Re: Question on creating a contact form app using bootstrap template

2014-08-19 Thread Kim
Thank you for the advice, Collin! 
However, If I have this HTML below, where should I put {{ form.[name] }}?


Send Message

2014年8月19日火曜日 10時42分19秒 UTC+9 Collin Anderson:
> I recommend making the same contact form in django first, then merge the 
> two. Your starter template only makes the form look good, it doesn't 
> provide much functionality.

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Question about email sending with Google Apps

2014-08-19 Thread Chen Xu
Hi Everyone,
I just setup google apps to use gmail with my own domain "", and
I want to use django send_mail to send emails from,
which might be for registration message, something like that. However, when
I create the group in google apps, will not have a
password, but send_mail function requires an authentication. I wonder how
this is usually done.


⚡ Chen Xu ⚡

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Re: Multilingual search with Haystack

2014-08-19 Thread Simon Bächler
It's not that simple. When using a search server you should have a separate 
index per language. Search server are processing text to improve indexing 
such as saving only the stem of a verb or removing plurals. This is highly 
language specific.

The main problem is therefore the schema creation and schema updates for 
each language. It's not that hard to write a router that sends the request 
to the correct index once it is setup.

Am Montag, 18. August 2014 02:26:23 UTC+2 schrieb Collin Anderson:
> Could you simply have a field to record the language, and then filter by 
> that language when searching?

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Re: Problems with "Hello World" Debian Wheezy Django 1.6.5

2014-08-19 Thread Tom Evans
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 3:28 AM, Andrew Koller  wrote:
> I'm having issues getting the dev server to work. After I installed Django,
> and
> $ python -c "import django; prindjango.get_version())"
>> returns 1.6.5
> Then:
> $ python runserver
> returns:
> Validating models...
> 0 errors found
> August 19, 2014 - 02:19:03
> Django version 1.6.5, using settings 'mysite.settings'
> Starting development server at
> Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
> but shows no data in Chrome.
> Thanks for the help

Are the browser and django running on the same computer?



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Re: Question about email sending with Google Apps

2014-08-19 Thread monoBOT
Dont know how thats usually done, i can tell you how we do it.

We have an "out of repository" file where that important data is stored,
like mail passwords, database name, user and pass, django SECRET_KEY, etc...
And in you simply import it

2014-08-19 9:12 GMT+01:00 Chen Xu :

> Hi Everyone,
> I just setup google apps to use gmail with my own domain "",
> and I want to use django send_mail to send emails from,
> which might be for registration message, something like that. However, when
> I create the group in google apps, will not have a
> password, but send_mail function requires an authentication. I wonder how
> this is usually done.
> Thanks
> --
> ⚡ Chen Xu ⚡
> --
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Re: cms web buyilding

2014-08-19 Thread Amirouche Boubekki
2014-08-18 10:00 GMT+02:00 ngangsia akumbo :

> then if drupal , jomlam has what django has then why are u building app
> with django, that requires much coding?

That's the point, django admin and a good "plugin" flora (called «django
applications» in Django noosphère) you don't need to code much to build
very different kind of apps. Whereas if you start with a CMS (even a Django
CMS) you will have to follow the path of the CMS
which might be good to learn or to prototype an application but isn't
always the best solution as a software developer.

I think there is a difference between the old days «webmaster» and today
«developer». Not all «webmaster» became «developer». The people you are
describing «tweaking a CMS» looks more like a «webmaster» than a

A developer must be able to write any kind of app, not only Content
Management Systems, but also applications like twitter, facebook, GNU
MediaGoblin, a plugin system inside it's own project etc... but also take
one week to read all the documentation *and code* of a given framework.

I'm pretty sure that if you do a comparison of django CMS and PHP CMS in
the wild, you would find that they are much more PHP CMS than Django CMS
normalized to the number of developpers. This is not because Django or
Python is not popular (since it is normalized to the number of
developpers), but because Python people prefer to build their own
application and take advantage of other Django applications instead of
«hijacking» a CMS.

I'm not saying that webmaster don't help the craft, I say that they have
different skills and do different jobs.

> On Saturday, August 16, 2014 10:01:02 PM UTC+1, Amirouche Boubekki wrote:
>> Reading my answer on a desktop computer, doesn't inspire me much. So I
>> rewrite here... Sorry for the triple post...
>> 2014-08-16 18:59 GMT+02:00 :
>>> À Sat Aug 16 2014 12:04:20 GMT+0200 (CEST), ngangsia akumbo a écrit :
>>> > I was having an argument about learning how to code from scratch and
>>> using
>>> > content management systems like joomla, dupal to build websites.
>> I sum up this as:
>> > Learn a language by building something on top a CMS like joomla, drupal
>> or django cms, amstrong...
>> - This is one way maybe one of the best way. It's among the few
>> recommendation I remember from university [1], it was basically was «get
>> pixels in the browser quickly». Doing TDD would be best. This is the idea
>> behind dynamic languages and their REPL.
>> [1] another one is «WTF is NP & P. What matters are numbers!»
>> - It is basically a copy/pasting code from cookbook and making them do
>> the right thing cf. that's how I build my
>> first enduser application (somekind of a social network) ten years ago in
>> with PHP and mysql, way before any kind of computer science curriculum or
>> webmaster course.
>> - The good thing is that you have clear entry point to modify the
>> behavior of the vanilla application. Those entry points are higher level:
>> «add an item to the menu», «add item into the overview div»...  When you
>> start from scratch with only a framework you might stare blankly into an
>> elite IDE without much inspiration, because you can start from many places:
>> views, models, templates and how they interact make the number of possible
>> application manyfolds. Most of the time I start with models, then create
>> html mockup pages then glue them together with views.
>> - You can get lost about what kind of application you can do, since you
>> can do much more with a framework with the same coding level.
>> Only downside is that with a framework you start with a lot of code to
>> read «ark! there is an infinite recursion somewhere!», but this will help
>> later. I understand more quickly code than dozens of examples use of some
>> class.
>> A ready made CMS, can also be used to do «gunshot coding» which basicly
>> boils down to turn working code to crap code and getting back a new code
>> that does something you want to do. Can also be understood as «copy & paste
>> then fix it»
>>> >
>>> > This guy was telling they can make any web application using Joomla
>>> the the
>>> > other cms out there.
>>> > He does not need to learn coding.
>> Yes. Most of my early application that me and my friend were using were
>> just hacks of SPIP (ready made CMS for hacks) or wordpress, phpbb,
>> dotclear...
>>> > so if that was possible why do people still learn how to code from
>>> scratch?
>> Performance and *sustainability. *Depending on what you do, you might
>> not need to learn to code. How many stories I ear by friends and family of
>> the kevin next door getting dozen bucks a month for installing and
>> configuring one of the other of the
>> *ready made solutions. *
>> Usually, python people are not interested by performance, but are glad to
>> have a perfect backend that can serve multiple devices with the same code.

Updating database object after a Signal is not working

2014-08-19 Thread Martin Spasov

So i am using django-paypal for a simple eCommerce website and my goal is 
to change the IPN's buyer fields to match the logged in user's registration 
info after a signal is received from paypal. Now I am almost there but 
there is something thats escaping me ... Here is the code

def view_signal(sender, **kwargs):
ipn_obj = sender
order = PayPalIPN.objects.get(txn_id=ipn_obj.txn_id) #getting the database 
user = Profile.objects.get(user=User.objects.get(username=ipn_obj.custom))  
#getting the user object(when i send the info i send it with the custom field 
equal to the current user's username)
order.address_country = #trying to change 1 field
print order.address_country #It prints out correctly which makes me think 
everything is OK.


Later when i check the field in the admin page it's still empty it hasn't 
change why is that?

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Re: Question on creating a contact form app using bootstrap template

2014-08-19 Thread Martin Spasov
Maybe you could copy the classes and id's from the template and put them in 
your form like this :

class  SomeForm(forms.Form):
name=forms.CharField(attrs={'class':'form-control', 'id':'name'})
class name thats on the templates form for the text input'})

And then pass the SomeForm to the view as some context variable, for 
example 'form'.
In your template :

   {%for field in form%}
   {{field.label}} {{field}}
Send Message

This is just advice from beginner to beginner and if there is an easier way 
please correct me! If you choose this way Kim and you don't understand 
something please ask!

On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 9:36:55 AM UTC+2, Kim wrote:
> Thank you for the advice, Collin! 
> However, If I have this HTML below, where should I put {{ form.[name] }}?
>   novalidate>
>  class="form-control" placeholder="Your Name *" id="name" required 
> data-validation-required-message="Please enter your name.">
> Send Message
> 2014年8月19日火曜日 10時42分19秒 UTC+9 Collin Anderson:
>> I recommend making the same contact form in django first, then merge the 
>> two. Your starter template only makes the form look good, it doesn't 
>> provide much functionality.

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Re: cms web buyilding

2014-08-19 Thread Tom Evans
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 9:00 AM, ngangsia akumbo  wrote:
> then if drupal , jomlam has what django has then why are u building app with
> django, that requires much coding?

Drupal and Joomla are CMS applications. They allow you to build Drupal
and Joomla CMS apps. They are all very similar and do similar things.
If you want to do something that they cannot do, it is difficult
because everything you have to do must be done in the way that Drupal
or Joomla say you must do things.

So CMS applications allow you to easily build CMS applications, but
make it difficult to build non CMS applications.

Django is a library for doing things with web requests, including
generating HTML. It can do anything you want with web requests. It
does not become more difficult to utilise django when the project is
more complex.

When you hire someone who is good at building CMS applications, you
are hiring someone who will be very good at building a simple CMS, but
will struggle if you want to do something complex, bespoke or just
"not CMS-like".

When you hire someone who is good at building Django projects, you are
hiring someone who can build whatever it is you can think of.

If you are thinking about which skill set it is worth learning, the
same applies. Learning Django well will make you a more competent and
useful developer than learning how to operate a specific CMS platform.

On the other hand, many people make a good living by selling their CMS
skills to people who don't know better*.



* If this seems derogatory, you should see the paragraph I deleted..

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Re: Question about email sending with Google Apps

2014-08-19 Thread Mario Gudelj
Every email account will have a username and password. Unless it's an
alias, in which case you can't use it. Sounds like you've set up an alias
here. You can still use it as a from email address, but can't use it to
authenticate with smtp
On 19/08/2014 6:13 pm, "Chen Xu"  wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I just setup google apps to use gmail with my own domain "",
> and I want to use django send_mail to send emails from,
> which might be for registration message, something like that. However, when
> I create the group in google apps, will not have a
> password, but send_mail function requires an authentication. I wonder how
> this is usually done.
> Thanks
> --
> ⚡ Chen Xu ⚡
> --
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Re: Question about email sending with Google Apps

2014-08-19 Thread Chen Xu
So does that mean when I see my registration confirmation email sent from or, they literally created the
 user no-reply or support for the type of purpose?


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Mario Gudelj 

> Every email account will have a username and password. Unless it's an
> alias, in which case you can't use it. Sounds like you've set up an alias
> here. You can still use it as a from email address, but can't use it to
> authenticate with smtp
> On 19/08/2014 6:13 pm, "Chen Xu"  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I just setup google apps to use gmail with my own domain "",
>> and I want to use django send_mail to send emails from
>>, which might be for registration message, something
>> like that. However, when I create the group in google apps,
>> will not have a password, but send_mail function
>> requires an authentication. I wonder how this is usually done.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> ⚡ Chen Xu ⚡
>> --
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>  --
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⚡ Chen Xu ⚡

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Re: Question about email sending with Google Apps

2014-08-19 Thread Mario Gudelj
Most likely. In a lot of cases someone will be scaning those even if it's a
no-reply address. At least that's been a case in companies I worked for,
but it depends how big you are and how much you like your customers. You
simply forward the mail to one or more people and filter it as it cook need
in them look over it occasionally
On 19/08/2014 8:42 pm, "Chen Xu"  wrote:

> So does that mean when I see my registration confirmation email sent from
> or, they literally created the
>  user no-reply or support for the type of purpose?
> Thanks
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Mario Gudelj 
> wrote:
>> Every email account will have a username and password. Unless it's an
>> alias, in which case you can't use it. Sounds like you've set up an alias
>> here. You can still use it as a from email address, but can't use it to
>> authenticate with smtp
>> On 19/08/2014 6:13 pm, "Chen Xu"  wrote:
>>>  Hi Everyone,
>>> I just setup google apps to use gmail with my own domain "",
>>> and I want to use django send_mail to send emails from
>>>, which might be for registration message, something
>>> like that. However, when I create the group in google apps,
>>> will not have a password, but send_mail function
>>> requires an authentication. I wonder how this is usually done.
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> ⚡ Chen Xu ⚡
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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>>> an email to
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>>> .
>>> For more options, visit
>>  --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Django users" group.
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>> email to
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> --
> ⚡ Chen Xu ⚡
> --
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Re: Question on creating a contact form app using bootstrap template

2014-08-19 Thread Mario Gudelj
Some other options:

- Install and use {{
form|as_bootstrap }}. See the docs for more options.

- Crispy Forms is
amazing BTW (by the way)

- Render your labels with {{form.field_name.label}} and fields with
{{form.field_name}} and errors with {{form.field_name.errors}} inside that
boostrap markup. You'll have to do this individually for every field
though. As for the attributes, such as placeholder, classes and data
attributes, you have to pass the to the widget class inside attr={}



On 19 August 2014 20:15, Martin Spasov  wrote:

> Maybe you could copy the classes and id's from the template and put them
> in your form like this :
> class  SomeForm(forms.Form):
> name=forms.CharField(attrs={'class':'form-control', 'id':'name'})
> message=forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'the
> class name thats on the templates form for the text input'})
> And then pass the SomeForm to the view as some context variable, for
> example 'form'.
> In your template :
>   novalidate>
>{%for field in form%}
>{{field.label}} {{field}}
> Send Message
> This is just advice from beginner to beginner and if there is an easier
> way please correct me! If you choose this way Kim and you don't understand
> something please ask!
> On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 9:36:55 AM UTC+2, Kim wrote:
>> Thank you for the advice, Collin!
>> However, If I have this HTML below, where should I put {{ form.[name] }}?
>>  > novalidate>
>> > class="form-control" placeholder="Your Name *" id="name" required
>> data-validation-required-message="Please enter your name.">
>> Send Message
>> 2014年8月19日火曜日 10時42分19秒 UTC+9 Collin Anderson:
>>> I recommend making the same contact form in django first, then merge the
>>> two. Your starter template only makes the form look good, it doesn't
>>> provide much functionality.
>>  --
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Python/Django Developer |For Hire| - 40 hours/week

2014-08-19 Thread Subhish Nair
*I am Subhish Nair, BDE of SparkSupport Infotech Pvt Ltd.*

*About Us :Sparksupport* is an agile organization with an impeccable record
for deploying and managing end-to-end IT services for more than 8 years.
Being pioneers in Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) and web-based
application development, we have helped SME's to leverage their business by
making use of prompt and viable IT solutions. Leveraging our strong
expertise will allow you to focus on your core business while we ensure the
quality of your IT solutions & operations.

We provide a broad spectrum of IT services that focus on cost effectiveness
and strategic delivery. Our solutions address your unique business needs,
allowing you to quickly implement scale as your business grows and
technology evolves.

*Our Services:*
1. IT Infrastructure Management

2. Cloud Computing Solutions

3. Software Development (PHP,Python,Perl)

4. Live Streaming Services

5. Email Delivery Support

6. Remote Dedicated Staffing

*The link to our Portfolio's is as

*Our Skillset:*

Python: Scripting, debugging, PEP 8 standards, usage of 3rd party packages

Django: Web development, API coding, Amazon s3 integration, Migration
tool(South), Pluggable application, Celery(Asynchronous),Social
Authentication(Facebook, Twitter)

Javascript: Jquery, ajax, plugins, mootools

Others: Redis and Beanstalkd(message broker), Version control system(git,
mercurial), elasticsearch, Server sent events, css, less, Bootstrap,
Apache, Gunicorn, jquery mobile

Good knowledge in Amazon AWS also.

 *Please see the short brief of some sample projects we have done:*


A medical project doing realtime chat between doctors, patients and care
circle of patient. Framework used is Django, database is mysql. Other
technology used are redis as message channel, javascript for
realtime server communication, celery for saving chat to database, sphinx
search for full text search of previous chat. Includes api's for mobile app
for the same. Hosted using gunicorn webserver. Mobile and tablet app using
appcelerator. The styling of the website is done using Bootstrap. Front end
javascripts are using jQuery.


A movie making and socializing portal for the android and ios app
HighlightCam. Using REST api used for android and ios app. Framework used
is Django. Uploading media files to amazon s3 using python boto library.
Other technology used are celery and beanstalkd. Hosted in AWS using apache
and nginx. Front end javascripts are using jQuery.


dealsnapt™ is the leading product in the US market for mobile smartphone
users that are looking for the best local deals. The api controlling entire
dealsnapt operations is developed using python/django. The database used is
posgresql and postgis is used for handing spatial data. Used sqlalchemy
along with django ORM to handle database operations. Migration tool used
for this is alembic. Payment gateway used is Stripe. Android/iOS push
notification sending is also implemeted in this api. The project hosted
using ngnix.

Data Mining

Project handles crawling through online shopping sites to scrap active
deals. Crawling initialization is done in every 6 hours. Spiders are
written using python framework Scrapy. Django is used to serve the website.
Site is hosted in AWS with apache.

*If you are interested,please schedule an interview/discussion with my team
over Skype/Phone. *


Warm Regards,  Subhish N
Business Development Executive

*Email :|   Skype
:  spark.subhish India Phone: +91-9567091666 | US Phone : +14086001449*

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Looking for an email-based tutor

2014-08-19 Thread study . email . tokyo
Hi Python/Django developers,

I’ve been learning python/django for some weeks now and now I’d like to 
look for a tutor to ask questions via emails. 

Here is the study that I’ve been doing. 
1) Using Udemy and Udacity to improve my coding skills
2) My first project is simple EC site (My questions will mostly be from 
3) I’m thinking monthly fixed payment. $50 - $200 per months (negotiable)

Required skills
- Python/Django developers
- ECommerce development using Bootstrap, integration experiences 
(if you don’t know webpay, it’s pretty similar to Stripe) are preferred

If you are interested, please feel free to send me an email.

Looking forward to hearing from you:)

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django-cms apphook urls don't work with reverse() using Python shell

2014-08-19 Thread Philipp
Hi everyone,

I've created a django CMS apphook. Unfortunately I'm not able to reverse 
apphook urls using the Python shell.

The file looks like:

class ArticleApp (CMSApp):
name = _('Article App')
app_name = 'article_app'
urls = ['article.urls']


This is my file:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^(?P[\w\-]+)?', ArticleView.as_view(), name=

The template file is:

{% url 'article_app:article-by-slug' article.slug %}

URL reversing inside the template performs like expected. If I try to do 
the same using the Python shell I receive an error message:

>>> from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
>>> from article.models import Article
>>> a = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> reverse('article_app:article-by-slug', kwargs={'slug': a.slug})
# Reverse for 'article_app:article-by-slug' with arguments '()' and keyword 
arguments '{'slug': 'this-is-article-1'}' not found.

Additional urls defined in the main work like expected from inside 
the shell. Only apphook urls don't work.

Any suggestions? I appreciate your help!

Thank you!

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Re: django-cms apphook urls don't work with reverse() using Python shell

2014-08-19 Thread Ramiro Morales
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Philipp  wrote:
> [...]
> This is my file:
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
> url(r'^(?P[\w\-]+)?', ArticleView.as_view(),
> name='article-by-slug'),
> )
> [...]
 reverse('article_app:article-by-slug', kwargs={'slug': a.slug})

Try with::

reverse('article_app:article-by-slug', args=[a.slug])

> # Reverse for 'article_app:article-by-slug' with arguments '()' and keyword
> arguments '{'slug': 'this-is-article-1'}' not found.


Ramiro Morales

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Re: Looking for an email-based tutor

2014-08-19 Thread Sergiy Khohlov
Hello Study,

 It will be nice to have a list of the question.  Could you please to tell
about goal of the your  learning ?

Many thanks,


+380 636150445
skype: skhohlov

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 9:39 AM,  wrote:

> Hi Python/Django developers,
> I've been learning python/django for some weeks now and now I'd like to
> look for a tutor to ask questions via emails.
> Here is the study that I've been doing.
> 1) Using Udemy and Udacity to improve my coding skills
> 2) My first project is simple EC site (My questions will mostly be from
> this)
> 3) I'm thinking monthly fixed payment. $50 - $200 per months (negotiable)
> Required skills
> - Python/Django developers
> - ECommerce development using Bootstrap, integration experiences
> (if you don't know webpay, it's pretty similar to Stripe) are preferred
> If you are interested, please feel free to send me an email.
> Looking forward to hearing from you:)
>  --
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> "Django users" group.
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Re: Python/Django Developer |For Hire| - 40 hours/week

2014-08-19 Thread Tiago de Souza Moraes

this is a remote work?


On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 8:02:40 AM UTC-3, Subhish Nair wrote:
> *Hi,*
> *I am Subhish Nair, BDE of SparkSupport Infotech Pvt Ltd.*
> *About Us :Sparksupport* is an agile organization with an impeccable 
> record for deploying and managing end-to-end IT services for more than 8 
> years. Being pioneers in Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) and 
> web-based application development, we have helped SME's to leverage their 
> business by making use of prompt and viable IT solutions. Leveraging our 
> strong expertise will allow you to focus on your core business while we 
> ensure the quality of your IT solutions & operations. 
> We provide a broad spectrum of IT services that focus on cost 
> effectiveness and strategic delivery. Our solutions address your unique 
> business needs, allowing you to quickly implement scale as your business 
> grows and technology evolves.
> *Our Services:*
> 1. IT Infrastructure Management
> 2. Cloud Computing Solutions
> 3. Software Development (PHP,Python,Perl)
> 4. Live Streaming Services
> 5. Email Delivery Support
> 6. Remote Dedicated Staffing
> *The link to our Portfolio's is as 
> below: 
>  *
> *Our Skillset:*
> Python: Scripting, debugging, PEP 8 standards, usage of 3rd party packages
> Django: Web development, API coding, Amazon s3 integration, Migration 
> tool(South), Pluggable application, Celery(Asynchronous),Social 
> Authentication(Facebook, Twitter)
> Javascript: Jquery, ajax, plugins, mootools
> Others: Redis and Beanstalkd(message broker), Version control system(git, 
> mercurial), elasticsearch, Server sent events, css, less, Bootstrap, 
> Apache, Gunicorn, jquery mobile
> Good knowledge in Amazon AWS also.
>  *Please see the short brief of some sample projects we have done:*
> HealthChatLink
> A medical project doing realtime chat between doctors, patients and care 
> circle of patient. Framework used is Django, database is mysql. Other 
> technology used are redis as message channel, javascript for 
> realtime server communication, celery for saving chat to database, sphinx 
> search for full text search of previous chat. Includes api's for mobile app 
> for the same. Hosted using gunicorn webserver. Mobile and tablet app using 
> appcelerator. The styling of the website is done using Bootstrap. Front end 
> javascripts are using jQuery.
> Highlightcam
> A movie making and socializing portal for the android and ios app 
> HighlightCam. Using REST api used for android and ios app. Framework used 
> is Django. Uploading media files to amazon s3 using python boto library. 
> Other technology used are celery and beanstalkd. Hosted in AWS using apache 
> and nginx. Front end javascripts are using jQuery.
> DealSnapt
> dealsnapt™ is the leading product in the US market for mobile smartphone 
> users that are looking for the best local deals. The api controlling entire 
> dealsnapt operations is developed using python/django. The database used 
> is posgresql and postgis is used for handing spatial data. Used sqlalchemy 
> along with django ORM to handle database operations. Migration tool used 
> for this is alembic. Payment gateway used is Stripe. Android/iOS push 
> notification sending is also implemeted in this api. The project hosted 
> using ngnix.
> Data Mining
> Project handles crawling through online shopping sites to scrap active 
> deals. Crawling initialization is done in every 6 hours. Spiders are 
> written using python framework Scrapy. Django is used to serve the 
> website. Site is hosted in AWS with apache.
> *If you are interested,please schedule an interview/discussion with my 
> team over Skype/Phone. *
> *Thanks,*
> Warm Regards,  Subhish N
> Business Development Executive 
> *Email :|   Skype :  
> spark.subhish India Phone: +91-9567091666 | US Phone : +14086001449*  

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Re: Looking for an email-based tutor

2014-08-19 Thread Erwin Sprengers

Why would you use in combination with Django for EC ? I don't 
have any experience with this Webpay.ip but django has excellent apps such 
as django-oscar for EC.  Why not using these apps, django-oscar is for 
instance very flexible and versatile (and is using already bootstrap) ?

Op dinsdag 19 augustus 2014 08:39:14 UTC+2 schreef
> Hi Python/Django developers,
> I’ve been learning python/django for some weeks now and now I’d like to 
> look for a tutor to ask questions via emails. 
> Here is the study that I’ve been doing. 
> 1) Using Udemy and Udacity to improve my coding skills
> 2) My first project is simple EC site (My questions will mostly be from 
> this)
> 3) I’m thinking monthly fixed payment. $50 - $200 per months (negotiable)
> Required skills
> - Python/Django developers
> - ECommerce development using Bootstrap, integration experiences 
> (if you don’t know webpay, it’s pretty similar to Stripe) are preferred
> If you are interested, please feel free to send me an email.
> Looking forward to hearing from you:)

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Problems with time field in mysql

2014-08-19 Thread Andreas Kuhne
Hi all,

I am having a problem with a time field in my mysql database. I can add
values to the database, but when I try to read the values, I get the
following error:
Failed converting row to Python types; can't use a string pattern on a
bytes-like object (field start_time)

The database model looks like this:
class AvailableTimeSetting(models.Model):
(0, _('Monday')),
(1, _('Tuesday')),
(2, _('Wednesday')),
(3, _('Thursday')),
(4, _('Friday')),
(5, _('Saturday')),
(6, _('Sunday')),
store = models.ForeignKey('store.RetailStore')
weekday = models.IntegerField(_('Week day'),
start_time = models.TimeField(_('Start time'))
end_time = models.TimeField(_('End time'))
max_parallel_bookings = models.IntegerField()

class Meta:
app_label = 'timebooking'
verbose_name = 'Available time setting'
verbose_name_plural = 'Available time settings'

def __repr__(self):
return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__str__())

def __str__(self):
return "%s %s-%s %d" % (self.weekday, self.start_time,
self.end_time, self.max_parallel_bookings)

And the problem is on the start_time field. I see that the fields get saved
correctly in the database. However as soon as I try to get an object I get
the error.

I am using mysql-connector-python version 1.2.2, and Python 3.4 in a django
1.6.4 project.



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Re: Looking for an email-based tutor

2014-08-19 Thread Martin Spasov
Hello study!

My name is Martin and like you I am beginner. I am certainly not qualified 
to apply for this but would love to share what i know and to have some1 to 
comunicate with thats around  my level of knowledge (i am currently 
building an commerce website as well). So is my 
mail, hit me up if you have interest. I repeat i don't want your money, 
just a beginner buddy to cooperate with!

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Re: Problems with time field in mysql

2014-08-19 Thread Sergiy Khohlov
which one error ?

 Look like error is related to  __str__ function  but I'm not sure (I'm
using python 2.7 )

Many thanks,


+380 636150445
skype: skhohlov

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:09 PM, Andreas Kuhne 

> Hi all,
> I am having a problem with a time field in my mysql database. I can add
> values to the database, but when I try to read the values, I get the
> following error:
> Failed converting row to Python types; can't use a string pattern on a
> bytes-like object (field start_time)
> The database model looks like this:
> class AvailableTimeSetting(models.Model):
> (0, _('Monday')),
> (1, _('Tuesday')),
> (2, _('Wednesday')),
> (3, _('Thursday')),
> (4, _('Friday')),
> (5, _('Saturday')),
> (6, _('Sunday')),
> )
> store = models.ForeignKey('store.RetailStore')
> weekday = models.IntegerField(_('Week day'),
>   max_length=1,
> start_time = models.TimeField(_('Start time'))
> end_time = models.TimeField(_('End time'))
> max_parallel_bookings = models.IntegerField()
> class Meta:
> app_label = 'timebooking'
> verbose_name = 'Available time setting'
> verbose_name_plural = 'Available time settings'
> def __repr__(self):
> return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__str__())
> def __str__(self):
> return "%s %s-%s %d" % (self.weekday, self.start_time,
> self.end_time, self.max_parallel_bookings)
> And the problem is on the start_time field. I see that the fields get
> saved correctly in the database. However as soon as I try to get an object
> I get the error.
> I am using mysql-connector-python version 1.2.2, and Python 3.4 in a
> django 1.6.4 project.
> Regards,
> Andréas
> --
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Re: Problems with time field in mysql

2014-08-19 Thread Andreas Kuhne
Thanks Sergly,

However, the problem is already when I try and get the object from the
database. I know that it is the conversion from mysql to python that is the

This is the error message I get:
Failed converting row to Python types; can't use a string pattern on a
bytes-like object (field start_time)

And it appears in mysql/connector/ in _row_to_python on row 394.



2014-08-19 17:24 GMT+02:00 Sergiy Khohlov :

> which one error ?
>  Look like error is related to  __str__ function  but I'm not sure (I'm
> using python 2.7 )
> Many thanks,
> Serge
> +380 636150445
> skype: skhohlov
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:09 PM, Andreas Kuhne  > wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am having a problem with a time field in my mysql database. I can add
>> values to the database, but when I try to read the values, I get the
>> following error:
>> Failed converting row to Python types; can't use a string pattern on a
>> bytes-like object (field start_time)
>> The database model looks like this:
>> class AvailableTimeSetting(models.Model):
>> (0, _('Monday')),
>> (1, _('Tuesday')),
>> (2, _('Wednesday')),
>> (3, _('Thursday')),
>> (4, _('Friday')),
>> (5, _('Saturday')),
>> (6, _('Sunday')),
>> )
>> store = models.ForeignKey('store.RetailStore')
>> weekday = models.IntegerField(_('Week day'),
>>   max_length=1,
>>   choices=SETTINGS_CHOICES)
>> start_time = models.TimeField(_('Start time'))
>> end_time = models.TimeField(_('End time'))
>> max_parallel_bookings = models.IntegerField()
>> class Meta:
>> app_label = 'timebooking'
>> verbose_name = 'Available time setting'
>> verbose_name_plural = 'Available time settings'
>> def __repr__(self):
>> return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__str__())
>> def __str__(self):
>> return "%s %s-%s %d" % (self.weekday, self.start_time,
>> self.end_time, self.max_parallel_bookings)
>> And the problem is on the start_time field. I see that the fields get
>> saved correctly in the database. However as soon as I try to get an object
>> I get the error.
>> I am using mysql-connector-python version 1.2.2, and Python 3.4 in a
>> django 1.6.4 project.
>> Regards,
>> Andréas
>> --
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>> "Django users" group.
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>> email to
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>> Visit this group at
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>> .
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>  --
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Re: Problems with "Hello World" Debian Wheezy Django 1.6.5

2014-08-19 Thread Andrew Koller
Yes they are. 

On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 2:13:18 AM UTC-7, Tom Evans wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 3:28 AM, Andrew Koller  > wrote: 
> > I'm having issues getting the dev server to work. After I installed 
> Django, 
> > and 
> > 
> > $ python -c "import django; prindjango.get_version())" 
> >> 
> >> returns 1.6.5 
> > 
> > Then: 
> > 
> > $ python runserver 
> > 
> > returns: 
> > 
> > Validating models... 
> > 0 errors found 
> > August 19, 2014 - 02:19:03 
> > Django version 1.6.5, using settings 'mysite.settings' 
> > Starting development server at 
> > Quit the server with CONTROL-C. 
> > 
> > but shows no data in Chrome. 
> > 
> > Thanks for the help 
> > 
> Are the browser and django running on the same computer? 
> Cheers 
> Tom 

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Re: Problems with "Hello World" Debian Wheezy Django 1.6.5

2014-08-19 Thread Andrew Koller
Yes they are on the same computer and no, I don't get any additional output 
to the console. I know that something is sort of working because the chrome 
error message changes from "This webpage is not available" to "No data 
received" on

On Monday, August 18, 2014 7:28:12 PM UTC-7, Andrew Koller wrote:
> I'm having issues getting the dev server to work. After I installed 
> Django, and 
> $ python -c "import django; prindjango.get_version())"
>> returns 1.6.5
> Then:
> $ python runserver
> returns: 
> Validating models...
> 0 errors found
> August 19, 2014 - 02:19:03
> Django version 1.6.5, using settings 'mysite.settings'
> Starting development server at
> Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
> but shows no data in Chrome. 
> Thanks for the help 

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Re: Problems with "Hello World" Debian Wheezy Django 1.6.5

2014-08-19 Thread Andrew Koller
Thanks for your help, but I get the same result.

On Monday, August 18, 2014 11:37:25 PM UTC-7, Sergiy Khohlov wrote:
> also try 
>  python runserver
> Many thanks,
> Serge
> +380 636150445
> skype: skhohlov
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Aaron C. de Bruyn  > wrote:
>> After trying to load the page in Chrome, do you see any output in the 
>> 'runserver' window?
>> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Andrew Koller > > wrote:
>>> I'm having issues getting the dev server to work. After I installed 
>>> Django, and 
>>> $ python -c "import django; prindjango.get_version())"
 returns 1.6.5
>>> Then:
>>> $ python runserver
>>> returns: 
>>> Validating models...
>>> 0 errors found
>>> August 19, 2014 - 02:19:03
>>> Django version 1.6.5, using settings 'mysite.settings'
>>> Starting development server at
>>> Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
>>> but shows no data in Chrome. 
>>> Thanks for the help 
>>>  -- 
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>>> an email to .
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>>  -- 
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>> "Django users" group.
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>> email to .
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>> .
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Re: Push like notifications app

2014-08-19 Thread Guy Bowden
Thanks for that.

I guess with these two examples they're building blocks to build an admin 
announcements service rather than a complete app itself - we'd still create 
the 'annoucement' app containing the message, expiry, 'who to' and so on - 
and these apps would handle the distribution.

I admit to glossing over the 'django-notifications' app having previously 
used 'django-notification' - which is completely different!


On Sunday, 17 August 2014 16:57:04 UTC+2, Cal Leeming [] wrote:
> That was strange, my email decided to send as I was typing the rest of my 
> reply :X See in-line again.
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Cal Leeming []  > wrote:
>> Cal
>> On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 1:07 PM, Guy Bowden > > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm looking for an app that will allow me to 'push' 
>>> notifications/messages to a user / users / groups via the admin system.
> These might be useful;
> It's also worth mentioning that I found that by searching for "django 
> notifications" in Google, did you already check these out?
>>> examples:
>>> show all users a notice about a new feature
>>> show users a notice about planned maintenance
>>> and other such useful things!
>>> it would be able to have a 'dismiss'/'delete' notification feature. Plus 
>>> read/unread and so on.
>>> Admin would enter the admin site, add in a new notice, select who should 
>>> see it, perhaps with optional publish / unpublish dates and a level 
>>> (info/warning/danger etc)
>>> On the front end a templatetag would be used to fetch all notices to 
>>> display, and then display them, marking them as read when they're 
>>> displayed. There would be a simple way to dismiss a message and never see 
>>> it again.
>>> Anything like that exist? Seems fairly simple to create (don't they 
>>> all!) if not.
>> Really depends on your use case.
>> If you're talking about less than 100k notifications in the life time of 
>> the application, and a throughput of under 10 reqs/sec, then you might get 
>> away with storing in your relational DB.
>> However if you're looking for a high throughput messaging system, 
>> multiple delivery channels, or large amounts of notifications, then you'd 
>> probably want to look into using something like Redis (or RabbitMQ), or 
>> perhaps *insert NoSQL technology here*.
>>> Cheers
>>> Guy 
>>> -- 
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>>> Groups "Django users" group.
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>>> an email to .
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>>> .
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Re: Problems with "Hello World" Debian Wheezy Django 1.6.5

2014-08-19 Thread Tom Evans
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Andrew Koller  wrote:
> Yes they are on the same computer and no, I don't get any additional output
> to the console. I know that something is sort of working because the chrome
> error message changes from "This webpage is not available" to "No data
> received" on

>From another console on the same machine:

telnet 8000

If it then says "Connected to localhost." type this in and hit return
twice afterwards

GET / HTTP/1.1

Alternatively, if you have curl installed:

curl -I

Show the full output of either command please.



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Re: Problems with "Hello World" Debian Wheezy Django 1.6.5

2014-08-19 Thread Andrew Koller

curl: (52) Empty reply from server

On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 9:21:34 AM UTC-7, Tom Evans wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Andrew Koller  > wrote: 
> > Yes they are on the same computer and no, I don't get any additional 
> output 
> > to the console. I know that something is sort of working because the 
> chrome 
> > error message changes from "This webpage is not available" to "No data 
> > received" on 
> > 
> From another console on the same machine: 
> telnet 8000 
> If it then says "Connected to localhost." type this in and hit return 
> twice afterwards 
> GET / HTTP/1.1 
> Host: 
> Alternatively, if you have curl installed: 
> curl -I 
> Show the full output of either command please. 
> Cheers 
> Tom 

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Re: Problems with "Hello World" Debian Wheezy Django 1.6.5

2014-08-19 Thread Tom Evans
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Andrew Koller  wrote:
> curl: (52) Empty reply from server

You have a firewall or some other security mechanism stopping communication?

Please verify that the django server is running and listening on the
port we assume it to be:

netstat -lpn | grep 8000



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Re: Authenticating against django auth db from apache

2014-08-19 Thread Héctor Urbina
Hello Collin,

Yes, commenting out the check_password line fixes the problem. On settings, 
I'm importing User from django.contrib.auth.models. I discovered that 
commenting out that stops the ImportError. However, the authentication 
doesn't happen when I visit my secret location. Apache simply shows its 
content. I followed the cited guide closely, here is the relevant part of 
my apache configuration:

LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
LoadModule wsgi_module modules/

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

Alias /dav /srv/http/dav

  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Top Secret"
  Require valid-user
  AuthBasicProvider wsgi
  WSGIAuthUserScript /path/to/django/project/

I understand that, when hitting http://localhost/dav/, my django's project 
credentials should be asked by the page. What can be happeing?


On Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:22:27 PM UTC-4, Collin Anderson wrote:
> Does commenting out the check_password line in actually fix the 
> problem? Are you importing "auth" somewhere in your settings?

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Re: Authenticating against django auth db from apache

2014-08-19 Thread Héctor Urbina
I deleted my browser's cache and it worked!. I just thought that closing my 
session on the django project's page would also close my session on this 


On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:49:07 PM UTC-4, Héctor Urbina wrote:
> Hello Collin,
> Yes, commenting out the check_password line fixes the problem. On 
> settings, I'm importing User from django.contrib.auth.models. I discovered 
> that commenting out that stops the ImportError. However, the authentication 
> doesn't happen when I visit my secret location. Apache simply shows its 
> content. I followed the cited guide closely, here is the relevant part of 
> my apache configuration:
> ###
> LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
> LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
> LoadModule wsgi_module modules/
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
> AllowOverride None
> Require all granted
> Alias /dav /srv/http/dav
>   AuthType Basic
>   AuthName "Top Secret"
>   Require valid-user
>   AuthBasicProvider wsgi
>   WSGIAuthUserScript /path/to/django/project/
> I understand that, when hitting http://localhost/dav/, my django's 
> project credentials should be asked by the page. What can be happeing?
> Thanks,
> H.
> On Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:22:27 PM UTC-4, Collin Anderson wrote:
>> Does commenting out the check_password line in actually fix the 
>> problem? Are you importing "auth" somewhere in your settings?

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Re: Sending email using EmailMultiAlternatives where from_email contains comma

2014-08-19 Thread Chen Xu
If I create a user for no-reply, is there a way to make the reply "Delivery
Failure" if people try to ?

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:45 PM, Russell Keith-Magee <> wrote:

> Hi Erol,
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Erol Merdanović 
> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I'm using EmailMultiAlternatives to send email. I defined from_email as
>> Mike 
>> and it works great. But, if I try to send with
>> Mike, CEO 
>> I get an error that Mike is not valid email. How to correctly send email
>> which contains comma in sender?
> Have you tried putting quotes around the name?
> "Mike, CEO" 
> In my testing, that works, and would be consistent with RFC2822 name
> parsing, AFAIK.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
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⚡ Chen Xu ⚡

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Caching some application data in memcache v/s in django process itself

2014-08-19 Thread Subodh Nijsure

I have application that servers time-series data for 10+ units. This
data can get big  and I don't want to retrieve 5-6MB worth of data
from cassandra and serve it out as JSON to the client.

I want to maintain cache of this time series data. I had horrible
thought of just storing this data in local python dictionary instead
of doing something exotic like memcach server.

What are the plus/minus of just storing this cache in process running
django? Of course this doesn't scale well for 1000+ units..


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Re: Question about email sending with Google Apps

2014-08-19 Thread Chen Xu
I think  my expected behavior of an no-reply email is a "Delivery Failure"
when people try to reply. Can google apps do it if I create no reply user.

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:49 AM, Mario Gudelj 

> Most likely. In a lot of cases someone will be scaning those even if it's
> a no-reply address. At least that's been a case in companies I worked for,
> but it depends how big you are and how much you like your customers. You
> simply forward the mail to one or more people and filter it as it cook need
> in them look over it occasionally
> On 19/08/2014 8:42 pm, "Chen Xu"  wrote:
>> So does that mean when I see my registration confirmation email sent from
>> or, they literally created the
>>  user no-reply or support for the type of purpose?
>> Thanks
>> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Mario Gudelj 
>> wrote:
>>> Every email account will have a username and password. Unless it's an
>>> alias, in which case you can't use it. Sounds like you've set up an alias
>>> here. You can still use it as a from email address, but can't use it to
>>> authenticate with smtp
>>> On 19/08/2014 6:13 pm, "Chen Xu"  wrote:
  Hi Everyone,
 I just setup google apps to use gmail with my own domain "",
 and I want to use django send_mail to send emails from, which might be for registration message,
 something like that. However, when I create the group in google apps, will not have a password, but send_mail function
 requires an authentication. I wonder how this is usually done.


 ⚡ Chen Xu ⚡

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>> --
>> ⚡ Chen Xu ⚡
>> --
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⚡ Chen Xu ⚡

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Re: Question about email sending with Google Apps

2014-08-19 Thread Mario Gudelj
Using an email address as from address, which doesn't exist, may hurt your
deliverability. You can set it up and enable an auto responder which
informs the user that the inbox isn't monitored. But if you want the
delivery to fail then simply don't create it and use it as from email.
On 20/08/2014 7:16 am, "Chen Xu"  wrote:

> I think  my expected behavior of an no-reply email is a "Delivery Failure"
> when people try to reply. Can google apps do it if I create no reply user.
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:49 AM, Mario Gudelj 
> wrote:
>> Most likely. In a lot of cases someone will be scaning those even if it's
>> a no-reply address. At least that's been a case in companies I worked for,
>> but it depends how big you are and how much you like your customers. You
>> simply forward the mail to one or more people and filter it as it cook need
>> in them look over it occasionally
>> On 19/08/2014 8:42 pm, "Chen Xu"  wrote:
>>>  So does that mean when I see my registration confirmation email sent
>>> from or, they literally
>>> created the  user no-reply or support for the type of purpose?
>>> Thanks
>>> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Mario Gudelj 
>>> wrote:
 Every email account will have a username and password. Unless it's an
 alias, in which case you can't use it. Sounds like you've set up an alias
 here. You can still use it as a from email address, but can't use it to
 authenticate with smtp
 On 19/08/2014 6:13 pm, "Chen Xu"  wrote:

>  Hi Everyone,
> I just setup google apps to use gmail with my own domain "",
> and I want to use django send_mail to send emails from
>, which might be for registration message,
> something like that. However, when I create the group in google apps,
> will not have a password, but send_mail function
> requires an authentication. I wonder how this is usually done.
> Thanks
> --
> ⚡ Chen Xu ⚡
> --
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>>> --
>>> ⚡ Chen Xu ⚡
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Re: Caching some application data in memcache v/s in django process itself

2014-08-19 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:27 AM, Subodh Nijsure 

> Hello,
> I have application that servers time-series data for 10+ units. This
> data can get big  and I don't want to retrieve 5-6MB worth of data
> from cassandra and serve it out as JSON to the client.
> I want to maintain cache of this time series data. I had horrible
> thought of just storing this data in local python dictionary instead
> of doing something exotic like memcach server.
> What are the plus/minus of just storing this cache in process running
> django? Of course this doesn't scale well for 1000+ units..

This approach will probably work, but it's a bad idea.

Firstly, if you store it in-process, the process is the web server. So -
your web server will have a huge memory footprint. If your web server has
multiple processes - which would be a common configuration for handling
load - then the memory requirements will be duplicated for every process.

Secondly, web processes aren't long lived. Depending on your web server
configuration, each web server process will serve a certain number of
requests, and then restart itself. This means that every N requests, the
process will need to restart, and reload the in-process memory cache. This
will obviously take time, and that's time the end-user is going to
experience as a delay in loading a page.

So - you'll be much better served using memcache (or similar) - this keeps
the "data I need to keep readily available in memory" separate from "data
needed to keep the web server running". The memcache image is shared across
processes - even across machines if necessary - and only requires an
initial warming (which can be done out of the request-response cycle, if

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Caching some application data in memcache v/s in django process itself

2014-08-19 Thread Cal Leeming []
On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:54 AM, Russell Keith-Magee <> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:27 AM, Subodh Nijsure 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have application that servers time-series data for 10+ units. This
>> data can get big  and I don't want to retrieve 5-6MB worth of data
>> from cassandra and serve it out as JSON to the client.
>> I want to maintain cache of this time series data. I had horrible
>> thought of just storing this data in local python dictionary instead
>> of doing something exotic like memcach server.
>> What are the plus/minus of just storing this cache in process running
>> django? Of course this doesn't scale well for 1000+ units..
> This approach will probably work, but it's a bad idea.
> Firstly, if you store it in-process, the process is the web server. So -
> your web server will have a huge memory footprint. If your web server has
> multiple processes - which would be a common configuration for handling
> load - then the memory requirements will be duplicated for every process.

Not 100% true.

uWSGI comes with a "shared memory" feature which lets you store a large
chunk of data in memory which is shared by all workers;

There is a higher level abstraction of this which is aptly named "caching";

Although the benefits of storing in a separate key/value store db (such as
redis/memcache) vs using uWSGI shared memory are debatable, and it really
depends on your use case.

This is, of course, assuming you are using uWSGI as your WSGI application

> Secondly, web processes aren't long lived. Depending on your web server
> configuration, each web server process will serve a certain number of
> requests, and then restart itself. This means that every N requests, the
> process will need to restart, and reload the in-process memory cache. This
> will obviously take time, and that's time the end-user is going to
> experience as a delay in loading a page.

This wouldn't be too much concern for the shared memory feature, however
you may run into issues where your data requires a lot of processing on
each query, mostly because the "shared memory" doesn't have any of the
niceties of redis/memcache. Again, it's very use case specific

> So - you'll be much better served using memcache (or similar) - this keeps
> the "data I need to keep readily available in memory" separate from "data
> needed to keep the web server running". The memcache image is shared across
> processes - even across machines if necessary - and only requires an
> initial warming (which can be done out of the request-response cycle, if
> necessary).

Memcache would almost certainly be the easiest way to do this. Of course,
you do have to consider what happens if your memcache server goes down, and
make sure it's given the same love/attention as your application server in
terms of monitoring, configuration, maintenance etc. You could also run
into issues of eviction, e.g. if too much RAM is used it will start to
remove cached entries, and one of those might be your data. And also
additional latency depending on how many queries you're pushing (assuming
1ms per query).

Of course, if you're not using a "shared memory" feature like the one in
uWSGI, then all the comments by Russ are completely valid.

> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> --
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> "Django users" group.
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Re: Caching some application data in memcache v/s in django process itself

2014-08-19 Thread Cal Leeming []
Sorry forgot to add one more thing.

For what it's worth, it does sound like a key/val store (such as
memcache/redis) would be a better fit for this.

Shared memory areas are great for storing huge lookup tables in high
performance deployments, and it's always good to know these things for
future, never know when it might come in handy :)


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Cal Leeming []  wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:54 AM, Russell Keith-Magee <
>> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:27 AM, Subodh Nijsure > > wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have application that servers time-series data for 10+ units. This
>>> data can get big  and I don't want to retrieve 5-6MB worth of data
>>> from cassandra and serve it out as JSON to the client.
>>> I want to maintain cache of this time series data. I had horrible
>>> thought of just storing this data in local python dictionary instead
>>> of doing something exotic like memcach server.
>>> What are the plus/minus of just storing this cache in process running
>>> django? Of course this doesn't scale well for 1000+ units..
>> This approach will probably work, but it's a bad idea.
>> Firstly, if you store it in-process, the process is the web server. So -
>> your web server will have a huge memory footprint. If your web server has
>> multiple processes - which would be a common configuration for handling
>> load - then the memory requirements will be duplicated for every process.
> Not 100% true.
> uWSGI comes with a "shared memory" feature which lets you store a large
> chunk of data in memory which is shared by all workers;
> There is a higher level abstraction of this which is aptly named "caching";
> Although the benefits of storing in a separate key/value store db (such as
> redis/memcache) vs using uWSGI shared memory are debatable, and it really
> depends on your use case.
> This is, of course, assuming you are using uWSGI as your WSGI application
> server.
>> Secondly, web processes aren't long lived. Depending on your web server
>> configuration, each web server process will serve a certain number of
>> requests, and then restart itself. This means that every N requests, the
>> process will need to restart, and reload the in-process memory cache. This
>> will obviously take time, and that's time the end-user is going to
>> experience as a delay in loading a page.
> This wouldn't be too much concern for the shared memory feature, however
> you may run into issues where your data requires a lot of processing on
> each query, mostly because the "shared memory" doesn't have any of the
> niceties of redis/memcache. Again, it's very use case specific
>> So - you'll be much better served using memcache (or similar) - this
>> keeps the "data I need to keep readily available in memory" separate from
>> "data needed to keep the web server running". The memcache image is shared
>> across processes - even across machines if necessary - and only requires an
>> initial warming (which can be done out of the request-response cycle, if
>> necessary).
> Memcache would almost certainly be the easiest way to do this. Of course,
> you do have to consider what happens if your memcache server goes down, and
> make sure it's given the same love/attention as your application server in
> terms of monitoring, configuration, maintenance etc. You could also run
> into issues of eviction, e.g. if too much RAM is used it will start to
> remove cached entries, and one of those might be your data. And also
> additional latency depending on how many queries you're pushing (assuming
> 1ms per query).
> Of course, if you're not using a "shared memory" feature like the one in
> uWSGI, then all the comments by Russ are completely valid.
>> Yours,
>> Russ Magee %-)
>> --
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>> "Django users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
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>> .
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Re: Problems with "Hello World" Debian Wheezy Django 1.6.5

2014-08-19 Thread Camilo Torres

On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 11:59:31 AM UTC-4:30, Andrew Koller wrote:
> curl: (52) Empty reply from server
> On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 9:21:34 AM UTC-7, Tom Evans wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Andrew Koller  
>> wrote: 
>> > Yes they are on the same computer and no, I don't get any additional 
>> output 
>> > to the console. I know that something is sort of working because the 
>> chrome 
>> > error message changes from "This webpage is not available" to "No data 
>> > received" on 
>> > 
>> From another console on the same machine: 
>> telnet 8000 
>> If it then says "Connected to localhost." type this in and hit return 
>> twice afterwards 
>> GET / HTTP/1.1 
>> Host: 
>> Alternatively, if you have curl installed: 
>> curl -I 
>> Show the full output of either command please. 
>> Cheers 
>> Tom 
Paste here the content of your 

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Re: Caching some application data in memcache v/s in django process itself

2014-08-19 Thread Subodh Nijsure
Thank you so much for all your suggestions. I am using uWSGI I will
certainly looking into that and then redis for caching.


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Cal Leeming []  wrote:
> Sorry forgot to add one more thing.
> For what it's worth, it does sound like a key/val store (such as
> memcache/redis) would be a better fit for this.
> Shared memory areas are great for storing huge lookup tables in high
> performance deployments, and it's always good to know these things for
> future, never know when it might come in handy :)
> Cal
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Cal Leeming []  wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:54 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
>>  wrote:
>>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:27 AM, Subodh Nijsure
>>>  wrote:


 I have application that servers time-series data for 10+ units. This
 data can get big  and I don't want to retrieve 5-6MB worth of data
 from cassandra and serve it out as JSON to the client.

 I want to maintain cache of this time series data. I had horrible
 thought of just storing this data in local python dictionary instead
 of doing something exotic like memcach server.

 What are the plus/minus of just storing this cache in process running
 django? Of course this doesn't scale well for 1000+ units..
>>> This approach will probably work, but it's a bad idea.
>>> Firstly, if you store it in-process, the process is the web server. So -
>>> your web server will have a huge memory footprint. If your web server has
>>> multiple processes - which would be a common configuration for handling load
>>> - then the memory requirements will be duplicated for every process.
>> Not 100% true.
>> uWSGI comes with a "shared memory" feature which lets you store a large
>> chunk of data in memory which is shared by all workers;
>> There is a higher level abstraction of this which is aptly named
>> "caching";
>> Although the benefits of storing in a separate key/value store db (such as
>> redis/memcache) vs using uWSGI shared memory are debatable, and it really
>> depends on your use case.
>> This is, of course, assuming you are using uWSGI as your WSGI application
>> server.
>>> Secondly, web processes aren't long lived. Depending on your web server
>>> configuration, each web server process will serve a certain number of
>>> requests, and then restart itself. This means that every N requests, the
>>> process will need to restart, and reload the in-process memory cache. This
>>> will obviously take time, and that's time the end-user is going to
>>> experience as a delay in loading a page.
>> This wouldn't be too much concern for the shared memory feature, however
>> you may run into issues where your data requires a lot of processing on each
>> query, mostly because the "shared memory" doesn't have any of the niceties
>> of redis/memcache. Again, it's very use case specific
>>> So - you'll be much better served using memcache (or similar) - this
>>> keeps the "data I need to keep readily available in memory" separate from
>>> "data needed to keep the web server running". The memcache image is shared
>>> across processes - even across machines if necessary - and only requires an
>>> initial warming (which can be done out of the request-response cycle, if
>>> necessary).
>> Memcache would almost certainly be the easiest way to do this. Of course,
>> you do have to consider what happens if your memcache server goes down, and
>> make sure it's given the same love/attention as your application server in
>> terms of monitoring, configuration, maintenance etc. You could also run into
>> issues of eviction, e.g. if too much RAM is used it will start to remove
>> cached entries, and one of those might be your data. And also additional
>> latency depending on how many queries you're pushing (assuming 1ms per
>> query).
>> Of course, if you're not using a "shared memory" feature like the one in
>> uWSGI, then all the comments by Russ are completely valid.
>>> Yours,
>>> Russ Magee %-)
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: Problems with time field in mysql

2014-08-19 Thread Andreas Kuhne
I traced the problem down to one row in the mysql-connector-python lib
code. When they try to read a time from the database, they do it with the

"""Custom converter for Django"""
def _TIME_to_python(self, value, dsc=None):
"""Return MySQL TIME data type as datetime.time()

Returns datetime.time()
return dateparse.parse_time(value)

I Changed that to:

"""Custom converter for Django"""
def _TIME_to_python(self, value, dsc=None):
"""Return MySQL TIME data type as datetime.time()

Returns datetime.time()
return dateparse.parse_time(value.decode())
return dateparse.parse_time(value)

because the incoming value is a bytestring, which dateparse.parse couldn't
read. When I used decode on it everything works perfectly.



2014-08-19 17:31 GMT+02:00 Andreas Kuhne :

> Thanks Sergly,
> However, the problem is already when I try and get the object from the
> database. I know that it is the conversion from mysql to python that is the
> problem.
> This is the error message I get:
> Failed converting row to Python types; can't use a string pattern on a
> bytes-like object (field start_time)
> And it appears in mysql/connector/ in _row_to_python on row 394.
> Regards,
> Andréas
> 2014-08-19 17:24 GMT+02:00 Sergiy Khohlov :
> which one error ?
>>  Look like error is related to  __str__ function  but I'm not sure (I'm
>> using python 2.7 )
>> Many thanks,
>> Serge
>> +380 636150445
>> skype: skhohlov
>> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:09 PM, Andreas Kuhne <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am having a problem with a time field in my mysql database. I can add
>>> values to the database, but when I try to read the values, I get the
>>> following error:
>>> Failed converting row to Python types; can't use a string pattern on a
>>> bytes-like object (field start_time)
>>> The database model looks like this:
>>> class AvailableTimeSetting(models.Model):
>>> (0, _('Monday')),
>>> (1, _('Tuesday')),
>>> (2, _('Wednesday')),
>>> (3, _('Thursday')),
>>> (4, _('Friday')),
>>> (5, _('Saturday')),
>>> (6, _('Sunday')),
>>> )
>>> store = models.ForeignKey('store.RetailStore')
>>> weekday = models.IntegerField(_('Week day'),
>>>   max_length=1,
>>>   choices=SETTINGS_CHOICES)
>>> start_time = models.TimeField(_('Start time'))
>>> end_time = models.TimeField(_('End time'))
>>> max_parallel_bookings = models.IntegerField()
>>> class Meta:
>>> app_label = 'timebooking'
>>> verbose_name = 'Available time setting'
>>> verbose_name_plural = 'Available time settings'
>>> def __repr__(self):
>>> return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__str__())
>>> def __str__(self):
>>> return "%s %s-%s %d" % (self.weekday, self.start_time,
>>> self.end_time, self.max_parallel_bookings)
>>> And the problem is on the start_time field. I see that the fields get
>>> saved correctly in the database. However as soon as I try to get an object
>>> I get the error.
>>> I am using mysql-connector-python version 1.2.2, and Python 3.4 in a
>>> django 1.6.4 project.
>>> Regards,
>>> Andréas
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django - How to fix “the procedure entry point sqlite3_rtree_geometry_callback could not be located in the dynamic link library sqlite3.dll”

2014-08-19 Thread Shoaib Ijaz

I have problem with django project. I am facing error when i am trying to 
execute project in browser.

"the procedure entry point sqlite3_rtree_geometry_callback could not be 
located in the dynamic link library sqlite3.dll"

I have no idea where is the issue.

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