reverse dns lookup problem on ssh debian vs redhat

2004-12-26 Thread Mitchell Laks
Hi! I recently switched to debian Sarge (and sid) for all of my work (YAY I 
LOVE IT!).  

Now, until now, I had been using redhat 7.3 for my servers. I have many redhat 
7.3 servers, and now, I have installed 2 debian sarge servers (i know it is 
not yet released, but I have tested it for months and am perfectly happy).

Now I notice a problem with reverse DNS that I did not have with Redhat 7.3. I 
am curious to understand the differences. Although it is installed, I never 
properly configured bind9 on these machines. Similarly the redhat 7.3 
machines didnt even have bind installed at all.

I have /etc/resolv.conf set up with the 2 nameservers provided by my ISP. If 
my local (192.168.99.X) network is connected to the internet, and can access 
the nameservers provided by my ISP, ( say), then if I try to ssh 
into one of my Debian Sarge machines, I get an immediate response when I "ssh" into one of my machines on my private network. 

However, if my private network is disconnected from the main internet and thus 
my Debian machines  are not connected to the internet, and can't contact my 
ISP's nameservers, then I get a 20 second delay while we timeout ( that is 2 
nameservers, 2 attempts per nameserver and 5 second timeout).  I can easily 
shortcircuit this timeout by putting a line 
"options timeout:0 attempts:0" into the /etc/resolv.conf file. 
I can similarly shortcircuit this timeout by actually putting the ip address 
that I am ssh'ing from into /etc/hosts so that no reverse dns takes place.

I realize that I should actually set up the machine itself to provide dns 
service itself, and not rely upon the nameservers provided by my ISP (say by 
configuring bind9 and the correct local domain reverse dns lookup service or 
else installing djbdns ).

However, I am puzzled. As I have been using redhat 7.3 for servers on a 
private network for many years, without using bind (8 or 9), and I have just 
been doing ssh and getting immediate access even though there 
was no nameserver at all listed in /etc/resolv.conf on the redhat machines. 
Ie on the redhat machines /etc/resolv.conf  simply consisted of the single 
"search localhost".

If I change the /etc/resolv.conf on the debian box to the same "search 
localhost" line, I get a 10 second timeout (not 20 second where there are two 
not reachable nameservers).

Any idea what is the difference in the setup here??? What did they do in 
redhat to disable or shortcircuit the reverse dns lookup? It doesn't look 
like redhat set up a caching reverse dns server, because bind isn't installed 
on my redhat 7.3 machines.
This is important for other network services besides ssh.
Thanks a million!

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Debian sarge and production servers is it ready on 12/26/2004?

2004-12-26 Thread Mitchell Laks
Tim said:
> If you think testing or unstable is suitable for production systems you are
> one of
> 1. an idiot
> 2. have very limited needs/no experience
> 3. talking out of your ass
> 4. have no concept of what it means to be responsible for others' work
Even Sarge? I need something more up to date then woody, for my postgresql and 
need the integration that sarge provides, vs backports + woody. Is Sarge that 
dangerous on 12/26/2004? I want others opinions. I have 2 servers running 
sarge 24/7 right now (for last 3 weeks just installed).

> I am getting really sick of people pushing sid for production use. Please
> stop doing it.  I don't really care if it meets your needs. If it does, you
> are a tiny minority; your experience with it in this capacity is anecdotal,
>  and none of it is likely to have any bearing on anyone else's needs.
> --
>   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
>  / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
> ( t | i | m | @ | i | t | . | k | p | t | . | c | c )
>  \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
> GPG key fingerprint = 1DEE CD9B 4808 F608 FBBF  DC21 2807 D7D3 09CA 85BF

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Re: Debian sarge and production servers is it ready on 12/26/2004?

2004-12-26 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Monday 27 December 2004 12:32 am, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> I think the issue is that packages are not directly uploaded to testing.
> So it is possible to have version X of package A installed in testing.
> If a serious or grave bug is filed, the package simply will not make it
> into testing.  Likewise, if the package fails to build for *any* of
> the supported Debian architectures, it will not go into testing (unless
> it as architecture specific package, like a kernel).  You could
> potentially be running insecure software for an indefinite period of
> time.
> team.  Thus, updates will be made as quickly as feasible.  You simply do
> not have this guarantee with unstable or testing (except when testing
> gets security team support in preparation for release).
> HTH,
> -Roberto

Thank you so much Roberto for you  clarification of the process. I wonder,  as 
we get closer and closer to a sarge release, will using Sarge become less 
risky? I see for instance that Stanford University has begun using some 
debian sarge servers (1). Will there be major structual revisions before 
sarge release, or are we getting more and more settled structurally?

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thank you

2004-12-27 Thread Mitchell Laks
thank you so much sam! 
I will try to understand and play with your suggestion today.

 but my main interest is other network applications besides ssh, that are 
themseelves not dependant upon ssh, that the same have behavior (checking 
reverse dns) that is parallel to that of ssh, which also time out on debian 
and not on redhat 7.3 or fedora (with no nameserver configured).
If it is an ssh configuration thing itself (rather than a reverse dns 
configuration issue, which i had hoped ...) then I am still messed up, 
because I dont know how to turn off the behavior in those other applications 
(unless your method works for all of them!!! which i will check today!!!) 
unless I can figure out where the parallel setting is for reverse dns on that 
application as well...
I am using ssh (or telnet which has similar behavior) as the "miner's canary" 
fro reverse dns problems. (quote from a linux book i was reading).

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how to set up 2 hard drives to cable select

2005-01-01 Thread Mitchell Laks
Hi, I am running debian sarge.

I use a hard drive for back up, and I have to remove the   hard drive 
intermittently. Each time I pull out one of the the hard drives from the 
machine to store as a backup,
it seems that I must always set the jumpers on both! drives each time.

with 2 drives in machine - 
[one drive with "jumper set as master" and one drive with "jumper  as slave" ]
with 1 drive in machine -
[one drive with  jumper set as "master with no slave present"]

I  cant seem to get "cable select" to work ie: if one drive as master - set it 
to cable select adn it works on the   end of the cable, while if 2 drives are 
present, teh second drive on the ribbon closer to the mother board should be 
the slave and the further the master.

How can i set it up so i dont have to push the jumpers each time?

it has an asus a7n8x-x mother board with award bios.

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Re: how to set up 2 hard drives to cable select

2005-01-02 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Sunday 02 January 2005 01:46 am, Alvin Oga wrote:

> set the jumpers on the disk to be "cable select"
>  - do NOT tell the disk that it is master or slave
> make sure your ide cable has a hole in it so it can tell the system
> that the disk is on the end or middle of the cable

Thank you alvin!

I don't see a hole in the ide cable (where should it be?);( What hole do you 
mean?  Like the hole in the floppy cable with the twisted wires?) and i am 
using Western Digital Drives and the computer has Award Bios (asus a7n8x-x 
motherboard - amd-xp processor).

i tried setting both hard drives on the cable to cable select and then the 
machine won't boot.


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Re: how to set up 2 hard drives to cable select

2005-01-02 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Sunday 02 January 2005 08:17 am, Mitchell Laks wrote:
> On Sunday 02 January 2005 01:46 am, Alvin Oga wrote:
> > set the jumpers on the disk to be "cable select"
> >  - do NOT tell the disk that it is master or slave
> >
> > make sure your ide cable has a hole in it so it can tell the system
> > that the disk is on the end or middle of the cable
> Thank you alvin!
> I don't see a hole in the ide cable (where should it be?);( What hole do
> you mean?  Like the hole in the floppy cable with the twisted wires?) and i
> am using Western Digital Drives and the computer has Award Bios (asus
> a7n8x-x motherboard - amd-xp processor).
> i tried setting both hard drives on the cable to cable select and then the
> machine won't boot.
I see the problem: I was using a 40 wire cable instead of an 80 wire cable and 
it didnt like it. As soon as I put a better cable in, it immediately 
recognized the devices. Thanks for your help in trouble shooting the problem.

> Thanks
> Mitchell

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Re: tracking memory resource issues

2005-01-04 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Tuesday 04 January 2005 03:16 am, Sam Watkins wrote:
> > climbed to unbearable.  Further, even if I close
> > all programs and leave the computer on, the memory
> > usage doesn't drop to what it was when I logged
> > in. How can I trace what software is sucking my
> > memory?
> It's probably the X server.
I agree. Every once in a while I have to kill the X server to get back 
resources. I am running kde3.3 on debian sid. it is annoying. (I have a gig 
of ram and many windows open all the time and after a while it gets 
unbearrably slow and i kill X and restart it and then all is ok
Any alternatives?
> Try running "top" or "ps aux | less" and look for which process has
> large numbers under "RSS" or something like that.  What is the output of
> "free"?  Are you out of swap, or just RAM?

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confused. sarge raid5 -should i use mdadm or raidtools2

2005-01-06 Thread Mitchell Laks
I would like to set up a Debian box running Sarge, to include a storage array 
using raid5  with boot off a separate system disk.

I have read the software raid howto and  he says to use "mdadm" because it is 
newer, more unified, (levitates, leaps over a building in a single bound), 
but then seems to be describe how to do it by setting up the 
file /etc/raidtab and running mkraid /dev/md0 which seems to be the 
raidtools2 method of doing it. For instance the man page for mdadm says it 
does not use /etc/raidtab and instead uses mdadm.conf.

But the man page of mdadm says that this /etc/mdadm.conf is not written  
initially - instead it is to be generated AFTER you make the array. Well how 
do you do that using mdadm. It isnt clear to me. mdadm command man page has a 
lot of description of different command line options to mdadm, but it seems 
to me to be risky to use a tool that tells you on the man page
that if you run mdadm --create , it will create a degraded array with an extra 
spare drive, unless you override with the -I --force option. (If I wanted an 
extra spare drive, I would have rather specified  it myself on the line... I 
don't want one). More alarmingly, I dont see a -I switch listed as a switch  
in the man page... what does it do???

So how does one use mdadm, is there a good howto? Is it not really  better 
than swiss cheese? Should i use good old raidtools2?

Also now I have loaded the raid5 module loaded into my kernel (modprobe 
Now I run mknod /dev/md0 b 9 0
then i did mkraid /dev/md0 and it  has begun.

Any thoughts?

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Re: confused. sarge raid5 -should i use mdadm or raidtools2

2005-01-06 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Thursday 06 January 2005 11:27 am, Greg Folkert wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 05:21 -0500, Mitchell Laks wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I would like to set up a Debian box running Sarge, to include a storage
> > array using raid5  with boot off a separate system disk.
> [...]
> raidtools2 == deprecated, mdadm == supercedes raidtools

i am curious. i am running 2.6.8 kernel on sarge. i tried to avoid recompiling 
my kernel and would prefer to load the raid5 driver as a module, and thus use 
initrd.img. however, in my initial setup, after i ran mknod /dev/md0 and then 
rebooted, /dev/md0 dissapeared, (perhaps  this udev? is the culpret? who 
knows?). well what do i do to make it appear each boot?  or perhaps, once i 
create the initrd with raid5 module in it, then it will appear without my 
doing mknod /dev/md0 each time, or do i need a script in /etc/rcS.d 
or /etc/rc2.d to do
mknod /dev/md0 b 9 0
each reboot?
any ideas?  
mknod /dev/md0  

> Hope that helps. I have a machine that boots off /dev/md0.
> Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/md1   1989568103480   1886088   6% /
> tmpfs   485756 0485756   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/md0141760  8752133008   7% /boot
> /dev/md4   9989504 18308   9971196   1% /home
> /dev/md3995008   660994348   1% /tmp
> /dev/md5  15426176186464  15239712   2% /usr
> /dev/md2   9989504174972   9814532   2% /var
> I use mdadm exclusively.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache show mdadm
> Package: mdadm
> Priority: optional
> Section: admin
> Installed-Size: 252
> Maintainer: Mario Joussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Architecture: i386
> Version: 1.8.1-1
> Replaces: mdctl
> Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), makedev, debconf (>> 0.5)
> Conflicts: mdctl (<< 0.7.2), raidtools2 (<< 1.00.3-12.1)
> Filename: pool/main/m/mdadm/mdadm_1.8.1-1_i386.deb
> Size: 104964
> MD5sum: 0550c71ce7c24d77b93bac373cd98839
> Description: Manage MD devices aka Linux Software Raid
>  mdadm is a program that can be used to create, manage, and monitor MD
>  devices.  As such it provides a similar set  of functionality  to the
>  raidtools packages.
>  .
>  Unlike raidtools, mdadm can perform (almost) all of its functions
>  without having a configuration file.
> mdadm, is the future. Although raidtools2 can co-exist alongside.

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Re: confused. sarge raid5 -should i use mdadm or raidtools2

2005-01-07 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Thursday 06 January 2005 02:19 pm, Greg Folkert wrote:

> Oh, yes my child... all you haav to do is remove udev for the time being
> or recompile a kernel with raid* compiled in statically.
Dear Greg,

Thanks  for your support on this problem and your careful and thoughtful 
advice! I am glad that you are there on this issue, as I was going a little 
crazy about this setting up RAID with sarge issue... I was up all last night 
till 7am

Let me begin with a question. 

I  am switching over from hardware raid to software raid5.

I am used to hardware raid - using adaptec 2400a and 3ware 7506 cards to set 
up ide raids of about a terabyte (4 or 5 250GB ide drives).

With hardware raid, if the raid5 degrades, and if I replace the bad hard 
drive, and then begin the rebuild of the raid, and then if I need to reboot 
the machine , the hardware raid device will  not  mind and will resume the 
rebuild of the raid from where it left off. I can reboot any number of times, 
and it resumes from where it left off.

This is useful, as I have noticed that it can take 24 hours to rebuild the 
raid 5 array with a terabyte of data on raid5 on the drives. Similarly, I 
just set up 750 GN software raid using software raid today, and I  notice it 
is taking approximately 48hours to build the raid5 on a machine with a athlon 
64 and a Gigabyte of ram.

My question is that it seems to me that I don't know how to 
start the process of rebuilding a software raid5 and then 
how to suspend and resume the build of the software raid from where it left 
I suspect that it may be impossible, but am not sure. I want to check that 
this is impossible with you. Intuitively, this makes sense, as  how do we 
tell the build the RAID process to keep track of where it is up to. 

Here are two snapshots of the the software RAID rebuild resync process ( here 
are  two outputs during different stages of the rebuild, 18 hours apart). 

>cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid5]
md0 : active raid5 hdg1[3] hde1[2] hdc1[1] hda1[0]
  732587712 blocks level 5, 32k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] []
  [>]  resync =  0.6% (188/244195904) 
finish=5541.6min speed=729K/sec
unused devices: 

>cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid5]
md0 : active raid5 hdg1[3] hde1[2] hdc1[1] hda1[0]
  732587712 blocks level 5, 32k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] []
  [=>...]  resync = 27.8% (67918720/244195904) 
finish=1994.0min speed=1472K/sec
unused devices: 

1) the build process is 2x as fast when I am not running mkfs.ext3 on the same 
array. :)

2) it takes a long time...

Now this seems to me to mean  that I can't set up a machine, run mkfs.ext3 and 
then shut it down and  and then move it into the  production environment  for 
two days, as I can't turn off the machine in my office and then and then turn 
on  the machine somewhere else, without beginning the raid rebuild from 
I could just do that with hardware raid. Am I right that I can't here?


I am still a newbie in Sarge installs. I am using the sarge netinstall with 
linux2.6 kernel, I am using RC 2 (release candidate 2 of the netinstall disk) 
which is very nice to me.

Well, what do I do to "get rid of udev" as you advise me. I would prefer to 
use stock kernels at the moment and am willing to add raid5 module to an 
initrd.img, unless you tell me it is impossible... I notice that the debian 
kernel config has the following settings in kernel-image-2.6.8-1-386

# Pseudo filesystems

does this mean that if I remove the userland tools udev by
apt-get remove --purge udev that I will revert to using devfs the standard for 
the 2.4 kernel series?

Moreover- do I actually have to remove the udev? Can I simply turn it off 
(dangerous) by doing 

(Warning: I am working at the outer limits of my knowledge here... I am 
UDEV Primer from

OK, so (if you can hold my hand...). Will the following work?

#I blast away udev

apt-get remove --purge udev.

# I notice that devfsd is  NOT in the standard Sarge install. I also notice 
thatthe documentation says that I do not actually ***need*** it. 

Quote from apt-cache show devfsd

" You need to have devfs mounted at boot for this to work. If you don't, your
 system will keep working as before (with normal on-disc device files). See
 README.Debian for hints on how to do this.
 Your system will work perfectly well without devfs, it is by no means a
 requirement. Alternatives for devfs are:
  - common on-disk device files. This is what you get by default. "

Question one: Do I install devfsd or just wing it. I am

APIC error on CPU0: 00(40) APIC error on CPU0: 40(40)

2005-01-08 Thread Mitchell Laks

I just set up a new server. It has an amd64 (3000+) chip on a asus K8V-X 
motherboard. I installed sarge with the 2.6.8-1-386 kernel

I set up a software raid 5 and noticed that as soon as I began resync of the 
raid i get errors filling the dmesg log:

APIC error on CPU0: 00(40) 
APIC error on CPU0: 40(40) 
APIC error on CPU0: 40(40) 
APIC error on CPU0: 40(40) 
... (... infinity of the last one)

I did 
dmesg -n 1 
to get some peace and quiet on the screen for the 2 day resync of the raid
and then when i rebooted the machine and started and mounted the raid and 
began to exercise it ( cp -a a ton of stuff to the raid) the errors began 

I googled and saw a reference to this issue on the gentoo list with late 2.6.9 
kernels and saw the solution they posted of adding the boot option
"noapic". So I figured why not? 

So i rebooted with noapic, and indeed the APIC errors vanished.
I notice a new error message in dmesg though

spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ7.

I post this here to ask if anyone knows what is going on here and can clarify 
the problems.


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Convert individual Raid1 drive to standard Ext3 drive howto?

2005-01-09 Thread Mitchell Laks
In addition to my system drive /dev/hda (with all my standard 
partitions /,  /home. swap ... ), I have a raid1 device. 

The raid is   2 - 250GB drives, with partitions /dev/hdb1 and /dev/hdc1 
respectively (each the whole drive) each partitioned as linux fd (raid) type, 
and configured as part of /dev/md0 as raid1. 

I had formated /dev/md0 as ext3 and I have 250 gb of data stored on the raid.

Now I no longer need the data storage redundancy on that machine and would 
like to treat the individual hard drives /dev/hdb1 and /dev/hdc1 as 2 copies 
of the same data and move them separately to different machines. 

Is there some way to convert from "ext3 file system set on top of a 
degraded /dev/md0 device" to 2 separate devices 
" ext3 file system on /dev/hdb1" and "ext3 file system on /dev/hdc1", without 
copying to another drive...

I hope my question is clear...

Here is a circumstance that this might come up.  I have 1 system and 4 data 
hard drives on a workstation. 

I like storing actively collected data on mirrored drives, while older data 
does not need mirroring.

Thus initially I would like /dev/hdb1 and /dev/hdc1 to be mirrored 
until /dev/hdb1 is filled up, then I would like to think of /dev/hdb1 as a 
standard ext3 file sysem and let /dev/hdc1 and /dev/hdd1 mirror each other, 
then when that fills, use /dev/hdb1, and /dev/hdc1 as ext3 while /dev/hdd1 
and  /dev/hde1 be mirrors.

I suppose I could let /dev/hdb1, and /dev/hdc1 persist as "degraded 
raids /dev/md0 and /dev/md1, but that seems to be a overhead that wouldn't be 
nice to carry around.

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Convert individual Raid1 drive to standard Ext3 drive howto?

2005-01-09 Thread Mitchell Laks
I do not want to use raid5 because the raid5 took 2 days to resync with 4 
250GB drives, while raid1 took 1 hour. Aso, this method of repeated raid1 
allows for potentially adding more storage capacity to the system by just 
adding more drives to controllers on the system, which cannot be accomodated 
with a fixed raid5 configuration.

Thanks for your thoughts

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Re: disk cloning with dd

2005-05-07 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Friday 06 May 2005 09:07 am, Alphonse Ogulla wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can I simply use dd to clone my failing hard disk (hda) onto another
> (hdb) of the same size as follows:
> # dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=512

should work

> Or will norton ghost do a better job? Btw, what advantages does ghost
> have over dd or vice versa?

cant tell about ghost.

look up dd_rescue and dd-rescuehelp

(i am not sure about the underscores try ddrescue and ddrescuehelp.

i know that ddrescue is in debian. may need to google cor ddrescuehelp

together they are amazing!!!

2 amazing open projects. they have saved many a failing disk for me. and many
terabytes of data on my raids.

they are the best!!! they  use dd like a fine instrument to save   your data

they are amazing!

even better if you have errors in drive already.

> Thanks,
> Alphonse Ogulla
> Nairobi, Kenya.


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nvidia 6600gt drivers hanging XFREE86 cpu usage 99.9%

2005-05-08 Thread Mitchell Laks

I am working on an open source medical imaging workstation using opengl and qt 
(and vtk and itk) libraries as well as medical imaging libraries such as 
dcmtk, and ctn.

I got a new nvidia 6600gt intermediate level video card (~$200) instead of 
~$500+ for the 6800 ultra. This was to replace the older nvidia 5950. The new 
nvidia cards do floating point textures which is a "good thing".

However, I have been plagued with persistent hanging of the X server.  

Suddenly, it may be while using konqueror or while using designer or many 
other applications, the cpu usage of the XFREE86 goes to 99.9 percent 
(according to top) and the keyboard and mouse freeze. You can only log in 
remotely by ssh and check the system with top.

there is a mysterious message in 

May  4 21:26:44 DAMNED kernel: NVRM: Xid: 6, PE 0470 fab5 fca0 
6400 ffd7e3f7
May  8 15:33:43 DAMNED kernel: NVRM: Xid: 6, PE 0470  fc0c 
May  8 16:31:28 DAMNED kernel: NVRM: Xid: 6, PE 05c0 ff6abe81 fde4 
May  8 16:48:51 DAMNED kernel: NVRM: Xid: 6, PE 05a0  fd6c 
May  8 19:29:06 DAMNED kernel: NVRM: Xid: 6, PE 05a0  fbc8 
ffee6400 ffe2dfd8

from each crash. it only crashes when you use it alot :).

Interesting to get out of the problem, while on remote we do this

kill -9  (the xfree86process#)

export DISPLAY=":0:0";startx;CTRL^C 

while connected via ssh.

Sometimes even that doesnt help and the process won't die. and I must reboot.

This is using the proprietary nvidia kernel device installer.

This is to inform others and ask for any advice...

Mitchell Laks

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Re: KDE or Picasso?

2005-05-12 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Thursday 12 May 2005 01:32 pm, Micha Feigin wrote:

> > CTRL-ALT-F1 gets you to a console prompt.  login as root, then
> > "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86".  Then, CTRL-ALT-F7 takes you back
> Actually Alt-F7. In console you don't use Ctrl.

On all of my 50 Linux installations, Debian, Redhat etc.

Ctrl-Alt-F7 works in console 
just as well as does Alt-F7 


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mount: mount point /media/cdrom0 does not exist

2005-05-15 Thread Mitchell Laks
I have multiple computers with debian installed. 

my /etc/fstab includes the lines

/dev/hdd/media/cdrom0   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/hdc/media/cdrom1   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0   0

the /media directory has 
cdrom floppy and floppy0 files.

I have noticed that l can easily mount a cdrom on /dev/hdd (or /dev/hdc ) by 
writing as superuser
mount /dev/hdd /mnt 
mount /dev/hhc /mnt. 

However what I would expect to work
mount  /media/cdrom0 or
mount /media/cdrom1 or
mount /dev/hdd or
mount /dev/hdc

dont work, with message 
mount: mount point /media/cdrom0 does not exist

Now I do have discover1 installed, as well as udev. This  machine is running 
sid, but I have  noticed this malfeasance on many of my machines, some of 
them  servers running sarge. 

I have generally 'solved' this by getting rid of udev and creating the right 
devices in /dev/ directory.  Of course that it just circumventing the problem 
not addresssing it. 

Ok, what should I be doing really???


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Re: mount: mount point /media/cdrom0 does not exist

2005-05-16 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Monday 16 May 2005 03:40 am, Jonathan Kaye wrote:

> Hi Mitchell,
> Yes, I have noticed exactly the same thing. It seems that the
> media/cdrom0 etc. are not persistent - they are removed every time your
> reboot. I assume that this is a feature not a bug and that there are
> good reasons for that. Practically speaking, it means you have to mkdir
> the /media/cdromN files before mounting something to them. I've written
> a script that does that when I want to mount the drives. Wiser heads
> than mine can probably explain why the /media/cdrom0, 1, ...n  mount
> points are not presistent.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
Hi Jonathan,

I suspect it is another damned consequence of udev. I wonder what we do to 
avoid having to do this by a script of our own each time? where do we set 
udev up for the cdroms?


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udev how to set up automatic /media/cdrom0

2005-05-16 Thread Mitchell Laks
are there any knowledgeable users of udev who can tell us how to configure 
udev scripts to automatically create 
/media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom1?

Also shouldn't this be part of the debian sarge installer? 

If you agree I will submit a bug...



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Re: udev how to set up automatic /media/cdrom0

2005-05-16 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Monday 16 May 2005 08:49 am, LeVA wrote:

> ->,:
> > Hi,
> > are there any knowledgeable users of udev who can tell us how to
> > configure udev scripts to automatically create
> > /media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom1?
> >
> > Also shouldn't this be part of the debian sarge installer?
> >
> > If you agree I will submit a bug...
> >
> > Thanks,
> Hi Mitchell,

Thank you Daniel,

However, that udev info  document seems to be focused on the /dev/ devices, 
which makes sense. The crazy behavior that I and others have seen lately in 
debian is that the devices

/media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom1 disappear after we reboot.
And I thought udev affects only /dev/ files???


> HTH,
> Daniel

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discover1 vs discover vs discover2 debian installer bug

2005-05-16 Thread Mitchell Laks
discover issues:

I have seen references to /media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom2 not being created as 
a result of a bug in discover.

apt-cache show discover1 is what i have loaded. it is credited to the debian 
installer team version 1.7.7 is current.

discover2 is version 2.0.7-2.1
credited to the discover workers and is in conflict with discover1.

i did a debian sarge install with i guess discover1. is my problem the need to 
switch to discover2 which fixed the bug? 

if so has this been passed to the debian installer team?


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Re: discover1 vs discover vs discover2 debian installer bug

2005-05-16 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Monday 16 May 2005 10:04 am, Mitchell Laks wrote:
> discover issues:
> I have seen references to /media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom2 not being created
> as a result of a bug in discover.

> apt-cache show discover1 is what i have loaded. it is credited to the
> debian installer team version 1.7.7 is current.
> discover2 is version 2.0.7-2.1
> credited to the discover workers and is in conflict with discover1.
> i did a debian sarge install with i guess discover1. is my problem the need
> to switch to discover2 which fixed the bug?

Even though I googled and found a ubunto thread that claimed that 
the /media/cdom0 was fixed with later discover versions, and 

i tried this solution and I am running sid, and upgraded to discover = 
discover2 from discover1, i still have the problem. 

> if so has this been passed to the debian installer team?

i am suprised to have to do mkdir /media/cdrom[01] each time i reboot. I know 
how to write my own init script to do this, and yet it seems stupid to have 
to do this. what is overwriting /media or over mounting /media???
> mitchell

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Re: Recommended Debian book?

2005-05-16 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Monday 16 May 2005 10:56 pm, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> Deboo ^ wrote:
> > What is a good book on debian for and intermediate users?
> >
> > Deboo
> Intermediate in what sense?  Intermediate software developer?
> Intermediate kernel hacker?  Intermediate DB guru?
> -Roberto
the  new wiley published debian bible will be coming out in 3 weeks timed to 
come out with sarge. i liked the last edition when i read it from the public 

it seems to be the best published (dead trees) book.


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Re: mount: mount point /media/cdrom0 does not exist

2005-05-17 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Tuesday 17 May 2005 08:32 am, Raphael Schneider wrote:

On Monday 16 May 2005 19:51, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
> Jonathan Kaye wrote:
> > I guess the thinking is that if you only reboot once a fortnight then
> > creating the /media/cdromN mount points is no big deal. My gut feeling
> > is that this was done intentionally for some security reason but I don't
> > know enough about it to say for sure.
> This sounds very strange, I'm using udev and haven't had any problem
> with mount points gone missing. If this really is a bug (or strange
> feature?) maybe it would be a good idea to alert debian-devel so it
> could be resolved before Sarge?
It seems that discover is the problem (see bug #296856 in In 
'/etc/discover.conf' I found the lines:

  # Scan for the following types of hardware at boot time:
  #boot bridge cdrom disk ethernet ide scsi sound usb video
  boot all

I changed this to

  # Scan for the following types of hardware at boot time:
  boot bridge disk ethernet ide scsi sound usb video
  #boot all

(do not use 'all' but the list and removed 'cdrom')

Maybe this avoid that '/media/cdrom0' is removed. I will tell after my next 


i tried the suggestion, but it does not help. still no /media/cdrom0 
or /media/cdrom1

i agree that that file does look like a typo though. 

sigh. i wish i could help fix this obvious bug. 
if i make /media/cdrom0 and 1 they disappear on reboot.

I wish i knew where my mount points go on the reboot.


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Re: discover1 vs discover vs discover2 debian installer bug

2005-05-23 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Monday 23 May 2005 10:22 am, Ivan Teliatnikov wrote:

> Desktop System Setup with Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 'Sarge' located at
>ml#installation mentions this problem abd suggests work around.
> (In Installation section):
> When asked during the installation if you want 'discover' to
> manage /media/cdrom0, choose 'no' otherwise gnome-volume-manager won't
> be able to auto-mount discs for you when inserted and logged in as a
> normal user. (this may now be fixed).
You are 100% right!

 As soon as I changed this setting by running 
dpkg-reconfigure  discover1

I was able to create a directory /media/cdrom1 and /media/cdrom0 without it 
going away on reboot.

I should point out a typo in that web-page posting though. 

if you run dpkg-reconfigure on discover1 it does not mention /media/cdrom0. It 
talks about
/dev/cdrom1 instead. Thats why i never tried the other setting :).

this must be a typo as well.

thank you!

> In troubleshooting section.
> gnome-volume-manager won't be able to auto-mount discs when inserted if
> discover/discover1 is managing /media/cdrom0 because that directory will
> get removed by discover/discover1. To fix this, either choose not to
> have discover/discover1 do this at installation (see note in the
> 'Installation' section; or uninstall discover/discover1 (but we don't
> yet know of other ramifications of doing this); or there should be a way
> of disabling this aspect of discover/discover1 once its installed, but
> we don't know of it yet)
> I wonder if one should simple reconfigure discover to stop it from
> removing CDROM.
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure discover1
> > > if so has this been passed to the debian installer team?
> >
> > i am suprised to have to do mkdir /media/cdrom[01] each time i reboot. I
> > know how to write my own init script to do this, and yet it seems stupid
> > to have to do this. what is overwriting /media or over mounting /media???
> >
> > > mitchell
> --
> __
> Ivan Teliatnikovphone: +61 2 9351 2031
> F05, Edgworth David Bld.  fax: +61 2 9351 0184
> School of Geosciences   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Univrsity of Sydney   www:
> Australia
> __
> --
> __
> Ivan Teliatnikovphone: +61 2 9351 2031
> F05, Edgworth David Bld.  fax: +61 2 9351 0184
> School of Geosciences   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Univrsity of Sydney   www:
> Australia
> __

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Fwd: Re: cdrecord -scanbus giving strange results.

2005-06-01 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Wednesday 01 June 2005 03:31 pm, Vegard|drageV wrote:
> > "cdrecord -scanbus" gives these error messages with these device
> > specifications:
> >
> > [no dev specs.], dev=ATA, dev=x,y,z (no matter the combination of x,y and
> > z)
> > -
> > hjem:/home/vegard# cdrecord -scanbus
> >and
> > hjem:/home/vegard# cdrecord -scanbus dev=0,1,0
> > Cdrecord-Clone 2.01.01a01 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2004
> > Joerg Schilling
> > NOTE: this version of cdrecord is an inofficial (modified) release of
> > cdrecord and thus may have bugs that are not present in the original
> > version. Please send bug reports and support requests to
> >   The original author should not be bothered with problems of this
> > version.
> >
> > cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-2.6.8-2-686
> > cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
> > cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or
> > Solaris. cdrecord: Warning: Linux-2.6.8 introduced incompatible interface
> > changes. cdrecord: Warning: SCSI transport does no longer work for suid
> > root programs. cdrecord: Warning: if cdrecord fails, try to run it from a
> > root account. cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open
> > '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver.
> > cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'.
> > cdrecord: For possible transport specifiers try 'cdrecord dev=help'.
> > cdrecord:
> > cdrecord: For more information, install the cdrtools-doc
> > cdrecord: package and read /usr/share/doc/cdrecord/README.ATAPI.setup .
> > hjem:/home/vegard#

i get the same message using sid and kernels through 2.10-1-k7.

However, as root i just ran
cdrecord -v /dev/hdc speed=8 -overburn knoppix.iso and it worked fine and
wrote me a disk.

note i  ran that as root.

if your device is /dev/hdd then use that. Look in /etc/fstab.

there seems to be (have been) some unpleasantness going on
between  the cdrecord gurus
the  kernel  gurus
that affects device stuff, as well  permissions and funny messages in
 cdrecord if i recall old posts...

however you can still burn baby burn...:)



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Mozilla-firefox printing menu non-working entries

2005-06-03 Thread Mitchell Laks

I print using the cups printing system.
However when I try to print from mozilla-firefox and invoke print i get a 
dialog with a drop down menu that includes


now the first ones (until Postscript/hp_laserjet) don't work and are 
incomprehensible to me.

What are they? Can I get them to work in addition to cups? 
Or else Can I at least get them  off the menu so I dont have to hunt for the 
in a click down menu? Where are the setttings in the mozilla-firefox package.

Clearly they seem (at least) to be related to my cups printer name.  

What is Xprint anyway? I just have figured out cups (so to speak, at least it 
works now...) .

I see Xprint on the google of mozilla-firefox. will it conflict with cups? 

MItchell Laks

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did Sid equal Testing at the moment just before Sarge's release?

2005-06-10 Thread Mitchell Laks

I saw all the articles on the switch of testing to etch and release of sarge 
as stable.

I am one of many who has been running a desktop tracking sid for months.

Just before the release, how far apart were sid and testing? were the only 
things in sid = bug fixes for sarge?

This is relevant for someon who was running a sid desktop who may want to wait 
a while before tracking sid/etch because of all the many new changes.

If sid != testing at the moment of sarge release, then how could such an 
indvidual "go  back to sarge" from sid (the sid of before sarge release)?

Also , many people say it pays to track testing. But testing gets fixes slower 
than sid... (according to the debian "chose a distro' faq ...) So you can 
lose both ways :). Unless you can live dangerously 


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Re: dma_intr - please help me troubleshoot this error!!

2005-06-16 Thread Mitchell Laks

> 1- you've got a dying or malfunctioning hard drive
> 2- a bad connection (cable ?) between the HD and your motherboard
> check n°2 first ...
> WRT reiserfs it has been many years I haven't seen bug reports, but you
> never know ...
> the dma stuff is lower level than the file system anyway
> > da: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> > hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=9872047,
> > high=0, low=9  872047,
> > sector=9871997
> > end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 9871997
> > hda: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> > hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=9872047,
> > high=0, low=9  872047,
> > sector=9872005
> > end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 9872005
> > hda: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }

in my experience, this is the sign of a dead/dying drive. get any important 
data backed up using dd_rescue and dd_rescue_help.

I am afraid you must try a new hard drive for your file system explorations, 
instead of an old old one.


> > hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=9872047,
> > high=0, low=9  872047,
> > sector=9872013
> > end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 9872013
> > hda: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> > hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=9872047,
> > high=0, low=9  872047,
> > sector=9872021
> > end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 9872021
> > hda: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> > hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=9872047,
> > high=0, low=9  872047,
> > sector=9872029
> > end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 9872029
> > hda: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> > hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=9872047,
> > high=0, low=9  872047,
> > sector=9872037
> > end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 9872037
> > hda: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> > hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=9872047,
> > high=0, low=9  872047,
> > sector=9872045
> > end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 9872045
> **
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
> the system manager.
> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.
> **

One time deal: Backup of raid5 to set of removeable hard drives on another machine?

2005-06-21 Thread Mitchell Laks

I have a (remotely stationed) server with a raid5 with about 630 GB of data 
that I would like to backup to a set of  removeable hard drives on another  
pc at the same location. 

I will use 250GB hard drives as removeables. Based upon experimentation with 
data I find that using tar zcvf I will get the size of the data stored to 
about 330GB of storage.

the removeable drive is mounted on /mnt/backup at 

So I thought to do

tar zcf - directory|ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] "cat >/mnt/backup/backup.tgz"

but that would be too big for the destination drive.

I thought of trying to use split at the destination side, but

 tar zcf - directory|ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] "split -b \ 

but this wouldnt work either.
while this would appropriately split the target into 2 files, it would still 
run out of space and would not enable me to umount and remount the hard 

then maybe something like 
tar zcf - directory| split -b 23000m  | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] " cat 
> /mnt/backup/backup"

but that doesnt work

Is there a cool unix tool (or an idea for a perl script)  to use combined with 
split on the server side, that will then pause after split finishes creating 
the first file so that I can umount the first drive remotely and mount the  
second drive to receive the rest of the data?

I guess I could replace/recreate split on the server side 
as a perl script which would count the data as it sent it and stop sending 
when it got to 220G or so and then I could write a second script that would 
throw away the first 220Gb and start from there.

my $buff;
for (my $count = 0; $count < 22000; $count++)  {
while (read(STDIN, $buff, 1024) {
print STDOUT , $buff;

I suppose I could calculate in advance a split of the directory into 2 roughly 
equal parts, but that would be less fun than having a way of splitting and 
then pausing...

Is there a better way?


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Re: One time deal: Backup of raid5 to set of removeable hard drives on another machine?

2005-06-22 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Tuesday 21 June 2005 10:10 pm, Ugo Bellavance wrote:

> If I understand correctly, the problem is that you have 2 removeable
> drives and you can't mount them both at the same time, and one isn't
> sufficient to contain all the data right?
 that is indeed a much simpler way of saying it!

i also want to get the data  split into 2 parts.

I decided to take the easy way out - 

i will take the directory and its 13,000 subdirectories, and write a simple 
perl script to tar/gzip each subdirectory and scp it to the backup drive, and 
stop after doing each 1000 and check size on the destination. 

kind of like the way man pages are stored as tar.gz files.

i will first do sort the directory by time and use the mathematical " 
Birkhoff's ergodic theorem"  (the statement that the time average should = 
the space average) to assume i am doing the getting a random ordering by size 
of directories


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Re: Linux Driver For PostgreSQL .......

2005-06-24 Thread Mitchell Laks

On Thursday 23 June 2005 05:33 pm, Redefined Horizons wrote:
> With a Java client application you can use JDBC.
> With a Microsoft Application you can use ODBC.
> I would like to write a client application in GNOME witha GTK GUI.
> What driver would I use in this case?
> Thanks,
> Scott  Huey

i have done this. I

would use perl with its database interface via perl-dbi and dbd-pg for the
postgresql interface. and i would use gtk2-perl for the gui.

this is the easiest way to do it.

also then you get a web interface for free: you can use  your backend database 
interaction code to created a web interface with as well 

and your backend code would be mostly valid for mysql or oracle as well via 
the dbi perl interface.



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/home partition filling immediately after recent sid upgrade

2021-03-12 Thread Mitchell Laks

I recently upgraded a system that uses sid and the /home partition filled.

I then adjusted tune2fs -m 3 /dev/md1 to give myself  20 G of space.
Did nothing and next day already filled /home 100% again.
Same thing happened when i did  -m2.

Ok how to find the culprit ?

A long long time ago, this happened when my .xsession-error file grew
without bounds.
Does not seem to be this file.

Any one else seen this. How to find the monster space eater.

And please no snarky "don't use sid" remarks.
It is fun to play with the latest software.

tried  du -sh on /home/username /* etc.
ls -ltr tail

updated iceweasel firefox now hijacked from homepage to ads!

2007-02-26 Thread Mitchell Laks

With my latest upgrade on sid to iceweasel i now have my firefox 
opening up to
some hijacked web site called 
which is a advertising site and it tries to popup open

how to get rid of this annoying behavior and open to my local homepage 
(achieved by manually hitting 
the house icon on the menu bar...).

this is very windows like. is there a bug?


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Re: updated iceweasel firefox now hijacked from homepage to ads!

2007-02-27 Thread Mitchell Laks
Dear fellow debianers,

Thank all of you for answering my question.

It was very informative to see that the behavior arose from a
careless? configuration assumption that assumes
http://firefox/ will
resolve to the real mozilla site.

But more fundamentally-
1) why should my browser ever directed to at all?
2) And why now every restart of firefox?

I recall now:
After every previous debian firefox/iceweasle package update 
i was also directed  to
and only then only once. Afterwards it used my (local) home page - 
just the way i wanted it to.

It is as if the browser is programmed
to  "report back" to home at least once.

So I thought- maybe now, because it is unsuccessful in connecting to
the browser  is repeatedly 
trying to reach

So I tried to "report back home" manually 
(ie i tried by log in directly to mozilla via 
go to

But alas. Still on every start of iceweasel
it goes to http://firefox/ which is resent to an advertizing  search site.

Any more ideas?



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Re: updated iceweasel firefox now hijacked from homepage to ads!

2007-02-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
Ok the bug report text solves the problem!

i replace the startup shortcut



firefox file://

and now it starts properly.

thank you all.

By the way. I thank everyone for answering:
that shows respect.
but I do find that anyone who wrote

"hardy har har har -> its sid its broken, what do you expect"

without offering a solution, is not contributing seriously.

I am looking for creativity, and insight leading hopefully to a solution, 
not derision for using my chosen desktop sid. I have used sid for 5 years.

I run more than 35 debian systems running sarge to sid 24/7 at multiple sites.


On 13:21 Tue 27 Feb , Ken Wahl wrote:
> See the below bugreport
> -- 
> Ken Wahl

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solved: updated iceweasel firefox goes to nonexistent http://firefox

2007-02-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
I reolved annoying bug behavior

1. firefox startup looking for http://firefox/ 
which was redirected by my ISP to an ad company site.

2. firefox ignored home page preference on restart of firefox.


replace icon shortcut from

firefox %u


firefox http://yourchosenhomepage


firefox file:///home/userid/home.html

thank you all for help.


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laptop sid upgrade. network works till startx then get agpgart kernel error and no network connectivity

2007-07-27 Thread Mitchell Laks
I enjoy playing with sid :)

I just updated to the latest sid on my Averatec Laptop 3250 running
amd processor

which worked fine before. Now when I boot all is fine, i can surf
web using lynx if i stay in console mode. Then when i startx (i have
tried it with kde, gnome,  xfce4-session session managers) and
immediately I get kernel errors and then i no longer can use the
network. I am connected by ethernet cable to my local network via eth0

Here are two examples of the the tail of dmesg for two different

(only stuff that happens after the startx
is invoked) :

here is dmesg using kernel 2.6.17-2-k7


Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as the NFSv4 state recovery
NFSD: starting 90-second grace period
[drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] enabled at IRQ 9
PCI: setting IRQ 9 as level-triggered
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :01:00.0[A] -> Link [LNKB] -> GSI 9 (level,
low) -> IRQ 9
[drm] Initialized via 2.11.1 20070202 on minor 0
agpgart: Found an AGP 3.5 compliant device at :00:00.0.
agpgart: BIOS bug. AGP bridge claims to only support x4 rateFixing up
support for x2 & x1
agpgart: Device is in legacy mode, falling back to 2.x
agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at :00:00.0 into 4x mode
agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at :01:00.0 into 4x mode
irq 11: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)
 [] __report_bad_irq+0x36/0x75
   [] note_interrupt+0x1b9/0x1f7
  [] handle_IRQ_event+0x23/0x51
  [] handle_level_irq+0x94/0xc5
   [] do_IRQ+0x57/0x71
 [] common_interrupt+0x23/0x28
[] __do_softirq+0x56/0xd3
[] do_softirq+0x45/0x53
 [] irq_exit+0x38/0x6b

[] common_interrupt+0x23/0x28
(rhine_interrupt+0x0/0x654 [via_rhine])
Disabling IRQ #11
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: Transmit timed out, status
0003, PHY status 786d,
eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x45E1
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: Transmit timed out, status 0003, PHY status 786d, resetting...
eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x45E1
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: Transmit timed out, status 0003, PHY status 786d,

and here is what is related to that before! i run the startx
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dmesg|grep -i irq

ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 4 *11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 5 9 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs *10 12)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 6 7) *0, disabled.
PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
PCI: If a device doesn't work, try "pci=routeirq".  If it helps, post
a report
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 10
PCI: setting IRQ 10 as level-triggered
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:0a.0[A] -> Link [LNKC] -> GSI 10 (level,
low) -> IRQ 10
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f13:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12
serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
serio: i8042 AUX0 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
serio: i8042 AUX1 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
serio: i8042 AUX2 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
serio: i8042 AUX3 port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 7
PCI: setting IRQ 7 as level-triggered
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:10.0[A] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 7 (level,
low) -> IRQ 7
PCI: VIA VLink IRQ fixup for :00:10.0, from 0 to 7
uhci_hcd :00:10.0: irq 7, io base 0xe400
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:10.1[B] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 7 (level,
low) -> IRQ 7
PCI: VIA VLink IRQ fixup for :00:10.1, from 0 to 7
uhci_hcd :00:10.1: irq 7, io base 0xe800
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:10.2[C] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 7 (level,
low) -> IRQ 7
PCI: VIA VLink IRQ fixup for :00:10.2, from 0 to 7
uhci_hcd :00:10.2: irq 7, io base 0xec00
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:10.3[D] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 7 (level,
low) -> IRQ 7
PCI: VIA VLink IRQ fixup for :00:10.3, from 0 to 7
ehci_hcd :00:10.3: irq 7, io mem 0xdfffdf00
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at IRQ 11
PCI: setting IRQ 11 as level-triggered
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:12.0[A] -> Link [LNKA] -> GSI 11 (level,
low) -> IRQ 11
eth0: VIA Rhine II at 0x1d800, 00:40:45:25:61:68, IRQ 11.
ACPI: Unable to derive IRQ for device :00:11.1
VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
de1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
Yenta: ISA IRQ mask 0x0038, PCI irq 10
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:11.6[C] -> Link [LNKC] -> GSI 10 (level,
low) -> IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:11.5[C] -> Link 

Re: laptop sid upgrade. network works till startx then get agpgart kernel error and no network connectivity

2007-07-30 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 17:19 Sat 28 Jul , Florian Kulzer wrote:
> Other options to try are "pci=routeirq", "acpi=off" and "nolapic" (plus
> combinations of all of the above).

I was away for a few days Florian!
Great ideas!
The one that works was acpi=off. Once I added that in, I no longer had
crash of network after I started X.  The others had no effect.

> Since this seems to be an interrupt problem it might help to see the
> output of
> cat /proc/interrupts
> before and after the network card fails.

before the network card fails

0: 140497XT-PIC-XTtimer
1:   1399XT-PIC-XTi8042
2:  0XT-PIC-XTcascade
7:  0XT-PIC-XTuhci_hcd:usb1, uhci_hcd:usb2, uhci_hcd:usb3, 
8:  1XT-PIC-XTrtc
9:  13673XT-PIC-XTacpi
10:  5XT-PIC-XTyenta, VIA8233, VIA82XX-MODEM
12:   4505XT-PIC-XTi8042
14:  92272XT-PIC-XTide0
15: 90XT-PIC-XTide1
NMI:  0
LOC:  0
ERR:  0
MIS:  0
here is cat /proc/interrupts  after the failure

0: 168321XT-PIC-XTtimer
1:   1715XT-PIC-XTi8042
2:  0XT-PIC-XTcascade
7:  0XT-PIC-XTuhci_hcd:usb1,uhci_hcd:usb2, uhci_hcd:usb3, 
8:  1XT-PIC-XTrtc
9:  17249XT-PIC-XTacpi, [EMAIL PROTECTED]::01:00.0
10:  5XT-PIC-XTyenta, VIA8233, VIA82XX-MODEM
11: 20XT-PIC-XTeth0
12:  15317XT-PIC-XTi8042
14:  97894XT-PIC-XTide0
15: 90XT-PIC-XTide1
NMI:  0
LOC:  0
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

> We also need to know what cards we are talking about exactly and which
> modules are loaded:
> lspci | egrep -i 'net|ether|vga|display|video'

lspci| egrep -i 'net|ether|vga|display|video'

00:09.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI
(rev 01)
00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II]
(rev 74)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3
UniChrome] Integrated Video (rev 01)

> lsmod | egrep 'drm|agp|rhine'

lsmod | egrep 'drm|agp|rhine'

before the network crash

via_agp10304  1
agpgart32264  1 via_agp
via_rhine  24136  0
mii 5696  1 via_rhine

lsmod | egrep 'drm|agp|rhine'
after the network crash

drm76628  3 via
via_agp10304  1
agpgart32264  2 drm,via_agp
via_rhine  24136  0
mii 5696  1 via_rhine

and now when I startx after booting with acpi=off
this is the tail of dmesg after I startx. Notice there is no kernel
crash  of 

[drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
[drm] Initialized via 2.11.1 20070202 on minor 0
agpgart: Found an AGP 3.5 compliant device at :00:00.0.
agpgart: BIOS bug. AGP bridge claims to only support x4 rateFixing up
support for x2 & x1
agpgart: Device is in legacy mode, falling back to 2.x
agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at :00:00.0 into 4x mode
agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at :01:00.0 into 4x mode

notice no report bad irq crash from the kernel!

OK. So  now what do I do next? I notice that the laptop is very very
hot in running. it is an averatec 3250HX-01.

what do i do next, Florian?

Thank you very much Florian! (

and  thanks Douglas as well. I dont know
how to startx with rxvt. Could you explain that? do you mean
saying startx rxvt?)

Mitchell Laks

> -- 
> Regards,|
>   Florian   |
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: pkg-config lying about libglib2 version when compiling gtkglext. but correct .pc file is there

2006-12-11 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 20:25 Mon 11 Dec , mitchell phillip Laks wrote:

I solved the problem.

there was a bad .pc file in 

from a prior build of glib2.0 that was taking precedence 
over the debian
/usr/lib/pkgconfig directory version of the .pc file
and preventing the configure from working.

Once I removed that file, all worked fine.

apparently the debian build default priority for pkg-config


 Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Mon May 29 04:41:05 PDT 2006

* Previous message: How to generate .pc files from package files?
* Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]

Olivier Boudeville skrev:

> it must be a fairly usual question, but I did not find the final word
> through the wiki or the mailing list archive.

Hi, sorry for the late response.  I've been busy.

> It seems that, for a reason I cannot explain, /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
> is not always hardcoded in pkg-config search paths, even after having
> upgraded to newer versions (it is ok on Ubuntu [0.19] but not for Gentoo
> [0.20] apparently).

pkg-config doesn't hardcode any paths apart from the ones hardcoded by 
the --with-pc-path switch.  That defaults to 
$libdir/pkgconfig:$datadir/pkgconfig (which is usually 
/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/share/pkgconfig or the same, sans 

The Debian (and thereby the Ubuntu) packages hardcode it to 

I don't know what gentoo does, but if they pass --prefix=/usr (as I 
suspect they'll do), it'll default to /usr/share/pkgconfig and 

- tfheen

    * Previous message: 


Mitchell Laks

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icewm emacs maximized flickering

2007-01-09 Thread Mitchell Laks
I have been using icewm and I have noticed
funny behavior of emacs windows.

If I maximize an emacs window, and try to
move it right or left, (for instance on a two monitor
x window), it RESISTS moving and "moves back to where
it came from". Complete with flashing and flickering
of the window. It is amazing to see. How to turn this

If for instance I shift click the title bar to move the window
it also resists.

How do I break down the emacs maximized resistance to
moving. I use a two monitor system. the maximized emacs
stays and fills one of the windows without moving.


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postgresql 7.4 won't start after sarge -> etch upgrade

2007-10-14 Thread Mitchell Laks
Dear Debian experts,

I just upgraded an old Sarge server to Etch.

After the upgrade, I notice that the postgresq-7.4 server is not working.
ie : the postgreql process wont start by itself on system boot up

I dont know why the postgreql process wont start by itself - when I

/etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 start
as superuser the postgresql server  did not start.

so I  replaced the system supplied file 


with the following file

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4


case "$1" in
echo "Starting PostgreSQL daemon..."

su - postgres -c '/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin/postmaster -D \
/var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main  > /dev/null  2>&1 &'


echo "Stopping PostgreSQL daemon..."
   su - postgres -c  '/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin/pg_ctl  \
 stop -m smart -D /var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main '

$0 stop
sleep 1
$0 start

 su - postgres -c   '/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin/pg_ctl status -D  \
 /var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main   '

echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
exit 1


now all works.


1) I dont know what went wrong with the  upgrade... I did not make any changes 
to postgresql.

This may have something to do with the new 7.4 / 8.1 split, but 

1. I did not install 8.1 
2. I have upgraded other servers before and dont remember this problem.

3. I also notice that  now the postgres user can no longer use 

pg_ctl status - It says that pg_ctl is not found.

ie her ( :) ) PATH does not include 
/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin/, which may be part or all of the problem.

1. How should the sytem be working now? 
2. has any one else had this problem?

How should I rectify the problem?


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Re: postgresql 7.4 won't start after sarge -> etch upgrade

2007-10-14 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 09:49 Sun 14 Oct , Pál Csányi wrote:
> > How should I rectify the problem?
> I would reinstall postgresq-7.4 :
> aptitude reinstall postgresql-7.4

Thank you Pál,

I had already tried that:
apt-get install --reinstall postgresql-7.4
and it did not help :(

Any other ideas?
what is really annoying is that
I don't really see how to troubleshoot the problem, as there is no output from 
initscripts that come with the debian package, and no errors in the log
sections to  to help me troubleshoot where the init script is going wrong.
also the debian supplied initscipts source a secondary initscript file
and they appear to be identical  (visually :)) on this server to similar other
servers that I had updated.

very puzzling  


> -- 
> Regards, Paul Csanyi
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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cant set group owner cdrom for link /dev/dvd

2007-01-12 Thread Mitchell Laks

I have noticed that a number of the video programs xine ogle etc
like to use 
/dev/dvd as a default

However they seem to also want the group permission to be

Note when i do 
ls -l /dev/hdc
brwsrwxrwx 1 root cdrom 22, 0 2007-01-09 10:08 /dev/hdc

however when I do as root
ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/dvd

then i get 
ls -l /dev/dvd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2007-01-09 10:08 /dev/dvd -> hdc

when i do 
chmod root:cdrom /dev/dvd

i still get 

ls -l /dev/dvd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2007-01-09 10:08 /dev/dvd -> hdc

Thank you


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Re: cant set group owner cdrom for link /dev/dvd

2007-01-12 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 12:14 Fri 12 Jan , Greg Folkert wrote:
> In any case, if you are using any kind of Debian Linux other than Woody
> or before, /dev is managed and should not be messed with directly. Rules
> for device file creation need to be made. /etc/udev is where this magic
> resides. For info on how-to do that go here:
> Here ends the lesson on symbolic links, udev and the /dev no-nos
> Hope this helps.

thank you both very much. I was of course confused and you set me straight.

I have still been fighting udev, and need to reread that reference which i read 
so long ago.

However, it is true that I am having trouble and got some 
error messages from ogle (on a different machine so i cant just copy them in) 
that made me think that
there was a "permissions" problem with /dev/dvd. Obviously there is not so I 
will have
to dig deeper to see what the problem was.

Thank you all for your help.


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Re: -bash: no job control in this shell

2008-01-27 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 12:51 Mon 07 Jan , Scott Gifford wrote:
> To find out, create a brand new user with default dotfiles, and try
> logging in as that user.
> Hope this helps,

No such luck :(.

Every user who initially logs in to tty1 gets the no job control message!

Here is some information.

I find that for ANY user on the system - including root 
if they log in via tty1 they get that message

-bash:no job control in this shell

while if ANY user logs on to the system via tty2-tty6 they don't get that 

Moreover in that same tty1, if the 
say  the root user does 
su - mlaks then we have this output

-su:no job control in this shell

So it has to do with tty1. 
Now I notice that this inittab file says

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

# Example how to put a getty on a serial line (for a terminal)
#T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100
#T1:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS1 9600 vt100

# Example how to put a getty on a modem line.
#T3:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x0 -s 57600 ttyS3
#T0:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x5 -s 57600 ttyS0 vt102
#-- runit begin
#-- runit end
but this is no different from any other debian system
that does not do this.

I am running sid.


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Alsa - no sound: I need to repeatedly run alsaconf every time I reboot computer

2008-02-03 Thread Mitchell Laks
Hi Gurus,

I seem to have to rerun alsaconf to reconfigure alsa every time I reboot my 
I have no idea why? I am running sid with debian standard kernel:  

when I run 
speaker-test I hear nothing. :(

Here is my situation:

uname -a

Linux Rashi 2.6.23-1-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 21 12:00:17 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Here are the output of 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lspci -nn |egrep -i 's(ou)?nd|audio|media'
00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller [0401]: VIA Technologies, Inc. 
VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller [1106:3059] (rev 60)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lsmod | grep snd
snd_via82xx34344  3
gameport   21264  1 snd_via82xx
snd_mpu401_uart13440  1 snd_via82xx
snd_seq_dummy   8452  0
snd_seq_oss36736  0
snd_seq_midi   13376  0
snd_rawmidi30624  2 snd_mpu401_uart,snd_seq_midi
snd_via82xx_modem  20492  0
snd_ac97_codec117464  2 snd_via82xx,snd_via82xx_modem
snd_seq_midi_event 12416  2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi
ac97_bus7168  1 snd_ac97_codec
snd_pcm_oss48288  0
snd_mixer_oss  21376  1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_seq58752  6 
snd_seq_device 12948  5 
snd_pcm89864  5 
snd_timer  28552  2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
snd_page_alloc 15248  3 snd_via82xx,snd_via82xx_modem,snd_pcm
snd65640  17 
soundcore  13216  1 snd
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards
 0 [V8237  ]: VIA8237 - VIA 8237
  VIA 8237 with ALC850 at 0xe800, irq 22
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /dev/sndstat
Sound Driver:3.8.1a-980706 (ALSA v1.0.14 emulation code)
Kernel: Linux Rashi 2.6.23-1-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 21 12:00:17 UTC 2007 x86_64
Config options: 0

Installed drivers:
Type 10: ALSA emulation

Card config:
VIA 8237 with ALC850 at 0xe800, irq 22

Audio devices:
0: VIA 8237 (DUPLEX)



7: system timer

0: Realtek ALC850 rev 0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound
alias snd-card-0 snd-via82xx
options snd-via82xx index=0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound
alias snd-card-0 snd-via82xx
options snd-via82xx index=0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dmesg|grep snd
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dmesg|less


Then I run alsaconf, which recreates the modules and then it run.

When I set up alsaconf
I also run 
alsactl store

but that does not seem to help on the next reboot..
Sometimes, I think I lose the sound even without the reboot, but I will check 
that again...
It may simply be the reboot, but may actually even lose sound without the 

Any ideas what to do?



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Re: Alsa - no sound: I need to repeatedly run alsaconf every time I reboot computer

2008-02-03 Thread Mitchell Laks
pcspkr  7808  0
evdev  15360  4
tsdev  13440  0
ext3  137488  3
jbd68080  1 ext3
mbcache13952  1 ext3
raid1  28032  1
md_mod 84380  2 raid1
ide_disk   22016  5
ide_cd 44704  0
cdrom  39592  1 ide_cd
ata_generic13188  0
sd_mod 33408  4
usbhid 34144  0
hid33152  1 usbhid
via82cxxx  13828  0 [permanent]
sata_promise   19076  2
sata_via   17540  0
skge   46608  0
floppy 66984  0
ehci_hcd   38540  0
generic10372  0 [permanent]
ide_core  149904  5 ide_generic,ide_disk,ide_cd,via82cxxx,generic
libata129840  3 ata_generic,sata_promise,sata_via
scsi_mod  164664  2 sd_mod,libata
uhci_hcd   29984  0
thermal22176  0
processor  43624  1 thermal
fan10248  0

However, I still dont have sound when I reboot.

IN fact I notice that I dont even have sound if I do:

(gets me sound)
alsactl store

then even if I simply kill kde, and then startx again -  still no sound!
So I dont even have to reboot, simply ending kde kills sound
and then  i need to reinstall via alsaconf.
very upsetting!

Any ideas???
Mitchell Laks

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Re: Alsa - no sound: I need to repeatedly run alsaconf every time I reboot computer

2008-02-03 Thread Mitchell Laks
> Also have a look at Kmix's "Settings"/ "Configure-Kmix". The "Restore volumes 
> on login" box is the one that used to create problems. Make sure that it's 
> unchecked.

I got rid of artsd as suggested by Andrew Sackville-West, which did not help :(.

However, your idea worked.

When I started up kmix and went to uncheck that "restore volumes on login"  and 
now it works fine. 

Thanks you very much,

> Which laptop/pc are you using?
> Lots of patience, and one thing at a time. Hopefully the problem will be 
> resolved sooner, rather than later.
> All the best.
> Nigel.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Alsa - no sound: I need to repeatedly run alsaconf every time I reboot computer

2008-02-04 Thread Mitchell Laks
Dear Chris,

On 16:04 Mon 04 Feb , Chris Lale wrote:
> Mitchell Laks wrote:
> > Hi Gurus,
> > 
> > I seem to have to rerun alsaconf to reconfigure alsa every time I reboot my 
> > computer.
> > I have no idea why? I am running sid with debian standard kernel:  
> [...]
> Have a look at the solution on the NewbieDOC wiki [1]. Let us know if renaming
> modprobe.conf does the trick.
> [1]
> -- 
> Chris.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't see how this helps.

a) My problem was _not_ that some individual applications did not  work.
My problem was "total loss of sound". For instance, KDE did not make
its 'KDE' sound when it started  up after I hit startx. I had to run
alsaconf to get sound started again. /etc/init.d/alsa stop then start
as root did not help...

b) It seems to have been a Kmix setting problem. As soon as I went into
the kmix setting as pointed out by the other respondent, and unchecked
'Restore volumes on login' which is some kind of kmix bug, (whatever it means
:)) I now   have full sound (insofar as I checked...).

c) I ended up deleting arts (and with it went kde-core). No effect so far.

I don't know about your reported bug and I don't think your issues
have hit me, for example I just tried xmms and it works fine on my system.
Thank you for responding though...

Mitchell Laks

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mutt-patches not displaying all mail lists in the sidebar

2008-02-12 Thread Mitchell Laks

I just installed the mutt-patches package in order to get the sidebar to
show what mailing subdirectories have new mail.

I use the Mail directory format. I have about 10 different subdirectories. 
For some reason only one (an inactive old one)  is showing in the sidebar.

Is this a bug? If not, how do I tell it what subdirectories to list?


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Security update of etch did not update my Kernel. Still vulnerable. Why???

2008-03-09 Thread Mitchell Laks

I am running a minimal install debian machine as a firewall and I would
like to keep it  secure and up to date. 

I included

deb etch  main non-free
deb etch/update main contrib

as the entries in /etc/apt/sources.list

and I run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade

Now  I notice that there was a Recent advisory about the linux kernel

The vmsplice system call did not properly verify address arguments passed by 
user space processes, which allowed local attackers to overwrite arbitrary 
kernel memory, gaining root privileges (CVE-2008-0010, CVE-2008-0600).

and the  page references a fix at

but why is my machine not running this new kernel?

I ran the update, and upgrade with apt 

I still see that my kernel version is

linux-image-2.6.18-3-486 and not linux-image-2.6.18-6-48.

what did I do wrong? how to make sure all updates are done??



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Re: Security update of etch did not update my Kernel. Still vulnerable. Why???

2008-03-09 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 13:57 Sun 09 Mar , Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> Do you have the linus-image-2.6 meta-package installed?  If you only
> have an actual linux-image deb installed, it will never be upgraded.
> The meta-package will always depend on the most recent version and will
> be updated at the time that the new version is added to the repository.

> The "standard" way of handling this is to use aptitude to install the
> linux-image-2.6 meta-package which will bring in everything upon which
> it depends.  Once you are running the new kernel without errors, you can
> start to remove older kernels manually from within aptitude.

I use apt not aptitude ( :( ). I am used to it. 
When I try to do
apt-get install linux-image-2.6 it tell me that it is a virtual package
provided by (the long list of packages).
" You should explicitly select one to install ".

It does not give me the option of selecting the virtual package

I did apt-get dist-upgrade and then explicitly installed the
linux-image-2.6.18-6-486 to get upgraded. 

This followed the instructions of Graham. Thank you Graham.

Is there some way to get the virtual package loaded using apt
so that the security kernel upgrade will be automatic?


> Doug.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Security update of etch did not update my Kernel. Still vulnerable. Why???

2008-03-09 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 18:37 Sun 09 Mar , Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Do you actually have packages from contrib / non-free?
> If not, remove those sources and save a few seconds on each update. If
> you do, you better have non-free updates as well.


Thank you. You have sharp eyes.

On this, hopefully secure, minimal firewall machine, 
I, of course, use neither and I have therefore removed
that cruft from the machine!



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Re: Security update of etch did not update my Kernel. Still vulnerable. Why???

2008-03-09 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 13:52 Sun 09 Mar , Ron Johnson wrote:

> Every time I see that kind of message, I just pick the "real" base
> package that I want.

I agree Ron, I would like to select it myself also. However,
I kind of thought that when you do 
apt-get dist-upgrade against security
and there is a major kernel security
vulnerability reported against the kernel 2.6.18 then you
would get upgraded automatically.

Thus I would want the linux-image-2.6  virtual package to get installed
and then I would be asked to chose the latest kernel to install.

and the list should only include the latest secure kernels. Here the list gets
to include older vulnerable kernels as well.

1. How to get the apt to install the virtual package linux-image-2.6?
2. Will it then remind me of the new selection of kernels with dist-upgrade?


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Which stock linux-image kernel for 32 bit debian on amd athlon64 processor?

2008-03-09 Thread Mitchell Laks

Question 1:

On one machine I am running a  32 bit debian install on a amd64 bit machine.
I run 64 bit on another machine, and this one is an older install.
I am running sid.

Which of these kernels is appropriate?

I assume that the kernel by apt-cache show

linux-image-2.6-24-1-amd64 listed is the 64 bit kernel, which 
will be inappropriate for my old 32 bit installation.

I know that linux-image-2.6-24-1-486 should work, as will 
linux-image-2.6-24-1-k7 because I ran it for some time (:)). Was I wrong 
to use it? I am not sure if I even should have  used the k-7 in the
past after all:

after all the amd 64 cpu is a k-8 not a k-7:).

The amd64 I am using is an single core older one:
cat /proc/cpuinfo says

cpu family 15
model 12
athlon 3000+ 
However, I guess either 486 or k7 works by trial and error. What about the 686 

Question 2:

Is the only way to do a conversion to full amd64 distro to do a fresh install?



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Re: Security update of etch did not update my Kernel. Still vulnerable. Why???

2008-03-10 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 18:09 Sun 09 Mar , Mike Bird wrote:
> On Sun March 9 2008 11:40:57 Mitchell Laks wrote:
> > On 13:57 Sun 09 Mar , Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> > > Do you have the linus-image-2.6 meta-package installed?  If you only
> > > have an actual linux-image deb installed, it will never be upgraded.
> > > The meta-package will always depend on the most recent version and will
> > > be updated at the time that the new version is added to the repository.
> > >
> > > The "standard" way of handling this is to use aptitude to install the
> > > linux-image-2.6 meta-package which will bring in everything upon which
> > > it depends.  Once you are running the new kernel without errors, you can
> > > start to remove older kernels manually from within aptitude.
> >
> > I use apt not aptitude ( :( ). I am used to it.
> > When I try to do
> > apt-get install linux-image-2.6 it tell me that it is a virtual package
> > provided by (the long list of packages).
> > " You should explicitly select one to install ".
> Sorry Mitchell, there was a slight mistake in the advice given to you.
> You should not install linux-image-2.6 but rather linux-image-2.6-486
> or linux-image-2.6-686 (or one of the other variants) whichever is
> appropriate for your processor.
> This will cause future kernel security updates to be installed as
> expected when you "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade".
> --Mike Bird

Dear Mike,

I just installed linux-image-2.6-486 as you suggested, to correspond to my
new kernel 2.6.24-1-486.

The apt-get install script says

linux-image-2.6-486 is already the newest version.
linux-image-2.6-486 is set to manually installed.
0 upgraded, 0 newly instlalled 0 to remove and 1023  not upgraded.

what does the "set to manually installed mean"?


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Why is cups printing of jpeg images so slow. compare with windows

2008-03-10 Thread Mitchell Laks

I have always noticed that when my  HP laserjet 1200 postscript printer
is printing images, it goes very very slowly.

i  use Foomatic/pxlmono (recommended) driver.

However for some reason, 

at work the windows printers are very fast.

What is wrong. What am i doing wrong?

Is true of any web page with images - they print slow - very slow from
linux. Not so with windows.



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How to create an ssh chain A->B->C to do http over ssh across the chain?

2008-03-18 Thread Mitchell Laks

Here is the situation. You have machines A->B->C. You want to create a ssh 
tunnel directly
from A to C.

Machine A can see machine B and machine B can see C, but A can't see C directly.
A and B are on a local network and only B has 'limited net access'.

I know how to ssh in from A to B and  then again from B to C. But I want a 
direct tunnel.
This would work for http over ssh or perhaps to run  X say. 

Thus I know how to browse while logged on B through using C via a ssh tunnel 
from B to C. 


In firefox, you use localhost:8080 
in the socks host settings for manual proxy configuration.
then you set up a ssh tunnel


Or can set up X etc.

Now how can you extend that tunnel from  machine B  back to machine A so that
you can use the  same tunnel from B to C.

Is there a way to set up a ?"socks tunnel" on B to accomodate a "ssh in" from A?

Thus we would be able to use the same firefox set up for A to  get to C.



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qemu debian install raw, cannot compress and copy to another machine, works on original

2008-03-28 Thread Mitchell Laks

I am playing with qemu. I created a debian vm.
I did not  use the qcow format, instead just  big and raw.

qemu-img debian.img 10G

then i installed debian as usual

qemu -boot d -cdrom /dev/cdrom -hda debian.img

Now it works fine. I made some ovl files and they work too

Now I tried to copy this debian.img to another machine. I did not want
to copy the whole big file so I did

tar -csjf debian.tar.bz2 debian.img

then i copied it to another machine.

i checked the md5sum and i ran 

bunzip2  debian.tar.bz2
tar xvf debian.tar

Now if I copy this file to another directory
and run
bunzip2 debian.tar.bz2
tar xvf debian.tar

Then if I run 

qemu -hda debian.img -boot c

then it runs fine.

However if I move it to another debian machine

and if I check the md5sum (and they agree!) 

then when I try to run the debian machine on the new machine I  get an

ata0 master: QEMU HARDDISK ATA-7 Hard-Disk (  0 MBytes)

Booting from Hard Disk...
Boot from Hard Disk failed: not a bootable disk

FATAL: No bootable device


I have tried it on multiple different machines.

any ideas?


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Re: qemu debian install raw, cannot compress and copy to another machine, works on original

2008-03-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
On the other hand,

If I create a debian qcow image and then copy it to other machines it works 

Similarly if I copy a windows 2000 or a winxp install, it works as well.

It seems to be a problem with moving to another machine,
because there was no problem with bunzip2 and tar on the same machine.

Very puzzling to me.



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Can we run a qemu instance as a dedicated home network firewall?

2008-03-30 Thread Mitchell Laks
Can we use a virtual qemu linux machine as a firewall for 
a real home network?

I have a small network at home, with a few desktops and a DMZ and 
a linux firewall machine.

Now that virtualization is working for me, via qemu, I would like to get rid
of all the old equipment that I use for little tasks.

Ie I have 
1) old 486 machine F used as dedicated arno-firetables firewall.
2) old 486 machine D used as dedicated web server in DMZ.
3) plus a few workstations on a LAN call them A, B C.

Internet -> firewall machine F -> local LAN ->machines A, B, C
   -> DMZ ->web server on D

1. Here F does NAT for machines A, B, C on 192.168.100.* .
2. While F gets an outside  internet IP via dhcp from my cable provider.
3. F  has 2 physical NIC cards.
My question is: 
Can I replace F (and D) by virtual machines running on one of my desktop 
machines A?

Thus internet traffic for A would not go out of the NIC directly, 
it would rather go through
an internal virtual network to the virtual guest Firewall machine (called F)
, where F would get its full Internet IP from my cable modem provider,
and it F, would then do NAT for the machine A.

Thus there would might be 2 physical NICs on A, ?neither of which would 
actually be used by A. Both NICs would be bridged to F, to two internal
vde_switches running on A one connected to the
cable modem via NIC1  and the second NIC2  connected 
to a physical hub outside the workstation A so that
other workstation  machines B and C could also  use the virtual machine F
as their firewall.

A itself would connect via the local LAN network to F (its guest), by
a virtual NIC (or real NIC, or socket). 

So, is it possible, 
ie: does it make sense, 

ie to run a virtual machine to actually 
function as a firewall for the HOST itself? And to do NAT for the  host.

Clearly this would  be with VDE.

Thus we would have

Machine A (the Host machine) running linux 
(with 2 NIC cards which would later be bridged to the 
vde switchs.)
Machine A would be a full distribution install with a full workstation

Now Machine A would not be configured to connect directly to the internet
because we would want it to be firewalled by a virtual machine.

We set up a vde_switch on A.

Then we would  bring up a qemu instance F (for firewall). 


Thank  you,

Mitchell Laks

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Re: Can we run a qemu instance as a dedicated home network firewall?

2008-03-30 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 14:04 Sun 30 Mar , Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 11:20:26AM -0400, Mitchell Laks wrote:
> > Can we use a virtual qemu linux machine as a firewall for 
> > a real home network?
> Well, on normal i386 hardware (unlike e.g. Zseries with LPARs),
> virtualization doesn't gain you any security really.  Think of it this
> way: the only way an attacker can break the firewall if its running
> natively on the one box, is a bug in the kernel.  With virtualizaiton,
> you're relying on both no bugs in the kernel and no bugs in the quemu.  

A very good point. Thank  you.

> This comes up a lot on [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Their analysis shoes that it
> decreases security to use software virtualization.  
> Those old 486s didn't themselves take much power.  If the problem is
> noise, you could replace the drives with industrial CF cards for the
> firewall.

Also a great idea. I see cf-hard drive adapters and drives are very cheap.
Thank you very much,


> doug.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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firefox printing not displaying Letter (8.5x11 inch) choice paper, closest is hp-us-government-letter (203x253 mm)

2006-05-14 Thread Mitchell Laks
Dear Gurus,

I have got one of my Debian boxes into a funny state. :)

I have many different machines, usually running sid or sarge. 

On one of my sid machines I am trying to print from firefox and I see that it 
has trouble with  printing. 

When I push print the error dialog that pops up says

There was a problem in printing because the paper size you specified is not 
supported by your printer.

I notive that when i click on the Print, the print dialog gives me a more 
complext printer properties dialog than usual. 

Usually it just has choices for 
paper size
color or black and white
gap from endge to margin

where paper size is set to 
Letter (8.5x11 inch) 

now on this broken machine it gives me instead

job title
paper size
plex mode
resolution quality
fonts (download fonts to printer)
gap from edget  

In principle This sounds better _ more choice!
However the drop down list of paper size has lots of very weird choices. The 
closest to letter size seems to be 
hp-us-government-letter (203x253 mm) and more weirder stuff, and even that 
wont print to my local hp laserjet 1200 postscript printer. 

How did this happen and how can I get rid of this and back to usual on all my 
other machines? 


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Re: firefox printing not displaying Letter (8.5x11 inch) choice paper, closest is hp-us-government-letter (203x253 mm)

2006-05-14 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Sunday 14 May 2006 16:10, Florian Kulzer wrote:

> There have been some problems reported recently related to xprint and
> the upgrade to Xorg 7.0. If you use xprint you can try
> /etc/init.d/xprint restart
Thanks Florian,

I should have mentioned that I am using cups and I prefer to be using 
cupsys-bsd to provide the lpr command.

I have tried upgrading my whole system (apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade) 
removing the 
removing xprint-common 
removing xprint. 

then i tried to restore the mozilla-firefox (now called firefox i believe) as 
well as also tried with and without xprint.

I am stymied. The mozilla "printer properties" dialog gives me a huge list of 
paper types, none of which is the Usual us letter type on my cups run 
hplaserjet printer. 

What package is responsible for that?



> If you get any error messages about missing config dirs then it might be
> enough to purge xprint and reinstall it again. (Old configuration files
> cause trouble with the new version of xprint.)
> --
> Regards,
>   Florian

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Re: firefox printing not displaying Letter (8.5x11 inch) choice paper, closest is hp-us-government-letter (203x253 mm)

2006-05-14 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Monday 15 May 2006 00:21, Mitchell Laks wrote:

I just saved my bookmarks and blew away my .mozilla directory 

and now mozilla prints fine again. 

I don't know how it got its complicated commands options before, 

however now they are gone and printing is wonderfully simple again. 

and it works.


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Re: X doesn't work as normal user

2006-05-18 Thread Mitchell Laks
On Thursday 18 May 2006 13:13, Hubeau Lionel wrote:

> > Cheers.
> The solution was to create the "/etc/X11/Xwrapper.config" with only one
> line containing "allowed_users=anybody".

For what its worth  here are the contents of my /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
# Xwrapper.config (Debian X Window System server wrapper configuration file)
# This file was generated by the post-installation script of the x11-common
# package using values from the debconf database.
# See the Xwrapper.config(5) manual page for more information.
# This file is automatically updated on upgrades of the x11-common package
# *only* if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of that package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command as root:
#   dpkg-reconfigure x11-common

My X works fine like this.


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apt upgrade sarge -> etch udev error can't get past it. Ideas?

2008-07-22 Thread Mitchell Laks

I am upgrading an old server to etch to be able to use new sata drives. I 
the release notes.

I first did 
apt-get upgrade
then I did
apt-get install initrd-tools

then i installed 

at this point i got an error from udev. It said that the
install of udev failed at the pre install script with error 1.
or something like that.
I tried 
apt-get install -f
but it did not help.

how can i get at the pre install script and see
what the error is?

I want to avoid just reinstalling etch from scratch if I can.

How to go about debugging the error? 
1. Make it more verbose
2. find the script - where is it kept?
3. then edit the preinstall script and fix the problem? 

also I notice that now the machine will not recognize the 
ethernet device eth0, which is irritating and probably secondary
to the messed up udev.

I hate to bring up sarge-> etch issues
as they are old hat as I mostly run sid on my workstations.
But this is an old server



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Re: apt upgrade sarge -> etch udev error can't get past it. Ideas?

2008-07-22 Thread Mitchell Laks
> it's in /var/lib/dpkg/info/

thank you!

> > 
> > I want to avoid just reinstalling etch from scratch if I can.
> > 
> > How to go about debugging the error? 
> > 1. Make it more verbose
> > and 
> > 2. find the script - where is it kept?
> > 3. then edit the preinstall script and fix the problem? 
> yup. you can set -x in the script and see what it's doing. 

> > 
> > also I notice that now the machine will not recognize the 
> > ethernet device eth0, which is irritating and probably secondary
> > to the messed up udev.
> surely related.
> A
thanks i got it fixed!


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Re: apt upgrade sarge -> etch udev error can't get past it. Ideas?

2008-07-23 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 19:43 Tue 22 Jul , Mumia W.. wrote:
> On 07/22/2008 04:26 PM, Mitchell Laks wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am upgrading an old server to etch to be able to use new sata drives. I 
>> followed
>> the release notes.
> You only need a kernel upgrade for that.

I think sometimes kernel brings in other stuff unless I rely strongly
on backports, which I would rather not do for a production server ...
vanilla release is best for me I find...

> Place "set -x" at the top.

>> and 2. find the script - where is it kept?
> /var/lib/dpkg/info/udev.preinst

It turned out I had a very old udev on my sarge
system that was messing up the upgrade because
the new udev did not like it.

so i did:
dpkg --purge udev
apt-get install udev

apt-get install -f 

and I was ok.

thank you !
> Udev is not absolutely necessary for many systems. When I upgraded to  
> Etch from Sarge, I left udev disabled for several months. The static  
> device nodes work fine under Etch, so I disabled udev by removing  
> execute permissions from udev and udev-mtab in /etc/init.d/ .
> I'm not a big fan of udev because of the consternation it has caused me  
> and others.

I agree, I actually disabled udev myself for all of my sarge servers. I have
gone back to it for etch. It seems more stable now.



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where does iceweasel store the setting for controlling site passwords

2008-07-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
generally iceweasel remembers my passwords and logins to site.
i think at one site i by accident clicked on 'dont remember login
for this site' or something. now it expects me to enter
the id and password   by hand which is irritating.

although by now I  remember my 14 digit number login to the 
public library :)

i would like to reset it * for this site only* to remember it 

where is that kind of control data stored for iceweasel?


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Re: where does iceweasel store the setting for controlling site passwords

2008-07-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 09:07 Mon 28 Jul , ss11223 wrote:
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Preferences -> security -> Passwords Section / Exceptions button

Thank you all for this suggestion, but it is actually wrong.

For instance I see only 3 entries there, which relate to banks etc
that I chose to enter the password each time.

I guess this setting 
Preferences -> security -> Passwords Section / Exceptions button

remembers the password.

I am talking about remembering the 
*login name 
which in this case is very long
and then i enter a 4 digit password.

this is a setting that governs the LOGIN
which is the first
thing presented when you get to the site.

then after you which you enter the password.

This is the first question that iceweasel asks
not the second thing which is remember the password.



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Re: where does iceweasel store the setting for controlling site passwords

2008-07-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 18:14 Mon 28 Jul , Florian Kulzer wrote:
> Go to: Edit -> Preferences -> Security -> Remember Passwords for Sites
> then remove the public library from the "Exceptions..." list
> -- 
Dear Florian, 

the site in question is not listed there. That only lists my bank.

there must be some other place that lists the sites which it will post the 
logins for 
not the passwords.

edit->preferences -> security ->passwords
location is only for remembering passwords not for remembering login names.

very odd.


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error running python pre-rtupdate hook python-gnome2

2006-09-17 Thread Mitchell Laks
Dear debian-users

I run sid on my workstations:

10 days or  so ago I had a hang up with 

apt-get dist-upgrade 

I got this error: 

"error running python pre-rtupdate hook python-gnome2"

and upgrade stopped:

and there were problems with 
the install of the three packages 
python python-minimal python-support:

I tried 
 apt-get install -f
apt-get dist-upgrade

and got nowhere :)

Here is the solution:

I installed python-minimal (forcing comflicts i think,
 which dpkg -i --force-conflicts

Then I had a problem that the link was missing in /usr/bin so I
 linked it manually from within /usr/bin with
ln -s ../share/python/ pyversions.

then  apt-get update worked fine. python installed itself naturally.

Thanks to Roger Dunce who solved this problem for me.



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PDL::IO::Dicom is not packaged in pdl package how to add it in? dh-make-perl not working??

2008-04-06 Thread Mitchell Laks
Write Perl subroutines in other programming la
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/install-pdl-dicom$  

so I dont see the .deb created in my directory.

what does  this mean and how to solve it?


Mitchell Laks

Re: PDL::IO::Dicom is not packaged in pdl package how to add it in? dh-make-perl not working??

2008-04-07 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 15:42 Sun 06 Apr , Kevin Mark wrote:
> Or alternatively there is the debian-perl group, who group maintains
> most of the perl packages.

At the suggestion of debian-perl group I submitted the request as a bug to pdl 
also they stated that  an upstream bug of (existence of  debian directory) 
caused the dh-make-perl problem.

> -K
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using UUID's for a raid1 in /etc/fstab instead of /dev/md0

2008-04-08 Thread Mitchell Laks

Someone recently talked about using 
ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid

to figure out the correct UUID to put into /etc/fstab
for hard drives. 

I have /home on a raid1 /dev/md0 which is composed of two drive partitions

Now in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
I have:
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=2 

Now, I thought to try that UUID, but when I tried that 
and put the line  

UUID=3cfd16a0:6eaa64dd:0dfcf1b5:2690c9eb  /home ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 
 0   1

It was a real bust and dropped me into control d  boot land. I then fixed it 
/etc/fstab back to /dev/md0 and all was ok.

So that must be the UUID for the individual /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1.

What is the UUID for the raid1 itself?


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Re: using UUID's for a raid1 in /etc/fstab instead of /dev/md0

2008-04-09 Thread Mitchell Laks
Thank  you all for this very informative thread.

So it seems that running
is the answer 
insofar as it tells me the information I need.

I wonder: does this also work for lvm managed partitions?
(an idea that seemed to be vetted but not concluded  by the above  
thread posters.)

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Most inexpensive debian friendly laserjet printer? total cost of ownership including laserink?

2008-05-04 Thread Mitchell Laks

I tend to print out a lot of documentation on the software for projects
that I work on. Therefore I go through alot of laserjet cartidges on my
postscript compatible hp laserjet 1200 printer.

My latest cartridge just needs to be replaced again.

I am tired of paying so much money for the new laser ink cartiridges each time.

I have read recently a wall street analyst say that 
'consumers are stupid - they buy printers by the cost of hardware
not total cost of ownership'.

are there any truly cheaper approaches? Can we buy a postscript laserprinter
that is not designed to use proprietary cartridges that we must
buy from the company at inflated prices?

Also while we are at it, any suggestions on what I can use
in place of gasoline in my car :)?


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fsck.ext3 -yv /dev/sda1 on 1 terabyte partition. very slow. how to tell what is happening?

2008-05-08 Thread Mitchell Laks

I would like some feedback on what fsck is doing. How can I tell if it is 
making progress or just
restore from backup?

i  just see 
checking stage 1 or something
then nothing

what to do to get some kind of (ascii :)) graphic or other feedback as to how 
it is doing? It just sits there.

fsck.ext3 -yv /dev/sda1

the v here is not very verbose :(.



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Re: fsck.ext3 -yv /dev/sda1 on 1 terabyte partition

2008-05-09 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 07:24 Fri 09 May , NN_il_Confusionario wrote:
> > * From: "Douglas A. Tutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Does anyone know how much memory fsck needs to check a large filesystem?
>Linkname: Considerations when creating ext3 filesystems - Ext4
> URL:
> Unfortunately, even that answer does not contain a formula to calculate the
> needed memory (or time).

In my case, the fsck took about 24 hours - amd64 machine with 1 terabyte ram
running kernel 2.4.18.


Mitchell Laks

> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: fsck.ext3 -yv /dev/sda1 on 1 terabyte partition

2008-05-10 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 19:19 Sat 10 May , Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> On Fri, May 09, 2008 at 06:58:02PM -0400, Mitchell Laks wrote:
> > On 07:24 Fri 09 May , NN_il_Confusionario wrote:
> > > > * From: "Douglas A. Tutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Does anyone know how much memory fsck needs to check a large filesystem?
> > In my case, the fsck took about 24 hours - amd64 machine with 1 terabyte ram
> > running kernel 2.4.18.
> > 
> I'm assuming that you mean 1 TB disk.


I had only 1G ram, but the raid was a 1T hardware raid.

> I don't suppose you know how much memory it used?  If your / fs isn't 1
> TB, and you have 24 hrs to spend, you could check just that 1 TB
> filesysem with top (or something) running and see.

I did peak once via ssh while I was running fsck.ext3 (at that
time which was close to hour 20 ). As I recall I thought I would see
large numbers in the %cpu and %mem columns. I dont remember
exactly what I saw, but it was something like 10% cpu  and 10% mem
but I can't swear. It certainly was not hogging more. I perhaps should
have done something with nice to make it more agressive...


> :)
> Doug.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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.xsession-errors file of 253G

2007-05-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
I wanted to claim the all time maximum size for the .xsession-errors file. 

My home  partition has a raid1 of 2 400G hard drives. Just today my home 
partition became 100% full.
I see that this was already discussed last year on debian-user so I just post 
it to let people know
who will come across it again.

My main problem is not noticing it till today! Not checking my error logs :).

I see that the setting in /etc/X11/Xsession:


# attempt to create an error file; abort if we cannot
if (umask 077 && touch "$ERRFILE") 2> /dev/null && [ -w "$ERRFILE" ] &&
  [ ! -L "$ERRFILE" ]; then
  chmod 600 "$ERRFILE"
elif ERRFILE=$(tempfile 2> /dev/null); then
  if ! ln -sf "$ERRFILE" "${TMPDIR:=/tmp}/xsession-$USER"; then
message "warning: unable to symlink \"$TMPDIR/xsession-$USER\" to" \
 "\"$ERRFILE\"; look for session log/errors in" \
  errormsg "unable to create X session log/error file; aborting."

exec >>"$ERRFILE" 2>&1


now we can either 

1) modify the line

exec >>"$ERRFILE" 2>&1
exec >"$ERRFILE" 2>&1

which will overwrite the xsession-errors file on each start of X,

(idea from google somewhere)

or else  

2) follow the idea of

if we don't look at errors (bad bad) 
and simply replace 
the stanza above with

exec > "$errfile" 2>&1

Or else 

3) set  up log rotation of the .xsession-errors files in userland directories.

Should a bug report be filed?


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Re: .xsession-errors file of 253G

2007-05-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
I found a nice discussion of this issue on a ubuntu forum.

they discuss various approaches to handling the problem.

They point out that gdm wipes out the log on restart.
I am not running gdm, i start X with startx,
that is why some others may not  notice the problem.


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How to apply procmail to a maildir Mail/inbox?

2007-05-31 Thread Mitchell Laks

My main inbox has a bunch of mails that really belong in other mail directories.
They went to Mail/inbox because of an error in my .procmailrc

I have now fixed my .procmailrc to correct the errors
and now want to reapply the procmail to the contents of ~/Mail/inbox.

Thus, I would like to take all the mail in the inbox
and apply procmail and have the correct mail stay there
and those mails that belong in other directories be moved to them.

this is a 'feature' with kmail filters. 
I am sure I can do it with procmail too. 
I just want to do it carefully and not mess up my mail!

I have read about formail splitting with mbox format.

Here the mail I am working on already lives in Mail/inbox.
I dont want to end up with duplicate mails in Mail/inbox, or deleting things by 
mistake :).


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Re: Opening 300MB sent mail file

2007-05-31 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 09:45 Wed 30 May , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What's a workable method of opening a 300MB file that I saved
> several years ago ?  It's from Mozilla's email client, and it

I recently opened and was browsing a 250G file with less.
It was  an .xsession-errors file that filled my home directory! 
I also was able to open it with vi I believe (can't swear). 
Emacs barfed on it though :).

grep worked nicely on the file too. I was able to see fun things.

I did  have 2G of ram but doubt that made much difference - the file was 250G!
rm of the file took a while.


> was an unorganized Sent Mail file.  It's one huge concatenated
> set of emails.  When I've tried to open it so far, I see 100%
> memory usage right away, but after long waits (half an hour)
> progress appears to slow to a crawl. When I most recently tried
> to open it with Mozilla-Thunderbird, I could read the beginning
> of the file (starting in 1998 !) but the screensaver came on
> before it opened all the way, and that seems to put the kibosh
> on finishing ...
> I have also tried OpenOffice, AbiWord, Mozilla-Firefox as well,
> with about the same result.
> My system has 500MB of memory and 10GB of free disk space that I
> can be sure of.
> Are there any debian app's which can handle this file ?
> It appears to be plain text ... with embedded jpg's and pdf's
> of course.
> Thanks,
> George
> George Langford
> -- 
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/media directory has unused "phantom directories" with hidden files .created_by_pmount

2007-05-31 Thread Mitchell Laks
I noticed that my /media directory has a few directories that are not used.
Why and when were they created. Are they legacy from past. I run sid.

/media/NIKON D80

each of these directories, which don't seem to be used, has a hidden file named:
.created_by_pmount, why?

What are they for? 
Can I delete them without worrying about them? What created them?
Now what is the purpose of these files/directories?
They seem to be vestiges of the past. 
Like appendix or tonsils, or Meckles Diverticula.

As background I have read about pmount, and indeed just tried it out, 
its very nice.

I see that pmount enables me to mount devices not in fstab without being root.
thus when i attach a sd memory card from my NIKON D80,

I am able to do


SCSI device sde: 1000448 512-byte hdwr sectors (512 MB)
sde: Write Protect is off
sde: Mode Sense: 02 00 00 00
sde: assuming drive cache: write through
SCSI device sde: 1000448 512-byte hdwr sectors (512 MB)
sde: Write Protect is off
sde: Mode Sense: 02 00 00 00
sde: assuming drive c

then i can do

pmount /dev/sde1
and i can access it as 
similarly I can 
pumount /media/sde1
without su to root.

this is all very nice.

However, I have no idea what created the 3 directories which have 
these hidden files .created_by_pmount  in /media.

Moreover, if I attach a sd media card to my machine, I really don't need pmount,
(actually I like to have pmount, cause i find it more convenient then using kde 
because some 
KDE window opens up that has as a window title

NIKON D80-KDE Daemon
that offers to open a konqueror window with the directory of the contents of

/media/NIKON\ D80-1 
which then has the data on my media card.

Notice that the /media/NIKON\ D80 directory with the .created_by_pmount file
is blocking KDE daemon from creating NIKON\ D80 so it creates instead 
/media/NIKON\ D80-1!

Also I once had a 
RICOHDCX camera card. This likely is related to the /media/RICOHDCX directory.

Note I have no idea where /media/sdd1 comes from, though. I only see in dmesg

 Vendor: Generic   Model: STORAGE DEVICERev: 9139
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 00
sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sdc
  Vendor: Generic   Model: STORAGE DEVICERev: 9139
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 00
sd 6:0:0:1: Attached scsi removable disk sdd
  Vendor: Generic   Model: STORAGE DEVICERev: 9139
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 00
sd 6:0:0:2: Attached scsi removable disk sde
  Vendor: Generic   Model: STORAGE DEVICERev: 9139
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 00
sd 6:0:0:3: Attached scsi removable disk sdf

which probably corresponds to my sandisk usb  4x multitype  memory card reader,
but there is no device /dev/sdc1 on the machine by dmesg or fdisk -l.

So to summarize, can I blow away these 3 directories and what created them?

Mitchell Laks

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Re: slurping a file

2007-06-01 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 06:44 Fri 01 Jun , Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to download an file that consists of many pieces that are 
> referred to by the main index.html.
> One way is to do it manually, that takes days and is prone to errors.
> Is there a "slurp" application that walks through the file and downloads 
> the pieces?

2 options:

1. wget can be used to grab a file or bunch of files. See man wget for options
such as to read from a file of urls for instance. You might have to preprocess
the main url and make a list of the urls, or perhaps they are stored in a 
rational manner on the server
(a list a mp3 in one directory for instance).

2. the perl LWP module and others like it can  be programmed nicely, if you 
know perl, which 
can do it very nicely...


> Hugo
> -- 
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Re: arts / CPU overload, Debian Etch, KDE 3.5.4

2006-09-20 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 19:12 Mon 18 Sep , Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
> Bernd Kloss wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > what is the reason for the warning 'CPU overload' by artsd-Server? No sound 
> > running, no multimedia.
> > 
> > What can be done?
> > 
> > Thank You 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Viren-Scan für Ihren PC! Jetzt für jeden. Sofort, online und kostenlos.
> > Gleich testen!
> > 
> Are you using a Via onboard card? I was using that in conjunction with a
> sb live, and had similar problems. Adding this line to my
> /etc/modprobe.d/sound:
> options snd_via82xx dxs_support=5
> Solved the problem for me. Hope it works for you too.
> Sjoerd

I am running sid on a g4 ibook and i get the same error message from KDE,
a popup window says
sound server fatal error cpu overload aborting 
with  artsmessage on window.

although  I have sound working fine anyway...

when i look in the information center it tells me it is a 
powermac snapper duplex sound device. whatever that means

if i look for via devices -

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dmesg|grep via
via-pmu: Server Mode is disabled

Can you explain what the crash is and what the dxs_support=5 means?


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eth0/eth1 suddenly renamed because of eth1394 ? eth1_rename?

2006-09-20 Thread Mitchell Laks
Another user of a Realtec 8139 ethenet  card noticed that his
card was "not working". 

Others reported it was related to a eth1394 device conflict.

I report a similar occurence.

i have a ibook g4 running sid with kernel linux-image 2.6.17-2
uname -a 
Linux debian 2.6.17-2-powerpc #1 Thu Aug 31 12:31:26 CEST 2006 ppc GNU/Linux

I always referred to the ethernet card as eth0 and the
wireless airport card as eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces.  

I had no problem till recently when I could not connect to my network.

here is 

dmesg|grep eth

eth1: Sun GEM (PCI) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:0d:93:4b:96:5a
eth1: Found BCM5221 PHY
eth1394: eth1: IEEE-1394 IPv4 over 1394 Ethernet (fw-host0)
eth1_rename: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full-duplex.
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
eth1_rename: suspending, WakeOnLan disabled
eth1_rename: resuming
eth1_rename: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full-duplex.
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
eth1_rename: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full-duplex.
eth1_rename: Pause is disabled
eth1_rename: no IPv6 routers present

Now if I rename ethernet card to eth1_rename in 
/etc/network/interfaces I can 
bring up the network.

what is going on with the eth1394?

what does this mean? What changed.

Mitchell Laks

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x won't start as a particular user. for other users works fine. what file is causing it? how to troubleshoot?

2009-08-24 Thread Mitchell Laks

I am running sid on a laptop. X was working fine.

I lent my laptop to my sister for a few weeks and her kids played with it,
and she returned it saying "it doesn't work".

The problem is that X won't start as a single particular user. For all other 
users, X starts fine.

Additionally if I edit /etc/passwd  and change login location 
of that user to
then X starts normally again.

I looked for .xinitrc .xsession files .xsession-error  files etc.

I looked in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file and no information...

1. What file can be causing the problem?
2. What can I do to make X more verbose so I can find what error is causing X  
not to start?

Mitchell Laks

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Re: x won't start as a particular user. for other users works fine. what file is causing it? how to troubleshoot?

2009-08-24 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 10:58 Mon 24 Aug , Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> her /home partition was full, she called me and said "it's broke." I
> logged in as root and deleted the file and it was fixed.
> -- 

thanks Jimmy,
but that couldn't explain my problem, 

1. No partitions are full.
2. Why would the other users be able to startx just fine and this user cant?
3.  Why when I change the login directory of 'bill' from /home/bill to 
/home/bill/foo in /etc/passwd
 does X start fine?

So can any one tell me how to make the X startup verbose so that I can figure 
what file in /home/bill is causing the problem?


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Re: x won't start as a particular user. for other users works fine. what file is causing it? how to troubleshoot?

2009-08-25 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 19:20 Mon 24 Aug , Ron Johnson wrote:
> startx or gdm?

i shut off gdm and am working with startx at the command line.

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Re: x won't start as a particular user. for other users works fine. what file is causing it? how to troubleshoot?

2009-08-25 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 00:36 Tue 25 Aug , Emanoil Kotsev wrote:
> look in /tmp or /var/tmp
> delete related files and dirs belonging to the user and restart X.
> they probably killed the pc and it has some lock files around
> it's broken!

I agree that there is some file that is causing the problem, but I think it is 
/home/bill rather than in /tmp /var/tmp. I just deleted
rm -rf and thing owned my bill in those two driectories
and still no solution.

Recall that if I change the login directory to 
/home/bill/temp in /etc/passwd
then bill can startx just as any other user can. it is only 
from the /home/bill that x fails (silently :()


> regards
> -- 
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Re: x won't start as a particular user. for other users works fine. what file is causing it? how to troubleshoot?

2009-08-25 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 16:06 Tue 25 Aug , Ron Johnson wrote:
> >i shut off gdm and am working with startx at the command line.
> >:)
> Good for you!

i only put it on for my sister anyway, i use command line
> Have you tried "startx -- -v"?  It might not work, but couldn't hurt.

i have tried it no success.

> -- 
> Obsession with "preserving cultural heritage" is a racist impediment
> to moral, physical and intellectual progress.
> -- 
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Re: x won't start as a particular user. for other users works fine. what file is causing it? how to troubleshoot?

2009-08-25 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 16:06 Tue 25 Aug , Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 2009-08-25 15:58, Mitchell Laks wrote:
> >On 19:20 Mon 24 Aug , Ron Johnson wrote:
> >>startx or gdm?
> >
> >i shut off gdm and am working with startx at the command line.
> >:)
> Good for you!
> Have you tried "startx -- -v"?  It might not work, but couldn't hurt.

i had tried that and it did not work.
i was looking for the options of X itself...

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Re: x won't start as a particular user. for other users works fine. what file is causing it? how to troubleshoot?

2009-08-26 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 00:31 Wed 26 Aug , Andrei Popescu wrote:
> On Tue,25.Aug.09, 17:11:45, Mitchell Laks wrote:
> > Recall that if I change the login directory to 
> > /home/bill/temp in /etc/passwd
> > then bill can startx just as any other user can. it is only 
> > from the /home/bill that x fails (silently :()
> What are the permissions of that directory?
> Regards,
> Andrei
> -- 
> If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
> (Albert Einstein)

the permissions on 
/home/bill are the same as every other home directory
those of
are the same...



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cisco vpnclient: not able to get shell output for more than a few lines

2009-09-06 Thread Mitchell Laks
I need to access a cisco vpn concentrator. 

I tried using vpnc and keep getting a message
vpnc: response was invalid [1]:  (ISAKMP_N_INVALID_EXCHANGE_TYPE)(7)
which I cannot figure out the cause for.
any ideas on   how to handle that?

and so I am using the  proprietary cisco vpnclient which is pretty bad.
1. it wont work on my dual core  amd64 machine, it connects and freezes
2. while it does work on a regular single core amd64 machine, it does not work 

If I do a command such as 
ps aux
from a shell account, then i get only 2 lines of output and the shell freezes.

if i do 
ps aux>outuput
then if I do
less output
i can see maybe 13 lines of output then it freezes.

if i do 
emacs anyfillename it now also freezes
although yesterday it actually put me into an emacs 
and i was able to edit.

any ideas?


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Re: cisco vpnclient: not able to get shell output for more than a few lines

2009-09-09 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 09:04 Sun 06 Sep , Mitchell Laks wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to access a cisco vpn concentrator. 
> I tried using vpnc and keep getting a message
> vpnc: response was invalid [1]:  (ISAKMP_N_INVALID_EXCHANGE_TYPE)(7)
> which I cannot figure out the cause for.
> any ideas on   how to handle that?

I had to comment out the line
#IKE Authmode hybrid
and match the MTU of my tun0 device
to that setup for the cisco router
then it worked fine

> and so I am using the  proprietary cisco vpnclient which is pretty bad.
> 1. it wont work on my dual core  amd64 machine, it connects and freezes
> 2. while it does work on a regular single core amd64 machine, it does not 
> work well.

forget the cisco client...
does  not work with with dual core amd64 machine
> If I do a command such as 
> ps aux
> from a shell account, then i get only 2 lines of output and the shell freezes.
> if i do 
> ps aux>outuput
> then if I do
> less output
> i can see maybe 13 lines of output then it freezes.

match the MTU will solve this here.
> if i do 
> emacs anyfillename it now also freezes
> although yesterday it actually put me into an emacs 
> and i was able to edit.
> any ideas?
> Mitchell
> -- 
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