Ok, but that doesnt'solve the problem with handling the events in the right 

Anyway, I think I figured it out. It seems there is nothing magical to a 
'protocol handler' after all, so I can just create a thread with its event 
loop and run the MQTT listener in there. No other processes required, and I 
don't even need to use a channel layer as long as I can live without the 
group facilities.

Runs fine in development mode, let's hope it does not blow up with an 
external ASGI server.


On Monday, May 6, 2019 at 6:26:52 AM UTC+2, Fly Style wrote:
> for example:
> from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync as a2s
> from channels.layers import get_channel_layer
> from channels_mqtt import settings
> event = {"type": settings.MQTT_PUBLISH, "text": {"topic": topic, "payload"
> : payload, "qos": qos, "retain": retain}}
> a2s(channel_layer.send)(channel, event)

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