how to show the text line number in the left of the textarea

2012-11-21 Thread jianhui chen
Hi all,
I was wondering how can I show the text line numbers in the left of the
text area.
The result is somehow like this:
1  this is first line.
2  this is second line.

The number is in the outside of the box, and it is automatically
displayed when the user change the line.
 By the way, I an new comer in django and learning this now. Is there any source
teaching the interactive response in the web, expecially in text editing?


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Re: Error: No module named books

2012-11-29 Thread jianhui chen
I am learning django book too. Do you check the output of error.?
Generally, there are hint like ValueError in the output.

On Wednesday, November 28, 2012, Chris Recher wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm working through the Django book and I've run into an error that wasn't
> predicted. I've got a project called mysite. I used "python
> startapp books" to create an app called books inside of it. I added a few
> models to the file inside books, then tried to use "python
> validate". I got "Error: No module named books" in return.
> is perfectly intact in both the second mysite directory and the
> books directory. I've added mysite.books to INSTALLED_APPS. All the results
> I could find searching for this problem deal with someone that's made a
> spelling mistake somewhere. I've been through my files multiple times, and
> my spelling is pristine. I figure I'm making an obvious, beginner's mistake
> - could anyone help?
> --
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Re: strangle url error in django with google app engine

2013-01-08 Thread jianhui chen
The problem is solved. Thanks.

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Daniel Roseman wrote:

> On Monday, 7 January 2013 13:54:59 UTC, jianhui chen wrote:
>> Hi all.
>>I use djangoappengine http://www.allbuttonspressed.**
>> com/projects/djangoappengine#**zip-packages<>to
>>  manage google app engine.
>>I test a very simple project:
>>from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
>> from shape_practice.views import introduction
>> handler500 = 'djangotoolbox.errorviews.**server_error'
>> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>> ('^_ah/warmup$', 'djangoappengine.views.warmup'**),
>>  (r'^introduction/$', introduction),
>> )
>> from django.conf import settings
>> from django.http import HttpResponse
>> from django.utils.importlib import import_module
>> from django.template import loader, Context, RequestContext
>> def introduction(request):
>> t = loader.get_template('**introduction.html')
>> c = Context({})
>> return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
>> but when I type 
>> The browser doesn't show "introduction.html", but another "html", let's
>> say A.html. But A.html can't be found in the urlpatterns. Anywhere else can
>> set .html file?
>> Another strange thing is that: in the file, I can use "from
>> shape_practice.views import introduction", but I can't use
>> shape_practice.views.**introduction which has an "shape_practice
>> undefined error"
>> Thanks.
> You should ask App Engine questions on the App Engine users group.
> Presumably you have something in your app.yaml file which is sending the
> user to static page rather than the Django app.
> If you don't import shape_practice, you can't reference it.
> --
> DR.
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show an image in django

2013-01-08 Thread jianhui chen
Hi all,
I want to show an image in project in which the folder DIR looks like this:

In introduction.html I use

It can show image correctly when I open the "introduction.html" directly
using firefox, but it shows ""GET /images/gauge_example.jpg HTTP/1.1" 404 "
when I open it in, and there is no
image in the webpage.

I used the last method in
But it doesn't work.

Could anyone give me some suggestions?


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Re: Can't set static file directory.

2013-01-08 Thread jianhui chen
   I am not to interrupt your question, actually I have the same problems
as you. It seems that Django comers suffer this problem so much.
   I use Manager Static File as a guide, but still has problem.
   1, Put your static files somewhere that staticfiles will find them
  I set following in the
  STATIC_URL = '/static/'

 # Additional locations of static files
   # Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or
   # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
   # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.
   "E:/code/python/djangoBook/django-testapp-develop/static"  #this is
only used in my local test
   2, Make sure that django.contrib.staticfiles is included in your
  So I set that:
'django.contrib.staticfiles',   #this

# djangoappengine should come last, so it can override a few

'django.core.context_processors.static',  #this
  3, You’ll probably need to refer to these files in your templates.
   So I did this:


  And, so someone pointed out that : using
so I dit that
  def introduction(request):
t = loader.get_template('introduction.html')
c = RequestContext(request, {})   #this
return HttpResponse(t.render(c))

  The problem is that when I comment out
"E:/code/python/djangoBook/django-testapp-develop/static" in the
STATICFILES_DIRS , it has an error :

"NetworkError: 500  -";. When I didn't
commented out, it works. So I think STATICFILES_DIRS and STATIC_URL
actually works in

my app, the problem is that how to set it to the correct path. In my
case, I want to STATIC_URL can find my "static" folder which is in the
project home directory.

  I was puzzled by this problem many days, right now I have no way but
to use local folder
"E:/code/python/djangoBook/django-testapp-develop/static" to code and
test in my PC.



On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Mārtiņš Jakubovičs <> wrote:

> Hello.
> I try a lot of things and can't understand, why not working STATIC_ROOT
> and MEDIA_ROOT in
> I want, that all my media and static folders is in different place that
> python files, so I set media, static and templates to different place.
> Templates TEMPLATE_DIRS works well, bet MEDIA_ROOT and STATIC_ROOT not.
> I try setup like this:
> /home/domain/www/my_proj/ there is project folder and all apps, and there
> I place my htdocs folder, in which is static, templates and media folders.
> When i set in STATIC_ROOT = '/home/domain/www/my_proj/htdocs/static'
> In apache error log i got:
> File does not exist: /home/domain/www/my_proj/my_proj/static
> I don't get, why django don't want to take new setting...
> I use django 1.4.
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: show an image in django

2013-01-09 Thread jianhui chen
My is:
# Initialize App Engine and import the default settings (DB backend, etc.).
# If you want to use a different backend you have to remove all occurences
# of "djangoappengine" from this file.
from djangoappengine.settings_base import *

import os

# Activate django-dbindexer for the default database
DATABASES['native'] = DATABASES['default']
DATABASES['default'] = {'ENGINE': 'dbindexer', 'TARGET': 'native'}

SECRET_KEY = '=r-$b*8hglm+858&9t043hlm6-&6-3d3vfc4((7yd0dbrakhvi'


# djangoappengine should come last, so it can override a few


# This loads the index definitions, so it has to come first



# This test runner captures stdout and associates tracebacks with their
# corresponding output. Helps a lot with print-debugging.
TEST_RUNNER = 'djangotoolbox.test.CapturingTestSuiteRunner'

ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/admin/'
TEMPLATE_DIRS = (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates'),)

STATIC_URL = '/static/'

# Additional locations of static files
# Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static".
# Always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
# Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.
"E:/code/python/djangoBook/django-testapp-develop/static",  #this only
used for local debug

and I use STATIC_URL in the html

But, it must be something wrong in my since the project can't
find the image.
Any suggestions? Thanks.

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Mario Gudelj  wrote:

> Try removing .. from the path. Also make sure your static path is set
> correctly in
> On 9 Jan, 2013 1:42 AM, "jianhui chen"  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to show an image in project in which the folder DIR looks like
>> this:
>> images/a.jpg
>> templates/introduction.html
>> In introduction.html I use
>> It can show image correctly when I open the "introduction.html" directly
>> using firefox, but it shows ""GET /images/gauge_example.jpg HTTP/1.1" 404 "
>> when I open it in, and there is no
>> image in the webpage.
>> I used the last method in
>>  But it doesn't work.
>> Could anyone give me some suggestions?
>> jianhui
>>  --
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Re: show an image in django

2013-01-12 Thread jianhui chen
Really thanks your help. Finally, I find the problem is not in django
settings, but in google engine settings.
By trying many methods, my problem problem is solved by this way.
- url: /static
  static_dir: static  #my static folder is in the root of the project
  expiration: '0'
to app.yaml.

and I run command :

./ collectstatic

before I update file to google app engine, but I don't whether this
command is necessary for the static issue.

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 5:39 PM, @jeffblack360 wrote:

> I think your configuration should allow you to hit your image from your
> browser via the following link:
> http://localhost:8000/static/images/gauge_example.jpg
> If that works change your replace {{STATIC_URL}} with '/static/'...
>  = "390" height = "225" />
> On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 8:41:55 AM UTC-6, jianhui chen wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to show an image in project in which the folder DIR looks like
>> this:
>> images/a.jpg
>> templates/introduction.html
>> In introduction.html I use
>> It can show image correctly when I open the "introduction.html" directly
>> using firefox, but it shows ""GET /images/gauge_example.jpg HTTP/1.1" 404 "
>> when I open it in 
>> and there is no image in the webpage.
>> I used the last method in**
>> questions/2148738/cannot-get-**images-to-display-in-simple-**django-site<>.
>>  But it doesn't work.
>> Could anyone give me some suggestions?
>> jianhui
>>  --
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database query error:Subqueries are not supported (yet)

2013-01-14 Thread jianhui chen
Hi all,
There is an Subqueries are not supported (yet) error when I use
"filter" function in databade.
First, I create a database based in
class ImageItem(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length = 100)
depthOffset = models.FloatField()
depthResize = models.FloatField()
focalLength = models.FloatField()
sensorWidth = models.FloatField()

def __str__(self):
def Meta():
ordering = ["name"]

class PixelPosition(models.Model):
xPos = models.FloatField()
yPos = models.FloatField()
depth = models.FloatField()
normalX = models.FloatField()
normalY = models.FloatField()
normalZ = models.FloatField()
imageItem = models.ForeignKey(ImageItem)

   Then I create some data and save.
   Finally I query the database.
1, ps = PixelPosition.objects.all() , no error, I can use ps[0], ps[1]
 but when use 2, pixels = PixelPosition.objects.filter( imageItem =
imageItem), I can't use pixels[0],.. it has an DatabaseError: Subqueries
are not supported (yet).
 I check the type of ps and pixels, both of them is class
'django.db.models.query.QuerySet'.I don't understand why the result of
PixelPosition.objects.filter() has this error.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Django hosting companies

2013-01-30 Thread jianhui chen
I use google app engine.

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 8:17 AM, francislutalo wrote:

> Anyone with an idea of which are the best companies to host my django
> applications?
> Thank you,
> Regards
> francislutalo
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