null=True is the opposite of what you are asking for anyway.  You can
use null=False, and the column will be created with the database's
version of:


Which is the postgres spelling.

This will prevent the database from allowing a database NULL from
being stored there.

But it will NOT prevent storing an empty string.

Assuming that your database supports it, you could write a "trigger"
or "constraint" that checks for non blank and fails the transaction
otherwise.  But, in so far as I know, Django provides no help in
creating this constraint.


On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Jonas Geiregat <> wrote:
> Hello,
> While setting up a new model I'm trying to have a strong data model.
> One of the requirements is that a certain field cannot be null.
>         lastname = models.CharField(
>                                         blank=False,
>                                         default=None,
>                                         ..)
> I'm accomplishing this by the above code. This ensure that even on a database 
> level lastname will not be NULL, by setting default to None.
> I'm aware that I can just use blank=False to ensure that on a form level it 
> will never be allowed to be empty.  But I want a strong, fully tested, 
> business model from the beginning.
> As this is a CharField, according to the docs, I cannot use null=True since 
> empty string will get stored as empty strings and not as NULL.
> Is this an appropriate way of modeling my models, or are there other 
> solutions ?
> Regards,
> Jonas.
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