Re: Hashed, salted mysql password in, reccomendation to protect information

2009-12-21 Thread Brice Leroy
  put your password in a file, do not import this
file on your repository. Add:
from settings_secret import mysql_password
you're set :)


2009/12/21 fruity :
> Hello,
> I'd like to protect the mysql password that is in
> I read in the django docs that is possible to use SHA1 hashes as
> password for mysql and I've tried using mysql to salt and hash the
> password but still if I would have my project on a public svn|git
> repository anyone could just read sha1$salt$hash and reverse it.
> Is there any common practice to protect this password? For example to
> have it into an external file sources by the and use a svn
> or git ignore on it?
> Also, how do you generate the hash?  via mysql? slappasswd? cracklibs?
> And how do you escape weird chars in the salt?
> I've tried to add sha1$mysaltnoweirdchars$hash and it gives me error on
> django release 1.1
> Thank you very much for your time.
> fruity
> --
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Django Generator

2010-02-09 Thread Brice Leroy
Hello everybody,

I've been working for a week on this idea of a generator for django
project. The goal is to provide a simple architecture that can be
after adapted to your project. The system is in alpha stage but allows
you to create project, model (+1 view and 1 form) and application.
Once your project is created you can download a tar.gz with the
complete project already build for you.

It's supposed to be used with the trunk version of django.

I plan to add permission, forms and view during the next 15 days. Let
me know if you have any advice or request.

The project can be found here: and
is open to registration
The source code is located on github:

All the best,

Brice Leroy

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Re: What hosting companies do you use for django hosting?

2010-02-09 Thread Brice Leroy
I have my servers running on slicehost. To register you can go directly on

I put my referrer link on purpose, this would provide me some discount
if you register otherwise you can go directly on

2010/2/9 rebus_ :
> On 9 February 2010 21:10, Brandon Taylor  wrote:
>> WebFaction. They are simply awesome.
>> On Feb 9, 9:52 am, adamjamesdrew  wrote:
>>> Thanks
>> --
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> --
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Re: Django Generator

2010-02-09 Thread Brice Leroy
django-admin startproject creates an empty folder...

startproject almost = mkdir

This will generate your models, modelForm, views, templates, urls, and
soon customized forms and permissions

I'll add a copy project so you can extend an existing model if you
have a big production pace of common project model.

2010/2/9 Mike Ramirez :
> On Tuesday 09 February 2010 12:58:32 Brice Leroy wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I've been working for a week on this idea of a generator for django
>> project. The goal is to provide a simple architecture that can be
>> after adapted to your project. The system is in alpha stage but allows
>> you to create project, model (+1 view and 1 form) and application.
>> Once your project is created you can download a tar.gz with the
>> complete project already build for you.
>> It's supposed to be used with the trunk version of django.
>> I plan to add permission, forms and view during the next 15 days. Let
>> me know if you have any advice or request.
>> The project can be found here: and
>> is open to registration
>> The source code is located on github:
>> All the best,
>> --
>> Brice Leroy
> how is this different than `django-admin startproject` ?
> Mike
> --
> Overconfidence breeds error when we take for granted that the game will
> continue on its normal course; when we fail to provide for an unusually
> powerful resource -- a check, a sacrifice, a stalemate.  Afterwards the
> victim may wail, `But who could have dreamt of such an idiotic-looking move?'
>                -- Fred Reinfeld, "The Complete Chess Course"

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Re: Django Generator

2010-02-09 Thread Brice Leroy
2010/2/9 Mike Ramirez :
> On Tuesday 09 February 2010 13:09:08 Brice Leroy wrote:
>> django-admin startproject creates an empty folder...
>> startproject almost = mkdir
>> This will generate your models, modelForm, views, templates, urls, and
>> soon customized forms and permissions
> That's what the web interface does?
> Yes startproject gives you empty files so you can add in your own code, with
> the minimal funs.
> For me, I don't see your project as a big advantage, except maybe two minutes
> of time where I don't need to do things like:
> class MyModel(models.Model):
>  ...
> I don't know, thought about your approach before, but think it's reduntant.
> Just because each project requires it's own data and model field attributes
> and form funs...  And I think django already does a great job of genericizing

It does provide you a skeleton that you're supposed to adapt. I wanted
it to be as simple as possible.

> this stuff with the code i.e. ModelFoms. I don't know how much of a real
> timesaver this really is.  Didn't even mention tests..  Which can you auto
> generate?

Doesn't make so much sense to me to generate test

> Especially if your project's outputed code isn't template driven where each
> user of it can change the boiler plate code with minimal or no fuss, so it can
> be tailored to each users needs.  Like I'm able to add in my most used
> imports, which aren't all going to be yours or anyone elses or the same in
> each project.

I though about it (adding profile, css framework, JS framework...),
but doesn't have yet a good idea on how to integrate it right now...
and it doesn't feet my first goal which is
to quickly create a working project structure that can be easily extended.

> I think the minimal approach of django-admin is a much better way to do these
> things. With either way you still have to give the fields, options and the
> names, then fill in the functions you need/want. Each function that can be
> autogenerated is like two lines of code.
> I don't know if your generated code can handle a lot of choices I make, like
> making fields not editable in the admin, setting defaults, etc... and even if
> you do offer these choices, the time to use your project and code it up
> probably isn't much different.
> The big thing for me in terms of tools like this, is the ability to save time,
> which I don't think there is a difference between what django-admin has and
> your project. Because either way I need to still fill in the fields, the type
> of field it is, etc.. and typeing IntegerField() isn't faster than selecting
> from a drop down box.

I cannot really argue with you on that. If you can please try it first.

> Tho the importing of existing models maybe interesting for refactoring, Tho I
> just cp oldversion newversion and make the changes.
> I still have a large feeling I'm going to editting what your project outputs
> (blame this on things like UML). When I would just rather write it once and
> forget it.
> I also love building development tools, I'm just finishing up something like
> this for Go. Where it'll generate a project directory tree of your Go files
> (either a package or command, with Makefiels, readme, etc.. all template
> driven so you can edit the boilerplate code to be what you want) it'll be
> released in a few more days when I finish cleaning up the default templates
> and a few optimizations. If you want to see what I mean, I don't mind sending
> it today. Just know there are a lot of mistakes in the templates and still
> looking at a few tweaks and playing with usability.

I would like to see it. that would probably give me some ideas

> But in the end, I think the time saved with yours is going to be minimal I
> believe unless your can guess what model fields I need and what options they
> are it's not saving that much time (maybe 30 minutes?). Otherwise, I think
> that altering django-admin startporject to be template driven is a better idea
> than this.  Sorry for being negative, but without negativity how can we be
> challenged and grow?

You can be negative but it's hard to take some of your arguments when
obviously you didn't try it :p
Otherwise I appreciate your argumentation on some points. It's true
that optimizing the existent is often the best practice. This more
another approach in the spirit of perfectionists with deadlines ( it's
far from the perfection ).

Thank you Mike

> Mike
>> I'll add a copy project so you can extend an existing model if you
>> have a big production pace of common project model.

Re: Questions about Django suitability

2010-02-09 Thread Brice Leroy
First you should consider JSON instead of xml:

 - Django can serialize every object in json
 - JSon is an object in javascript.

so it should be easier to deal with data this way.

2010/2/9 Dasleah :
> Hey all,
> Long-ago webhead here who hasn't touched much of anything since
> Javascript was a dirty word and PHP was the be-all and end-all (but
> I've managed a bit of Python experience) I just have a few questions
> about whether or not Django was right for a project I'm thinking of
> and hopefully getting a few insights from people who know much more
> than me.
> Basically, the website is going to centre around user-generated
> content. The plan right now is for the users to be able to create and
> edit an .XML file (or a series of them?) and eventually 'publish' them
> for public consumption. They're essentially slideshows, the XML
> describing a combination of pictures and words in a particular
> 'screen', with each chapter in a publication having a number of
> screens, etcetera. It's my understanding that the editting and
> creation of the XML files is fairly straightforward and best done with
> Javascript, using only Django / Python to save the XML (and depending
> on how brave I am, possibly also using AJAX to parse the XML in
> 'published' mode so that the presentation is done in real time without
> having to reload the page for every new screen) I know this is a
> Django channel, but does that all sound right?
> But what would be the best way to store this XML? Each user could have
> a number of XML files. Is it better to have the database describe the
> relation between these files and their relative position, or to store
> the XML in the database itself? I'm a bit loathe to fill up a database
> with blobs, but is this the norm these days? Is there a particular
> database that's suited for this?
> Thanks for your replies.
> --
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Re: Django Generator

2010-02-09 Thread Brice Leroy
Wow... Thank you Frank.

I really appreciate. That could be new direction that I didn't really
think of. I will finish the permission, form and view integration and
keep in mind to stay minimalistic.

For now, if you have django source installed you just need to
- download the targz file
- run ./manage syncdb
- run ./manage runserver

and it should work.

2010/2/9 Frank W. Samuelson :
> You are something of a killjoy, Mike.
> This could grow into a really great project, where people don't even have to
> learn programming to generate a usable django web database app.  They just
> design their app with the user friendly web interface, and it runs.  It
> could even be integrated with hosting, and people might never see the code,
> it would just run.  How many people who have web pages nowadays know HTML?
> Generate on!
> On Tue, 9 Feb 2010, Mike Ramirez wrote:
>> On Tuesday 09 February 2010 13:09:08 Brice Leroy wrote:
>>> django-admin startproject creates an empty folder...
>>> startproject almost = mkdir
>>> This will generate your models, modelForm, views, templates, urls, and
>>> soon customized forms and permissions
>> That's what the web interface does?
>> Yes startproject gives you empty files so you can add in your own code,
>> with
>> the minimal funs.
>> For me, I don't see your project as a big advantage, except maybe two
>> minutes
>> of time where I don't need to do things like:
>> class MyModel(models.Model):
>>  ...
>> I don't know, thought about your approach before, but think it's
>> reduntant.
>> Just because each project requires it's own data and model field
>> attributes
>> and form funs...  And I think django already does a great job of
>> genericizing
>> this stuff with the code i.e. ModelFoms. I don't know how much of a real
>> timesaver this really is.  Didn't even mention tests..  Which can you auto
>> generate?
>> Especially if your project's outputed code isn't template driven where
>> each
>> user of it can change the boiler plate code with minimal or no fuss, so it
>> can
>> be tailored to each users needs.  Like I'm able to add in my most used
>> imports, which aren't all going to be yours or anyone elses or the same in
>> each project.
>> I think the minimal approach of django-admin is a much better way to do
>> these
>> things. With either way you still have to give the fields, options and the
>> names, then fill in the functions you need/want. Each function that can be
>> autogenerated is like two lines of code.
>> I don't know if your generated code can handle a lot of choices I make,
>> like
>> making fields not editable in the admin, setting defaults, etc... and even
>> if
>> you do offer these choices, the time to use your project and code it up
>> probably isn't much different.
>> The big thing for me in terms of tools like this, is the ability to save
>> time,
>> which I don't think there is a difference between what django-admin has
>> and
>> your project. Because either way I need to still fill in the fields, the
>> type
>> of field it is, etc.. and typeing IntegerField() isn't faster than
>> selecting
>> from a drop down box.
>> Tho the importing of existing models maybe interesting for refactoring,
>> Tho I
>> just cp oldversion newversion and make the changes.
>> I still have a large feeling I'm going to editting what your project
>> outputs
>> (blame this on things like UML). When I would just rather write it once
>> and
>> forget it.
>> I also love building development tools, I'm just finishing up something
>> like
>> this for Go. Where it'll generate a project directory tree of your Go
>> files
>> (either a package or command, with Makefiels, readme, etc.. all template
>> driven so you can edit the boilerplate code to be what you want) it'll be
>> released in a few more days when I finish cleaning up the default
>> templates
>> and a few optimizations. If you want to see what I mean, I don't mind
>> sending
>> it today. Just know there are a lot of mistakes in the templates and still
>> looking at a few tweaks and playing with usability.
>> But in the end, I think the time saved with yours is going to be minimal I
>> believe unless your can guess what model fields I need and what options

Re: Django Generator

2010-02-09 Thread Brice Leroy
Thank you Richard.

I put most of my coding convention inside and try to respect the pep8.

A lot of work still need to be done. But I expect to reach my goal by
the next 15 days


2010/2/9 Richard Shebora :
> Actually my first thought was... What a great learning tool!
> How many times did I want to do something but could not find a working
> example to pick apart?  I would think it would make a great way to
> show proper layout and conventions for newbies (like me).  I have been
> programming in python for years but am having some trouble wrapping my
> head around the "django" paradigm.
> Thanks,
> Richard
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Frank W. Samuelson
>  wrote:
>> You are something of a killjoy, Mike.
>> This could grow into a really great project, where people don't even have to
>> learn programming to generate a usable django web database app.  They just
>> design their app with the user friendly web interface, and it runs.  It
>> could even be integrated with hosting, and people might never see the code,
>> it would just run.  How many people who have web pages nowadays know HTML?
>> Generate on!
>> On Tue, 9 Feb 2010, Mike Ramirez wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 09 February 2010 13:09:08 Brice Leroy wrote:
>>>> django-admin startproject creates an empty folder...
>>>> startproject almost = mkdir
>>>> This will generate your models, modelForm, views, templates, urls, and
>>>> soon customized forms and permissions
>>> That's what the web interface does?
>>> Yes startproject gives you empty files so you can add in your own code,
>>> with
>>> the minimal funs.
>>> For me, I don't see your project as a big advantage, except maybe two
>>> minutes
>>> of time where I don't need to do things like:
>>> class MyModel(models.Model):
>>>  ...
>>> I don't know, thought about your approach before, but think it's
>>> reduntant.
>>> Just because each project requires it's own data and model field
>>> attributes
>>> and form funs...  And I think django already does a great job of
>>> genericizing
>>> this stuff with the code i.e. ModelFoms. I don't know how much of a real
>>> timesaver this really is.  Didn't even mention tests..  Which can you auto
>>> generate?
>>> Especially if your project's outputed code isn't template driven where
>>> each
>>> user of it can change the boiler plate code with minimal or no fuss, so it
>>> can
>>> be tailored to each users needs.  Like I'm able to add in my most used
>>> imports, which aren't all going to be yours or anyone elses or the same in
>>> each project.
>>> I think the minimal approach of django-admin is a much better way to do
>>> these
>>> things. With either way you still have to give the fields, options and the
>>> names, then fill in the functions you need/want. Each function that can be
>>> autogenerated is like two lines of code.
>>> I don't know if your generated code can handle a lot of choices I make,
>>> like
>>> making fields not editable in the admin, setting defaults, etc... and even
>>> if
>>> you do offer these choices, the time to use your project and code it up
>>> probably isn't much different.
>>> The big thing for me in terms of tools like this, is the ability to save
>>> time,
>>> which I don't think there is a difference between what django-admin has
>>> and
>>> your project. Because either way I need to still fill in the fields, the
>>> type
>>> of field it is, etc.. and typeing IntegerField() isn't faster than
>>> selecting
>>> from a drop down box.
>>> Tho the importing of existing models maybe interesting for refactoring,
>>> Tho I
>>> just cp oldversion newversion and make the changes.
>>> I still have a large feeling I'm going to editting what your project
>>> outputs
>>> (blame this on things like UML). When I would just rather write it once
>>> and
>>> forget it.
>>> I also love building development tools, I'm just finishing up something
>>> like
>>> this for Go. Where it'll generate a project directory tre

Re: Django Generator

2010-02-09 Thread Brice Leroy
2010/2/9 Mike Ramirez :
> On Tuesday 09 February 2010 14:52:00 Frank W. Samuelson wrote:
>> You are something of a killjoy, Mike.
>> This could grow into a really great project, where people
>> don't even have to learn programming to generate a usable
>> django web database app.
> Isn't this what existing django-apps are for?
>> They just design their app with
>> the user friendly web interface, and it runs.
>> It could even
>> be integrated with hosting, and people might never see
>> the code, it would just run.
> This is possible, but I would rather have an installer that installs apps that
> are already made  by good programmers who know what they are doing.
>> How many people who have web
>> pages nowadays know HTML?
> And I don't agree/like this, if you don't want to learn html, higher a
> professional.
> would you drive a car built by a guy who has never driven, much less fixed a
> car because he was able to put one together from a kit?

Would you eat some food not cook by a professional ?

> Because you can, doesn't mean that you should...
> It's this type of mentality that leads to security holes and bad web apps that
> hurt server performance and many different things...

Not everybody needs to run facebook.
Your approach seams to be "if it's not perfect it should not be used".
Don't you think it's a little to extreme ?

> A bad django app made this way can hurt django's reputation.

That's pretty severe.

> Mike
> --
> Machine Always Crashes, If Not, The Operating System Hangs (MACINTOSH)
>        -- Topic on #Linux

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Re: Django Generator

2010-02-09 Thread Brice Leroy
2010/2/9 Mike Ramirez :
> On Tuesday 09 February 2010 15:12:21 Brice Leroy wrote:
>> Would you eat some food not cook by a professional ?
> I would be very wary of a person who hasn't cooked before... The difference is
> in experience.

it's just that I don't like those ridiculous images that shows the
world as binary. You can effectively be sure that nobody want's to
flight in an home made plane and nobody want his butcher to be his
surgeon. But in the past I painted the wall by myself, and made myself
some pretty good pasta :p

>> > Because you can, doesn't mean that you should...
>> >
>> > It's this type of mentality that leads to security holes and bad web apps
>> > that hurt server performance and many different things...
>> Not everybody needs to run facebook.
>> Your approach seams to be "if it's not perfect it should not be used".
>> Don't you think it's a little to extreme ?
> No, I may lose a bit of perspective because I don't think in terms of the
> layman, but at the same time I'm not about to get into something unless I know
> enough about it first and if that means taking classes at community college...
> That's what I do.
> I'm more against something like my mom putting together a website because she
> won't do the neccessary homework first. I think that without knowledge of what
> you're doing, you're doomed to fail. If webservers were either all VPS's with
> limits monitored by the host os or dedicated servers for each site, then I
> wouldn't say much on this, but virtual hosting is another story, where you
> have the potential to hurt others.  This is the main problem here is that we
> think in terms of how it affects ourselves only.  what about others?

Actually I had that in mind. For example, the code generated for list
is using pagination to avoid mass data reading from the db.
The purpose of this tool is to go further than createproject and in
another way like being able to fork an existing project or quickly
include existing recognized pluggable.

>> > A bad django app made this way can hurt django's reputation.
>> That's pretty severe.
> Maybe, but public opinion is easily swayed and django is still fighting
> against other more popular systems.
> Mike

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Re: Django Generator

2010-02-10 Thread Brice Leroy
Hello everybody,

I woke up this morning and saw all those email and I would like to
thank you all for all those advices and support you wrote. That
motivates me even more to work on it.

The project being in alpha stage, please keep in mind that your
project integrity and its storage is not guaranteed and the data model
will probably evolve a lot during the next month (I don't want to use
south until beta)

I'll will now focus and reaching the beta stage:
- Form generator
- View generator
- Permissions
- more unittest
- PEP8 code compliant generation
- Some pluggable (profile, registration, djangodblog, django-mailer...)
- A user guide
- customization
(wow... way more things than I though...)

If you have any idea concerning unit-test generation, I would be
please to hear about it. I'm actually thinking about adding some test
for each forms using client so it can become easy to customize. The
direction the project is taking is a learning tool and a project fast
start tool.

Again, any idea on the tool is welcome.

If you're good in layout, feel free to recommend a better one too. The
project is advanced enough to give you an idea of what's need to be
visible and not too much so it can be quickly modified.

Atamert Ölçgen: I'll try to fix the issue with the choice field as
nicely as possible (casting or js trick) so it doesn't break the

Thank you all again !



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Re: Django Generator

2010-02-10 Thread Brice Leroy
Thank you Wolf, I think you're right on the necessity of a tutorial
once beta is reach. I'll try to fight against complexity but as new
feature will appear that will probably become a sine qua non

Thank you for your support.


2010/2/10 Wolf Halton :
> It is a great idea, Brice.  I was playing with it last night.  It will
> really help the beginners along.  I am imagining a tutorial for your
> generator that shows people how to structure a useful project and then walks
> the reader through their own code to help them understand what the generator
> has done for them.
> Wolf
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Brice Leroy  wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I woke up this morning and saw all those email and I would like to
>> thank you all for all those advices and support you wrote. That
>> motivates me even more to work on it.
>> The project being in alpha stage, please keep in mind that your
>> project integrity and its storage is not guaranteed and the data model
>> will probably evolve a lot during the next month (I don't want to use
>> south until beta)
>> I'll will now focus and reaching the beta stage:
>> - Form generator
>> - View generator
>> - Permissions
>> - more unittest
>> - PEP8 code compliant generation
>> - Some pluggable (profile, registration, djangodblog, django-mailer...)
>> - A user guide
>> - customization
>> (wow... way more things than I though...)
>> If you have any idea concerning unit-test generation, I would be
>> please to hear about it. I'm actually thinking about adding some test
>> for each forms using client so it can become easy to customize. The
>> direction the project is taking is a learning tool and a project fast
>> start tool.
>> Again, any idea on the tool is welcome.
>> If you're good in layout, feel free to recommend a better one too. The
>> project is advanced enough to give you an idea of what's need to be
>> visible and not too much so it can be quickly modified.
>> Atamert Ölçgen: I'll try to fix the issue with the choice field as
>> nicely as possible (casting or js trick) so it doesn't break the
>> usability.
>> Thank you all again !
>> Brice


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Re: Django Generator

2010-02-16 Thread Brice Leroy
2010/2/13 Philippe Ombredanne :
> Brice:
> Very nice start.
> There is a long history of similar tools and they all have a place and
> a purpose.
> I remember fondly of some tool that generated CRUD dbase apps from a
> db schema .. that was last century ...
> So carry on!

Thank you. I'm focusing right now on unittest. Once forms unittest is
done I will start adding new feature

> Just a few notes:
> - the generator page takes quite a bit of vertcal real estate: a more
> compact display may be better?

I'm thinking of having the field condensed on 1 line and being able to
expand detail view using js. As I explained before, if you have any
advice on usability/design I would be very happy to hear about them !

Once I'm done with permissions and forms, I will probably work a
little more on the website itself adding a page to provide an overview
of the project without having to register, a feedback tool, help
section and a tutorial.

> - if the goal is to provide a tool for non-developers, you may be
> expose a bit too much of django internals: for instance such a user
> may not care for the field types, know what a model is, etc. Yet if it
> is for hand-holding django newbies you introduce many concepts that a
> newbie may not know about yet. So my 2 cents would be to pick a target
> user and focus on one or the other. As I see it today, only a django
> user would be able to make sense of it.

I agree on that but I'm not really fixed on the direction and audience
for the project. I try to keep it as simple as possible, so it's not
to hard to maintain and provide good and clean output. I hate those
project that never works because you have to learn about it. I would
like this project to generate easy to read code, with no dependencies
and using django and python recommandation.

My first thought was a solution to provide quickly basic models, forms
and views so it give me more time to focus on fun and complex

> - the license you picked seems to me a bit odd for software
> , you
> may want to consider something more common: the same as django is
> usually the simplest and best.

I will investigate on this.

> - some pointers on some similar tools may give you some more ideas,
> google web site generator
> there are many similar tools for RAILS, PHP, JSP, ASP, etc

I will google that ;)

> Bon courage!
> Philippe

Merci Philippe !


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Re: Best practices for restricting media?

2010-02-22 Thread Brice Leroy
Hello Brett,
If you use nginx you can use the X-Accel-Redirect function. Technicaly, you
get the file request on django, you check if the user should have an access
to the file and then you send back a header with the filename inside to your
instance of NGinx. Nginx then serve the file.

Have a nice day


2010/2/21 Brett Thomas 

> Hey, this is a pretty basic sysadmin question, but seems pretty critical
> for django development. What's the best way to limit media on a django site
> to certain users?
> A typical example is a photo gallery app. Suppose you are recreating
> Flickr, and a user's photos should only be viewable by his/her friends. You
> can restrict other users from accessing the django view that presents the
> photo. But if the image is on a static media server, the image is still
> publicly accessible by its direct URL.
> So, question is: can you add restrictions to a media server connected to
> django to say "this image can only be served in a page that was rendered by
> a django view"?
> Thanks for the help --
> Brett
> Surprisingly (or not?) Facebook has no such's a random
> photo from one of my friend's private albums that apparently you can see
> without even having a facebook account:

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Re: Best practices for restricting media?

2010-02-22 Thread Brice Leroy
Actually, this snippet should be better to explain X-Accel-Redirect feature:

2010/2/22 Brice Leroy 

> Hello Brett,
> If you use nginx you can use the X-Accel-Redirect function. Technicaly, you
> get the file request on django, you check if the user should have an access
> to the file and then you send back a header with the filename inside to your
> instance of NGinx. Nginx then serve the file.
> Have a nice day
> Brice
> 2010/2/21 Brett Thomas 
> Hey, this is a pretty basic sysadmin question, but seems pretty critical
>> for django development. What's the best way to limit media on a django site
>> to certain users?
>> A typical example is a photo gallery app. Suppose you are recreating
>> Flickr, and a user's photos should only be viewable by his/her friends. You
>> can restrict other users from accessing the django view that presents the
>> photo. But if the image is on a static media server, the image is still
>> publicly accessible by its direct URL.
>> So, question is: can you add restrictions to a media server connected to
>> django to say "this image can only be served in a page that was rendered by
>> a django view"?
>> Thanks for the help --
>> Brett
>> Surprisingly (or not?) Facebook has no such's a random
>> photo from one of my friend's private albums that apparently you can see
>> without even having a facebook account:
> --
> blog:
> project:
> linkedin:


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Re: RV: photos sexy

2010-02-26 Thread Brice Leroy
It's just that dev in django makes you more attractive I guess

2010/2/26 Tiago Freire 

> I bet this is a ploy of the django team to draw in more developers...
> ---
> Tiago Mikhael Pastorello Freire
> Av. Getúlio Vargas, 901 sala 1502
> Bairro Menino Deus
> Porto Alegre
> CEP 90150-003
> +55 (51) 3012-7080
> On Feb 26, 2010, at 3:16 AM, Nicolas Couture wrote:
> This is probably the funniest post I've seen on a technical mailing list
> this year.
> 2010/2/26 Gisela Cartaya 
>  --
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My tool to generate django code

2011-05-21 Thread Brice Leroy
Hello guys,

I posted a while ago about my project on this forum. Some liked it some kind
of hated it (weird)... I though I would post here for updates.

Django Generator is a tool to build django skeleton of your app (model,
form, view, templates...). I tried to make sure it covers enough surface but
doesn't go too deep so you just have to focus on specific tuning and coding.

The new features:

- There is a first shot of public project. Not sure where this option will
go (fork, clone, collaborative work...)
- Fields can now be collapsed (wow... this took a while I know) and displays
their python transcription.
- Help got included per field option
... and some code fixes and improvements.

I also added a screenshot as people where complaining to have to register to
use/see the tool. I'm not yet sure about the benefit of using the tool
without registration.

As every creator/coder I'd like to get a peer review :-)

Good night folks.


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Re: My tool to generate django code

2011-05-22 Thread Brice Leroy
The project is open source and is available on github / license creative common

Brice Leroy 
Sent from my iPhone

On May 22, 2011, at 10:56 AM, Mengu  wrote:

> I also did like it as well. however I wouldn't feel secure when I
> started a new start-up project so open sourcing the application would
> be very neat, imho.
> congratulations and thanks anyway! :)
> On May 22, 7:54 am, Brice Leroy  wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> I posted a while ago about my project on this forum. Some liked it some kind
>> of hated it (weird)... I though I would post here for updates.
>> Django Generator is a tool to build django skeleton of your app (model,
>> form, view, templates...). I tried to make sure it covers enough surface but
>> doesn't go too deep so you just have to focus on specific tuning and coding.
>> The new features:
>> - There is a first shot of public project. Not sure where this option will
>> go (fork, clone, collaborative work...)
>> - Fields can now be collapsed (wow... this took a while I know) and displays
>> their python transcription.
>> - Help got included per field option
>> ... and some code fixes and improvements.
>> I also added a screenshot as people where complaining to have to register to
>> use/see the tool. I'm not yet sure about the benefit of using the tool
>> without registration.
>> As every creator/coder I'd like to get a peer review :-)
>> Good night folks.
>> Brice
>> --
>> blog:
>> Time tracking tool:
>> Django site generator:
>> linkedin:
> -- 
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Re: My tool to generate django code

2011-05-22 Thread Brice Leroy
2011/5/22 John Griessen 

> On 05/22/2011 05:08 PM, Brice Leroy wrote:
>> The project is open
> I think it could be a teaching tool as well as a speed tool.

If you afford to update it some how.  Looks like a  lot of research went
> into it,

I try to spend as much time as possible on it, but it still just a couple of
hour every quarter. nest time will be django 1.3

> but maybe it was like writing a "cheat sheet" if you were already familiar
> enough with the code.

kind of, I started django on 0.96

> I'm new at it.  So it seems like a shiny toy to me.

thank you John

> Thanks,
> John Griessen

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Re: My tool to generate django code

2011-05-22 Thread Brice Leroy
Thanks you, I really appreciate :)

2011/5/21 sushanth Reddy 

> This is awesome Brice,
> Nice Work
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Re: Weird problem with rendering a Variable in a custom tag

2011-05-23 Thread Brice Leroy
Be careful will computing location on rendering. IPs will change in time. The 
pattern is not clear but expect the information to expire.

As you only extract the country, it shouldn't be an issue, but if you drill 
down to Zip code I would commend you to store it with the comment's author 
(less expensive) or the comment.

Brice Leroy 

On May 23, 2011, at 1:34 AM, bruno desthuilliers 

> On May 23, 5:37 am, stevedegrace  wrote:
>> I developed a custom tag to look up the country of a certain IP
>> address using an IP to country database. It's sort of rough and ready,
>> but it should work. The idea is that you read the comment.ip_address,
>> feed it to the {% country %} tag, which then spits out the two letter
>> country code. The interesting thing is that the tag works once and
>> only once per page load if it has to render a variable. All subsequent
>> calls raise template.VariableDoesNotExist in the code below.
>> The interesting thing is that if you strip out the ability to
>> recognize an IP as a string and make it just render variables, and you
>> bind self.ip as a Variable object in the __init__ method and then try
>> to call its render method in the CountryNode's render method, it
>> actually raises AttributeError and claims that Variable object has no
>> attribute render. Weird! FYI, I'm using Django 1.2. Anyone have any
>> thoughts about what the heck is going on?
> Avoid rebinding self.ip in the render method and it should work just
> fine.
>> Here's the Python code:
> (snip imports)
>> class CountryNode(template.Node):
>> def __init__(self, ip):
>> self.ip = ip
>> def render(self, context):
>> if self.ip[0] in '\'"':
>> self.ip = self.ip.strip('\'"')
> don't rebind self.ip here.
>> else:
>> try:
>> self.ip = Variable(self.ip).resolve(context)
> don't rebind it here neither
> You want to work on local variable, definitly.
> -- 
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Re: Django 1.3 docs PDF

2011-06-01 Thread Brice Leroy
Nice job Oscar. That goes straight into my iBook :)

2011/6/1 Oscar Carballal 

> Hello,
> I've just created a PDF (5.6MB, 1042 pages) with all the django 1.3
> docs [|], just in case someone need it (sometimes it's useful to have
> the docs offline).
> Cheers,
> Oscar
> [1]
> --
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Re: storing django object into javascript array

2011-06-10 Thread Brice Leroy
Hello Jay,

When you call  city.school_set.all ,you get an array of object. the template
render the string representation of the object.

You might want to loop other them. Check the json serializer too :

2011/6/10 jay K. 

> Hello,
> I am not a django developer, but I have a background on html, css,
> javascript, jquery and php.
> I was wondering if you can help me with a question regarding django,
> since I'm working on a website built on django (which was not started
> by me)
> I want to store a django object into a javascript array. So far I have
> this code:
> In my template file:
> var map_schools = {{ city.school_set.all }};
> Unfortunately the django object is not stored as desired, but instead
> it gets stored like the following:
> var map_schools = []
> I am unable to work with the javascript array. Right now this piece of
> code is commented out because enabling it prevents the rest of the js
> code from running properly
> Any suggestions are welcome
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> --
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Re: Askani

2011-02-22 Thread Brice Leroy
You should try

- Generate model
- Views
- Forms
- Urls

and manage User profile extesion


2010/11/26 Wim Feijen 

> Nice! It definitely saves typing. Sounds like a right thing for
> newbies, because when I was a newbie, I always had to look up which
> fieldname to use and oh the typos.
> Wim
> On Nov 20, 3:28 pm, Alvaro Mouriño  wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I'd like to introduce to you this idea I've been working on for the
> > last month, a django models generator:
> >
> > Field options definition it's repetitive. Writing meta options leads
> > to inconsistent use due to the variety available. "Inspired" by the
> > repetitiveness of coding django models and the required memory load of
> > defining meta options I decided to create a graphical interface that
> > would guide the user in the creation of models.
> >
> > is the result of scratching those itches. It represents
> > models, fields, attributes and meta options in a UML-and-MER-ish way
> > (but doesn't follow it strictly). It displays all the possible
> > information for a model so the user only has to fill in the blanks the
> > desired options, not remember all of them.
> >
> > The python code that outputs it's far from perfect, I know, this is
> > just a barely-usable system to prove the concept, a prototype.
> >
> > The reason for this email is to request comments, suggestions and
> > critics on the idea and specially on the usability. Clone the source,
> > read the README file and play with it. Have fun =)
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > --
> > Alvaro Mouriño
> --
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Re: Askani

2011-02-22 Thread Brice Leroy
Actually it doesn't. You'll still have to design your data model and
interactions. Coding basic model, urls, forms etc... is definitely boring.
This takes care of those repetitive tasks and let you the fun of

2011/2/22 Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] <>

> I'm sure these will be useful to someone, but it kinda takes the fun out of
> designing a structure from scratch :(
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 5:47 PM, Brice Leroy  wrote:
>> You should try
>> - Generate model
>> - Views
>> - Forms
>> - Urls
>> and manage User profile extesion
>> Brice
>> 2010/11/26 Wim Feijen 
>>> Nice! It definitely saves typing. Sounds like a right thing for
>>> newbies, because when I was a newbie, I always had to look up which
>>> fieldname to use and oh the typos.
>>> Wim
>>> On Nov 20, 3:28 pm, Alvaro Mouriño  wrote:
>>> > Hi.
>>> >
>>> > I'd like to introduce to you this idea I've been working on for the
>>> > last month, a django models generator:
>>> >
>>> > Field options definition it's repetitive. Writing meta options leads
>>> > to inconsistent use due to the variety available. "Inspired" by the
>>> > repetitiveness of coding django models and the required memory load of
>>> > defining meta options I decided to create a graphical interface that
>>> > would guide the user in the creation of models.
>>> >
>>> > is the result of scratching those itches. It represents
>>> > models, fields, attributes and meta options in a UML-and-MER-ish way
>>> > (but doesn't follow it strictly). It displays all the possible
>>> > information for a model so the user only has to fill in the blanks the
>>> > desired options, not remember all of them.
>>> >
>>> > The python code that outputs it's far from perfect, I know, this is
>>> > just a barely-usable system to prove the concept, a prototype.
>>> >
>>> > The reason for this email is to request comments, suggestions and
>>> > critics on the idea and specially on the usability. Clone the source,
>>> > read the README file and play with it. Have fun =)
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Alvaro Mouriño
>>> --
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>> blog:
>> project:
>> linkedin:
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Re: How to format django template code nicely with notepad++?

2011-02-22 Thread Brice Leroy
Learning VI is good for you and it makes you fast. Learning curve is steep,
I agree, but the result is quite amazing. One other big advantage, you can
easily work on any server through SSH.

2011/2/22 mongoose 

> I used vim for a while but the learning curve really is steep. so
> steep that i'm more effecient with the old style editors. perhaps i'll
> just do what i do in notepad++ then format it in vim. i'll keep
> looking around for a nice formatter though.
> On Feb 22, 5:20 pm, Bill Freeman  wrote:
> > You *could* use Tidy, then post process with a sed script to convert
> > the '%20's to spaces.
> >
> > There may be comparable Windows tool, but if you want sed, you can
> > install Cygwin.
> >
> > But if you install Cygwin, you could edit with vim.
> >
> > Since you're editing templates, you probably have python installed.
> > If there isn't already a python based template reformatter, that
> > sounds like an obvious project.  It would still be outside your
> > editor, however.  I really want formatting aid inside my editor
> > (spoiled emacs user).  Perhaps an extension to IDLE?
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:55 AM, mongoose 
> wrote:
> > > hi all,
> >
> > > I'm using notepad++ a lot and really missing a code formatter (vim
> > > would be = to format).
> > > Anyone know of anyway to format my html nicely? I've tried HTML Tidy
> > > but it keeps adding a 20% where I have a space for example
> > > "{{%20MEDIA_URL%20}}css/styles.css".
> >
> > > --
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Re: How to format django template code nicely with notepad++?

2011-02-22 Thread Brice Leroy
Might seam rude but you should try coding on linux. Some easy distribution
like ubuntu. You can even install it in a virtual environment with virtual


> You might want to try Activestate Komodo Edit.
> That's what I use and it's such a wonderful experience.
> Regards.
> Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
> -Original Message-
> From: mongoose 
> Sender:
> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 06:55:21
> To: Django users
> Reply-To:
> Subject: How to format django template code nicely with notepad++?
> hi all,
> I'm using notepad++ a lot and really missing a code formatter (vim
> would be = to format).
> Anyone know of anyway to format my html nicely? I've tried HTML Tidy
> but it keeps adding a 20% where I have a space for example
> "{{%20MEDIA_URL%20}}css/styles.css".
> --
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Django Code Generator

2011-02-23 Thread Brice Leroy

I posted a while ago about this project and since it's pretty complete now,
I'd like to get your opinion on it and advices on features that might be

The project is hosted on:
The project is open source and available on GIT:

The project allows you to:
- Generate model
- Views
- Forms
- Urls

The main goal is:
- Providing code to beginner / teaching tool
- Quickly start a project skeleton and then spend time on customization

Thank you all

Brice Leroy

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Re: Django Code Generator

2011-02-23 Thread Brice Leroy
The login is really just so you can manage a bunch of project and easily
come back (as most project often take more than a day to grow). It also
provide some privacy (not everybody wants his project to be publicly

I'd also like to be able to make some project public so they can be "fork"
by other users.

... lots of idea, no so much time :-(

2011/2/23 Mike Dewhirst 

> On 24/02/2011 11:46am, Brice Leroy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I posted a while ago about this project and since it's pretty complete
>> now, I'd like to get your opinion on it and advices on features that
>> might be useful.
> I've been interested in this for a while and I'm delighted to see you have
> kept it going. Well done.
> I can see the source is freely available on github but I wonder what's
> behind your decision to require a login on the website?
> Mike
>> The project is hosted on:
>> <>
>> The project is open source and available on GIT:
>> The project allows you to:
>> - Generate model
>> - Views
>> - Forms
>> - Urls
>> The main goal is:
>> - Providing code to beginner / teaching tool
>> - Quickly start a project skeleton and then spend time on customization
>> Thank you all
>> Brice Leroy
>> --
>> blog:
>> project:
>> linkedin:
>> --
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Re: Django Code Generator

2011-02-23 Thread Brice Leroy
You can of course easily clone the site too as there is very few decencies 
(django registration and a "common" package from my repository). 

I thought that most of the user would find it more convenient to store their 
project online and hit download to get their source code as a tar.gz archive.

(the site doesn't host the source but generates it on demand at download)

Brice Leroy 
Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 23, 2011, at 8:27 PM, Mike Dewhirst  wrote:

> On 24/02/2011 12:06pm, Brice Leroy wrote:
>> The login is really just so you can manage a bunch of project and easily
>> come back (as most project often take more than a day to grow). It also
>> provide some privacy (not everybody wants his project to be publicly
>> available).
> OK - I didn't realise you need to do the development work on your website.
> Mike
>> I'd also like to be able to make some project public so they can be
>> "fork" by other users.
>> ... lots of idea, no so much time :-(
>> 2011/2/23 Mike Dewhirst > <>>
>>On 24/02/2011 11:46am, Brice Leroy wrote:
>>I posted a while ago about this project and since it's pretty
>>now, I'd like to get your opinion on it and advices on features that
>>might be useful.
>>I've been interested in this for a while and I'm delighted to see
>>you have kept it going. Well done.
>>I can see the source is freely available on github but I wonder
>>what's behind your decision to require a login on the website?
>>The project is hosted on:
>>The project is open source and available on GIT:
>>The project allows you to:
>>- Generate model
>>- Views
>>- Forms
>>- Urls
>>The main goal is:
>>- Providing code to beginner / teaching tool
>>- Quickly start a project skeleton and then spend time on
>>Thank you all
>>Brice Leroy
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Re: Collaborative text editor with Django

2011-02-23 Thread Brice Leroy
I'm very curious to know the use case for this kind of editor. I'm using HG and 
GIT to manage merging and I'm quite happy with those.

Brice Leroy 
Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 23, 2011, at 8:56 PM, Anoop Thomas Mathew  wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I think you miss read me. I mean an application to put in the website, not 
> for coding on desktop. A collaborative text editor within the site, some 
> pre-built django apps.
> Any ideas? 
> regards,
> Anoop
> atm
> ___
> Life is short, Live it hard.
> On 23 February 2011 18:12, Mike Ramirez  wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 23, 2011 12:32:55 am Anoop Thomas Mathew wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there any collaborative text editing application available for django.
> > Has anybody tried with etherpad( along with django?
> >
> > Please reply,
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Anoop
> >
> > atm
> > ___
> > Life is short, Live it hard.
> I like eric5 for this, it's python 3.x though. But great collabrotive tools 
> involved, including a chat server and issue tracker.
> Gobby is another, but his is more general purpose than coding.
> I've also seen screen + [vi|emacs|nano] for collaboritve coding on the server 
> side.
> As for etherpad nope, never have bothered, never heard of it till now ftr.
> Mike
> --
> A little pain never hurt anyone.
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