Re: Forms - Widget - Radioselect - how to set initial value on a static form

2010-06-23 Thread
Karen's suggestion is great. You can also pass initial data into the
form constructor. So using the example above if you do (in your view):

my_form = F1(initial=dict(rs_field='N'))

you'll achieve the same result. Don't think there's much to be said
for either way other the way I just suggest might allow you a bit more
flexibility if you want something in the view to dictate the initial


On Jun 23, 4:37 am, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Roboto  wrote:
> > I can't seem to find documentation on this anywhere, so I imagine
> > someone must have run into this.
> > if I had a radioselect Yes / No and I wanted the default value to be
> > 'No', but I'm not loading this data from a database or anything, is
> > there a method to just insert an initial value so that the html comes
> > out as No
> > ?
> > Any ideas? This is so basic it's killing me.
> You say RadioSelect widget but you mention HTML that doesn't go with a radio
> input type -- option goes with a  construct? If you showed some
> code for what you are trying it might help people help you. The way to
> specify the initially-selection option for a RadioSelect is to specify it as
> the initial value for the associated form field. For example:
> class F1(forms.Form):
>     rs_field = forms.ChoiceField(choices=(('Y','Yes'), ('N','No')),
>         initial='N', widget=forms.RadioSelect)
> which would render (unbound) as:
> Rs field:
>  value="Y" name="rs_field" /> Yes
>  id="id_rs_field_1" value="N" name="rs_field" /> No<
> /label>
> ...with the "No" radio input initially selected, since it specified the
> checked attribute.
> Karen
> --

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Re: How to options by limited_choices_to ?

2010-06-23 Thread
First of all you might want to reconsider not using the name "type"
for one of your fields as it is a builtin in python.

I guess what you could do it limit the choices using the choices
keyword in the field constructor. However, since this appears to be
dynamic you would need to set it in the model's constructor, e.g.

class Hardware(models.Model):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.fields['hardware_type'].choices =
HardwareType.objects.all().values_list('pk', 'name'))

I'm guessing at what the fields on HardwareType might be here.


On Jun 23, 2:06 am, cat in a tub  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to built a django application for hardware compatibility
> testing
> Some hardwares are compatible with certain mother board. And
> attributes of each hardware are different (I use a ugly table to store
> attributes), which are compatible with Hardware types, such as MEM as
> SIZE, HDD has Firmware ver...
> class HardwareType
> ...
> class Hardware
> type=models.ForeighKey('HardwareType')
> hardware_type=models.ForeignKey('HardwareType',
> limited_choice_to{'compatible_type':self.type})
> attribute=ManyToManyField('hardwareAttribute')
> class HardwareAttribute
> compatible_type=models.ForeighKey('HardwareType')
> I use limited_choice_to to limit the available options in the admin
> (show compatible ones only)
> But it doesn't work. The error is 'self is undefined ...'
> Any one here has any idea how to to this ?
> Thanking you in advance.
> Homer

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Re: Django-Mysql

2010-06-23 Thread Eduan
Thanks to everyone that replied. I got an friend that knows more about
these stuff and he fixed it. Not sure how

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Re: virtual currency / check-in apps

2010-06-23 Thread Daniel Hilton
No but you can do 'badges' or awards with this:


On 23 June 2010 00:28, Greg Pelly  wrote:
> Can anyone recommend any apps/tools for implementing either virtual currency
> or "check-ins" in Django?
> Thanks,
> Greg
> --
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Dan Hilton

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An idea for a serialization framework

2010-06-23 Thread Andy Kelley
I am coming up with a framework that helps serialization of models. My
idea is for each field to have a view permissions level: PUBLIC,
OWNER, or ADMIN. I want to have a model to dict function that takes 2
arguments, permission_level and serialize_chain. Firstly, let me
explain how it would change

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Profile(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, permission=PUBLIC)
bio = models.TextField(permission=PUBLIC)
activated = models.BooleanField(default=False, permission=OWNER)
activate_code = models.CharField(max_length=256, permission=ADMIN)
pages_bookmarked = models.ManyToManyField('Page',
related_name='profile_pages_bookmarked', permission=OWNER)

So, in this example, let's think about when we serialize Profile into
a dictionary (for later turning into JSON for ajax). user is the only
special case, so skip that mentally for now. Anyone is able to view a
profile's bio. A person can view their own profile's activation status
and what pages they have bookmarked. But only the system can read the
activate_code. Of course the default value for permission would be
ADMIN, so you'd have to explicitly allow fields to be sent to the

OK, and how would the serialization work? Let's look at a view

from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.http import HttpResponse
import simplejson as json

def ajax_profile_info(request, id):
id = int(id)
profile = get_object_or_404(Profile, id=id)
# ok now we want to serialize profile for sending to json.
# let's say this is the ajax view for getting data about OTHER
return json_response(profile.serialize(PUBLIC))

def json_response(data):
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype="text/plain")

So in this view, only fields with the PUBLIC will get rendered into
the dict. Let's say it was a view function for looking at a person's
own account settings. Then we would pass OWNER to the serialize
function and we would get all PUBLIC fields + OWNER fields.

OK that's dandy, but I have one other idea to make serialization
awesome. When you have models that foreignkey all over the place, it's
a pain to create a nice json object that follows the chain to the
exact depth that you want. So let me complicate the model a little

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class Profile(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, permission=PUBLIC)
bio = models.TextField(permission=PUBLIC)
activated = models.BooleanField(default=False, permission=OWNER)
activate_code = models.CharField(max_length=256, permission=ADMIN)
books_read = models.ManyToManyField('Book',
related_name='profile_pages_bookmarked', permission=PUBLIC)

class Book(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)
protagonist = models.ForeignKey('Character', permission=PUBLIC)
language_used = models.ForeignKey('Language', permission=PUBLIC)
cover_art_plan = models.ForeignKey('CoverArtPlan',
internal_admin_thing = models.IntegerField(permission=ADMIN)

class Character(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)

class Language(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)

class CoverArtPlan(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)

OK so let's say I'm making a page where we see all the books a person
has read (and the info about those books). Here's a view function:

def ajax_books_read(request, profile_id):
id = int(id)
profile = get_object_or_404(Profile, id=id)
return json_response(profile.serialize(PUBLIC),
['books_read.protagonist', 'books_read.language_used'])

So this second argument, the serialize_chain, says that we want to
serialize profile into a dict, and the books_read field, instead of
containing a list of ids, should contain a list of serialized Books.
And since we have a dot there, when Profile passes it's serialization
request on to Book, it cuts off the "books_read." and passes the rest
to Book, so that book sees ['protagonist', 'language_used']. so when
Book serializes, its 'protagonist' field is the serialization of the
Character instead of just an id. Same for 'language_used'. However,
since cover_art_plan was not included, it is simply the id of the
CoverArtPlan instead of following the link. Also of note, since we
serialized with PUBLIC, internal_admin_thing is completely left out of
Book's serialized data.

A note about access levels: let's say Profile was serialized with
OWNER access, when it serializes its books_read, it doesn't pass
OWNER, it de-escalates the access level to PUBLIC. However if you
serialize Profile with ADMIN access, it does pass admin when it
serializes its links. Think about it; it makes sense.

Anyways, I would like to know if

1) Does a solution like this already

Re: An idea for a serialization framework

2010-06-23 Thread Andy Kelley
God damn it, the most dangerous thing about Dvorak is hitting tab
instead of or along with apostrophe. "don't " translates into

Anyways, I think this idea has merit - even alongside a role-based
security system.


On Jun 23, 3:29 am, Andy Kelley  wrote:
> I am coming up with a framework that helps serialization of models. My
> idea is for each field to have a view permissions level: PUBLIC,
> OWNER, or ADMIN. I want to have a model to dict function that takes 2
> arguments, permission_level and serialize_chain. Firstly, let me
> explain how it would change
> from django.db import models
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> class Profile(models.Model):
>     user = models.ForeignKey(User, permission=PUBLIC)
>     bio = models.TextField(permission=PUBLIC)
>     activated = models.BooleanField(default=False, permission=OWNER)
>     activate_code = models.CharField(max_length=256, permission=ADMIN)
>     pages_bookmarked = models.ManyToManyField('Page',
> related_name='profile_pages_bookmarked', permission=OWNER)
> So, in this example, let's think about when we serialize Profile into
> a dictionary (for later turning into JSON for ajax). user is the only
> special case, so skip that mentally for now. Anyone is able to view a
> profile's bio. A person can view their own profile's activation status
> and what pages they have bookmarked. But only the system can read the
> activate_code. Of course the default value for permission would be
> ADMIN, so you'd have to explicitly allow fields to be sent to the
> browser.
> OK, and how would the serialization work? Let's look at a view
> function.
> from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> import simplejson as json
> def ajax_profile_info(request, id):
>     id = int(id)
>     profile = get_object_or_404(Profile, id=id)
>     # ok now we want to serialize profile for sending to json.
>     # let's say this is the ajax view for getting data about OTHER
> people.
>     return json_response(profile.serialize(PUBLIC))
> def json_response(data):
>     return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype="text/plain")
> So in this view, only fields with the PUBLIC will get rendered into
> the dict. Let's say it was a view function for looking at a person's
> own account settings. Then we would pass OWNER to the serialize
> function and we would get all PUBLIC fields + OWNER fields.
> OK that's dandy, but I have one other idea to make serialization
> awesome. When you have models that foreignkey all over the place, it's
> a pain to create a nice json object that follows the chain to the
> exact depth that you want. So let me complicate the model a little
> bit.
> from django.db import models
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> class Profile(models.Model):
>     user = models.ForeignKey(User, permission=PUBLIC)
>     bio = models.TextField(permission=PUBLIC)
>     activated = models.BooleanField(default=False, permission=OWNER)
>     activate_code = models.CharField(max_length=256, permission=ADMIN)
>     books_read = models.ManyToManyField('Book',
> related_name='profile_pages_bookmarked', permission=PUBLIC)
> class Book(models.Model):
>     title = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)
>     protagonist = models.ForeignKey('Character', permission=PUBLIC)
>     language_used = models.ForeignKey('Language', permission=PUBLIC)
>     cover_art_plan = models.ForeignKey('CoverArtPlan',
> permission=PUBLIC)
>     internal_admin_thing = models.IntegerField(permission=ADMIN)
> class Character(models.Model):
>     name = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)
> class Language(models.Model):
>     name = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)
> class CoverArtPlan(models.Model):
>     name = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)
> OK so let's say I'm making a page where we see all the books a person
> has read (and the info about those books). Here's a view function:
> def ajax_books_read(request, profile_id):
>     id = int(id)
>     profile = get_object_or_404(Profile, id=id)
>     return json_response(profile.serialize(PUBLIC),
> ['books_read.protagonist', 'books_read.language_used'])
> So this second argument, the serialize_chain, says that we want to
> serialize profile into a dict, and the books_read field, instead of
> containing a list of ids, should contain a list of serialized Books.
> And since we have a dot there, when Profile passes it's serialization
> request on to Book, it cuts off the "books_read." and passes the rest
> to Book, so that book sees ['protagonist', 'language_used']. so when
> Book serializes, its 'protagonist' field is the serialization of the
> Character instead of just an id. Same for 'language_used'. However,
> since cover_art_plan was not included, it is simply the id of the
> CoverArtPlan instead of following the link. Also of note, since we
> serialized with PUBLIC, intern

Re: An idea for a serialization framework

2010-06-23 Thread Andy Kelley
I posted this to django-developers instead, so if you want to reply go
find that thread and do it there.

On Jun 23, 3:33 am, Andy Kelley  wrote:
> God damn it, the most dangerous thing about Dvorak is hitting tab
> instead of or along with apostrophe. "don't " translates into
> "don'" 
> Anyways, I think this idea has merit - even alongside a role-based
> security system.
> Feedback?
> On Jun 23, 3:29 am, Andy Kelley  wrote:
> > I am coming up with a framework that helps serialization of models. My
> > idea is for each field to have a view permissions level: PUBLIC,
> > OWNER, or ADMIN. I want to have a model to dict function that takes 2
> > arguments, permission_level and serialize_chain. Firstly, let me
> > explain how it would change
> > from django.db import models
> > from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> > class Profile(models.Model):
> >     user = models.ForeignKey(User, permission=PUBLIC)
> >     bio = models.TextField(permission=PUBLIC)
> >     activated = models.BooleanField(default=False, permission=OWNER)
> >     activate_code = models.CharField(max_length=256, permission=ADMIN)
> >     pages_bookmarked = models.ManyToManyField('Page',
> > related_name='profile_pages_bookmarked', permission=OWNER)
> > So, in this example, let's think about when we serialize Profile into
> > a dictionary (for later turning into JSON for ajax). user is the only
> > special case, so skip that mentally for now. Anyone is able to view a
> > profile's bio. A person can view their own profile's activation status
> > and what pages they have bookmarked. But only the system can read the
> > activate_code. Of course the default value for permission would be
> > ADMIN, so you'd have to explicitly allow fields to be sent to the
> > browser.
> > OK, and how would the serialization work? Let's look at a view
> > function.
> > from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
> > from django.http import HttpResponse
> > import simplejson as json
> > def ajax_profile_info(request, id):
> >     id = int(id)
> >     profile = get_object_or_404(Profile, id=id)
> >     # ok now we want to serialize profile for sending to json.
> >     # let's say this is the ajax view for getting data about OTHER
> > people.
> >     return json_response(profile.serialize(PUBLIC))
> > def json_response(data):
> >     return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype="text/plain")
> > So in this view, only fields with the PUBLIC will get rendered into
> > the dict. Let's say it was a view function for looking at a person's
> > own account settings. Then we would pass OWNER to the serialize
> > function and we would get all PUBLIC fields + OWNER fields.
> > OK that's dandy, but I have one other idea to make serialization
> > awesome. When you have models that foreignkey all over the place, it's
> > a pain to create a nice json object that follows the chain to the
> > exact depth that you want. So let me complicate the model a little
> > bit.
> > from django.db import models
> > from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> > class Profile(models.Model):
> >     user = models.ForeignKey(User, permission=PUBLIC)
> >     bio = models.TextField(permission=PUBLIC)
> >     activated = models.BooleanField(default=False, permission=OWNER)
> >     activate_code = models.CharField(max_length=256, permission=ADMIN)
> >     books_read = models.ManyToManyField('Book',
> > related_name='profile_pages_bookmarked', permission=PUBLIC)
> > class Book(models.Model):
> >     title = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)
> >     protagonist = models.ForeignKey('Character', permission=PUBLIC)
> >     language_used = models.ForeignKey('Language', permission=PUBLIC)
> >     cover_art_plan = models.ForeignKey('CoverArtPlan',
> > permission=PUBLIC)
> >     internal_admin_thing = models.IntegerField(permission=ADMIN)
> > class Character(models.Model):
> >     name = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)
> > class Language(models.Model):
> >     name = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)
> > class CoverArtPlan(models.Model):
> >     name = models.CharField(max_length=100, permission=PUBLIC)
> > OK so let's say I'm making a page where we see all the books a person
> > has read (and the info about those books). Here's a view function:
> > def ajax_books_read(request, profile_id):
> >     id = int(id)
> >     profile = get_object_or_404(Profile, id=id)
> >     return json_response(profile.serialize(PUBLIC),
> > ['books_read.protagonist', 'books_read.language_used'])
> > So this second argument, the serialize_chain, says that we want to
> > serialize profile into a dict, and the books_read field, instead of
> > containing a list of ids, should contain a list of serialized Books.
> > And since we have a dot there, when Profile passes it's serialization
> > request on to Book, it cuts off the "books_read." and passes the rest
> > to Book, so that book sees ['protagonist', 'language_u

trouble with many to many form

2010-06-23 Thread netremo
Hi all. I'm new to django. Help me pls.


Need form on web page that look like this:

Item order form

Your name: [___]
Tel : []

item1_name_here | count [___]
item2_name_here | count [___]
itemN_name_here | count [___]


In this form i need to create new order with items and their count.
Looks simply. But i can't do it.. :(

Item that displayed in this form is queering from model Item (all
items must be displayed).

How can i do it?

my models:

class Item(ImageModel):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Order(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
tel = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Itemsinorder(models.Model):
itemcount = models.IntegerField()
order = models.ForeignKey(Order)
item = models.ForeignKey(Item)

p.s. sorry for my English.

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mysql fulltext search

2010-06-23 Thread Henrik Genssen

is there more information/examples available on fulltext with mysql as the 
statement here, that it exists as __search:

I would like to do something like this:
having more than one indexed column each table



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Re: trouble with many to many form

2010-06-23 Thread Casey S. Greene
I am also pretty new to django but I think that what you are looking for 
is the many to many through relationship:

Maybe someone else can provide more information if that doesn't get you 

-- Casey

On 06/23/2010 07:48 AM, netremo wrote:

Hi all. I'm new to django. Help me pls.


Need form on web page that look like this:

Item order form

Your name: [___]
Tel : []

item1_name_here | count [___]
item2_name_here | count [___]
itemN_name_here | count [___]


In this form i need to create new order with items and their count.
Looks simply. But i can't do it.. :(

Item that displayed in this form is queering from model Item (all
items must be displayed).

How can i do it?

my models:

class Item(ImageModel):
 name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Order(models.Model):
 name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
 tel = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Itemsinorder(models.Model):
 itemcount = models.IntegerField()
 order = models.ForeignKey(Order)
 item = models.ForeignKey(Item)

p.s. sorry for my English.

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Re: trouble with many to many form

2010-06-23 Thread Василий Паньшин
It's not casual form

2010/6/23 Casey S. Greene 

> I am also pretty new to django but I think that what you are looking for is
> the many to many through relationship:
> Maybe someone else can provide more information if that doesn't get you
> started.
> -- Casey
> On 06/23/2010 07:48 AM, netremo wrote:
>> Hi all. I'm new to django. Help me pls.
>> Situation:
>> Need form on web page that look like this:
>> ---
>> Item order form
>> Your name: [___]
>> Tel : []
>> etc.
>> item1_name_here | count [___]
>> item2_name_here | count [___]
>> ...
>> itemN_name_here | count [___]
>> (Submit)
>> ---
>> In this form i need to create new order with items and their count.
>> Looks simply. But i can't do it.. :(
>> Item that displayed in this form is queering from model Item (all
>> items must be displayed).
>> How can i do it?
>> my models:
>> class Item(ImageModel):
>> name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>> class Order(models.Model):
>> name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>> tel = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>> class Itemsinorder(models.Model):
>> itemcount = models.IntegerField()
>> order = models.ForeignKey(Order)
>> item = models.ForeignKey(Item)
>> Thanks.
>> p.s. sorry for my English.
> --
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Limiting choices in an admin inline

2010-06-23 Thread Dan Fairs

I'm trying to limit choices in an admin inline foreign key dropdown. I
have a and roughly as follows:


class Trip(object):
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class Departure(object):
trip = models.ForeignKey('Trip')
price_window = models.ForeignKey('PriceWindow', blank=True,

class PriceWindow(models.Model):
trip = models.ForeignKey('Trip')
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)


class PriceWindowInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = PriceWindow
extra = 1

class DepartureInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Departure
extra = 1

class TripAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = (PriceWindowInline, DepartureInline)

When I view a Trip in the admin interface, as expected, I get inlines
for Departures and Price Windows. What I would like to do is to
restrict the price window dropdown in the Departure inline to those
price windows which are associated with the trip that is currently
being viewed (the default, of course, is to show all price windows.)

The only way I've found of achieving this is adding the following
method to DepartureInline:

def formfield_for_dbfield(self, field, **kw):
if == 'price_window':
trip_id =
trip = Trip.objects.get(pk=trip_id)
return forms.ModelChoiceField(
label=u'Price window',
return super(DepartureInline,
self).formfield_for_dbfield(field, **kw)

I don't like this, as it dives into the request and relies on the
structure of the admin URL; it'd be cleaner if I could somehow get a
reference to the Trip that's being edited.

Is there a better way?


How should I approach this?

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Problem with DateField input_formats

2010-06-23 Thread
I have:

'%n/%j/%Y', '%n/%j/%y',  # '10/25/2006', '10/25/06'
'%n-%j-%Y', '%n-%j-%y',  # '10-25-2006', '10-25-06'
'%M %j %Y', '%M %j, %Y', # 'Oct 25 2006', 'Oct 25, 2006'
'%b %j %Y', '%b %j, %Y', # 'oct 25 2006', 'oct 25, 2006'
'%F %j %Y', '%F %j, %Y', # 'October 25 2006', 'October 25, 2006'

class CandidateProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Person
dob = forms.DateField(input_formats=DATE_INPUT_FORMATS)

But I'm not getting my date format through. For example, 4-20-1990
fails, even though I think it should be covered by %n-%j-%Y

I've also tried:
class CandidateProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Person
widgets = {

with no luck. What am I missing here?

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Django logging

2010-06-23 Thread thusjanthan

I am creating a new django framework and figured django would come
with its own logging feature. I found this one that Fraser wrote but
is no longer in development (
wiki/Overview) Can anyone suggest me a django logging project to log
debug/error messages at server level and as a bonus feature perhaps an
email to admin if a critical error happens.


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root_path in admin sites is None

2010-06-23 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
After migrating to 1.2 I encountered a problem in admin panel. My
change password ang logout links look like this:

I have taken a look into django source and it seems, that root_path is
None (at least this variable is rendered in those urls). What I might
have forgotten to set and how can I change it to an empty string?

Filip Gruszczyński

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django-tagging registering

2010-06-23 Thread Jonathan Hayward
I have, in my code:

import tagging

class Entity(models.Model):


I'm getting an error. So far as I can tell, this is the only time
tagging.register() is called, although I do call Any ideas how I might be making a redundant
request? If this is happening because the file is being imported more than
once, what is an appropriate way to guarantee that Entity is only registered

AlreadyRegistered at /

The model 'Entity' has already been registered.

Request Method:GETRequest URL:http://linux:8000/Exception Type:
AlreadyRegisteredException Value:

The model 'Entity' has already been registered.

in register, line 39Python Executable:/usr/bin/pythonPython Version:2.6.5Python
'/usr/lib/python2.6', '/usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2',
'/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old',
'/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages',
'/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gst-0.10', '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6',
'/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages']Server time:Wed, 23 Jun 2010
10:46:07 -0500

→ Jonathan Hayward,
→ An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
→ My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
☩ I invite you to visit my main site at

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Re: Problem with DateField input_formats

2010-06-23 Thread Karen Tracey
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 11:34 AM, <> wrote:

> I have:
>'%n/%j/%Y', '%n/%j/%y',  # '10/25/2006', '10/25/06'
>'%n-%j-%Y', '%n-%j-%y',  # '10-25-2006', '10-25-06'
>'%M %j %Y', '%M %j, %Y', # 'Oct 25 2006', 'Oct 25, 2006'
>'%b %j %Y', '%b %j, %Y', # 'oct 25 2006', 'oct 25, 2006'
>'%F %j %Y', '%F %j, %Y', # 'October 25 2006', 'October 25, 2006'
> )
Looks like you are using the table from, which
is used for formatting date/times for output. The input formats, as noted use
Python's formatting characters:, not
the ones in that other table which come from PHP's date() function (yes,
this is not ideal that the two are different, but that's the way it is).

%n is not in Python's table -- I think you want %m where you have %n

%j, to Python, is day of the year as a decimal number, not day of the month.
I think you want %d where you have %j

%M is minutes, I think you want %b where you have %M

%F is not in the table, I think you want %B where you have %F.


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Re: django-tagging registering

2010-06-23 Thread Karen Tracey
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Jonathan Hayward <> wrote:

> what is an appropriate way to guarantee that Entity is only registered
> once?

Yes, it happens because may be imported more than once.  You
should put admin registrations in an file, not, and call
admin.autodiscover() from See:


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Django ModelAdmin doesn't seem to save m2m fields with save_model

2010-06-23 Thread Xavier Ordoquy

I have some trouble understanding how ModelAdmin do save models when those have 
many to many fields.

Long story:
I have for one of my application overridden ModelAdmin class and the save_model.

Basicaly, the save_model is:

def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
super(TranslationAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change)
# Some other processing

However, I have noticed that if the object has a many to many field, it isn't 

I looked at ModelAdmin and BaseModelAdmin classes and all I saw is 
BaseModelAdmin doing a simple
I just don't understand why my many to many fields aren't saved.

I added a form.save_m2m() in my save_model but I still don't understand why I 
need it.

Could someone help me understand or simply point me in a direction to look at 
please ?


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Re: root_path in admin sites is None

2010-06-23 Thread carlos
i have the same problem i fixed: in root proyect
before: ('^admin/(.*)',,

after: (r'^admin/', include(,

it work good now!!!


2010/6/23 Filip Gruszczyński 

> After migrating to 1.2 I encountered a problem in admin panel. My
> change password ang logout links look like this:
> I have taken a look into django source and it seems, that root_path is
> None (at least this variable is rendered in those urls). What I might
> have forgotten to set and how can I change it to an empty string?
> --
> Filip Gruszczyński
> --
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Re: root_path in admin sites is None

2010-06-23 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
> before: ('^admin/(.*)',,
> after: (r'^admin/', include(,

Well, I had to change it before and about two weeks ago I changed it
too (this is how my looks like):

(r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
# (r'^admin/(.*)',,
(r'^admin/', include(,

It solved some other problems (admin didn't work at all), but I still
have the problems with links in admin site.

> it work good now!!!
> bye
> 2010/6/23 Filip Gruszczyński 
>> After migrating to 1.2 I encountered a problem in admin panel. My
>> change password ang logout links look like this:
>> I have taken a look into django source and it seems, that root_path is
>> None (at least this variable is rendered in those urls). What I might
>> have forgotten to set and how can I change it to an empty string?
>> --
>> Filip Gruszczyński
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Filip Gruszczyński

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Re: Django logging

2010-06-23 Thread David De La Harpe Golden

On 23/06/10 16:48, thusjanthan wrote:


I am creating a new django framework and figured django would come
with its own logging feature. I found this one that Fraser wrote but
is no longer in development (

That's wasn't really for logging in the operational server system logs 
sense, it was for showing log messages arising in the request-response 
cycle in the html returned to the browser (which IS very handy during 
development/debug, but not something you'd do on a production server...).

django-debug-toolbar has a superset of its functionality.

 Can anyone suggest me a django logging project to log
debug/error messages at server level and as a bonus feature perhaps an
email to admin if a critical error happens.

Python itself ships with a logging infrastructure (quite the baroque 
one), module "logging".  You can just use that in conjunction with django.

regarding email:  Django does fire off certain exception emails when 
disaster strikes, python logging has SMTPHandler, and there's also the 
"logwatch" tool once you have stuff going to logs.


So, most of our django app's python files do something like the 
following near the top:

# say for the in a django app "accounts"
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('accounts.models')

# and then use


We use the leading underscore on the module-level _log so that A doesn't 
pick up B's logger if A does a "from B import *" !


We then init python's logging in a vaguely django-project-useful fashion 
in a function called from our or somewhere similarly early 
(you may need to take steps to make sure to only register the handlers 
once per process, say a global "configured" var)

e.g. (not precisely the code we use, untested):

# prefix is just a per-project prefix we set, that way two
# instances of the same app in two different projects are
# distinguishable in combined logging.

# root logger for argument's sake
# you might want something else, see logging docs
rl = logging.getLogger('')

# Stuff you send to stderr with mod_wsgi does end up in the apache log,
# though maybe it's not the best option.

streamformatter = logging.Formatter("django[%(process)d]: %(levelname)s: 
[" + prefix + "]%(name)s: %(message)s")

streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler() # defaults to stderr

# and/or you could send to syslog

slformatter = logging.Formatter("django[%(process)d]: %(levelname)s: [" 
+ prefix + "]%(name)s: %(message)s")

sysloghandler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(


# And/or to a file
# N.B. python 2.5 lacks WatchedFileHandler, but it's an easy backport
# from 2.6 sources.

# base some base file path+name

fformatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] django[%(process)d]: 
%(levelname)s: [" + prefix + "]%(name)s: %(message)s")

h = WatchedFileHandler(base + ".log", encoding='utf-8')
e = WatchedFileHandler(base + ".err", encoding='utf-8')

if settings.DEBUG:
debugformatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] 
django[%(process)d]: %(levelname)s: [" + prefix + "]%(name)s: 
%(pathname)s(%(lineno)d): %(message)s")

d = WatchedFileHandler(base + ".dbg", encoding='utf-8')

# See logging docs for more.

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djangocon hotel question

2010-06-23 Thread ffffff
I bought a early bird ticket a few days ago. It said that the hotel
was going to cost $104. Is that value per night, or is it for all 7
days of the conference? It doesn't say.

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authenticate problem with multiple db ?

2010-06-23 Thread Keats
when authenticate is called i get this error
though the user exist in database... is authenticate known to not work
with multiple database context ?

my register function was working fine before that...
i've tried with @transaction.autocommit in place of
to ensure the creation of the user before authenticate is called.

here is the function :
def register(request,template_name='accounts/
if request.method == 'POST':
form = RegisterForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
formdata = form.cleaned_data
user = User.objects.create_user( formdata['username_reg'],
formdata['password_reg'], )

user = authenticate( username = formdata['username_reg'],
password = formdata['password_reg'] )
login(request, user)
return render_to_response( template_name_success,
   { },
   context_instance =
RequestContext(request) )
form = RegisterForm()
return render_to_response( template_name,
   { 'form': form },
   context_instance =
RequestContext(request) )


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import django : error

2010-06-23 Thread Jagdeep Singh Malhi
$import django
error :
import: unable to open X server `' @ import.c/ImportImageCommand/361.

i am working on ubuntu 10.04 server  version

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SVN Problems

2010-06-23 Thread Martin 'golodhrim' Scholz
Hi List,

I try to sync with the svn repo of django but all I get is

# svn co django-trunk
svn: The server responded in an anwaited way(504 Gateway Time-out) to the 
question PROPFIND for »/svn/django/trunk«

someone an idea how to solve this?

Martin 'golodhrim' Scholz
Auf dem Sattler 4
34516 Ederbringhausen
Phone: +49 6454 799623
mobile: +49 176 63301749
Fax: +49 6454 

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Re: import django : error

2010-06-23 Thread Jagdeep Singh Malhi

On Jun 23, 11:00 pm, Jagdeep Singh Malhi 
> $import django
> error :
> import: unable to open X server `' @ import.c/ImportImageCommand/361.
> i am working on ubuntu 10.04 server  version

./ runserver

Error: No module named messages

how handle this error ???

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How to access the request inside a model manager's get_query_set?

2010-06-23 Thread derek
I would like to define a default manager for MyModel that always
filters all records (when the model is accessed from anywhere in my
application) based on data from the request:

e.g. on the lines of:

class MyModelManager(models.Manager):
#override default
def get_query_set(self, request):
if == bar:
return super(MyModelManager, self).get_query_set()
return MyModel.objects.filter(spam = eggs)

class MyModel(models.Model):
objects = MyModelManager()

However I get the error:

Django Version: 1.2.1
Exception Type: TypeError
Exception Value:
Error when calling the metaclass bases
get_query_set() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

So its clear that get_query_set() cannot take the request inserted
there... but how else can I access the request inside the above model
Manager class?

(Note that I don't want to define an extra method that needs to be
appended onto the MyModels.objects.zzz type of chained calls  - such
as the solution posted at
- as I would then have to make these changes throughout the
application, and also remember to add such a method to all future


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from a template how to access the request object

2010-06-23 Thread thusjanthan
Hi all.

>From a template suppose base.html in your templates how do I access
the request object without actually passing it via the view. Cause I
can access the user object using {{ user }} but I can't access the
get_full_path using something like {{ request.get_full_path }}

Any thoughts?


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Generate image and send to template

2010-06-23 Thread Waleria
Hi all,

I need generate a image and send to template, but I'm not
getting ...see my code

I'm not getting to understand the

def generate_graph (request):

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Re: SVN Problems

2010-06-23 Thread Karen Tracey
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Martin 'golodhrim' Scholz <> wrote:

> Hi List,
> I try to sync with the svn repo of django but all I get is
> # svn co django-trunk
> svn: The server responded in an anwaited way(504 Gateway Time-out) to the
> question PROPFIND for »/svn/django/trunk«
> someone an idea how to solve this?

Just a guess based on the "gateway time-out" but it sounds like your machine
is behind some sort of gateway/proxy that does not fully support the HTTP
methods that SVN requires. So your machine says "PROPFIND", the gateway
drops the request on the floor because it does not support it, and
eventually your machine times out and gives you that error message.

If that is the problem, and you have control over the gateway/proxy, you
could perhaps fix/configure it to support these methods. But I'm guessing
you don't control the gateway box causing the problem, in which case the
only way I know of to fix it is to use a machine that is not behind the
broken proxy/gateway.

Alternatively you could just install a released version via one of the two
first options listed here: Or if
you really want to be keeping up with the latest trunk level, one of the
unofficial DVCS mirrors may be a way to go -- if you are interested in that
then mention what DVCS you'd prefer to use and someone may be able to point
you in the right direction.


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Re: import django : error

2010-06-23 Thread Karen Tracey
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Jagdeep Singh Malhi <> wrote:

> On Jun 23, 11:00 pm, Jagdeep Singh Malhi 
> wrote:
> > $import django
> > error :
> > import: unable to open X server `' @ import.c/ImportImageCommand/361.
> >
> > i am working on ubuntu 10.04 server  version
> And
> ./ runserver
> Error: No module named messages
> how handle this error ???

For the first I have no idea, never seen it.

The "No module named messages" error happens when you have a Django project
settings file that was created with Django 1.2 but the Django your
PYTHONPATH is pointing to is 1.1.X or lower. Fix is to fix up your
PYTHONPATH to point to a 1.2 level of Django.


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Re: from a template how to access the request object

2010-06-23 Thread Karen Tracey
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 3:04 PM, thusjanthan  wrote:

> From a template suppose base.html in your templates how do I access
> the request object without actually passing it via the view. Cause I
> can access the user object using {{ user }} but I can't access the
> get_full_path using something like {{ request.get_full_path }}
> Any thoughts?

Sounds like you are using a RequestContext, which is the first step. That
plus having the auth context processor listed in the
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting would give you a template variable user.
(The auth context processor is included in the default setting value for

The context processor that would set request is this one:
That one is not in the default TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting, so if
you want request to be set in all your templates then you'll need to add it.


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Re: SVN Problems

2010-06-23 Thread Martin 'golodhrim' Scholz
On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 15:23:44 -0400, Karen Tracey wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Martin 'golodhrim' Scholz <
>> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I try to sync with the svn repo of django but all I get is
>> # svn co django-trunk
>> svn: The server responded in an anwaited way(504 Gateway Time-out) to
>> the question PROPFIND for »/svn/django/trunk«
>> someone an idea how to solve this?
> Just a guess based on the "gateway time-out" but it sounds like your
> machine is behind some sort of gateway/proxy that does not fully support
> the HTTP methods that SVN requires. So your machine says "PROPFIND", the
> gateway drops the request on the floor because it does not support it,
> and eventually your machine times out and gives you that error message.
> If that is the problem, and you have control over the gateway/proxy, you
> could perhaps fix/configure it to support these methods. But I'm
> guessing you don't control the gateway box causing the problem, in which
> case the only way I know of to fix it is to use a machine that is not
> behind the broken proxy/gateway.
> Alternatively you could just install a released version via one of the
> two first options listed here:
> Or
> if you really want to be keeping up with the latest trunk level, one of
> the unofficial DVCS mirrors may be a way to go -- if you are interested
> in that then mention what DVCS you'd prefer to use and someone may be
> able to point you in the right direction.
> Karen
> --

Hi Karen,

thanks for your hint, as other svn repos are working, I don't know where 
to look for the error in the gateway, but if someone has a git repo 
somewhere it would be nice to know, as I know these normaly don't fail.

Martin 'golodhrim' Scholz
Auf dem Sattler 4
34516 Ederbringhausen
Phone: +49 6454 799623
mobile: +49 176 63301749
Fax: +49 6454 

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Would like to modify request.user and have it be the changed value through out site

2010-06-23 Thread thusjanthan

Basically within my application for whatever reason I am changing the
user and doing something like this:

Ex: at first the request.user = UserA

request.user = Users.objects.get(some exp)

After this the request.user = UserB

However once the page redirects to another page the request.user goes
back to being the original one (UserA) that logged in. How do I
permanently change the request.user for the duration of the session?

Thank you all,

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noob syntax question

2010-06-23 Thread Sector7B
In the tutorial 1.

It has this:
# Give the Poll a couple of Choices. The create call constructs a new
# choice object, does the INSERT statement, adds the choice to the set
# of available choices and returns the new Choice object. Django
# a set to hold the "other side" of a ForeignKey relation
# (e.g. a poll's choices) which can be accessed via the API.

and gives these examples:
# Create three choices.
>>> p.choice_set.create(choice='Not much', votes=0)

>>> p.choice_set.create(choice='The sky', votes=0)

>>> c = p.choice_set.create(choice='Just hacking again', votes=0)

I understand what its doing, but I don't understand where the "_set"
comes from or where its resolved to.
Its probably more of a python thing than a django thing, but if
someone could provide insight, it would be much appreciate.


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Re: Would like to modify request.user and have it be the changed value through out site

2010-06-23 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jun 23, 9:14 pm, thusjanthan  wrote:
> Hi,
> Basically within my application for whatever reason I am changing the
> user and doing something like this:
> Ex: at first the request.user = UserA
> request.user = Users.objects.get(some exp)
> After this the request.user = UserB
> However once the page redirects to another page the request.user goes
> back to being the original one (UserA) that logged in. How do I
> permanently change the request.user for the duration of the session?
> Thank you all,
> Nathan.

Write your own middleware in place of
django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware, which returns
your UserB instead of UserA.

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Re: noob syntax question

2010-06-23 Thread Michael Schade
(Sorry in advance for the brevity and any typos, I am typing this from
my aging Windows Mobile).

It's quite Django-specific actually. If you take a look at  it says,
"Django also creates API accessors for the "other" side of the
relationship -- the link from the related model to the model that
defines the relationship. For example, a Blog object b has access to a
list of all related Entry objects via the entry_set attribute:

Hope that clears things up.

Michael Schade
Spearhead Development LLC

On 6/23/10, Sector7B  wrote:
> Hi,
> In the tutorial 1.
> It has this:
> # Give the Poll a couple of Choices. The create call constructs a new
> # choice object, does the INSERT statement, adds the choice to the set
> # of available choices and returns the new Choice object. Django
> creates
> # a set to hold the "other side" of a ForeignKey relation
> # (e.g. a poll's choices) which can be accessed via the API.
> and gives these examples:
> # Create three choices.
 p.choice_set.create(choice='Not much', votes=0)
 p.choice_set.create(choice='The sky', votes=0)
 c = p.choice_set.create(choice='Just hacking again', votes=0)
> I understand what its doing, but I don't understand where the "_set"
> comes from or where its resolved to.
> Its probably more of a python thing than a django thing, but if
> someone could provide insight, it would be much appreciate.
> Thanks,
> -j
> --
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Michael Schade - 815.514.1410

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Re: Django logging

2010-06-23 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 1:07 AM, David De La Harpe Golden
> On 23/06/10 16:48, thusjanthan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am creating a new django framework and figured django would come
>> with its own logging feature. I found this one that Fraser wrote but
>> is no longer in development (
>> wiki/Overview)
> That's wasn't really for logging in the operational server system logs
> sense, it was for showing log messages arising in the request-response cycle
> in the html returned to the browser (which IS very handy during
> development/debug, but not something you'd do on a production server...).
> django-debug-toolbar has a superset of its functionality.
>>  Can anyone suggest me a django logging project to log
>> debug/error messages at server level and as a bonus feature perhaps an
>> email to admin if a critical error happens.
> Python itself ships with a logging infrastructure (quite the baroque one),
> module "logging".  You can just use that in conjunction with django.
> regarding email:  Django does fire off certain exception emails when
> disaster strikes, python logging has SMTPHandler, and there's also the
> "logwatch" tool once you have stuff going to logs.

I would also add that adding support for logging is one of the high
priority items for Django 1.3 [1]. The design is mostly sorted at this
point, and a preliminary implementation is available at [2]


Russ Magee %-)

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Re: djangocon hotel question

2010-06-23 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 1:08 AM, ff  wrote:
> I bought a early bird ticket a few days ago. It said that the hotel
> was going to cost $104. Is that value per night, or is it for all 7
> days of the conference? It doesn't say.

It doesn't say because it's pretty much implied -- it's $104 a night.
Not everybody will be staying for the full length of the conference,
and some people (like myself) will be there a day or so either side to
account for jetlag/travel arrangements.

Also... I don't even want to think what a $14.86 per night hotel would
be like... Even Motel 6 charges more... :-)

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Question regarding subdomains of a single project

2010-06-23 Thread Micky Hulse
> Check out this from djangosnippets:
> It allows you to specify multiple URLconfs and then choose which you
> ..

Anyone know if the ticket mentioned in the comments (#5034) of the
above djangosnippet has been resolved?

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Re: authenticate problem with multiple db ?

2010-06-23 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Keats  wrote:
> Hi,
> when authenticate is called i get this error
> though the user exist in database... is authenticate known to not work
> with multiple database context ?

I'm not aware of any problems. The authenticate code doesn't do
anything special with the database either, so I can't think of any
obvious sources of problems that might have been missed.

My first port of call would be to look into the way you have
multi-database configured, to ensure that the queries that are issued
can be directed to the appropriate database. If you're getting errors
that indicate that a user doesn't exist, that would suggest that the
query may be being routed to the wrong database.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: djangocon hotel question

2010-06-23 Thread ffffff
oh i see. I thought that it may be a possibility that ticket prices
would maybe offset the cost a little so they could charge a little
less for the rooms... thanks for the clarification... I've never been
to a conference like this, so I have no idea how these things work.

On Jun 23, 7:41 pm, Russell Keith-Magee 
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 1:08 AM, ff  wrote:
> > I bought a early bird ticket a few days ago. It said that the hotel
> > was going to cost $104. Is that value per night, or is it for all 7
> > days of the conference? It doesn't say.
> It doesn't say because it's pretty much implied -- it's $104 a night.
> Not everybody will be staying for the full length of the conference,
> and some people (like myself) will be there a day or so either side to
> account for jetlag/travel arrangements.
> Also... I don't even want to think what a $14.86 per night hotel would
> be like... Even Motel 6 charges more... :-)
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Django logging

2010-06-23 Thread Andy McKay

On 2010-06-23, at 8:48 AM, thusjanthan wrote:
> I am creating a new django framework and figured django would come
> with its own logging feature. I found this one that Fraser wrote but
> is no longer in development (
> wiki/Overview) Can anyone suggest me a django logging project to log
> debug/error messages at server level and as a bonus feature perhaps an
> email to admin if a critical error happens.

Give Arecibo a look.


  Andy McKay, @andymckay
  Django Consulting, Training and Support

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trying to do console testing of my models, "no module named X"

2010-06-23 Thread robinne
I have a django project running on local linux machine with apache. I
run this at localhost:8081 and I use import statements to import my
models in my views (e.g. "from DjangoSite.ManageProducts.models import

For testing, I want to be able to import my models into python console
and run test queries. I don't know how python knows where my models
are...when I run import statement in python console, it comes back
with error "no module named DjangoSite.ManageProducts.models".

How do I references my own modules using console? Do I need to add my
project to python path?


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Re: import django : error

2010-06-23 Thread Jagdeep Singh Malhi

On Jun 24, 12:26 am, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Jagdeep Singh Malhi <
>> wrote:
> > On Jun 23, 11:00 pm, Jagdeep Singh Malhi 
> > wrote:
> > > $import django
> > > error :
> > > import: unable to open X server `' @ import.c/ImportImageCommand/361.
> > > i am working on ubuntu 10.04 server  version
> > And
> > ./ runserver
> > Error: No module named messages
> > how handle this error ???
> For the first I have no idea, never seen it.
> The "No module named messages" error happens when you have a Django project
> settings file that was created with Django 1.2 but the Django your
> PYTHONPATH is pointing to is 1.1.X or lower. Fix is to fix up your
> PYTHONPATH to point to a 1.2 level of Django.
where i check my PYTHONPATH is pointing to 1.2.or lower   ??

And i never use Django 1.1 version  , i only install 1.2 version with
python 2.6
> Karen
>  --

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Re: import django : error

2010-06-23 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Wednesday 23 June 2010 23:30:14 Jagdeep Singh Malhi wrote:
> $import django
> error :
> import: unable to open X server `' @ import.c/ImportImageCommand/361.
> i am working on ubuntu 10.04 server  version

you are trying to import from the bash shell - please open a python shell and 
try the import
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Associate

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Re: import django : error

2010-06-23 Thread Teemu Perheentupa


$import django
error :
import: unable to open X server `' @ import.c/ImportImageCommand/361.

i am working on ubuntu 10.04 server  versio
you're using shell command import, which is for capturing X-windows to 
images. You should start python shell first, with python command:

Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:57:41)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import django


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