Really thanks your help. Finally, I find the problem is not in django
settings, but in google engine settings.
By trying many methods, my problem problem is solved by this way.
- url: /static
  static_dir: static  #my static folder is in the root of the project
  expiration: '0'
to app.yaml.

and I run command :

./ collectstatic

before I update file to google app engine, but I don't whether this
command is necessary for the static issue.

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 5:39 PM, @jeffblack360 <>wrote:

> I think your configuration should allow you to hit your image from your
> browser via the following link:
> http://localhost:8000/static/images/gauge_example.jpg
> If that works change your replace {{STATIC_URL}} with '/static/'...
> <img src="/static/images/gauge_example.jpg" alt = "aa gauge example" width
> = "390" height = "225" />
> On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 8:41:55 AM UTC-6, jianhui chen wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to show an image in project in which the folder DIR looks like
>> this:
>> images/a.jpg
>> templates/introduction.html
>> In introduction.html I use
>> <img src="../images/a.jpg" alt = "example" width = "390" height = "225">
>> It can show image correctly when I open the "introduction.html" directly
>> using firefox, but it shows ""GET /images/gauge_example.jpg HTTP/1.1" 404 "
>> when I open it in 
>> and there is no image in the webpage.
>> I used the last method in**
>> questions/2148738/cannot-get-**images-to-display-in-simple-**django-site<>.
>>  But it doesn't work.
>> Could anyone give me some suggestions?
>> jianhui
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