Thank you so much for all your suggestions. I am using uWSGI I will
certainly looking into that and then redis for caching.


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Cal Leeming [] <> wrote:
> Sorry forgot to add one more thing.
> For what it's worth, it does sound like a key/val store (such as
> memcache/redis) would be a better fit for this.
> Shared memory areas are great for storing huge lookup tables in high
> performance deployments, and it's always good to know these things for
> future, never know when it might come in handy :)
> Cal
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Cal Leeming [] <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:54 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:27 AM, Subodh Nijsure
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have application that servers time-series data for 10+ units. This
>>>> data can get big  and I don't want to retrieve 5-6MB worth of data
>>>> from cassandra and serve it out as JSON to the client.
>>>> I want to maintain cache of this time series data. I had horrible
>>>> thought of just storing this data in local python dictionary instead
>>>> of doing something exotic like memcach server.
>>>> What are the plus/minus of just storing this cache in process running
>>>> django? Of course this doesn't scale well for 1000+ units..
>>> This approach will probably work, but it's a bad idea.
>>> Firstly, if you store it in-process, the process is the web server. So -
>>> your web server will have a huge memory footprint. If your web server has
>>> multiple processes - which would be a common configuration for handling load
>>> - then the memory requirements will be duplicated for every process.
>> Not 100% true.
>> uWSGI comes with a "shared memory" feature which lets you store a large
>> chunk of data in memory which is shared by all workers;
>> There is a higher level abstraction of this which is aptly named
>> "caching";
>> Although the benefits of storing in a separate key/value store db (such as
>> redis/memcache) vs using uWSGI shared memory are debatable, and it really
>> depends on your use case.
>> This is, of course, assuming you are using uWSGI as your WSGI application
>> server.
>>> Secondly, web processes aren't long lived. Depending on your web server
>>> configuration, each web server process will serve a certain number of
>>> requests, and then restart itself. This means that every N requests, the
>>> process will need to restart, and reload the in-process memory cache. This
>>> will obviously take time, and that's time the end-user is going to
>>> experience as a delay in loading a page.
>> This wouldn't be too much concern for the shared memory feature, however
>> you may run into issues where your data requires a lot of processing on each
>> query, mostly because the "shared memory" doesn't have any of the niceties
>> of redis/memcache. Again, it's very use case specific
>>> So - you'll be much better served using memcache (or similar) - this
>>> keeps the "data I need to keep readily available in memory" separate from
>>> "data needed to keep the web server running". The memcache image is shared
>>> across processes - even across machines if necessary - and only requires an
>>> initial warming (which can be done out of the request-response cycle, if
>>> necessary).
>> Memcache would almost certainly be the easiest way to do this. Of course,
>> you do have to consider what happens if your memcache server goes down, and
>> make sure it's given the same love/attention as your application server in
>> terms of monitoring, configuration, maintenance etc. You could also run into
>> issues of eviction, e.g. if too much RAM is used it will start to remove
>> cached entries, and one of those might be your data. And also additional
>> latency depending on how many queries you're pushing (assuming 1ms per
>> query).
>> Of course, if you're not using a "shared memory" feature like the one in
>> uWSGI, then all the comments by Russ are completely valid.
>>> Yours,
>>> Russ Magee %-)
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