Hello list. I have a question. To my could be really helpful write a
"log file" with the errors, to revise at the next day if something
happen. For the moment I have this, a middleware class:
from django.conf import settings
import traceback
import sys
import logging

class TestMiddleware:
    def getUser(self, request):

    def process_exception(self, request, exception):
            tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
            ubication = traceback.extract_tb(tb).pop()
            message = u'Type: %s\nValor: %s\nFile, line, function: %s,
%s, %s\nUser: %s' % (type(exception).__name__,
exception.__unicode__(), ubication[0], ubication[1], ubicacion[2],

            logging.basicConfig(filename = settings.LOG_FILE,
filemode = 'a', format='Nivel: %(levelname)s\nDate-hour: %(asctime)s\n
%(message)s\n', level=logging.ERROR)
        return None

But something is missing. I only catch exceptions thrown from views. I
can't catch FATAL errors like problems in the connection with the
database. Errors like that don't go to this code.
Somebody have an idea to capture that exceptions, maybe in another

Cheers , Thanks for read and sorry for my bad english.

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