Re: Dynamic settings variables (dynamic global variable)

2012-02-08 Thread Doug Ballance
A method similar to what Anssi describes is what we use for local
caching of data that is too large to comfortably fetch from cache/
parse from file every time we need it. A  Doing a lazy fetch with a
maximum age like that also helps with load times since it is only
fetched when accessed. Of course the fetch needs to be reasonably
possible with the time frame of a single request in order to not
frustrate users.

# Put this class somewhere and import into your
import datetime
import urllib2
class LazyFetch(object):
def __init__(self,url,max_age=60*60):

def _get_content(self):
if not last_updated or >
return self._content


then elsewhere in your code you can import settings and access the
page content


Accessing the property "content" would call get_content() which checks
to see if the content hasn't been loaded, or expired.. and reloads on
demand.  This is just a barebones example though, you'd want to throw
in some exception handing to the urlopen call at the very least.

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Re: Dynamic settings variables (dynamic global variable)

2012-02-08 Thread Doug Ballance
I made an error when I changed a variable name just before posting.
Replace "self._age" with "self._last_updated".

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Re: Dynamic settings variables (dynamic global variable)

2012-02-09 Thread Doug Ballance
> Doug, I don't see how the LazyFetch you wrote is much different than
> what akaariai shared? Can you explain to me what the difference is?
> And I'm not saying that in a condescending way, I'm saying I'm just
> not sharp enough on my Python to recognize the difference.

Slightly different implementation of the same idea.  From your reply
to his post I thought there was still some confusion on the concept so
I did a modification of a class we use in a project so that you could
have a tested/working sample.  They are fundamentally the same
approach to the problem, it just seemed to me that treating an
instance of the class as the 'page' variable rather than 'cache' used
to fetch a url might be clearer as an example.

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Re: Much the same code, different businesses

2012-03-26 Thread Doug Ballance
There are a few choices that I'm familiar with.

1) Create a separate project/settings file for each of your stores,
overriding templates as needed by placing assigning a template path
for the project.  I think this is pretty much the recommended way to
do things, especially if the number of sites are reasonably small.  It
offers great data isolation (using a different database for each), and
it allows you to use all kinds of django apps and plugins.  For mass
hosting, this is going to require more resources since you'll have
workers for each site rather than a shared pool of workers.

2) Do some 'strange things', such as changing database or schema on a
per-request basis using threadlocals and a middleware. This offers
much of the capability of 1, but there may be compatibility issues
(module level caching for example) and tricky foreignkey
That post, and some of the comments will probably be of interest to

2) Do your own multi-tenant user setup.  There isn't anything built in
for this, and as a result you lose a lot of the built in functionality
like the admin as well as any hope of using user aware third-party
apps.  This is the way I ended up going.  We use a custom template
loader/middleware to check for site specific templates, site specific
caching, and a custom siteuser/site framework.  All data is stored in
the same database, with ownership linked back to the custom siteusers/
sites and permission checking related to the views.  We keep the
django user and sites framework as well, but use it/the admin for
administration use only.  This is the most complicated path, but I
think the advantages make it worth it for a large number of sites. We
can add sites using an admin interface, and use fewer resources since
caching and workers are all shared.

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Re: PythonScript(Zope) like in a django app, any tips?

2012-04-15 Thread Doug Ballance
You might also try a different scripting language, for example Lua.
I've a python module "lupa" bookmarked for a project on my todo list
that requires user scripting.  It appears you can have a relatively
sandboxed access to python objects.  I'm hoping that with some careful
compiling of the luajit compiler it will use a limited set of
libraries, providing only simple/non-dangerous capability.  I haven't
tried any of this yet though, so just food for thought.

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Re: Scaling django installation

2012-05-31 Thread Doug Ballance
I don't think anyone will be able to give you a good evaluation
without knowing more about the requests.  Django itself could probably
handle 10k requests per second returning a simple "hello world"
response, or less than 10 if you are returning very large/difficult to
generate responses.  It is what your app does that is going to make
all the difference.

The site has some good info on scaling, despite being
for a much older version of django.  Ignore the code, and skip down
the the section on scaling:

>From my own experience, caching/memcache can make all the difference
in the world.  Find out what is taking the time, and cache it.
Different approaches to your page design can help too.  If the page is
95% identical for all users, cache the 95% and pull in the 5% with
javascript to personalize.  Allowing something like varnish to sit in
front of those expensive to generate, but cachable pages is another
way to speed things up but it requires a bit of application specific
configuration to be useful (ignoring cookies for certain urls, making
sure you are setting the vary header correctly in your app, etc).

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Re: Understanding Django for PHP developer

2012-06-03 Thread Doug Ballance

There was a blog post several years ago that followed, in detail, the
life of a response with all the gory details.  Unfortunately I can't
locate the link.  The above page is brief, but has a nice picture that
is easy to follow.

A huge difference is that php code has access to just about every
thing in the global space of the script.  It has access to headers,
cookies, path information, querystrings, and pretty much all the
information it might need.   Django bundles that into a request object
and requires that you explicitly pass data about the request to your
code, In php you could access $_GET in an arbitrary function and it
would just work.  The request.GET equivalent in Django is only
available if you pass it into the function.

Since code may be reused for the next request, it's possible for
changes to have polluted values from the first request if you
accidentally do something your shouldn't. This requires a little more
caution when writing your code, but is not difficult.

For example consider a function like:

def myfunc(listofstuff=[]):
listofstuff.append('I was called')
return listofstuff

If you call the function in the first request without a parameter
"myfunc()" it will default to an empty list, append "I was called" and
return a list with a single item ["I was called"], and everything will
work fine.  The gotcha is that the empty list was defined when the
function was created, so the second request will get the -same- list,
which this time will not be empty, and the second call will return ["I
was called","I was called"].

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Re: Understanding Django for PHP developer

2012-06-03 Thread Doug Ballance
I should have looked a little harder, I found the blog post. It is
about a much older version of Django. Some of the references to django
internals are surely a bit different now, but the fundamentals are the
same.  It really helped me when I first started.  I'd love to see it
updated for the current versions and part of the official docs.

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Re: Variable # of fields in a form

2012-07-25 Thread Doug Ballance
It seems to me that two fields might be the simple solution?

class SomeForm(Form):
internal = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
externa = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(

Then you can just output them in your layout {{form.internal}} and

Another thing that might be of interest to you is crispy forms:

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Re: django doesnt accept the serializeArray POST data

2012-10-22 Thread Doug Ballance
I'm guessing it is a result of not having a csrf token set for the

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Re: Work in memory instead of BD, how to?

2011-08-18 Thread Doug Ballance
You probably don't want to cache changes.  Or if you do, it would be
better done elsewhere (like a caching raid controller/w battery on
your database machine).  The usual cache patterns I've seen are:

1) Fetch from database
2) Store in cache with a reasonable timeout to that changes are
reflected as the cache expires
3) Look in cache, if found return that.  If not goto step (1)


1) Fetch from database
2) Store in cache with a -long- timeout
2.5) Track changes to cached objects and update the stored information
if it changes.
3) Look in cache, if found return it.  if not goto step(1)

since the changes won't be reflected as rapidly due to the long
timeout, you can configure the post_save/post_delete/etc signals to
automatically update the cached value every time a change is made to
one of that models instances.  This is what the django-cache-utils app
is doing for you.  The trick is that the more complicated your use,
the more complex the cache invalidation is going to have to be.

Another possiblity is that caching may be the wrong solution to your
problem. If for example a web request need to do so a bunch of
expensive operations, but does not need to do them interactively with
your user, a solution like django-celery may be better.  With celery
the job gets scheduled for execution outside of the web request-
response system (possibly even on another machine) and gives you a job
id.  This allows the user to get on with things, leaving the work to
be done behind the scenes.  If the user needs to know the results or
state of the job  you can use ajax or refreshing to check back using
the id to retreive the results when the job completes.

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Re: find_template Django 1.3

2011-08-25 Thread Doug Ballance
I haven't moved to 1.3 yet, but we do a few things with the template
source too so this is definitely of interest.  It looks like most of
the template loaders define a load_template_source method
implementation that does return the source, except for the cached
loader.  As a work around you could add a module with your own
find_template_source() method based on the existing, but calling the
load_template_source() method instead:

from django.template.loader import
from django.conf import settings

def find_template_source(name, dirs=None):
global template_source_loaders
if template_source_loaders is None:
loaders = []
for loader_name in settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS:
loader = find_template_loader(loader_name)
if loader is not None:
template_source_loaders = tuple(loaders)
for loader in template_source_loaders:
source, display_name = loader.load_template_source(name,
return (source, make_origin(display_name, loader, name,
except TemplateDoesNotExist:
except NotImplementedError:
raise TemplateDoesNotExist(name)

If you want to use the cache loader too, you'd have to subclass it and
define your own load_template_source() implementation.  I hope this
functionality gets added back to the core.  There isn't any reason not
to that I can see.

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Re: Argh: templates, admin, and app loading order

2011-08-30 Thread Doug Ballance
Can you use the filesystem loader as the first template loader, then
set TEMPLATE_DIRS in to specify a template directory
outside any app?  Use this location for all of your overrides, just
make sure the path is right... ie each app you override would have its
own subdirectory.

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Re: Security implications of using the form.fields dictionary directly

2011-09-03 Thread Doug Ballance
The most elegant way I've seen specialized form rendering handled was
the use of template tags and filters.  The django uni-form project is
a good example.  By using the filter and template tags you gain full
access to all the form elements, and can do easy manipulation in
python, but leave the rendering and html to a template.

if you wanted your multiplecheckboxes field to render in three columns
you could write a filter (formfield_columns for example) that took the
formfield as parameter, and the number of columns and returned the
appropriate breakdown with the right info that might be used something
like this:

{% for row in myform.field|formfield_columns:3 %}

  {% for cb in row %}

  {% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

where your filter converted the field into a list of rows, with each
checkbox representating a dict populated with values (keys checked,
name, id, label) from the form field.

you could also make a filter that does a single value in your
multiplecheckbox field


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Re: Streamlining DJango Deployment — Novel idea from the world of CMSs

2011-09-07 Thread Doug Ballance
I would agree with Donald, and expand on that to say that an installer
would probably be best written in php for widest compatibility.  A php
based installer would run outof the box on most webservers, and be
able to give a guided overview of the python/web environment setup.
It would easily be able to detect the apache/webserver configuration
for required modules, make 'best practices' recommendations based on
the environment, download and setup virtualenv, etc.  Not a php fan,
but it would seem to me to be a prime choice for an installer to let
django/python webdevelopment ease into a php dominated world.

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Re: When is a good time to use db_index? Rule of thumb?

2011-09-15 Thread Doug Ballance
Another clarification:  It tells django to create an index on that
field when you run syncdb to create the tables for your apps.  Adding
it to an existing model won't change anything by itself.  If you
decide a field needs an index you can add it to the model definition,
and then you can use the " sqlindexes" command to see what
the sql commands are to create the indexes.  You'll need to run the
create index sql for that field manually using psql (assuming
postgres) or some other database client to add the indexes outside of

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Re: How to make a query form depend on a field?

2011-09-26 Thread Doug Ballance
There are also a few third-party apps that can assist you with the
form->query process such as this one:

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Re: custom attributes of model field

2011-12-07 Thread Doug Ballance
I may not be clear on what you are trying to accomplish, but maybe
something like

class Form1(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:

def type_one_fields(self):
return [self.fields['a']] # Or use whatever criteria you want
for type_one fields.

def type_two_fields(self):
return [self.fields['b']]

def type_three_fields(self):
return [self.fields['c']]

{% for field in form.type_one_fields %}{{field}}{% endfor %}

I don't think the model is where you'd want to do any form/display
stuff.  It would be best kept on the form, or as a template tag.  If
you are trying to make a 'generic' configuration such as putting all
text fields in one section, fks in another, etc... you could make a

{% for field in form|field_type:"text" %}{{field}}{% endif %}
{% for field in form|field_type:"foreignkey" %}{{field}}{% endif %}

The filter would have to be smart enough to inspect the form variable
and pick the right fields either by widget, checking a mapping on the
model, or some other criteria that fits exactly what you are trying to

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Re: custom attributes of model field

2011-12-07 Thread Doug Ballance
Just to clarify that last bit about a mapping on the model since it's
closest to what you originally described.  Just pseudo-code, but you
can see the idea.

class Model1(models.Model):
  'foo': ['a'],
  'bar': ['b','c']
   a = models.CharField()
   b = models.ForeignKey('Model2')
   c = models.IntegerField()

{% for field in form|field_type:"foo" %}{{field}}{% endfor %}
{% for field in form|field_type:"bar" %}{{field}}{% endfor %}

def form_field(form,key):
return [form.fields[fn] for f in fields]

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Re: rendering CSV in response; need a little help

2011-12-09 Thread Doug Ballance
If you have a dataset that is too large to fit in memory comfortably,
the ability to pass a generator to an httpresponse means you can break
it up into multiple smaller queries (outside the template system

def queryset_to_csv(queryset,delimiter=',',steps=500):
""" generator for large querysets """
try: # raw query set
fieldmeta = queryset.model._meta.fields
except AttributeError: # it's been evaluated
fieldmeta = qs._meta.fields
fields = []
row= []
for f in fieldmeta:

yield "%s\r\n" % delimiter.join(row)

ids=[o["id"] for o in queryset.values("id")]
for n in range(steps,count+steps,steps):
for i in qs:
row = []
for f in fields:
val =
str(getattr(i,f)).replace('"',"'").replace(delimiter,' ')
yield "\r\n".join(it)

return HttpResponse(queryset_to_csv(somequeryset,',',

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Re: django search query

2013-07-01 Thread Doug Ballance

On Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:32:19 PM UTC-5, Harjot Mann wrote:
> Is there any search query in django which can ignore vowels like I want to 
> make a query which displays all the clients name who writes their name as 
> 'amanjit' or 'amanjeet'. 
> It should take take ee=i or anything like this. Please help me I have to 
> finish my task asap. 

You should be able to do it with the django .extra() method easy enough.  I 
believe you can also make a soundex index on columns to improve the 

The python jellyfish library is nice for pre-calculating phonetic strings 
and storing them in the database to compare against, or for small data sets 
that you want to process in python.

A third option is something like  which uses postgres full 
text search.  The full text search uses tokens that are normalized.  I'm 
not sure it it would normalize amanjit to amanjeet with the default 
configuration, and may be overkill for what you want.

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Re: Big Picture?

2013-07-16 Thread Doug Ballance
A suggestion: Make the return arrow from views more clearly indicate that 
return path goes through the middleware (since it passes through once as a 
request, and back through the middleware in reverse with the response) and 
back through the webserver layers.  I'm probably asking for a lot, but it 
sure would be nice to show the 'standard' middlewares with simple 
descriptions (sessions, authentication, csrf for example).  Quite a bit of 
'magic' happens in middleware.  Love the idea of the diagram though, would 
have been a huge help when I first started using Django.

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Re: Is Celery the best option?

2013-07-19 Thread Doug Ballance
Celery is a good option, and probably the most used.   There are a couple 
of other options that may be worth looking into:



Personally I've never gotten on well with celery.  It's just not at all 
intuitive to me (it's heavy use of decorators).  Rq was a better fit.

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Re: Hosting multiple sites on a single application

2013-09-18 Thread Doug Ballance
I can't recommend either of those solutions specifically, but I have been 
using an approach similar to that of django-multisite running on a threaded 
fastcgi instance since django .96 days and it has worked well for us.  My 
main concern would be with third-party apps that set static data initially 
from settings, and would bypass any per-request changes.   A seconday 
concern is with caching and handling cached templates, which means writing 
your own per-site template loader or not using template caching.

You can host multiple domains from one instance with a bit of work and 
auditing all the 3rd pary code you use to make sure it does what you 
expect, but it does add some quirks.  Worth it for the memory savings in my 
opinion though if you are willing to be careful and you are doing very 
little other than template customization for each site.  It also makes 
maintenance and upgrades much simpler.

On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 4:12:32 AM UTC-5, James Zildjian wrote:
> Hi 
> I am trying to run around 50 mini sites which share about 90% of their 
> code. Each site simply queries and API and returns the results, and will be 
> on it's own domain, and have a different style.css and The 
> userbase (and the database generally) will be shared across the board. My 
> initial idea was to run them as separate applications with a common 
> library, each with their own UWSGI thread. However, I have concerns about 
> large memory use. 
> I have read about the sites framework which would allow them to run from a 
> single instance.
> 4
> My question is, is the site framework the right approach to a problem like 
> this, and does it have real benefits over running separate applications. I 
> have heard the following:
> *Your SITE_ID is set in, so in order to have multiple sites, 
> you need multiple configurations, which means multiple distinct 
> processes/instances. You can of course share the code base between them, 
> but each site will need a dedicated worker / WSGIDaemon to serve the site.
> *
> Alternative ideas of systems:
> Any ideas or help would be most appreciated.
> James

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Re: Is there an HTML editor that's Django-aware

2011-05-27 Thread Doug Ballance
Everyone has different requirements, but I'm one of those strange
people who don't care about having a powerful editor.  I don't want
completion, or auto-anything.  Just something that gets out of my way
and lets me work.  If something complex needs to be done on occasion,
that's what the shell and associated command tools are good for. I
also prefer an editor that doesn't suck up a gig of ram like most of
the java based editors/IDEs seem to.  My search for a simple editor
with basic project support ended up with a relatively new
gtksourceview2 based editor called Codeslayer: Starts in around a
second, and uses a whopping 20m of ram:

with a django language-spec:

and a decent theme, and additional language-spec for python:

Which ends up looking like this:

Gedit with plugins is similar, but a bit heavier - I also had a lot of
trouble with the filebrowser/project manager working over sshfs at
reasonable speed.

Another lightweight alternative is PIDA with emacs or VIM as the
editor base. If you can handle the learning curve, which I don't care

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Re: Our new startup site build on Django and GAE is now live!

2011-06-03 Thread Doug Ballance
I actually authorized, but got a little creeped out by being asked for
three cities in which I'd lived before being able to continue.  I
entered one, but it still wouldn't let me pass without another two.  I
couldn't conceived of ANY legitimate reason to need anything more than
my current location aside from data mining, so I cancelled/logged out
and removed authorization from facebook. Behind the blur it looked
interesting, but you'll have to convince me you need all that info
before I'd ever register. I haven't even -lived- in three different

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Re: How to implement multi-tenant, single DB, single site?

2011-06-04 Thread Doug Ballance
For our setup we created a separate user,site framework since we do a
form of vhosting that serves multiple sites from one instance. We have
a Site model that serves as the root tying all of our other models
together.  No abstract models or anything fancy, just a FK in each
model class pointing back to the Site model.  You only have one site,
but the concept could be the same.. instead of setting the site
instance for a request in middleware from ip/header info like we do,
you'd infer and organization instance from the logged on user.

For the view management I'd suggest looking at the class based views,
and creating a 'tenant aware' base class view that you can sublcass
for your individual views.  I used the generic class based views as a
guide for making my own.  I'd suggest starting by looking at the
source in django.views.generic.list and django.views.generic.detail.
The get_queryset()/get_object methods are the main points of
interest.  If you have a middlware set the user (or use django's user
model) object on the request, you can alter your get_queryset() method
to restrict the query to only objects the user (or that users
organization) is allowed since the request will be available on the
class as self.request.

For my use, I have a similar base class with an altered dispatch()
method that wraps the base dispatch method in a try/except looking for
an AuthError exception.  In my view subclasses I override
get_queryset() to limit queryset per request (to the site/user), and
do additional permissions checking in get_context_data() raising an
AuthError exception if there is a permission error.  The altered
dispatch is responsible for returning an error page or redirecting to
a login if AuthError is raised at any point in the view process.

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Re: Implementing a User Search Feature

2011-06-30 Thread Doug Ballance
If you just want a simple user search (which seems to be what you are
asking for), it really depends on your models - but a basic approach I
usually use is to define a django form to use for the search, and
instead of defining a save method, make a method that returns a
queryset. As an off the top of my head example for a django auth user
(untested, I might have screwed something up):

class UserSearchForm(forms.Form):
first_name__istartswith=forms.CharField(label="First name",
last_name__istartswith=forms.CharField(label="Last name",

def queryset(self):
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
for k,v in self.cleaned_data.items():
if val: filters[k]=val
return User.objects.filter(**filters)

Then use it in your view like any other form:

def user_search(request):
usf=UserSearchForm(request.GET or
return render_to_response('sometemplate.html',{'users':users})

Now if you really do want to do text indexing and have full text
search capabilities then you should look at the other suggestions.
For many things those are either overkill or too generic.

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Re: Implementing a User Search Feature

2011-07-02 Thread Doug Ballance
**filters is python for expand the dict 'filters' into keyword


is the same as

The filters variable is just temporary dictionary for building the
keyword arguments from the form data, electing to omit any empty
values (no point for a search), and then expanding that temp
dictionary into the keyword search arguments needed for the filter()
method.  The names on the form correspond to the lookup names you'd
use for the query.

If you use that form to search for first name 'raj', the filters
dictionary should end up looking like:

which would expand (**) to the equivalent of

On Jul 2, 11:53 am, raj  wrote:
> Just a quick question, the **filters thing u placed, i would put
> something like first_name last_name or something right?

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Re: Doesn't render templates any longer

2011-07-27 Thread Doug Ballance
 def main(request):
     this_is_the_template_object = loader.get_template("main/
     return HttpResponse(this_is_the_template_rendered)

What you are feeding HttpResponse is the object rather than the
rendered template.

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Re: Most stable Linux distribution for Django - Python development

2011-08-01 Thread Doug Ballance
I'll second the use of something like LXC (new to me) or OpenVZ (what
we use), allowing you to run/test multiple distros at once.  If you
want to try debian (or pretty much any linux distro), download a
container skeleton for it and install in a few seconds.  I've used
virtualbox/kvm, but I found containers in openvz to be much easier to
work with.  A 'machine' is simply a folder on the host server.  You
can zip it up, move between machines, rsync it.  Whatever.  It's like
virtualenv for distros.

To be able to rsync/clone an entire container to create a second
instance for upgrade or other testing is a wonderful thing.  Since we
also use in production, it's a simple remote rsync to have a fully
working clone of our live servers for troubleshooting too.  I can't
imagine going back at this point, and even run it on single purpose
machines in production for the flexibilty.

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Re: Django for a front end designer

2011-08-05 Thread Doug Ballance
I don't think it's necessarily a choice between learning php or
learning python.  Most programming languages are fairly similar in
concept, and once you've mastered one it's reasonably easy to pick up
a new one.  Python is a great language, but I think it's especially
great as a first language. Your time spent learning python and django
will not be wasted if you also choose to learn/use php.  I think it's
much easier to learn good methodology and practices with python, and
then carry those practices over to php than than the other way

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Re: How do I apply a filter in a custom template tag?

2011-08-13 Thread Doug Ballance
I'd like to see you model structure, but based on what I think it is:

class Entry(model.Model):

class Content(models.Model):

You have a Content Instance
You want to see other entries belonging to one or more of the
categories for that Content instances Entry instance

You could do a custom template tag like yours:

{% get_related_entries content_instance.entry  as related_entries %}

That tag would do something like the following :

#fetching primary key only since we don't need the whole thing

That would work, but my choice would probably be to add a method to
your Entry class.

class Entry(models.Model):

def related_entries(self,**filters):

That way you don't need a tag at all.  Just do:

{% for related_entry in content.entry.related_entries %}
{% endfor %}

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Re: How to store variable timedeltas in a Django model?

2011-08-14 Thread Doug Ballance
Depending on the resolution and maximum duration, you could just use
an integerfield containing either the number of seconds or minutes,
and then recreate it.  That way you can also base queries off of the
value, which you can't do with just a pickle field.  Of you could
subclass the integerfield and make it accept/return timdelta objects
similar to how the pickled version is above.

The max duration depends on the data type in your database backend.
Postgres I think is +/- -214748364 or so.  If you use a resolution of
seconds, that is a limit of about 68 years.  Using minute resolution
would be about 4 millenia.

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Confused about thread locals... again.

2010-12-15 Thread Doug Ballance
First, I'd like to find out if there is a better way than thread
locals to do what I want to do.  From what I can tell, it isn't
possible any other way.   Finally, I don't understand why my thread
locals implementation/hack works - which scares me, so I would like to
ask the wiser gurus out there for an explanation.

Need: To alter the template path used by a custom template loader
based on the the request object.  Specifically I want to alter it
based on the incoming domain, and sanitized cookie value allowing
'theme' selection.

I have a basic theme setup using thread locals that works.

in the same module/directory I have: -> contains the theme objects, thread locals variable, and a
couple of get/set functions that just use getattr/setattr to set a
theme attribute on the local() instance. -> contains the middleware that calls my "set theme"
function> contains the template loader which calls my "get theme"

The base setup works fine, but was written with the intention of
subclassing it for another app to set the theme according to a 'site'
object that gets created by another middleware (we serve multiple
sites from one fastcgi instance).  So I have another
file in another app that imports my ThemeMiddleware and subclasses it
overriding the method returns the template path to cause the loader to
look for that sites templates.

This does not work.  I get two different thread locals instances
(print shows different addresses), despite all manipulation of the
local variable happening in just as it did in the working

I've had issues in the past with thread locals working differently
depending on module import method.  So I stripped out the thread
locals bit from and put in all by itself in

from threading import local
except ImportError:
from django.utils._threading_local import local

Now in I added 'from thread_locals import thread_local' at the
top of the module, and nothing else changes.  I was hoping that the
same import statment (it's only imported once, in one file) would
bypass the problem, but it doesn't.

Next I moved the file from the same directory as my
other theme files to the project root, in the same location as
django's  No other changes were made.

It works.

I should be happy, but I'm not comfortable allowing solutions I don't
reasonably understand to go into production.  I'd love to drop thread
locals entirely, but short of that some understanding of what is
happening and why would be a big help.  I googled the heck out if it,
but didn't find anything that fit.


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Re: Confused about thread locals... again.

2010-12-16 Thread Doug Ballance
Thanks for the reply.  I've been considering something like that, but
given the number of views and tags involved, it would be a very long
process.  Especially since I used a new context instance in most of my
custom tags that render another template, rather the pushing,
rendering, poping the original like I should have.

As much as I don't want to use thread_locals, it seems like the best
(interim) approach.  The long term plan will definitely move to
something like you describe.  It will also give a nice consistent use
pattern when a request object isn't available (ie async mail

I'd still love to know why the import/locals object is so touchy.

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread Doug Ballance
The reason I chose django in the first place was the documentation.
Compared to everything out there, it was incredible.  Back then it
also had a helpful comments section on each page where people chimed
in to clarify various parts of the document.  It reads like a text
book, which is a big help when learning the framework.

Unfortunately it reads like a text book, which is a big pain when you
know the story and just need the details.  The wonderful code snippets
lose their context.  The lengthy explanations and sequential
introduction of facts becomes more hinderence than help when trying to
find that one bit you know is in there somewhere, but it's a needle in
a haystack.  It's designed for reading, not so much for reference.
It's also definitely not for the impatient.

After several years with Django, I usually find it easier to just poke
around the source. It's all layed out logically and, and if you have a
general overview of the framework it's much faster than trying to scan
through the online docs.  Unfortunately this approach requires a
certain level of familiarity with how django works to get the most out
of it.

A few things I think would help make a big difference (they would have
to me at least):

1) A couple of complete reference examples.  Not just snippets
introduced a few lines at a time, but full working examples you can
unzip and expect to work and provide a simple reference to the basics.
I've been using django for 3 years now in developing a fairly complex
project.  I'm still not 100% clear on the best way to layout a
project.  What I have obviously works, and I'm stuck with it now...
but it was a guess back when I first started.I realize there is no
one size fits all answer for that type of question, but a tiny working
example with one project and two apps would go along way to providing
someone first starting out, especially if the projects did simple
introductions to all the major topics: a view, a view with an
authentication decorator, a good example of template inheritance use
to 'theme' a site, a few of forms, severa of which don't use a helper
(ie no ModelForm) and requires some inter-field validation, maybe a
simple middlware that reads/writes a cookie.  A custom tag/filter or
two.  Something that showcases the "admin is not your app" principle.
I really would love to do this, but I'm a little concerned it would
turn out to be a bad example here and there!  If there is interest I'd
volunteer to give it a go though.

2) An overview of how django processes a request.  From start to
finish, concise on one page with links to the appropriate details if
necessary.  Possibly a paragraph or two explaining how it differs from
say php.  In my opinion this should be the first page of the
documentation, well before the tutorial. The following page is
ancient, but a good example of what I mean. It wasn't until I read it
that everything just kinda clicked. Too bad it took a good 6 months
for me to run across it more or less on accident.

3) The page comments for the existing documentation.  I really miss
that feature.  The comment system PHP uses improves their
documentation many times over.  With Django's great community I'm sure
we'd get a lot of good additions, though moderating the comments makes
more work for someone.

4) A small 'best practices' reference not about the django details,
but the big picture.  Using virtualev.  Project layout.  Admin vs
app.  Considerations to keep in mind for writing reusable apps.
Production vs Development configurations and switching. Handling
timezone conversions.  Avoiding performance pitfalls when using orm
queries.  Signals, how they can be useful.

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Re: django-ttag -- an easier way to write template tags

2011-01-13 Thread Doug Ballance
Thank you!  I've been wishing something like this was a part of Django
since trying to write my first tag.  I've been using something in
house that provides similar functionality for a couple of years and
couldn't live without it.  Your implementation is much more complete
(validation) and I'm looking forward to giving it a try.   It would be
really great if something like this made it's way into contrib or
core.  Being able to -easily- give your template designers a little
extra control while still maintaing clean separation makes everyone

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Re: compiled regex as attribute

2011-02-11 Thread Doug Ballance
Have you done any performance testing?  From what I understand pythons
re.compile caches internally, so after the first call subsequent calls
will use the pre-compiled expression.  Serializing the compiled
expression using pickle isn't 'free', so I'm wondering how much
difference there is in practice. Maybe a compromise of a normal model
text field storing the regular expression string you build when the
model is saved, and then a propery to simulate a read-only/don-demand
the compiled version when you need it.

ie something like:

class Product(models.Model):
   # ...
canonical_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
spelling_variants = models.CharField(max_length=1, blank=True)
lexical_variants = models.CharField(max_length=1, blank=True)
excluded = models.CharField(max_length=1, blank=True)
permutations = models.CharField(max_length=1000, blank=True)

compiled_re=property(lambda p: re.compile(p.re_str))

def save(self,*args,**kwargs):
# do your regular expression string build here and store in

Although it seems to me like each variant propably belongs as a
separate model, linking to your product.  That way you can search on
it, and add/remove variants fairly easily.  To match now, you'd have
to pull a bunch of products in a query and test each one.  The
database server isn't going to sweat a few hundred or even thousand

class Variant(models.Model):

Product.objects.filter(variant__name='oha android 1.1')

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Re: How to reduce DB queries?

2011-02-27 Thread Doug Ballance
Could you do a ManyToMany relationship through an intermediary model,
and then query the intermediary using select related?

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Re: Need Direction for Web App

2013-12-25 Thread Doug Ballance
I was waiting on Christmas dinner, and had an hour to kill so  I threw 
together a quick, incomplete skeleton app.  Maybe it can be of use to get 
you started on the django side.  It relies on the django-macaddress  
package, but is otherwise standalone.  It's very basic - the less there is 
of it, the easier to follow for someone new to django/python.  To make it 
functional you'd need to edit the alter_dhcp_conf() method to do the heavy 
lifting of securely updating your dhcpd conf and making the daemon reload.  
That method will run any time a device is added or removed.

Good luck, and welcome to the community.

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Re: Honest feedback

2014-01-30 Thread Doug Ballance
There have been small, well thought out changes over the last 4 years but 
fundamentally most still remains pretty much the same.   I have several 
installs running an patched old .96 version, as well as newer stuff with 
later versions.  It all feels about the same to work with.   I recently 
upgraded one from 1.3 to the current with no breakage at all.  They've 
remained pretty true to the promise of backwards compatibility.  That also 
means some of the warts are still there like the difficulty in writing 
reusable apps, file based settings, multiple user profiles, that 30 char 
username length on the contrib.auth.User model.  Todays Django is a more 
mature, stable version of what you probably remember.

There have been some changes like south becoming the defacto standard for 
migrations, and geojango now a bundled part of django.  I think the biggest 
thing overall is the number of 3rd party apps available  ( ).  There are some really useful ones like 
tastypie and django rest framework for out of box API (like the admin was 
for orm).  Celery for async tasks, several very nice CMS,  Authentication 
backends for most of the social media sites via python-social-auth.  
Several nice asset managers.   Some nice things in the ORM too, like 
inheritance and a more useful select_related implementation.  Oh, and 
multiple database support!  Templates can now be cached. The storages api 
was introduced and there are several backends for doing things like 
uploading to amazon or other similar apis.  

Sorry for the rambling, just throwing stuff out there!  

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Re: Do I need an API?

2014-02-04 Thread Doug Ballance
I'm not clear on your question.  I can't tell if you are wanting to allow 
them to edit the site layout (templates) or content that happens to contain 
html?  Either way, you might look into using the Ace javascript based code 

If you are talking about letting them modify the templates, what we do is 
have a directory for each templates that is at the top of the template 
loader order, so all templates can be overridden.   A kind of 'theme' 
folder that contains the files we want to allow admins to edit.  It's 
fairly easy to walk that directory structure and give them a list of 
editable files, and then pull up a page with Ace to edit them.  

Things get a lot more complicated if you want to allow admins to override 
arbitrary app level templates, but it's possible too with some modified 
template loaders so you can track the source with regard to template 
resolution order.  Changes still get saved to the override directory, so no 
changes are made to the module level templates and they can just delete the 
custom file to return to original.

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DB Router not working on production machine, works on dev.

2014-06-02 Thread Doug Ballance
I've got a weird one I just can't figure out.  I'd love some help while I'm 
still sane.   

On my development machine all is well.  On the other machine the database 
router seems to be getting the parent class (which is an abstract model in 
another app).  I determined this with some print statements on the 

def db_for_read(self,model,**hints):
print model
print "router checked geo %s" % model._meta.app_label
if model._meta.app_label in self.GEOAPPS:
 print "routed geo"
 return 'geo'
return None

machine 1 (working):
In [1]: from glvar import models as gm
In [2]: gm.Listing.objects.count()

router checked geo glvar

router checked glvar glvar
routed glvar
Out[2]: 17373

Machine 2 (not working):
In [1]: from glvar import models as gm
In [2]: gm.Listing.objects.count()

router checked geo feedbase

router checked glvar feedbase
Out[2]: 0

The database is there and fine if I specify via using on machine2:
In [3]: gm.Listing.objects.using('glvar').count()
Out[3]: 25171

feedbase.models.Listing is the abstract base for glvar.models.Listing

The code is identical on both machines except for the file, 
confirmed by diff -qr on their respective directories.  I deleted all pyc 
files to make sure nothing funny was going on there.  The only differences 
there are in the name of the postgres user, and the library path for 
geos/gdal.  I updated both django versions to 1.6.5, so those are the same 
as well.  I'm not sure where I should begin tracking this down - 

(venv)[uidx@dev v3]$ diff app/app/ prod/app/
< GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH = '/usr/lib/'
< GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH = '/usr/lib/'
> GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH = '/usr/lib64/'
> GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH = '/usr/lib64/'
< 'NAME': 'glvar',
< 'USER': 'uidx',
> 'NAME': 'glvar',
>   'USER': 'glvar',
< 'NAME': 'glvar_data',
< 'USER': 'uidx',
< 'PASSWORD': '',
> 'NAME': 'glvar_data',
> 'USER': 'glvar',
>   'PASSWORD': '',

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Re: DB Router not working on production machine, works on dev.

2014-06-03 Thread Doug Ballance
The problem turned out to be an bug with an custom manager class based on 
djorm_pgfulltext search mixin.  I'd found an issue with it last week, and 
patched in the development environment but forgotten to patch the other 

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