Re: how to use render_to_response, ajax and javascript variables

2010-06-17 Thread Ian McDowall
Hi Alex, here is a small example of a JSON response.  I don't mix HTML
and JSON personally (I use HTML pages and then fetch JSON via AJAX
calls so).

Here is a fragment of code from one of my views:

t = loader.get_template('members/member_info.json')
c = Context({'member_set':member_set})
return HttpResponse(t.render(c), mimetype="text/plain")

Here is the template:

{% for one_member in member_set %}
{% endfor %}

I choose text/plain deliberately but you might choose text/json (or
something else).  if you embed HTML in JSON then you will need to be
careful that the HTML does not itself contain characters that break
the JSON (e.g. quotation marks).


On Jun 16, 8:46 pm, Alex  wrote:
> Thanks all. I may go with Matt's idea of serialising html + other data
> to json and decoding client side. I'm not totally keen though because
> this abandons a very nice rollup of functionality in django's
> render_to_response (I am not familiar with how to write the template
> as JSON and rendering to that. Keeping the template as html seems like
> the right thing to do). I was hoping you'd scream 'don't be daft -
> everyone does this...'  :)
>                                   Alex

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Re: Model validation (not form validation)

2010-06-17 Thread derek
On Jun 16, 8:20 am, MH  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm making a model, that has a bit complex dependencies between the fields,
> such as date progression (start_date must not be later than finish_date).
> I'm looking for a way to validate these dependencies while creating (or
> saving) the model, but I am not sure which approach should I use.
> The best solution would be overriding Model's method *clean*, but this seems
> to work only when working with forms. Another solution utilizes pre_save()
> or save() methods.
> Which one is the "proper" one?
> Regards,
> Mateusz Haligowski

There's a good example at:

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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Dmitry Dulepov

finn wrote:
> Now to the problem: a lot of people who needs websites have heard of
> Drupal or Joomla! or WordPress or PHP. But NOBODY has EVER heard about
> Django. 

That's because Django is not a CMS. You cannot take it, install onto web
site and start adding content. With CMS you do exactly that. With Django,
you don't. Yes, there are Flatpages but this is not serious for any big web

If it makes you easier to understand, your comparison "Joomla vs Django" is
the same as "WordPress vs Zend Framework" or "Apache vs Python". These all
are different things, they are not comparable. Thus you cannot sell one
thing as another.

Dmitry Dulepov

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Re: how to use render_to_response, ajax and javascript variables

2010-06-17 Thread Matt Hoskins
Django has an escapejs filter so if you're using a template to
generate json you'd be safer doing, e.g.:

"first_name":"{{ one_member.first_name|escapejs }}"

That way if someone sticks something untoward (like a double quote) in
your first_name or last_name fields it won't break things :).

For the rolling up of HTML and JSON I personally would use a template
for the HTML but I wouldn't bother with it for the JSON as typically
the stuff you want to chuck back in JSON would be most naturally (I
think) built up as a python data structure (e.g. dict of values) which
you use simplejson (which is included with Django) to convert into

from django.utils import simplejson
  'someListData':['Item 1','Item 2']
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(data),mimetype='text/plain)

That way simplejson'll take care of sorting everything out :). If you
want to dump out django objects as json too then look at the
documentation for serialising django objects.


On Jun 17, 8:42 am, Ian McDowall  wrote:
> Here is the template:
> {"results":[
> {% for one_member in member_set %}
> {
> "id":"{{}}",
> "username":"{{one_member.username}}",
> "first_name":"{{one_member.first_name}}",
> "last_name":"{{one_member.last_name}}"},
> {% endfor %}
> ]}
> I choose text/plain deliberately but you might choose text/json (or
> something else).  if you embed HTML in JSON then you will need to be
> careful that the HTML does not itself contain characters that break
> the JSON (e.g. quotation marks).

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Re: DateField issues

2010-06-17 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jun 17, 6:40 am, Sheena  wrote:
> Thanks
> The question is how do I populate a field with some other date, for
> example, there's a date of birth field that the auto stuff wont be
> ideal for...
> In the populate method i mentioned before, i passed the dob(date of
> birth) field a Date object initialized to something arbitrary. Does
> the DateField not get along with standard date objects? What format
> should stuff be in for populating DateFields?

For some reason you're trying to set the value of your date fields to
a *field*. Just as with any other field, you need to set the value of
the field to the corresponding value - for a charfield, you would set
it to a string:
   self.mycharfield = "mystring"
and for an integer you would do:
   self.myintegerfield = 1
so for a date field you just set it to a date:
self.mydatefield =


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Re: how to use render_to_response, ajax and javascript variables

2010-06-17 Thread Dmitry Dulepov

Matt Hoskins wrote:
> return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(data),mimetype='text/plain)

Small correction: mime type should be application/json.

Dmitry Dulepov

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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:26 AM, finn  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have with interest followed the thread "Seeking Django vs. Joomla
> comparison", and it has inspired me to start this new thread.
> I consider myself a Python/Django programmer, and I do so because my
> experiences with a number of programming languages, CMS'es and web
> frameworks has lead me to believe that Python and Django is simply the
> better choice from a technical perspective. I am not a fanatic and I
> won't say that everything else sucks, but honestly - if you have the
> choice between a better and a no-quite-so-good technology, you will of
> course want to use the better one, despite that the other would work,
> too.
> Now to the problem: a lot of people who needs websites have heard of
> Drupal or Joomla! or WordPress or PHP. But NOBODY has EVER heard about
> Django. If somebody suggests that they make their website with
> something called "Django" then this "Django-thing" must at least have
> some reasons to why it exists and why one should prefer it over well-
> known solutions. Consequently, people come the this discussion group
> and ask: "What are the reasons that you think your product is
> better?", and the answer they get is: "our product cannot be compared
> with the others because you cannot compare apples with oranges." This
> means that people who where willing to listen to a good sales talk
> leaves the shop in a hurry because the salesman obviously didn't want
> to sell anything at all. Which leaves me and a lot of other Django
> entusiasts with not so much work as we would as we would like to have.
> I think that we - the Django community - could do a better job selling
> our product, and I'd like to volunteer in this work.

I completely agree. We've relied on our technical merit to get
'sales', and while that has served us well so far, there is a lot of
potential to promote Django further.

> I just don't know
> how to do it.

One idea that has been bounced around many times is to start an
'' companion site for --
a site that makes the case for Django in a way that isn't technical,
but focuses on the business case. This could include content such as:

 * Case studies
 * 'Sales Brochures' suitable to give to a boss who might be
considering technical options
 * Lists of contractors that will provide support when things go wrong
 * Lists of training opportunities

There are at least three subtasks in this:
 1. We need to actually design, build and deploy the site
 2. We need to gathering the initial content for the site
 3. Long term, we need to curate the content, including moderation of
case studies submitted by users, and direct solicitation of new case

If this sounds like a way you might like to contribute, then the first
step is to turn this skeleton proposal into something more concrete. I
don't have any particularly strong ideas, other than "it must be
awesome" -- here's the opportunity for you (or anyone else in the
community that wants to help out) to wow us.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Cannot import a module when deployed in Apache WSGI

2010-06-17 Thread Radhakrishna Bhat
Any py gurus?

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 8:42 PM, Radhakrishna wrote:

> This may be very silly, but I cant figure out the problem. Everything
> seems to be in place.
> I have deployed my django project to Apache using mod_wsgi. In
> I am mapping "gateway/" to which imports 'pyamf' module.
> The problem is, even though pyamf module is in python path, its not
> able to find it. I can import it from command line and when in django
> development server.
> ViewDoesNotExist at /gateway/
> Could not import TestProject.gateway. Error was: No module named pyamf
> Request Method: GET
> Request URL:http://localhost/dj/gateway/
> Django Version: 1.2.1
> Exception Type: ViewDoesNotExist
> Exception Value:
> Could not import TestProject.gateway. Error was: No module named pyamf
> Exception Location: D:\Python2.6\lib\site-packages\django\core
> \ in _get_callback, line 134
> Python Executable:  C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation
> \Apache2.2\bin\httpd.exe
> Python Version: 2.6.0
> Python Path:['D:\\Python2.6\\', 'D:\\Python2.6\\Lib', 'D:\
> \Python2.6\\DLLs', 'D:\\Python2.6\\Lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\Program Files\
> \Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2', 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache
> Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\bin', 'D:\\Python2.6', 'D:\\Python2.6\
> \lib\\site-packages', 'D:/DjangoProjects', 'D:\\Python2.6\\Lib\\site-
> packages\\pyamf']
> Server time:Wed, 16 Jun 2010 20:37:57 +0530
> Any idea whats going on? As you can see, pyamf is in python path.
> --
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Re: Cannot import a module when deployed in Apache WSGI

2010-06-17 Thread Dmitry Dulepov

Radhakrishna wrote:
> I have deployed my django project to Apache using mod_wsgi. In
> I am mapping "gateway/" to which imports 'pyamf' module.
> The problem is, even though pyamf module is in python path, its not
> able to find it. I can import it from command line and when in django
> development server.

Have a look to Python path (I shortened it for you):

> Python Path:  [ ... 'D:\\Python2.6\\Lib\\site-
> packages\\pyamf']

Pythin will be looking for D:\\Python2.6\\Lib\\site-packages\\pyamf\\pyamf.
Does this directory exist?

Normally, your 'site-packed' should in Python path, not its subdirectories.

Dmitry Dulepov

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Re: how to use render_to_response, ajax and javascript variables

2010-06-17 Thread Matt Hoskins
I was just copying Ian's choice of mimetype - see Ian's comment above
"I choose text/plain deliberately but you might choose text/json (or
something else)."... Although it's worth pointing out that "text/json"
shouldn't be used, since "application/json" is, as you rightly point,
the mimetype for json data :).

On Jun 17, 9:18 am, Dmitry Dulepov  wrote:
> Small correction: mime type should be application/json.

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Re: Is there any kind of verbose_name for apps?

2010-06-17 Thread Massimiliano della Rovere
That's how I solved it, but I was wondering if there were something
more official :)

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 20:27, patrickk  wrote:
> I don´t think there is (although this issue has already been discussed
> years ago) - no ability to change apps-name and/or app-translations.
> you could use a 3rd-party-app like admin-tools to customize your index-
> page and change appnames (see 
> regards,
> patrick
> On 16 Jun., 16:31, Massimiliano della Rovere
>  wrote:
>> And if not how can I emulate that?
> --
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Re: Cannot import a module when deployed in Apache WSGI

2010-06-17 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Jun 17, 6:28 pm, Dmitry Dulepov  wrote:
> Hi!
> Radhakrishna wrote:
> > I have deployed my django project to Apache using mod_wsgi. In
> > I am mapping "gateway/" to which imports 'pyamf' module.
> > The problem is, even though pyamf module is in python path, its not
> > able to find it. I can import it from command line and when in django
> > development server.
> Have a look to Python path (I shortened it for you):
> > Python Path:       [ ... 'D:\\Python2.6\\Lib\\site-
> > packages\\pyamf']
> Pythin will be looking for D:\\Python2.6\\Lib\\site-packages\\pyamf\\pyamf.
> Does this directory exist?
> Normally, your 'site-packed' should in Python path, not its subdirectories.

Your last comment is generally correct, but the search path also


Although 'lib' is in lower case, that shouldn't usually matter on

>From the command line Python they should go:

  import pyamf
  print pyamf.__file__

to find out where it is being imported from and post that.

They should also check the permissions on directory pyamf is in in
case it has restrictive permissions of user that user that Apache runs
as cant read.



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sessions across subdomains - required settings?

2010-06-17 Thread Aljosa Mohorovic
if i have a project with domain and it's deployed as 3
wsgi apps:
is there something in that should be shared across wsgi

i can't figure out if i should use the same SECRET_KEY in all settings
or it doesn't matter?
just to be clear, all 3 wsgi apps are basically the same project and
they access the same database.

Aljosa Mohorovic

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Re: how to use render_to_response, ajax and javascript variables

2010-06-17 Thread Ian McDowall
Sorry, other posters have picked up two of my errors.

It is a while since I used application/json and I was running on
(incorrect) memory.  My reasoning for using plain text is as follows.

I regard parsing JSON using eval() as a security risk on the client
side. If you have complete control of the server side then it is safe
but I choose to be conservative and safer. I use the json2.js library
to parse JSON rather than using eval() and making the MIME type text
prevents accidental use of eval.

Here are some links about parsing JSON.

With regard to marking fields as safe - yes, Matt Hoskins is right.  I
have fixed that in a later version of my template but I didn't have
the latest version to hand (different laptop) so I used an old

In some cases, I don't use templates to build a JSON response.  It can
be straightforward to write it as a string inline.  I don't personally
yet use the built in Python JSON module as I don't want to limit the
Python versions that I can deploy with but I am sure that I will move
to this at some point.

On Jun 17, 9:37 am, Matt Hoskins  wrote:
> I was just copying Ian's choice of mimetype - see Ian's comment above
> "I choose text/plain deliberately but you might choose text/json (or
> something else)."... Although it's worth pointing out that "text/json"
> shouldn't be used, since "application/json" is, as you rightly point,
> the mimetype for json data :).
> On Jun 17, 9:18 am, Dmitry Dulepov  wrote:
> > Small correction: mime type should be application/json.

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Re: how to use render_to_response, ajax and javascript variables

2010-06-17 Thread Matt Hoskins

On Jun 17, 10:31 am, Ian McDowall  wrote:
> In some cases, I don't use templates to build a JSON response.  It can
> be straightforward to write it as a string inline.  I don't personally
> yet use the built in Python JSON module as I don't want to limit the
> Python versions that I can deploy with but I am sure that I will move
> to this at some point.

Django comes with simplejson as django.utils.simplejson (it was in
1.0) - and to quote from the docs for 1.1 and 1.2:

The Django source code includes the simplejson module. However, if
you're using Python 2.6 (which includes a builtin version of the
module), Django will use the builtin json  module automatically. If
you have a system installed version that includes the C-based speedup
extension, or your system version is more recent than the version
shipped with Django (currently, 2.0.7), the system version will be
used instead of the version included with Django.


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Re: how to use render_to_response, ajax and javascript variables

2010-06-17 Thread Alex
Thanks all!
I will try a combination of these pointers. server/client
communication patterns seems to be a recurring theme (or nightmare!)
of mine.
This conversation has been very helpful and reassuring - I can see
that the hard and fast rule is 'when in doubt, json it'


and thanks Matt for that json version info which was confusing me

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Serving media files

2010-06-17 Thread Jagdeep Singh Malhi
i am using this link

In this link i am unable to under stand topic  SERVING MEDIA FILES
the lines(given below) which is used in this tutorial ,  i am able
understand where  we edit this line , if its edit in apache/
httpd.conf .so its ok

but I am also not  found  this """/usr/local/wsgi/static/media/"""
this path  in   my file system ,
and  where i  place  "/media"  directory which have""css,js,img"
directory  which is used in admin


Alias /robots.txt /usr/local/wsgi/static/robots.txt
Alias /favicon.ico /usr/local/wsgi/static/favicon.ico

AliasMatch /([^/]*\.css) /usr/local/wsgi/static/styles/$1

Alias /media/ /usr/local/wsgi/static/media/

Order deny,allow
Allow from all

WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/local/wsgi/scripts/django.wsgi

Order allow,deny
Allow from all


i am used  ubuntu10.04 with apache server

and  my  my project is  place in directory  "/home/your_name/mysite/'

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Re: Serving media files

2010-06-17 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Jun 17, 9:17 pm, Jagdeep Singh Malhi 
> i am using this 
> link
> In this link i am unable to under stand topic  SERVING MEDIA FILES
> the lines(given below) which is used in this tutorial ,  i am able
> understand where  we edit this line , if its edit in apache/
> httpd.conf .so its ok
> but I am also not  found  this """/usr/local/wsgi/static/media/"""
> this path  in   my file system ,
> and  where i  place  "/media"  directory which have""css,js,img"
> directory  which is used in admin
> {
> Alias /robots.txt /usr/local/wsgi/static/robots.txt
> Alias /favicon.ico /usr/local/wsgi/static/favicon.ico
> AliasMatch /([^/]*\.css) /usr/local/wsgi/static/styles/$1
> Alias /media/ /usr/local/wsgi/static/media/
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
> WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/local/wsgi/scripts/django.wsgi
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> }
> i am used  ubuntu10.04 with apache server
> and  my  my project is  place in directory  "/home/your_name/mysite/'

All the directories are examples only, you would change them to be
what is appropriate for your system.

In the case of the media files you would copy them from the contrib/
admin/media directory under where Django is installed to some place
where your site is.

Thus, run Python and go:

>>> import django
>>> import os
>>> os.path.dirname(django.__file__)

Copy the directory called 'contrib/admin/media' from under that
directory and put that with your site. Then set up the Alias to refer
to it.

You could set the Alias to refer to the directory in the installed
Django installation if you want and not copy it, but copying it will
allow you to modify the media files and not muck up your original
Django installation.


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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Richard Shebora
I have been thinking about this for a while and am writing this
because everything said so far interests me greatly...

I am not a qualified django developer (yet), but have been
successfully building commercial sites for over ten years with the
last five in python/zope/plone.  I love the pluggability of zope.
Just drop in a "product" and it is ready to use with minimal
configuration at the next restart.  New features and content types are
very easy to mix and match.  Having said that...

This is what I thought django was too, at first.  It is more pluggable
than most but is still not really there.  Pinax is a great example.
The fact that the project exists to integrate all those different
features and modules is evidence.  Putting them together correctly is
so hard that it requires a project of it's own.  If we need a showcase
I think Pinax is it.  It is like Plone but better.

I would like to suggest that we consider using Pinax/Satchmo/LFS as
pet projects.  The effort being to re-factor everything to follow a
list of "community approved" best practices and make everything more
plug and play.  A manager/developer making the decisions on a platform
for their next project should be able to download django and just plug
in the functionality he/she needs.  Dependencies will exist but that's

So with specific projects to work with, the real next step may be to
create that "Enterprise" site and give it a narrow focus of writing
guidelines and best practices.  Then making the necessary changes to
the to Pinax/Satchmo/LFS projects to bring them into compliance.

If all that would happen django would be an easy choice for anyone,
well absolutely for me.  Without these I spent months swinging back
and forth on various decisions because the above situation does not
exist for django.

I know I am just re-hashing but please move forward with this, or
something.  I am most eager to help.

Richard Shebora
703-350-4707 office
202-215-2600 cel

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 4:19 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:26 AM, finn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have with interest followed the thread "Seeking Django vs. Joomla
>> comparison", and it has inspired me to start this new thread.
>> I consider myself a Python/Django programmer, and I do so because my
>> experiences with a number of programming languages, CMS'es and web
>> frameworks has lead me to believe that Python and Django is simply the
>> better choice from a technical perspective. I am not a fanatic and I
>> won't say that everything else sucks, but honestly - if you have the
>> choice between a better and a no-quite-so-good technology, you will of
>> course want to use the better one, despite that the other would work,
>> too.
>> Now to the problem: a lot of people who needs websites have heard of
>> Drupal or Joomla! or WordPress or PHP. But NOBODY has EVER heard about
>> Django. If somebody suggests that they make their website with
>> something called "Django" then this "Django-thing" must at least have
>> some reasons to why it exists and why one should prefer it over well-
>> known solutions. Consequently, people come the this discussion group
>> and ask: "What are the reasons that you think your product is
>> better?", and the answer they get is: "our product cannot be compared
>> with the others because you cannot compare apples with oranges." This
>> means that people who where willing to listen to a good sales talk
>> leaves the shop in a hurry because the salesman obviously didn't want
>> to sell anything at all. Which leaves me and a lot of other Django
>> entusiasts with not so much work as we would as we would like to have.
>> I think that we - the Django community - could do a better job selling
>> our product, and I'd like to volunteer in this work.
> I completely agree. We've relied on our technical merit to get
> 'sales', and while that has served us well so far, there is a lot of
> potential to promote Django further.
>> I just don't know
>> how to do it.
> One idea that has been bounced around many times is to start an
> '' companion site for --
> a site that makes the case for Django in a way that isn't technical,
> but focuses on the business case. This could include content such as:
>  * Case studies
>  * 'Sales Brochures' suitable to give to a boss who might be
> considering technical options
>  * Lists of contractors that will provide support when things go wrong
>  * Lists of training opportunities
> There are at least three subtasks in this:
>  1. We need to actually design, build and deploy the site
>  2. We need to gathering the initial content for the site
>  3. Long term, we need to curate the content, including moderation of
> case studies submitted by users, and direct solicitation of new case
> studies.
> If this sounds like a way you might like to contribute, then the first
> step is to turn this skeleton proposal into something mor

automatic documentation (docutils) does not pull in class methods?

2010-06-17 Thread pk
The automatic documentation generated, via docutils, in the admin
interface for a django app does not pull in documentation for methods
defined for classes, only attributes. Is this a "feature" of the
django implementation or docutils?


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Re: Why does django's default test suite runner set settings.DEBUG = False?

2010-06-17 Thread Tom Evans
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:14 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 5:40 AM, Peter Bengtsson  wrote:
>> This is a new feature of Django 1.2. I'm curious, why does it want to
>> do this? I want to control this for my settings so that I can things
>> like disabled verify_exists on my URLFields when I run tests.
> No, it isn't a new feature at all. It's been there since the test
> system was introduced almost 4 years ago.
> Here's the reasoning:
>  * Production code should always be running in DEBUG=False, and you
> should be testing how your code will operate in production. It would
> be a pain to have to manually set (and, more importantly, to remember
> to set) DEBUG=True every time you run your test suite, so we do it for
> you.
>  * DEBUG=True will be marginally faster, because it doesn't collect

DEBUG=False will be marginally faster

> various debug/traceback information during execution. In a big test
> suite, every little bit matters.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

The intent was clear :)



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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Matt Hoskins

> plug and play.  A manager/developer making the decisions on a platform
> for their next project should be able to download django and just plug
> in the functionality he/she needs.  Dependencies will exist but that's
> normal.

> If all that would happen django would be an easy choice for anyone,
> well absolutely for me.  Without these I spent months swinging back
> and forth on various decisions because the above situation does not
> exist for django.

The market you talk about sounds like one where things like Pinax/
Satchmo/LFS are a substantial match for their requirements and who can
then benefit from the power of Django in extending beyond the
capabilities of what those apps provide. The drupal/joomla/plone/
wordpress type market, perhaps?

The kinds of applications I build in Django aren't in the style of
public-facing websites, they're web-based applications where few if
any of the facilities from Pinax, Satchmo or LFS are of any interest
to me. In fact for me one of the appeals of Django was that it didn't
try to do too much for me (i.e. it didn't quickly start to get in the
way like, say, drupal tends to once you get beyond a certain point).

I quite like the skeleton proposal Russ sketches out in the mail you
replied to - that sounds like it would have more of a general reach
rather than trying to get into the drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress


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How to pass a raw ORDER_BY command or function call to a results query object?

2010-06-17 Thread Kyle
Without any filtering, I can execute the following SQL query to get my
ordered data:
   SELECT * from EXECUTION_JOB ORDER BY GREATEST(startTime, queueTime)

But in Django, it seems like the order_by only likes passing of field
names, not a function call.
Is there a way to have it bass a raw ORDER_BY value to the query?

I am getting my filtered query in a variable called "jobs"
I tried calling
but this fails due to:
   FieldError: Invalid order_by arguments:

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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Richard Shebora

You are correct.  The "drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress space" does exist
and it is where most people (non-developers) look first.  These are
the people who need to perceive django in a more positive light if the
goal is to increase django market share.  They are the people who hire
you and I.  If not, it's a moot point.


I was not clear that I support everything Russ said, and that I am
most in favor of an "Enterprise" site that sets forth standards and
best practices which make apps more compatible and hence more

I will die, maybe tomorrow by blunt force trauma from a bus, but I
will die.  There has to be a clear path for my clients when that
happens.  I am still eager to be involved.

Richard Shebora

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Matt Hoskins  wrote:
>> plug and play.  A manager/developer making the decisions on a platform
>> for their next project should be able to download django and just plug
>> in the functionality he/she needs.  Dependencies will exist but that's
>> normal.
>> If all that would happen django would be an easy choice for anyone,
>> well absolutely for me.  Without these I spent months swinging back
>> and forth on various decisions because the above situation does not
>> exist for django.
> The market you talk about sounds like one where things like Pinax/
> Satchmo/LFS are a substantial match for their requirements and who can
> then benefit from the power of Django in extending beyond the
> capabilities of what those apps provide. The drupal/joomla/plone/
> wordpress type market, perhaps?
> The kinds of applications I build in Django aren't in the style of
> public-facing websites, they're web-based applications where few if
> any of the facilities from Pinax, Satchmo or LFS are of any interest
> to me. In fact for me one of the appeals of Django was that it didn't
> try to do too much for me (i.e. it didn't quickly start to get in the
> way like, say, drupal tends to once you get beyond a certain point).
> I quite like the skeleton proposal Russ sketches out in the mail you
> replied to - that sounds like it would have more of a general reach
> rather than trying to get into the drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress
> space.
> Regards,
> Matt
> --
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Special characters and symbols in django?

2010-06-17 Thread
Hi all

i have an application in django that is used by our academics to apply
for approval for projects

So it will be used by many different people many of whom will be cut
and pasting scientific information from MS Word into text fields in
django forms

Underneath it all is an oracle database (that i can't modify
significantly) this has NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET=AL16UTF16 and

One of the first 'real life' projects we tested it with had an alpha,
a ™ and a couple of curly apostrophes.

These were rendered as ¿in django and caused an "ORA-24365: error in
character conversion" error when trying to do a select on the oracle
table in sql plus

Any help or pointers (or just somewhere to start googling) would be
gratefully received


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"'str' object has no attribute 'source'" for a simple test tag

2010-06-17 Thread Derek
Running Django 1.2.1 with Python 2.6

I am trying to create a simple test tag (the more complex ones are not
working either...).

In the templatetags directory, I have this code in the file:

from django import template
register = template.Library()

def foo(eggs=None, spam=None):
return "foo"
foo.is_safe = True

And in the template file that uses it I have:

{% load my_tags %}
{% foo %}

However, when I try and load the template file, I get a:

Exception Type: AttributeError at /path/to/url
Exception Value: 'str' object has no attribute 'source'

error, and the full trace path includes no references to my source file(s).

What (presumably obvious) mistake am I making?


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Re: admin filters getting reset after admin action

2010-06-17 Thread derek
On Jun 17, 5:44 am, rahul jain  wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have some filters set-up on admin page. As soon as I perform admin
> action. All filters are getting reset.
> Is this is a bug from framework ?

No.  There are work-arounds to get back to these; Google this group
for suggestions.

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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Richard Shebora  wrote:
> @Matt
> You are correct.  The "drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress space" does exist
> and it is where most people (non-developers) look first.  These are
> the people who need to perceive django in a more positive light if the
> goal is to increase django market share.  They are the people who hire
> you and I.  If not, it's a moot point.
> @Everyone
> I was not clear that I support everything Russ said, and that I am
> most in favor of an "Enterprise" site that sets forth standards and
> best practices which make apps more compatible and hence more
> marketable.

Perhaps I wasn't clear, but that's not what I meant by an "enterprise" site.

The enterprise site I'm talking about is the list of stuff you can use
to convince your pointy-haired, non-technical boss that Django is
worth considering instead of J2EE, .Net or whatever other big $$$
"serious enterprise" framework they're being sold. This means reducing
the risk factors from a non-technical perspective, or at least framing
technical factors at a level that non-technical people can understand.
Case studies show that other big companies are using Django, and
benefited from using it; lists of contractors show that there are
options when problems arise; and so on.

The technical requirements for interoperability are a separate issue.
It's certainly an issue that should be addressed, but I'm not
convinced it requires a whole other site. What is needed in this area
is for someone to condense the best practices that have evolved in
Pinax (and other comparable large tools) into a coherent guide that
can be integrated into Django's own documentation. If this is a
project that interests you, I heartily encourage you to pursue it.

On a historical note -- Pinax exists as a concrete manifestation of
django-hotclub, which is/was a project to do exactly what you describe
-- to define and document best practices for reusable Django apps.
However, over time, the abstract idea of the Hotclub has taken a back
seat to the practicalities of Pinax.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: "'str' object has no attribute 'source'" for a simple test tag

2010-06-17 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jun 17, 4:11 pm, Derek  wrote:
> Running Django 1.2.1 with Python 2.6
> I am trying to create a simple test tag (the more complex ones are not
> working either...).
> In the templatetags directory, I have this code in the file:
> from django import template
> register = template.Library()
> @register.tag
> def foo(eggs=None, spam=None):
>     return "foo"
> foo.is_safe = True
> And in the template file that uses it I have:
> {% load my_tags %}
> {% foo %}
> However, when I try and load the template file, I get a:
> Exception Type: AttributeError at /path/to/url
> Exception Value: 'str' object has no attribute 'source'
> error, and the full trace path includes no references to my source file(s).
> What (presumably obvious) mistake am I making?
> Thanks
> Derek

With the @register.tag decorator, you need to define a proper template
node class - the decorator goes on the compilation function that
returns that node. You want the @register.simple_tag decorator

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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Matt Hoskins

That is where most people who are looking for something *in that
space* look first - i.e. they have a set of requirements where those
platforms are a good fit for what they're trying to do, but it isn't
the only space. Those people aren't the people who pay my wages at
present because, as I said, I'm currently not building applications
where any of those would be a good fit :). I originally selected
Django because I was looking for something that was specifically not
in the space that, say, drupal is in as although some of the
facilities it and other vaguely similar frameworks provide could have
been of use, a lot of what they provided wasn't a good fit or was just
irrelevant and if using them I would have been forced into doing
things a less-than-ideal way.

As you got more specific in this thread your approach seemed to be
orientating towards "selling" Django by "selling" Django-based
applications of a certain type (a bit like "selling" Zope by "selling"
Plone, perhaps?) and thus the path to that being to sort out those
applications. I'm not saying it's not a valid approach (having great
re-usable applications is no bad thing), I'm just saying it's not the
only approach and that the space you talk about is not the only
requirement space where Django is useful.


On Jun 17, 3:06 pm, Richard Shebora  wrote:
> @Matt
> You are correct.  The "drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress space" does exist
> and it is where most people (non-developers) look first.  These are
> the people who need to perceive django in a more positive light if the
> goal is to increase django market share.  They are the people who hire
> you and I.  If not, it's a moot point.

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Re: File - .dat

2010-06-17 Thread Christoph
If you want to get a response. Why don't you make a minimal example?
>From your email I do not understand what your problem is. I thought
you want to generate a file like the one you posted but what about all
that Django stuff?

What do you want to do? Is it correct, that you want a file with (x,y)
values in each row? Do you want to generate that file dynamically with
Django, or do you just need that file once, and the data inside won't
change? If that is the case, here is something (see below) that you
can use.

But please, write concise and think of your audience. The people on
this mailing list have no idea what you are doing and probably don't
even care unless it is either interesting or they can help you. I am
happy to help if I can but I don't want to spend time deciphering your

Best regards,

PS: ;-)
from pylab import arange
import csv
x = arange(3000, 3400)
y = x**2 #Or whatever function you choose

writer = csv.writer(open('test.dat', 'wb'), delimiter='\t')

#Here is how to do it. This is quite ugly (non-performant), you should
use the power of numpy/pylab
for i in range(len(x)):
   writer.writerow((x[i], y[i]))

del writer #Closes (and thus writes) the file handler, there is
probably a nicer way of doing this.

On Jun 16, 5:31 pm, Waleria  wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to leave a file tabbed, like this:
> Following piece of my code that does this: - with Django
> # -
> # Import
> # -
> from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response
> from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> from django.template import RequestContext
> from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
> from simuladores.detector.forms import Fase
> from django.template import loader, Context
> from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
> from django.forms import forms, fields
> from matplotlib import use
> use('Agg')
> from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, savefig, setp, figure, subplot
> import csv
> #from struct import pack
> from pylab import *
> import pylab
> from decimal import Decimal
> import math
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> # 
> # A view that to show the form
> # 
> def desenha_grafico(request):
>     if request.method == 'POST':
>         form = Fase(request.POST)
>         if form.is_valid():
>             f = xrange(3000,3400)
>             # 
>             # S, Sfase
>             # 
>             Sfase=[]
>             for v in f:
>                 # ---
>                 # Sfase
>                 # ---
>                 Sfase.append(form.cleaned_data['Sph']*(pow(v,2)/
> pow(form.cleaned_data['df'],2)))
>             # ---
>             # Plot Graph
>             # ---
>             fig = plt.figure()
>             plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4)
>             plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4)
>             ax = plt.subplot(2,2,1)
>             ax.plot(f,Sfase)
>             leg = ax.legend(loc="left")
>             setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=8.5)
>             setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8.5)
>             frame  = leg.get_frame()
>             frame.set_facecolor('white') # set the frame face color to
> white
>             # matplotlib.text.Text instances
>             for t in leg.get_texts():
>                 t.set_fontsize('9')
>             grid('TRUE')
>             savefig('C:\simuladores\detector\media\imagem.png')
>             writer = csv.writer(open('C:\simuladores\detector\media
> \dados.dat','wb'))
>             writer.writerow(f)
>             writer.writerow(Sfase)
>             resultado = Fase()
>             # ---
>             # return to template
>             # ---
>             return render_to_response('gera_grafico.html',
>                                       {'resultado': resultado},
>                                       context_instance =
> RequestContext(request))
>             #return render_to_response('soma.html', {'resultado':
> resultado})
>         else:
>             form = Fase(request.POST)
>             return render_to_response('soma.html', {'form': form})
>     form=Fase()
>     return render_to_response('soma.html', {'form': form})
> Following my code in the IDLE of Python
>     import numpy
>     import pylab
>     from pylab import *
>     x = arange(3000,3400)
>     y = -108*((x**2)/(3e14**2))
>     numpy.savetxt('C:\Documents and Settings\Web\dados.dat', (x,y))
> However, my file dados.dat  out as follows in this link, yhis out in a
> single line
> As I viewthis as 
> link:http

Re: How to pass a raw ORDER_BY command or function call to a results query object?

2010-06-17 Thread Ian Lewis
In this case you want to use extra(). Assuming jobs is a QuerySet or
Manager instance:

jobs = jobs.extra(select={greatest_time': 'GREATEST(startTime, queueTime)'})
jobs = jobs.extra(order_by=['-greatest_time'])

On Thursday, June 17, 2010, Kyle  wrote:
> Without any filtering, I can execute the following SQL query to get my
> ordered data:
> But in Django, it seems like the order_by only likes passing of field
> names, not a function call.
> Is there a way to have it bass a raw ORDER_BY value to the query?
> I am getting my filtered query in a variable called "jobs"
> I tried calling
> jobs.order_by('GREATEST(startTime,queueTime)')
> but this fails due to:
>FieldError: Invalid order_by arguments:
> ['GREATEST(startTime,queueTime)']
> --
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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread backdoc
This is also one of the things I like most about Django.  It's helpful, but
not so much that it gets in the way or makes doing anything "outside the
box" difficult.

But, I'm just a newbie who's learning and doing lots of stuff wrong.  But, I
continue work in Django because it seems like a sound investment of my
time.  I'm not painting myself into a corner.

If I wanted a CMS, I think I would have just selected one already built.
But, I was interested in building sites from the ground up, without
reinventing the wheel and with the security of knowing that someone else has
already scrutinized the code for security issues.  I can proceed with


to me. In fact for me one of the appeals of Django was that it didn't
> try to do too much for me (i.e. it didn't quickly start to get in the
> way like, say, drupal tends to once you get beyond a certain point).

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Re: models.URLField with verify_exists=True pass non existent Urls to DB

2010-06-17 Thread Karen Tracey
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 5:14 PM, wrote:

> Thanks Karen!
> Django 1.0 Web Site Development book (code example is from that book)
> has following paragraph:
> "By specifying correct field types in our form, we don't have to
> implement any
> additional input validation. For example, Django will automatically
> make sure
> that the user enters a valid URL because the corresponding field is
> defined as
> models.URLField."
> So book has error, at least for Django 1.2

I don't have that book so can't tell whether there is additional context
around whatever example is being discussed that makes the example work, but
this does sound a bit off. Django 1.0 did not have any model validation so
the only validation possible was via forms. By default a model form built
from a model will do all the validation noted for the model field. But if
you do not use a model form, or if you explicitly override any of the model
fields with your own specification for the form fields, then you are
responsible for ensuring that the form field you manually specify has all
the validation characteristics that you are looking for -- it won't be
somehow inherited from the associated model field. There is a note as far
back as the 1.1 documentation to this effect:

The publisher of that book has a page for submitting errata:


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Re: Serving media files

2010-06-17 Thread Jagdeep Singh Malhi
Sir Graham
my actual problem is this :-

 Myhttp://localhost/admin/ is display in  pattern without grapic or
image not  like that which is shown in Tutorial

 MY admin page (http://localhost/admin/)

 Django administration
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 Groups  Add Change
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 where is the problem .i am not able to find???

On Jun 17, 5:03 pm, Graham Dumpleton 
> On Jun 17, 9:17 pm, Jagdeep Singh Malhi 
> wrote:
> > i am using this 
> > link
> > In this link i am unable to under stand topic  SERVING MEDIA FILES
> > the lines(given below) which is used in this tutorial ,  i am able
> > understand where  we edit this line , if its edit in apache/
> > httpd.conf .so its ok
> > but I am also not  found  this """/usr/local/wsgi/static/media/"""
> > this path  in   my file system ,
> > and  where i  place  "/media"  directory which have""css,js,img"
> > directory  which is used in admin
> > {
> > Alias /robots.txt /usr/local/wsgi/static/robots.txt
> > Alias /favicon.ico /usr/local/wsgi/static/favicon.ico
> > AliasMatch /([^/]*\.css) /usr/local/wsgi/static/styles/$1
> > Alias /media/ /usr/local/wsgi/static/media/
> > 
> > Order deny,allow
> > Allow from all
> > 
> > WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/local/wsgi/scripts/django.wsgi
> > 
> > Order allow,deny
> > Allow from all
> > 
> > }
> > i am used  ubuntu10.04 with apache server
> > and  my  my project is  place in directory  "/home/your_name/mysite/'
> All the directories are examples only, you would change them to be
> what is appropriate for your system.
> In the case of the media files you would copy them from the contrib/
> admin/media directory under where Django is installed to some place
> where your site is.
> Thus, run Python and go:
> >>> import django
> >>> import os
> >>> os.path.dirname(django.__file__)
> '/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django'
> Copy the directory called 'contrib/admin/media' from under that
> directory and put that with your site. Then set up the Alias to refer
> to it.
> You could set the Alias to refer to the directory in the installed
> Django installation if you want and not copy it, but copying it will
> allow you to modify the media files and not muck up your original
> Django installation.
> Graham

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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Richard Shebora

Yes, I did at first see this as one issue.  I see that your
"Enterprise" site should not define best practices but at most refer
to them as further reading.  My email addresses the same issues as Tom
and Venkatraman above.  Thanks for explaining.

Richard Shebora

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Richard Shebora  wrote:
>> @Matt
>> You are correct.  The "drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress space" does exist
>> and it is where most people (non-developers) look first.  These are
>> the people who need to perceive django in a more positive light if the
>> goal is to increase django market share.  They are the people who hire
>> you and I.  If not, it's a moot point.
>> @Everyone
>> I was not clear that I support everything Russ said, and that I am
>> most in favor of an "Enterprise" site that sets forth standards and
>> best practices which make apps more compatible and hence more
>> marketable.
> Perhaps I wasn't clear, but that's not what I meant by an "enterprise" site.
> The enterprise site I'm talking about is the list of stuff you can use
> to convince your pointy-haired, non-technical boss that Django is
> worth considering instead of J2EE, .Net or whatever other big $$$
> "serious enterprise" framework they're being sold. This means reducing
> the risk factors from a non-technical perspective, or at least framing
> technical factors at a level that non-technical people can understand.
> Case studies show that other big companies are using Django, and
> benefited from using it; lists of contractors show that there are
> options when problems arise; and so on.
> The technical requirements for interoperability are a separate issue.
> It's certainly an issue that should be addressed, but I'm not
> convinced it requires a whole other site. What is needed in this area
> is for someone to condense the best practices that have evolved in
> Pinax (and other comparable large tools) into a coherent guide that
> can be integrated into Django's own documentation. If this is a
> project that interests you, I heartily encourage you to pursue it.
> On a historical note -- Pinax exists as a concrete manifestation of
> django-hotclub, which is/was a project to do exactly what you describe
> -- to define and document best practices for reusable Django apps.
> However, over time, the abstract idea of the Hotclub has taken a back
> seat to the practicalities of Pinax.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> --
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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Richard Shebora

Between you and Russ I see what you mean.  I will contact Tom and
Venkatraman regarding their concept to see how I can help.  I am not
proficient with django's paradigm yet, but I can get better in the

Richard Shebora

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Matt Hoskins  wrote:
> Richard,
> That is where most people who are looking for something *in that
> space* look first - i.e. they have a set of requirements where those
> platforms are a good fit for what they're trying to do, but it isn't
> the only space. Those people aren't the people who pay my wages at
> present because, as I said, I'm currently not building applications
> where any of those would be a good fit :). I originally selected
> Django because I was looking for something that was specifically not
> in the space that, say, drupal is in as although some of the
> facilities it and other vaguely similar frameworks provide could have
> been of use, a lot of what they provided wasn't a good fit or was just
> irrelevant and if using them I would have been forced into doing
> things a less-than-ideal way.
> As you got more specific in this thread your approach seemed to be
> orientating towards "selling" Django by "selling" Django-based
> applications of a certain type (a bit like "selling" Zope by "selling"
> Plone, perhaps?) and thus the path to that being to sort out those
> applications. I'm not saying it's not a valid approach (having great
> re-usable applications is no bad thing), I'm just saying it's not the
> only approach and that the space you talk about is not the only
> requirement space where Django is useful.
> Regards,
> Matt
> On Jun 17, 3:06 pm, Richard Shebora  wrote:
>> @Matt
>> You are correct.  The "drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress space" does exist
>> and it is where most people (non-developers) look first.  These are
>> the people who need to perceive django in a more positive light if the
>> goal is to increase django market share.  They are the people who hire
>> you and I.  If not, it's a moot point.
> --
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Re: sessions across subdomains - required settings?

2010-06-17 Thread Vasil Vangelovski
Not really. Giving them a different secret key won't make much
difference. Just make sure your site id is the same.

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Aljosa Mohorovic
> if i have a project with domain and it's deployed as 3
> wsgi apps:
> -
> -
> -
> is there something in that should be shared across wsgi
> i can't figure out if i should use the same SECRET_KEY in all settings
> or it doesn't matter?
> just to be clear, all 3 wsgi apps are basically the same project and
> they access the same database.
> Aljosa Mohorovic
> --
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Re: Serving media files

2010-06-17 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Jun 18, 3:53 am, Jagdeep Singh Malhi 
> Sir Graham
> my actual problem is this :-
>  Myhttp://localhost/admin/is display in  pattern without grapic or
> image not  like that which is shown in 
> Tutorial
>  MY admin page (http://localhost/admin/)
>  Django administration
>  Welcome, Jagdeep. Change password / Log out
>  Site administration
>    Auth
>  Groups  Add     Change
>  Users   Add     Change
>     Polls
>  Polls   Add     Change
>     Sites
>  Sites   Add     Change
>  Recent Actions
>  My Actions
>  where is the problem .i am not able to find???

Your problem is that you seem not to have done what I told you to. You
will get that because you aren't serving Django media files for css
etc via Apache. My email told you where to find the files. You need to
use Alias directives as documented to map to that directory or copy
media files into project area and map to that directory instead.


> On Jun 17, 5:03 pm, Graham Dumpleton 
> wrote:
> > On Jun 17, 9:17 pm, Jagdeep Singh Malhi 
> > wrote:
> > > i am using this 
> > > link
> > > In this link i am unable to under stand topic  SERVING MEDIA FILES
> > > the lines(given below) which is used in this tutorial ,  i am able
> > > understand where  we edit this line , if its edit in apache/
> > > httpd.conf .so its ok
> > > but I am also not  found  this """/usr/local/wsgi/static/media/"""
> > > this path  in   my file system ,
> > > and  where i  place  "/media"  directory which have""css,js,img"
> > > directory  which is used in admin
> > > {
> > > Alias /robots.txt /usr/local/wsgi/static/robots.txt
> > > Alias /favicon.ico /usr/local/wsgi/static/favicon.ico
> > > AliasMatch /([^/]*\.css) /usr/local/wsgi/static/styles/$1
> > > Alias /media/ /usr/local/wsgi/static/media/
> > > 
> > > Order deny,allow
> > > Allow from all
> > > 
> > > WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/local/wsgi/scripts/django.wsgi
> > > 
> > > Order allow,deny
> > > Allow from all
> > > 
> > > }
> > > i am used  ubuntu10.04 with apache server
> > > and  my  my project is  place in directory  "/home/your_name/mysite/'
> > All the directories are examples only, you would change them to be
> > what is appropriate for your system.
> > In the case of the media files you would copy them from the contrib/
> > admin/media directory under where Django is installed to some place
> > where your site is.
> > Thus, run Python and go:
> > >>> import django
> > >>> import os
> > >>> os.path.dirname(django.__file__)
> > '/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django'
> > Copy the directory called 'contrib/admin/media' from under that
> > directory and put that with your site. Then set up the Alias to refer
> > to it.
> > You could set the Alias to refer to the directory in the installed
> > Django installation if you want and not copy it, but copying it will
> > allow you to modify the media files and not muck up your original
> > Django installation.
> > Graham

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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Thursday 17 June 2010 19:36:18 Richard Shebora wrote:
> You are correct.  The "drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress space" does exist
> and it is where most people (non-developers) look first.  These are
> the people who need to perceive django in a more positive light if the
> goal is to increase django market share.  They are the people who hire
> you and I.  If not, it's a moot point.

and drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress are ideal for this space - django does not 
fit here
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Associate

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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Yo-Yo Ma
This thread shows a very prevalent side of most developers that makes
me ashamed to tell people that I'm a developer.

The OP is not saying that we should go out and advertise that Django
is a great CMS. In fact he spends half of his post making trying to
preemptively shut all the know-it-all folks up before they even start
with, "The problem with your post is... [insert ignoramus disguised as
b-rated philosophy]".

The fact of the matter is that the best software sometimes comes from
those who have no business sense (or any sense for that matter).
Django's community is very closed minded. For those of you who would
like to promote Django as awesome for building ['CMS', 'SOCIAL
do so. You're helping yourself, not the closed-minded folks. They
don't get jobs usually which is why they work for free.

In Summary: Great post/question. This is something I think that has to
be addressed by community members on their own, instead of relying on
core Django clique.

On Jun 17, 12:39 pm, Richard Shebora  wrote:
> Matt,
> Between you and Russ I see what you mean.  I will contact Tom and
> Venkatraman regarding their concept to see how I can help.  I am not
> proficient with django's paradigm yet, but I can get better in the
> process.
> Thanks,
> Richard Shebora
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Matt Hoskins  
> wrote:
> > Richard,
> > That is where most people who are looking for something *in that
> > space* look first - i.e. they have a set of requirements where those
> > platforms are a good fit for what they're trying to do, but it isn't
> > the only space. Those people aren't the people who pay my wages at
> > present because, as I said, I'm currently not building applications
> > where any of those would be a good fit :). I originally selected
> > Django because I was looking for something that was specifically not
> > in the space that, say, drupal is in as although some of the
> > facilities it and other vaguely similar frameworks provide could have
> > been of use, a lot of what they provided wasn't a good fit or was just
> > irrelevant and if using them I would have been forced into doing
> > things a less-than-ideal way.
> > As you got more specific in this thread your approach seemed to be
> > orientating towards "selling" Django by "selling" Django-based
> > applications of a certain type (a bit like "selling" Zope by "selling"
> > Plone, perhaps?) and thus the path to that being to sort out those
> > applications. I'm not saying it's not a valid approach (having great
> > re-usable applications is no bad thing), I'm just saying it's not the
> > only approach and that the space you talk about is not the only
> > requirement space where Django is useful.
> > Regards,
> > Matt
> > On Jun 17, 3:06 pm, Richard Shebora  wrote:
> >> @Matt
> >> You are correct.  The "drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress space" does exist
> >> and it is where most people (non-developers) look first.  These are
> >> the people who need to perceive django in a more positive light if the
> >> goal is to increase django market share.  They are the people who hire
> >> you and I.  If not, it's a moot point.
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "Django users" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at

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Re: Error while customizing admin/change_form.html

2010-06-17 Thread Richard Bolt
You're getting a recursion error because you're trying to extend admin/
change_form.html with itself. In other words your copy of admin/
change_form.html in the directory location you have is the default
admin/change_form.html template now...

You can either:
1. Copy the entire admin/change_form.html template into your file
(You'll then be replacing the default template with whatever you cook
up), or
2. Override the change_form.html on a per app, or model, basis as per
the admin documentation here:

Hope that helps :-)

On Jun 15, 3:37 am, Owais Lone  wrote:
> Hey everyone..
> I was trying to customize django's admin interface but a problem has
> occurred.
> here is my code in change_form.html
> {% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
> {% block form_top %}
>   Insert meaningful help message here...
> {% endblock %}
> and here is the error
> TemplateSyntaxError at /admin/blog/entry/add/
> Caught RuntimeError while rendering: maximum recursion depth exceeded
> while calling a Python object
> Request Method:         GET
> Request URL:
> Django Version:         1.2.1
> Exception Type:         TemplateSyntaxError
> Exception Value:
> Caught RuntimeError while rendering: maximum recursion depth exceeded
> while calling a Python object
> Exception Location:     /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/
> utils/ in unescape_string_literal, line 273
> Python Executable:      /usr/bin/python
> Python Version:         2.6.5
> Template error
> In template /home/owais/Projects/curry/curry/static/templates/admin/
> change_form.html, error at line 1
> Caught RuntimeError while rendering: maximum recursion depth exceeded
> 1       {% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
> 2
> 3       {% block form_top %}

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Re: Selling Django

2010-06-17 Thread Richard Shebora

You are right... of course.

However, I am not trying to disguise django as a cms, just trying to
say it would be great to have a best practices declaration for a cms
within django.  And for all the other great modules that don't yet
play well together out of the box.

Richard Shebora

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:11 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves  wrote:
> On Thursday 17 June 2010 19:36:18 Richard Shebora wrote:
>> You are correct.  The "drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress space" does exist
>> and it is where most people (non-developers) look first.  These are
>> the people who need to perceive django in a more positive light if the
>> goal is to increase django market share.  They are the people who hire
>> you and I.  If not, it's a moot point.
> and drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress are ideal for this space - django does not
> fit here
> --
> Regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> Senior Associate
> --
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how to eliminate duplicates

2010-06-17 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

I have a problem - there is a model called Player with first_name and 
last_name. There is a unique_together constraint on first_name and last_name. 
However I find that the people doing data entry have been entering things like 
Ram Sharan and RAM SHARAN which are two different names. Of course I can 
prevent future mistakes by adding validation, but now I am faced with the 
problem of merging these records - any suggestions on how to do this? Flow 
would be:
1. select duplicate names
2. shift all records of the duplicate to the original
3. delete the duplicate.
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Associate

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Re: how to eliminate duplicates

2010-06-17 Thread Shawn Milochik
Use South data migrations. 

Sent from my iPad, in accordance with the prophesy. 

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Re: Special characters and symbols in django?

2010-06-17 Thread Ian
On Jun 17, 8:50 am, "" 
> Hi all
> i have an application in django that is used by our academics to apply
> for approval for projects
> So it will be used by many different people many of whom will be cut
> and pasting scientific information from MS Word into text fields in
> django forms
> Underneath it all is an oracle database (that i can't modify
> significantly) this has NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET=AL16UTF16 and
> One of the first 'real life' projects we tested it with had an alpha,
> a ™ and a couple of curly apostrophes.
> These were rendered as ¿in django and caused an "ORA-24365: error in
> character conversion" error when trying to do a select on the oracle
> table in sql plus
> Any help or pointers (or just somewhere to start googling) would be
> gratefully received

What version of Django are you using, and what is the type of the
column in the database?  It sounds like you're most likely using a
CLOB or a VARCHAR2, which won't be able to handle those characters
since they aren't included in ISO-8859-1.  If the column is NCLOB or
NVARCHAR2, then Django should handle the encoding conversions for you.


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