How to proceed with the parametr "limit_choice_to"?

2016-06-19 Thread Seti Volkylany
On the one hand it is restriction choice in admin, but on the onther hand 
if limit_choice_to is {'is_active': True} on model Article, then user 
posted its article in past and all right.
In case if user now is not active, he does not cease to be author of the 
article but in admin now is not displayed and not possible choiced his.

What do you advice?

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I need an expert Postgresql.

2016-06-19 Thread Seti Volkylany

I am try to conver from numberic to string a result of annotated field 
(created by a annotation).

I am wrote my Func as next:

class ToStr(Func):


function = 'CAST'
template = '%(function)s(%(expressions)s as TEXT)'

class ToChar(Func):


function = 'CAST'
template = '%(function)s(%(expressions)s as VARCHAR)' 

I have next code for queryset of model:

class SolutionQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
QuerySet for solutions.

def solutions_with_scopes(self):
"""Added for each solution new field 'scope' where storage her 

self = self.annotate(scope=models.Sum(
models.When(opinions__is_useful=True, then=1),
models.When(opinions__is_useful=False, then=-1),
self = self.annotate(scope=models.functions.Coalesce('scope', 0))
return self

def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
"""Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""

self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('scope'))
self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('scope'))
# self = self.annotate(displayed_scope=models.Case(
# models.When(scope__exact=0, then=models.Value('0')),
# models.When(scope__lt=0, then=models.Value('-')),
# models.When(scope__gt=0, then=models.Value('+')),
# output_field=models.CharField(),
# ))
return self

This converting working with SlugField and UUIDField, however not with 
IntegerField (created by annotate()):

*Worked with SlugField:*

def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
"""Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""

self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('slug'))
self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('slug'))

In [2]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
> 's1')[0]
> Out[2]: {'s': 'how-fix-problem-on-heroku', 's1': 
> 'how-fix-problem-on-heroku'}

*Worked with UUIDField:*

def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
"""Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""

self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('id'))
self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('id'))

In [1]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
> 's1')[0]
> Out[1]: 
> {'s': '9f9beadd-be37-4475-9e11-890172987f80',
>  's1': '9f9beadd-be37-4475-9e11-890172987f80'}

*Not worked with IntegerField:*

def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
"""Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""

self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('scope'))
self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('scope'))

In [1]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
> 's1')[0]
> Out[1]: {'s': -2, 's1': -2}

Must be:

In [1]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
> 's1')[0]
> Out[1]: {'s': '-2', 's1': '-2'}

Can anyone explain, why Postgres have this behaivor?

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Re: Prefetch Related with Multiple Column Join

2016-06-19 Thread Simon Charette
Hi Ram,

I suggest you open a new feature request to document ForeignObject as a
public API.


Le dimanche 19 juin 2016 02:26:29 UTC-4, Ram Jayaraman a écrit :
> Hi Simon,
> Thanks a lot for the response again! I really appreciate your time. I saw 
> the uniq_together but didn't realize checks can be silenced in Django. ( `0 
> silenced` in the log should have been a clue! ). I silenced it and it does 
> work great. 
> I am not sure if I missed this in the Django docs but this is a really 
> nice feature for many situations once the models start getting a bit crazy. 
> I feel this should should be emphasized a bit more in the Docs. I am pretty 
> terrible at docs so can't offer much help apart there, so it would be great 
> if the Django docs team can add this. Should I make a ticket for the same ?
> Thanks again
> Ram
> On Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 5:30:03 AM UTC+5:30, Simon Charette wrote:
>> Hi Ram,
>> As PublisherMediumBilling.publisher and medium are unique together it's 
>> safe to
>> silence the `fields.E310` check failure in this case.
>> By the way the check was adjusted in Django 1.10 to also take 
>> `unique_together`
>> into account[1].
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> [1] 
>> Le samedi 18 juin 2016 13:35:24 UTC-4, Ram Jayaraman a écrit :
>>> Hi Simon,
>>> Thanks for the post. I just tried this and ForeignObject requires one of 
>>> the 2 columns being referred to be unique. But thats an interesting object!
>>> On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 8:34:31 PM UTC+5:30, Simon Charette wrote:

 Hi Ram,

 I don't have a complete solution for you but I suggest you take a look 
 at the
 django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignObject class.

 If I'm not mistaken it should allow you to define multi-column 
 on both your Article and PublisherMediumBilling models and refer to 
 them using
 the `select_related()` and `prefetch_related()``API while the later 
 uses Python
 to perform in-memory JOINs.

 class Article(models.Model):
 publisher = ForeignKey(Publisher, related_name='articles')
 medium = ForeignKey(Medium)
 billing = ForeignObject(
 'PublisherMediumBilling', from_fields=['publisher', 'medium'], 
 to_fields=['publisher', 'medium']



 Le samedi 18 juin 2016 07:09:03 UTC-4, Ram Jayaraman a écrit :
> I apologize if this is an old question, I did search SO/google for a 
> good few hours.
> I have the following models.
> Publisher()
>   name = CharField()
> Medium()
>   name = CharField()
> Article()
>   publisher = ForeignKey(Publisher, related_name="articles")
>   medium = ForeignKey(Medium, related_name="articles")
>   text = TextField()
> PublisherMediumBilling()
>   publisher = ForeignKey(Publisher()
>   medium = ForeignKey(Article)
>   lots_of_other_columns
>  ...
>   class Meta:
>   unique_together = ['publisher', 'medium']
> I am looking to query all Article from a given publisher, and also 
> fetch the related PublisherMediumBilling joining on the columns 
> Publisher and Medium, Prefetch() object doesn't seem to quite work 
> for this case.
> I can of course filter-query for all PublisherMediumBilling and cache 
> it and do a in-memory Python JOIN. Is there a way to do through one of 
> the 
> ORM Apis ?

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Re: I need an expert Postgresql.

2016-06-19 Thread Simon Charette
Hi Seti,

I suppose this has to do with your Func subclasses not defining an 

You might want to have a look at the Cast function's implementation which 
be part of Django 1.10 for more details[1].

It should allow you to do the following:

self.annotate(s=Cast('scoppe', models.TextField))



Le dimanche 19 juin 2016 08:27:50 UTC-4, Seti Volkylany a écrit :
> I am try to conver from numberic to string a result of annotated field 
> (created by a annotation).
> I am wrote my Func as next:
> class ToStr(Func):
> """
> """
> function = 'CAST'
> template = '%(function)s(%(expressions)s as TEXT)'
> class ToChar(Func):
> """
> """
> function = 'CAST'
> template = '%(function)s(%(expressions)s as VARCHAR)' 
> I have next code for queryset of model:
> class SolutionQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
> """
> QuerySet for solutions.
> """
> def solutions_with_scopes(self):
> """Added for each solution new field 'scope' where storage her 
> scope."""
> self = self.annotate(scope=models.Sum(
> models.Case(
> models.When(opinions__is_useful=True, then=1),
> models.When(opinions__is_useful=False, then=-1),
> output_field=models.IntegerField()
> )
> ))
> self = self.annotate(scope=models.functions.Coalesce('scope', 0))
> return self
> def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
> """Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
> number:
> if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""
> self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
> self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('scope'))
> self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('scope'))
> # self = self.annotate(displayed_scope=models.Case(
> # models.When(scope__exact=0, then=models.Value('0')),
> # models.When(scope__lt=0, then=models.Value('-')),
> # models.When(scope__gt=0, then=models.Value('+')),
> # output_field=models.CharField(),
> # ))
> return self
> This converting working with SlugField and UUIDField, however not with 
> IntegerField (created by annotate()):
> *Worked with SlugField:*
> def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
> """Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
> number:
> if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""
> self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
> self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('slug'))
> self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('slug'))
> In [2]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
>> 's1')[0]
>> Out[2]: {'s': 'how-fix-problem-on-heroku', 's1': 
>> 'how-fix-problem-on-heroku'}
> *Worked with UUIDField:*
> def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
> """Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
> number:
> if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""
> self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
> self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('id'))
> self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('id'))
> In [1]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
>> 's1')[0]
>> Out[1]: 
>> {'s': '9f9beadd-be37-4475-9e11-890172987f80',
>>  's1': '9f9beadd-be37-4475-9e11-890172987f80'}
> *Not worked with IntegerField:*
> def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
> """Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
> number:
> if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""
> self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
> self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('scope'))
> self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('scope'))
> In [1]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
>> 's1')[0]
>> Out[1]: {'s': -2, 's1': -2}
> Must be:
> In [1]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
>> 's1')[0]
>> Out[1]: {'s': '-2', 's1': '-2'}
> Can anyone explain, why Postgres have this behaivor?

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Re: Error running Django tutorial

2016-06-19 Thread David Bon
I was having the exact same problem.

In fact I was not modiying the right

On windows dirs i've got:

In fact there the in your

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Seek for Django projects

2016-06-19 Thread Jen
Hi there, 
I've built a test website by Django and accumulated certain experience of 
Django. I'd like to get the advice on what I shall do as the next steps to 
enhance my django and web app skillsets. 
Is there any project that I can contribute?   or how to get a chance to 
participate the development work of a real website which will be accessed 
by internet users ?  I just like Django very much and want to accumulate 
more experience from the practice. 


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Re: Seek for Django projects

2016-06-19 Thread Mwaoshe Njemah
Several CMS projects exist on Github currently that you could contribute to.
Also I am currently looking to build a no/low budget CMS for a pet
project. We could collaborate on that.

On 6/19/16, Jen  wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've built a test website by Django and accumulated certain experience of
> Django. I'd like to get the advice on what I shall do as the next steps to
> enhance my django and web app skillsets.
> Is there any project that I can contribute?   or how to get a chance to
> participate the development work of a real website which will be accessed
> by internet users ?  I just like Django very much and want to accumulate
> more experience from the practice.
> Thanks
> Jen
> --
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Mwaoshe Njemah
Teke Teke
0722 99 19 18 | 0733 66 55 77

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How is best solution for builing chars in django (in admin too)?

2016-06-19 Thread Seti Volkylany
I visit and could not found 
production/stable good solution for Django project.
Who has some expirience builing a real project, please be so kind give me 

Google Charts do not offer (not offline)

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Who than uses for view RSS or Atom?

2016-06-19 Thread Seti Volkylany
Django have a good docs about create RSS or Atom. But no mentions of good 
solution for human-read this RSS(Atom). Give me advise for good  and free 
choice to solve this the problem.

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Re: Recommended courses/materials for Python/Django course...

2016-06-19 Thread Fred Stluka

Thanks for the feedback!

  Fred Stluka -- --
  Bristle Software, Inc -- -- Glad to be of
  Open Source: Without walls and fences, we need no Windows or

On 6/17/16 10:04 AM,

  My 2 cents : 
I have started learning Python and Django from scratch 15 months
ago. I have bought 3 books which were VERY useful :
1) Two scoops of Django (Django 1.8) Daniel & Audrey Roy
GreenFeld : very good introduction to the Django world
2) Django by Example (Antonio Melé) : excellent implementation
of several real-world django projects (code can be dowloaded)
3) Beginning django CMS Nigel George : very good explanation of
how to use Django CMS
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