Re: what is the best IDE to use for Python / Django

2012-02-01 Thread Bastian Ballmann

And what exact feature makes PyCharm an IDE that emacs hasnt?

Am 23.01.2012 13:41, schrieb Leandro Ostera Villalva:
That's because PyCharm is an actual IDE while gedit, st2, emacs, vi 
and forth are text editors.

El 23 de enero de 2012 04:35, Mario Gudelj <>> escribió:

I've used gedit, sublime text 2, emacs, vi, but the best Django
IDE by far is PyCharm. I'm seriously amazed at how awesome it is.
It's worth every cent.

On 23 January 2012 22:20, Sandro Dutra>> wrote:

The best IDE is that you fell comfortable using it.

2012/1/21 goosfancito>>:
> El 21/01/12 08:52, kenneth gonsalves escribió:
>> On Sat, 2012-01-21 at 03:34 -0800, John Yeukhon Wong wrote:
>>> While it has been asked a trillion times already, let me
say TRY UT
>> you were requested not to feed this thread. If the OP
cannot search,
>> here it is:
>> +python+IDE
> i used gedit only.
> --
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Leandro Ostera,
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Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
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Re: what is the best IDE to use for Python / Django

2012-02-15 Thread Bastian Ballmann

Hey thats a cool list and I feel like I must answer on it :)

Am 01.02.2012 17:43, schrieb Masklinn:

On 2012-02-01, at 17:00 , Bastian Ballmann wrote:

And what exact feature makes PyCharm an IDE that emacs hasnt?

* Semantics navigation (not via tags, it knows to find a class when you want a 

I heard ECB can do this, but I dont use it

* Better static analysis and language knowledge (the type inference is still 
pretty limited, but if you instantiate an object and call a method on it it 
knows and only proposes the available methods)
   - virtualenv-aware, knows to restrict its libraries search to the project's 

You can do this with setenv or virtualenv.el too

   - errors and warnings are faster to display than via flymake in my experience

For me flymake is faster *g*

   - also intentions and quickfixes, PyCharm can improve or simplify code for 
known bad or sub-par patterns, and can fix a limited number of errors (PyCharm 
will suggest importing a module you reference without you having to go to the 
module top and doing so manually)

Autoimport can be done with rope-auto-import

   - finds all references to an object

And this one with rope-find-occurrences

* Much, much better (faster, more expansive and with less bullet holes) refactoring 
support than Rope&  ropemacs (I use both)
* Good support of various template languages (Django, Jinja2 and Mako as of 
2.0) with autocompletion, basic static analysis, syntax highlighting, etc…
Yeah that's something I miss, but auto-completion for Django template 
code is available in django-mode

* Semantic knowledge of Django projects
   - jumping between a view and its template

This can also be done with django-mode

* Much better debugging story
   - Pretty good visual debugger with watches and conditional breakpoints
   - Remote debugger (via a specific agent)

Therefore I use pddb outside of Emacs

   - Django templates debugging
Yep that's also something I miss. Can partly be done with Werkzeug in 
the browser

For me Emacs has the far better editing features than the Eclipse editor 
with stuff like rectangle edit,
macros and the like and it's very good extensible and therefore can 
perfectly adapted to one's needs.



Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
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Re: Is it secure to have IDs show up in URLs?

2012-03-23 Thread Bastian Ballmann
Hi Bastien,

it's the task of the backend to manage the authorization including
users and permissions. 

If the view and permission system allows all users to see everything
and you dont want it that way than you have to check permission in your

This has nothing to do with having the id in the url or not cause
hiding the id wont help you get a more secure system if your auth
backend is crappy. Security by obscurity doesnt work.

HTH && Greets


Am Fri, 23 Mar 2012 04:06:45 -0700 (PDT)
schrieb Bastien :

> I am concerned about seeing the IDs of objects appearing in the URL
> and in a totally predictable manner. It is very convenient and clean
> to do all sorts of things but can be abused very easily to retrieve
> all the content of the site, ie: photos... 
> Is it a good idea to try to change this behavior? Maybe with some
> sort of middleware? Is there any project doing it already? For
> instance the urls in Instagram seem to be encoded at least.

 Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
Phone +41 43 818 20 91 /

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Re: Is it secure to have IDs show up in URLs?

2012-03-23 Thread Bastian Ballmann
I dont get it. You want to make all your stuff publicly available, but
complain about the matter that everyone can access everything? 

Anyway for on any reason you want not so easy guessable links why not
use md5 or sha1 checksum in hex of the photo as link?



Am Fri, 23 Mar 2012 04:38:43 -0700 (PDT)
schrieb Bastien :

> Sorry maybe my post was not very clear, I am talking about public
> content here, that should be accessed by anyone, even anonymous users
> not logged in. For instance if we talk about photos, publicly
> available, the url would look something
> like /photos/1, /photos/2  1 and 2 being the pk of the object in
> the db. If someone wants to download or link to these photos in a
> totally uncontrollable way (without using an API), with that system
> we are making it very easy to do mass content leakage. I don't want
> to promote security by obscurity here, just want to know what people
> in the group think about it and what solutions can be implemented, or
> if it is relevant at all.
> The idea of slug could do the trick, but wouldn't it require some
> sort of date or title or a combination of both in the url? Not the
> most convenient in this case.
> On Friday, March 23, 2012 12:17:02 PM UTC+1, Bastian Ballmann wrote:
> >
> > Hi Bastien,
> >
> > it's the task of the backend to manage the authorization including
> > users and permissions. 
> >
> > If the view and permission system allows all users to see everything
> > and you dont want it that way than you have to check permission in
> > your views.
> > See
> > https://docs.djangoproject.​com/en/1.3/topics/auth/<>
> >
> > This has nothing to do with having the id in the url or not cause
> > hiding the id wont help you get a more secure system if your auth
> > backend is crappy. Security by obscurity doesnt work.
> >
> > HTH && Greets
> >
> > Basti
> >
> >
> > Am Fri, 23 Mar 2012 04:06:45 -0700 (PDT)
> > schrieb Bastien <>:
> >
> > > I am concerned about seeing the IDs of objects appearing in the
> > > URL and in a totally predictable manner. It is very convenient
> > > and clean to do all sorts of things but can be abused very easily
> > > to retrieve all the content of the site, ie: photos... 
> > > Is it a good idea to try to change this behavior? Maybe with some
> > > sort of middleware? Is there any project doing it already? For
> > > instance the urls in Instagram seem to be encoded at least.
> > > 
> >
> > -- 
> >  Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
> > Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
> > Phone +41 43 818 20 91 /
> >
> >

 Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
Phone +41 43 818 20 91 /

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Django Chuck - Your powerful project punch button

2012-06-11 Thread Bastian Ballmann
Hi Django lovers out there,

for all who didnt attend DjangoCon Europe virtually or physically we
want to announce our project Django Chuck.

Here's what's all about:

Django Chuck is a modular, open source, command-based project build
system developed by Notch Interactive GmbH, that gives you the power
to create new projects as fast as pushing on a button.

In the Django Chuck world, everything is organized within so-called
modules, which incrementally get compiled into a project. There is
really nothing that you can't configure or adjust and guess what,
writing and adjusting your modules is totally easy. On top of that,
Django Chuck comes with an already impressive amount of built-in
modules and a bullet proof project structure.

But Chuck cannot be just used to create a project. It can also checkout
the source for you and setup everything until the dev server is up and
running and you're ready to do your development work. Just leave all
the annoying stuff to Chuck and if there is some task Chuck can't do
for you at the moment you can add your own command to let Chuck
configure your continuous integration system, setup your hosting or do
whatever you might imagine!

URLs are:

We advice you to use either the pip releases or the github tagged
downloads otherwise you will use our unstable version an weird things
might happen ;)

If you like Django Chuck we are happy to hear from you either on
github, stackoverflow (with tag django-chuck) or by email

Wish you an awesome day

The Django Chuck team
Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
Phone Phone +41 44 297 17 17 /

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Re: Django Development environment

2011-08-30 Thread Bastian Ballmann
Arch Linux, GNU/Emacs with emacs-for-python extension, pylint, 
virtualenv, fabric, pudb, winpdb and firebug, postgresql, 
django-extensions, git

Am 23.08.2011 00:07, schrieb Stephen Jackson:
I am new to the world of Django. I would like to hear from other 
django developers describe their dev environment (tools, os, editors, 
etc.). --
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Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
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Generic relation content_type does not exist

2011-09-13 Thread Bastian Ballmann

Hi all django lovers,

I've got the problem that I want to check a model using the clean() 
method on the model class. My model has a generic relationship and i 
have to access the content_type property within the clean() method to 
get the job done.

Now content_type is _sometimes_ defined and sometimes not, which leads 
to a DoesNotExist exception.

The root of the problem seems to be in django/db/models/fields/ at

cache_name = self.field.get_cache_name()
return getattr(instance, cache_name)
except AttributeError:
val = getattr(instance, self.field.attname)
if val is None:
# If NULL is an allowed value, return it.
if self.field.null:
return None

My models properties have a _prop_cache field on instance, but 
content_type does not and that raises the exception.

I cannot really reproduce the error, but I know that it has something to 
do with the database, because changing or rebuilding it sometimes lead 
to the problem described.

Can anyone tell me what that cache does or how it's build or how to 
solve my problem in another way?

Any hint is appreciated!

Thx && have a nice day! :)


Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
Phone +41 43 818 20 91 /

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Re: Generic relation content_type does not exist

2011-09-14 Thread Bastian Ballmann

Hi again,

maybe I get an answer if I ask the other way round.

I've got an inline admin model with a generic foreignkey and I want to 
validate a set of it's properties in the models clean() method. If I add 
a new model neither content_type nor object_id is set in the clean() 
method, but if I try to change an existing model of course I can access 
the content_type property.

Is there any work-around to get the content_type when I first add a new 

Any hint or url is appreciated :)
TIA && greets


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Unicode in unit tests

2011-10-10 Thread Bastian Ballmann
Hi all,

I try to use a utf8 string in a Django unit test and have included 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
but still complaints there is no encoding.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/basti/work/virtualenv/bin/", line 5, in 
 line 429, in execute_from_command_line
 line 379, in execute
 line 191, in run_from_argv
self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__)
 line 220, in execute
output = self.handle(*args, **options)
 line 8, in handle
super(Command, self).handle(*args, **kwargs)
 line 37, in handle
failures = test_runner.run_tests(test_labels)
 line 358, in run_tests
suite = self.build_suite(test_labels, extra_tests)
 line 248, in build_suite
 line 77, in build_suite
test_module = get_tests(app_module)
 line 35, in get_tests
test_module = __import__('.'.join(app_path + [TEST_MODULE]), {}, {}, 
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file on line 242, but no 
encoding declared; see for details

The string it's complaining about is also declared as unicode string
using u"" and I've tried to set TEST_CHARSET and TEST_DATABASE_CHARSET
to utf8, but still no luck.
Any hints on how to solve that?
TIA && have a nice day!

Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
Phone +41 43 818 20 91 /

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Re: Second coming of Java?

2011-10-13 Thread Bastian Ballmann
Hey ho,

I think it's funny, because Java's uglyness isn't only depending on it's
slowliness in runtime, but also on it's horrible slowliness in
development and in mastering the art to code and design as complex as

Why should I code the same functionality in 2 years if I can have it in
2 months in a simpler and more readable code?



Am Mittwoch, den 12.10.2011, 13:52 -0700 schrieb ydjango:
> What do you think?
> "When SSDs gain enough capacity there will be a shift from the Ruby
> world back to the Java world. Not for prototyping, because, well, it’s
> prototyping. But simply because the statement “Ruby is incredibly slow
> but I don’t care because my database is slower” will no longer be
> true. At that point Ruby (Python, Groovy, you name it) becomes the
> bottleneck." - from the above article

Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
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Re: Unicode in unit tests

2011-10-13 Thread Bastian Ballmann

Am 13.10.2011 11:02, schrieb Tom Evans:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Is that on the first or second line of your file? If not, python will
ignore it, as mentioned in the linked PEP.

It's on the very first line of the


Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
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Re: Second coming of Java?

2011-10-13 Thread Bastian Ballmann

Am 13.10.2011 15:05, schrieb Tom Evans:

Only people who are brought up on Java EE/.NET believe SOAP is
useful/good. The rest of the world (yes, even us Enterprise with a big
E) prefer simpler REST interfaces.

Full ack! :)

Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
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2011-08-11 Thread Bastian Ballmann
Hi Django lovers,

I am developing Django under Arch Linux with virtualenv and Python 2.7
and I've got a strange problem with PYTHONPATH.

First I construct virtualenv with 

virtualenv2 --no-site-packages test

than I switch to it using

source test/bin/activate

and install latest Django version using

pip install django

Now I start a new project and app, configure Django and last but not
least I have to set the PYTHONPATH variable to my Django project dir in
order to let Django find my apps. 

After setting PYTHONPATH looses commands like
startproject and collectstatic and cannot find some Python modules I
installed. When doing an unset PYTHONPATH the missing
commands reappear. 

Asking the shell where lives with and without
PYTHONPATH set always reveals the path in my virtualenv. 

Any hint what could be wrong here? Or can anyone share his or her
virtualenv / Django config with me?

TIA && have a nice day

 Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
Phone +41 43 818 20 91 /

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Re: PYTHONPATH and Django

2011-08-11 Thread Bastian Ballmann

no seems that i got it wrong the problem was not my PYTHONPATH setting
but my DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE setting. I imported another package that
was absent and therefore django lost only some commands... 
Still strange at least for me, but the problem seems to be solved.

Thx && Greets


Am Thu, 11 Aug 2011 15:20:16 +0200
schrieb Reinout van Rees :

> On 11-08-11 09:37, Bastian Ballmann wrote:
> > Now I start a new project and app, configure Django and last but not
> > least I have to set the PYTHONPATH variable to my Django project
> > dir in order to let Django find my apps.
> >
> > After setting PYTHONPATH looses commands like
> > startproject and collectstatic and cannot find some Python modules I
> > installed. When doing an unset PYTHONPATH the missing
> > commands reappear.
> Setting PYTHONPATH probably puts those directories first in the
> search path when python searches for modules. So some .py file of
> yours might shadow one that django needs. That's what I guess is the
> problem. Is there one filename in your project that strikes you as a
> potential problem?
> For proper debugging, try to import one of those missing management 
> commands in your python prompt with and without the PYTHONPATH.
> Best solution, btw: turn your code into a python package. Which means 
> "add a". Then install that package with pip, too, and you
> don't have to do anything with your python path manually.
> Reinout

 Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
Phone +41 43 818 20 91 /

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