* Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030130 16:07]:
> Jeremy Wilkerson wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I recently installed Debian on my computer, but I have never used a 
> >Unix OS before.  I installed version 3.0 rev 1 for i386.  My computer 
> >is a Pentium II 400.  Occasionally KDE totally freezes up on me, and 
> >frequently (a few times every day), certain applications, like text 

I ditched kde on my system for the same reason, I think you will find it
is a kde problem, as I switched to gnome and had none of these problems,
I have since removed all traces of kde, except kdm and kruler, and
haven't missed it at all.  I have also ditched gnome but that is a
different matter.

> >editors, will freeze when I click the Open button or Open on the File 
> >menu.  When one text editor doesn't work, none of them will work.  The 
> >Konqueror file manager also freezes up frequently.

I believe these are the same problem, as konqueror is used for all file
management, so opening file options then call konqueror, or a segment of
it which then crashes, rendering all your applications unable to open
files, bit of a pain that.  If you want to keep kde without having to
ctrl-alt-backspace all the time, you might want to go through konqueror
and turn off anything that is not file system related (being a browser)
I found this helped a bit, but not enough to keep it.

>  Also, a lot of 
> >time when I try to run an application, it will start loading, then 
> >just stop and disappear from the task bar, without giving me any kind 
> >of message.

I think you will find your problems go away with kde, and I had the same
problem with konqueror.  If you are looking for a good lightweight
browser try phoenix <http://texturizer.net/phoenix/index.html> should
give you any information you might want.  



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