Handling multiple protocols in Channels 2

2019-05-02 Thread Andrea Conti

I am trying to use Channels 2 to implement an http/websocket application 
which also handles asynchronous requests from  a second source (right now 
it's messages from an MQTT subscription, but I think the problem is largely 
independent from the specific protocol). This doesn't seem to be a common 
use case, and I could not find any indication on how to do that, either in 
the official Channels documentation or elsewhere

Given that I must handle the contents of the MQTT messages in the same 
process as the websocket requests, the ideal approach would be to run both 
the http/websocket and the MQTT protocol handlers in the same process, but 
I am quite certain I can't do that.

My next thought would then be to have a second process for handling the 
incoming messages and sending them to the main application as events over a 
channel layer. 

For the MQTT side, leaving the specific protocol aside, I have seen 
examples using asgiref.server.StatelessServer (e.g. 
https://github.com/andrewgodwin/asgigram), but that ends up creating a 
scope from the event and passing it to an ASGI application instance -- i.e. 
it handles the events in-process, which is not what I want.

Then there's https://github.com/xavierlesa/channels-asgi-mqtt. The code 
looks a bit messy, and I think it's been written for Channels 1, but the 
principle seems clear: retrieve the default channel layer and for every 
incoming message, send an event of a specific type to a channel with a 
specific name.

But then, how do I receive and handle events from the channel in the 
websocket process? 
https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/channel_layers.html says 
that "Messages across channel layers also go to consumers/ASGI application 
instances, just like events from the client", and 
https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/worker.html seems to imply 
that such events are simply available to the main ASGI application -- but 
that relies on a having a dummy protocol handler (channels.worker.Worker) 
subscribe to a set of channels and wrap each event in a scope which is then 
passed to the ASGI application. So, once again that would seem to require a 
second protocol handler besides the http/websocket one. 

Am I missing something?

Any Ideas, corrections and pointers to relevant documentation and examples 
are welcome.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Handling multiple protocols in Channels 2

2019-05-02 Thread Andrea Conti

First of all, thanks for responding.

While the example does route the incoming MQTT messages to a consumer, the 
consumer is still in the same process as the MQTT client, i.e. the one 
started with "runmqttworker" management command.

What I am trying to do is tohandle those events within another process.


On Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 2:33:01 PM UTC+2, Fly Style wrote:
> have a try  of https://github.com/ruralscenery/channels_mqtt
> Andrea Conti於 2019年5月2日星期四 UTC+8下午7時40分20秒寫道:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to use Channels 2 to implement an http/websocket application 
>> which also handles asynchronous requests from  a second source (right now 
>> it's messages from an MQTT subscription, but I think the problem is largely 
>> independent from the specific protocol). This doesn't seem to be a common 
>> use case, and I could not find any indication on how to do that, either in 
>> the official Channels documentation or elsewhere
>> Given that I must handle the contents of the MQTT messages in the same 
>> process as the websocket requests, the ideal approach would be to run both 
>> the http/websocket and the MQTT protocol handlers in the same process, but 
>> I am quite certain I can't do that.
>> My next thought would then be to have a second process for handling the 
>> incoming messages and sending them to the main application as events over a 
>> channel layer. 
>> For the MQTT side, leaving the specific protocol aside, I have seen 
>> examples using asgiref.server.StatelessServer (e.g. 
>> https://github.com/andrewgodwin/asgigram), but that ends up creating a 
>> scope from the event and passing it to an ASGI application instance -- i.e. 
>> it handles the events in-process, which is not what I want.
>> Then there's https://github.com/xavierlesa/channels-asgi-mqtt. The code 
>> looks a bit messy, and I think it's been written for Channels 1, but the 
>> principle seems clear: retrieve the default channel layer and for every 
>> incoming message, send an event of a specific type to a channel with a 
>> specific name.
>> But then, how do I receive and handle events from the channel in the 
>> websocket process? 
>> https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/channel_layers.html 
>> says that "Messages across channel layers also go to consumers/ASGI 
>> application instances, just like events from the client", and 
>> https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/worker.html seems to 
>> imply that such events are simply available to the main ASGI application -- 
>> but that relies on a having a dummy protocol handler 
>> (channels.worker.Worker) subscribe to a set of channels and wrap each event 
>> in a scope which is then passed to the ASGI application. So, once again 
>> that would seem to require a second protocol handler besides the 
>> http/websocket one. 
>> Am I missing something?
>> Any Ideas, corrections and pointers to relevant documentation and 
>> examples are welcome.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Andrea

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Re: Handling multiple protocols in Channels 2

2019-05-06 Thread Andrea Conti

Ok, but that doesnt'solve the problem with handling the events in the right 

Anyway, I think I figured it out. It seems there is nothing magical to a 
'protocol handler' after all, so I can just create a thread with its event 
loop and run the MQTT listener in there. No other processes required, and I 
don't even need to use a channel layer as long as I can live without the 
group facilities.

Runs fine in development mode, let's hope it does not blow up with an 
external ASGI server.


On Monday, May 6, 2019 at 6:26:52 AM UTC+2, Fly Style wrote:
> for example:
> from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync as a2s
> from channels.layers import get_channel_layer
> from channels_mqtt import settings
> event = {"type": settings.MQTT_PUBLISH, "text": {"topic": topic, "payload"
> : payload, "qos": qos, "retain": retain}}
> a2s(channel_layer.send)(channel, event)

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