I'm not a hacker, but have a -current box so I can write about it.
(It's difficult to write a book targeting 5.1-release and time it for
5.1-R, when you don't have 5-current.  This is one definite advantage
Greg Lehey has over the rest of us authorial sorts.)  With five years
fairly hardcore FreeBSD experience, tracking -current is a *pain*.

At any given point in time, 90% of the system works.  The 10% that
doesn't changes almost daily.

If you want to invest your time in finding a particular date of
-current that meets your needs, and you make a management decision
that you will never, never, *never* upgrade without going through the
same audit, go for it.

Plus, I've made a management decision to never whine about what's
broken, just live with it.  (Okay, I do report broken buildworlds, but
that's it.)  My Pilot software locks the machine up; the web browser
has been known to hang forever; the web server occasionally screams
obscenities; other miscellanous ports just puke.  Heck, I'm waiting
for this laptop to phone the police and report me as a kiddie porn
devotee, then anonymously transfer my bank balance to the Linux
Foundation.  It'll be for a technically sound reason, I know, but that
still makes it a pain.

I would run unionfs on a 3-stable production box before running
-current in production right now.


PS: You could also make a management decision to hire a kernel hacker
to work on the part of -current that you need.  :)

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 10:21:47AM -0800, John Baldwin wrote:
> On 27-Mar-01 Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:
> > While I'm writing this: what is the general opinion about having
> > CURRENT on production servers (I'd really love to deploy the ACLs
> > ASAP)? I don't plan to use SMP and can wait for snapshots til the
> > RELEASE comes...
> Don't.  ACL's are still not production quality yet, and the SMP work breaks UP
> kernels just as bad as SMP kernels when it breaks.
> -- 
> John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
> PGP Key:
> "Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: panic: mutex vm not owned

2001-05-20 Thread Michael Lucas

[cc's trimmed]

Same problem, this fixed me too.

On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 05:23:11PM -0400, Mike Heffner wrote:
> On 20-May-2001 Dima Dorfman wrote:
> | Please try the attached patch.  I make no claims of its correctness,
> | but this e-mail is coming to you via X on -current updated a few hours
> | ago so it works here :-).
> Thanks, it works so far (I'm running X). I'll see where it breaks next.
> Mike
> -- 
>   Mike Heffner   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Fredericksburg, VA   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

wicontrol && ifconfig after wireless ifconfig changes

2001-06-01 Thread Michael Lucas


After updating to yesterday's current, my "victim" laptop's wireless
card stopped working.

It turns out that wicontrol wasn't setting the card correctly.  Using
the nifty new ifconfig commands worked perfectly.

This started right after pkh's changes to ifconfig to replace the
various wireless control programs.

If the intent is to have both *control and ifconfig working, I'll be
happy to document exactly what isn't working.

If the intent is to replace *control, should a note be put in UPDATING
that users might have problems?



PS: Using ifconfig, you can easily see when your card is misconfigured
by the "no carrier" warning.  That is really, really cool.  Thank you!

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: wicontrol && ifconfig after wireless ifconfig changes

2001-06-01 Thread Michael Lucas

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 04:06:42PM -0700, Brooks Davis wrote:
> It should be working and I'd like to know what's not.  There is
> functionality in wicontrol that won't ever make it in to ifconfig so
> we're stuck with it and I wouldn't want to change it in -stable.
> -- Brooks

My apologies.  It seems to be working now.  I'd say pilot error,
except it's a shell script I call every time I'm working on it.

If it happens again, I'll capture wicontrol and ifconfig and send them
to the list.  If not, I'll officially declare myself a moron.  (Yeah,
like folks didn't know that already...)


Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

any -current && vinum problems?

2001-08-14 Thread Michael Lucas

Before I start generating crash dumps & etc., are there any gotchas
with Vinum & -current?  I'm using devfs on a SMP system, upgraded 3
days ago.  I get a panic whenever I stripe something.


Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: devfs and Vinum (was: any -current && vinum problems?)

2001-08-15 Thread Michael Lucas

On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 10:21:39AM +0930, Greg Lehey wrote:
> On Tuesday, 14 August 2001 at 19:26:09 -0400, Michael Lucas wrote:
> > Before I start generating crash dumps & etc., are there any gotchas
> > with Vinum & -current?  I'm using devfs on a SMP system, upgraded 3
> > days ago.  I get a panic whenever I stripe something.
> Ah, now you say devfs.

Sorry, uh, it is the default these days...

I will build a devfs-free kernel after work today and see
what happens.  Thanks!


Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: devfs and Vinum (was: any -current && vinum problems?)

2001-08-15 Thread Michael Lucas
125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 
112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 
88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 
59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 
30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 
#0  dumpsys () at ../../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:478
478 if (dumping++) {
(kgdb) f 1
#1  0xc01d2030 in boot (howto=0x104) at ../../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:321
321 dumpsys();
(kgdb) bt
#0  dumpsys () at ../../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:478
#1  0xc01d2030 in boot (howto=0x104) at ../../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:321
#2  0xc01d245d in panic (fmt=0xc02e019e "bremfree: bp %p not locked") at 
#3  0xc020995e in bremfree (bp=0xcc2a1ae4) at ../../../kern/vfs_bio.c:479
#4  0xc020bfe1 in getblk (vp=0xd39b8ec0, blkno=0x16190, size=0x2000, slpflag=0x0, 
at ../../../kern/vfs_bio.c:2159
#5  0xc0209a46 in breadn (vp=0xd39b8ec0, blkno=0x16190, size=0x2000, rablkno=0x0, 
rabsize=0x0, cnt=0x0, cred=0x0, 
bpp=0xd6146d24) at ../../../kern/vfs_bio.c:537
#6  0xc0209a08 in bread (vp=0xd39b8ec0, blkno=0x16190, size=0x2000, cred=0x0, 
at ../../../kern/vfs_bio.c:519
#7  0xc025006d in ffs_update (vp=0xd613be20, waitfor=0x0) at 
#8  0xc025bcd2 in ffs_sync (mp=0xc1ced400, waitfor=0x2, cred=0xc1454e00, p=0xc0384800)
at ../../../ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c:1041
#9  0xc0219879 in sync (p=0xc0384800, uap=0x0) at ../../../kern/vfs_syscalls.c:620
#10 0xc01d1af4 in boot (howto=0x100) at ../../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:230
#11 0xc01d245d in panic (fmt=0xc02f5abe "%s") at ../../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:600
#12 0xc029f21c in trap_fatal (frame=0xd6146e68, eva=0xc) at 
#13 0xc029ef4d in trap_pfault (frame=0xd6146e68, usermode=0x0, eva=0xc) at 
#14 0xc029e594 in trap (frame={tf_fs = 0xd6140018, tf_es = 0xc0340010, tf_ds = 
0xc0340010, tf_edi = 0xd60e6ec0, 
  tf_esi = 0xc1ec4e68, tf_ebp = 0xd6146eb4, tf_isp = 0xd6146e94, tf_ebx = 
0xc034dfc8, tf_edx = 0x0, 
  tf_ecx = 0xd60e6ec0, tf_eax = 0xc0329060, tf_trapno = 0xc, tf_err = 0x0, tf_eip 
= 0xc01f0783, tf_cs = 0x8, 
  tf_eflags = 0x10213, tf_esp = 0xc1ec4e68, tf_ss = 0xc1ec4e00}) at 
#15 0xc01f0783 in witness_destroy (lock=0xc1ec4e68) at ../../../kern/subr_witness.c:395
#16 0xc01caca3 in mtx_destroy (m=0xc1ec4e68) at ../../../kern/kern_mutex.c:683
#17 0xc01cf249 in crfree (cr=0xc1ec4e00) at ../../../kern/kern_prot.c:1266
#18 0xc021b5e2 in access (p=0xd60e6ec0, uap=0xd6146f80) at 
#19 0xc029fa71 in syscall (frame={tf_fs = 0x2f, tf_es = 0x2f, tf_ds = 0x2f, tf_edi = 
0x80bb7f9, tf_esi = 0xbfbffa33, 
  tf_ebp = 0xbfbffa08, tf_isp = 0xd6146fd4, tf_ebx = 0xbfbffa28, tf_edx = 
0xbfbffa28, tf_ecx = 0x0, tf_eax = 0x21, 
  tf_trapno = 0xc, tf_err = 0x2, tf_eip = 0x8072c48, tf_cs = 0x1f, tf_eflags = 
0x287, tf_esp = 0xbfbff5dc, 
  tf_ss = 0x2f}) at ../../../i386/i386/trap.c:1128
#20 0xc0291a9d in syscall_with_err_pushed ()
#21 0x804dd2a in ?? ()
#22 0x8048757 in ?? ()
#23 0x80484d0 in ?? ()
#24 0x8048135 in ?? ()
(kgdb) quit

Script done on Wed Aug 15 17:58:48 2001

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: devfs and Vinum (was: any -current && vinum problems?)

2001-08-16 Thread Michael Lucas

[cc's trimmed]


Thanks for the suggestion, I appreciate it.  I did as you suggested
(diff below).

It paniced again, but this time savecore said "dump time is unreasonable."

The short panic message was:

panicstr: bremfree: bp 0xcc2a1ae4 not locked

Looks like the same thing to me, sorry.  Any other suggestions?

magpire/sys/kern;diff subr_witness.c subr_witness.c-dist 
>   mtx_lock(&all_mtx);
<   mtx_lock(&all_mtx);
magpire/sys/kern;diff -c subr_witness.c subr_witness.c-dist
*** subr_witness.c  Thu Aug 16 16:16:06 2001
--- subr_witness.c-dist Thu Aug 16 16:15:20 2001
*** 390,398 
STAILQ_REMOVE(&all_locks, lock, lock_object, lo_list);
-   mtx_lock(&all_mtx);
lock->lo_flags &= ~LO_INITIALIZED;
--- 390,398 
+   mtx_lock(&all_mtx);
STAILQ_REMOVE(&all_locks, lock, lock_object, lo_list);
lock->lo_flags &= ~LO_INITIALIZED;

On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 04:42:21PM -0700, John Baldwin wrote:
> On 15-Aug-01 Michael Lucas wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 10:21:39AM +0930, Greg Lehey wrote:
> >> To help localize this problem, could you please try this same thing on
> >> a kernel without devfs?  The dump you sent me did not look like a
> >> Vinum bug, as I said in my reply.
> > 
> > Sorry, it happens on a non-devfs kernel as well.  Since it doesn't
> > appear to be a Vinum bug, I'm taking the liberty of sending the whole
> > thing to -current.  (I sent my first dump to Greg in particular, since
> > a Vinum command triggered whatever this is.)
> > 
> > Script started on Wed Aug 15 17:57:48 2001
> > magpire/var/crash;file /boot/kernel/vinum.ko 
> > /boot/kernel/vinum.ko: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1
> > (FreeBSD), not stripped
> > magpire/var/crash;file kernel.debug.nodevfs 
> > kernel.debug.nodevfs: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1
> > (FreeBSD), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
> > magpire/var/crash;gdb -k kernel.debug.nodevfs vmcore.3 
> > GNU gdb 4.18
> > Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> > GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
> > welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
> > Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
> > There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
> > This GDB was configured as "i386-unknown-freebsd"...
> > IdlePTD 4284416
> > initial pcb at 34b860
> > panicstr: bremfree: bp 0xcc2a1ae4 not locked
> Unfortunately this is the panic message from later on during the syncing disks
> stage, not the real panic. :(
> >#15 0xc01f0783 in witness_destroy (lock=0xc1ec4e68) at
> >#../../../kern/subr_witness.c:395
> This is the real problem:
> mtx_lock(&all_mtx);
> lock_cur_cnt--;
> STAILQ_REMOVE(&all_locks, lock, lock_object, lo_list);
> lock->lo_flags &= ~LO_INITIALIZED;
> mtx_unlock(&all_mtx);
> It panics in the STAILQ_REMOVE().  I've seen this a couple of times but have no
> idea how that list pointer is getting corrupted.  My guess is that a mutex is
> being destroyed twice or something dumb like that; however, I'm not sure how.
> The LO_INITIALIZED flags and checks are supposed to catch that case.  I suppose
> there is a chance we could preempt in between the LO_INITIALIZED check and the
> actual removal and then free it and get in trouble that way.  Hmm.  Try moving
> the mtx_lock of &all_mtx before the check for LO_INITIALIZED and see if you can
> get a different panic.  It may be a bug in the ucred stuff.  (At least several
> other panics of this type have been the result of crfree's.)
> -- 
> John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
> PGP Key:
> "Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: Why is csh tcsh? This can be a bad thing...

2001-08-23 Thread Michael Lucas

Search the freebsd-arch archives.  Big long hairy discussion,
culminating in the "import of the most recent csh, tcsh."

Old csh is available as ports/shells/44bsd-csh.

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 05:03:29PM -0500, Jim Bryant wrote:
> Why is csh tcsh?
> There are differences...
>   4:52:48pm  wahoo(6): cmp /bin/csh /bin/tcsh
>   4:59:12pm  wahoo(7):
> jim
> -- 
> ET has one helluva sense of humor!
> He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free address at
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: Latest kernel/module restructuring

2000-09-12 Thread Michael Lucas

> > To remedy this, I suggest we have an option in /etc/defaults/make.conf
> > to _not_ wipe out any modules in /boot/kernel (except kernel.ko of
> > course) if modules are not built with kernel.
> This sounds like a very bad idea, since it encourages folks to use
> modules which are not synchronized with the running kernel.

Some of us rebuild kernels without supping.  I, for one, play with all
sorts of kernel options to see what they do.

When 5.0-stable comes out, a lot of people would like this.

Having to rebuild the modules when I want to add USER_LDT to my kernel
would be bad.


Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: Submiting new code

2000-10-05 Thread Michael Lucas

(copied to -doc for reasons which will become clear below)

The FTP server no longer accepts uploads.  Use uuencode and send-pr.

Many people put code submissions up on a local web site and request
comments on -current or -hackers before doing this.  It makes the
eventual code submission much more likely to be accepted.

Docs folks, would one of you like to whack the offending statement
from the Handbook?  It looks like section 19.2.4 is the problem.  (Of
course, if we have a new FTP site, that would be good too. :)

On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 05:40:51PM +0400, Kurakin Roman wrote:
> Hi,
>   How can I send a quite big submission of source code. Handbook
> says that I should put big part of report in to
> but I can't found it.
> Kurakin Roman
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: can't get into single user mode - panic: ffs_valloc: dup alloc

2000-10-10 Thread Michael Lucas

It's not just you.  I just assumed I had done something wrong.

Hitting ^C during bootup fsck gets me a single-user prompt.

On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 10:01:11PM -0400, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> morning all ...
>   Well, I swear I have to be missing something here that is going to
> make me slap my forehead, but I can't get into single user mode :(
>   I hit the space bar, type in 'boot -s' and it goes through all the
> normal start up procedures, sets up the networking, etc ...
>   The reason I'm trying to get into single user mode is cause I
> can't get into multi-user without it doing:
> =
> Recovering vi editor sessions
> mode = 0100600, inum = 729, fs = /tmp
> panic: ffs_valloc: dup alloc
> cpuid = 0; = 
> Debugger("panic")
> CPU0 stopping CPUs: 0x0002... stopped
> and a trace of:
> Debugger()@ +0x38
> panic()   @ +0xa0
> ffs_valloc()  @ +0xf5
> ufs_makeinode()   @ +0x5a
> ufs_create()  @ +0x28
> ufs_vnoperate()   @ +0x15
> Marc G. Fournier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Systems Administrator @
> scrappy@{postgresql|isc}.org   ICQ#7615664
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: can't get into single user mode - panic: ffs_valloc: dup alloc

2000-10-10 Thread Michael Lucas

On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 07:13:49PM +0200, Szilveszter Adam wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 02:06:24PM -0300, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
> > On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Michael Lucas wrote:
> > 
> > > It's not just you.  I just assumed I had done something wrong.
> > > 
> > > Hitting ^C during bootup fsck gets me a single-user prompt.
> > 
> > ah, good, that got me back up and running, thanks :)
> What system are you expriencing this on?
> I have rebuilt this beast today and had no such probs... "boot -s" works fine.

I'm experiencing this on a -current from sources supped on Oct 03.

turtledawn~;uname -a
FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #0: Tue Oct  3 
10:58:59 EDT 2000 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/TURTLEDAWN  i386

The first line on /usr/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs:.

F 5 970574708

(I forget how to get the date out of this, but surely the brainy sorts
out there remember how...)

System is a Toshiba Satellite 2210 CDT.  More info on request.


Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: can't get into single user mode - panic: ffs_valloc: dup alloc

2000-10-10 Thread Michael Lucas

On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 09:50:05PM +0400, Igor Timkin wrote:
> > >   I hit the space bar, type in 'boot -s' and it goes through all the
> > > normal start up procedures, sets up the networking, etc ...
> 'boot -s' don't work for me, I use 'boot /boot/kernel/kernel -s' instead.

You're right.  It's off to doc-land for this, I suppose.

Although shouldn't BOOT_SINGLE still work?


Michael Lucas
Big Scary Daemons:

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: 5.0 release schedule?

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Lucas

It's been under discussion for a while now.

Basically, we'll release DP2 when we feel -current is in suitable
shape.  :-)

On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 09:08:32AM -0400, Rod Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> According to the timetable at
>, DP2 for FreeBSD 5.0
> should have been released over a month ago, but I can't find it on the
> FTP site. Is it lurking in some strange location, or has it not been
> released? If the latter, does anybody have any idea of when it will be
> released? Would I be correct in assuming that 5.0 final will be
> delayed, as well? Thanks.
> -- 
> Rod Smith
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message


   Absolute BSD:

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Re: wierd cpu usage numbers

2002-10-17 Thread Michael Lucas
On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 11:03:04AM -0400, Kenneth Culver wrote:
> Hi,
>   I was just compiling kde3 on my home pc, and I noticed some
> interesting behavior. It seems that whenever there's ANY real heavy disk
> activity, the "system" cpu usage % number (in top and in systat -vm)
> skyrockets from 0.8% to around 50-70%. I was wondering which of the recent
> changes could have caused this... also in systat, the increase of the
> system % number seems to correspond with zfod, cow, and prcfr numbers
> jumping. Any ideas?

Please see the big friendly message in all capital letters in


This is a result of what's explained there.



   Absolute BSD:

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: wierd cpu usage numbers

2002-10-17 Thread Michael Lucas
On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 11:18:25AM -0400, Kenneth Culver wrote:
> > This is a result of what's explained there.
> Nope, I have all that stuff turned off, and ide write caching turned on.
> There's no way that's the reason.

OK, then, it's something else.  :-)

Does, say, top -S show any interrupts going awry?



   Absolute BSD:

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Re: ACPI kernel panic with 5.0-RC1

2002-12-10 Thread Michael Lucas

You need to prepare a kernel dump.  Pardon the self-promotion:

With a full bug report, we can address this.


On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 06:43:55PM +0100, Paul A. Mayer wrote:
> Greetings,
> Congratulations on RC1!  I've found an issue!  :-)
> I just upgraded my ASUS LC3800 portable to 5.0-RC1 from 5.0-DP2.  The
> new kernel panics shortly after booting up and drops into the debugger.
> The messages look something like this:
> Fatal trap 12
> Page fault in kernel mode fault virtual address 0x42 page not present
> process acpi_thermal
> Stopped at: vm_object_pip_add+0x37: movzwl 0x42(%esi),%eax
> This happens after the kernel is loaded and within approximately 15-30
> seconds after the login prompt is shown.
> The machine is based on the i845MP chipset and is running a 2Ghz mobile P4.
> I'd be happy to provide more debugging info and work on patch testing,
> just tell me what needs to be known or done.
> Please mail my personal address as well as the list, as I've not been
> accepted for the list.
> Best regards,
> Paul
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   Absolute BSD:

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Re: Are there periodic "GOOD" tags in CVS for -CURRENT?

2002-02-26 Thread Michael Lucas

These do exist, but are very rare.

IIRC, the last such tag was pre-SMPNG.

Something like that would be lovely, mind you.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 09:24:30AM -0800, George V. Neville-Neil wrote:
> Hi Folks,
>   I'm wondering if anyone has been laying down periodic "good" tags in 
> -CURRENT so that people who are just starting with it have a place to start
> that is reasonably stable.  Yes, I know about -STABLE but that's not what I 
> mean.
> Thanks,
> George
> -- 
> George V. Neville-Neil  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> NIC:GN82 
> "Those who would trade liberty for temporary security deserve neither" 
>   - Benjamin Franklin
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Re: valgrind

2002-02-27 Thread Michael Lucas

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 11:00:14AM -0500, Matthew Emmerton wrote:
> Be forewarned, though, that the FreeBSD hacks for this tool will
> *never* be allowed into the main distro.  Why?  Licence.  Valgrind
> includes some code from the Linux kernel and libc.  When we hack it for
> FreeBSD, we'll end up putting some BSD-licenced code into a GPL
> product.  Obviously, this will cause problems.

Actually, this doesn't cause as many as you might think.

GPL'd code can swallow BSDL'd code.  BSDL'd code cannot swallow GPL'd
code.  You could probably get your code assimilated into the main
valgrind distro.

FreeBSD also includes (among others) gdb, which is GPL'd.  Since
valgrind is not necessary to run a minimal FreeBSD install, it's OK.
(Note that I'm not advocating assimilating it into the main system,
I'm just saying that the license isn't an impediment.  :-)


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Re: Weird binutils error (libintl.h not found) in 5.0-CURRENT

2002-03-08 Thread Michael Lucas
file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from 
> libintl.h: No such file or directory
> mkdep: compile failed
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /data/dev/src/gnu/usr.bin/binutils/libbfd.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /data/dev/src/gnu/usr.bin/binutils.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /data/dev/src.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /data/dev/src.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /data/dev/src.
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Re: Alpha Build

2002-03-26 Thread Michael Lucas

Either would work.

I have an Alpha Multia-166 that I use to play with -current on.  As it
has a TGA card, it's running via serial console.  This machine feels
like the equivalent of, say, a 50MHz 486.

Each day, I try to build -current.  (Hey, it's good for a laugh.  :-)

I'd grab one with a normal graphics card, in your case.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 04:00:29PM -0500, Scott Sipe wrote:
> Hi, I have a chance to pick up an Alpha machine which I would use for FreeBSD 
> testing.
> There are 4 AlphaStation 600's from which I could pick, 2 of them have 'TGA 
> graphics cards', 2 have "normal" graphics cards and "can run X."  Seeing as 
> right now I know next to nothing about Alpha's, would it be better to pick 
> one or the other, or, would one or the other be better for freeBSD testing?
> thanks much,
> Scott
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Re: Regarding linux binary compatibility...

2002-04-07 Thread Michael Lucas

On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 08:51:13PM +0930, Chris van der Pennen wrote:
> ...can I simply mount my linux partition and point it to the Linux drive's
> /lib, /usr/lib, etc.?
> If so, can you give me a brief overview of the pointing-to part?

I have an article on exactly this on O'Reilly:

Short answer: yes, with some hoops to jump through.


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Re: Status of USB subsystem.

2002-05-03 Thread Michael Lucas


Thank you for taking the time to document your work-in-progress.  I,
for one, vastly appreciate what you're doing with the USB subsystem.

I think a lot of our "community" issues could be greatly improved by
more people doing exactly what you've done here.

OK, back to the peanut gallery.


On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 02:22:48PM +0100, Josef Karthauser wrote:
> Dear all,
> I wanted to write to talk about the status of our USB stack in
> -current because there has been some concern expressed over the
> last week about where were are at with it, and more importantly
> when the bugs are going to be ironed out. In particular there has
> been a call to backout it all out back to a time when it worked.
> The background is that I've been porting the developments that
> NetBSD has had into FreeBSD. In some cases we were two years behind
> the state of the art. Today we're in a much better shape; most of
> the controller code and device API is pretty much the same as
> NetBSD's now, and that means that it should be relatively easy to
> port the ehci USB2 controller code. A lot of the devices are now
> synced too, although in general these have diverged over the period
> a lot more than the controller code has.
> With a prevailing wind behind us we should now have been in a much
> better position than we were when I started this work at the beginning
> of the year. I think that we almost are, but there are a few bugs
> that at the moment are eluding me, they could be because the bug
> exists in NetBSD, or because of some FreeBSDism that I've not
> realised, or just because of some code that's not been ported yet.
> I don't know, but I am working on it.
> Here are the issues that I know about:
> * There's a disconnect bug, which I've tied down to interupt pipes not
>   cancelling properly when a device is unplugged. What this leads
>   to is an xfer that repeats, and locks the usb subsystem. I've
>   experienced it with uhub and ums, but it's possible, and probably,
>   that other devices are effected to. I made some headway on this
>   last night, and am in communication with the NetBSD author who's
>   helping me track the problem down.
> * There's an attach problem with the aue network device, and possibly
>   cue and kue too. This bug appears to have been around for a while
>   but has just been revealed by the recent memory manager changes.
>   It caused an attach time panic due to a bad memory allocation.
>   NetBSD's aue driver is different from ours and possibly doesn't
>   have the same problem.
> * Problems with ulpt.  These appear to be in NetBSD also.  I've got
>   a usb printer (HP office jet) and so potentially have the resources
>   to track the problem down, but as it's not entirely broken for all
>   users, this problem is less important than the two about IMO.
> If anyone has any others that they've not revealed I'd like to know
> please.
> Also, if anyone particularly fancies helping out I'd be very grateful.
> This is my first bout into the kernel, and although I've got all
> the tools (remote debugger etc) I'm still a little slow with using
> them. Mail me privately if you've got the time and energy to help
> out.
> I'm prepared to back everything out if required, but my feeling is
> that we're a stone's throw away from solving these problems; it's
> just I'm throwing stones slower than a seasoned kernel hacker would.
> It would be a shame to take such a large step backwards if it's
> just a small step forwards that's required.
> The last known good date was just before the uma commit, i.e.
> -D20020319\ 0900. Of course there have been some kernel infrastructure
> changes since then so it's not just a matter of backing out the
> sys/dev/usb directory to that date. There are some changes that
> need to be retained, but they should be obvious for anyone who wants to
> do this locally.
> I ask for your patience in getting to the bottom of these problems, and
> wanted people to know that I am taking these issues serious, something
> that might not be clear because I've not communicated much about it on
> the lists.
> The good news is that once these issues have been resolved we are
> in a good position to port the drivers that NetBSD have but we've
> not seen yet. There are lots, like uaudio and uvisor, that we should
> take avantage of. I hope that these will follow in the not too
> distant future.
> Regards,
> Joe
> p.s. I'm away for the weekend and so if you don't get a reply to any
> email until the early part of next week it's not because I'm ignoring
> you.


   Absolute BSD:

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Re: Perl scripts that need rewiting - Any volunteers?

2002-05-10 Thread Michael Lucas

On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 01:56:16AM -0600, Mike Makonnen wrote:
> The problem with writing man pages is, if you don't do it often enough
> you keep having to relearn it every time you do (which is why I wised up
> after about the third time or so this happened to me I created a cheat
> sheet). What would be cool is if the man pages were somehow integrated
> into the FreeBSD Documentation Project. That way I have to remember only
> the SGML tags.

We discussed the possibility of doing this at the last BSDCon BoF.
Other UNIXes (i.e., Sun IIRC) are already doing this, using
proprietary tools.

Short answer: our tools just aren't there yet, but we're hoping.



   Absolute BSD:

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