
There is an idle called aptana, that include the pydev enviorement.

And  a better. Option is install eclipse and a
Pydev as a plugin.


ignacio Soto Reveco
Staff IngeHost

El 11-06-2011 14:46, "ihsan mokhlisse" <ihsanmokhli...@gmail.com> escribió:

thnks Sergiy . and plz how can i cinfigure the django to work with it
plz . if they r an IDLE exist and support Django Plz without the
Problem of configure it plz

On 11 juin, 08:57, Sergiy Khohlov <skhoh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> sudo apt-get search django
> sudo ...
> 2011/6/11 ihsan mokhlisse <ihsanmokhli...@gmail.com>:> hi all . i'm so
exited to be a member in this wonderful group . i

> > wanna start learn Django but the problem is . that i need who can
> > guide me to accomplish the...
> > For more options, visit this group athttp://

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