Re: Dealing with misc parts of a project

2011-09-23 Thread Tom Evans
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Simon Connah  wrote:
> This is one of the areas that I think Django could do with improving on. You
> might not have enough functionality to justify turning it into a complete
> application but you still want to keep it clean and tidy somewhere.

Depends on your definition of 'a complete application'. I have django
apps that consist of a few templates, or a single piece of middleware,
or a single model. Sometimes things fall like that, an app is not such
a heavyweight thing.



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Workflow for a django based facebook canvas app

2011-09-23 Thread Amit Sethi
Well a very common workflow for writing views in django is to do
something like this

if request.method == 'POST':
   do some form related stuff
else :
  do some other stuff

But for a facebook canvas app all requests are POST , how can I change
my workflow such that my app works for both facebook canvas and as a
normal app with out any major change to my code.


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Log file with errors

2011-09-23 Thread refreegrata
Hello list. I have a question. To my could be really helpful write a
"log file" with the errors, to revise at the next day if something
happen. For the moment I have this, a middleware class:
from django.conf import settings
import traceback
import sys
import logging

class TestMiddleware:
def getUser(self, request):

def process_exception(self, request, exception):
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
ubication = traceback.extract_tb(tb).pop()
message = u'Type: %s\nValor: %s\nFile, line, function: %s,
%s, %s\nUser: %s' % (type(exception).__name__,
exception.__unicode__(), ubication[0], ubication[1], ubicacion[2],

logging.basicConfig(filename = settings.LOG_FILE,
filemode = 'a', format='Nivel: %(levelname)s\nDate-hour: %(asctime)s\n
%(message)s\n', level=logging.ERROR)
return None

But something is missing. I only catch exceptions thrown from views. I
can't catch FATAL errors like problems in the connection with the
database. Errors like that don't go to this code.
Somebody have an idea to capture that exceptions, maybe in another

Cheers , Thanks for read and sorry for my bad english.

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FieldError on ManyToMany after upgrading to Django 1.3

2011-09-23 Thread Philip
Just been updating to Django 1.3.1 and come across an odd error. I'm
getting the following error from some code which works with version

FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'email_config_set' into field.
Choices are: id, name, site, type

The odd thing being email_config_set is a related name for a
ManyToMany field. I'm not sure why django is trying to resolve it into
a field.

To make it even more odd, this error occurs when DEBUG = TRUE and not
when DEBUG = FALSE when testing with runserver.

I've been trying to solve this for days now with much googling/pdb/
logging, but since the exception originates deep inside django I'm not
familiar enough to find what is going wrong:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./core/", line 268, in run
  File "./driver/emailevent/", line 130, in init_norm
  File "./driver/emailevent/", line 71, in load_config
events = list(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Django-1.3.1-py2.6.egg/
django/db/models/", line 168, in select_related
return self.get_query_set().select_related(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Django-1.3.1-py2.6.egg/
django/db/models/fields/", line 497, in get_query_set
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Django-1.3.1-py2.6.egg/
django/db/models/", line 550, in filter
return self._filter_or_exclude(False, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Django-1.3.1-py2.6.egg/
django/db/models/", line 568, in _filter_or_exclude
clone.query.add_q(Q(*args, **kwargs))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Django-1.3.1-py2.6.egg/
django/db/models/sql/", line 1194, in add_q
can_reuse=used_aliases, force_having=force_having)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Django-1.3.1-py2.6.egg/
django/db/models/sql/", line 1069, in add_filter
negate=negate, process_extras=process_extras)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Django-1.3.1-py2.6.egg/
django/db/models/sql/", line 1260, in setup_joins
"Choices are: %s" % (name, ", ".join(names)))
FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'email_config_set' into field.
Choices are: id, name, site, type

Any ideas/solutions/pointers/tips would be most welcome.

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Re: Can you trigger a forms style error from a view?

2011-09-23 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Thursday, 22 September 2011 21:53:45 UTC+1, John Shaver wrote:
> The only way I could find to do is with 'raise ValidationError'()' in
> the clean() function.  However, trying to query my User model to see
> if that username is already take does not work from the clean()
> function.
Why not? That is exactly where you should do it. In fact, look at the code 
for Django's own signup form - django.contrib.auth.forms, the clean_username 
method, which does exactly that.

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Re: Can you trigger a forms style error from a view?

2011-09-23 Thread Kurtis
Check out
... I just asked a very similar question recently.

On Sep 22, 4:53 pm, John Shaver  wrote:
> I'm designing a user registration form for my app.  I need to verify
> that the username they're using is not already in use before trying to
> create the user.  If the username already exists, I want to be able to
> generate a form style error that says "Sorry that username is already
> in use."
> The only way I could find to do is with 'raise ValidationError'()' in
> the clean() function.  However, trying to query my User model to see
> if that username is already take does not work from the clean()
> function.  On the other hand, I cannot find a way to set the error in
> the form object from inside the view.
> I prefer to do this from inside of the view, rather than from the
> clean function.  I already have several validation rules there that I
> created, but I'd prefer to keep the Form class separate from my
> models.   Any suggestions?
> -John

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Handling file uploads in a clustered application server environment

2011-09-23 Thread Kurtis
Hey guys,

We have an Nginx front-end with a cluster of Django application
servers. What are some methods of handling user uploads in this type
of an environment?


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Re: Handling file uploads in a clustered application server environment

2011-09-23 Thread Tom Evans
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Kurtis  wrote:
> Hey guys,
> We have an Nginx front-end with a cluster of Django application
> servers. What are some methods of handling user uploads in this type
> of an environment?
> Thanks!

Very open ended question...

Abstract the data: store uploaded media on S3, serve from S3
Replicate the data: store uploaded media on the backend that it is
uploaded to, replicate via rsync to the other backends.
Centralize the data: push uploaded media to a centralized store (eg
CIFS/NFS) that is available to all backends
Distribute the data: use a distributed file system (eg Lustre/HDFS) to
make the data available to all backends

along with many other techniques.



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Re: Handling file uploads in a clustered application server environment

2011-09-23 Thread Kurtis Mullins
Thanks a lot for the quick response, Tom. I like your idea of using S3 -- or
in our case, Rackspace's Cloudfiles. Django-storages was recommended to me
in IRC. I think I'm going to try to follow that route as long as I don't
have to modify a third party app we're trying to use too heavily.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Tom Evans wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Kurtis  wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > We have an Nginx front-end with a cluster of Django application
> > servers. What are some methods of handling user uploads in this type
> > of an environment?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> Very open ended question...
> Abstract the data: store uploaded media on S3, serve from S3
> Replicate the data: store uploaded media on the backend that it is
> uploaded to, replicate via rsync to the other backends.
> Centralize the data: push uploaded media to a centralized store (eg
> CIFS/NFS) that is available to all backends
> Distribute the data: use a distributed file system (eg Lustre/HDFS) to
> make the data available to all backends
> along with many other techniques.
> Cheers
> Tom
> --
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Creating a custom Model Field accessing multiple DB fields

2011-09-23 Thread Tim Chase
Having read through [1] and experimented with it a bit, I've been 
unable to determine whether my failure is due to a Django 
limitation or if it's my own fault.  My question comes in two parts:

1) Can a custom model-field interface with more than one DB 
field?  The .db_type() method's return-signature seems to suggest 
a one-to-one restriction between model fields and database fields.

2) Can one create custom lookups for db_prep_lookup beyond the 21 
listed lookup-names under its documentation?

Further details:

I'm trying to create a custom model-field that jockeys 4 DB 
fields into and out of a single Python class.  The intended 
interface is something like

  class MyModel(Model):
dob = AmbiguousDate()

which would yield a table with fields


and jockey those into and out of the MyModel.dob class.  The 
intention is that any of those pieces may be null (you might know 
the day/month of the birthday but not the year; you might have a 
general age-range to know that a person is between 35-40; you 
might know a person was born in Feb of 1965, but not the day; etc).

For the 2nd item, I'd like to .filter(dob__age_range=(45,50)) in 
addition to .filter(dob__range=(date1, date2)) using my Model 
Field code to generate a corresponding SQL query string.

Thanks for any pointers/tips,



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nob question

2011-09-23 Thread hawkpaul

I have a nob question. I want to show data like this:


My models looks like this:

Class Plant_Category ():
name - text
Class Plant_Name()
name - text
plant_category  – fk

how do I go about this?


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Dynamic formset with FilteredSelectMultiple

2011-09-23 Thread Thomas49
Hi !

I have the following models, with a ManyToMany field:

class Symptome(TypeMedical):
synonyms =
parent =
description = models.TextField(u'Description',blank=True)

class Ligne(models.Model):
weight = models.FloatField(u'Poids')
symptoms =
diagnosis = models.ForeignKey(Symptome,related_name=u'Cause
required = models.BooleanField(u'Obligatoire')

I am writing a form in order to edit 'Symptome' objects. We can have
multiple "Ligne" objects refering to a "Symptome" so I am using a
formset. I want the user to be able to add or delete rows in the form
so I am using the django-dynamic-formset app (

My problem is that I want to use the FilteredSelectMultiple widget
provided by the django admin. it works for the first form of the
formset, but when I try to add other forms, a basic select widget is
displayed. I added the line:
SelectFilter.init("id_ligne-"+formCount+"-symptoms", "Sympt\u00F4mes",
0, "/media/")
in the javascript "dynamic-formset" file. Now the right widget is
displayed for all the new lines I add.

However, when I click on "select all" or "delete all" buttons in the
second, third (etc) widgets, all the actions are performed only on the
first one. Moreover, I can select individually any item in the select
widgets except in the first one.

Do you have any idea of how I could handle this? I can't find

Thank you!


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Creating a WSGI Request for another uWSGI Django App

2011-09-23 Thread Kurtis

You guys are always so helpful so I thought I'd come here with my
crazy problem I'm trying to solve.

I have a Django Application Cluster. We use subversion for our code.
The only type of a post-commit hook we have is an HTTP Request with
JSON at a URL we define. Essentially what I want to do is to use this
post-commit hook to trigger a cluster-wise reload of the uwsgi

The problem is that I don't really want to implement a fancy script
that uses SSH or anything along those lines. First off, there are
security issues. Secondly, I want it to be relatively quick and
integrated into our app for easy replication as we add and remove

I started off with some code -- just trying to play around the idea. I
want to have two views. The first view is titled "svn_hook". This view
is tied to the URL that is called from the post-commit hook by our SVN
Hosting Provider. The second view is titled "uwsgi_reload".

svn_hook()'s job is to simply open a connection with each of the nodes
and call their uwsgi_reload() views. uwsgi_reload()'s job is to simply
execute /etc/init.d/uwsgi... reload.

Unfortunately, I have *no* idea how to get this thing to work. I tried
approaching it with some RPC code in MoinMoin that I was forwarded to
by a nice guy in #wsgi. But, as it turns out, I have no idea what I'm
doing :)

I think if I can get the servers to talk to each other, then I can
handle the rest. If you guys have any ideas on either how to fix this
code, or a better way of approaching this problem, I would really
appreciate the input.

By the way, I understand that WSGI is a completely different protocol
from HTTP. I tried to understand the code the best I could and had no
idea what was going on exactly with the key/value pairs I saw in the
MoinMoin code. Hopefully someone can understand what I was trying to
accomplish there

Thanks again!

from django.http import HttpResponse

# View for URL Called by SVN on Post-Commit Hook
def svn_hook(request):

# Resources
# import urllib # Used in example code, not here yet...
from httplib import HTTPConnection

# List of IP Addresses to Reload
hosts = ('', '')
port = '7999'

# Hit the Server

I was going to do more here ... but I can't
even get the thing to work without stalling or throwing
errors. I wanted to check for a 200 Status from each
host and eventually log if any fail.

for host in hosts:
client = HTTPConnection(host, port, False, 30)
client.request("GET", '/reload')
response = client.getresponse()
body =
body = body.decode('utf-8')

# Done
return HttpResponse(status = 200)

# Temporarily set as /reload for testing purposes.
def uwsgi_reload(request):

# Execute /etc/init.d/uwsgi reload
# and any other logic that may need to be performed
# I'll do this later, after I get the actual WSGI call
# working.

return HttpResponse(status = 200)

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Re: Creating a WSGI Request for another uWSGI Django App

2011-09-23 Thread Roberto De Ioris

> Hello,
> You guys are always so helpful so I thought I'd come here with my
> crazy problem I'm trying to solve.
> I have a Django Application Cluster. We use subversion for our code.
> The only type of a post-commit hook we have is an HTTP Request with
> JSON at a URL we define. Essentially what I want to do is to use this
> post-commit hook to trigger a cluster-wise reload of the uwsgi
> service.
> The problem is that I don't really want to implement a fancy script
> that uses SSH or anything along those lines. First off, there are
> security issues. Secondly, I want it to be relatively quick and
> integrated into our app for easy replication as we add and remove
> nodes.
> I started off with some code -- just trying to play around the idea. I
> want to have two views. The first view is titled "svn_hook". This view
> is tied to the URL that is called from the post-commit hook by our SVN
> Hosting Provider. The second view is titled "uwsgi_reload".
> svn_hook()'s job is to simply open a connection with each of the nodes
> and call their uwsgi_reload() views. uwsgi_reload()'s job is to simply
> execute /etc/init.d/uwsgi... reload.
> Unfortunately, I have *no* idea how to get this thing to work. I tried
> approaching it with some RPC code in MoinMoin that I was forwarded to
> by a nice guy in #wsgi. But, as it turns out, I have no idea what I'm
> doing :)
> I think if I can get the servers to talk to each other, then I can
> handle the rest. If you guys have any ideas on either how to fix this
> code, or a better way of approaching this problem, I would really
> appreciate the input.
> By the way, I understand that WSGI is a completely different protocol
> from HTTP. I tried to understand the code the best I could and had no
> idea what was going on exactly with the key/value pairs I saw in the
> MoinMoin code. Hopefully someone can understand what I was trying to
> accomplish there
> Thanks again!
> -Kurtis
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> # View for URL Called by SVN on Post-Commit Hook
> def svn_hook(request):
> # Resources
> # import urllib # Used in example code, not here yet...
> from httplib import HTTPConnection
> # List of IP Addresses to Reload
> # 
> hosts = ('', '')
> port = '7999'
> # Hit the Server
> """
> Note:
> I was going to do more here ... but I can't
> even get the thing to work without stalling or throwing
> errors. I wanted to check for a 200 Status from each
> host and eventually log if any fail.
> """
> for host in hosts:
> client = HTTPConnection(host, port, False, 30)
> client.request("GET", '/reload')
> response = client.getresponse()
> body =
> body = body.decode('utf-8')
> # Done
> return HttpResponse(status = 200)
> # Temporarily set as /reload for testing purposes.
> def uwsgi_reload(request):
> # Execute /etc/init.d/uwsgi reload
> # and any other logic that may need to be performed
> # I'll do this later, after I get the actual WSGI call
> # working.
> return HttpResponse(status = 200)
> --
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Are your servers on a multicast-enabled network ?

If they are you can use this

Your svn hook will be only a one-line:

os.system("uwsgi --cluster-reload ")

Roberto De Ioris

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Re: Dynamic formset with FilteredSelectMultiple

2011-09-23 Thread Thomas49
Sorry I mean:

"Moreover, I CANNOT select individually items in the select
widgets except in the first one. "

On Sep 23, 6:05 pm, Thomas49  wrote:
> Hi !
> I have the following models, with a ManyToMany field:
> class Symptome(TypeMedical):
>     synonyms =
> models.CharField(u'Synonymes',max_length=160,blank=True)
>     parent =
> models.ManyToManyField(TypeMedical,related_name='Parent',blank=True)
>     description = models.TextField(u'Description',blank=True)
> class Ligne(models.Model):
>     weight = models.FloatField(u'Poids')
>     symptoms =
> models.ManyToManyField(Symptome,verbose_name=u'Symptomes')
>     diagnosis = models.ForeignKey(Symptome,related_name=u'Cause
> par')
>     required = models.BooleanField(u'Obligatoire')
> I am writing a form in order to edit 'Symptome' objects. We can have
> multiple "Ligne" objects refering to a "Symptome" so I am using a
> formset. I want the user to be able to add or delete rows in the form
> so I am using the django-dynamic-formset app (
> django-dynamic-formset/).
> My problem is that I want to use the FilteredSelectMultiple widget
> provided by the django admin. it works for the first form of the
> formset, but when I try to add other forms, a basic select widget is
> displayed. I added the line:
> SelectFilter.init("id_ligne-"+formCount+"-symptoms", "Sympt\u00F4mes",
> 0, "/media/")
> in the javascript "dynamic-formset" file. Now the right widget is
> displayed for all the new lines I add.
> However, when I click on "select all" or "delete all" buttons in the
> second, third (etc) widgets, all the actions are performed only on the
> first one. Moreover, I can select individually any item in the select
> widgets except in the first one.
> Do you have any idea of how I could handle this? I can't find
> anything!
> Thank you!
> Thomas.

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Re: nob question

2011-09-23 Thread hawkpaul
i got it thanks

On Sep 23, 3:59 pm, hawkpaul  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a nob question. I want to show data like this:
> Vegetables:
>         Cucumbers
>         Peas
> Fruits
>         Tomatoes
>         Bananas
> My models looks like this:
> Class Plant_Category ():
>         name - text
> Class Plant_Name()
>         name - text
>         plant_category  – fk
> how do I go about this?
> paul

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