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2011-06-11 Thread fix computer problems

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Multiple UserProfile

2011-06-11 Thread Ignacio Soto
Hi there...

i want to create 2 user profile: cutomer and seller with diferents fields
and quantity of fields

but there is a problem with Get_Profile()
i've reading about it and i found some inheritance hacks.. but i doubt it
was the good way?

what is the right way to do it?


Ignacio Soto Reveco
Staff IngeHost

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overriding handle_uncaught_exception to get a stack trace

2011-06-11 Thread Boris Raskin

I am trying to keep track of the 500 errors that I get on my production
site. I realize that outside of DEBUG mode Django will email admins when it
hits 500 errors. This might get a little overwhelming if the same error
occurs a bunch of times. I am hoping to find a way that will let me put
these into a log file or do something more creative than just getting them
by email so that I can keep track of them.

I believe handle_uncaught_exception in django.core.handlers.base is
responsible for dealing with uncaught exceptions.

What is the best way to override it?


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help plz to install Django

2011-06-11 Thread ihsan mokhlisse
hi all . i'm so exited to be a member in this wonderful group . i
wanna start learn Django but the problem is . that i need who can
guide me to accomplish the task (learning Django) .
so plz  i need help . how can i install Django and start writing
Codes . they is an IDLE(supporting Django of crse) exist ? if they
exist . what is his name ? and where i can find it ? .
 by the way i work under Linux ( Ubuntu 10.04 )

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Bizarre QueryDict behavior grouping json data into a single key

2011-06-11 Thread Andres
I'm experiencing a really bizarre behavior when using the test client
in django.

I'm using a POST to send data to my django app. I usually do this from
an iPhone app and/or a test html form. On the server side, this is how
I handle it:

def handle_query(request):
   print request
   q   =   con.QueryLog()
   q.ID  =   request.POST.get('ID', '')
   q.device=   request.POST.get('device-model', '')

That print statement looks like what you would expect, i.e. each
parameter in the post request is turned into a key in the dictionary:


If I set data to an actual dictionary, same thing

data = '{"amzn_locale":"com"}'

Setting the request._raw_post_data doesn't change anything. Nor does


Any help would be much appreciated. From this stackoverflow question
it seems like I'm not the first one to run into this

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Re: help plz to install Django

2011-06-11 Thread Sergiy Khohlov
sudo apt-get search django
sudo apt-get install 

2011/6/11 ihsan mokhlisse :
> hi all . i'm so exited to be a member in this wonderful group . i
> wanna start learn Django but the problem is . that i need who can
> guide me to accomplish the task (learning Django) .
> so plz  i need help . how can i install Django and start writing
> Codes . they is an IDLE(supporting Django of crse) exist ? if they
> exist . what is his name ? and where i can find it ? .
>  by the way i work under Linux ( Ubuntu 10.04 )
> --
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Re: Multiple UserProfile

2011-06-11 Thread Shawn Milochik
Just make your models for the customer and seller profiles, and attach 
them to users with a OneToOne field. You can only specify one to be used 
with User.get_profile(), but I've learned from discussions among core 
developers that get_profile() is something many consider useless. It's 
even been proposed to remove it entirely.

If you're writing code that needs to use fields in your customer and 
seller profile models then you're obviously going to have to know which 
you're using, so there's no benefit to abstracting the 
user.seller_profile.get() to user.get_profile(), and it makes the intent 
less obvious.

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Re: Bizarre QueryDict behavior grouping json data into a single key

2011-06-11 Thread bruno desthuilliers
On 11 juin, 14:36, Andres  wrote:
> I'm experiencing a really bizarre behavior when using the test client
> in django.
> I'm using a POST to send data to my django app. I usually do this from
> an iPhone app and/or a test html form. On the server side, this is how
> I handle it:
> def handle_query(request):
>    print request
>    q                   =   con.QueryLog()
>    q.ID              =   request.POST.get('ID', '')
>    q.device            =   request.POST.get('device-model', '')
> That print statement looks like what you would expect, i.e. each
> parameter in the post request is turned into a key in the dictionary:
> POST: [u'v3d0'],
> However, I started writing some tests using django's test client, and
> no matter what I try, the dictionary of POST parameters I send in the
> post request get bunched into a single key in the QueryDict. Allow me
> to illustrate with some code:
> class SearchTest(TestCase):
>     def setUp(self):
>         pass
>     def test_search(self):
>         request = HttpRequest()
>         data = '{"amzn_locale":"com"}'

That's a string representation of plain dict.

>         # request._raw_post_data = data
>         resp ='/is/',
>                                  data=data,
>                                  content_type='application/x-www-form-
> urlencoded',
>                                  # content_type='application/json',
>                                 )
> The same print statement on the server side shows the inexplicable
> grouping of the dictionary into a string:
> POST:,

What else did you expect exactly ? You're supposed to pass a dict, not
a string representation of a dict.

> If I set data to an actual dictionary, same thing
> data = '{"amzn_locale":"com"}'

This is the exact same string. Remove the surrounding single quotes if
you want a dict litteral.

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Re: overriding handle_uncaught_exception to get a stack trace

2011-06-11 Thread bruno desthuilliers
On 11 juin, 06:37, Boris Raskin  wrote:
> Howdy,
> I am trying to keep track of the 500 errors that I get on my production
> site. I realize that outside of DEBUG mode Django will email admins when it
> hits 500 errors. This might get a little overwhelming if the same error
> occurs a bunch of times. I am hoping to find a way that will let me put
> these into a log file or do something more creative than just getting them
> by email so that I can keep track of them.

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Re: Bizarre QueryDict behavior grouping json data into a single key

2011-06-11 Thread Andres

On Jun 11, 3:59 pm, bruno desthuilliers
> On 11 juin, 14:36, Andres  wrote:
> > I'm experiencing a really bizarre behavior when using the test client
> > in django.
> > I'm using a POST to send data to my django app. I usually do this from
> > an iPhone app and/or a test html form. On the server side, this is how
> > I handle it:
> > def handle_query(request):
> >    print request
> >    q                   =   con.QueryLog()
> >    q.ID              =   request.POST.get('ID', '')
> >    q.device            =   request.POST.get('device-model', '')
> >    
> > That print statement looks like what you would expect, i.e. each
> > parameter in the post request is turned into a key in the dictionary:
> > POST: > [u'v3d0'],
> > However, I started writing some tests using django's test client, and
> > no matter what I try, the dictionary of POST parameters I send in the
> > post request get bunched into a single key in the QueryDict. Allow me
> > to illustrate with some code:
> > class SearchTest(TestCase):
> >     def setUp(self):
> >         pass
> >     def test_search(self):
> >         request = HttpRequest()
> >         data = '{"amzn_locale":"com"}'
> That's a string representation of plain dict.
> >         # request._raw_post_data = data
> >         resp ='/is/',
> >                                  data=data,
> >                                  content_type='application/x-www-form-
> > urlencoded',
> >                                  # content_type='application/json',
> >                                 )
> > The same print statement on the server side shows the inexplicable
> > grouping of the dictionary into a string:
> > POST:,
> What else did you expect exactly ? You're supposed to pass a dict, not
> a string representation of a dict.
> > If I set data to an actual dictionary, same thing
> > data = '{"amzn_locale":"com"}'
> This is the exact same string. Remove the surrounding single quotes if
> you want a dict litteral.
Sorry that was a typo in the post. The same behavior happens with the

  data = {"amzn_locale":"com"}

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Re: sorl thumbnail

2011-06-11 Thread Greg Donald
On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 1:50 AM, Blue Cuenca  wrote:
> Is your cache, readable and writable to other groups/users as well?

Yes, as I stated in a previous post, my entire application is chown'd
to my web server user and group 'www-data'.  Every directory down to
and including my cache directory is fully readable and writable by

It doesn't say it's a permissions error is the thing, just that the
stream is broken.  Meanwhile I can create a thumbnail easily using
` shell`.  From that I know sorl thumbnail has all the
required libraries installed and my uploaded image is not corrupt.
The only thing left is permissions, and they are as open as they can

Greg Donald |

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Re: Multiple UserProfile

2011-06-11 Thread Shawn Milochik
Oops, correction: You'd use user.seller_profile and user.customer_profile if 
you've set it up as a OneToOneField -- the get() is unnecessary (and won't 

You'd use get() if you used a ForeignKey with unique = True, but that's 
silly because a OneToOneField does exactly that but more explicitly.

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Re: forms messing up css, help?

2011-06-11 Thread Ian Clelland
I have no idea what you mean by "stop working" -- without knowing what the
code looked like before, I don't know how it worked before. The usual rule
is that if something worked before, and doesn't work now, then the problem
is in something that you did in between.

Now if this is a new view, and has never worked at all, then that's

At a first glance, you are using "render_to_response" in your view. This
method creates a Context object out of the dictionary that you pass it (in
your case, {'form': form} ).

A Context object doesn't know anything about the request, so {{ request.path
}} won't work in the template. It also doesn't have any ContextProcessors
applied, so you won't have access to context variables like {{ STATIC_URL
}}. The *only* variable that will be available in your template is {{ form
}}, because you passed it in.

What you want is a RequestContext object, rather than a Context object. You
can get one in your template, by adding one parameter to render_to_response:

from django.template import RequestContext
def contact(request):
{'form': form},

That should give you a functioning template.


On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 9:27 PM, raj  wrote:

> I also noticed one more thing, in general, all html functions stopped
> working with render_to_response i think. Like i have a function that
> gets the current path ({% request.path == ".." %}). That also isn't
> working. And even when I hard-code it, it doesn't make a difference.
> any suggestions?
> On Jun 11, 12:17 am, raj  wrote:
> > Another thing i just noticed, When i view the source of my contact
> > form, all the css/javascript includes are missing part of the path
> > where i placed a {{ STATIC_URL }} tag. Why isn't this tag being
> > rendered? Thank you.
> >
> > On Jun 11, 12:14 am, raj  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hey guys, Whenever i try and add a contact form (from the django book)
> > > into my current website, all my css/javascripts stop working. What is
> > > the issue? Here are my codes:
> >
> > >
> >
> > > def contact(request):
> > > if request.method == 'POST':
> > > form = ContactForm(request.POST)
> > > if form.is_valid():
> > > cd = form.cleaned_data
> > > send_mail(
> > > cd['subject'],
> > > cd['message'],
> > > cd.get('email', ''),
> > > [''],
> > > )
> > > return HttpResponseRedirect('/contact/thanks/')
> > > else:
> > > form = ContactForm()
> > > return render_to_response('/var/djcode/oneadmin/templates/
> > > oneadmissions/contact.html', {'form': form})
> >
> > >
> >
> > > from django import forms
> >
> > > class ContactForm(forms.Form):
> > > subject = forms.CharField()
> > > email = forms.EmailField()
> > > message = forms.CharField()
> > > name = forms.CharField()
> >
> > >
> > > urlpatterns = patterns('',
> > > ...
> > >  (r'^contact-form/',,
> > > ...
> > >  )
> >
> > > I have my static folder and everything created properly, its working
> > > perfectly fine until i input the chapter on forms. Help please!
> --
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Ian Clelland

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Re: help plz to install Django

2011-06-11 Thread Alexey Moskvin

On 11 июн, 15:01, ihsan mokhlisse  wrote:
> hi all . i'm so exited to be a member in this wonderful group . i
> wanna start learn Django but the problem is . that i need who can
> guide me to accomplish the task (learning Django) .
> so plz  i need help . how can i install Django and start writing
> Codes . they is an IDLE(supporting Django of crse) exist ? if they
> exist . what is his name ? and where i can find it ? .
>  by the way i work under Linux ( Ubuntu 10.04 )

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Re: Multiple UserProfile

2011-06-11 Thread Ignacio Soto
Ok, thannks i will try, and let you know...


ignacio Soto Reveco
Staff IngeHost

El 11-06-2011 11:41, "Shawn Milochik"  escribió:

Oops, correction: You'd use user.seller_profile and user.customer_profile if
you've set it up as a OneToOneField -- the get() is unnecessary (and won't

You'd use get() if you used a ForeignKey with unique = True, but that's
silly because a OneToOneField does exactly that but more explicitly.

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Re: help plz to install Django

2011-06-11 Thread ihsan mokhlisse
thnks Sergiy . and plz how can i cinfigure the django to work with it
plz . if they r an IDLE exist and support Django Plz without the
Problem of configure it plz

On 11 juin, 08:57, Sergiy Khohlov  wrote:
> sudo apt-get search django
> sudo apt-get install 
> 2011/6/11 ihsan mokhlisse :> hi all . i'm so exited 
> to be a member in this wonderful group . i
> > wanna start learn Django but the problem is . that i need who can
> > guide me to accomplish the task (learning Django) .
> > so plz  i need help . how can i install Django and start writing
> > Codes . they is an IDLE(supporting Django of crse) exist ? if they
> > exist . what is his name ? and where i can find it ? .
> >  by the way i work under Linux ( Ubuntu 10.04 )
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "Django users" group.
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at

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Re: help plz to install Django

2011-06-11 Thread Ignacio Soto

There is an idle called aptana, that include the pydev enviorement.

And  a better. Option is install eclipse and a
Pydev as a plugin.


ignacio Soto Reveco
Staff IngeHost

El 11-06-2011 14:46, "ihsan mokhlisse"  escribió:

thnks Sergiy . and plz how can i cinfigure the django to work with it
plz . if they r an IDLE exist and support Django Plz without the
Problem of configure it plz

On 11 juin, 08:57, Sergiy Khohlov  wrote:
> sudo apt-get search django
> sudo ...
> 2011/6/11 ihsan mokhlisse :> hi all . i'm so
exited to be a member in this wonderful group . i

> > wanna start learn Django but the problem is . that i need who can
> > guide me to accomplish the...
> > For more options, visit this group athttp://

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Get all reverse related objects.

2011-06-11 Thread Marc Aymerich
Imagine that you have these three models:

class Model_A(models.Model):

class Model_B(models.Model):

class Model_C(models.Model):
model_a = models.ForeignKey(Model_A)
model_b = models.ManyToManyField(Model_B)

This should give access to all instances of Model_C that has a FK to

But, I'm wondering if django provides some generic mechanism to do the
invers relation? it is,given a Model_C object get all related Model_A
and Model_B objects.

Many Thanks!!

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python + BDD (Behaviour)

2011-06-11 Thread Guilherme Silveira Elias
Hi Folks!

Have you already used any BDD module for testing purpose like this
Currently I use RSpec for Ruby, JBehaviour for Java, NBehaviour for .Net but
what you're using ?


Best Regards,

Guilherme Elias
Cel 55 51 92074889
Gtalk -
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Twitter -

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Re: python + BDD (Behaviour)

2011-06-11 Thread Mark Curphey
Similar question: I was looking to see if there is a Python equivalents to 
Cucumber and Capybara ?

On Jun 11, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Guilherme Silveira Elias wrote:

Hi Folks!

Have you already used any BDD module for testing purpose like this
Currently I use RSpec for Ruby, JBehaviour for Java, NBehaviour for .Net but 
what you're using ?


Best Regards,

Guilherme Elias
Cel 55 51 92074889
Gtalk -
Linkedin -
Twitter -

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Re: python + BDD (Behaviour)

2011-06-11 Thread Xavier Ordoquy

Le 11 juin 2011 à 21:27, Mark Curphey a écrit :

> Similar question: I was looking to see if there is a Python equivalents to 
> Cucumber and Capybara ?
> On Jun 11, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Guilherme Silveira Elias wrote:


You can use freshen or lettuce for that.
Lettuce has some nice documentation on
Freshen seems a bit stalled for now, I currently use this branch:


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Re: Email Accounts

2011-06-11 Thread Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
Aye, it's annoying as hell

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 2:36 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves

> On Fri, 2011-06-10 at 16:23 +0100, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
> wrote:
> >
> > I didn't realise I had accidently sent this email to the list, rather
> > than
> > directly to the OP.
> >
> > Thank you for letting me know.
> >
> >
> I have faced this problem - whether I click 'reply to all' or 'reply to
> sender', the reply goes *only* to the group.
> --
> regards
> KG
> Coimbatore LUG rox
> --
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Re: VERY cheap django hosting?

2011-06-11 Thread Ryan
Do you know how their python is provided? mod_python? mod_wsgi? fgci?



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Re: VERY cheap django hosting?

2011-06-11 Thread Izzie Teeyes
It appears that is free of charge.

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 2:30 AM, raj  wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Just wondering if you could give me some hosts that are very cheap for
> django hosting? Is hostgator any good? I really don't know what to
> look for in a host. A lot of people are recommending web faction, but
> its around $9 bucks a month. I was looking in the $5 bucks a month
> range. Any ideas? Thank you.
> -Raj
> --
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Re: VERY cheap django hosting?

2011-06-11 Thread delegbede
How do you define free of charge?
I just checked dotcloud and it doesn't come anywhere close to what English 
defines as free.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

-Original Message-
From: Izzie Teeyes 
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 16:38:21 
Subject: Re: VERY cheap django hosting?

It appears that is free of charge.

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 2:30 AM, raj  wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Just wondering if you could give me some hosts that are very cheap for
> django hosting? Is hostgator any good? I really don't know what to
> look for in a host. A lot of people are recommending web faction, but
> its around $9 bucks a month. I was looking in the $5 bucks a month
> range. Any ideas? Thank you.
> -Raj
> --
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Re: Is there anyway to put a Django site into maintenance mode using fabric?

2011-06-11 Thread Garth Humphreys
Thanks Eric for the idea of the server level redirect in the end this
is what I did,

On Jun 10, 1:43 pm, Eric Chamberlain  wrote:
> We make the change at the web server and redirect all traffic to a static 
> page.
> If the site is down for maintenance, then the middleware won't work either.
> On Jun 10, 2011, at 9:24 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
> > I'm using the MaintenanceModeMiddleware to put my site into
> > maintenance mode, but I was wondering if there is a way to put my site
> > into maintenance via fabric. I would like to do something like;
> > fab maintenance_on
> > If this is not possible what are other common ways of remotely putting
> > a Django site into maintenance mode?

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Re: Multiple UserProfile

2011-06-11 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Fri, 2011-06-10 at 23:51 -0400, Ignacio Soto wrote:
> i want to create 2 user profile: cutomer and seller with diferents
> fields
> and quantity of fields 

can the same person be both customer and seller?
Coimbatore LUG rox

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Re: help plz to install Django

2011-06-11 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 15:57 +0300, Sergiy Khohlov wrote:
> sudo apt-get search django
> sudo apt-get install  

not good advice - *never* use the packaged version
Coimbatore LUG rox

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Re: python + BDD (Behaviour)

2011-06-11 Thread Mark Curphey
Thanks. Do most Python folks generally use Selenium ?

On Jun 11, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Xavier Ordoquy wrote:

> Le 11 juin 2011 à 21:27, Mark Curphey a écrit :
>> Similar question: I was looking to see if there is a Python equivalents to 
>> Cucumber and Capybara ?
>> On Jun 11, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Guilherme Silveira Elias wrote:
> Hi,
> You can use freshen or lettuce for that.
> Lettuce has some nice documentation on
> Freshen seems a bit stalled for now, I currently use this branch: 
> Regards,
> Xavier.
> -- 
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Re: Multiple UserProfile

2011-06-11 Thread Ignacio Soto
No, the same person cant be costumer and seller.

ignacio Soto Reveco
Staff IngeHost

El 11-06-2011 21:37, "Kenneth Gonsalves"  escribió:

On Fri, 2011-06-10 at 23:51 -0400, Ignacio Soto wrote:
> i want to create 2 user profile: cutomer an...
can the same person be both customer and seller?
Coimbatore LUG rox

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Re: help plz to install Django

2011-06-11 Thread Ignacio Soto
Yes kennet is right, the version that is in the repos..maybe is not the
latest release version.

In ubuntu 11.04 is the 1.2 in repos,  you have to follow the install
instructions form the web page djangoproject.


ignacio Soto Reveco
Staff IngeHost

El 11-06-2011 21:42, "Kenneth Gonsalves"  escribió:

On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 15:57 +0300, Sergiy Khohlov wrote:
> sudo apt-get search django
> sudo apt-get...
not good advice - *never* use the packaged version
Coimbatore LUG rox


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2011-06-11 Thread
In regard to the previous question you can only specify one to be
with User.get_profile(), but I've learned from discussions among core
developers that get_profile() is something many consider useless.

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Re: help plz to install Django

2011-06-11 Thread Sergiy Khohlov
This guy would like to start. First steps are hard always and Are you
definitely sure  that adding not trivial procedure is  a good solution
?  For the first steps  last version is not important, stable work and
easy install are more important


2011/6/12 Ignacio Soto :
> Yes kennet is right, the version that is in the repos..maybe is not the
> latest release version.
> In ubuntu 11.04 is the 1.2 in repos,  you have to follow the install
> instructions form the web page djangoproject.
> Cheers
> ignacio Soto Reveco
> Staff IngeHost
> El 11-06-2011 21:42, "Kenneth Gonsalves"  escribió:
> On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 15:57 +0300, Sergiy Khohlov wrote:
>> sudo apt-get search django
>> sudo apt-get...
> not good advice - *never* use the packaged version
> --
> regards
> KG
> Coimbatore LUG rox
> --
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> "Django users" group.
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> --
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Re: Get all reverse related objects.

2011-06-11 Thread Venkatraman S
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 12:10 AM, Marc Aymerich  wrote:

> But, I'm wondering if django provides some generic mechanism to do the
> invers relation? it is,given a Model_C object get all related Model_A
> and Model_B objects.

Like this :


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Re: Multiple UserProfile

2011-06-11 Thread Venkatraman S
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 6:42 AM, Ignacio Soto  wrote:

> No, the same person cant be costumer and seller.
Then why not have a 'type' in your profile which tracks the user type?


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Re: Django-based daily deals aggregator

2011-06-11 Thread Venkatraman S
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Dealshelve (deals aggregator) <> wrote:

> We are working on a Django-based project at (hosted
> by WebFaction) with the hope to aggregate daily deals from as many group
> buying sites as possible. We plan to make our aggregator framework to be
> available publicly to allow anyone to submit new sites with the necessary
> configuration to start crawling deals from the new sites, assuming those
> sites do not already provide API/RSS feeds with the deals information.
> We look forward to your feedback!
> If you prefer to send in anonymous feedback, you can do so at

Probably you can open source and then solicit more feedback? ;)

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Help with Multiple Databases Master/Slave

2011-06-11 Thread Chris McComas
I have this database setup:

This is my db router file:

When I try to run ./ syncdb --database=slave1 it starts to
create the tables, but when it gets to the auth_permission table I get
this error:

django.db.utils.IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique
constraint "auth_permission_content_type_id_codename_key"
DETAIL:  Key (content_type_id, codename)=(19, add_registrationprofile)
already exists.

I looked in my master db and there is only one entry for the one
that's throwing the error. Any ideas what I can do? I have the django-
registration app installed and that's where the permission is coming

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Re: Multiple UserProfile

2011-06-11 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 21:12 -0400, Ignacio Soto wrote:
> No, the same person cant be costumer and seller.

I have a basic profile with information common to both customer and
seller called Person and separate models called customer and seller with
foreign key to person. Thus one person may have multiple roles.
Coimbatore LUG rox

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Re: Multiple UserProfile

2011-06-11 Thread Ignacio Soto
Ok, kenneth i havent seen it that way.

I will use your model.

I really apreciate it


ignacio Soto Reveco
Staff IngeHost

El 12-06-2011 0:39, "Kenneth Gonsalves"  escribió:

On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 21:12 -0400, Ignacio Soto wrote:
> No, the same person cant be costumer and se...
I have a basic profile with information common to both customer and
seller called Person and separate models called customer and seller with
foreign key to person. Thus one person may have multiple roles.

Coimbatore LUG rox

You re...

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Re: forms messing up css, help?

2011-06-11 Thread raj
Yup, that fixed it, thank you very much!

On Jun 11, 10:51 am, Ian Clelland  wrote:
> I have no idea what you mean by "stop working" -- without knowing what the
> code looked like before, I don't know how it worked before. The usual rule
> is that if something worked before, and doesn't work now, then the problem
> is in something that you did in between.
> Now if this is a new view, and has never worked at all, then that's
> different.
> At a first glance, you are using "render_to_response" in your view. This
> method creates a Context object out of the dictionary that you pass it (in
> your case, {'form': form} ).
> A Context object doesn't know anything about the request, so {{ 
> request.path}} won't work in the template. It also doesn't have any 
> ContextProcessors
> applied, so you won't have access to context variables like {{ STATIC_URL
> }}. The *only* variable that will be available in your template is {{ form
> }}, because you passed it in.
> What you want is a RequestContext object, rather than a Context object. You
> can get one in your template, by adding one parameter to render_to_response:
>     from django.template import RequestContext
>     ...
>     def contact(request):
>         ...
>         render_to_reponse(
>             '/var/djcode/oneadmin/templates/oneadmissions/contact.html',
>             {'form': form},
>             context_instance=RequestContext(request)
>         )
> That should give you a functioning template.
> Ian
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 9:27 PM, raj  wrote:
> > I also noticed one more thing, in general, all html functions stopped
> > working with render_to_response i think. Like i have a function that
> > gets the current path ({% request.path == ".." %}). That also isn't
> > working. And even when I hard-code it, it doesn't make a difference.
> > any suggestions?
> > On Jun 11, 12:17 am, raj  wrote:
> > > Another thing i just noticed, When i view the source of my contact
> > > form, all the css/javascript includes are missing part of the path
> > > where i placed a {{ STATIC_URL }} tag. Why isn't this tag being
> > > rendered? Thank you.
> > > On Jun 11, 12:14 am, raj  wrote:
> > > > Hey guys, Whenever i try and add a contact form (from the django book)
> > > > into my current website, all my css/javascripts stop working. What is
> > > > the issue? Here are my codes:
> > > >
> > > > def contact(request):
> > > >     if request.method == 'POST':
> > > >         form = ContactForm(request.POST)
> > > >         if form.is_valid():
> > > >             cd = form.cleaned_data
> > > >             send_mail(
> > > >                 cd['subject'],
> > > >                 cd['message'],
> > > >                 cd.get('email', ''),
> > > >                 [''],
> > > >             )
> > > >             return HttpResponseRedirect('/contact/thanks/')
> > > >     else:
> > > >         form = ContactForm()
> > > >     return render_to_response('/var/djcode/oneadmin/templates/
> > > > oneadmissions/contact.html', {'form': form})
> > > >
> > > > from django import forms
> > > > class ContactForm(forms.Form):
> > > >     subject = forms.CharField()
> > > >     email = forms.EmailField()
> > > >     message = forms.CharField()
> > > >     name = forms.CharField()
> > > >
> > > > urlpatterns = patterns('',
> > > >     ...
> > > >      (r'^contact-form/',,
> > > >     ...
> > > >      )
> > > > I have my static folder and everything created properly, its working
> > > > perfectly fine until i input the chapter on forms. Help please!
> > --
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> >
> --
> Regards,
> Ian Clelland

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