Improved support for NE2000 compatible ISA-PnP cards

1999-08-10 Thread Erik H. Bakke

The following has also been submitted in the form of a PR.
I am posting the information here because I think this will be of interest to
others out there as well.

If this is not the correct way to do it, or the correct place, please guide me
to the correct path, as this is my first submission (But probably not the last)

Here is the case:

FreeBSD-current does not support all NE-2000 compatible network cards,
nor will it probably ever do, but with the patch included below, at least some
cards will be supported.
The following will add support for a card, which under Windows platforms is
recognized as a CNet NE2000 compatible.

Quite simple patch...

*** if_ed.c Tue Jul  6 21:22:44 1999
--- if_ed.bak   Tue Aug 10 16:36:03 1999
*** 3443,3448 
--- 3443,3449 
  static pnpid_t edpnp_ids[] = {
{ 0xd680d041, "NE2000"},
+   { 0x0090252a, "CNet NE2000 Compatible"},
{ 0 }

Erik H. Bakke
Habatech AS

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Re: Weird new SCSI diagnostics in -current

1999-08-31 Thread Erik H. Bakke

On 30-Aug-99 Justin T. Gibbs wrote:
>>I'm noticing some new output.  What does it mean and is it going
>>to stay there? :-)
> Peter killed these last week.
I still get some messages, kernel as of saturday evening:

*** Relevant part of dmesg output ***

intpm0: PM I/O mapped e400 
ahc0:  irq 19 at device 6.0 on pci0
BRDCTL = 0x7a
ahc0: aic7890/91 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 16/255 SCBs
ahc1:  irq 18 at device 10.0 on pci0
BRDCTL = 0xfe
ahc1: aic7890/91 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 16/255 SCBs
pcm0:  irq 16 at device 12.0 on pci0
pcm0: using I/O space register mapping at 0xa000
pcm1:  irq 16 at device 13.0 on pci0
pcm1: using I/O space register mapping at 0xa400
Probing for PnP devices:
CSN 1 Vendor ID: JQE9000 [0x0090252a] Serial 0x0071442d Comp ID: PNP80d6


But then, this could only be natural, or local to my machine...

E-Mail: Erik H. Bakke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 31-Aug-99
Time: 16:36:27

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if_ed PnP problems

1999-09-14 Thread Erik H. Bakke

With the recent changes to the if_ed driver, it refuses to initialize my
It reports:
unknown0 at isa0

>From debugging the probing it seems that the driver fails in
ed_alloc_ports() returning ENOENT.

Switching the BIOS settings to and from PnP aware OS did not help.

Any suggestions?

The card is a standard NE2000 compatible ISA PnP card (ID 0x0090252a),
and it worked as it should with the old driver.

Erik H. Bakke  || To be or not to be...
Senior Consultant/Developer|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|Is simply a question of
Habatech AS|| binary logic

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Still ATA problems

1999-10-06 Thread Erik H. Bakke

I am still having problems with the ATA driver.
I am seeing the same error messages as has been reported on the lists during
the last few weeks, both on i386 and alpha platforms.
On the i386, the problem is just an irritating itch, but it seems to be
far more serious on the alpha, where the system reboots instantly when the
problems occur.
On reboot, the system stops at the probing of disks, reporting a timeout.
Then, the system reboots again, probing and rebooting in an endless loop.

I have the latest sources, as cvsupped today, October 6th.

I can provide more information on the system configuration if needed, but I
have no access to it right now.

Erik H. Bakke  || To be or not to be...
Senior Consultant/Developer|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|Is simply a question of
Habatech AS|| binary logic

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Re: Still ATA problems

1999-10-06 Thread Erik H. Bakke

On 06-Oct-99 Soren Schmidt wrote:
> I have a new version almost ready that should fix this problem, including
> the panic on the alpha. It just a bit more testing then I'll commit it...
If you want, I can give it a test on a 164SX-based alpha...

Erik H. Bakke  || To be or not to be...
Senior Consultant/Developer|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|Is simply a question of
Habatech AS|| binary logic

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RE: The Unofficial AudioPCI/PCI64 Support Page

1999-10-18 Thread Erik H. Bakke

On 19-Oct-99 Marc van Woerkom wrote:
>> The Vibra128 (which is PCI) uses the Ensoniq chip, but I'm not so sure
>> the PCI128 does. 
[Some lines deleted]
> Then Creative came up and bought Ensoniq to get some decent PCI 
> card. The PCI 128 seems to be more or less the same like the Audio
> PCI (I am not 100% sure, because the latest greatest Win drivers
> do not work for me anymore), the PCI 64 is reported to have at
> least a lesser quality code.
The PCI 128 uses the original ES1370, and is indeed the same card as the
original Ensoniq one.  I have three of these cards in different computers, and
one of them has a SoundBlaster sticker on top of the original Ensoniq marking.

The PCI 64's I have seen (Have one PCI64 and one PCI64V myself) are based on
ES1371 and 1373 chips.
I believe both these chips are AC97 compatible, and can be mixed and matched.
I have picked these cards out of my FreeBSD computers now, but I seem to recall
that the card with the 1373 chip identified itself with the same PCI ID as the
1371, but I am not 100% sure about this.
I needed a variety of these cards for a driver development project I was doing.

> And more fun: recently people reported an ES1374 chip - I have
> no clue yet where this one is different.
It probably isn't.  It will probably have the same programming interface as the
earlier ES1371/1373 chips.  The differences is probably mostly in the
physical interface.  (Lower power consumption, etc.)
Unless you design sound cards around these chips, this will probably not matter.

This is purely my own understanding of the chips, and I may very well proven to
be wrong, so don't go betting all your money on this :)

Erik H. Bakke  || To be or not to be...
Senior Consultant/Developer|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|Is simply a question of
Habatech AS|| binary logic

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RE: ata - disk "contact" lost....

1999-10-21 Thread Erik H. Bakke

On 21-Oct-99 Dave J. Boers wrote:
> I've been having strange problems with the ata drivers (again). At seemingly
> random moments "disk contact" seems to be lost. I've been seeing these
> messages before a few weeks ago. The problem is *not* there if I use the wd
> drivers. Also the problem seems only to appear after a few days of uptime. 
> Below follows the info. 
> Any help would be much appreciated. Should I worry about disk integrity? 
> If you need more info, please let me know. 
This seems to be the same problem some other people on this list have been
suffering, including me.
Some days ago there was posted a patch that seems to solve the problem.
The patch is still being tested, but hopefully, the person responsible will
commit it soon.
If you can't find it, give me a word and I'll dig it up for you.

Erik H. Bakke  || To be or not to be...
Senior Consultant/Developer|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|Is simply a question of
Habatech AS|| binary logic

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Re: newpcm audio recording

2001-01-09 Thread Erik H. Bakke

> Hi,
> I have been trying to do some audio-recording lately without much success.
> After searching the archieves etc I found some reports of this problem and
> there are also some PR's about it (8bit at low rates ok, 16bit and higher
> rates is not).
> I was wondering if someone is working on this and if we could expect some
> progress soon?

I believe this may be related to the soundcard driver, which soundcard are
you using?

I am using an SB Live 1024 in my computer, and I am reading from the audio
input, 16 bits at 44.1KHz, although only in mono, doing fourier transform
on the data, and displaying the results graphically, without any problems.

Erik H. Bakke

Don't ask "Who invented time?", the real question is "When was time

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Re: /etc/nsswitch.conf

1999-01-22 Thread Erik H. Bakke
>On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 05:58:01PM +0100, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
>> Mike Nguyen  writes:
>> consolidating all that config information in one place, such as
>> /etc/rc.conf, would be a good thing.
>Agreed, it really isn't such a good idea to clutter /etc/ with all
>those single line configuration files.
How about having one file in /etc containing all the different
configuration options, and have this file processed by a program
to generate all the different configuration files.
This would give us the benefits of a centralized configuration
file, without the need of rewriting the many programs that really
want to have their configuration in specific files.

On the other hand, this would require a reprocessing of the
file for each modification to the configuration.
Maybe we could run the command at the beginning of /etc/rc,
and allow a user with root privileges to rerun the command
at any time to rescan the configuration?

It would require a minimum of effort to implement this,
so I hope this is not too simple for us.

Erik H. Bakke
Habatech AS

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Re: Persistent files under /usr/obj

1999-02-02 Thread Erik H. Bakke
>>do a
>>chflags -R noschg /usr/obj
>>before you rm it
>Uh no... do the 'rm' first, tolerate the few warnings, _then_
>do the chflags and then another 'rm'.
>It's faster on my stopwatch anyway  :)
/* Flamebait mode on: */

Now, shouldn't we really have a target in our makefile for this,


/* Flamebait mode off: */

Due to a harddisk crash I may not have received all the mails
in this thread, and may therefore have missed someone else
asking this question and getting a real good answer.

Erik H. Bakke
Habatech AS

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Tape problems with new ATAPI driver

1999-03-04 Thread Erik H. Bakke
After switching to the new ATAPI drivers my system locks up
every time I try to do a backup, only the mouse seems to be
in action (So it seems that things are not quite lost... :)

This did not happen before the switch.

Anyone else experiencing this?

*** Relevant parts of my dmesg output ***

CPU: AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor (333.39-MHz 586-class CPU)
real memory  = 134217728 (131072K bytes)
avail memory = 128045056 (125044K bytes)
ata-pci0:  rev 0x06 on pci0.7.1
ata0 at 0x01f0 irq 14 on ata-pci0
ata1 at 0x0170 irq 15 on ata-pci0
ad0:  ATA-? disk at ata0 as master
ad0: 1222MB (2503872 sectors), 2484 cyls, 16 heads, 63 S/T, 512 B/S
ad0: 8 secs/int, 0 depth queue 
ad1:  ATA-4 disk at ata1 as master
ad1: 6149MB (12594960 sectors), 13328 cyls, 15 heads, 63 S/T, 512 B/S
ad1: 16 secs/int, 0 depth queue 
ast0:  tape drive at ata0 as slave 
ast0: Travan 4 (4 Gbyte) media, reverse, qfa, ecc, 512b
ast0: Max speed=600Kb/s, Transfer limit=52 blocks, Buffer size=728 blocks
changing root device to ad0s1a

*** Relevant parts of my config file ***

controller  ata0
device  atadisk0
device  atapicd0
device  atapist0
device  atapifd0
options ATAPI

Erik H. Bakke |  To be or not to be  | CGI, konsulenttjenester,
Habatech AS   | is simply a question | hardware, software,  |  about binary logic  | løsninger.

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Re: 40% slowdown with dynamic /bin/sh

2003-11-25 Thread Erik H. Bakke
On Tuesday 25 November 2003 03:07, Don Lewis wrote:
> On 25 Nov, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> > On Tuesday 25 November 2003 11:52, Dan Nelson wrote:
> >  > > I'd greatly prefer that the the dynamic root default be backed out
> >  > >
> >> > > until a substantial amount of this performance can be recovered.
> >> >
> >> > What _REAL WORLD_ task does this slow down?
> >>
> >> Try timing "cd /usr/ports/www/mozilla-devel ; make clean" with static
> >> and dynamic /bin. spawns many many many /bin/sh processes.
> >
> > OK my bad, it will probably slow down the ports building.
> The ports infrastructure is horribly slow even with a static sh, though
> not as glacially slow as installing and patching Solaris 9.
But if the change to dynamic root "provokes" this slowdown that people have 
been seeing, it would be much better to address the cause and not the 

The change to dynamic root here is not the cause, the extra overhead of using 
dynamically linked tools is, and that should be the main focus point.

If the overhead of dynamic linking is reduced, that will benefit all of us, 
even if we use a dynamic root or not.

Erik H. Bakke

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PCM problem solved (?)

1999-05-04 Thread Erik H. Bakke
In what may have seemed a desperate move to try to find out where
the sound drivers decided to stop, I took a look at my config file.
I tried to change the attachment of the pcm device from isa? to nexus?,
trying to move it closer to the source of the interrupts.  (This is with an
SB PCI 128)
When I had rebuilt the kernel and rebooted, the error messages seemed
a bit different.
It was actually suggested that I should try to use pcm0 instead of pcm1.
A quick remake of the devices, and suddenly, the sound was back.

Will this approach solve the problems for you other people with
the same problem?

Erik H. Bakke
Habatech AS

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Re: RC1 packages

2003-07-02 Thread Erik H. Bakke
On Thursday 05 June 2003 16:27, Jesse D. Guardiani wrote:
> Quick question:
> If I go ahead and install 5.1-RC1 now from ISO CDROM,
> will I have access to packages that are newer than the
> ones that come with FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE? Or will they
> be the same packages as 5.0-RELEASE? Or will I not have
> access to packages at all? (That was always the case
> when I would CVSUP and buildworld on our servers)
You will have access to the newest ports tree through cvsup regardless  of 
what version of FreeBSD you are running. (As long as cvsup can run on it, 
that is ;)

Just make sure you check out the head of the ports tree (The "." tag), 
otherwise you will not get any ports.

> I ask because I need at LEAST XFree86 4.2.x for my laptop
> display to work properly with my ATI Radeon Mobility LY
> on my IBM Thinkpad A30p. And the last time I checked, I
> think 5.0-RELEASE only offered XFree86 4.1.x. And I'm not
> fond of compiling my x server by hand.

Once you have cvsupped to the latest ports you can just rebuild any packages 
you need to upgrade through the ports system :)

Erik H. Bakke

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