Re: Is life with 'udev' good?

2004-11-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:21:16 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:

> On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 01:57 -0500, Kevin Mark wrote:
>> in udev.rules I have:
>> BUS="usb" , KERNEL="sd?1",SYSFS_serial="07381C501259, NAME="usbkey"
>> I then can:
>> mount /dev/usbkey /mnt/usbkey
>> or some other magic for automounting.
> Ok.  Where does the SYSFS_serial come from?  

This tutorial

provides some useful examples of obtaining the magical SYSFS values using
the 'udevinfo' program.

> And are you missing a closing parenthesis on SYSFS_serial?

Yes, if by closing parenthesis you mean quotation mark.

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Re: Is life with 'udev' good?

2004-11-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 20:55:42 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:

> On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 19:32 -0700, Jamin W. Collins wrote:

>> Don't know about a "general concensus" but I'm quite happy with udev's
>> operation and having consistent device names for my USB and Firewire
>> devices.
> What kind of names?  Can you give some examples?  When I insert a pen
> drive, for example, /var/log/syslog says that it is /dev/sdc1 instead of
> something devfs-like /dev/usb/port01/drive01/part01.

The purpose of udev is to allow selection of names by the user
(adminstrator).  What kind of names?  Without going into much detail,
because I'm lazy and no expert, the choice is mostly yours.

The /dev/sdc1 reflects the kernel's name for your device.  It's quite
simple to tell udev to create additional names, through symbolic links,
for this device; examples might be the devfs name you provided and/or
/dev/pendrive.  If you have more than one such drive, you might choose
/dev/pendrive1 and/or /dev/pendrive2 and/or /dev/brandname-pendrive, and
you get the same name every time the drive(s) is (are) connected.

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RE: Is life with 'udev' good?

2004-11-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:41:32 -0500, Williams, Allen wrote:

> What did you have to do to get it to work with the nvidia driver?

Apparently -- I don't buy closed hardware -- udev is not able to create
the device nodes needed by X quickly enough to satisfy the NVidia server.
So, as others have pointed out, it should be loaded through /etc/modules,
and the race condition is avoided.

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Re: Where are config questions in install of latest sarge, and other questions...

2004-11-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 13:50:38 -0500, Williams, Allen wrote:

> 2.  My desktop went from KDE to Gnome.  Is this normal?  Where do I set the
> default desktop?

When you boot, do you get a graphical login screen?  Is there a session
icon or menu item?  If there is, you should be able to choose a KDE

> 3.  This machine is to be used primarily for software development.  Any 
> opinions
> on which desktop is best for that?

You don't provide information to help answer that question.  If you're
using *emacs (or *vi*) and a command-line compiler, it doesn't really
matter -- except that one of the lightweight window managers, as opposed
to heavyweight desktops, might leave you more available RAM.

What tools do you use?

> 4.  I can't log in to the X desktop as root.  Where do I fix that?

It's a security feature.  If you're using GDM, there's a configuration
option at the login screen to enable you to log in as root.

> And now, I guess I'm off to learn about gnome...

About a year ago, before I learned about selecting a session at the login
screen, I did exactly the same thing.  I just switched back to KDE
(3.3.1), and I'm finding I like it just a little better than GNOME (2.6).
I'm going to try GNOME 2.8 from unstable Real Soon Now.

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Re: Is life with 'udev' good?

2004-11-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:43:31 -0500, Christian Convey wrote:

> Is there a general concensus about whether udev makes life better or worse?

udev is, conceptually, a much better naming scheme than is devfs.  This
purported goodness comes at a price: udev is not able to do directly some
of the things that devfs could do.   In Linux kernel 2.6, devfs is
deprecated in favor of udev.  This indicates some consensus, if only
among kernel developers, that udev makes life better.

In my opinion, udev is The Right Idea.  I didn't need it when I first
installed it, but I've since taken the time to get my DVD-ROM drive
working and have purchased a "USB storage device".  udev makes it quite
easy to manage names, groups, and permissions for these devices.

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Re: Is life with 'udev' good?

2004-11-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:19:06 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:

> On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 21:29 -0800, Steven Yap wrote:
>> BUS="scsi", SYSFS{vendor}="Zynet*",SYSFS{model}="USB Storage-CFC*",
>> NAME{all_partitions}="compact_flash"
> Where does this go? /etc/udev/udev.rules?

It could, but I think it's better not to modify the rules file from the
Debian distribution as it may make future upgrades more difficult.

I've been putting my rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules.  Because
this file's name precedes udev.rules lexically, it's processed first.

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Re: eclipse install

2004-11-24 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 17:56:38 +0100, Eduard Pauna wrote:

> Did somebody succeded in running eclipse on debian?

Yes: Eclispe 3.0M8, 3.0M9, and 3.0 work for me.  I haven't tried 3.1.

> I got the package, unzip it and
> when I run eclipse I obtain this error
> The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion
> startup.jar file (in the same directory as the executable).
> but startup.jar is in the same directory...

Try typing 'which eclipse' from the command line to see where
the eclipse "executable launcher" is.  Is that the directory with

I created a script to start Eclipse so I wouldn't have to add it to PATH.

  /usr/local/eclipse/eclipse -data ~/workspace

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Re: eclipse install

2004-11-26 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 09:06:05 -0800, Eric Gaumer wrote:

> Runs fine here on Sid. I also compiled a PPC/GTK version that works fine
> on my PPC. In fact the version I built has more features than the x86
> version I downloaded.

Windows users report that there are numerous nice features which are
simply not enabled by default.

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Re: Hardlinks to remote directories

2004-12-11 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 04:46:46 +0200, ocl wrote:

> I am trying to create a hardlink to a remote directory
> but it gets rejected

Hard links must be on the same filesystem as the target.  Hard links to
directories are (almost certainly) rejected.

> What am I doing wrong?

You can't do that.  If you need a link, use a symbolic ("soft") link.

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Re: Converting from KMail

2004-12-16 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 11:01:39 -0600, Michael Satterwhite wrote:

> Does anyone know of a tool to convert 
> from mdir to mbox format?


Create an (mbox) mail folder in KMail and copy all the messages from your
maildir message folder into it.  Copy the resulting mbox file to a place
where your new application (e.g., Thunderbird) can find it.  It's tedious
but simple.

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Re: Trackball Problems

2004-12-16 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 18:59:43 -0500, tech wrote:

> I have just installed Debian testing. I have a Logitech Trackman Wheel  
> Trackball.
> As a trackball it works fine.  But I can't seem to get the wheel to work.
> Any help would be appretiated.

In this section of your X11 configuration file:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Default Mouse"

Check for these lines:

Option  "Protocol"  "ImPS/2"
Option  "Emulate3Buttons"   "true"
Option  "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"

They work for a Trackman Marble Plus trackball.

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Re: erased iPod software

2004-12-24 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 19:58:21 +0200, George Iordanou wrote:

> Unfortunately the ipod won't start since i erased its software. Any 
> ideas how to restore it?

The drive's filesystem may be toast but the firmware is intact. I think
the iPod manual-ettes come with instructions to reset the device.

If not, the iPod weenies web site,, certainly
has the information somewhere.  (Annoying Advertisement Alert: the site
uses numerous animated GIFs and Flash animations.)

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Re: Please, stop mail massive

2005-05-17 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tuesday 17 May 2005 17:38, Ian Cottrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> Is it possible to subscribe to the list, yet no receive it via e-mail? 

Not exactly; "subscribing" means email.

> I'd much prefer to read it via Usenet, but if I'm not subscribed, I can't
> post.


They'll give you readonly access without signing up; just use their news
server.  The 'debian-user' mailing list is gated between the mailing list
and NNTP as 'gmane.linux.debian.user', and they offer a large number of
other mailing lists.

They'll let you post articles only after they confirm your email address and
they use rate limiting to help deter spammers.

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Re: synaptic, aptitude and dselect etc. (myref: rl3b26may)

2005-05-26 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thursday 26 May 2005 09:07, rich lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> I've long favoured the synaptic package manager because it's easy to
> search the packages, and it's clear what's going to be installed
> (dependencies etc) and easy to select packages.

That's also my experience with Synaptic, although I find it just as easy to
select packages with aptitude.

> However, I had to use aptitude and dselect (yuk) recently on another
> system and noticed that they would REMOVE packages which were only
> installed in order to satisfy dependencies, when I removed the package
> which required them.

aptitude doesn't require that you remove these packages but it will do so by
default.  I don't know about dselect as I haven't used it in years.

> This seems like a genious thing to do, and synaptic doesn't seem to
> bother, which means as I install and uninstall stuff a lot 
> of unnecessary packages are left behind.

Neither Synaptic nor apt-get has this behavior.  Debian users don't all
agree on which is the best policy.

> Am I correct or am I missing something?

I think you're correct.

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Re: down? (June 14 2005)

2005-06-14 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tuesday 14 June 2005 09:22, Fernando Cacciola

> Are there alternative mirrors? (trying the get kdevelop3)

If you install and use the 'netselect-apt' package, it will time
transmissions to the various mirrors and select the "best" one for you.

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Re: .aptitude/config and Automatic Cache Deletion

2005-06-21 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tuesday 21 June 2005 07:03, Kenneth Jacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> 'Autoclean' doesn't seem to be quite what I used in the past.

autoclean: remove obsolete packages from the cache.
clean: remove all packages from the cache.

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Re: A little debian-user ml help..

2005-06-25 Thread Jules Dubois
On Saturday 25 June 2005 18:13, Mr Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> My isp doesn't provide news server and reading/managing debian-* lists
> in evolution is killing me...  I really need to switch to a news reader
> so I can ignore/follow threads and all that good stuff...


for a free NNTP service.

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Re: aptitude synaptic gnome to be removed?

2005-06-28 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tuesday 28 June 2005 06:40, Jason Edson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> I just did a dist-upgrade on my unstable box and for some reason apt
> wanted to remove gnome, synaptic, aptitude and I think one other. Has
> any one else had this problem [...]


> [...] or can someone tell me the reason why? 

The new apt (and apt-utils) are v0.6.38.  Some packages, including but not
limited to


depend in some way on v0.5.something.

Put 'apt' and 'apt-utils' on hold to prevent the packages above from being
removed -- I don't have the 'gnome' meta-package installed, so I don't know
about it.  Then, we wait for the rest to catch up.

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Re: mozilla-firefox 0.9.3-6 crash

2004-10-15 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 11:36:19 -0500, Frederick B. Henry Jr. wrote:

> I have been experiencing inexplicable, apparently random crashes of
> mozilla-firefox.

This URL crashes Firefox for me:

The previous version didn't.

> At first I believed it to be a javascript issue, but
> having turned javascript off, I still get the crashes.

My crash happens with and without Javascript.

> I'm running unstable, fluxbox wm, nvidia driver.  

Unstable here too, with Sawfish under GNOME, Matrox G400.

> [useful debugging information]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin --sync
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)

19:24:38 julesd:~ $ mozilla-firefox --sync
Error: No running window found
auto selected locale: en-US
Segmentation fault

> Do I need to rebuild this with debugging symbols, as I presume it is
> stripped?   I am a complete neophyte when it comes to debugging. 

I'm running the Debian package.

> As I said above, the behavior is erratic, unpredictable.  Certain sites
> work fine, while on others it crashes.

I find the same thing here, except on some sites disabling Javascript
allows the page to load properly.

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Re: Gnome-Panel no longer starts at login, or after

2004-09-30 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 20:19:38 +0200, Andrea Vettorello wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 16:31:48 -0700 (PDT), Ian Thomas
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [GNOME panel doesn't start using Sawfish WM]
> Have you deleted the ~/.sawfish dir too, or at least the
> ~/.sawfish/sessions dir?

I can confirm that this worked for me just now, where nothing else I tried
fixed that problem.  Thank you.

Now, however, I have the "GNOME splash screen takes forever to go away"
problem again.  In [Sessions]->[Startup Programs], I'm starting one
non-GNOME application (signify); when I don't start it, the splash screen
goes away immediately.  When I do start it, the splash screen sticks
around, and the GNOME applets are blocked because of it.

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Re: usb storage kernel module with 2.4 kernel

2004-09-30 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:10:52 -0700, Erik Steffl wrote:

> Nori Heikkinen wrote:
>> on Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:00:19PM -0400, Nori Heikkinen insinuated:
>> [iPod on USB]
>> i'm using USB (1.1), fwiw.  (but i don't think that matters for this).

Officially, USB 1.1 isn't supported.

I have a 20GB, 4th-generation iPod formatted for FAT32.  I had to
experiment to get my iPod working, as it was my first USB device.  I use
USB 2.0 because it's what I've got.

>>>so it seems like it should be modprobe-able ...

Do you have Hotplug and udev?  (I don't know if these are necessary, but I
have them.)

>you also need scsi, not sure what exactly, here's what I have:

Note: I also have an Adaptec 2940UW adapter.

I have these three:


I have this one, but only, I think, for my SCSI DVD drive:


I have this, but I don't know if it matters:


I don't have any of these:


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Re: Gnome-Panel no longer starts at login, or after

2004-10-02 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 14:34:35 -0700, Ian Thomas wrote:

>  $ panel &

I didn't think of trying to start the panel manually.

> No panel starts.  I haven't found any information
> about how to fix this problem from the following
> sources:

I'm unable to get the panel to start automatically using Sawfish as my WM.
I switched to OpenBox.  I first had the problem with some xlib upgrade.

> debian mailing list archives
> gnome mailing list archives
> google

I saw some discussion on a Debian GTK development mailing list a few
months ago.  I don't recall a solution, or I'd try it.

> I'm a little disappointed that this would happen in
> Debian Stable

I have the problem in unstable.

> and surprised that no one else has encountered this problem.

Since there aren't numerous reports of failure, it's probably a
configuration problem in your system ... and mine.

> I'll keep looking for an answer and post if I find one.

I hope both happen.  I gave up, but it was no big loss.

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Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does?

2004-10-02 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 16:22:48 -0400, Brendan wrote:

> That's not why NVIDIA cannot open their driver. It's been said by them time 
> and time again that the drive contains 3rd party code that they have a 
> limited license for, and as such, cannot expose that code to non-licensees.

This is a disingenuous excuse, if indeed Nvidia has made it.  They have
refused, time and time again, to release details of the programming
interface for their cards.  It's a bad idea to throw money at companies
who sell black-box hardware and refuse to support their products properly.

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Re: CD-rom access

2004-10-02 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 18:51:00 +0200, Arnfinn Gjostol wrote:

> I have installed Debian for my very first time and want to install  
> packages from my CD-rom, but I do not know how to get access to mu 
> CD-rom

You don't need to do this.  Run 'apt-cdrom', if you haven't already, to
tell APT have have packages on the CD-ROM(s); 'man apt-cdrom' if you need.

> command to type in addition to for example "apt-get install aptitude"

After you tell APT about the CD-ROM(s), your command will work.  Then
you can use aptitude instead of apt-get.

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Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does?

2004-10-03 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:26:41 +1000, Caveman wrote:

> Frankly I think nvidia should get a clap on the back for making a
> driver.

A kick in the front for being completely closed.

> So its not Open Source, well frankly you are never going to
> get totally open source.

I may never get totally open source, but one of the biggest reasons is
that some Linux (and presumably BSD) users buy their hardware anyway.  The
attitudes of ATI and Nvidia (and others) says clearly that they don't care
about their customers.  I'm not buying their excuses or their products.

> There are always going to be purducts which are not fully open, but 
> thats something I dont care about if it means better hardware support.

Clearly, then, you don't buy anything from ATI or Nvidia, and that's a
good choice.  Their policies tie their customers to at the very best
promises of support and bug fixes.  When (and not if) these companies
decide their victims have had enough, you won't be stuck with any of their
expensive paperweights.

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Re: Why Grub? Must I Switch?

2004-10-03 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 03 Oct 2004 10:58:07 -0700, Marc Wilson wrote:

>> - You don't have to rerun grub every time you changed the config file
> Except that you do, unless you believe in symlinks for your kernels..

Except that you don't, as I don't use symlinks for my kernels.

>> - Grub understands file systems
> Which is unimportant for 99.9% of users.

Which is unimportant.

>> - Grub has an interactive shell, so that if you do foul up the
> Which is unimportant for 99.9% of users.

Which is unimportant.

>>  The interactive shell can also let you fix boot paramters on the fly, if
> Which is unimportant for 99.9% of users.

Which is unimportant.

> For the clueless, there is no significant difference between lilo and grub.

For the clueless or simply forgetful, the demonstrated ability of GRUB to
automatically handle updated configuration files is compelling by itself.

> The default was changed to grub to satisfy the 'leet, not the clueless.

Only the clueless could made a claim like that.  Are you also one of those
"ALSA never works for anybody" ranters?

> Fortunately it's one thing that you can change back, after installing.

This is indeed quite fortunate.

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Re: Grub won't timeout

2004-10-07 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 17:26:02 -0700, Jason D. Berg wrote:

> My Grub won't timeout.

# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 
# 0, and the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
# You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default 
# entry is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.  
> default0

How about changing "0" to "saved", if you want the to automatically boot
the image you booted the last time you made a suggestion?  Since you have,
or are requesting the "default 0" option on all your images (which I
snipped), you would also remove the "savedefault" option from all the
images but the first.

(I would have sword GRUB started numbering at 1, not 0, but perhaps I'm

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Re: Grub won't timeout

2004-10-08 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 09:23:51 +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 12:00:38AM -0600, Jules Dubois wrote:
>> (I would have sword GRUB started numbering at 1, not 0, but perhaps I'm
>> mistaken.
>   I believe you are wrong. It starts at 0. This should be documented.

I would have testified under oath that GRUB started numbering at 1.

> Please check the documentation to see who is right.

I should have made it clear that the documentation and configuration file
are in agreement and are unambiguous: numbering starts at 0.

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Re: mozilla-firefox error

2004-10-17 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:21:02 -0300, Carlos Alberto Pereira Gomes wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mozilla-firefox
> Error: No running window found
> auto selected locale: en-US
> INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: No manager for initializing factory?

I get a segmentation fault.  Try running 'firefox' without the mozilla

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Re: mozilla-firefox error

2004-10-18 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 08:59:56 +0200, Andrea Vettorello wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 22:18:05 -0600, Jules Dubois
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > [can't run 'mozilla-firefox' from the shell]
>> I get a segmentation fault.  Try running 'firefox' without the mozilla
>> part.
> I suspect some stale config in your /home,

Your suspicion was correct.

> have you tried to move the ".mozilla" dir or with a freshly created
> user?

I used to use Mozilla until I switched to Firefox and I had both a
~/.mozilla and a ~/.firefox directory. I renamed .mozilla to MOZILLA and
mozilla-firefox doesn't crash at startup when run from the shell.

> And it could be useful to look for installed plugins created for earlier
> versions of mozilla...

I don't think I have any plugins.  I know I didn't do anything extra to
install one, except maybe an old (Sun) Java plugin. 

> Andrea

Thanks for your input, Andrea.

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Re: mozilla-firefox error

2004-10-19 Thread Jules Dubois
[replying to myself]

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 21:41:35 -0600, Jules Dubois wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 08:59:56 +0200, Andrea Vettorello wrote:
>> On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 22:18:05 -0600, Jules Dubois
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> >
>> I suspect some stale config in your /home,
> Your suspicion was correct.
>> have you tried to move the ".mozilla" dir or with a freshly created
>> user?
> I used to use Mozilla until I switched to Firefox and I had both a
> ~/.mozilla and a ~/.firefox directory. I renamed .mozilla to MOZILLA and
> mozilla-firefox doesn't crash at startup when run from the shell.

Firefox starts properly but it can't resolve any domain names.  Renaming
~/.firefox to ~/FIREFOX fixed it.

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Re: [ Cron if [ -x /usr/sbin/exim_tidydb ]; then /usr/sbin/exim_tidydb /var/spool/exim retry >/dev/null; fi]

2004-10-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 15:47:44 -0400, xucaen wrote:

> Does anyone know what this message means?
> - Forwarded message from Cron Daemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
> Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From: Cron Daemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It means Comscat's mail service is broken.

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Re: /dev/hdc? and changing drive letters

2004-10-29 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 18:31:21 -0400, H. S. wrote:

> I am just trying 
> to verify it won't mess with my Debian installation. All I want to do is 
> interchange D: and E: driver letters for two partitions

Do you mean changing Windows' drive letter assignments using Windows Disk
Manager (or whatever it's called in XP)?

Debian won't know that anything has happened.

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Re: /dev/hdc? and changing drive letters

2004-10-29 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 21:26:20 -0400, H. S. wrote:

> But when windows was started, I got:
> hdc2 as c:
> hdc3 as e:
> hdc5 as d:

I had 

  hda1 as c:
  hda2 as o:
  hda3 as d:

> I have
> found out how to change drive letters, I am thinking of doing:
> 1) make d: as z:
> 2) make e: as d:
> 3) make z: as e:

There's the problem of drive references stored in the registry, but as you
said, "hdc3 and hdc5 are still empty", this shouldn't be a problem for you.

IIRC, you'll have to reboot before step (3), because "e:" was already in
use before you began relettering.

> IF this will have absolutely no effect on the MBR or the partition table
> of the disk, I will do it right way.

The partition table, stored on (is it more correct to say near?) the
MBR doesn't really have anything to do with drive letters.  They are a
Windows fiction, as the is appearance of a unified tree with mounted
filesystems under Linux.

> That is all I want to confirm.

I have done it numerous times under Windows 2000.  If I were using WinXP
-- and fortunately, I'm not -- I would do it without hesitation, but my
opinion is not a guarantee of success.

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Re: dselect?

2004-10-29 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 09:46:22 +0800, Lian Liming wrote:

> Is there any other tool that can do such the things that dselect can 
> do.

I think 'aptitude' is the most powerful package manager available.  I
recommend it.

> If there is graphic tool, that would be better.

Synaptic.  It's what I used until I read Joey Hess' article, titled
something like "9 reasons to use aptitude instead of apt-get".

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Re: /dev/hdc? and changing drive letters

2004-10-29 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 00:49:18 -0400, H. S. wrote:

> Apparently, _Jules Dubois_, on 30/10/04 00:21,typed:

It's just an unsubstantiated rumor.

>> IIRC, you'll have to reboot before step (3), because "e:" was already
>> in use before you began relettering.
> Good point! I have been reading about driver letter changing on google
> and just read that to make the changes take effect, I need to reboot.

The lettering changes should take place immediately; I don't remember
having to reboot just because I made some simple changes, like changing a
CD-ROM from "f:" to "z:".

> But I didn't realize that I would need to do the above step with a
> reboot before step 3.

If a drive letter is in use, you can assign the partition a different
letter.  The catch is that to assign another partition to that (original)
letter, you must reboot first.

That is, if I remember correctly.  In any case, Microsoft will tell you
what it requires you to do.

>> I have done it numerous times under Windows 2000.  If I were using
>> WinXP -- and fortunately, I'm not -- I would do it without hesitation,
>> but my opinion is not a guarantee of success.
> Thanks for your comments,

You're welcome.  Good luck.

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Re: dselect?

2004-10-30 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 09:55:04 +0100, Brian Potkin wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 11:07:02PM -0600, s. keeling wrote:
>> Incoming from Jules Dubois:
>> > 
>> > Synaptic.  It's what I used until I read Joey Hess' article, titled
>> > something like "9 reasons to use aptitude instead of apt-get".
>> Por favor, where is that article?
> Perhaps this is the article Jules recollected:

That only has seven reasons!  I also found references to eight reasons,
although I don't suppose there's much difference between seven, eight, and

The message to which I referred is available from Google

I got the "heading" correct, but the message's subject was "Re: To dselect
or aptitude, that is the question".  In the three minutes I spent
searching, I couldn't find the thread in the Debian archives.

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Re: aptitude keeps trying to replace my vim-gtk and ftpd

2004-11-03 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 10:54:56 -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:

> I just ran aptitude and it got "The following packages are unused and
> will be REMOVED".  There are 8 packages it wants to remove, one of which
> is bluefish, which I am using as I run aptitude.(?)

Bluefish is an HTML editor based on GTK, not an aptitude helper.  Or did
you mean you were running the two applications at the same time?

> A lot of people swear by aptitude but this behavior has made me swear
> _at_ it more and more.

If you want to keep bluefish, tell aptitude you installed it "manually".

> There _might_ be some good reason for the way aptitude doese things but
> I can't find them.

Bluefish is marked as "automatically installed", and since (apparently)
nothing you've installed "manually" depends on it, aptitude is removing it
for you.

> I would appreciate any explaination for this bizarre behaviour.

What you're describing is a feature of aptitude.  You can stop it, easily,
from removing bluefish if you really wanted to keep bluefish.  There may
be a way to stop aptitude from removing "unused" packages, but since I
want it to do that, I haven't checked.

There's nothing bizarre involved.

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Re: aptitude keeps trying to replace my vim-gtk and ftpd

2004-11-03 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 14:35:49 -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:

> Jules Dubois([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
>> On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 10:54:56 -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:
>> If you want to keep bluefish, tell aptitude you installed it
>> "manually".
>  I didn't install it manually.

I should have been more specific.

When aptitude installs something "automatically", for example a support
library or the components of a big application set such as GNOME, it
does so because some other package you installed depended on it.  If you
later remove that other package, you don't have any further need for the
automatically installed package(s) because you didn't specifically ask for
it (them) in the first place.  Then, aptitude will remove it (them) for

You said you didn't install bluefish manually, and that's certainly what
aptitude thinks.  Since nothing depends on it, aptitude is going to remove

Now, what I meant was 'tell aptitude you installed it "manually"'.  It
doesn't matter whether you did this (or not).  When you tell aptitude you
installed bluefish manually, it won't try to remove it simply because 
nothing depends on it.

> Well it struck me a bit odd that I had bluefish runing an edit of my web
> page and aptitude was somehow informed that it wasn't being used.

This is only a reference to dependencies.  Aptitude can't know what you
want or use, only that no other manually installed package -- i.e.,
package specifically requested for installation -- uses it.  Just tell
it you want it, and you can change your mind later if you so choose.

> I think I'll just remove aptitude and keep doing the dselsct update ;
> apt-get dist-upgrade.

Everybody has their preferences.  I found some difficulties when I
switched from Synaptic to aptitude, because nothing but aptitude handles
this sort of installation dependency tracking.

I hope my explanation of aptitude's automatic removal of unused packages
helps you in your decision.  (You might see that I am a fan of aptitude
and one of its best features is the automatic removal of "unused" [sic]

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Re: How to activate a theme look of gtk/gnome application when I usen't gnome session ?

2004-11-05 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 11:48:18 +, Jon Dowland wrote:

> On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 10:29:20 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> When I'm on KDE, the gnome/gtk application aren't theme.
> Do you have gnome-theme-manager program? If you run that, and set a
> theme, is it then persistent?

I just tried it (Debian unstable, KDE 3.3 and GNOME 2.6).  Just running
the program "themes" the appearance of GNOME applications, but it's not
persistent across logins.  Is it supposed to be?

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Re: [OT?] recreating lost iPod database

2004-11-05 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 12:01:36 -0500, Nori Heikkinen wrote:

> i managed to write the blank database that gtkpod was displaying to my
> iPod -- at least, that's what i think has happened.

What is the output of 'ls -l ~/.gtkpod`?

> now, when i start up gtkpod, sometimes it'll give me an error about not
> being able to read the iTunesDB, sometimes not.  but it shows that i
> have no files.

Do you have the "Offline" flag set?  What happens if you

* run gtkpod without connecting your iPod; 
* select "Offline" mode;
* select "File->Read iTunes DB"?

> the iPod itself shows that i have no music, no artists, no anything. it
> also shows that i have 18.5G used, and 2.8G available.

Do you mean the display on the iPod shows no tracks under the various

> so what i need to do is recreate the table, if possible.

Have you looked at the command-line tools in gnupod?

> i'm not sure this is possible, because the mp3 files in the
> iPod_Control/Music/f* folders don't appear to have id3 tags:
> homeruns:..Pod_Control/Music/f00> file gtkpod00069.mp3 gtkpod00069.mp3:
> MPEG 1.0 layer 3 audio stream data,  48 kBit/s, 44.1 kHz, stereo
> homeruns:..Pod_Control/Music/f00> id3 -l gtkpod00069.mp3
> gtkpod00069.mp3: No ID3 tag.

Could it be that 'id3' only knows about ID3V1 tags and your files have
only ID3V2 tags?  (I purged 'id3' because it didn't do anything I wanted,
so I don't remember.)

If it seems useful, try running EasyTag.  I copied one file from my iPod
to my home directory, and it has an ID3 tag.

> any ideas on where to go from here?

Is section 5.6, "Restore your iPod" in the gtpod documentation any help?

> i'd really like to recover this data, if at all possible!

I know what you mean.

> also, ideas of where i'd be better off asking this question would rock
> ...

Gmane ( has a newsgroup, gated from a mailing list,
named gname.comp.ipod.gtkpod -- with very little traffic.  However, it's a
free service, so it might be worth a try.

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Re: always ask for root password

2004-11-06 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 04:12:51 +, Ananda Kumar Samaddar wrote:

> When I boot my custom compiled kernel (2.6.8) the system always asks for
> a root password (Ctrl-D for normal startup).

That kernel is being booted into single-user mode.

Check your boot-loader configuration file -- probably /boot/grub/menu.lst
or /etc/lilo.conf -- and see if the kernel's "single" parameter is there.
If your object is to avoid pressing Ctrl-D, remove it or make a non-single
option the default.

It is useful to have the option to boot into single-user mode; I think the
best thing to do is make sure your configuration file has both options,
with non-single as the default.

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Re: Alsa Problem

2004-11-08 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 23:20:11 -0800, mamas wrote:

> I installed Debian testing (2.4.27-1-386) with all of its Alsa packages
> (apt-get install...) so, afaik, I should get full support of my audio
> card (Terratec EWX24/96 i.e. ice1712).

It looks like you have a pre-built kernel package, which I never used.
Does it support ALSA?  Do you have the module(s) for that particular card?

> During boot the card gets well detected (Detecting Harware) but then,
> when "Starting Alsa" comes out, I can see an error message stating "no
> soundcard found".

I've been getting that message for weeks (under 2.6.x), but I have the
proper sound modules and sound works properly.

> If, as root, I use alsaconf I get the message "No supported PnP or PCI
> card found".

I'd say this indicates a lack of the proper driver module.  If you have
the module(s), can you load them with modprobe?

> But using lspci I get (amongs the rest):
> :02:0d.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. ICE1712
> [Envy24] PCI Multi-Channel I/O Controller (rev 02)
> Subsystem: TERRATEC Electronic GmbH: Unknown device 1130

The PCI driver in the kernel finds the device and recognizes it.  To make
use of it, you need the ALSA (or, alternatively, OSS) module(s).

> Any ideas?

See which ALSA module is required for your soundcard.

If you don't have it (them), configure ALSA ("--with-cards=" or something
like that).  Build and install the required module.

If you do have the it (them), load them manually or through /etc/modules. 
I use, for ALSA under kernel 2.6:


Or, do something similar for OSS.

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Re: alsaconf

2004-11-08 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 02:29:34 -0500, Rick Pasotto wrote:

> I have installed libasound1, alsa-base, alsa-utils. When I run alsaconf
> it says it can't find any PCI sound cards even though I have an Ensoniq
> AudioPCI (ES1371) that is detected on startup.
> I get gnome window sounds and xmms plays mp3 files so I do have sound.

Check the configuration of one or more of these applications and see where
they send their output.  They may not be using ALSA.

> What else do I need to do to get alsa functional?

Perhaps you're using OSS and need to switch.

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Re: playing cds

2004-11-09 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 04:05:10 -0600, Chad Davis wrote:

> I too have not been able to play audio cds with alsa.  I have not tried
> with OSS however.

Neither ALSA nor OSS are CD players.

What application are you trying to use?  What happens when you try to use
it?  Where have you told this application to send its output?  Is
your CD connected to the motherboard/card or not?  Have you checked the
ALSA mixer setting for the CD input?  Are you able to get any sound out of
your VIA chip at all?

> My sound card is:
> :00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.
> VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)

Do you have the ALSA driver for the VT8233/35/37?  Is it loaded?

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Re: Blackdown

2004-11-09 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 13:44:52 +, Pedro M (Morphix User) wrote:

> I cannot apt-get blackdown JRE. The program says: report the problem to 
> solve it.

What is the actual error message?

> I do so.

This is basically a mailing list for discussions by users; your message,
although lacking essential detail(s), is certainly on-topic here. 
However, you (technically) haven't reported the problem.  

> I want to download and install this wonderfull environment now.

Perhaps it is wonderful.  I'm forced to use a Sun JRE.

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Re: playing cds

2004-11-09 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 13:09:08 +0100, Andrea Vettorello wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 04:05:10 -0600, Chad Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My sound card is:
>> :00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.
>> VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)
> I've one of this, it's quality is abysmal low, IMHO the the culprit is the 
> C-Media Electronics CMI9739

The VIA 8233/35/37 is not a CMI chip.

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Re: alsa won't work unless i kill esd

2004-11-09 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 10:01:19 +0800, ms linux wrote:

> sorry for another trivial question about alsa.
> i use sid 2.4.27 and gnome for desktop.
> recently if i want xmms play my mp3s, i have to kill
> esd first :-(

Try opening the XMMS preferences and at the bottom of the "Audio I/O
Plugins" tab, where it says "Output Plugin", select "eSound Output Plugin".

> seem that alsa and esd use the same resource

ESD is using ALSA.  ALSA is using /dev/dsp, so XMMS can't also use it
directly.  Tell XMMS to use ESD and then all your GNOME applications can

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Re: alsaconf

2004-11-09 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 09:47:37 +0100, Andrea Vettorello wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 02:29:34 -0500, Rick Pasotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I get gnome window sounds and xmms plays mp3 files so I do have sound.
>> What I ultimately want to get working is gnomemeeting and evidently I
>> need alsa for that.
> Gnome play sound on window action via ESound (esd), maybe gnomemeeting
> has an option to use esd as audio device.

ESD (and aRts and probably others) is merely an interface between
application-level software and sound drivers like ESD and aRts.

Gnomemeeting v1.0.2-5 in fact does require ESD, provided by libesd0 or
libesd-alsa0.  (The OP didn't say which version of gnomemeeting.)

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Re: Blackdown

2004-11-09 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 19:07:11 +, Pedro M (Morphix User) wrote:

> But I like blackdown, becuase making an apt-get install, it installs 
> automatically in Mozilla (in a similar way to Macromedia Flash Debian 
> Package ).

I think that's what the 'java-package' package is designed to do: Make a
Debian package from Blackdown or Sun JRE.

> I would like a similar easy solution for newbbies for Java (Java is very 
> used in the Internet ).

How about Kaffe?  It's Free and already packaged, it seems.

> And similar for Adobe Acrobat ( I cannot print o click in the links in 
> gxpdf :'-(

If you really need Acrobat Reader, add somthing like

  deb unstable main
  deb stable   main

to /etc/apt/sources.list.  This repository isn't "official" but it works
and has some otherwise-unavailable packages.

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Re: Get directories names

2004-11-09 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 17:09:51 -0500, Tong wrote:

> I used to use the following command/alias to get the names under the
> current directory in RH:
> ls -l  | grep ^d | cut -c57-

find . -type d -name  -print

> but in Debian, the position of the file name is not fixed. 

Using 'ls', if the directory is large, the position of the filename will
be shifted to the right.

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Re: playing cds

2004-11-10 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 22:59:49 -0600, Chad Davis wrote:

> So the conclusion to this is it's a alsa bug that I can not play audio
> cds?

I don't think anything was concluded either way.  (I was being pedantic
about some CMI chip not being a VIA chip. We concluded, I think, two or
three of us, that we don't like on-board audio due to the quality of the

> It seems I have all my audio volumes up, still no audio.

See the questions (and excuse) below.

> The audio cable is connected (as it works fine in windows(tm)).

This is good information.

> I have tried various cd players...

I've lost the original article(s) and I'm not an expert at Linux audio but:

* What kernel version are you using?  Debian package or custom built?
* What is the output of 'lsmod' with emphasis on sound-like modules?
* Do use use GNOME or KDE?  Something else?  No X-GUI at all?
* Which CD-player applications have you tried?

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Re: Blackdown

2004-11-10 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 15:10:03 +, Pedro M (Morphix User) wrote:

> VSJ escribió:
>>Read these instructions:
>>to build you own up to date Debian Java packages.
> So we would find a single step package that would install Java in Debian 
> and in the browsers at the same time.

Is the object of this discussion to make it easier for all Debian novices
to install a JRE or for you to install a JRE?  If it's only you, it's not
difficult to install Sun's (free but not Free) JREs.  (I don't
really remember how to install (or activate or whatever) a Java browser
plug-in but I it wasn't difficult with Mozilla.)

> Where can I find it (easy for neophyte, this is one single apt-get 
> install package).

For you or for everyone?

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Re: playing cds

2004-11-11 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 21:22:15 -0600, Chad Davis wrote:

Can you get things like system sounds and perhaps Ogg to work?  Did CD
audio (or all audio) work at one time and then break?

> Kernel 2.6.9, custom built.
> snd46052  10
> snd_via82xx,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixe
> r_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_rawmidi
> Using Gnome 2.8.
> I have tried muiltiple cd players including xmms..

In XMMS' Options->Preferences->[Audio I/O Plugins] tab, what is selected
for [Output Plugin]?  If you're running ESD under GNOME, you probably
don't want to use the ALSA plugin; if you see ALSA listed, try eSound.

Do you have some CDDA plugin?  I see that one of my [Input plugins]
is "AudioCD Reader 0.14a []" and it's configured to read
/dev/cdrom.  I know my CD-ROM drive isn't connected to my sound card, but
I can play audio CDs.

I'm not sure any of this explains why other players wouldn't work, but
maybe it's worth a shot.

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Re: [OT?] recreating lost iPod database

2004-11-12 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 12:11:22 -0500, Nori Heikkinen wrote:

> i just ended up restoring the thing

How unfortunate.

> i tried using ephpod on a windows machine to restore the database, but
> when i did, it would prompt me for each mp3 as it was stored in the

It could have used some mangling of the track name in the ID3 tags, but I
guess yours are gone.

> from all of this poking around, it looks like the id3 tags of the mp3s
> i'm putting on the 'pod are stripped and stored in a database.  when
> this database goes, the mp3s themselves appear to have no info, so
> the thing is useless.
> does anyone know if this is off-base?

It's not completely correct.  The files on my iPod have the ID3 tags I
put there.  gtkpod will rewrite the ID3 tags of the original files if 
you modify the tags with gtkpod and you've configured it to do so.  
That caused me problems, so I disabled it.  I ran a few tests when I first
started using it, and I don't recall gtkpod ever simply removing tags.

gtkpod seems to know the location of the source files it uses,
but when I tried extracting MP3 files from the iPod, it didn't put the
files back in their original locations.  It used the track information --
from its database?  from the iPod? -- for the file-system names.

> i can't find a reasonable explanation of how the iPod's directory structure
> and database work, which is frustrating.

There's a perfectly reasonable and authoritative explanation available in
the source code.  (I haven't even looked at it.)

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Re: Java

2004-11-17 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 10:12:07 -0500, Tom Allison wrote:

> I also am not sure what I'm supposed to do with Sun's packages.

Download one into a good parent directory.  chmod u+x on the file. 
execute it.  Add its bin directory to your path.

> Too bad they don't have enough sense to put deb's out there.

According to Jonathan Schwartz, there are only three operating systems
left for Intel: Windows, Sun Orion, and RedHat.  Don't hold your breath
waiting for intelligence from Sun management.

> How do I get java working?

Follow the instructions at Sun's web site.  They work.

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Re: apt-get upgrade conflicts

2004-06-30 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 19:48:45 +, Adam Funk wrote:

> On Wednesday 30 June 2004 17:10, Karl Hegbloom wrote:
>> On Wed, 2004-06-30 at 13:41 +, Adam Funk wrote:
>>> I just did an apt-get upgrade and it kept a lot of packages back. I
>>> tried to apt-get install a few of them and it threatened to remove
>>> packages I need.

It may be that you'll have to use trial and error to find a few (or even
one) package to update, repeating that process until your system is up to
date.  During a recent upgrade, I finally gave up and wrote down the names
of a dozen or so packages that aptitude insisted were going to be removed.
A few package upgrades later, I was able to re-install the latest
versions of all of them.

If there's an easier way, I'd like to know about it, but I don't lose any
sleep over it.

>> I really enjoy "aptitude" for package management.

In this situation, I haven't found the behavior of apt-get and aptitude to
be different.  There are occasions, updating against sid, when attempting
to upgrade a single package causes a large cascade (many packages
installed, upgraded, and removed).

>> Aptitude also adds some cool features that you will not want to do
>> without once you discover them.

Agreed.  I now use aptitude and I recommend it.

> If I started using aptitude and decided to go back to using apt-get,
> would any problems arise?

Not really.  Aptitude manages the status of packages differently from
apt-get, so they're not 100% interchangeable.  The difference I noticed,
switching from aptitude to synaptic and back, was that synaptic did not
track the packages which were installed solely to resolve dependencies.

I liked apt-get and Synaptic has been getting better with each release. 
The "automatically installed" tracking of aptitude is, in my opinion,
enough to make it the package manager of choice.

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Re: acme

2004-07-08 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 07 Jul 2004 11:29:50 -0700, Paul Yeatman wrote:

> Starting with updates a couple weeks ago, "acme" now
> conflicts with "gnome" and other foundational gnome packages.

Acme is gone from the GNOME 2.6 packages.  It's been replaced, I think, by
"Keyboard Shortcuts" in "Desktop Preferences."

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Re: Gnome configuration

2004-07-10 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 20:04:59 -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:

> I like gnome-terminal [...]  But, it used to be that the
> browser was selectable via alternatives. Now it seems not to be.

>From the GNOME menu, look at

  Desktop Preferences -> Advanced -> Preferred Applications

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Re: Configuring the serial PCI I/O card 2port on Linux

2004-07-12 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 10:44:07 +, Vijaya S wrote:

> I inserted a PCI serial 2 port I/O card on a Suse machine.

This is a Debian mailing list (and/or newsgroup).  If you have a SuSE
problem, try a general Linux or SuSE specific newsgroup (and/or mailing

> How do i configure it to get it working

Look elsewhere for your serial port.  My 4-port board, under kernel
2.4.2x, was at /dev/ttyS4 ... ttyS7.  Under kernel 2.6.7 + udev, the
ports are now /dev/ttyS14, ttyS15, ttyS44, and ttyS45.

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Re: ALSA setup problem

2004-08-02 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 13:00:20 -0400, Kenneth Jacker wrote:

> [sarge/kernel-2.4.26-1-686.  I am in the "audio" group.]
> I'm going to jump in here since I, too, can't get ALSA to work
> correctly with my board (SB Live!).

I was never able to get ALSA to work with my (new) SB Live under kernel

When I installed kernel 2.6.7, it started working, although in the last
few days, the emu10k1 module stopped loading automatically.

> Here are some relevant installed modules:
>   snd-bt87x   5704   0
>   snd-pcm-oss39464   0  (unused)
>   snd-mixer-oss  13848   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
>   snd-pcm61124   0  [snd-bt87x snd-pcm-oss]
>   snd-timer  14532   0  [snd-pcm]
>   snd-page-alloc  6392   0  [snd-bt87x snd-pcm]
>   snd33508   0  [snd-bt87x snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss
>   snd-pcm snd-timer]
>   soundcore   3940   8  [bttv snd emu10k1 sound]

The emu10k1 module isn't loaded.  Can you load it by hand using modprobe?

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Re: Debian Unstable not updating?

2004-08-03 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 00:56:29 -0400, Zaq Rizer wrote:

> Kelly Harding wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been running Debian for about a year or two now.
>> I've had no real problems I've not been able to sort out with using
>> google or the debian documentation.
>> However, I appear to have a puzzling problem that I can't think where
>> best to look for answers.
>> Doing 'apt-get update;apt-get -u dist-upgrade' doesn't produce any
>> updates to packages needed.
> Perhaps strace the apt-get process...

And check /etc/apt/preferences for the "Pin-Priority" of the
distributions.  I had the same problem for months.  About two weeks
ago, and a certain Martin J. Hillyer suggested this.

Thank you, Mr. Hillyer.

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Re: bad sources.list

2004-08-03 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 16:35:58 -0400, Brian Astill wrote:

> I am trying to get my system to contact my ISP's mirror, first, before
> going further outside.
> # Testing
> deb testing main contrib non-free

I don't see in my list of public mirrors.  You're sure they
have a Debian mirror?

> Here is the warning I get:
> W: Couldn't stat source package list testing/main
> Packages
> (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.filearena.net_pub_debian_pool_dists_testing_main_binary-i386_Packages)
> - stat (2 No such file or directory)

Did you run 'apt-get update' after adding to sources.list?

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Re: Debian Unstable not updating?

2004-08-04 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 21:38:20 -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:

> Jules Dubois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> And check /etc/apt/preferences for the "Pin-Priority" of the
>> distributions.  I had the same problem for months.  About two weeks
>> ago, and a certain Martin J. Hillyer suggested this.
> I don't think that is the problem.  Stable doesn't update frequently and
> unstable hasn't had anything new in a couple days.

With stable and unstable in my sources.list, I've been seeing more than 10
megabytes every day since I changed the pin priorities.  The day I made
unstable the highest priority, it informed me of over 350 MB of stuff to
download with my 56kb mdem.

Today alone, it's about 65 MB.  Could this be because I have much more
junk installed than you do?

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Re: floppy led don't turn off when booting on 2.6

2004-08-04 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 10:40:01 +0200, castet.matthieu wrote:

> Hello,
> When booting 2.6.7 linux kernel on PC, if the timeout of the boot loader
> is very short (less than 1 second: the floppy led turn on by the bios
> trying to boot on floppy don’t had the time to turn off) the floppy led
> never turn off, but if I wait in the boot loader a little the led turn
> off.
> Have you got any idea about this problem?

No, not exactly.  However, here are some lines from my /boot/grub/menu.lst

  ## timeout sec
  # Set a timeout, in SEC seconds, before automatically booting the 
  # default entry (normally the first entry defined).
  timeout 10

Perhaps you could check your configuration file and perhaps (again)
adjusting the timeout would help.

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Re: Upgrading Debian

2004-05-08 Thread Jules Dubois
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Sat,
08 May 2004 15:06:26 +1200, cr wrote:

> Rather more significantly, I only have one telephone line - so when my 
> computer's on line, phone ain't working.

Same here.  The Potato (stable) to Woody (testing) dist-upgrade took me
around 40 hours.  I, too, as another poster noted, try to keep reasonably
up to date since.  I find upgrades now take much less time, with the
occasional 6-hour overnight blast.

> *And* I can never guarantee the 
> line won't drop for some reason, so leaving the thing running overnight isn't 
> really a solution.

In my experience, this isn't important.  Packages already downloaded
are waiting in the cache and partial downloads are resumed at the point of

> So, for me, spending a few bucks to get the CD's posted to me is much less 
> hassle and takes much less of my time.

For us 56k types, CD-ROMs are a wonderful thing.

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Re: desktop Linux for a debian user?

2004-06-02 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 20:39:46 -0400, Ignatz Sol wrote:

> I hadn't thought of using unstable.  [...] What do you mean "it doesn't
> break much"?

I've been running unstable since January.  Occasionally, Aptitude reports
"upgradable" packages for which I have unsatisfied dependencies that I
have to resolve manually.  Nothing has ever broken, just sometimes I can't
upgrade some packages immediately.

Note: I saw similar situations running testing.

The only problems I've had since installing Potato were when I removed
packages manually without realizing I was using them.  No software can
protect the system from users with the root password.

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Re: desktop Linux for a debian user?

2004-06-03 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 03 Jun 2004 12:07:03 -0400, S.D.A. wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 03:01:02AM -0400 or thereabouts, Silvan wrote:
> One pretty decent "Desktop Linux" based on Debian is Libranet;
> .
> All one needs to do is change the sources list to Debian
> Testing/Unstable to get the missing apps that are in the current
> Flagship Edition.

I liked Libranet 2.8 but there's one thing to watch: The adminmenu app
wants to install a sources.list that points to experimental and snapshot.
I took them out, finally.

> So, one can have the best of both worlds...

Although I snipped your original comment, I agree that Libranet has a nice
installer.  I haven't seen the new Debian Installer but the old installer
in Debian 2.0 was the reason I switched to Debian in the first place.  It
was later I discovered APT and its friends.

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Re: getting started with LISP

2004-06-16 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 19:45:29 -0500, dircha wrote:

> Is Scheme a proper subset of Common Lisp?

No.  Scheme is a LISP "dialect" which attempts to remove LISPs ugliness
and restore its original, functional purity.

> What do you make of the available Free software runtimes, compilers, and
> libraries for each:

CLisp is widely used.  I had a free (beer) license for Allegro Common
Lisp, and I liked it much better than CLisp.  It isn't free (speech).

> is Scheme primarily an "academic" language, whereas Common Lisp is where
> you need to go to find mature library support for database interaction,
> sockets, and X11 toolkits?

CL has much, much more available for it.

I attended a lecture on Scheme where the lecturer (Ph.D. in Computer
Science) said Lisp was twice as useful as Scheme at ten times the cost
(bloat, etc.). He's a Scheme fanatic.

> I'd really appreciate any comments you have about that.

Why are you doing this?  If it's an exercise, I recommend Scheme.  If
you're doing "big" stuff, Lisp may be more suitable.

> I've been forcing myself to use and learn Emacs [...]

  "People who use Emacs don't mention it simply because it's
   so obviously natural that it doesn't make sense to say it explicitly.
   OTOH people using vi don't mention it simply out of shame."
   -- Stefan Monnier

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Re: programming editor

2004-06-18 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 00:07:18 +0100, Anders Karlsson wrote:

> (still have not found an editor that will do a rectangular area 
> cut/paste in the middle of a text).

SciTE will do it.  I remember doing it with Emacs 18 but that was a few
years ago.  Visual SlickEdit will do it, for $300.

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Re: sarge, gnome icons gone

2004-06-18 Thread Jules Dubois
On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 10:30:40 -0700, Richard Weil wrote:

> I updated my sarge system yesterday and gnome upgraded to 2.6 -- great!
> However, all of the icons are now gone and I can't see how to get them
> back.  The different themes are all there, but no icons. Any
> suggestions?

I upgraded to GNOME 2.6 on a sid system earlier this week; all my icons
and themes were there but GNOME wouldn't do anything with them.  I don't
remember exactly what fixed it, but look at packages like


Updating some package, perhaps one of the two above, fixed the problem.  
Hopefully, someone else knows the exact fix.

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Re: apt-get update lists

2004-06-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 21:03:47 -0400, Brian Astill wrote:

> Is there a list of packages sorted by Section, rather than by Package, 
> without logging onto ?

Try running Synaptic (GTK) or Aptitude (console) and you can choose a
categorized view.

> Is there some kind of overarching index somewhere that would help me find the 
> sorts of packages I want, wherever they might be listed? is the true source of wisdom.  However, Synaptic can search
through package descriptions, and it and Aptitude provide categorized

> Package: abiword
> Description: Dummy package providing abiword
> ...
> that if I install "abiword" it will provide a script which will go-fetch 
> all the bits of abiword it needs to function?

If you install the "dummy" package -- a dummy package mentions the
dependencies necessary to install and use the application -- APT's tools
will fetch and install the dependencies for you.

It's not exactly a script but it does what you want.

> Package: amaya
> ...
> Depends: lesstif1, libc6 (>= 2.2.3-7), xlibs (>> 4.1.0)
> mean I must check my system to ensure these dependencies exist and 
> correct if necessary before I download/install "amaya"?

No, not if you use apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic.  If you instead
download the packages yourself and use dpkg, you have to manage it

> Finally, where could I find the answers to such questions without 
> bothering this list?

I don't have the URL handy, but has an APT user's guide.

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Re: moving to the 2.6 kernel?

2004-06-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 10:47:10 -0500, Kent West wrote:

> Just install a Debian box like you normally do, then "apt-get install 
> kernel-image-2.6.whateverfitsyourarchitecture".

Thanks for the advice, Kent.  A foolish question: There's really nothing
more to it than installing a kernel-image package (and, in my case,
updating initrd-tools)?

> Then you can download the sources and roll your own if you like. (Or you 
> can do this first, and bypass the pre-compiled version.)

I've been doing that for so long, I've forgotten how automation works.

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Re: Another "testing" vs "unstable" question

2004-06-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 11:13:37 -0500, Michael Satterwhite wrote:

> I've been watching the various discussions on this, and note that most
> experienced types think that the unstable distribution is better than
> the testing distribution. This leads me to one more question /
> observation

It happened in Sarge/testing when KDE 3.1 was entering.  I haven't had any
"problems" with unstable (current) that I didn't have with testing (both
Woody and Sarge)...

... with one exception: I tried installing GNOME 2.0 from Ximian onto a
new Woody/testing system and I could neither get it to work nor downgrade
to GNOME 1.4.

> How does one recover from something like this short of doing a reload?

* Buddha enlightenment
* Expert assistance
* Educated guesses
* Trial and error

> Other than this, the arguments for the unstable over testing seem valid.

I'm convinced; also, my combination of "expert assistance", "educated
guesses" and "trial and error" have corrected the few things that have
gone wrong.

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Re: Another "testing" vs "unstable" question

2004-06-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 12:15:59 -0500, Michael Satterwhite wrote:

> On Sunday 20 June 2004 11:47, Chris Metzler wrote:
>> What you're not aware of is that something similar happened last year with
>> KDE in testing.  More specifically, last year, KDE was uninstallable
>> in testing for *several months*.
> How did you handle this?

Patience, Grasshopper.

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Re: moving to the 2.6 kernel?

2004-06-21 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 01:39:16 -0500, Kent West wrote:

> Jules Dubois wrote:
>>Thanks for the advice, Kent.  A foolish question: There's really nothing
>>more to it than installing a kernel-image package (and, in my case,
>>updating initrd-tools)?  
> If you're not already running an initrd kernel, you may have to add one 
> line to /etc/lilo.conf, but you're warned about it during the install.

I'll have a look at the GRUB documentation.

I remember now that I stopped using LibraNet's pre-packaged kernels because 
of a problem I caused with its initrd.  I created an unbootable system.

I understand now the purpose of initrd; I've just never used it myself. 
The kernels I've been building with make-kpkg have never required an
initrd, so is there much benefit to studying how to do it?

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Re: Another "testing" vs "unstable" question

2004-06-21 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 14:38:51 -0500, Michael Satterwhite wrote:

> On Monday 21 June 2004 12:03, Monique Y. Mudama wrote:
>> If you're trying to avoid any downtime or difficulty whatsoever, run
>> stable and live with the age of the packages.
> Not exactly promoting Debian, are we?

She is.  Debian stable is an excellent argument in favor of running a
Debian release.  There's no other distribution or flavor providing its
reliability or availability.

I think perhaps "stable", "testing", and "unstable" were not the
absolutely, positively best choices for the flavors but I can't say I
could have done any better.  These comments are however immaterial.

> Others here, however, are doing a much better job.

You've missed the point and owe an apology.

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Re: Firestarter, ports access

2004-06-21 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 23:13:38 +0800, Thomas Beresford wrote:

> The thing is, whenever I connect to the internet, I receive a lot, but
> really lots of attempts to access on port 445, microsoft-ds and some
> port 135, loc-srv. Is it normal?

Absolutely.  These requests are from misconfigured Windows systems or from
various Microsoft worms and trojans.

> whenever I run nmap here, there's some ports that are opened
> and I'm really worried about their security (these ports are 111 sunrpc
> and 515 printer). Is there a way to close these ports? I've tried
> blocking them with firestarter but did't work.

Are you running nmap on the same system as the RPC and printer services?
Is iptables set up to block these ports from

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Re: moving to the 2.6 kernel?

2004-06-21 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 01:39:16 -0500, Kent West wrote:

> Jules Dubois wrote:
>>There's really nothing more to it than installing a kernel-image package
>>(and, in my case, updating initrd-tools)?
> If you're not already running an initrd kernel, you may have to add one
> line to /etc/lilo.conf, but you're warned about it during the install.

I installed kernel-image-2.6.6-2-k7.  I get lots of error during boot;
they go by quickly, I don't seem to be able to stop them, and they're not
recorded in any log file.  If I interpret the situation correctly, every
attempt to load a module fails with a "/lib/modules: read-only filesystem"

I installed the kernel 2.6.0 source, patched it to 2.6.7, configured,
compiled (make-kpkg), installed (dpkg), and rebooted.  It very nearly
works. ALSA and GNOME 2.6 (also new) now drive my SoundBlaster
Live 5.1 card correctly.  (Mr. Chris Metzler provided me with his gracious
assistance trying to get it to work with kernel 2.4 and GNOME 2.4.)

What's not working is my 4-port serial card.  The brand name is
"ByteRunner", it's made by VisionSystems, and it has a Titan serial
controller on it.  It's detected because I can see it using lspci. 
Unfortunately, where kernel 2.4 found my modem on /dev/ttyS5, kernel 2.6
doesn't seem to see it at all.  

Do the non-standard serial ports live somewhere else now?

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Re: Another "testing" vs "unstable" question

2004-06-22 Thread Jules Dubois
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 23:17:49 -0400, John Cichy wrote:

> Jules Dubois wrote:
>> I think perhaps "stable", "testing", and "unstable" were not the
>> absolutely, positively best choices for the flavors but I can't say I
>> could have done any better.  These comments are however immaterial.

Oops.  I meant to say perhaps not the best choices for NAMES.

> Considering the fact that most distributions ship what debian would 
> consider testing, and another OS sells unstable as a finished product
> [...]

I think we're agreed.  I just failed to proofread properly.

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Re: moving to the 2.6 kernel?

2004-06-22 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 18:37:14 +1200, Simon Kitching wrote:

> On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 18:01, Jules Dubois wrote:
>> I installed kernel-image-2.6.6-2-k7.  I get lots of error during boot;
>> they go by quickly, I don't seem to be able to stop them, and they're
>> not recorded in any log file.  If I interpret the situation correctly,
>> every attempt to load a module fails with a "/lib/modules: read-only
>> filesystem" error.

I neglected to post one minor detail.  The system doesn't survive the boot
process.  I've lost the error message, but it says something like "error:
trying to kill init".

My hand-crafted [sic] 2.6.7 kernel is almost completely functional; it's
just that I couldn't figure out how to boot and/or configure the Debian
kernel-image package.

> Have you tried using "dmesg"?

Is that the same thing as `less /var/log/dmesg`?

> See "man dmesg" for more info.

Thanks, Simon.

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RE: moving to the 2.6 kernel?

2004-06-22 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 14:02:14 +1000, Aaron Robertson-Hodder wrote:

> Just wondering if all you people are moving to 2.6 from Woody, Sarge or
> sid? 


> I have been trying to compile the 2.6.6 kernel on my Woody distro
> and keep getting depmod errors. 

How are you building the kernel?  I used `make-kpkg kernel_image` and it
booted the first time.

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RE: moving to the 2.6 kernel?

2004-06-23 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 14:02:14 +1000, Aaron Robertson-Hodder wrote:

> Just wondering if all you people are moving to 2.6 from Woody, Sarge or
> sid? I have been trying to compile the 2.6.6 kernel on my Woody distro and
> keep getting depmod errors.

Another thought: Do you have the module-init-tools package?

Quoting from the package description:

  This package contains a set of programs for 
  loading, inserting, and removing kernel modules 
  for Linux (versions 2.5.48 and above). It serves 
  the same function that the "modutils" package 
  serves for Linux 2.4.

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RE: moving to the 2.6 kernel?

2004-06-23 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 15:32:47 +1000, Aaron Robertson-Hodder wrote:

> make-kpkg --revision=786:MyKernel2.4.20 kernel_image

I think that's correct.  I don't use the 'revision' switch.  Instead I've
been modifying the top-level Makefile and setting the EXTRAVERSION

> Which I got from a guide on the web.

I think your way is the "approved" way.

> So, let me get this straight. I download and un-tar the source, then do
> the following steps:
> make xconfig - and select the things I want 

Yes.  Or 'make gconfig'.  What a nice set of tools.

> make-kpkg clean
> make-kpkg kernel_image
> install the kernel (using the package manager?)

That's exactly -- except for the --revision vs. EXTRAVERSION -- what I did.

> Is that all?

Check to see if you have the 'module-init-tools' package, as I posted in a
message a few minutes ago.

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Re: Another "testing" vs "unstable" question

2004-06-23 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 09:35:48 -0600, Monique Y. Mudama wrote:

> No, but [Red Hat] were always a company looking to make money off
> of their product (not that there's anything wrong with that).  Debian
> has no such plans, and that's one of the reasons why I trust them to do
> what's right rather than what's profitable.

As do we all(!), I'm sure Debian developers must sometimes do the wrong
thing for the right reason or the right thing for the wrong reason.

The key word here, and I quote, is "trust."  Debian's developers have
earned the trust they're receiving.

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RE: moving to the 2.6 kernel?

2004-06-23 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 13:29:24 +1000, Aaron Robertson-Hodder wrote:

> Aha! It becomes clearer (somewhat). I didn't look hard enough for
> module-init-tools. I only looked in the stable version DOH! 
> This may be the answer to most of my problems!

Next stop: World Hunger!

> Thanks to everyone who offered advice!

Let us know if it makes the kernel upgrade work.

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Re: aptitude wants to remove base-config

2004-06-23 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 18:11:57 -0700, William Ballard wrote:

> When I updated apt today, aptitude wants to remove base-config due to 
> unsatisified dependencies:
> tasksel is going from 1.52 to 2.01, and
> tasksel conflicts with base-config (< 2.32)
> I assume this is a bad thing, so I put tasksel on hold.  Correct?

As of this moment, base-config is at 2.31 in sid, so you can't install the
latest tasksel.  I put it on hold also.

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Re: system hangs for kernel 2.6.6

2004-06-23 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 00:56:58 +0200, Riccardo Vestrini wrote:

> [...] installed devfs (bad thing)

devfs is a bad thing?

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Re: moving to the 2.6 kernel?

2004-06-24 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 02:22:07 -0700, Paul Scott wrote:

> Jules Dubois wrote:
>>I installed kernel-image-2.6.6-2-k7.  I get lots of error during boot;
>>attempt to load a module fails with a "/lib/modules: read-only filesystem"
> I have installed 2.6.6-2-386 (for k6-2?) and have the same problem.  
> Moreover the error messages refer to /lib/modules/2.6.6-1-386/...

I don't recall a mismatch between the Debian version of my kernel and the
module errors.

> I don't want to spend the time to build a new kernel right now and I 
> have spent quite a bit of time Googling, searching this list and reading 
> kernel-docs. 

How about a pragmatic approach.  Which takes more time: searching
Google, list archives, and kernel documentation; or building a custom

> Is there a way to fix this with a stock kernel.

I spent a few hours on my problem.  I'm not an expert on modules and I
know little about initrd, so I simply built a new kernel and rebooted.  It
booted the first time.

> Is there a better choice than 386 for AMD K6-II?

Isn't the K6-II an i686?  (I don't know what difference it would make.)

> Is there more information I can provide?

I see that there are no bugs filed against your 386 package.  I take this
to mean that something about the configuration of your system and my
system is improper.

Do you get two warning (or error) messages when you installed the package,
saying cpio was unable to find:


If your kernel won't boot properly, I think it's safe to remove and
reinstall the package to check for the error messages.

> This is on sid.

Same here.

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Re: Missing packages or modules for Sid 2.6.X kernels?

2004-06-24 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 12:27:27 -0700, Paul Scott wrote:

> Charlie Zender wrote:
>>apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.6-1-686 kernel-headers-2.6.6-1-686
>>and then try to boot into 2.6.6, I get kernel panic because,
>>apparently, none of the kernel modules were installed and the kernel
>>does not like that. 
> I have maybe a similar problem.  Are they not installed or is the (many) 
> error message:
> modprobe: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.6-.../kernel/...  Read 
> only file system

That's the error message I saw trying to install (boot, really)
kernel-image-2.6.6-2-k7.  I checked five or so of the modules and they
were all there.

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Re: Migrating to Debian: questions

2004-06-24 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 18:33:25 +0100, Ricky Clarkson wrote:

> If you haven't already, turn on bash_completion (smart tab completion)
> by typing 'source /etc/bash_completion' or entering that into a
> .bashrc or similar and restarting your bash.

I had seen the term "bash_completion" many times, assuming it was the
standard tab completion I've known since 1992.

> Then do apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.
> By  I mean press the tab key.  That should show you all the
> kernel images available under woody (3.0R2).

Amazing.  Thank you for the lesson.

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Can't access both CD-RW and DVD-ROM

2004-08-11 Thread Jules Dubois
I'm running sid, with a custom 2.6.7 kernel which I build with make-kpkg.

I used to be able to access my (ATAPI) CD-RW but after I fooled around to 
make my (SCSI) DVD-ROM drive work, I can't access the ATA adapter at all.

Here's a diff showing all the changes between the two configurations. 
Under the old configuration, the CD-RW works.

  @@ -242,10 +242,10 @@
   # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDETAPE is not set
  +# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDESCSI is not set
  @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
  +# CONFIG_LEGACY_PTYS is not set

Under the new configuration only, the kernel gives this error

  root:~# hdparm -i /dev/hdc
  /dev/hdc: No such device or address

but it works properly under the old configuration.

What did I hose?

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Re: Problems with mounting vfat in Debian

2004-08-18 Thread Jules Dubois
On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 21:40:38 +0200, NiL SpaaR wrote:

> /dev/hdb1 /home/nil/redmond vfat users,uid=nil,umask=0002,iocharset=utf8 0 0

The "uid" must be numeric; I don't know how to use the "iocharset" option.

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Re: OT: Questions or Doubts?

2004-08-20 Thread Jules Dubois
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 23:04:21 -0500, Kent West wrote:

>   Doubt about Debian Installation
> or
>   Configuring PS/2 Mouse Doubts

These subject lines are in the same style as headlines in many newspapers
and web sites.  These posters are likely mimicing this style, most
unknowingly, a few to sound important.  Look for other similar subjects
like "Configuration woes", or "Video nightmare", etc.

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Re: OT: Questions or Doubts?

2004-08-23 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 11:49:30 +0800, John Summerfield wrote:

> Jules Dubois wrote:
>>unknowingly, a few to sound important.  Look for other similar subjects
>>like "Configuration woes", or "Video nightmare", etc.
> I mostly ignore those.
> Handy hint to those seeking help: you have, at most, ten words to 
> persuade me that I'm interested in your problem. Choose carefully.

Subject: Ultra urgent! Pls hlp!!

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Re: apt-get GDM

2004-08-23 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 20:18:47 +, Craig Dunn wrote:

> Hi,
> I'v recently installed Debian on my system.  The current version of GDM
> that I have is 2.2 and I would like to upgrade it to 2.4.

Do you mean GNOME?   GDM is just a sort of X-Window login program.

> The trouble is I only have a dialup Internet connection, which gets cut
> off after 2 hours.

That may be annoying but it's not fatal.

> And I'm guessing that downloading all of the necessary GDM files will
> take more than 2 hours.

GDM is about 3 MB.  GNOME is humongous.

> So, if I start the download process using apt-get and it gets cut-off
> halfway through, will I be able to continue the installation process
> once I reconnect to the Internet?


> I'm worried that if the installation process stops halfway, my Linux
> system will be messed up.

The loss of a network connection has never hosed my systems.

> Is it possible to tell apt-get to download all of the necessary deb
> files first and then perform the installation only when it has what it
> needs?

Yes: This is what apt-get and aptitude do by default.  Just tell it to
install whatever it is you want to install.  If you lose your network
connection, reconnect and reissue the same command; apt-get (aptitude)
will continue the download where it left off.  When all the necessary
files have been retrieved, they will be installed.

> Thanks for any advice,

When I dist-upgrade'd from Potato to Woody, I got cut off repeatedly
during the 325 MB download.  It took me nearly two days but it worked

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Re: apt-get and distro aliases

2004-08-24 Thread Jules Dubois
On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 06:37:12 -0500, John Fleming wrote:

> I am now running unstable.  I just tried an update using "unstable" and
> there was nothing new available.  Then I changed sources.list to "sid"
> and it retrieved 3217 kB.

I hope you'll allow me to interrupt your thread for a related question
without really answering yours.

I fixed my broken sources.list a few months ago, among other things
changing "unstable" to "sid"; afterward, 'aptitude update' worked as I
expected again.  Starting last week, 'update' retrieved no package file.
Today, I changed "sid" back to "unstable", and retrieved a 3 MB package
file plus package files for "non-us" which I had not been getting.

In one of the examples in 'man sources.list', the "distribution" field is
given as "unstable". Should the use of "unstable" versus "sid" make a
difference?  If so, which of the two is recommended or required?

> However, when I ran upgrade, nothing was upgraded. Can anyone explain
> this behavior?

Nothing I've installed is upgradable at the moment (except "tetex-doc"
which has been available for a while.

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Re: Adding Swap Space

2004-08-30 Thread Jules Dubois
On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 16:03:37 -0500, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

> Do I need to install swapd?

No, the swap daemon is part of the kernel.

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Re: uninstall Debian Linux

2004-03-01 Thread Jules Dubois
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
on Mon, 01 Mar 2004 17:49:14 -0400, Douglas Pollard wrote:

> Do I have to remove Debian first [...]

You shouldn't have to do anything special to "remove Debian."  

Tell RedHat (or whatever) to reformat (or initialize or create a new 
filesystem) in the partition(s) where Debian is now installed.  That 
gets rid of Debian completely.

> [...] and of course if so how??

Personally, I've never removed Debian.

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Re: To dselect or aptitude, that is the question

2004-04-24 Thread Jules Dubois
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Tue, 20 Apr 2004
22:27:12 -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

> Nine reasons why you should be using aptitude instead of apt-get or
> dselect.
> [snip]

I keep hearing about the advantages of aptitude (over, for example,
Synaptic), but your article, Mr. Hess, was excellent.  I gave aptitude
another try last night and most of my earlier problems with it are gone.

Libranet decided a few months ago to modify my sources.list to use
unstable instead of testing.  I'm now finding there are about 50 packages
I can't upgrade because of unsatisfied dependencies.

aptitude shows these packages as 'Broken' so I've changed their status to
'Hold' because I want to keep them.

I hope you'll consider these questions.

1) If I don't want to remove packages simply because the upgrade
   path is currently broken, is it safe to remove the 'Hold' and leave
   them as 'Broken'?

2) If I can find some combination of packages which resolves the
   unsatisfied-dependency conditions, is it safe to install these?

By 'safe' above, I mean only 'my system won't die a horrible, flaming
death', not 'the packages are completely secure and bug-free'.

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