> Hello,  I remember I used to be able to put something in .Xdefaults and
> scroll in Netscape 4.x  .  I forget what it is.  Someone still have
> those setting on NS 4.x , can you show them to me .. Thanks.  

> I use Galeon mainly but my online class has this quiz taking script that
> only works with IE and Netscape 4.x so I am forced to use it.  

I used to use Netscape and had to use the imwheel package to get it to scroll 
- and I regularly had to reload imwheel several times a day.  

The script you mention might only *think* it needs IE or NS.  I use 
konqueror, which you can set in its preferences to send its browser ID as IE 
or NS, and this has allowed me to use websites which have been programmed to 
kick out anyone not using one of the name-brand browsers, perfectly I might 

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