
You'd have better luck talking to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with any
specific problems you have.

This list is for nitty-gritty discussion of some of FreeBSD's guts.
While the folks here are friendly enough, they aren't really
interested in answering basic questions and helping new users.

You might also check out the freebsd-newbies list.


> i am not versed on the mechanics of freebsd; in fact, i barely
> understand the mechanics of the suse linux 6.4 package that i sm
> currently using.  i became aware of the bsd package after seeing one for
> sale (freebsd 'powerpak') in a computer. i read on the box that bsd will
> run linux app's, so i decided to download bsd and try it on my system. 
> it will be interesting to see how this works.  if you-someone contacts
> me, i would be surprised and greatly appreciative.
> thank you, xavian
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