Hey thats a cool list and I feel like I must answer on it :)

Am 01.02.2012 17:43, schrieb Masklinn:
On 2012-02-01, at 17:00 , Bastian Ballmann wrote:
And what exact feature makes PyCharm an IDE that emacs hasnt?
* Semantics navigation (not via tags, it knows to find a class when you want a 
I heard ECB can do this, but I dont use it

* Better static analysis and language knowledge (the type inference is still 
pretty limited, but if you instantiate an object and call a method on it it 
knows and only proposes the available methods)
   - virtualenv-aware, knows to restrict its libraries search to the project's 
You can do this with setenv or virtualenv.el too

   - errors and warnings are faster to display than via flymake in my experience
For me flymake is faster *g*

   - also intentions and quickfixes, PyCharm can improve or simplify code for 
known bad or sub-par patterns, and can fix a limited number of errors (PyCharm 
will suggest importing a module you reference without you having to go to the 
module top and doing so manually)

Autoimport can be done with rope-auto-import

   - finds all references to an object

And this one with rope-find-occurrences

* Much, much better (faster, more expansive and with less bullet holes) refactoring 
support than Rope&  ropemacs (I use both)
* Good support of various template languages (Django, Jinja2 and Mako as of 
2.0) with autocompletion, basic static analysis, syntax highlighting, etc…
Yeah that's something I miss, but auto-completion for Django template code is available in django-mode

* Semantic knowledge of Django projects
   - jumping between a view and its template

This can also be done with django-mode

* Much better debugging story
   - Pretty good visual debugger with watches and conditional breakpoints
   - Remote debugger (via a specific agent)

Therefore I use pddb outside of Emacs

   - Django templates debugging
Yep that's also something I miss. Can partly be done with Werkzeug in the browser

For me Emacs has the far better editing features than the Eclipse editor with stuff like rectangle edit, macros and the like and it's very good extensible and therefore can perfectly adapted to one's needs.


Bastian Ballmann / Web Developer
Notch Interactive GmbH / Badenerstrasse 571 / 8048 Zürich
Phone +41 43 818 20 91 / www.notch-interactive.com

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