Re: dselect --multi cd Install from a CD-ROM set

2003-02-17 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 17, 2003 03:44 am, Colin Watson wrote:
> Are "they"? I was under the impression that dpkg-multicd was all but
> unmaintained and that one should use apt instead.

You're right - the "latest news" from dpkg-multicd is from Oct 2001.  I guess 
I got the impression it was being worked on from something I read in the 
dselect guide, without realizing how old it was.  Perhaps I should 
send a suggestion to the debian-doc folks to update to what the dselect 
Beginner's Guide says about dpkg-multicd:

"Quite large and powerful, this complex method is the recommended way of 
installing a recent version of Debian from a set of multiple binary CDs."


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Re: can anyone recomend an application ??? ...

2003-02-19 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 19, 2003 12:22 pm, DvB wrote:
> I usually set up cron jobs to remind me of recurring things (man
> crontab). This, of course, only works if the computer is turned on when
> the reminder time comes around, but you just mentioned "being logged
> on."

apt-get install anachron

the anachron daemon tries to make sure you don't miss cron jobs on machines 
that aren't on all the time.  Sounds like not quite what Dave is looking for 
though.  I like the sounds of the birthday app!

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Re: can anyone recomend an application ??? ...

2003-02-20 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 19, 2003 10:27 pm, Richard Hector wrote:
> > apt-get install anachron
> anacron perhaps?
> Richard

Oops, thanks for correcting my spelling.  anacron it is.

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Re: How to duplicate a CD?

2003-02-20 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 19, 2003 10:41 pm, stan wrote:
> I posted this a few months agoa, and got an answer involving cdparnoia, and
> cdrecord. But I sem to have lost the emails, and I can't seem to get the
> mailing list archive search engine to find it :-(

I just typed your email address into the search engine, and 
selected all the time periods (don't forget to do this), and it turned up 
your original thread:

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Re: spamassassin - three basic questions

2003-02-21 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 21, 2003 11:24 am, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> Maybe not necessary, but, unless your mailserver is horribly slow,
> it'll be done so quick that it's not going to hurt anything anyhow.

I actually find spamassassin runs pretty slowly on my K6-2/500MHz 384MB 
machine (I know it's not real fast but not a dinosaur either).  It takes 
about 5-10 seconds per message, so before I started filtering my debian-user 
messages before processing, it was prohibitive.

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Re: spamassassin - three basic questions

2003-02-21 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 21, 2003 01:13 pm, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> I bet you're not running spamd, which means you're taking the hit for
> starting up perl on every message scanned.  That would hurt pretty
> bad, now that I think about it...

You're correct.  I'm using kmail to fetch from POP3 mailservers and pipe each 
message individually through "spamassassin -P -a".  I didn't realize that 
using spamd would be so much faster.  I could switch to fetchmail for the 
sake of spamd, although reading through the documentation I see that the 
spamc daemon could also improve my performance without changing my mail setup 
at all.  I'll give that a try first, and report back...

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Re: bash not reading ~/.bashrc

2003-02-21 Thread Levi Waldron
> If what you really mean is that .bashrc is not read when you login on a
> text console, then that's covered by bash's man page, which you really
> ought to read. .bash_profile or .profile is read by login shells;
> .bashrc is read only by non-login shells. If you want .bashrc to be read
> by all shells, then you need to put ". ~./bashrc" in your .bash_profile
> or .profile to make it happen.

I have this in my .bash_profile.  I think it was there, but commented out, by 

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

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Re: spamassassin - three basic questions

2003-02-21 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 21, 2003 05:26 pm, Levi Waldron wrote:
> that using spamd would be so much faster.  I could switch to fetchmail for
> the sake of spamd, although reading through the documentation I see that
> the spamc daemon could also improve my performance without changing my mail
> setup at all.  I'll give that a try first, and report back...

Minor correction: spamc is a command-line client for spamd.  Calling spamc 
does in fact work much, much faster than calling spamassassin (a small 
fraction of a second instead of 5-10s).

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Re: [OT]: < 10pt in LaTeX?

2003-02-23 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 23, 2003 03:18 pm, Nori Heikkinen wrote:
> does anyone know if it's possible to specify a smaller than 10pt font
> size for a LaTeX document without resorting to putting the entire
> document in one big \tiny{}?  --which is cool for my purposes ... i'm
> just curious.

See for example, 
for how to define your own fonts using the \newfont command - it's easy.

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Re: spamc vs. razor-check ???

2003-02-23 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 23, 2003 07:44 am, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Replace spamc
> with spamassassin and disable spamd if you're not going to use it at
> the MTA level, it's a bit more secure that way.

However, calling spamc (a command-line client for spamd) seems to be much 
much faster than calling spamassassin.  For me calling spamassassin took 
5-10s per message, and spamc instead cut it down to a fraction of a second 
per message.


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Re: Upgrading from Stable to Testing

2003-02-24 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 24, 2003 05:15 pm, M. Kirchhoff wrote:
> How do the two methods differ?  I don't know anything about downreving,
> so I wasn't aware that modifying my sources.list as outlined below would
> prevent me from doing that... thanks for the response

Keeping the "stable" lines in your apt.sources file will just keep your 
apt-cache aware of the stable packages that are available.  

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Re: Anacron vs cron

2003-02-25 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 25, 2003 03:58 pm, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
> Just apt-get install anacron.  It will Just Work (tm).

Yep, and leave cron in place (don't try to uninstall it).  anacron 
"recommends" cron.

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Re: Debian Download Problems

2003-02-26 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 26, 2003 10:24 am, hlingis wrote:
> ...ok, the ability to download a good copy (either ISO or jigdo) appears to
> be a myth, so my question is: if I buy a copy from some vendor, who, and
> where, and what hopes do I have to get an error free copy that way? I'm
> trying to avoid going redhat or mandrake or whatever...

I don't know why jigdo isn't working for you - it worked marvellously for me, 
and it even checks cheksums for errors in the constructed image.  If 
jigdo finished and said there were no errors, but you still ended up with a 
CD with errors, then there must be something buggy about your cd burning 
process.  In any case, don't try starting an installation with bad CDs.  

Buying copy from a vendor is an excellent and cheap alternative.  Some 
vendors are listsed at under "CD vendors".  I've had good 
experiences with, who's in Canada but is cheap to the US too.

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Re: Installing debian

2003-02-26 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 26, 2003 12:11 pm, Carlos Taylor wrote:
> I then set my BIOS to boot from the CD.Nothing happens.  It does not boot
> from the CD.

Well, either you had a problem with the downloading and burning process, or 
your bios isn't really trying to boot from CDs, but there's no way for 
someone here to tell what happened without more information.

Did you do the downloading/burning according to the instructions in the 
install manual at  You won't be able to get through the 
install without this manual.  When you look at the contents of the CDs, do 
they show a whole directory structure (right) or just one large .iso file 

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autologin in console mode

2003-02-27 Thread Levi Waldron
Is it possible to do an autologin into console mode?  ie, when turning on the 
machine a particular user gets logged in every time without entering a 
username or password?

It's for a visually-impaired user, so having to type that stuff in before the 
voice prompts are activated is a barrier even with a simple  
username/password.  Then with an entry in .bashrc starting "emacspeak -o" the 
computer will go straight into voice mode every time it boots up.

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Re: autologin in console mode

2003-02-28 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 27, 2003 10:12 pm, sean finney wrote:
> i just got something kind of like that to work.  install the rungetty
> package, and then open up /etc/inittab.  change the line that says:
> 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
> to
> 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/rungetty -u username --autologin username tty1 -- bash
> -i
> where you obviously replace username with the appropriate user.

Thanks Sean!  Perfect.


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Re: switching between CUPS and PLIP?

2003-02-28 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 28, 2003 03:04 am, ScruLoose wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm interested in installing woody on this hand-me-down P133 laptop that a
> friend's mom is no longer using, and it has neither CD-ROM drive nor NIC,
> so I'm thinking I'll try the install-over-plip thing.  Now, most of the
> process is documented fairly well in a HOWTO that I found, but I'm left
> with a couple of questions.  Presumably, on my desktop box with its one
> parallel port, I'll need to unload lp before loading plip, so that plip can
> 'own' the parallel port.
> Right?

Yes.  The only way it can't work is if lp is compiled into the kernel, which 
is not a standard option.

As for switching back and forth between plip and printing, I have the 
requisite commands contained in shell scripts called and  Basically to switch back to printing, it's just removing the 
plip module and inserting lp again, which can be done with modprobe or 
insmod/rmmod.  I'll give you a reference to those shell scripts in a moment.

One fun way you could accomplish your task would be to start with a minimal 
floppy distro just to get plip going, then just copy an entire filesystem 
either over the minimal distro or on a new partition.  I've done this on a 
couple old 386's and posted my experience at:

Even if you don't use a minimal floppy distro to get started, this will guide 
you through the plip process.  It's a great way to gain an understanding of 
the basics of how a GNU/Linux OS works, because a floppy distro is so much 
simpler than a full distro that things are more obvious.  At the end of my 
smalllinux posting there are links to a couple floppy images that make using 
that tiny distro easier, and have and, which may or 
may not work "out of the box" for you.  The annoying thing about using a tiny 
distro like that are that because it's so stripped down it may be missing 
tools you need, and have no easy way of compiling for the old kernel and 
libraries.  I spent a bunch of time finding compatible binaries of those 
modules and programs, with the contents of those added floppies I made, it's 


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Re: (Newbie) Knoppix.

2003-03-03 Thread Levi Waldron
On March 2, 2003 06:43 am, Brian Durant wrote:
> The only thing interesting that I found, was with the "dmesg" command.
> The response was "eth0: Media Link Off". I have run into this response
> with Deb 3 rev. 1 as well. Don't know what it means one of the replies
> from the thread stated that it wasn't even in the source code!

If your cable is in fact intact, you may be seeing a documented bug in the 
2.4.18 version of the sis900 driver.  Typing your error message "eth0: media 
link off" into google, I found:

This message suggests a workaround patch, but I didn't find any bugs reported 


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Re: howto verify burn?

2003-03-07 Thread Levi Waldron
On March 7, 2003 10:51 am, bob parker wrote:
> That is easy if you have no subdirectories on the cdr, but gets a little
> messy if you do, the files have to be piped to md5sum from find and xargs.

Hm?  Why wouldn't you just check each file individually by:

mount /cdrom
md5sum -c /cdrom/md5sum.txt

All the Debian cds have md5sum.txt in their / directory.  This lists any bad 
files on the CD.  If only packages or files you don't need are corrupted, 
then there's no need to remake the entire CD.


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Re: KNOPPIX and it configure.

2003-03-07 Thread Levi Waldron
On March 7, 2003 02:55 am, Rob Weir wrote:
> As far as I can tell, this has absolutely nothing to do with Debian.
> Surely Knoopix has a user help mailing list somewhere...

Well, it's related in the sense that Knoppix is an auto-configuring Debian 
live CD.  It's a mix of stable, testing, and unstable which can be run off 
the CD in a virtual filesystem or turned into a "real" Debian OS by copying 
to your hard drive and, if desired, converting to unstable with apt-get 
dist-upgrade (although I've never tried this).  I've given it to people 
who've never used GNU/Linux before just for them to boot up without touching 
their HD and see what a Debian system might look like.

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OT: running a command on many files in many subdirectories

2003-01-28 Thread Levi Waldron
I'm sure this is simple, but maybe someone here can help me do it in a few 
minutes instead of hours.  I have a bunch of files in a bunch of 
directories, and I want to run the same command on each of them.  For each 
input file, the output file should have the same name except ending in .txt, 
and the output files should be put a common directory.  ie,

java ImageInfo dir1/pic1.jpg > commondir/pic1.txt

etc, repeated over a bunch or directories and jpg files.  The subdirectories 
only go one deep.  

If this is difficult I could copy all the jpg files into a single 
directory first with only a little bit of tedium.

Thank you, Levi

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OT: running a command on many files in many subdirectories

2003-01-28 Thread Levi Waldron
Never mind, I finished the task.  I just first copied all the files into one 
directory using:

find . -name *.jpg -print | xargs -i  cp \{\} all/  

Then wrote (modified, actually) a shell script to run imageinfo on a bunch of 
files with a different output file each time:


# run imageinfo on many files


 if [ $# -ne $ARGS ]
   echo "Usage: `basename $0` (extension of input files) (extension of output 
   exit $E_BADARGS

 for filename in *.$1
  java ImageInfo $filename > "${filename%.$1}.$2"
exit 0

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Re: OT: running a command on many files in many subdirectories

2003-01-29 Thread Levi Waldron
Well, I wish I had gone and goofed off for the rest of the evening then come 
in and used one of these 2-3 line solutions this morning.  Still, I learned 
some things reading them and will use them and the tldp reference for future 
scripting.  Thank you, Levi

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Re: Problems downloading Knoppix

2003-02-04 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 4, 2003 08:13 am, bob parker wrote:
> Well I just completed downloading Knoppix using my steam powered dial up
> connection.
> I started on 27 January.

That's such a sad story, if you have a hard time fixing the download let me 
know and I'll mail a KNOPPIX cd to you.  -Levi

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fsck finding thousands of errors

2003-02-11 Thread Levi Waldron

I helped someone install Debian on a new hard drive a couple months ago.  
They didn't use that hard drive for the last couple months, then tried to 
boot into Debian and got the following errors during the boot process:

mount:  mountpoint /proc is not a directory
(swap activates successfully)
/dev/hdb1 contains a filesystem with errors, check forced.
(fixes several inodes)
Inode  has magic flag set
unexpected inconsistency, run fsck manually, without -a or -p options.

So I get him to boot off an install CD as a rescue disk, since /dev/hdb1 is 
the root filesystem.  He runs e2fsck /dev/hdb1 from the emergency shell, and 
it starts correcting THOUSANDS of inodes, hitting enter one by one.  The 
types of messages that e2fsck reports are:

-Inode has illegal blocks
-Illegal block in Inode
-Too many illegal blocks in Inodes
-Inode has compression flag set on file sysstem without compression support
-Inode  is in use, but has dtime set
-Inode  has magic flag set
-Special (device/socket/fifo/symlink) file (inode ) has append-only 
flag set
___ has immutable or append-only flag set
-Inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found
-Inode ___ was part of an orphaned inode list
-Gal block 6 in inode ___

inodes are in the range of 1,030,000 and he corrected about 5,000 of them 
one-by-one before I said to give up.

There is also a fat32 partition on this hard drive which had files on it, 
which are no longer being read by the windows half of the machine.

The partition table seems to be undamaged.

He doesn't think he's done anything damaging to this hard drive, or even used 
it since the last time it was working.

Do you know what's wrong with this hard drive, or how to troubleshoot it?  
It's almost brand new, but is it a warranty item?

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Re: Help needed w/ PLIP connection

2003-02-13 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 12, 2003 03:12 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all:
> I am having trouble debugging my plip connection.

I haven't set up plip for a couple years so my memory is a little 
foggy.  I used the PLIP-HOWTO to set up the following scripts on 
the machine cedar to connect it via plip to birch; maybe they'll 
help.  I don't have the birch scripts handy, but they were similar.

Note:  I defined the IP addresses for birch and cedar in /etc/hosts

bash-2.05a$ more /usr/local/bin/
/sbin/rmmod lp
/bin/echo 7 > /proc/parport/0/irq
/sbin/insmod plip
/sbin/ifconfig lo netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig plip0 cedar pointopoint birch netmask up

bash-2.05a$ more /usr/local/bin/
/sbin/rmmod plip
/sbin/insmod lp

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Re: ext3 to ext2 convertion

2003-02-13 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 13, 2003 01:19 pm, Bruno Diniz de Paula wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I convert a ext3 partition to ext2? Is it only to change the
> type in fstab and reboot? How can I synchronize the modification stored
> in the journal file?

>From :

How to move back from ext3 to ext2

It's quite easy.  If you unmount an ext3 filesystem cleanly, then you
can remount it as ext2 without any other commands.  If you crash and are
left with an unclean ext3 filesystem, on the other hand, the filesystem
will prevent you from mounting it as ext2: it is not safe to mount it
until you have recovered the journal, and the only way to do that for
now is to mount it as ext3.

However, if for any reason you do have an ext3 filesystem which you want
to convert permanently back to ext2, whether it was cleanly unmounted or
not, you can use "debugfs" from e2fsprogs-1.17 or later to do it.
First, run debugfs and open the filesystem (the -w flag means open for
write, and the -f flag forces it to open the filesystem even if there
are unknown journal flags set):

[root@sarek /root]# debugfs
debugfs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
debugfs:  open -f -w /dev/sdb1 

Now, use "features" to see which feature bits are set on the filesystem:

debugfs:  features
Filesystem features: has_journal filetype sparse_super

We want to clear the journal bits, then we can quit:

debugfs:  features -has_journal -needs_recovery
Filesystem features: filetype sparse_super
debugfs:  quit
[root@sarek /root]# debugfs

That's it!

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Re: fsck finding thousands of errors

2003-02-13 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 13, 2003 11:42 am, George Georgalis wrote:
> anyway, you can use the -y option in fsck to answer yes to all the
> questions.

I thank both of you for the tips.  We're still not sure what caused the 
catastrophic hard drive failure, although it may become more clear after 
figuring out whether the drive is now junk or not.  I had already give the -y 
order before reading Alvin's message.  I'm still don't understand what there 
is to lose by fscking the disk, answering "y" to all the questions?  Do you 
think there could be a problem with the bios or memory now that is now 
scrambling a previously good hdd through the fsck process?  Anyways, there's 
nothing to lose here other than the annoyance of redoing a fresh installation 
and, he'd already yessed a couple thousand fsck fixes manually.  

Last I heard, it has been fixing inodes for almost 24 hours at a rate of 
about one per 2 seconds.  I wonder if it will boot again if/when that ever 

Question, Alvin:

> - if its bad mmory... i dont want the disk touched
> assuming that it was shutdown properly ...
> - if your bios time is whacky... so can fsck...
> - if you have bad memory... it will try to fix the drive according to
>   its bad memory content

I'm not sure what these mean.  Does

bad memory = bad RAM memory 
bios time whacky = internal clock wrong?

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Re: fsck finding thousands of errors

2003-02-13 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 13, 2003 07:28 pm, Daniel Barclay wrote:
> Do you have IDE disks?


> Are you using DMA?

It's a Western Digital 80G HD.  The WD website at
says, among other things:

Interface: Ultra ATA/100
Mode 5 Ultra ATA100.0 MB/s
Mode 4 Ultra ATA66.6 MB/s
Mode 2 Ultra ATA33.3 MB/s
Mode 4 PIO16.6 MB/s
Mode 2 multi-word DMA16.6 MB/s

Does this help answer your question?  I didn't do anything outside of a 
normal  stock installation to turn DMA support on or off.

> If so, what kind of motherboard and/or IDE controller cards are you
> using?

Motherboard: Soyo Dragon - AMD Socket-A Base Via KT266 ATX
CPU: AMD 1400 Thunderbird
RAM: 256K 266-DDR
/dev/hdb1 is 20GB

fsck has now been running for 28 consecutive hours, and the numbering of the 
inodes suggests it has "fixed" 60,000 of them now.  Maybe I can get a world  
record!  How many inodes would one 20G partition have?  I wonder what order 
of magnitude of time it might take for fsck to finish?


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Re: OT Knoppix installation

2003-02-14 Thread Levi Waldron
Knoppix can be installed on your HD - the main disadvantage I've heard of is 
that it's a mix of stable, testing, and unstable, which makes package 
management trickier.  For instructions, see:

(from google:  knoppix install)

On February 14, 2003 11:17 am, stan wrote:
> I have a new laptop, and I was planing on istalling Koppix to take advantge
> of it's _great_ hardware auto detection, then merging back intot the Debain
> mainstream.
> Problem is, I can't figure out how to actully install Knoppix. I have a
> bootable CD (that was fun because of the size), and everythign works like a
> charm when I boot from it, but I can't figure out how to get that image
> onto the hard disk.
> One person has told me Knoppix is not intended to install.

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Re: Bug? - Boot disks and Kernel Source

2003-02-14 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 11, 2003 07:42 am, Dave Whiteley wrote:
> There is not a stable package for kernel 2.2.20!

Yes, there are several.  I checked first on my machine with 

apt-cache search kernel-image-2.2.20

then double-checked at by searching 
for kernel-image-2.2.20 under stable, and in both cases got the 
following hits:

kernel-image-2.2.20-idepci 2.2.20-5   (1360.6k) 
Linux kernel binary image.

kernel-image-2.2.20-compact 2.2.20-5   (1689.8k) 
Linux kernel binary image.

kernel-image-2.2.20 2.2.20-5   (5803.3k) 
Linux kernel binary image for version 2.2.20.

kernel-image-2.2.20-reiserfs 2.2.20-4   (1669.3k) 
Linux kernel binary image for version 2.2.20.


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Re: Deb-List Subject Line Tag?

2003-02-14 Thread Levi Waldron
Even PINE has built-in filtering capabilities, and threading.  I don't see 
how anyone could deal with the debian-user list volume without filtering and 


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Re: How to mount CDROM and CDRW?

2003-02-14 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 14, 2003 01:09 pm, Carlos Jiménez wrote:
> I just installed Debian woody and i've had problems to mount the CDROM
> (hdb) and the CDRW (hdd). In the fstab file appears the following:
> /dev/cdrom  /cdrom  iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0   0
> Does it mean that CDROM is mounted? Shouldn't the mount point be in /mnt/?
> And if it wasn't mounted, how do i mount it?

mount /cdrom

would mount a data cd on /cdrom if your symbolic link for /dev/cdrom is set 
properly. Unfortunately, you probably don't yet know enough to ask the right 
question to get the answer that will help you.

You would almost certainly benefit from some newbie help files, like:

Give them a try, and feel free to post further questions here.

Hope this helps,

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Re: dselect --multi cd Install from a CD-ROM set

2003-02-14 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 14, 2003 02:56 pm, alex wrote:
> I'll be installing Debian on another computer and would
> like to have the  'multi cd  Install from a CD-ROM set' to
> make things easier.  How can I add this option to my
> dselect access menu?

As root, just type "apt-cdrom add" for each cd while it is in the drive.  
Then dselect will prompt you for the correct cd whenever it needs it.  There 
is another way with the package dpkg-multicd but this way is much easier.


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Re: dselect --multi cd Install from a CD-ROM set

2003-02-16 Thread Levi Waldron
On February 14, 2003 07:08 pm, you wrote:
> Yes, this is how I eventually managed to get packages from the set but
> wouldn't it have been easier if the dselect's access menu had the
> 'multi cd' option?  Supposedly my 3.0r1 Stable CD Official set was up
> to date.

If you have all the CDs during the installation process then it's taken care 
of.  Otherwise, you have to add them later.  They're working on the multicd 
option for dselect but it's just not very user-friendly yet, which is why 
it's not a standard part of dselect yet.  

Try to make sure your replies stay on-list.  


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lost sound capabilities (/dev/dsp: No such device)

2003-09-19 Thread Levi Waldron
I had my YMH0800:OPL3-SA3 Sound Board working with the ad1848 driver, isapnp 
etc under Woody.

Then somewhere in the course of installing a stock non-installation kernel, 
adding second ethernet card, and loading the IP masquerading and iptables 
modules, the sound stopped working.  The symptoms are given below.  The Sound 
HOWTO only recommends for such cases to go "pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf", 
uncomment the correct lines in isapnp.conf, run "isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf", 
reload the modules, and enjoy.  However I have no idea which lines of the 
*long* isapnp.conf to uncomment - it is quite non-obvious to me, and I'm not 
even sure this is on the right track.  Any tips?

Here is the output showing the symptoms and troubleshooting I've tried.  The 
output of pnpdump is at the end, since it's so long.

retro:/music# mpg123 "The Twigs - The Turning.mp3"
High Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2, and 3.
Version 0.59q (2002/03/23). Written and copyrights by Joe Drew.
Uses code from various people. See 'README' for more!
Title  : The Turning Artist: The Twigs
Album  : Year  :
Comment: Genre :

Playing MPEG stream from The Twigs - The Turning.mp3 ...
MPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz joint-stereo
Can't find a suitable libao driver. (Is device in use?)

retro:/etc# cat /usr/share/sounds/irmp3/ > /dev/dsp
bash: /dev/dsp: No such device

retro:/etc# dd bs=8k count=4  /tmp/
bash: /dev/audio: No such device

retro:/etc# ls -al /dev/dsp
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Mar 14  2002 /dev/dsp

retro:/etc# less /var/log/messages
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: isapnp: Card 'OPL3-SA3 Sound Board'
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: isapnp: 1 Plug & Play card detected total
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by 
Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: ad1848: No ISAPnP cards found, trying standard 

retro:/etc# cat /proc/interrupts
  0:   21468604  XT-PIC  timer
  1:  2  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  8:  3  XT-PIC  rtc
 10: 178022  XT-PIC  eth1
 12: 106590  XT-PIC  eth0
 14: 121560  XT-PIC  ide0
 15:  0  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
ERR:  0

retro:/etc# cat /proc/isapnp
Card 1 'YMH0800:OPL3-SA3 Sound Board' PnP version 1.0
  Logical device 0 'YMH0021:Unknown'
Device is not active
Active DMA 0,0
Resources 0
  Priority preferred
  Port 0x220-0x220, align 0xf, size 0x10, 16-bit address decoding
  Port 0x530-0x530, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
  Port 0x388-0x388, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
  Port 0x330-0x330, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
  Port 0x370-0x370, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
  IRQ 5 High-Edge
  DMA 0 8-bit byte-count type-A
  DMA 1 8-bit byte-count type-A
  Alternate resources 0:1
Priority acceptable
Port 0x240-0x240, align 0xf, size 0x10, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0xe80-0xe80, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x388-0x388, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x300-0x300, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x100-0xffe, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
IRQ 5,7,2/9,10,11 High-Edge
DMA 0,1,3 8-bit byte-count type-A
DMA 0,1,3 8-bit byte-count type-A
  Alternate resources 0:2
Priority functional
Port 0x220-0x280, align 0xf, size 0x10, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x530-0xf48, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x388-0x3f8, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x300-0x334, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x100-0xffe, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
IRQ 3,5,7,2/9,10,11 High-Edge
DMA 0,1,3 8-bit byte-count type-A
DMA 0,1,3 8-bit byte-count type-A
  Logical device 1 'YMH0022:Unknown'
Compatible device PNPb02f
Device is not active
Active DMA 0,0
Resources 0
  Priority preferred
  Port 0x201-0x201, align 0x0, size 0x1, 16-bit address decoding
  Alternate resources 0:1
Priority acceptable
Port 0x202-0x202, align 0x0, size 0x1, 16-bit address decoding
  Alternate resources 0:2
Priority acceptable
Port 0x203-0x203, align 0x0, size 0x1, 16-bit address decoding
  Alternate resources 0:3
Priority acceptable
Port 0x204-0x20f, align 0x0, size 0x1, 16-bit address decoding

retro:/etc# lsmod(potentially relevant parts only)
Module  Size  Used byTainted: P
ad1848 20768  

Lost sound capabilities (/dev/dsp: No such device)

2003-09-21 Thread Levi Waldron
Arnt Karlsen said:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ll /dev/dsp 
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Mar 14  2002 /dev/dsp missing on your box, mknod it. 

No, /dev/dsp exists with proper permissions (see further below in my posting).  
Rather, it seems that the ad1848 sound module is not being given the correct 
io and irq parameters by isapnp, and I can't figure out how to pass it the 
correct ones. (see my original message below)

(Apologies for the top-posting, I filled up the email account that was 
receiving debian-user so I had nothing to reply to.)

My original message:

I had my YMH0800:OPL3-SA3 Sound Board working with the ad1848 driver, isapnp 
etc under Woody.

Then somewhere in the course of installing a stock non-installation kernel, 
adding second ethernet card, and loading the IP masquerading and iptables 
modules, the sound stopped working.  The symptoms are given below.  The Sound 
HOWTO only recommends for such cases to go "pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf", 
uncomment the correct lines in isapnp.conf, run "isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf", 
reload the modules, and enjoy.  However I have no idea which lines of the 
*long* isapnp.conf to uncomment - it is quite non-obvious to me, and I'm not 
even sure this is on the right track.  Any tips?

Here is the output showing the symptoms and troubleshooting I've tried.  The 
output of pnpdump is at the end, since it's so long.

retro:/music# mpg123 "The Twigs - The Turning.mp3"
High Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2, and 3.
Version 0.59q (2002/03/23). Written and copyrights by Joe Drew.
Uses code from various people. See 'README' for more!
Title  : The Turning Artist: The Twigs
Album  : Year  :
Comment: Genre :

Playing MPEG stream from The Twigs - The Turning.mp3 ...
MPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz joint-stereo
Can't find a suitable libao driver. (Is device in use?)

retro:/etc# cat /usr/share/sounds/irmp3/ > /dev/dsp
bash: /dev/dsp: No such device

retro:/etc# dd bs=8k count=4  /tmp/
bash: /dev/audio: No such device

retro:/etc# ls -al /dev/dsp
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Mar 14  2002 /dev/dsp

retro:/etc# less /var/log/messages
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: isapnp: Card 'OPL3-SA3 Sound Board'
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: isapnp: 1 Plug & Play card detected total
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by 
Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
Sep 17 12:16:57 retro kernel: ad1848: No ISAPnP cards found, trying standard 

retro:/etc# cat /proc/interrupts
  0:   21468604  XT-PIC  timer
  1:  2  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  8:  3  XT-PIC  rtc
 10: 178022  XT-PIC  eth1
 12: 106590  XT-PIC  eth0
 14: 121560  XT-PIC  ide0
 15:  0  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
ERR:  0

retro:/etc# cat /proc/isapnp
Card 1 'YMH0800:OPL3-SA3 Sound Board' PnP version 1.0
  Logical device 0 'YMH0021:Unknown'
Device is not active
Active DMA 0,0
Resources 0
  Priority preferred
  Port 0x220-0x220, align 0xf, size 0x10, 16-bit address decoding
  Port 0x530-0x530, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
  Port 0x388-0x388, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
  Port 0x330-0x330, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
  Port 0x370-0x370, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
  IRQ 5 High-Edge
  DMA 0 8-bit byte-count type-A
  DMA 1 8-bit byte-count type-A
  Alternate resources 0:1
Priority acceptable
Port 0x240-0x240, align 0xf, size 0x10, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0xe80-0xe80, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x388-0x388, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x300-0x300, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x100-0xffe, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
IRQ 5,7,2/9,10,11 High-Edge
DMA 0,1,3 8-bit byte-count type-A
DMA 0,1,3 8-bit byte-count type-A
  Alternate resources 0:2
Priority functional
Port 0x220-0x280, align 0xf, size 0x10, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x530-0xf48, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x388-0x3f8, align 0x7, size 0x8, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x300-0x334, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
Port 0x100-0xffe, align 0x1, size 0x2, 16-bit address decoding
IRQ 3,5,7,2/9,10,11 High-Edge
DMA 0,1,3 8-bit byte-count type-A
DMA 0,1,3 8-bit byte-count type-A
  Logical device 1 'YMH0022:Unknown'
Compatible device PNPb02f
Device is not active

Re: Lost sound capabilities (/dev/dsp: No such device)

2003-09-24 Thread Levi Waldron
On September 21, 2003 11:02 pm, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> ..where _is_ it?  ;-)  If you call it /etc/pnpdump, isapnp still has
> no idea, unless you play some cool tricks I have no idea about.  ;-)

It's called /etc/isapnp.conf, and I did some trial-and-error uncommenting of 
various lines in this file, running isapnp each time.  The isapnp output 
would reflect the changes, modules would reload, but I got the same errors 
when trying to use sound.  I'm not sure what kind of systematic approach to 
take, or whether any documentation for such exists - I can't find it in the 
isapnp package or the Sound-HOWTO.

> ..keep your custom kernel, but 'apt-get install' a standard kernel and
> compare 'lsmod' output, on booting between them.

I'm already using the standard kernel kernel-image-2.4.18-386, sorry, that's 
what I meant by a "stock non-installation kernel", I should have been more 
clear about that.

> with modprobe, it looks like sound doesn't know
> what isa-pnp found.

The problem I've been having here is that every time I specify any io= option 
to modprobe, I get an error!  For example:

retro:/# modprobe ad1848 io=0x220 irq=7
/lib/modules/2.4.18-386/kernel/drivers/sound/ad1848.o: init_module: Invalid 
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.18-386/kernel/drivers/sound/ad1848.o: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.18-386/kernel/drivers/sound/ad1848.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.18-386/kernel/drivers/sound/ad1848.o: insmod ad1848 failed

retro:/# modprobe ad1848 irq=7 dma=1 dma16-5 mpu_io=0x330
retro:/# echo /usr/share/sounds/irmp3/ > /dev/dsp
bash: /dev/dsp: No such device

retro:/# rmmod ad1848
retro:/# modprobe ad1848 irq=7
retro:/# echo /usr/share/sounds/irmp3/ > /dev/dsp
bash: /dev/dsp: No such device

retro:/# ls -l /dev/dsp
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Mar 14  2002 /dev/dsp

> > # Trying port address 0273
> > # Board 1 has serial identifieOPL3-SA3r 0f ff ff ff ff 00 08 a8 65
> >
> > # (DEBUG)
>, never tried this one?

Sorry, what do you mean?  Are you suggesting I try something here?

Many thanks,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Lost sound capabilities (/dev/dsp: No such device)

2003-09-25 Thread Levi Waldron
On September 21, 2003 11:02 pm, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> ..where _is_ it?  ;-)  If you call it /etc/pnpdump, isapnp still has
> no idea, unless you play some cool tricks I have no idea about.  ;-)

It's called /etc/isapnp.conf, and I did some trial-and-error uncommenting of 
various lines in this file, running isapnp each time.  The isapnp output 
would reflect the changes, modules would reload, but I got the same errors 
when trying to use sound.  I'm not sure what kind of systematic approach to 
take, or whether any documentation for such exists - I can't find it in the 
isapnp package or the Sound-HOWTO.

> ..keep your custom kernel, but 'apt-get install' a standard kernel and
> compare 'lsmod' output, on booting between them.

I'm already using the standard kernel kernel-image-2.4.18-386, sorry, that's 
what I meant by a "stock non-installation kernel", I should have been more 
clear about that.

> with modprobe, it looks like sound doesn't know
> what isa-pnp found.

The problem I've been having here is that every time I specify any io= option 
to modprobe, I get an error!  For example:

retro:/# modprobe ad1848 io=0x220 irq=7
/lib/modules/2.4.18-386/kernel/drivers/sound/ad1848.o: init_module: Invalid 
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.18-386/kernel/drivers/sound/ad1848.o: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.18-386/kernel/drivers/sound/ad1848.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.18-386/kernel/drivers/sound/ad1848.o: insmod ad1848 failed

retro:/# modprobe ad1848 irq=7 dma=1 dma16-5 mpu_io=0x330
retro:/# echo /usr/share/sounds/irmp3/ > /dev/dsp
bash: /dev/dsp: No such device

retro:/# rmmod ad1848
retro:/# modprobe ad1848 irq=7
retro:/# echo /usr/share/sounds/irmp3/ > /dev/dsp
bash: /dev/dsp: No such device

retro:/# ls -l /dev/dsp
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Mar 14  2002 /dev/dsp

> > # Trying port address 0273
> > # Board 1 has serial identifieOPL3-SA3r 0f ff ff ff ff 00 08 a8 65
> >
> > # (DEBUG)
>, never tried this one?

Sorry, what do you mean?  Are you suggesting I try something here?

Many thanks,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Lost sound capabilities (/dev/dsp: No such device)

2003-09-25 Thread Levi Waldron
I feel so stupid.  ad1848 is not the correct module for the OPL3-SA2 sound 
board.  opl3sa2 is the correct module.  Arnt, you reminded me with your 
recursive module loading idea, that that is how I originally figured out 
which sound module to load: by loading every sound module and seeing which 
one worked.  Somehow, and I have no idea how, the opl3sa2 line in /etc/modules 
got changed to apl3sa2, and rather than noticing that I went about assuming 
that ad1848 is was the problem, when in fact it was an unused module.  
Anyways, "modprobe opl3sa2" makes sound work.  PROBLEM SOLVED.  In the 
future, when lsmod says (unused) by a module, I'll remember that it really 
means it!  Thanks for all your help, Arnt.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

how to | to /dev/null?

2003-09-25 Thread Levi Waldron
Easy question, I'm sure:  

How can I use a pipe to send something to /dev/null?  

Reason:  kmail gives a "pipe through" filter option, ie send the message to "| 
somecommand".  It doesn't have a ">" option.  It's time to start sending the 
400 some odd #!$@ swen messages/day I'm getting straight to /dev/null, I 
don't even want to see them in my SPAM folder anymore.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Lost sound capabilities (/dev/dsp: No such device)

2003-09-26 Thread Levi Waldron
I feel so stupid.  ad1848 is not the correct module for the OPL3-SA2 sound 
board.  opl3sa2 is the correct module.  Arnt, you reminded me with your 
recursive module loading idea, that that is how I originally figured out 
which sound module to load: by loading every sound module and seeing which 
one worked.  I ended up with unused sound modules in /etc/modules, then a 
while ago I cleaned up my modules, but cleaned out opl3sa2 obviously without 
thinking twice about it.  Anyways, "modprobe opl3sa2" makes sound work.  
PROBLEM SOLVED.  Thanks for all your help, Arnt.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

eth1 in router box stopped working

2003-10-03 Thread Levi Waldron
I've been using a P233MMX woody box with stock 2.4.18-i386 kernel as a router 
for a home network for a couple weeks.  Had IP masquerading working using 
shorewall (also with the IPTABLES rules from the IPmasq HOWTO, but ended up 
staying with shorewall).  Then out of the blue (I at least didn't change any 
networking settings), eth1 which is connected to the switch and the internal 
computers stopped transferring any data or connecting to any computers (See 
cat /proc/interrupts below).  Can't ping in either direction, router <--> 
client; the clients are isolated.  Router is still connected to the outside 
world.  I checked the ethernet cards by replacing the original 8139too eth1 
card with a epic100 SMC card, and by swapping the 3c59x eth0 into the eth1 
position, neither of which changed anything.

The Ethernet-HOWTO says that since CPU0 = 0 in /proc/interrupts, there is 
likely a hardware conflict.  I'm confused by the io nomenclature in /proc (ie 
b800-b81f), which is different than in the Ethernet-HOWTO.  So my questions 

Does this look like a hardware conflict problem, or something else?
What should I try next?  There are added steps in the Ethernet-HOWTO for 
resolving hardware conflicts, but it would be nice to know whether this is 
the problem before rebuilding the kernel, adding printk() statements to the 
driver source code or other time-consuming attempts to resolve hardware 

Is there a simpler way of reloading the network modules then either rebooting 
or shutting down networking and unloading all the networking modules, if it 
turns out I should play around with the io= parameters?

Notes:  eth0 is connected to a DSL modem
eth1 to a switching hub and internal computers
Using isapnp, all irqs are being assigned automatically
"PnP OS" setting in bios is OFF.
Sound modules are loaded, but no printer modules or anything using the 
parallel port.
both ethernet cards are detected at boot
During these debugging outputs, epic100 = eth0 and 3c59x = eth1 (the culprit!)

I've included the output of the following commands, in order:
cat /proc/interrupts
cat /proc/pci
cat /proc/ioports
ifconfig -a
route -n

Thank you for any help, Levi

retro:~# cat /proc/interrupts
  0:  48466  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   1323  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  5:  2  XT-PIC  MS Sound System
  8:  3  XT-PIC  rtc
 10:126  XT-PIC  eth0
 12:  0  XT-PIC  eth1
 14:   7329  XT-PIC  ide0
 15:  0  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0 
ERR:  0

retro:~# cat /proc/pci
PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5597 [SiS5582] (rev 2).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
ISA bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 85C503/5513 (rev 1).
  Bus  0, device   1, function  1:
IDE interface: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5513 [IDE] (rev 208).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xd000 [0xd00f].
  Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c595 100BaseTX [Vortex] (rev 0).
  IRQ 12.
  Master Capable.  Latency=248.  Min Gnt=3.Max Lat=8.
  I/O at 0xb800 [0xb81f].
  Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
Ethernet controller: Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC] 83C170QF (rev 6).
  IRQ 10.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=28.
  I/O at 0xb400 [0xb4ff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe580 [0xe5800fff].
  Bus  0, device  19, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5597/5598 VGA 
(rev 101).
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe700 [0xe73f].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe500 [0xe500].
  I/O at 0xb000 [0xb07f].

retro:~# cat /proc/ioports
-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0070-007f : rtc
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0100-0101 : opl3sa2
0170-0177 : ide1
01f0-01f7 : ide0
0213-0213 : isapnp read
02f8-02ff : serial(set)
0300-0301 : mpu401
0376-0376 : ide1
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(set)
0a79-0a79 : isapnp write
0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
0e80-0e83 : WSS config
0e84-0e87 : MS Sound System
b000-b07f : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5597/5598 VGA
b400-b4ff : Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC] 83C170QF
  b400-b4ff : epic100
b800-b81f : 3Com Corporation 3c595 100BaseTX [Vortex]
  b800-b81f : 00:0a.0
d000-d00f : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5513 [IDE]
  d000-d007 : ide0
  d008-d00f : ide1

retro:~# ifconfig -a
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:29:24:01:EA  
  RX packets:83 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:83 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txque

Re: Installation has not created boot properly

2003-10-03 Thread Levi Waldron
On October 3, 2003 08:37 am, dan oram wrote:
> from the hard disk it gets as far as displaying the following:
> Booting from IDE 0
> LI

The following is from /usr/share/doc/lilo/README.common.problems .  Although 
if you are able to boot from a floppy, it sounds like you may have forgotten 
to run "lilo" after modifying lilo.conf.

Problem:  When I boot, all I get is 'LI'
This means the first-stage loader gained control; it thought it success-
fully loaded the second-stage loader; but it never got there.  This most
often occurs when the second-stage loader, '/boot/boot.b', is not load-
able using the BIOS.

First, have you tried specifying 'lba32' in your 'lilo.conf' file?  On
newer systems, this will almost always work, since the loader will now
use the newer EDD packet calls, which are not cylinder-limited.

Second, do you know your disk geometry?  This means, do you know the
numbers of cylinders/heads/sectors of all your hard drives; and are these
the numbers that LILO is using when it installs the boot loader.  Three
reports of the disk geometry may be obtained:

  1.  Run 'lilo -t -v5' and check the geometry reports for each device.
  2.  Run 'lilo -Tgeom' and see if the same numbers are reported.  (This
  may fail on some systems, where LILO has trouble running BIOS
  calls in v86 mode.)
  3.  Create the diagnostic floppy (see README.disk) and check the
  reported disk geometries.

If any of the geometry reports differ, then you may have to specify the
disk geometry to LILO using 'disk= heads= sectors='.  Use the actual
numbers reported by the BIOS:  #3 above, or #2.

The reports above will also indicate the BIOS device codes used by each
disk.  LILO uses heuristics to obtain these device codes, and usually gets
the codes right on all-IDE or all-SCSI systems.  However, systems with
multiple IDE controllers, mixed IDE/SCSI systems, and SCSI systems on
Future Domain controllers, will require you to tell LILO what disks are
assigned to what device codes.  This can be done using 'disk= bios=' lines
in 'lilo.conf'.

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Debian equivalent of .login file?

2002-10-13 Thread Levi Waldron

What's the Debian equivalent of Unix's .login and .logout files?  Any user 
can place these files in their home directory and their commands will be run 
at login/logout, without having to do anything as root?

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Re: Debian equivalent of .login file?

2002-10-13 Thread levi . waldron

Thank you!  

Is it considered polite to post a thank-you message, or is this
unnecessary email traffic?

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Re: ATAPI CDROM can't rip audio discs after Woody upgrade

2002-10-14 Thread Levi Waldron

> Checking /dev/cdrom for cdrom...
> Testing /dev/cdrom for cooked ioctl() interface
> /dev/scd1 is not a cooked ioctl CDROM.
> Testing /dev/cdrom for SCSI interface
> generic device: /dev/sg1
> ioctl device: /dev/scd1

How do the permissions look on /dev/{sg1,scd1}?


Here are the permissions:

cedar:/dev# ls -al /dev/scd1 /dev/sg1
brw-rw1 root cdrom 11,   1 Mar 18  2001 /dev/scd1
crw---1 root root  21,   1 Nov 30  2000 /dev/sg1

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Re: ATAPI CDROM can't rip audio discs after Woody upgrade

2002-10-14 Thread Levi Waldron

Some new info!

cdparanoia DOES work
kreatecd DOES work (wasn't configured correctly)
grip DOES work (ditto)
xcdroast DOESN'T work (as described in the first post)

I can't seem to find what xcdroast uses as an audio-reading backend, but this 
seems to be a problem with either xcdroast or whatever backend it uses.

apt-cache showpkg xcdroast 
showed that it depends on cdda2wav and cdparanoia.  

Anyways I should probably now submit this as an xcdroast bug.

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Re: Debian equivalent of .login file?

2002-10-14 Thread Levi Waldron

On Sunday 13 October 2002 20:37, Mathias De Belder wrote:
> > On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 01:27:36PM -0400, Levi Waldron wrote:
> > > What's the Debian equivalent of Unix's .login and .logout files? 
> > > Any user can place these files in their home directory and their
> > > commands will be run at login/logout, without having to do anything
> > > as root?
> >
> > .bashrc and .bash_logout respectively. .bashrc should be sourced from
> > .bash_profile.

> Is there any similar things for KDM? I want some stuff ran when I log in 
> on the machine, and some stuff on logout.

I found that commands in my .bashrc file got executed every time I opened a 
new konsole, but I have commands I only want to run once when I first log in. 
It seems there are 2 ways to make commands that only run when you first log 
in, but not every time you open a bash shell:

1) put them in your ~/.bash_login file 
2) In KDE, drag and drop programs them into the Autostart folder which should 
be on your desktop (but wasn't on mine), or put shell scripts in the 
/home/username/.kde/Autostart directory and make sure the file has execute 

Commands in the .bash_logout file seem to get run only during final logout, 
not when you exit from shells.

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Do debian-users get spammed a lot?

2002-10-14 Thread Levi Waldron

I just started on debian-user this Saturday, then Sunday and today I've been getting 
more spam email than I've ever gotten before 
(20-30 per day!).  Is this probably just a coincidence, or does debian-user 
get trolled/web-botted a lot?  Should I use a less favourite email address 
for posting to debian-user? 

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Re: Backing-up

2002-10-19 Thread levi . waldron
On Friday 18 October 2002 8:10 am, Oki DZ wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to backup my system; I have taken a look at amanda and
> Unfortunately, I didn't find info on how to set the storage other than
> tapes. Is there any way to have a loop device which is a "tape drive"?

I use cddump, the only program I could find that does uncompressed backups
(the safest way) with dump levels to CD.  I modified it a little bit so it
would run non-interactively.  If you want copy of my modified version, let
me know.

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potato to woody upgrade problem

2002-10-22 Thread levi . waldron

> The release notes didn't say there were any problems going
> from 2.2 to 2.4. What did I forget to do?

If you modified /etc/lilo.conf to add the new kernel, did you remember to
type "lilo" before rebooting?  Not doing this will lock it up for sure.

The bootdisk-HOWTO tells you what various LILO error codes (ie, "L" or
"LI") mean and how to fix them:

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Re: The *ONLY* real problem with Debian...

2002-10-22 Thread Levi Waldron

> So, preinstall PCs for people, use Knoppix, or create Live CDs with BootCD
> (such as

How safe do you think Knoppix is?  I would make a pretty bad impression of 
Linux to my friends if I gave them the demo CD to show them its virtues and 
it damaged their current OS or wrote over any data.  I think I would only 
feel comfortable using it to show off linux on other people's computers if it 
were really, really safe in that respect.

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how to check md5sums of official debian discs

2002-10-22 Thread Levi Waldron

Naively, I tried 

md5sum /cdrom/*

and it locked my deb3.0 computer hard.  (maybe because I had a disc burning 
in /cdrw simultaneously?) I notice each CD comes with an md5sum.txt with the 
sums for all files on the disk, how can I use it  to make sure each disk is 

The download page covers checking the downloaded iso images, but 
not the burned discs.

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Maximum partition size

2002-10-28 Thread Levi Waldron
Is this an outdated statement from the Debian installation guide?

"Based on limitations in how ext2 works, avoid any single partition greater 
than 6GB or so. "

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Maximum partition size

2002-10-28 Thread Levi Waldron

> Is this an outdated statement from the Debian installation guide?
> > From:
> > 
> > "Based on limitations in how ext2 works, avoid any single partition 
> > than 6GB or so. "

> steve@gashuffer:~$ df -H
> Filesystem Size   Used  Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda1 144MB   33MB  104MB  24% /
> /dev/hda3 5.0GB  1.5GB  3.3GB  32% /usr
> /dev/hda5 2.0GB  211MB  1.7GB  12% /var
> /dev/hda6  32GB  4.9GB   25GB  17% /home
> hadrian:/usr/share/music/
   40GB   14GB   25GB  36% /home/mp3
> hadrian:/home  13GB  2.5GB  9.4GB  21% /usr/share/Server
> Never had any problems.  
> Steve
> -- 

Thanks.  I submitted a bug report on the installation guide under "general"

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Re: Maximum partition size

2002-10-28 Thread Levi Waldron
> In future please use something like install-doc for these. I'll reassign 
> this one.

Sorry about that, and thanks for the advice.  I just used "reportbug" and 
didn't see an appropriate choice given.  I don't see install-doc under either.  In this case is there somewhere 
else I should look, or ask debian-user, or make up an appropriate sounding 

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Re: Please Help

2002-10-29 Thread Levi Waldron
On Monday 28 October 2002 12:39 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am new to this all and i am having trouble making a boot disk to do an
> initial install
> of debian on a laptop (Compaq armada m700 w/ floppy drive)
> please write or call me i need help
> 310-792-1934

Here are a few tips I hope will be helpful, without knowing about your 
problem specifically.

If you're new to Linux and not a computer whiz, I'd say just buy an official 
Debian CD, it'll save you one step and a lot of time if you don't have a fast 
internet connection.  For vendors, see  You 
only really need to buy the first CD, so it will be cheap.  You can get the 
binary-1 CD that you need from for $5 US, shipping inc.

If you really want to download the CD, use jigdo - it's wonderfully easy.  Choose the binary-1 with-US CD.  Go with 
the primary mirrors, ie - I haven't had much luck with the 
secondary mirrors.

Make sure you have your CD drive before your hard drive in boot sequence in 
your BIOS, so it will boot off the CD when it's in place.

Print out a copy of the Debian installation manual, at
It is your friend, it will help you through.

Some others have had success installing Linux on your laptop.  See for experiences and specific advice for your 

If you are confused by terminology or get an error message along the way, try 
pasting it into and - a very quick way to get an 

If that doesn't answer your question, post as concise a question as you can 
to debian-user and you will probably get a quick answer.  If you can't handle 
the email volume from the debian-user list, you could read the list archives 
at for the responses and not actually subscribe.

Congratulations on escaping from AOL!

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Re: Scrolling in Netscape 4.x, .Xdefaults

2002-10-29 Thread Levi Waldron
> Hello,  I remember I used to be able to put something in .Xdefaults and
> scroll in Netscape 4.x  .  I forget what it is.  Someone still have
> those setting on NS 4.x , can you show them to me .. Thanks.  

> I use Galeon mainly but my online class has this quiz taking script that
> only works with IE and Netscape 4.x so I am forced to use it.  

I used to use Netscape and had to use the imwheel package to get it to scroll 
- and I regularly had to reload imwheel several times a day.  

The script you mention might only *think* it needs IE or NS.  I use 
konqueror, which you can set in its preferences to send its browser ID as IE 
or NS, and this has allowed me to use websites which have been programmed to 
kick out anyone not using one of the name-brand browsers, perfectly I might 

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Re: sometimes the lilo boot menu does not show up unless one hits shift or something

2002-10-29 Thread Levi Waldron
In lilo.conf, use the `prompt' option to force a boot prompt (without
you having to press tab or shift or whatever first).  If you want to,
specify a message file with the `message' option.  This file can
contain a "menu" detailing which choices are available.  It will have
to reside on the low-cylinder boot partition if you have one.

1) add a line that just says "prompt" to /etc/lilo.conf
2) type lilo

If you want, you can also specify a message file with the `message' option.  
This file can contain a "menu" detailing which choices are available.  It 
will have to reside on the low-cylinder boot partition if you have one.

For more info, man lilo.conf

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Woody Installation Problem

2002-10-31 Thread Levi Waldron

> with various tasks selected.  While unpacking stuff from
> CD 3 and error occurred:

Maybe that CD has errors on it.  You can check it by mounting it, going to 
the directory where it's mounted, then

md5sum -c md5sums.txt

No output = good, error output=bad

If so you'll need to get a new cd or install those packages from http or ftp.

> I then ran dselect, but couldn't figure out how to tell it to find the
> files on the CDROM.  So, now what do I do?  Reboot from CD1
> (or my boot floppy)?

In dselect, choose "Access" from the main menu, and it has a cdrom option.  
You could try uninstalling the broken package, then re-installing it from the 
cd again from an ftp or http source (choose under "Access" again in dselect).

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Re: Woody Installation Problem

2002-10-31 Thread Levi Waldron
On October 31, 2002 02:13 pm, Joe Riel wrote:

> I had tried that, but there was, alas, no option for multi-CD.
> I have no idea how many packages might be broken.

apt-get install dpkg-multicd  

(I think this should be in the dselect tutorial section of the debian install 
manual but it isn't - I'll submit a bug report to install-doc unless someone 
knows why I shouldn't)

Then you will have access to the multicd method in dselect.  There are 
instructions for using it in the debian installation manual -> Advanced 
Package Selection with dselect -> dselect tutorial:

You can also add multiple cd's to your sources with apt-cdrom.
Just put a cd in and type "apt-cdrom add", or "apt-cdrom -cdrom /mountpoint 
add" if it can't find your cd.  "man apt-cdrom" for more info.  Then you 
could use 
apt-get remove packagename and 
apt-get install packagename 
to re-install packages.

> Is there a way to restart tasksel so that it will prompt for all the tasks
> again [not just the ones that weren't selected the previous time]?

I don't know about this, but it looks like tasksel only installs packages 
that aren't installed yet.  You might have to remove them with another 
package like apt-get, aptitude, or dselect before installing them again.

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Re: Woody Installation Problem

2002-11-01 Thread Levi Waldron
I don't think this exchange made it to debian-user because there were 2 
addresses in the To: header, so I'll resend the whole exchange to the list 
for the archives.

On October 31, 2002 07:39 pm, Levi Waldron wrote:

> On October 31, 2002 02:13 pm, Joe Riel wrote:
> > I had tried that, but there was, alas, no option for multi-CD.
> > I have no idea how many packages might be broken.
> apt-get install dpkg-multicd
> (I think this should be in the dselect tutorial section of the debian
> install manual but it isn't - I'll submit a bug report to install-doc
> unless someone knows why I shouldn't)
> Then you will have access to the multicd method in dselect.  There are
> instructions for using it in the debian installation manual -> Advanced
> Package Selection with dselect -> dselect tutorial:
> You can also add multiple cd's to your sources with apt-cdrom.
> Just put a cd in and type "apt-cdrom add", or "apt-cdrom -cdrom /mountpoint
> add" if it can't find your cd.  "man apt-cdrom" for more info.  Then you
> could use
>   apt-get remove packagename and
>   apt-get install packagename
> to re-install packages.
> > Is there a way to restart tasksel so that it will prompt for all the
> > tasks again [not just the ones that weren't selected the previous time]?
> I don't know about this, but it looks like tasksel only installs packages
> that aren't installed yet.  You might have to remove them with another
> package like apt-get, aptitude, or dselect before installing them again.

On November 1 2002, Joe Riel wrote:

I tried the first approach, running dselect and chosing multicd, after
first installing dpkg-multicd. It was not at all clear what to do after that.
implies that using multicd access is a bit tricky; that is correct.
I never got it to work. So I changed the access method to apt---
previously I had assumed that that was only for downloads from
a web site---and things proceeded much smoother. dselect would now
query for the proper CD when it needed to install a selected package.


Joe Riel

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modprobe: cannot create /var/log/ksymoops/20021102.log Read-only file system

2002-11-02 Thread Levi Waldron
I'm getting the following error during the boot sequence, repeated many 
times.  It doesn't seem to cause any actual problems, but it's worrisome.  

modprobe: modprobe: cannot create /var/log/ksymoops/20021102.log Read-only 
file system(or the current date in place of 22021102)

One thing I found through google seems to be applicable:

"I'm not sure why this problem is a show-stopper. Several installation
kernels were built without the unix.o module which is kind of
unfortunate. But this normally is just a hiccup, e.g."  

I'm using woody with the binary 2.4.18 for i386 k6-2 kernel.  Maybe someone 
can tell me if to fix the problem I have to download the kernel source and 
compile and/or net-pf-10 (see below), before I spend the time trying it.  
Would it be bad to just comment out net-pf-10 everywhere it occurs in /etc?

Also, this seems to be reported as bug# 143074 as a minor kernel bug.  Would 
it be useful for me to post my experience as a follow-up to that bug, as my 
experience is somewhat different?

The file /var/log/ksymoops/20021102.log is actually created and contains 
lines like 

20021102 000247 start /sbin/modprobe -s -k -- net-pf-10 safemode=1
20021102 000247 probe ended
20021102 000436 start /sbin/modprobe -s -k -- net-pf-10 safemode=1
20021102 000436 probe ended
20021102 000436 start /sbin/modprobe -s -k -- net-pf-10 safemode=1
20021102 000436 probe ended
20021102 000443 start /sbin/modprobe -s -k -- net-pf-10 safemode=1
20021102 000443 probe ended

repeated many times (1032 lines total!)

Some other info you probably don't need, just so show what else is in 
ksymoops and prove that my /var is writeable:

/var/log/ksymoops contains a bunch of other files as well:

bash-2.05a$ dir /var/log/ksymoops/20021102* | more
gives a bunch of files like
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1484 Nov  2 14:52 
-rw-r--r--1 root root65762 Nov  2 14:52 

all with the .modules or .ksyms extensions, all rw for root.

My /var is just a subdirectory of /, which is mounted as:

/dev/hdb2 on / type ext3 (rw,usrquota,errors=remount-ro)

The directories /var, /var/log, and /var/log/ksymoops are in fact writeable

bash-2.05a$ dir /var/log/ksymoops/ | more
total 3144
drwxr-xr-x2 root root24576 Nov  2 14:52 .
drwxr-xr-x   10 root root 4096 Nov  2 01:15 ..
bash-2.05a$ dir /var/log | more
total 3280
drwxr-xr-x   10 root root 4096 Nov  2 01:15 .
drwxr-xr-x   15 root root 4096 Oct 20 22:28 ..
bash-2.05a$ dir /var | more
total 60
drwxr-xr-x   15 root root 4096 Oct 20 22:28 .
drwxr-xr-x   25 root root 4096 Nov  2 14:02 ..
(all files cut from listings)

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Re: cdrom installation problem

2002-11-04 Thread Levi Waldron
> sounds like the CDs were not burned properly, there are hundreds if not
> thousands of files on the cds that are longer then 8 characters, if the
> CD was burned in a mode where it truncates the filenames I would just
> throw the cd away
> nate

Did you use jigdo to download & make the image?  It will make a proper image 
for you.  If you're having real problems making 
good CDs, you could buy the official disks from one of the sellers listed on for around $5 apiece in US/Canada.  See -> getting 
Debian for info on jigdo and resellers.


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Re: Thread Stealing (was: Installing debian via network)

2002-11-04 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 4, 2002 10:55 am, Pigeon wrote:
> Thanks from me as well. This stuff is not obvious to those who do not
> use a thread-aware mail client. This includes me. I've only just got a

And thanks from me.  I was previously reading the list archives rather than 
actually subscribing, til I realized that some email programs (like kmail) 
are capable of threading like the archives do!  With threading the 
debian-user volume doesn't seem so overwhelming, so I'm a subscriber now and 
my emails will thread properly.


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encrypting a single file

2002-11-04 Thread Levi Waldron
Is there a simple way to encrypt a single text file on my system, so that it 
can only be viewed if you know the password?  I want to securely store my 
online username/passwords, bank card PINs, etc that I'm always forgetting.


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Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-04 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 4, 2002 06:03 pm, Osamu Aoki wrote:

> Here is the script for VIM which automate GNUPG.

Thank you for all the advice!  I went with the GPG in vim - since it's easy 
as well, I figured I might as well use the strong encryption.

That's cool that vim also has a built-in encryption feature.


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Re: choice of software

2002-11-05 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 4, 2002 04:19 pm, Johannes Zarl wrote:
>   +xmms -- a winamp lookalike

I find xmms impossibly hard to read with its blue-on-black and small font, so 
have been using noatun instead.  Has anyone found a way to make xmms a little 
more readable?


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Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-05 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 5, 2002 02:27 am, Rob Weir wrote:
> AFAIK, emacs supports this out of the box.  Open a .gpg file and it'll
> prompt you for the password and decrypt it for you, automatically
> re-encrypting it on save.

My xemacs 21.4.6-8 doesn't do this, although I have gpg installed now - 
probably have to load a module.

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Re: choice of software

2002-11-05 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 5, 2002 12:07 pm, Hall Stevenson wrote:
> Have you simply tried a different "skin" ?? xmms can use WinAmp skins or
> you've got these,, to choose from.
> I know what you're talking about with the default, and many of the
> "popular" ones, being so "dark".
> Hall

Wow, there's quite a selection!  I'm now using Helix-Sawfish-XMMS and XawMMS 
- Helix is pretty slick and fairly easy to read, Xaw is the most readable one 
I saw.

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Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-05 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 4, 2002 06:03 pm, Osamu Aoki wrote:

> Here is the script for VIM which automate GNUPG.
> How to handle in futue? Use VIM.  This was posted here few month ago.
> Add attached to ~/.vimrc
> Osamu

When I open a gpg file with this .vimrc script, it seems to insert the 
message from the password prompting into the file.  I have to remove the 
added text with dd.  Do you find this?

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Re: /dev/cdrom

2002-11-05 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 5, 2002 03:33 pm, Burkhard Ritter wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Nov 2002, DSC Siltec wrote:
> > My cdrom is /dev/hdb.  I don't have a /dev/cdrom listed.  Is there a way
> > that I can create a /dev/cdrom?
> >
> >   - Mike
> ln -s /dev/hdb /dev/cdrom

Use this one, as root. 


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Re: Thread Stealing (was: Installing debian via network)

2002-11-05 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 4, 2002 08:49 pm, csj wrote:
> You mean there are email programs that can't thread? Amazing. I've run
> kmail, mutt, evolution and sylpheed-claws (this post). All are
> thread-capable.

I was already using kmail, it was actually that I didn't realize email 
programs could do such a thing.  I never subscribed to such a high-volume 
listserve, so never had a need for it before.  The threading button in kmail 
(woody) is blank (no icon) so I didn't realize it was there.


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Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-05 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 5, 2002 03:40 pm, Levi Waldron wrote:
> When I open a gpg file with this .vimrc script, it seems to insert the
> message from the password prompting into the file.  I have to remove the
> added text with dd.  Do you find this?

Actually, if I scroll so the unwanted text goes off the screen, then it 
disappears.  It's just an illusion that it needs to be edited out, because it 
scrolls up and down with the rest of the text until it goes off the screen.


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Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-06 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 5, 2002 06:36 pm, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> No.
> Easier way:
> Open plain text first and save with gpg extension.
> If you have GPG installed with public key/privateky it will use them.
> Good luck.
> Ask these question on list please

Oops, I hit "reply" and forgot it replied to you instead of the list.  

I have the encrypting/decrypting working fine, I was referring to some extra 
text being inserted when I open the encrypted file.  Not a big deal though, 
as long as the file is long enough I can scroll off the screen to make it 
disappear.  No need to fix this.


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Re: apt failure - help needed

2002-11-06 Thread Levi Waldron

Looks like you have to increase the size of your apt-cache.

Go to /etc/apt/apt.conf, and add the line 'APT::Cache-Limits xxx', where
xxx is the desirable size in bytes. Choose something like 12 or 24 M
( which would be 12582912 or 25165824 in bytes).

Hope that helps
This is pasted directly from:

I got this by Dynamic MMap ran out of room


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Re: Booting Linux from windows 2000

2002-11-07 Thread Levi Waldron
Hash: SHA1

On November 7, 2002 11:49 am, Rob Weir wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 03:56:48PM +0100, Bruno BEAUFILS wrote:
> > I know that this question is not specially relevant to debian, but I do
> > not know where to ask it anywhere else :-(
> >
> > I want to boot a bunch of dual-boot stations which are running under
> > Windows 2000 to Linux. I tried loadlin but it does not work because of
> > protected mode.
> >
> > I can modify lilo boot loader since those stations are oftenly cloned by
> > Ghost

I've heard that win2k won't stand for LILO replacing its own MBR.  The 
alternatives I know of are:

1) Put a boot floppy in when you want to boot Linux
2) Use XOSL - a GPL universal bootloader that's 
compatible with linux and all wins.
3) I don't know if wintoes will stand for not being on the primary hard 
drive, but if it will then you could hook it up as secondary (something other 
than /dev/hdb) and let linux have your MBR.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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frequent Konqueror signal 11 crashes

2002-11-07 Thread Levi Waldron

Konqueror (Woody version) crashes on me pretty regularly, once a day maybe.  
A similar looking bug has already been filed as bug #132496, and is marked as 
unreproducible and forwarded upstream.  I also haven't been able to reproduce 
it, but does anyone have suggestions on how might I get some more useful 
information to contribute to the bug report?  

Here is the error message and backtrace.

Error message:

Short description
The application Konqueror (konqueror) crashed and caused the signal 11 

What is this?
An application mostly receives the SIGSEGV signal due to a bug in the 
application.  The application was asked to save its documents.

What can I do?
You might want to send a bug report to the author.  Please include as much 
information as possible, maybe the original documents.  If you have a way to 
reproduce the error, include this also.


non-network local connections being added to access control list
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
0x40d51a39 in wait4 () from /lib/
#0  0x40d51a39 in wait4 () from /lib/
#1  0x40dc8e48 in __check_rhosts_file () from /lib/
#2  0x405964d8 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler () from /usr/lib/

#3  0x40cda6b8 in sigaction () from /lib/
#4  0x41296d0d in khtml::CachedScript::data () from /usr/lib/
#5  0x41299870 in khtml::Loader::slotFinished () from /usr/lib/
#6  0x402076bf in KIO::Job::result () from /usr/lib/
#7  0x401ee9bc in KIO::Job::emitResult () from /usr/lib/
#8  0x401ef7d6 in KIO::SimpleJob::slotFinished () from /usr/lib/
#9  0x401f1901 in KIO::TransferJob::slotFinished () from /usr/lib/
#10 0x407ee1cd in QObject::activate_signal () from /usr/lib/
#11 0x401df465 in KIO::SlaveInterface::finished () from /usr/lib/
#12 0x401db8ac in KIO::SlaveInterface::dispatch () from /usr/lib/
#13 0x401db5f8 in KIO::SlaveInterface::dispatch () from /usr/lib/
#14 0x401d9f50 in KIO::Slave::gotInput () from /usr/lib/
#15 0x407ee48e in QObject::activate_signal () from /usr/lib/
#16 0x4084a578 in QSocketNotifier::activated () from /usr/lib/
#17 0x40826ea2 in QSocketNotifier::event () from /usr/lib/
#18 0x40795ef7 in QApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/
#19 0x404ef1f4 in KApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/
#20 0x4075d91a in qt_set_socket_handler () from /usr/lib/
#21 0x4075e01e in QApplication::processNextEvent () from /usr/lib/
#22 0x407983bf in QApplication::enter_loop () from /usr/lib/
#23 0x40764f23 in QApplication::exec () from /usr/lib/
#24 0x40f4a265 in main () from /usr/lib/
#25 0x0804cc96 in QCollection::newItem ()
#26 0x0804d8b8 in QCollection::newItem ()
#27 0x0804dd55 in QCollection::newItem ()
#28 0x0804ed96 in QCollection::newItem ()
#29 0x40cca14f in __libc_start_main () from /lib/


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Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-07 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 7, 2002 02:28 pm, Jeff wrote:
> emacs asks for the "encryption key", so I enter the passphrase,
> because if I hit "return to ignore" is see the scrambled data.  After
> entering the passphrase, emacs reports "Searching for program: no such
> file or directory, crypt".

Actually the same thing happens to me, even after 
apt-get install crypt++el  


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Re: public lending right

2002-11-08 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 8, 2002 04:48 am, Chris Lale wrote:
> 4. What printed documentation might be included in the form of a booklet?
> - Installation Manual (from Debian Web site).
> - Documents from the Newbiedoc Project at Sourceforge.
> - Other suggestions please?

I think a printed and bound copy of the installation manual and things from 
Newbiedoc, with an insert containing the CDs (as many as possible) would make 
a wonderful package for libraries to lend out.  Simple binding is very cheap 
at photocopy stores. (around CDN$3 here).

If anyone comes up with a good selection of newbie documentation for this 
purpose, could you let us know?  I think I'd like to make up some of these 
packages.  I bet the total cost of making it would be less than $10(CDN).


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Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-11 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 10, 2002 12:08 am, Rob Weir wrote:
> Ok, final instructions that work this time:
> apt-get install crypt++el mailcrypt gnupg
> Add this line to your ~/.emacs:
> (setq crypt-encryption-type 'gpg)
> Recompile your .emacs if you're using byte-compilation.  Restart emacs.

Thanks Rob!  This worked, with some slight modifications for xemacs21:

apt-get install crypt++el gnupg   (no mailcrypt because this is a module for 
xemacs21, the package mailcrypt requires emacs20)

Add the mailcrypt package through the tools -> packages menu.

Add this line to your .xemacs/custom.el:
(setq crypt-encryption-type 'gpg)

Type this command, whatever it does (I'm not actually sure if this was 
M-x crypt-rebuild-tables

Exit and restart xemacs.


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Re: obtaining debian

2002-11-11 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 11, 2002 11:44 am, james leclair wrote:
> Hello, could someone please give detailed info on obtaining the latest
> stable version of woody. Instructions on where to go(FTP preferably)and
> what exactly to do would be greatly appreciated:).
> Thanks,
> James

Your best options, as I see them:

1) Use jigdo to locate sites, download, and create images.  Debian mirrors 
don't contain pre-made images because Debian is so huge, but jigdo takes care 
of this for you and is ported to several OS's.

2) Buy the CDs at a very low cost, if you don't have a fast internet 
connection or don't want the trouble of downloading

3) download a minimimal installation image then install the rest package by 

You will see more options at

Debian offers some excellent documentation to help you get started.  The faq 
at and the installation guide at are invaluable.

And don't be afraid to ask questions on this list.



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Re: recover ext3 deletion

2002-11-11 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 8, 2002 09:09 pm, Colin Watson wrote:
> Can I suggest using revision control for important files? That way, you
> have a more convenient centrally-located thing to back up (the
> repository), and you get the extra benefit of being able to go back and
> look at older versions of what you've done. Also, if you get a second
> machine you'll just be able to check files out from your repository
> rather than messing about trying to keep home directories synchronized,
> and you'll get instant distributed backups.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'm going to start doing this.  emacs has a 
version control package to make this simpler and more automated.  See:


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Re: public lending right

2002-11-11 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 9, 2002 07:35 am, Chris Lale wrote:

> Thanks for the encouraging comments Levi.

Well, thanks for your efforts!  I'd definitely like to keep up with your 
progress and also do some distribution of a GNU/Linux package to local 
libraries, friends, etc.  I wonder if anyone has put together a slick Debian 
install package with PGI ( 
Might be good for complete beginners.  I haven't done a fresh install for a 
long time so for all I know this might be unnecessary with the latest default 
dbootstrap, anyways.

> The initial response of the local (UK) FE college library was very
> positive. I thought that I might put together a compendium of
> downloadable free documentation on a Web site. Also some guidance for
> putting it together, lending strategies etc.
> When I get started, I will post the URL here. Meanwhile, suggestions for
> specific documents would be welcome.
> Chris

Osamu has a helpful list of URLs for getting started in Debian:


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Re: PROBLEMS WITH MOUSE'POINTER: the pointer dont select just put it on

2002-11-12 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 12, 2002 11:40 am, Jesus Rios wrote:
> I have running debian 3.0 with  KDE.
> Whem i am a user , for select or expand the menu( in kmail,in the
> startaplication.) i have to click on it . I cant select it with the
> pointer without click on it.
> But when i am root, i can select just with the mouse'pointer.

I'm not sure I understand your problem, but if you're talking about selecting 
a window by just moving your mouse over it, then:

K menu -> control center -> Look & Feel -> Window Behavior -> Focus

Choose "Focus follows mouse"

Also choose "Auto Raise" if you want the focused window to come to the front 
automatically, but I don't recommend it - it might be hard to get back to the 
control center window without it disappearing!


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Re: PROBLEMS WITH MOUSE'POINTER: the pointer dont select just put it on

2002-11-12 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 12, 2002 11:40 am, Jesus Rios wrote:
> I have running debian 3.0 with  KDE.
> Whem i am a user , for select or expand the menu( in kmail,in the
> startaplication.) i have to click on it . I cant select it with the
> pointer without click on it.
> But when i am root, i can select just with the mouse'pointer.

I'm not sure I understand your problem, but if you're talking about selecting 
a window by just moving your mouse over it, then:

K menu -> control center -> Look & Feel -> Window Behavior -> Focus

Choose "Focus follows mouse"

Also choose "Auto Raise" if you want the focused window to come to the front 
automatically, but I don't recommend it - it might be hard to get back to the 
control center window without it disappearing!


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a new fix for an archived bug

2002-11-12 Thread Levi Waldron
I had a problem with kmail which was similar to an archived bug, which had 
been supposedly solved without modification to the package (bug #116184).  
The advice given didn't help at all for me, but I found another way to fix 

How should I report this to the Debian bug tracking process?  With a new bug# 
or the old one?  Or should this not be reported to

In case it makes any difference, the fix I found was to correct the setting 
within "configure kmail" to /usr/sbin/sendmail AND modify the 
X-KMail-Transport line in ~/Mail/outbox to file:///usr/sbin/sendmail then 
restart kmail.


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Re: Looking for a backup to CD-R(W) program

2002-11-14 Thread Levi Waldron
> On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 15:32, Joe Nahmias wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > I am looking for recommendations for software to backup my
> > debian (sarge) machine to my cd burner.  As this is my home machine, I
> > don't think I need the client-server functionality of amanda or some of
> > the other backup packages... I'm just looking for something that can do
> > full and incremental backups of selected filesystems to CD in a quick
> > and simple manner.

I use a perl script called cddump, available from

As far as I know, it's the only program for Linux that makes direct, 
uncompressed copies to CDR(W) with dumplevels 1-9.  I like this for a couple 

-writing one big compressed file as a backup makes me nervous - one little 
media error could make the whole backup useless.
-backups are very easily accessible - I look for files using find or grep, 
and can restore files from backup using cp.

I would like a backup scheme that compressed each file individually to CD 
with dump levels, but such a program doesn't seem to exist and I'm not a 
programmer enough to create it.

I have made some slight modifications to cddump so it can be used for 
unattended backups by cron job, use RockRidge extensions, make the CD
readable by any user, and to send me an email if there's a disk error.  I 
could send you a copy of my modified version if you want.


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Re: bash/cron help

2002-11-14 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 14, 2002 04:57 pm, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
> I am having a problem with this script.  It works fine
> if I run it from a command line.  If I try and run it
> from cron the images that are in ~/bin/Weathermap/images
> that get embedded during html2ps do not get embedded.
> Also, unless I specify the path the working dir appears
> to be /home/lance and not /home/lance/bin/Weatherma

Maybe you should explicitly define your working directory $home= in the 
script, then use $home instead of ~ since when you run it from cron it's not 
run from the same directory (and maybe not as the same user?) as when you run 
it by hand.


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Re: system will not soft power down

2002-11-15 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 15, 2002 08:46 am, Wayne Brown wrote:
> I've been running woody for around a year. Before upgrading my motherboard
> / processor (solteck 75drv5 I think, athlon xp2000) it used to soft power
> off no problem. Once I had rebuilt the pc using the existing hard disk, now
> I just get a 'power down' message and I have to hold in the power button
> for 5 secs before it shuts off the power.

1) Do you have apmd running?  To make sure you have the most recent stable 

apt-get install apmd

2) Is the apm module loaded?

modprobe apm


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Re: URGENT - How to shutdown Debian 3? - URGENT

2002-11-15 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 15, 2002 03:31 pm, Llies Meridja wrote:

> No it does not work, first when I choose GNOME session and do
> ctrl+alt+del nothing happens, then when I log to KDE session and do
> ctrl+alt+del I get system guard!

Did you try Nate's advice?  Log in, open a terminal (xterm, for example), 
then do as he says:

> once logged in do 'su' and input the root password when prompted,
> then issue the 'halt' command to halt the system.

If you don't like logging in as root whenever you shut down, you could give 
your userid permission to do some commands as root:

1) Type "su" in a terminal to log in as root
2) visudo
3) move to the bottom of the file, and type "i" to enter insert mode
4) type the line (Replace username with your username):

usernameALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/poweroff

5)   :wqto exit
6) Now your regular user can type /sbin/halt to poweroff.  Additionally, you 
could put the following line in your user's /home/username/.bashrc file:

alias halt="/sbin/halt"  


alias anynicknameIwant="/sbin/halt"

(with the editor of your choice, or using vi filename and the same "insert" 
and save & quit commands as visudo)

7)  From then on, your regular user can shut down just by typing "halt" into 
a shell.  You could even make an icon or menu item to do it.

You might want to add other commands in visudo, like /usr/bin/xcdroast (for 
writing CDs).

Hope this helps,

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Re: Converting MS Word to postscript

2002-11-15 Thread Levi Waldron
If you save the file for Word as an RTF, it's alot easier for any other word 
processor or conversion program like unrtf to read it.


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Re: system will not soft power down

2002-11-15 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 15, 2002 01:17 pm, Mark Copper wrote:
> This is just what I needed, but it didn't work.  apt-get install went
> smoothly but "modprobe apm" failed.  The message in dmesg was
> apm: BIOS not found
> I've got an intel d845bg board.  Any ideas?  Thanks.
> Mark

If your bios doesn't support APM (I'm not sure if yours does or not), then 
use the ACPI equivalent.  Remove apmd, then:

apt-get install acpid

I've never actually used acpi, so let me know how this works.


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Re: system will not soft power down

2002-11-15 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 15, 2002 01:27 pm, Wayne Brown wrote:
> and I have apm 'compiled in' to the kernel, thanks, anymore ideas anyone?

There's a discussion on the linux kernel mailing list about what happens if 
apm and acpi are both going:

If you have apm in the kernel and acpi loaded from a module, apm might win 
and won't work if your BIOS doesn't support ACPI.  Try turning apm=off in 
lilo.conf, and loading acpid and the acpi module.  

I'm not sure what the acpi module is called, or whether it comes with the 
default 2.4.18 Debian binary or requires compiling.  Anyone else?


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extra multimedia keys

2002-11-17 Thread Levi Waldron
Is there a way to configure the extra keys on my laptop  - play, stop, FF, RW 
- to work with a software CD player?  

I have found the funkey kernel patch -  
- but is there a Debian way?  (Woody 2.4.18)


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Re: system will not soft power down

2002-11-17 Thread Levi Waldron
A correction to my previous message, for the archives:

 > If you have apm in the kernel and acpi loaded from a module, apm might
> > win and won't work if your BIOS doesn't support ACPI.  Try turning
SHOULD READ --->  doesn't support APM

> > apm=off in lilo.conf, and loading acpid and the acpi module.


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Re: URGENT - How to shutdown Debian 3? - URGENT

2002-11-17 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 15, 2002 07:44 pm, Michael Naumann wrote:
> shouldn't that read
> alias halt="sudo /sbin/halt"  
> or even better
> alias halt="/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/halt"  

Yes, good eye.


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Re: [OT] CD-R Requirements (or Giving Back To Windows Users)

2002-11-18 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 17, 2002 08:22 pm, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> > How do I watch the fifo?
> > 
> > The new IDE CD-R has "BurnProof" so I think that will indeed help.
> Also use nice to lower nice of cdrecord (higher priority)
>  $ nice --9 cdrecord 

A testimony:

I have a K6-2/500MHz 256MB, 32x cdrw with burnproof.  I've burnt data CDs 
with nice -18, and have opened browsers, kmail, and run md5sums in the cdrom 
simultaneously.  Often have had fifo min fill 0%, but no problems with the 
disc - md5sums still check out.  


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Re: [OT] CD-R Requirements (or Giving Back To Windows Users)

2002-11-18 Thread Levi Waldron
On November 17, 2002 08:22 pm, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> > How do I watch the fifo?
> > 
> > The new IDE CD-R has "BurnProof" so I think that will indeed help.
> Also use nice to lower nice of cdrecord (higher priority)
>  $ nice --9 cdrecord 

A testimony:

I have a K6-2/500MHz 256MB, 32x cdrw with burnproof.  I've burnt data CDs 
with nice -18, and have opened browsers, kmail, and run md5sums in the cdrom 
simultaneously.  Often have had fifo min fill 0%, but no problems with the 
disc - md5sums still check out.  


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