I am try to conver from numberic to string a result of annotated field 
(created by a annotation).
I am wrote my Func as next:

class ToStr(Func):


    function = 'CAST'
    template = '%(function)s(%(expressions)s as TEXT)'

class ToChar(Func):


    function = 'CAST'
    template = '%(function)s(%(expressions)s as VARCHAR)' 

I have next code for queryset of model:

class SolutionQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
    QuerySet for solutions.

    def solutions_with_scopes(self):
        """Added for each solution new field 'scope' where storage her 

        self = self.annotate(scope=models.Sum(
                models.When(opinions__is_useful=True, then=1),
                models.When(opinions__is_useful=False, then=-1),
        self = self.annotate(scope=models.functions.Coalesce('scope', 0))
        return self

    def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
        """Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
        if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""

        self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
        self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('scope'))
        self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('scope'))
        # self = self.annotate(displayed_scope=models.Case(
        #     models.When(scope__exact=0, then=models.Value('0')),
        #     models.When(scope__lt=0, then=models.Value('-')),
        #     models.When(scope__gt=0, then=models.Value('+')),
        #     output_field=models.CharField(),
        # ))
        return self

This converting working with SlugField and UUIDField, however not with 
IntegerField (created by annotate()):

*Worked with SlugField:*

    def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
        """Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
        if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""

        self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
        self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('slug'))
        self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('slug'))

In [2]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
> 's1')[0]
> Out[2]: {'s': 'how-fix-problem-on-heroku', 's1': 
> 'how-fix-problem-on-heroku'}

*Worked with UUIDField:*

    def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
        """Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
        if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""

        self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
        self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('id'))
        self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('id'))

In [1]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
> 's1')[0]
> Out[1]: 
> {'s': '9f9beadd-be37-4475-9e11-890172987f80',
>  's1': '9f9beadd-be37-4475-9e11-890172987f80'}

*Not worked with IntegerField:*

    def solutions_with_displayed_scopes(self):
        """Convert scope of solution to string and return with sign of 
        if 0 return 0, if 1 return +1, if -1 return -1."""

        self = self.solutions_with_scopes()
        self = self.annotate(s=ToStr('scope'))
        self = self.annotate(s1=ToChar('scope'))

In [1]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
> 's1')[0]
> Out[1]: {'s': -2, 's1': -2}

Must be:

In [1]: Solution.objects.solutions_with_displayed_scopes().values('s', 
> 's1')[0]
> Out[1]: {'s': '-2', 's1': '-2'}

Can anyone explain, why Postgres have this behaivor?

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