Hello everybody,

I woke up this morning and saw all those email and I would like to
thank you all for all those advices and support you wrote. That
motivates me even more to work on it.

The project being in alpha stage, please keep in mind that your
project integrity and its storage is not guaranteed and the data model
will probably evolve a lot during the next month (I don't want to use
south until beta)

I'll will now focus and reaching the beta stage:
- Form generator
- View generator
- Permissions
- more unittest
- PEP8 code compliant generation
- Some pluggable (profile, registration, djangodblog, django-mailer...)
- A user guide
- settings.py customization
(wow... way more things than I though...)

If you have any idea concerning unit-test generation, I would be
please to hear about it. I'm actually thinking about adding some test
for each forms using client so it can become easy to customize. The
direction the project is taking is a learning tool and a project fast
start tool.

Again, any idea on the tool is welcome.

If you're good in layout, feel free to recommend a better one too. The
project is advanced enough to give you an idea of what's need to be
visible and not too much so it can be quickly modified.

Atamert Ölçgen: I'll try to fix the issue with the choice field as
nicely as possible (casting or js trick) so it doesn't break the

Thank you all again !


blog: http://www.debrice.com
project: http://www.kaaloo.com http://www.djangogenerator.com
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bricepleroy

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