Re: DatabaseError: execute used with asynchronous query

2012-02-28 Thread j_syk
As far as I remember, I quickly switched back to 'sync' worker type (the 
default) for the app which had this problem. I've never seen the error 
again. I have another project running on eventlet, still with gunicorn, 
postgres, and psycopg2. Never have had any problems with that one. So maybe 
it is a problem with gevent. 

I'd like to hear from someone who has had success with gevent.

On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 7:34:03 AM UTC-6, Daniel Svonava wrote:
> Hi, this same error happened to me as well. My setup:
> Django==1.3.1
> gevent==0.13.6
> greenlet==0.3.4
> gunicorn==0.13.4
> psycopg2==2.4.4
> I use this function to make psycopg2 "green" (in the gunicorn config):
> worker_class = "gevent"
> def def_post_fork(server, worker):
> from psyco_gevent import make_psycopg_green
> make_psycopg_green()
>"Made Psycopg Green")
> post_fork = def_post_fork
> This is making me worried of using the Gunicorn+Gevent+psycopg2 combo.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On Friday, January 20, 2012 3:46:47 PM UTC+1, j_syk wrote:
>> I was testing one my apps today with a form that features a drop-down 
>> field that initiates a json lookup for additional detail. You choose a 
>> location, it populates address fields. It's been working for weeks. 
>> Today, when I clicked an entry, the target detail field didn't change. 
>> I have debug off, so instantly I feel my phone buzz and I've been sent 
>> a http500 report e-mail with the following message- 
>> DatabaseError: execute cannot be used while an asynchronous query is 
>> underway 
>> I can't seem to reproduce the error, it's never happened before, and I 
>> haven't changed this piece of code for a while, so I doubt it's 
>> something new. 
>> I'm willing to write it off as a fluke, but at the same time I'd like 
>> to learn more and the search results on the topic don't seem good. 
>> Server setup is Django 1.3.1, Gunicorn 0.13 with geventlet processes, 
>> Nginx 0.7, postgres 8.4.8, 
>> That particular page was using Jquery and a .getJSON call to a json 
>> output produced by a django view which calls a basic query. 
>> What should I know about the "asynchronous query" error? Are there 
>> ways to prevent it? Should I be worried?

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Re: where do you host your django app and how to you deploy it?!

2012-04-04 Thread j_syk
I have a Linode VPS. Best decision I've made. I had tried A Small Orange 
and Webfaction, was happy with the customer/tech service from both (ASO 
isn't really setup for easy Django setup), but eventually you may run into 
situations were you wish you had full access to the server. 

I use Nginx & Gunicorn. It's a really easy setup to get started with and 
it's good.

On Monday, April 2, 2012 5:48:24 AM UTC-5, fix3d wrote:
> Where do you host your django app and how to you deploy it?! 
> Please share personal exp.

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Re: ManyToManyField is this right?

2012-06-27 Thread j_syk
One to One is the right type for linking a user to a profile in the Django 
world. However I think you may be mixed up on the many to many. 
How you have it setup would lead to a User being connected to multiple 
License objects, each with a nra and ccl attribute. If I didn't realize 
what those stood for, I'd say you are right. But, I think that you might be 
thinking of it as the nra and ccl being separate licenses so in that case 
they shouldnt be the same object

Here's what I'd recommend. Either put those two booleans directly on the 
profile model or make the License class more generic for any relevant 
details of a potential license. For example

class License(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
expiration = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
details = models.TextField()

With something like this, the User could have multiple licenses like: 
Concealed Carry 5/10/2015 and NRA no expire .

On Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:57:24 AM UTC-5, David Wagner wrote:
> I'm a self taught programmer who hasn't done much of anything for years so 
> please forgive me if this question is naive. I have a hard time sometimes 
> understanding some of the lingo used by trained programmers.
> With that said, I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around the ManyToMany 
> and Many-To-One and OneToOne concepts. I'm trying to create a multi-select 
> option for a user profile in which a user can have multiple attributes of a 
> certain kind. Right now I'm just working on the model. This is what I have, 
> is it right?
> # Different licenses for instructors to select from
> class Licenses(models.Model):
> nra = models.BooleanField()
> ccl = models.BooleanField()
> # User Profile Model
> class UserProfile(models.Model):
> user = models.OneToOneField(User)
>  #...
> licensed_instructor = models.ManyToManyField(Licenses)

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Re: map in django

2012-07-11 Thread j_syk
This Gist is an example of a location Model 
which calls on a helper function when saved to find the lat & long of the 
address when it is saved. 

The original snippet of the function is here-

On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:35:24 AM UTC-5, Satvir Kaur wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 9:23 PM, yak-man wrote: 
> > You might try browsing these: 
> > The code from Zain's US PyCon2012 tutorial on making interaxtive maps is 
> also in his github repositories - you might find that interesting. 
> What is link for that??? 
> -- 
> Satvir Kaur 

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postgres- can nulls be first when sorting in asc order?

2011-09-26 Thread j_syk
On Friday afternoon I migrated a project from sqlite to postgres.
Everything went smoothly and I was able to go home for the weekend and
be happy. Yay.
This morning I was informed that the sort order is different. I have a
DateField for a due date that is set as not required, however leaving
it blank treats it as ASAP. I'm assuming this is a result of the
different sort orders between sqlite and postgres. I got used to
sqlite sorting it like: "None, Oct, Dec, etc." but now I am getting
"Oct, Dec, etc., None".

Here are the options I'd rather not do:
-Go back to sqlite
-set the default as some date years ago and override the display value
in templates (I already use this method to make a None show as "ASAP")
i.e. {% if item.due_date == '1999-1-1' %}ASAP{% else %}
{{ item.due_date }}{% endif %}
-add another field to the model, a boolean field for  ASAP, set it to
true if the due date is blank and sort by that first (this may
actually be a decent option)

I'm hoping there is a setting in postgres that can be changed for the
sort priority of null.
Is this any easy way to solve this problem before I start reworking
all the code?

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Re: postgres- can nulls be first when sorting in asc order?

2011-09-26 Thread j_syk
Found a similar post

The main difference is that mine is a DateField. So I can't just make
it 0 instead of None.

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Re: postgres- can nulls be first when sorting in asc order?

2011-09-26 Thread j_syk
> You can control the order of how nulls sort with pgsql (at least, 8.3
> and above) by appending 'NULLS FIRST' or 'NULLS LAST' to the 'ORDER
> BY' clause of a select query.

Good to know. I am using 8.4, I may look into adding the order by into
a .extra() call.

Due to the urgency, I went with option 3 on my list (adding an ASAP
field to the model), It just frustrates me that I now have a column
that is false except when the due_date column is null. Just seems like
such a waste, I wish I could have hooked into the due_date. Good news
is that this guarantees the right sort for any db, should I ever need
to switch it.

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looking for an event planning app

2011-09-26 Thread j_syk
I'm looking to build a site to plan events for a small convention.
I've been looking around for an
Here's what I'm looking for:

-Users can sign up to host an event at a given location
-User can pick event length in hour or 30min increments
-There can't be more than one event at the same location and time
-Chart/spreadsheet view of the whole event, or a specific location

It would be like a meeting space planning application. I'm kinda on a
time crunch so finding an existing app would be nice, if not, this
won't be too hard to implement myself (and may have to post a repo if
it's any good).

Anyone know of any suitable apps to check out? Thanks

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foreign key select widget with "add" link

2011-12-13 Thread j_syk
I have a Model with a ForeignKey and I'm using a vanilla ModelForm, so
it's using the standard ModelChoiceField widget. I'm looking to add a
'+' icon with a link to popup and new window to add a new foreign key
that is not already in the dropdown list. Yes, exactly like the admin

I've done it in the past by manually laying out the form in the
template (still with {{ field }} and {{ label }} values, just no
looping at all). I don't want to do this again.

I could append the link via javascript. But that's dirty.

I quickly took a stab at extending the ModelChoiceField, but I failed
and moved on.

Searching the web for a solution hasn't been good to me.

What's the easiest way to cleanly add this to a form and get it to
refresh the choices?

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Re: Need "edit" and "delete" buttons on each line of a rendered table

2012-01-16 Thread j_syk
This a good application for named urls with passing arguments.

for example, given a containing

url(r'^edit/(?P[0-9]+)/$', edit_item, name="edit_item"),

in your template you can do this:

{% for item in item_query %}


{% endfor %}

Hope that helps! Named urls are the preferred DRY method too and so
easy to use!

On Jan 16, 8:04 am, Bill Beal  wrote:
> Thanks, I'll try that.
> On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Szabo, Patrick (LNG-VIE) <
>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm doing the exact same thing. What i do is i add the id of the object of
> > a row to the url that the button is linking to.
> > Then I use and to identify that id and delete or add the
> > object.
> > cheers
> > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> > Ing. Patrick Szabo
> >  XSLT Developer
> > LexisNexis
> > A-1030 Wien, Marxergasse 25
> >
> > Tel.: 00431 534521573
> > Fax: +43 1 534 52 146
> > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > Von: []
> > Im Auftrag von Bill Beal
> > Gesendet: Montag, 16. Jänner 2012 14:55
> > An: Django users
> > Betreff: Need "edit" and "delete" buttons on each line of a rendered table
> > Hi All,
> > I'm trying to render a table and have an EDIT
> > button and a DELETE button on each line, like:
> > ID number    ID type    EDIT    DELETE
> > and identify which line is to be EDITed
> > or DELETEd.  I tried to create a unique name
> > for each button, like:
> >  > value="EDIT" />
> > but the template language won't let me add.
> > Is there a simpler way to know which line
> > the submit came from, that works?
> > Or even a complicated way that works?
> > Bill Beal
> > --
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> >
> > --
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> > "Django users" group.
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Re: mac vs windows installation /deployment

2012-01-16 Thread j_syk
This isn't really an answer to your question, but here's my 2 cents.
I'm in the reverse situation as you, Macs at work and Windows at home.
I wasn't too interested in figuring out Django development on either
after quickly disliking macports and never having the desire to
develop on windows without a specific IDE. Although at the time I
tried both, I was probably just too overwhelmed with everything I need
to try to learn.

I have always used a linux environment (ubuntu), mostly though ssh on
headless clients. For a while I was running ubuntu desktop and server
editions though virtual machines on both my work mac and windows
computer at home and using osx and windows as my workspace. But now I
have dedicated Linux servers at work and home to develop on, and a
linode slice for public websites. I guess I've gotten used to a
terminal based approach and using FTP as necessary.

I don't know what your plans are in the future, but a lot of web
hosting servers are Linux, so it may be beneficial to have experience
and/or be able to directly port over projects.

I know you asked for A or B and I said C, but maybe think about it.

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Re: mac vs windows installation /deployment

2012-01-16 Thread j_syk
On Jan 16, 10:31 am, Javier Guerra Giraldez 
> it's a pity that MacOS is going the same route (i think 10.4 still
> included XCode in the optional installers DVD), so there's some demand
> for binary distribution for Mac too.

mac osx 10.7 (Lion) includes Xcode for free from the app store. AFAIK
this is the first time it's been available free for a while (I guess
10.4 as you say). So Python_Junkie, it may be cheaper to upgrade to
10.7 than to buy xcode for your current version. last i heard xcode
was kinda expensive and i think the Lion upgrade is just $30. Unless
maybe now they rolled back the price of xcode for all osx versions.

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DatabaseError: execute used with asynchronous query

2012-01-20 Thread j_syk
I was testing one my apps today with a form that features a drop-down
field that initiates a json lookup for additional detail. You choose a
location, it populates address fields. It's been working for weeks.
Today, when I clicked an entry, the target detail field didn't change.

I have debug off, so instantly I feel my phone buzz and I've been sent
a http500 report e-mail with the following message-

DatabaseError: execute cannot be used while an asynchronous query is

I can't seem to reproduce the error, it's never happened before, and I
haven't changed this piece of code for a while, so I doubt it's
something new.

I'm willing to write it off as a fluke, but at the same time I'd like
to learn more and the search results on the topic don't seem good.

Server setup is Django 1.3.1, Gunicorn 0.13 with geventlet processes,
Nginx 0.7, postgres 8.4.8,
That particular page was using Jquery and a .getJSON call to a json
output produced by a django view which calls a basic query.

What should I know about the "asynchronous query" error? Are there
ways to prevent it? Should I be worried?

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Re: pip search raises "time out"

2013-01-10 Thread j_syk
I just tried it and it returned about 3500 results. Did you really want 
that many results? 

running "pip search --help" shows that you can set a --timeout flag, and 
the default is 15 seconds

pip search --timeout=30 Django

On Wednesday, January 9, 2013 8:34:41 AM UTC-6, Matias Montenegro wrote:
> I need a hand with this problem. I get a "time out" exception when i run 
> "pip search", but "pip install" works fine. I'm using a proxy and I can't 
> deactivate it. Does anybody know why it might be happening?

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Re: I screwed up my django site using touch

2013-03-07 Thread j_syk
It's not a problem with wsgi. The problem is incorrect syntax in line 29 of 
your file. Check that line and make sure that each line is at the 
same indentation or is properly indented (4 spaces). If you can't figure 
this out, post a couple lines from that area of your file and we 
can help with the syntax and formatting.

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:06:04 AM UTC-6, frocco wrote:
> I do not understand what the error indentation means.
> I am new to django, coming from PHP.
> I was using touch, because unlike PHP, I wanted changes to show without 
> kicking users off.
> now I am afraid to use touch.
> On Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:54:15 AM UTC-5, Roberto López López wrote:
>> Check the history of the files you've touched, and rollback all 
>> indentation changes. 
>> On 03/07/2013 02:49 PM, frocco wrote: 
>> > Hello, 
>> > 
>> > I am not sure what happened, I did a touch wsgi and then a touch 
>> > I got an error afterwards and could not recover from it. I could not 
>> > find the it was complaining about. 
>> > I tried to reload the site from a backup and still had errors. I ended 
>> > up recreating the site on webfaction and uploading each app until it 
>> was 
>> > working. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> >   IndentationError at / 
>> > 
>> > unindent does not match any outer indentation level (, line 29) 
>> > 
>> > Django Version:1.5 
>> > Exception Type:IndentationError 
>> > Exception Value: 
>> > 
>> > unindent does not match any outer indentation level (, line 29) 
>> > 
>> > Exception Location: 
>> > /home/frocco/webapps/ntw/lib/python2.7/django/utils/ in 
>> > import_module, line 35 
>> > Python Executable:/usr/local/bin/python 
>> > Python Version:2.7.3 
>> > Python Path: 
>> > 
>> > ['/home/frocco/webapps/ntw', 
>> >  '/home/frocco/webapps/ntw/myproject', 
>> >  '/home/frocco/webapps/ntw/lib/python2.7', 
>> >  '/home/frocco/lib/python2.7/pip-1.2.1-py2.7.egg', 
>> >  '/home/frocco/lib/python2.7', 
>> >  '/usr/local/lib/', 
>> >  '/usr/local/lib/python2.7', 
>> >  '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2', 
>> >  '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', 
>> >  '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-old', 
>> >  '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload', 
>> >  '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages', 
>> >  '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PIL'] 
>> > 
>> > -- 
>> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> > Groups "Django users" group. 
>> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>> > an email to 
>> > To post to this group, send email to 
>> > Visit this group at 
>> > For more options, visit 
>> >   
>> >   
>> -- 
>> Kind regards, 
>> Roberto L�pez L�pez 
>> System Developer 
>> Parallab, Uni Computing 
>> H�yteknologisenteret, Thorm�hlensgate 55 
>> N-5008 Bergen, Norway 
>> Tel:(+47) 555 84091 

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Need some ideas for how to implement a two-part form

2011-01-26 Thread j_syk
I'm working on a project that requires a RSVP form for an event.

The first step of the form would ask first & last name, e-mail,
attending (yes/no/unsure), and total number of guests attending.
Currently I have this form correctly working and submitting to the

The second step of the form would interact with a second table which
would be the guest list and it would only contain the first & last
name of each guest along with who registered them. It would give
enough forms to add the names of the guests from that party attending
(based on number submitted in the first step and only if the rsvp
response was Yes). The registered by column should be filled
automatically and be hidden on the client-side.
So far I have this working for just one name entry (pulls from POST

So the real question is, what is the best way to go about adding a
secondary form which automatically provides enough name fields based
on the field filled in the first form? Also it should add the
registering guest's name to the first set of fields for convenience.

I'd be open to adding some sort of js/jquery/ajax/whatever to have the
form be all one page and dynamically add the number of name fields but
still save those to the second database table.

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Re: Challenge with installing django on windows 7 64 bit

2011-01-26 Thread j_syk
I only develop django on osx and lunix (ubuntu), but I've looked into
options for installing it on my windows desktop- even though I've
never gotten around to it...
I've found which has all the common
files you need to develop in one package. According to the site, you
don't even need to install anything, just extract the .exe and work
7-zip documentation says that it should be able to unzip tar.gz, but
maybe you somehow got a corrupted download. Have you tried downloading
it again?

On Jan 26, 11:23 am, Magge  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to extract the installation files from the
> Django-1.2.4.tar.gz file that I got from the django website. I tried
> using winzip, 7z, cygwin and so forth. All these programs complain
> that the file isnt a valid archive.
> I used to work with django back in 2009 on Window. The installation
> used to be off the extract of a zip file I remember. How do I get
> going with the installation?
> I appreciate any inputs on this
> Thanks
> Keshav Magge

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