Re: Mozilla Mail & Microsoft Outlook

2003-10-16 Thread Rohan Nicholls

At Wed, 15 Oct 2003 23:45:19 -0200,
Frederico Rodrigues Abraham wrote:
>   Hi.
>   Has anyone tried/succeeded in importing messages from Microsoft Outlook 
> (.pst files) to Mozilla Mail?
>   Does anyone have any idea on how to do this?
>   Thanks
>   --Fred

I don't know if this helps, but I remember wanting to do this with
ximian evolution, and they suggested using mozilla on windows to
convert the files into mbox format and then import them to evolution.

Can't remember the details, but you might find some details on the
ximian site, as it is one of the first questions that is asked by
anyone switching over.;-)

Good luck,


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Re: cdrecord problem recording audio CD

2003-10-22 Thread Rohan Nicholls
At Wed, 22 Oct 2003 00:42:07 +0200,
Joachim Fahnenmueller wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 19, 2003 at 06:10:25AM +0800, csj wrote:
> > cdrecord -dao speed=8 dev=0,0,0 *.wav
> > 
> Can someone tell me what this -dao option does? I have never used it,
> and IIRC older versions of cdrecord didn't have it. Before writing this,
> I read the manpage but I didn't understand it.

Please anyone correct me if I am wrong, but IIRC dao is disk at once,
which both writes to the disk and closes it so you can't write to it

What the practical difference between the two is I am not sure, but I
think it is like flipping that little thingy on the corner of the old
floppy disks to make sure they cannot be written to anymore.  But I
could be very wrong.  Personally I have been able to use cds I have
not closed, and ones I have.

Don't know if this helps at all, but I hope so, bit of a case of the
blind leading the blind.;-)


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Re: new to debian

2003-10-23 Thread Rohan Nicholls
At Wed, 22 Oct 2003 22:33:39 -0700,
Scott Hansen wrote:
> Greetings,
> I downloaded iso disks of Debian and did an install.  I am new to 
> Debian, and Linux as a whole.  The question I have is thatI do not know 
> how to get a gui login or to activate a gui like kde.  Could you help me 
> with this.  As soon as I can get a gui up and test drive Debian I will 
> gladly send money to support it.  Also, only disk 1 was needed for the 
> install even though I selected the desktop environments, games, 
> scientific, and 3 of the four developer packages.  Did I screw up the 
> install?
> Thank you for your time,
> Scott Hansen

I have a quick question, have you got the graphical side of things
working? ie. after you login in a terminal, does startx work?

If not then you need that up and running first and then the above
answers will solve your problem with the graphical login.

An aside: There is also another app for package management that works
very like apt-get, but deals with recommended and suggested packages.
It is called aptitude, you use it in a similar way as apt-get,
ie. aptitude install gdm.  I have recently discovered it, and it is
very nice to work with, even nicer (which is saying a lot) than

Hth,  and good luck, I am reluctantly forced to work on windows at
work, and am always happy to return to sanity when I get onto my own
debian box at home.:-D


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Re: reiserfs

2003-10-27 Thread Rohan Nicholls
At 27 Oct 2003 10:31:01 -0500,
Vivek Kumar wrote:
> Hi there,
> I was trying to mount my removable hdd as reiserfs filesystem. It gave
> me following error. What should I do ??
> Vivek
> mount -t reiserfs /dev/hdd1 /prod1
> mount: fs type reiserfs not supported by kernel

Looks like your kernel does not have reiserfs support compiled into
it.  You will need to recompile your kernel, and make sure that in the
filesystem section of the configuration you select support for

There is a debian way to compile the kernel, which sounds very good,
but I have never used it, I just followed the instructions in the

It tends to be rpm based, but just look for the sources you need:

apt-cache search kernel-sources |grep -i '2\.2\.20'
might get the package name, but as I stuck working in windows at the
moment, can't be sure.

Once you have the name of the kernel-source package you want:

aptitude install 

That should put it in /usr/src

And that should be all you need unless you have some patches you need
to apply for other things, but if it is only reiserfs you want you
should be away to the races.

Btw. I have spent a fair amount of time compiling kernels, and if you
follow the instructions it is very straightforward.  The nice thing
about it is that you can have a kernel configured specifically for
your hardware needs, and nothing else, and your system will speed up

Good luck, and please straighten me out on anything that is incorrect
anyone else on the list.


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Re: reiserfs

2003-10-28 Thread Rohan Nicholls
At Tue, 28 Oct 2003 00:14:01 +0200,
Micha Feigin wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 18:03, Rohan Nicholls wrote:
> > At 27 Oct 2003 10:31:01 -0500,
> > Vivek Kumar wrote:
> You need the kernel-package package, don't remember what others
> (libncurses or something like that for the graphic setup).
> You then do a make xconfig/menuconfig to config the kernel (It can be
> hard the first few times) and then to build the kernel (debian way):
> make-kpkg --revision= kernel-image
> You will then get a deb one directory up which you install using
> dpkg -i kernel-image-.deb
> Try looking in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz after you install
> the package.

Damn, that sounds really easy, people have mentioned on the list how
easy it is, and that proves it.  The linux kernel is surprisingly easy
to configure and compile, which is amazing considering its complexity.

Thanks for that.


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Re: reiserfs

2003-10-28 Thread Rohan Nicholls
At 27 Oct 2003 11:23:36 -0500,
Vivek Kumar wrote:
> Thnks for your help Rohan. 

No problem.:-D
> I am going to try what you said. Meanwhile I
> installed kernel-iamge-2.4.18-386 ( I got this solution from one of the
> knowledgebase at Debian).
> I did apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.18-386. It installed the image
> and asked me to add initrd=/initrd.img in lilo.conf file. I did that and
> reboot the box. I tried to mount the reiserfs filesytem and it was
> mounted. GREAT!!! But now my netowrk inteface is not coming up. I tried
> ifup command but itsays that it cannot find the module eth0. Somehow my
> netowrking got messed up now.
> Any Suggestion.

I have also had problems with the precompiled kernels, just happened
that he options I needed didn't fit the options made with the kernel,
so I quickly ended up compiling my own, and haven't looked back.  Now
it is the first thing I do when I install a new system.  So I am sorry
I can't help you with the binary packages, however it looks like there
are quite a few responses already.:-D

Good luck, and I hope you are enjoying debian, personally I love it.


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Re: reiserfs

2003-10-29 Thread Rohan Nicholls
At Tue, 28 Oct 2003 21:34:31 +0200,
Micha Feigin wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 17:38, Rohan Nicholls wrote:
> > At Tue, 28 Oct 2003 00:14:01 +0200,
> > Micha Feigin wrote:
> > > 
> > > On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 18:03, Rohan Nicholls wrote:
> > > > At 27 Oct 2003 10:31:01 -0500,
> > > > Vivek Kumar wrote:
> > > 
> > > You need the kernel-package package, don't remember what others
> > > (libncurses or something like that for the graphic setup).
> > > You then do a make xconfig/menuconfig to config the kernel (It can be
> > > hard the first few times) and then to build the kernel (debian way):
> > > make-kpkg --revision= kernel-image
> > > You will then get a deb one directory up which you install using
> > > dpkg -i kernel-image-.deb
> > > Try looking in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz after you install
> > > the package.
> > 
> > Damn, that sounds really easy, people have mentioned on the list how
> > easy it is, and that proves it.  The linux kernel is surprisingly easy
> > to configure and compile, which is amazing considering its complexity.
> > 
> > Thanks for that.
> > 
> > rohan
> Compiling the kernel is easy. The hard part is configuring it the first
> few times (untill you start understanding what the options are.)
> It does give you a few defaults. You can also install a stock kernel and
> copy /boot/config- to .config which will give you a starting
> point.
> The problem is that it is a serious overkill for a non-generic kernel.

It is one of those things you decide you will take an evening to do,
get a list of the hardware you need to support, and then go through
for a couple of hours reading the help information for options that
look promising.

That I think is the best advice I can give, as the biggest mistake to
make is thinking that the first time you can just zip through and have
it configured and compiled in an hour.

Points of interest, if you have an ide burner remember to include the
ide-scsi module, and there are whole groups of things you can skip.
Also, when including support for the file system your boot/root
partitions use, it cannot be a module, but must be directly compiled
into the kernel.  The mistake I made the first time was trying to
compile too many things in, now that I am used to it I compile
only what I need and anything that I don't understand that is selected
by default ie. stuff about the type of bus I have, and other
weirdness.  Another thing, one of the first options has to do with
"unstable" sections, make sure you say yes to this, otherwise it hides
all unstable modules, which in my case included my maestro3 soundcard,
this will save you a lot of "what the ? where is it?".:-D

Well that was probably confusing, but if not I hope it helps.
And the /etc/modules is where you list modules that you want loaded at
boot time, and I believe kept in memory the whole time.  Things like
soundcards, and network cards are good things to list here, although I
have found that even if you leave them out, the kernel will load them

Good luck,


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Re: Desktop productivity with Debian GNU/LINUX

2003-01-24 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* John & Peg Pickard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030121 05:06]:
> In short, will I be able to do something productive with Debian LINUX? And then
> I
> will want to network it with our laptop running WinME, and a LinkSys Print
> server,
> and possibly a US Robotics broadband router (if I can use the "back up" dial up
> connection on a permanent basis, which would then have an external modem).
> All without requiring a PHD in networking? If I get that far, LINUX will be for
> real,
> and I will also load it on my old 100 mhz Dell and network that too.
> Any hope?

Yes, alot.

I have to admit it has been an uphill battle using Debian, but as a
developer I have been doing my best in the last couple of months to
plumb the depths of the system.

I have admit that the new installer is not as pretty as the other
distros but it is very effective, and I found that at the end of it I had a
running system from sound, video to network.  The only thing that was
sticky was getting adsl over pptp setup, but that was my isp's fault for
giving bad intructions.

The libranet option sounds a very nice option, and I have to say that
once you have a system up and running apt-get is amazing, making the
installing and removal of software incredibly easy, much easier than it
was on windows (especially removals which left all sorts of crap all over
the registry).

I would also like to point out, that as a long time windows user, I have
spent hours, days and weeks trying to debug problems with the various
systems, win2000 has probably been the best so far for stability, but is
frustratingly slow even on my Dell latitude 600 laptop with lots of
memory.  I have also spent days installing or reinstalling windows on my
machine or someone elses because it has irreperably broken or become so
buggy that it spends more time rebooting after crashing than actually
running, leading to the aforementioned reinstall, which takes forever.
For me and windows it became a matter of easy to start with, and becoming
increasingly difficult to be productive as time went on, and if
something went wrong very difficult to fix, compared to linux's large
over head setting up and learning the system with ease of use and the 
increase in productivity becoming larger the longer I use the system.

Diving in (a couple of months ago), making the commitment and I won't
deny spending hours learning the machine with the liberal help of the
wonderful people on this mailing list, has been the best thing I have
done.  I have learned more about computers (useful because I am a
developer) in the last couple of months than I have in years with
Windows.  It has also opened my eyes to there being many ways to skin
any cat.  For office productivity I use OpenOffice sometimes, and if it
has to look really good latex, or lyx on the document front.  I have to
say that I took over my windows partition, and now run win2k in an
emulator for the times I need to for work, and it runs as fast, with a
few trivial exceptions, in the emulator as it did on its own, and for
the rest of my life I get to run on a fast responsive and endlessly
configurable system.

I have discovered that linux is a wonderful thing, and I had many of your
objections less than a couple of months ago.  It is an evolving of you
and the system ie. mail (very important part of life these days) has
run from Outlook with exchange server (meaning I could send mails at
work but not from my home internet connection without using the web
interface) to Mozilla mail using IMAP (where I was introduced to the wonders of
threaded mail) to what I use now mutt with IMAP with exim for sending
mail which doesn't care where I am as long as it has access to dns to
figure out where to send mail.  On windows, without buying a piece of
software I could not maintain two distinct lan settings and switch
between them (one for work, one to use the pptp-adsl connection I have
at home), so I had to switch my settings if I was working at home, and
(this is the beauty) reboot again for the settings to take place
(win2000) which is completely ridiculous.  On linux I have a number of
lan settings for my one ethernet card, and if I had others they could
each have a number of settings each, all I do is pick which one I want
and tada done, if I am at work suspend my machine and go home and power
back up it takes about 10 seconds (no joking) for the system to switch
to the new settings and everything functions perfectly. Suspending the
computer is another element that was always buggy with win2000 and could
not be done more than one time before a reboot or nothing worked.  With
my debian system I keep going for weeks with no problems, and every so
often when I have to reboot it takes about 2 minutes, compared to
win2000's 5-10 min(again, no joke).  And I could go on...

This was not meant to be so long, but I am way more productive (except
when writing long emails:)).  The writers who have been telling you
that once you make a committed switch you

Re: Desktop productivity with Debian GNU/LINUX

2003-01-25 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030125 00:17]:
> on Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 12:54:46AM +1100, Russell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Rohan Nicholls wrote:
> > >I have to say that I took over my windows partition, and now run
> > >win2k in an emulator for the times I need to for work, and it runs as
> > >fast, with a few trivial exceptions, in the emulator as it did on its
> > >own, and for the rest of my life I get to run on a fast responsive
> > >and endlessly configurable system.
> > 
> > I've got win2k. What is this emulator?
> I suspect it's VMWare:

You are right there, and there is plex86, but I have not explored that
fully yet, but intend to.

> Personal copy will set you back ~$100US or so.
> Codeweaver's Crossover Office (also a proprietary product) is another
> option.

This I have not tried, the company I work for, has the Office and Win2k
licenses so I have just used VMware and installed them.  It is a very
sweet system, and allows me to deal with testing, and certain work
related things where I need to work in a windows environment.

The good part is it makes me appreciate linux even more, and I don't
have to do any rebooting to use it.:)

Good luck with trying it out, and enjoy having windows when you need it
without having to leave linux.


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Re: Desktop productivity with Debian GNU/LINUX

2003-01-29 Thread Rohan Nicholls
> Thanks, it sounds promising. If i install win2k as the guest OS on vmware
> which is in turn installed on linux, is there a way to copy the whole win2k
> installation into vmware, or do i need to re-install everything again?
I reinstalled everything, which I didn't mind as I have it running with
minimal applications, and I use it as little as possible, so for me it
was good to get rid of most of the applications which were really there
to make it more like a unix box, so made sense to move over.:)

I think it should be possible to do it, after you have created the
virtual disks, or you can just keep a partition with the file system and
map vmware to that, at least that is what I read in the manual.

Good luck,


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Heavy harddrive use after startup

2003-02-01 Thread Rohan Nicholls
I am wondering if anyone else experiences this, I had thought it was a
gnome problem, but am no longer using gnome.

About 5 minutes after I boot up, the harddrive goes crazy for about 3-5
minutes slowing everything down, and I was wondering if anyone has any
idea what might be causing it.

I run, kdm, rox session with sawfish, but this has been consistent since
I installed the system and then I was running gnome and/or kde.  I have
uninstalled everything kde except the libraries needed for kdm.

Any ideas would be most appreciated, as it drives me a little crazy,
especially as I have no idea what is causing it.



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Re: Fun sound problem

2003-02-01 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030130 09:02]:
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 05:47:12PM -0800, Eric Nelson wrote:
> > Nice board, have you tried the alsa website for drivers?
> Erf.  I was hoping for the simplicity of using OSS.  My understanding
> is that ALSA is Not Trivial to use, requiring ALSA aware programs;
> from a usability, it seems like the pain to install of any third-party
> kernel features, with the inconvienence similar to esound or arts
> requiring ALSA aware programs.  I'll use it if I have to, but I
> consider it a last resort.

Okay, I am going to stick my foot in it here, because I have been having
a "challenging" time getting sound and the apps I use to happily coexist.

Here is what I did, and what I have running.  I opted for esound as
after fiddling around it seems to work with the apps I am interested in:
So, sawfish sounds (really not important but a bonus) happily work with esd
mplayer - this was a challenge, and figured out the problem was to use
the libsdl1.2debian-esd package so all sdl sound powered apps play
nicely with esd.
xmms - has an esd module installed in the default package, just choose
it in preferences under output module (the default is OSS)
dgen (secret shame) - also requires sdl, and before like mplayer was not
happy with the sound packages, so now it works with esd 
flash plugins seem happy to work with esd as well, but I think that it
just goes with whatevers working at the time, before it worked with esd
or there was no sound daemon working, it used to freeze up the browser
if I was listening to music which was amazingly annoying.
Realplayer (cbc radio, voice of the homeland) - as an esound option
These are all the sound using apps I use at the moment, and they can now
all work together.  I have heard a lot about alsa, and have installed
the packages, but from an ignorant point of view (mine) the esd option
seems to work well.  

the only thing I do is have a startup script and on of the things I
enable is esd &

As to playing cds this seems to by pass all the other sound drivers
somehow and just play directly in xmms and others (hence not being able
to adjust with the equalizer etc.)

I looked into ARTS, but found it doesn't mix sounds, all it seems to do
is shut down one stream and start playing the other stream.  The
advantage is that it didn't crash the computer, which is what was
happening when I didn't have anything managing sound, and started
playing two streams at once, but is still not a viable option.



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Re: freeze-ups

2003-02-01 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030130 16:07]:
> Jeremy Wilkerson wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I recently installed Debian on my computer, but I have never used a 
> >Unix OS before.  I installed version 3.0 rev 1 for i386.  My computer 
> >is a Pentium II 400.  Occasionally KDE totally freezes up on me, and 
> >frequently (a few times every day), certain applications, like text 

I ditched kde on my system for the same reason, I think you will find it
is a kde problem, as I switched to gnome and had none of these problems,
I have since removed all traces of kde, except kdm and kruler, and
haven't missed it at all.  I have also ditched gnome but that is a
different matter.

> >editors, will freeze when I click the Open button or Open on the File 
> >menu.  When one text editor doesn't work, none of them will work.  The 
> >Konqueror file manager also freezes up frequently.

I believe these are the same problem, as konqueror is used for all file
management, so opening file options then call konqueror, or a segment of
it which then crashes, rendering all your applications unable to open
files, bit of a pain that.  If you want to keep kde without having to
ctrl-alt-backspace all the time, you might want to go through konqueror
and turn off anything that is not file system related (being a browser)
I found this helped a bit, but not enough to keep it.

>  Also, a lot of 
> >time when I try to run an application, it will start loading, then 
> >just stop and disappear from the task bar, without giving me any kind 
> >of message.

I think you will find your problems go away with kde, and I had the same
problem with konqueror.  If you are looking for a good lightweight
browser try phoenix  should
give you any information you might want.  



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Re: Heavy harddrive use after startup

2003-02-01 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* Roy Pluschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030201 12:33]:
> On Sat, 1 Feb 2003 10:36:16 +0100
> Rohan Nicholls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have this also and believe that it is updatedb (used by locate)
> running in the background.  I hardly ever turn my box off but if I do
> the next day after I boot the computer is almost unusable for 3 to 5
> minutes due to disk activity. If the computer is left on the same
> thing occours at around 7:00 am. Check your /etc/cron.daily dir to see
> what is being run. Hope this helps.
Thanks that seems to be the thing, one of the scripts updates the find
db, so this must be what is going on.

It went on for a long time this morning, and I made a lot of changes to
the system yesterday, so that might have been part of it.

Makes much more sense,  feeling better about it now, thanks again,


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Re: Heavy harddrive use after startup

2003-02-01 Thread Rohan Nicholls
> I guess it is anacron or cron.
> Look in your /etc/cron.daily: all these scripts are executed once a day, if 
> you have anacron running. It updates your htdig, locate, man-db, etc. 
> indexes. If you don't need a certain index just remove the executable bit 
> from the files or disable anacron in the init scripts alltogether.
Thanks to both of you I looked in the cron.daily lineup and sure enough
it is there, and updates all these things plus some.  Mystery explained,
and as I make lots of use of these utilities, well worth the investment.:)

Thanks again,


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Re: Sound problems

2003-02-01 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* Duncan Baynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030201 13:55]:
> On Sat, 1 Feb 2003 10:55 pm, Johan Ehnberg wrote:

> unfortunatly xmms seems to crash when I have xmmsarts installed.   
> I have problems with programs like winex and mplayer if arts is enabled
> so I just don't bother and run kde with it disabled.
> It would be nice to be able to use it but I'd rather have application
> support.

Okay, I have put my two cents in farther up, and having emerged scarred
but successful from the sound driver compatibility problem this is what
I have found out.

One thing I noticed with Arts is that it will not play sound streams
together, it seems to shut down one and start another as needed, so I
could not get three different sound producing apps producing sound at
the same time, but this is only my own experience.

I use esound (esd), and have sawfish, xmms, realplayer, mplayer and dgen
(sega genesis emulator) all playing well together.

mplayer - In the mplayer docs it says that the sdl drivers are needed to
work with either Artsd or esd.  I had libsdl1.2debian-all installed and
mplayer crashed, it now works with esd when I installed
libsdl1.2debian-esd, there are packages for arts, and oss as well, so
that might help with mplayer

I installed the xmms arts module, and it seemed to work when I had artsd
running, but it was the only thing running at the time, so when kde is
running artsd it might not be letting xmms to have input, don't know.
What I do know is that I have the esound output module activated with
xmms and it plays nicely with mplayer and sawfish.  Realplayer has an
esound option, and it works well as well now, and dgen which used to run
with no sound because the resource was busy, since changing to the sdl
for esd package is working perfectly, and flash no longer hangs the
browser while waiting for sound access.

I don't know if this helps, but I now have happy coexisting sound making
apps, and can make a hell of a racket without anyone crashing.  I hope
this helps.  I have heard of ALSA being whiz-bang, but I think I will
rest and recoup before I go back into that battle.

People complain about setting up X11, hah, that had nothing on sound
card difficulties in my experience.;)

Good luck, and hth.


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Re: Configuration centralizing tool sought

2003-02-01 Thread Rohan Nicholls
> Well, not if I am lazy... I have a shell script like that, but I want
> a perl version. I don't believe in shell anymore, and I have too
> little time to learn Perl...

I am not sure why you have lost faith in shell scripting, besides the
language being horribly ugly, and useless for complicated development
(which it is not meant, nor designed for, so fair enough:)), but perl is
notoriously write only code as well.  But the other thing is that if you
write a shell script for it, it will be very portable on unixy machines.

I have something similar that I whipped up, but in scheme, and in about
the same amount of time as this message took to write.  Btw.  Perl
doesn't take that long to learn, and if you want a fun language to hack
in python is a good choice.



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Re: Configuration centralizing tool sought

2003-02-01 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030201 17:51]:

> Right. But I gave up on it when I fough 30 minutes this morning on
> reading in a file formatted like this:
> \s+
> with a while loop:
> while read user filename; do
>   echo "$user : $filename"
> done < thefile
> this is supposed to work, but for whetever reason, it didn't this
> morning, and would put everything into $user and leave $filename
> blank. of course I checked $IFS. of course i did everything to debug.
> i couldn't find the solution. so i gave up.

Fair enough, and perl is very good at string and stream manipulation,
but unfortunately it is not something I use, so cannot help you there,
and I don't think you want to start mucking around in scheme code, just
expanding the problem rather than solving it.

> i've learnt perl. it's just been too long and it would take me ages to
> get back into it. i will, just not today.

This I can commiserate with.:)
> and python: i am not going to use a language where the indentation of
> a line is part of the syntax. i just won't.

makes for nicely indented code.;)

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apt question: exclude certain packages from upgrading?

2003-10-01 Thread Rohan Nicholls
Hi all, 

Happily back on debian again and with it more questions...:)

Question: Is there a way to tell apt to never upgrade a certain package?
while upgrading everything

I have to use pptp-client to connect to my adsl provider.  This in itself is
not a problem, 
but the only version that works is in the stable collection of packages.

I am running unstable/testing for most packages, and I am loving it, however
for pptp-client
to work I need to have pptp, pppd, and the mppe patch in the kernel at the
same level.

mppe patch in kernel - I have this from the kernel-patch-mppe package
The same version of mppe patch in pppd - in stable this works fine, but 
updating to a more recent version of pppd breaks the pptp/pppd cooperation.

So what I would like to do is install/keep the stable ppp package, keep the
pptp-client as it is,
and the kernel has already been recompiled with the needed bits and pieces,
and is humming
along nicely, and be able to upgrade everything else without messing with

Tia, and another question 

Rohan Nicholls
tel +31(0)20 - 4121407
fax +31(0)20 - 6897895

Prinsengracht 468
1017 KG Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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sound card weirdness? newbie question

2002-11-27 Thread Rohan Nicholls
Hi all,

I have finally made the full switch to linux, with windows running in an 
emulator for company oriented stuff, and I was very impressed with the 
improvements from potato as far as installing on my laptop, but as 
always I have questions.:)

I have my soundcard supported but when I start two applications that 
want the sound card there seems to be conflicts, so say I am using xmms 
to play mp3's and I browse to a web page that needs flash, the browser 
freezes up until I stop what ever is playing and then once the page is 
loaded I can continue the music.  To add to the confusion, if I am 
playing a cd there is no problem, but then I don't think I am accessing 
the sound server, because I can't set equalizer settings etc.  It does 
not matter what programs I am using ie. realplayer, xmms, browsers with 
flash support if one is operating the other is frozen (I assume while it 
waits for the sound resources to open up.)

I am running on a dell latitude laptop with a Maestro3 soundcard.  I was 
using gnome, but found kde handled switching between sound using 
applications better so I am using that now, with gnome I had to 
completely close down the application.  But it is annoying in both and I 
would love some help in figuring out how to fix this.

I know little about the different sound servers, and what I have read 
just confuses me more, but I have run into references that the different 
sound servers don't play well together. I am wondering if these 
different apps are using different servers (I also shut down the system 
sounds which helped), and I need to configure them to all use the same 

thanks in advance


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two different netenvs (work and home)

2002-11-27 Thread Rohan Nicholls

Netenv cannot deal with my adsl connection, so I would like to disable 
it and make a script that calls dhcp (work) or calls my pptp script. 
The problem is in init.d there is netenv, but I can find nothing in the 
rcX.d dirs that is connected to networking, unless it is inetd, but I 
always thought this was about starting the web server.

I have looked at /etc/init.d/networking and it seems quite low level, so 
it looks I should run this no matter what.  I guess what I want to do is 
cut in with my script before the dhcp stuff starts, so I can choose not 
to use it, but after the network card is activated for the operating system.

Any help with how to make this work, and with setting up the script 
would be much appreciated.



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Re: sound card weirdness? newbie question

2002-11-28 Thread Rohan Nicholls
Thanks, for the advice.  Worked like a charm, so I now am back in gnome, 
with full sounds (not a biggee, but nice), and more importantly Realplay 
and xmms play nicely together, although playing cd's is a problem, 
because it wants to use OSS for volume, and I get nothing with letting 
the cdplayer control the volume.

This brings up a new question, on how to make any sound outputting 
application use one sound server, so they can all play nicely together.

For instance, on kde, you seem to have a choice of aRts or nothing, 
which messes up Konqueror because Rp and xmms use esd, and I have not 
tested flash, but xscavenger causes problems because it uses some other 
drivers or server, but I can find no information or configuration on 
telling it which one to use.

I never thought sound would be such a challenge, and thanks for the help 
it is nice to have things working in one area again.:)


Stephen Gran wrote:
This one time, at band camp, Rohan Nicholls said:

Hi all,

I have finally made the full switch to linux, with windows running in an 
emulator for company oriented stuff, and I was very impressed with the 
improvements from potato as far as installing on my laptop, but as 
always I have questions.:)

I have my soundcard supported but when I start two applications that 
want the sound card there seems to be conflicts, so say I am using xmms 
to play mp3's and I browse to a web page that needs flash, the browser 
freezes up until I stop what ever is playing and then once the page is 
loaded I can continue the music.  To add to the confusion, if I am 
playing a cd there is no problem, but then I don't think I am accessing 
the sound server, because I can't set equalizer settings etc.  It does 
not matter what programs I am using ie. realplayer, xmms, browsers with 
flash support if one is operating the other is frozen (I assume while it 
waits for the sound resources to open up.)

I am running on a dell latitude laptop with a Maestro3 soundcard.  I was 
using gnome, but found kde handled switching between sound using 
applications better so I am using that now, with gnome I had to 
completely close down the application.  But it is annoying in both and I 
would love some help in figuring out how to fix this.

I know little about the different sound servers, and what I have read 
just confuses me more, but I have run into references that the different 
sound servers don't play well together. I am wondering if these 
different apps are using different servers (I also shut down the system 
sounds which helped), and I need to configure them to all use the same 

You have it basically correct.  There are two sound servers that these
apps and desktops use - esd and arts.  The KDE stuff all uses arts, and
the GNOME stuff (and xmms) use esd.  That said, I have never had the
problem you're describing.  If I'm in a GNOME session, I just have o
remember to make all my sound apps (xmms, realplayer, etc) use esd, and
then they coexist fine.  Same for KDE, last time I used the full desktop
environment at any rate.

In the absence of any further debugging info, look in the options or
prefernces settings of the various apps, and see if there is a way to
get them to use esd (as a start - I know xmms and realplayer have this
option), and see if they'll play at the same time.  Let us know, and
maybe dig around in your logs to see if you can find any error messages
that may be helpful.

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Re: two different netenvs (work and home)

2002-12-02 Thread Rohan Nicholls
Thanks for this, I am still getting my setup done using this framework, 
and I have high hopes.

I am also learning about the network card interfaces this way.:)


Vincent Lefevre wrote:
On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 17:15:02 +0100, Rohan Nicholls wrote:

Netenv cannot deal with my adsl connection, so I would like to disable 
it and make a script that calls dhcp (work) or calls my pptp script. 

Keep netenv and configure /etc/network/interfaces to use different
configurations. For instance, I have:

mapping eth0
  script /usr/local/sbin/map-scheme
  map eth0-loria
  map eth0-nerim

iface eth0-loria inet dhcp

iface eth0-nerim inet static

(I've never tried the loria environment, but it should work.)

/usr/local/sbin/map-scheme is:

. /etc/netenv/netenv 0
echo eth0-$netenv_id

For instance, /etc/netenv/netenv is something like, for nerim:

# exported variables...
if [ $# = 0 ]; then
  # Change of configuration files...


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Re: two different netenvs (work and home)

2002-12-02 Thread Rohan Nicholls

Nick Hastings wrote:


I have looked at /etc/init.d/networking and it seems quite low level, so 
it looks I should run this no matter what.  I guess what I want to do is 
cut in with my script before the dhcp stuff starts, so I can choose not 
to use it, but after the network card is activated for the operating system.

If this is the case I'm guessing you are using a pcmcia nic. Yes? If so
the script you should be looking at is /etc/init.d/pcmcia and have a
look at the files in /etc/pcmcia/, particularly

No I am not using a pcmcia nic, but the below applies equally well.

I don't know anything about pptp, (other than what came out of 
"apt-cache show pptp-linux") so I can't give you any hints there.

What I can say is that I use my laptop with three different static IPs,
two very different DHCP servers and with ppp over a modem. I found
that the package "switchconf" handles changing the configurations like
a champ. So: apt-cache show switchconf.

Thanks, for the advice, I have installed it, and at the moment am trying 
to configure the eth0 to understand the networking stuff more on linux. 
 Then I will spend some time with the man pages and get switchconf working.
Thanks for the advice.


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Re: what's everyone's favorite audio setup?

2002-12-02 Thread Rohan Nicholls
I have had this problem as well and got some great advice.

As far as I can tell, your problem getting the applications you want to 
use, accessing the same sound server.

Personally I have flash, Realplayer, xmms, gaim, and others all playing 
nicely together.  One problem is that KDE uses its own sound server 
aRTS, while Gnome uses esd.  I personally use Gnome, so I have the sound 
server start automatically in the gnome prefs, so this makes esd the 
default sound server if any applications ask.

If you are using Realplayer, you need to go into the prefs and set esd 
as the sound server, under preferences>Audio Driver Options.

For xmms, I have eSound Output Plugin set for outputting sound. 
HOWEVER, the cd player does not like this, so don't use it for playing 
cd's unless they are of mp3's (remember to mount the cd in this case).

And I installed the gnome-audio package, which gives you the gnome cd 
player along with some other audio software, and I use the gnome cd 
player to play audio cds.

With my browser, flash works fine with esd, but that is all I use or 
care about with sound cards, so I hope this helps.

I have not figured out how to get this happening with KDE. Anyone?



sean finney wrote:
hi all,

i'm getting tired by my many audio-wanting apps not getting along
with one another, and i'm looking to switch to some kind of audio
environment that allows multiple programs access to the soundcard
at the same time.  i know there are a few programs out there
that do this (libarts, esd, ...?), but i'd like to hear from other
folks and get their opinions for the better or worse before starting
experimenting myself. 


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calendar items in Mozilla with Exchange server

2002-12-05 Thread Rohan Nicholls
Another question,

I have hooked my mozilla mail client to the exchange server at work, and 
all is going well, but I have the calendar folder with items, but the 
items have the message with a link at the bottom to a .eml file.

Does anyone know how to be able to interact with the calendar items 
directly, is there software such as an email client that can do this?  I 
am curious because the exchange server calendar thingy is used 
throughout the company for booking appointments.

I also have problems interacting with the company address book, and 
wondering if anyone has found themselves in the same position and 
managed to overcome this problem.  The ldap server is up and running but 
I cannot see any entries when I contact it.



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Lean and clean IMAP client

2002-12-19 Thread Rohan Nicholls
I have been using the mozilla imap client for my mail for a while now, 
and am finding it very resource hungry.

I have tried to get gnus working with teh exchange server at work, but 
it will only see the inbox, and not its subfolders, and I find the lack 
of multithreading (so stops while waiting for mail) a bit of a problem.

I am thinking of installing evolution on the advice of another user, and 
saw that it wants to install 30 megs of libraries etc. so that has made 
me pause, although the possibility of being able to access the ldap 
server would be nice

I have read and searched the web and tried out various clients, but 
there are surprisingly few that imap happily.:)

I am looking for advice on: a lean imap client (I have switched to 
pheonix browser-wise and don't want the overhead of mozilla just for 
mail), and/or an ldap client that talks to exchange server.  If both 
come in the same package so much the better.  I use emacs a lot, so if 
they can integrate with emacs to allow me to compose in emacs I would be 
in heaven.:)

thanks in advance for any advice.


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Re: Lean and clean IMAP client

2002-12-30 Thread Rohan Nicholls
Thanks for all the great advice.  Seems mutt is the winner here, and I 
have started configuring it with the imap client.

Now I have questions about the smtp settings, and displaying html emails.

I have looked around for information about sending mail, and am totally 
confused.  I had exim on my system, but configuring it was not very 
helpful.  I have an smtp server in my domain (exchange server) and am 
happy to send my emails using this or something like sendmail/ssmtp 
which are installed.  Does mutt use some sort of default smtp daemon?

Another problem is that I have many subfolders in my Inbox, and if I 
copy/move a message to them it is aware of the subfolders, but I cannot 
find a command (and I have read the options and man pages) to just 
travel through to these folders and read the mail there. Any help with 
this would be appreciated.

Last is displaying html (do I tell mutt to call an application like lynx 
to do this?)

thanks in advance,


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exim wierdness

2003-01-14 Thread Rohan Nicholls
I am finding a problem with exim.

I have read many a manual, visited many a documentation site, with no 
joy.  Could anyone please point me in the right direction

If I have an email with a '.' in the "localhost" name (before the '@') 
it gives an error that the "localhost" name is invalid.

This does not happen when the "localhost" name has no '.'.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - no problem (although this address doesn't 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - gives an error.

This is a little urgent as I would like to use exim as my smtp mailer, 
because it doesn't mind if I am at work or at home it still delivers mail.:)

But all the mail addresses at work involve the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] protocol, so I cannot send any mails to 
coworkers using mutt.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: exim wierdness

2003-01-15 Thread Rohan Nicholls

I am embarassed to say that it sent me a message to mail, and I read it 
and it disappeared after that, but got results below.  I have sent more 
mails from mutt, but now they just disappear with not mail being sent to 
me, but the command you gave below seems to duplicate the error.

Shyamal Prasad wrote:

What error? Please tell us what exim complains about as precisely as
you can.

I ran the command below.

Rohan> This is a little urgent as I would like to use exim as my
Rohan> smtp mailer, because it doesn't mind if I am at work or at
Rohan> home it still delivers mail.:)

What does '/usr/sbin/exim -bt [EMAIL PROTECTED]' produce?

rohannLinux:~$ /usr/sbin/exim -bt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
user "rohan.nicholls" for file existence test not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is undeliverable:
  unknown local-part "rohan.nicholls" in domain ""

This is the same message I was being sent in the mail messages.

I have just tried to another account with a '.' in the local part, and 
it succeeded.

I think the stuff about local-part and thinking it is the 
domain mailer is correct.

So now these work:

and this does not:

When exim installed it ran what I assume is eximconfig, and confused me 
terribly.  How do I get it to stop thinking it is the domain mailer, and 
just send the mail, which it is doing a good job of except to my work 

I am presuming of course that is *not* the mail domain
for you Debian machine.

That is right, it is my work domain.

thanks again for the responses guys,

exim is something I have not grocked at all and even after reading the 
documentation I am still confused.


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Re: exim wierdness

2003-01-15 Thread Rohan Nicholls

Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:

What error?  Show the exact error message -- there are dozens, if not
hundreds, of different reasons for seeing an error.

Sorry the error has been recreated with Shyamal Prasad's suggestion, I 
have the error in my response to him.

| This is a little urgent as I would like to use exim as my smtp mailer, 
| because it doesn't mind if I am at work or at home it still delivers mail.:)
| But all the mail addresses at work involve the 
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] protocol, so I cannot send any mails to 
| coworkers using mutt.

My guess, based on what you say here, is that you told exim it is
handling the "" domain.  That is wrong since you don't own
the domain and are not the administrator of that domain's
mail server.  

this is right...

Most likely you don't have an actual domain for your
machine.  When you configure exim, tell it the domain is
"localdomain.invalid" or something like that.

I have

qualify_domain = which I have now commented out, and ...

local_domains =

which I have now changed to:

local_domains = localhost:localdomain.invalid

and that seems to have done it, as I have just sent myself an email at 
work and it worked beautifully.

Now to figure out how to get ldap working and connect it with mutt.:)

Thanks for all the help.


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Re: exim wierdness: Thanks for the help

2003-01-15 Thread Rohan Nicholls
Thanks Derrick and Shyamal for your help with this.  I really appreciate
it, and think I have this present challenge dealt with.

Allows me to move over from using mozilla which I find very resource hungry.

I still have to try this at home, but as Mozilla needed to use the work
exchange server at home this will be added functionality rather than
reduced :)

Thanks again,


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Re: Emacs installed, why?

2003-01-15 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030114 18:39]:
> I'm riding all three trees and was curious why lately unstable or testing
> has wanted to install Emacs on a dist-upgrade?
> root@teleute:~# apt-get dist-upgrade -u
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> Calculating Upgrade... Done
> The following packages will be REMOVED:
>   gnupg gpg-idea gpgp libgpgme6 libgtk-common liblcms libmagick5
>   libncurses4-dev libpango-common sylpheed-claws 
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   emacs20 emacsen-common fontconfig libglu1 liblcms1 libmagick5.5.3
>   libwmf0.2-7 
I am assuming that you didn't have emacs installed before, and I would
have thought that emacs21 would be the upgrade.

That is a little wierd, unless you had emacs installed and it was a
lower version in which case it would update it.

Sorry I don't have any answers for you.


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Re: exim wierdness

2003-01-16 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* Shyamal Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030115 16:26]:
> That is because and are not "local domains"
> for exim. What do you get if you run the exim command above on these
> addresses? 

That works out nicely, giving router and host info.

> Do you remember what option you chose when you ran eximconfig?
> Basically, you should never enter '' into eximconfig at
> any point, because you do not want it treated specially.

I don't remember (it is all a bit hazy I have been learning so much
since switching over to linux, and the initial install was something of
a blur.:))

But I do rememeber sticking in somewhere, and when I went
to the config file I have changed the settings and they are working now :)

> Look in /etc/exim/exim.conf for a line like this
> local_domains =

That is one of the ones I have corrected.
> That is probably the culprit (particularly if you chose the smarthost
> option in eximconfig). Remove from it, make sure that
> only localhost and your hostname are defined as local_domains (read
> the comments in the file for this variable), rerun the exim command
> with -bt to test that the domain is treated similarly to
> the others.

I have run the test and all is well now.

Thanks so much for your help, the mail has been the rockiest road so
far, now for the challenge of getting mutt and ldap and the work
exchange server to talk.

Thanks again,


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Re: Curious...Are most of you in tech-related careers/schooling?

2003-01-17 Thread Rohan Nicholls
* Scott  --sidewalking-- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030117 02:00]:
> All,
> I am new to the Linux world and have settled on Debian as my winning
> horse for learning Linux, to the best of my abilities.  The talk on

Good choice, the packaging system is amazing.

> this list is a little out of my comprehension now, as I am so new,
> but I am still taking general ed classes in college, and am hoping I
> can survive the math classes to pursue a CS degree.  There is a
> class or two on Unix essentials or Unix internals, but that is all. 
> Some programming, of course, is involved.
> I wonder if all (or most) of you are in similar careers and that is
> why you are so proficient with compiling and testing and tweaking
> all of this stuff.  

I am working in the field mostly in web applications.  I have recently
moved over to linux permanently (I have windows running in an emulator
when I need to have windows for work related stuff), and it has been a
lot of fun, and frustration.  Ultimately, very rewarding, and this
mailing list as well as google groups has been critical to me achieving
anything with linux.

That said now that the learning curve is cresting a bit I would never go
back to a windows type platform and for my work it kicks ass.:)

I use the packaging facility extensively to install software, and
although I do compile from source, that is a matter of untarring the tar
ball looking for the README and INSTALL files and reading them
thoroughly following the instructions and praying.  If something goes
wrong I have been getting better at debugging the problem, or asking for
help in an appropriate forum.  I rarely have problems, but when I do I
usually have no idea what to do, so look for something else.:)

> Or is it just a hobby that has gone on for so
> long that you have advanced your knowledge of Linux/Debian to these
> levels that all of you are at?

I have been interested in unix-type systems as I quickly became more
unhappy with windows, especially as each release hid the command-line
more and more.  I have recently made the plunge, and I have to say that
this is the only way to do it, just as you have probably spent hours and
hours trying to figure out problems in windows, you need to do the same
with linux, and you will be amply rewarded with a fast responsive
system, that can be configured to an amazing degree.

Good luck in your adventures, and hope you come to love *nix systems as
much as I do.


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RE: Totally [OT] Re: Opium

2003-11-17 Thread Rohan Nicholls
I don't even know where to begin with this

Basically you are beautifully demonstrating the results of a culture of fear
with bad guys around every corner.  I haven't been in this mindset 
since I was less than 5 when there were monsters in the closet and under 
the bed.  Apparently they now hide out in islamic neighbourhoods in your

Why don't you just send a nuke, you and your buddy George, and "clean" up 
the Netherlands backyard for us, get all those conspirators out of there.
I am wondering how many coffee shops you had been visiting before your 
walk in "shady" Amsterdam, probably one of the safest cities I know,
safer than the majority of U.S. one's I have visited.

> I think the racist thing was hitting below the belt.  I'm highly 
> offended and tempted to curse at you.

I'd forgotten that now that you have "terrorists" you can make any blatantly

racist comment, and it is "okay", nice.  I wonder how people get through the

day in the U.S. knowing people like you not only exist, but probably have


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documentation of libraries

2002-05-06 Thread Rohan Nicholls
Hello there,

I have a happily running debian distribution, but am getting very confused when 
trying to install certain software as it claims to be lacking all sorts of 

Is there any documentation about what libraries do what, and where things are 
stored on the file system. For instance I seem to have figured out that 
important binaries go in /bin, and /sbin (system stuff).

Application binaries in /usr/bin /usr/sbin

locally compiled and installed programs in /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin

But then there are the libraries.  If I am running a program from the local 
section of usr will it know to look in /usr/lib/ for shared libraries or will 
it only look relative to it (../lib/)?

I am thrilled to be using debian, but am finding that it is difficult to track 
where things are supposed to go, and where they are kept so I can direct an 
application if it complains.

Thanks in advance,


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RE: documentation of libraries

2002-05-13 Thread Rohan Nicholls
Thanks for the link, very helpful.  Slowly the *nix system of doing things is 
sorting itself out in my mind.

Now weird missing library messages will make more sense.


-Original Message-
From: Søren Boll Overgaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: maandag 6 mei 2002 16:26
To: Rohan Nicholls
Subject: Re: documentation of libraries

On Mon, May 06, 2002 at 03:56:17PM +0200, Rohan Nicholls wrote:

> Hello there,
> I have a happily running debian distribution, but am getting very
> confused when trying to install certain software as it claims to be
> lacking all sorts of libraries.
> Is there any documentation about what libraries do what, and where
> things are stored on the file system. For instance I seem to have
> figured out that important binaries go in /bin, and /sbin (system
> stuff). is probably what you want.

Please make your email client wrap lines at some sensible length. If I remember
correctly, 76 is the suggested line length.

Søren O.   ,''`.
  : :' :
public key: finger boll`. `'

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