display thousand separator.

2012-09-30 Thread Nicolas Emiliani
Hi list!

I'm having a localization issue. The thing is that I have an AdminForms
that contains
a value field (wich is a model.BigInteger at the model ) and when the value
is displayed
at the admin form I would like it to show the THOUSAND_SEPARATOR as
in setting.py. So this is what I've done

USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True

and then at the init method of my admin form I did this :

self.fields['value'].localize = True
self.fields['value'].is_localized = True

So now I can input for example:
but after saving it it shows

Any solutions besides doing some javascript tampering?


Nicolas Emiliani

Lo unico instantaneo en la vida es el cafe, y es bien feo.

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non-root SCRIPT_NAME, mod_wsgi and RewriteRule

2012-09-30 Thread Sebastiaan Snoeckx
I have my Django website and my static files deployed under the same 
directory (i.e. no separate 'static' directory), according to the 
following Apache RewriteRule:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^.*$ /django/$1  [QSA,PT,L]

WSGIScriptAlias /django/ /var/www/domain.com/django/site/wsgi.py

My site-wide urlconf looks like this:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls')),
url(r'', include('home.urls')),

With my app-specific urlconf ('home.urls') is simply this:

urlpatterns = patterns('home.views',
url(r'^(?P[a-z0-9-]+)/?$', 'page_by_uri'),
url(r'^$', 'index'),

So when I visit my site domain.com I should see the index view (which it 
does), and when I visit domain.com/foo I should see the 
page_by_uri('foo') view, *which it doesn't*. Instead, it shows the index 
view. (And I thought it should give an error!)

Having surfed around a little bit, I reckon it's got something to do 
with Django's handling of SCRIPT_NAME (which should be equal to the 
mount point, in my case '/dj'). Various solutions are proposed, 
generally involving adding the mount point to my urlconf (bad!) until I 
tried it and it doesn't even work...

Basically, how in the name of all that is holy and sacred can I get this 
to work?!

Thanks in advance

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

django and mysql versions

2012-09-30 Thread Elizabeth Rachel Lemon
According to this page:
"Django supports MySQL 5.0.3 and higher."

But the next section says that MySQLdb is required, and when you click the 
link to MySQLdb from that page, it goes to this page:

which states that the supported versions are:
"MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5.1"

Is anyone using Django with MySQL 5.5? The page that says "5.0.3 and 
higher" seems to me to imply that this would work, but if MySQLdb is 
required for Django and MySQLdb only supports up to 5.1, then that implies 
that it is at least not supported. Anyone tried it?

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app for kickstarter-like goals

2012-09-30 Thread Matteo Suppo
I'm developing a website for a non-profit organization.

They want something similar to kickstarter, only based on people instead of 

Let's say there's an event. A birthday.

If 5 people preorder the ticket there will be a clown*
If 10 people preorder the ticket there will be a clown orchestra (in a 
small car)
il 100 people preorder the ticket there will be a golden statue of a clown.

I have no problem with the "buying tickets thing", but I couldn't find in 
django-packages anything related to milestones or goals.

Do you know if there is already something I can use? Or should I create it?


* if you hate clowns you can replace them with cookies

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Re: django and mysql versions

2012-09-30 Thread Elizabeth Rachel Lemon
Thanks for the response -- this is really useful information about what 
MySQL features new to version 5.5 are not handled by MySQLdb. 

In this case, my reasons for asking about using MySQL 5.5 aren't really 
about wanting any features that are available only in 5.5, but more about a 
situation where the choice of MySQL version isn't entirely up to me.  I'm 
hoping to avoid spending time configuring a development environment with 
this version only to find out that this actually doesn't work at all.  So 
from your response I get that probably it would work. 

Is there anyone out there who's actually tried it and knows from experience 
what will happen?  If not, I'll try it and update this thread with how it 
comes out. 

On Sunday, September 30, 2012 1:38:45 PM UTC-4, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Sep 2012 09:18:49 -0700 (PDT), Elizabeth Rachel Lemon 
> > declaimed the following in 
> gmane.comp.python.django.user: 
> > Is anyone using Django with MySQL 5.5? The page that says "5.0.3 and 
> > higher" seems to me to imply that this would work, but if MySQLdb is 
> > required for Django and MySQLdb only supports up to 5.1, then that 
> implies 
> > that it is at least not supported. Anyone tried it? 
> The main features that have been added to MySQL are views, 
> triggers, 
> stored procedures... And "prepared statements". 
> So far as I know, the only thing MySQLdb doesn't handle is the 
> "prepared statements" aspect -- it uses the query interface that is 
> common to all versions: it sends complete text queries. The main place 
> where the difference would be visible is if one does an .executemany(). 
> The common-to-all versions would issue multiple complete 
> statements, 
> which need to be parsed and compiled by MySQL /each time/: 
> insert into thetable (f1, f2, f3) values (v11, v12, v13) 
> insert into thetable (f1, f2, f3) values (v21, v22, v23) 
> insert into thetable (f1, f2, f3) values (v31, v32, v33) 
> Prepared statements would send a parameterized statement to MySQL 
> to 
> be "compiled" 
> insert into thetable (f1, f2, f3) values (?1, ?2, ?3) 
> and then send the values separately, telling MySQL to use the already 
> compiled statement 
> stmtref, v11, v12, v13 
> stmtref, v21, v22, v23 
> stmtref, v31, v32, v33 
> I'd find it highly unlikely that MySQL would have /removed/ some 
> portion of the API that would invalidate pre-existing application code. 
> -- 
> Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN 
> wlf...@ix.netcom.com 
> HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/ 

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Making form label a href

2012-09-30 Thread Larry Martell
In an app I've inherited, there are forms generated with {{ form.as_p
}} in the template. This generates HTML like this, for example:



Is there some way to have the form label be a href?

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Re: Making form label a href

2012-09-30 Thread Tomas Neme
> Is there some way to have the form label be a href?

you'll have to change the forms templates to something like

{% for field in form %}

field.label }}
  {{ field }}

{% endfor %}

"The whole of Japan is pure invention. There is no such country, there
are no such people" --Oscar Wilde


(='.'=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
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Re: model field not null

2012-09-30 Thread Bill Freeman
null=True is the opposite of what you are asking for anyway.  You can
use null=False, and the column will be created with the database's
version of:


Which is the postgres spelling.

This will prevent the database from allowing a database NULL from
being stored there.

But it will NOT prevent storing an empty string.

Assuming that your database supports it, you could write a "trigger"
or "constraint" that checks for non blank and fails the transaction
otherwise.  But, in so far as I know, Django provides no help in
creating this constraint.


On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Jonas Geiregat  wrote:
> Hello,
> While setting up a new model I'm trying to have a strong data model.
> One of the requirements is that a certain field cannot be null.
> lastname = models.CharField(
> blank=False,
> default=None,
> ..)
> I'm accomplishing this by the above code. This ensure that even on a database 
> level lastname will not be NULL, by setting default to None.
> I'm aware that I can just use blank=False to ensure that on a form level it 
> will never be allowed to be empty.  But I want a strong, fully tested, 
> business model from the beginning.
> As this is a CharField, according to the docs, I cannot use null=True since 
> empty string will get stored as empty strings and not as NULL.
> Is this an appropriate way of modeling my models, or are there other 
> solutions ?
> Regards,
> Jonas.
> --
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Re: django and mysql versions

2012-09-30 Thread Javier Guerra Giraldez
On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber
>   The main features that have been added to MySQL are views, triggers,
> stored procedures... And "prepared statements".

I beg to differ:


all these features were already implemented in MySQL 5.0

As far as I can tell, none of these is used by MySQLdb, so it doesn't
make any difference.  It would certainly be odd if it worked with 5.1
and not with 5.5

Note that recent Ubuntu distros install MySQL 5.5 by default.  I guess
that if there was any problem with that, we would be innundated by bug


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Add your own template library

2012-09-30 Thread Ashish Jain

I have created a custom template tags library which I would like to use 
across my application.
I referred this code snippet, http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/342/

but still when I refer the tag in my code as: {% load repeat %}.

It says 'repeat' is not a valid tag library, tried 

Any help would be appreciated.

- Thanks

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How to force django.views.i18n.set_language to use cookies

2012-09-30 Thread Ezequiel
Hi All.
Is there anyway to force django.views.i18n.set_language view to use
cookies rather than session (I need that enabled but just for the
admin not for my main app)?

Thanks in advance.


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Tools - Slow in python django fw

2012-09-30 Thread siva
Hi ,

We have converted our tools from php to django framework but tool 
performance is very slow compare to php .

Please let us what are things we have to do ...


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Re: Add your own template library

2012-09-30 Thread Ashish Jain

Yes it do have __init__.py

I have created a simple project of template tags and have installed it as a 
python package with setup.py.

After which I am referring it into my website.

- Thanks for reply

On Monday, 1 October 2012 09:45:46 UTC+5:30, Laxmikant Gurnalkar wrote:
> Hi Ashish, 
> Is there __init__.py in your templatetags directory ? 
> cheers
> *Laxmikant*
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Ashish Jain 
> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have created a custom template tags library which I would like to use 
>> across my application.
>> I referred this code snippet, http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/342/
>> but still when I refer the tag in my code as: {% load repeat %}.
>> It says 'repeat' is not a valid tag library, tried 
>> django.templatetags.repeat,django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags.repeat
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> - Thanks
>> Ashish
>> -- 
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> -- 
> * 
>  GlxGuru
> *

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