quake/RTCW firewall rules

2002-09-30 Thread John F Davis


I was trying to run a RTCW(quake 3) server behind my firewall last night. I
setup the firewall iptable rules
to forware udp packets of 27690(from memory) to my server.  My friend and I
were able to play
but he said his connection was very poor.  I have a 768/128K dsl line and I
realize my upstream
connection is not that great but I figured we should have been able to play

Also, I tried to run just a dedicated server and he said the connection was
equally as bad.

I have p3 1.2Ghz 512Meg machine.  My firewall is a p1 200Mhz and it does
nothing but
serve as a firewall.

Any idea what would be the problem?  Do I have to configure the firewall
for tcp ports
as well?


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resize partitions using parted

2002-09-30 Thread John F Davis


Anybody ever try to resize partitions using parted? Did it work ok?

I have a box which was setup with one large root partition and no /boot
partition.  It was
just supposed to be a test install, but it has grown into a working box and
I would
rather "fix" it to use multiple partitions than re-install it at this

Also, I see there is a tool called resize2fs, but I don't think that is
what I want to use
becuase I want to go from 1 partition to multiple partitions.  Furthermore,
want to insert a /boot partition into the beginning of the disk.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

jserv package

2000-06-15 Thread John F. Davis

Is there a debian package for jserv?  I have apache installed and
I want to install jserv without downloading the tar file as
described on servletcentral.com.


is the potato apache built using dso?

2000-06-19 Thread John F. Davis

I am interested in testing jserv.  The installation instructions say
you do not need to rebuild apache if it was built with DSO support.
Is the potato apache deb built using DSO?  How can I tell if it supports


what is apxs in jserv documentation?

2000-06-20 Thread John F. Davis

The installation instructions for Jserv mention something called
apxs.  What is apxs?


applets and apache

2000-06-21 Thread John F. Davis
System Info:

Debian Potato
Apache 1.3.9


I am having trouble with applets and html.  I want to put all my
java applet class files in a directory.  

Here is some html which is supposed to display an applet:

However, I can not get the applet to display if I put the class file
in the /var/www/ClassDir.  I can get the applet to display if I 
put the class file in the /var/www/ directory.

What gives?


Re: applets and apache

2000-06-21 Thread John F. Davis
Hello Thomas,

I can su www-data and then change direcotry to 
/var/www/ClassDir.  Then I can do a cat Foo.class and
see the contents.

Is this what you mean?


On Wed, Jun 21, 2000 at 04:40:59PM +0200, Thomas Guettler wrote:
> try "su www-data" and check if this user can access the java-classes
> On Wed, Jun 21, 2000 at 09:37:16AM -0500, John F. Davis wrote:
> > System Info:
> > 
> > Debian Potato
> > Apache 1.3.9
> > 
> > Hello 
> > 
> > I am having trouble with applets and html.  I want to put all my
> > java applet class files in a directory.  
> > 
> > Here is some html which is supposed to display an applet:
> > 
> >  > CLASSID="java:Foo.class"
> > CODEBASE="ClassDir/"
> > CODETYPE="application/java"
> > WIDTH=400
> > HEIGHT=80>
> > 
> > 
> > However, I can not get the applet to display if I put the class file
> > in the /var/www/ClassDir.  I can get the applet to display if I 
> > put the class file in the /var/www/ directory.
> > 
> > What gives?
> > 
> > John
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> -- 
> Thomas Guettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.interface-business.de

Re: Java JSP Tomcat

2000-10-19 Thread John F. Davis

For what its worth, I got Tomcat to run with Debian Sparc using blackdown
1.2.2.  If you are interested, I can give you some more info.  I did it
awhile back (with lots of help from the debian-sparc mailing list), 
so, it can be done.


On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 11:19:41PM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote:
> Why does Debian provide (only) GnuJsp, Tomcat is the standard reference 
> implementation now.
> Is it easy to change to use Tomcat? Should I just do it, or wait, is 
> anything coming?
> I want the standard JSP directory structures, and a guaranteed standard 
> implementation.
> Thanks,
> Gregory Guthrie
> Dr. Gregory Guthrie
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (641)472-1125Fax: -1103
> Computer Science Department
> School of Computing and Information Science
> Maharishi University of Management
>(Maharishi International University 1971-1995)
>  http://www.mum.edu/cs_dept
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

We host web sites: http://www.skink.net
buy my stuff:

Re: Installing kernel sources

2000-10-19 Thread John F. Davis
On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 06:15:24PM -0600, Ray Percival wrote:
> Does anyone out there have a step by step to install kernel sources on 2.2. 
> Thanks very much

o  uname -a, to determine which kernel version you are currently running.

o  apt-get install kernel-source-2.x.x, where x.x is determined by uname
-a.  Or, you could just install the latest if you wish.

o  do like the other message replies said about creating the link to

I'm not sure you need a deb-src line in your /etc/apt/sources file or not.
(Is the kernel source package really considered a "source deb"?)

If the apt-get fails, then you need to add the following line 
as a minimum to /etc/apt/sources:

deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ potato main


> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

We host web sites: http://www.skink.net
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2000-12-04 Thread John F. Davis
What is the minimum connector distance for scsi II?

Here is why I ask.  I have a internal scsi ribbon cable
for connecting two units.  I really want to connect
three scsi units to it.  Instead of buying a expensive scsi
cable, I bought a cheap plastic ribbon cable connector which
I would like to use as a third connection for this cable.
I also have access to a cable connector tool.  i.e. a tool which
connects connectors to ribbon cables.  I just want to make sure
that don't connect the connectors to close together.



2000-04-10 Thread John F. Davis

I want to use pseudo image to make a cd image of debian i386.  I tried using
the binary-i386-1.lst file from one url, but it didn't seem to be correct and
pseudo-image didn't get pulled correctly.  There were way to many missing

Now, I'm trying again.  However, I'm looking at:
and I don't see a file list.  Where do I get the latest file list?

Re: slrn+NNTP help

2000-04-11 Thread John F. Davis
> I'm having the darn hardest time to get the 'slrn' to use NNTP to access a
> news server: it always insists for some reason on reading news from a
> non-existent local spool!  It does this despite me giving --nntp flag, -h
> SERVER, setting NNTPSERVER in the environment, etc.  I've done pretty much all

I don't know if this will help, but I had to set the read active flag to true.
Otherwise, I never got any groups from my isp.

The set active flag is in the .slrnrc file.



2000-04-12 Thread John F. Davis

Which debian list is the best group for talking about majordomo?


Re: placing /etc under RCS control

2000-04-12 Thread John F. Davis
On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 01:42:59PM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
> Hey all.
> In order to better manage configuration changes, I have decided to place
> /etc/ under control of RCS.  Naturally, doing this means that write access
> is removed from most files and 'co -l' is needed in order to edit them.  I
> have placed the /etc directory on my local workstation under RCS control
> and noticed no problems, but before I do that on my remote server I would
> like some input from the community.  Have I overlooked anything?  Does
> anything in /etc really need write permissions?  I have seen the Id fields
> in most files in /etc/.  Can RCS be made to read these fields?  If so,
> how?  What about recursively placing all subdirs of /etc under RCS
> control?
> Input is appreciated.  Thanks in advance!
> noah


This is not quite what you want, but it may serve the same purpose.  Its a
shell script/perl script which backs up files.

use it like this:

backitup /etc/passwd

and it will create a file called /etc/passwd.241201.  The numbers stand
for the year, month, day and rev number.  ie. if you backitup again today, it
will create a /etc/passwd.241202 file.  Perodically, you can scrub all
files which have this form of extension.

You can also condense the two scripts into one.


perl /usr/bin/backitup.pl $1

Description: Perl program

how to remove portma and rpc statd?

2000-05-08 Thread John F. Davis

When I do top, two programs show up which I want to remove.
These programs are: portmap and rpc_statd.
I don't run NIS or NFS, so I think it would be in my best 
interest to remove these Items.  How do I do so?

I think I have my kernel configured so they aren't being used.


scsi disk question: u2w vs. uw

2000-05-22 Thread John F. Davis

This is not a Debian linux question per se, but I
know someone on this list will know for sure.

Can you mix scsi disks on a Adaptec 2930u2 adapter
and not have the slower disk slow down the faster one?

I.e, I have a computer which currently has a u2w disk
with a u2w card and I want to know if I will get
a performance hit if I add a regular uw disk to the
same scsi channel.  The card does not have two channels,
so if I add the second disk it has to be on the same
channel as the original disk.



2000-05-31 Thread John F. Davis

I have a huge /var/log/wmtmp file and I need to delete it in order
to get some free disk space.

Can I just delete the file?  Is there a way to clear it correctly?


i'm trying to install and build the apache source using apt-get

2000-02-27 Thread John F. Davis

I can not install the apache source using the command:

apt-get -b source apache

I get the following error:

In file included from mod_rewrite.c:92:
mod_rewrite.h:129: ndbm.h: No such file or directory
make[5]: *** [mod_rewrite.so] Error 1
make[4]: *** [all] Error 1
make[3]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/apache-1.3.3/apache-1.3.3/src'
make[2]: *** [build-std] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/apache-1.3.3/apache-1.3.3'
make[1]: *** [build] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/apache-1.3.3/apache-1.3.3'
make: *** [build] Error 2
Build command 'cd apache-1.3.3 && dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc' failed.

Other Facts:
slink distro
apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade/update have all been done.
sparc processor
apt-get install debhelper has been done.
ndbm.h is on my computer.  Its in the /usr/include/db1 directory.
I added: export INCLUDE=/usr/include/db1 to my environment.  eg.:
mrfan:~/apache-1.3.3# set | grep INCLUDE

John Davis

empty .ssh directory

2000-03-17 Thread John F. Davis

Is it normal to have your .ssh direcotry in your home directory to be empty?
I have been using ssh for some time now and all of a sudden all my .ssh
directories are empty.  I'm wondering if I have been hacked.  

To continue my tale of woe, My /var/syslog file was emptied of all old 
entries and this was entered at the top of the  file.

Mar 17 06:27:23 suit syslogd 1.3-3#31: restart.

Lastly, I have this process in my ps auwx output.  If I kill it, it comes
back.  I have no idea what it is.  Could it be normal?  For what it matters
, I run xdm.

root   216  0.0  1.9  2240  1256  ?  S   Mar 10   0:00 -:0


Re: Limiting user access in ftp, ssh, samba, etc... 'passwords'

2000-03-27 Thread John F. Davis
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 12:42:24PM -0600, Matthew W. Roberts wrote:
> > > as far as i have been able to find,
> > > there is no suitable, secure, replacement for ftp (why!?!?!)

Are you familiar with scp?  I use putty's pscp for scp transfers between
windows and linux.  You ought to try it.  It rocks.

can't ssh into box anymore

2001-01-18 Thread John F. Davis

I did a apt-get upgrade which restarted ssh and now I can't ssh into
my box anymore.  I keep getting a invalid password response.

I can however login to the box via the console with the same

What gives?
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Re: can't ssh into box anymore

2001-01-18 Thread John F. Davis

I tried to connect to the box from a machine which I have never
used as a client before.  It failed also.


On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 12:05:59PM -0800, Robert L. Yelvington wrote:
> what is the specific message you are getting when you ssh in?
> when you restarted sshd it probably generated a new host key, right?
> my guess is that you need to delete the old host key in your
> ~/.ssh/known_hosts file...perhaps...just a guess.
> robt
> "John F. Davis" wrote:
> > 
> > Hello
> > 
> > I did a apt-get upgrade which restarted ssh and now I can't ssh into
> > my box anymore.  I keep getting a invalid password response.
> > 
> > I can however login to the box via the console with the same
> > password.
> > 
> > What gives?
> > --
> > We host web sites: http://www.skink.net
> > buy my stuff:
> > http://cgi6.ebay.com/aw-cgi/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewListedItemsLinkButtons&[EMAIL 
> > 
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We host web sites: http://www.skink.net
buy my stuff:

Re: can't ssh into box anymore

2001-01-19 Thread John F. Davis
On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 08:21:56PM +0100, Norman Schmidt wrote:
> Hi!
> Did you try to login as root?


> This is forbidden by default. You should not change this, but make sure
> you can su to root after logging in as known user.

Correct.  I was logged in as a normal user.
> Check your /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files if there is any
> restriction for the client you want to log in from.

I looked there.  Nothing was there.

> "John F. Davis" schrieb:
> > 
> > Hello
> > 
> > I tried to connect to the box from a machine which I have never
> > used as a client before.  It failed also.
> > 
> > John
> > 
> > On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 12:05:59PM -0800, Robert L. Yelvington wrote:
> > > what is the specific message you are getting when you ssh in?Hi
> > >
> > > when you restarted sshd it probably generated a new host key, right?
> > >
> > > my guess is that you need to delete the old host key in your
> > > ~/.ssh/known_hosts file...perhaps...just a guess.
> > >
> > > robt
> > >
> > >
> > > "John F. Davis" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hello
> > > >
> > > > I did a apt-get upgrade which restarted ssh and now I can't ssh into
> > > > my box anymore.  I keep getting a invalid password response.
> > > >
> > > > I can however login to the box via the console with the same
> > > > password.
> > > >
> > > > What gives?
> > > > --
> > > > We host web sites: http://www.skink.net
> > > > buy my stuff:
> > > > http://cgi6.ebay.com/aw-cgi/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewListedItemsLinkButtons&[EMAIL
> > > >  PROTECTED]
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > --
> > We host web sites: http://www.skink.net
> > buy my stuff:
> > http://cgi6.ebay.com/aw-cgi/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewListedItemsLinkButtons&[EMAIL 
> > 
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> --
> Norman Schmidt   Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
> cand.chem.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We host web sites: http://www.skink.net
buy my stuff:

Re: can't ssh into box anymore

2001-01-19 Thread John F. Davis
On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 03:34:27PM -0500, David B. Harris wrote:
> To quote "John F. Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> # Hello
> # 
> # I tried to connect to the box from a machine which I have never
> # used as a client before.  It failed also.
> Please be more specific with your problem. What versions of SSH are on
> each machine? What operating systems are on each machine? Include any
> relevant configuration files as attachments(so long as they're not
> huge).

Ok.  I'll try that.

> P.S.: I'm betting you're trying to log in as "root". If this is the
> case, then you must un-comment the "PermitRootLogin yes" line in
> /etc/ssh/sshd_config .

Nope.  I was trying to login as a normal user.

> David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
> Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

We host web sites: http://www.skink.net
buy my stuff:

how to configure a socks client?

2001-01-25 Thread John F. Davis

I am behind a socks firewall and I need to be able to get past it.
I put the following line in my /etc/socks.conf file:
sockd @socks.domain.com

Where domain.com is "changed to protect the innocent."

I tested the configuration by trying to do a ssh and a rtelnet
to a host outside the firewall.  Neither worked.

I'm not sure the ssh client will work anyway, but the rtelent should
have worked.

For what it matters, I can apt-get using proxy.domain.com and I can use
socks.domain.com with windows clients ok.

We host web sites: http://www.skink.net
buy my stuff:

X window app config questions

2001-08-14 Thread John F. Davis

I have recently upgraded to Debian unstable/2.4.7/XFree 4.1. 

As a result, I have some simple questions.

1.  In Xemacs my alt-key doesn't work as the Meta-key (M).
I only have a 101 key keyboard and I don't have a windows key on it.

2.  In xterms, and konsole, my home and end keys do not work.  They
only print a ~ key when pressed.  I notice this with either kde or
blackbox.  I don't have the problem when I use a eterm.

3.  Sometimes xemacs will lock up.  I think it is when I am using
freeamp to play audio.  I have disabled the sound server in KDE,
but xemacs still tries to make beep sound.  I'll get a message saying
it can't open the /dev/dsp.  I think when both apps are trying to play
a sound, it causes xemacs to lock up.  Besides not listening to music
while I code, is there something I can do to prevent  xemacs from
locking up?

Clueless in NC


Voodoo5, unstable, X11 v.4, and gl apps

2001-09-03 Thread John F. Davis

I am trying to get quake3 arena working with debian.  So far, I have 
all the GL related stuff installed but I can't get quake3 to work
and all my rendering seems to be in software.

In my XF86Config-4 file, 
I have the glx and dri modules loaded.
I have the tdfx and glide drivers installed.

Section "Module"
Load"dbe"   # Double buffer extension
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
SubSection  "extmod"
#  Option"omit xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA
#  extension
# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules

Section "Device"
Identifier "My_Voodoo_5"
Driver "tdfx"

Section "Device"
Identifier "My Voodoo 5
Driver "glide"
Option "dpms" "on"
Option "GlideDevice" "0"

Section "DRI"
Mode 0666
Section "Screen"
Identifier  "Screen 1"
Device  "My_Voodoo_5"
Monitor "My Monitor"
DefaultDepth 16

Subsection "Display"
Depth   16
Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
ViewPort 0 0

However when I run glxinfo, I get :

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/games/quake3$ glxinfo
name of display: :0.0
WARNING: This Mesa Library includes the Glide driver but
you have not defined the MESA_GLX_FX env. var.
(check the README.3DFX file for more information).

you can disable this message with a 'export
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: Brian Paul
server glx version string: 1.3 Mesa 3.4.2

When I run glxgears, I get :

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/games/quake3$ glxgears
WARNING: This Mesa Library includes the Glide driver but
you have not defined the MESA_GLX_FX env. var.
(check the README.3DFX file for more information).

you can disable this message with a 'export

If I try to fix that by defining MESA_GLX_FX I get an error:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/games/quake3$ export MESA_GLX_FX=fullscreen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/games/quake3$ glxgears
gd error (glide): Can't find or access Banshee/V3 board
gd error (glide): grSstSelect:  non-existent SSTSegmentation fault

Lastly, if I run quake3, It flashes the screen, stops and then gives a 
similar error:

- Client Initialization -
- Initializing Renderer 
- Client Initialization Complete -
- R_Init -
...loading libGL.so: Initializing OpenGL display
...setting mode 3: 640 480
Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.1
XF86DGA Mouse (Version 2.0) initialized
XFree86-VidModeExtension Activated at 640x480
Using 4/4/4 Color bits, 16 depth, 0 stencil display.
gd error (glide): Can't find or access Banshee/V3 board
gd error (glide): grSstSelect:  non-existent SSTReceived signal 11,

For what its worth, I tried to apt-get install as much as possible.
So, I installed mesa3-glide2 but I don't think that works for voodoo5 so
I installed the glide3 source and installed it.  At least I think I
installed it.  But it didn't seem to help things.

Any help is appreciated.


Voodoo5, unstable, X11 v.4, etc with more info

2001-09-04 Thread John F. Davis

I am trying to run Quake3 on my debian Sid x86 computer.
When I try to run quake, it starts then says :

...loading libGL.so: Initializing OpenGL display
...setting mode 3: 640 480
Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.1
XF86DGA Mouse (Version 2.0) initialized
XFree86-VidModeExtension Activated at 640x480
Using 4/4/4 Color bits, 16 depth, 0 stencil display.
gd error (glide): Can't find or access Banshee/V3 board
gd error (glide): grSstSelect:  non-existent SSTReceived signal 11,

I have a Voodoo5.  


quake3, i810 sound, and debian unstable

2001-09-10 Thread John F. Davis


I am trying to get quake3 working with my sound card.  As it is now, my
soundcard kinda works.  I can play mp3's if they are recorded at 44KHz
and I can also play some games with sound (eg. heroes3).  When I play
games or mp3's which are not recorded at 44KHz, the sound will play
real fast and sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks.  

The quake readme says that it requires a /dev/dsp device and a OSS 
compatible sound card.  I have some OSS sound options in my kernel, 
and I do have a /dev/dsp device.  If its not possible to get quake3 to 
work with sound "card", I would at least like to configure the sound so 
that it can play mp3's which are not recorded at 44 KHz.

If I have the sound modules loaded (shown below) when i start
quake, quake will display a message about sound being muted
and then crash when I start and a single player match.  If I 
don't load the sound modules below, quake will not display
any sound info when starting and I can play single player matches -
but without sound.

Is this the expected behavior or have I misconfigured something?  Below
is my environmet and settings.

Pentium III
Linux 2.4.7 kernel
Debian Unstable - latest update
MSI motherboard with i810 built-in sound chipset
lsmod shows:
Module  Size  Used by
i810_audio 13520   0
mpu401 18832   0  (unused)
sound  56096   0  [mpu401]
soundcore   4080   4  [i810_audio sound]
ac97_codec  8608   0  [i810_audio]
lspci -v shows (snipped to show only multimedia entry)
00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown 
device 2445 (rev 02)
Subsystem: Micro-star International Co Ltd: Unknown device 3370
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 11
I/O ports at bc00 [size=256]
I/O ports at c000 [size=64]
cat /proc/pci shows (snipped to show only multimedia entry)
  Bus  0, device  31, function  5:
  Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA(M) AC'97 
Audio (rev 2).
IRQ 11.
I/O at 0xbc00 [0xbcff].
I/O at 0xc000 [0xc03f].

When I built my kernel, I included as modules these options:
   Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1370)
   Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI 97 (ES1371)
   OSS sound modules
 Ensoniq SoundScape support  
 100% Sound Blaster compatibles (SB16/32/64, ESS, 
Jazz16) support 
It doesn't appear that the Ensoniq or soundblaster modules are loading. 
 I don't 
know if I should use them or not.  Also, lspci and cat /proc/pci gives 
titles for the sound chipset (the irq and ioport settings are the same 
though).  I
don't know if I have the correct modules for this device.  I read that 
I am supposed
to use the ES1371 driver.


Introduction to Debian Packaging Paper

2002-03-18 Thread John F Davis

I wrote a Introduction to Debian Packaging Paper (html) for my local
linux users group.  Nothing fancy, but its a quick intro to the packaging
on debian.  How to use apt, dpkg, dselect, and even how to build
a package - quick summary of new maintainers guide.

I would like comments on correctness and general readability.  If
at all possible, I would also like to release the document to
the debian document database and IBM's developer works
web page.  Any help would be appreciated.

See attached document.

John F. Davis
(See attached file: debian-package-talk.html)Title: Debian Concepts

Debian Concepts
 last mod: 3/14/02
 Author: John F. Davis


This document is written for a talk at TriLug's
March 2002 meeting.  It is intended to introduce
Debian Packaging to Linux users.

This document assumes the reader understands how to install  
computer programs on a Windows computer and/or a RedHat Linux 

Debian Linux is popular because of its sophisticated packaging system.  This 
system allows users to add and remove software applications from the 
Linux file-system with ease. Users of RedHat are most probably familiar 
with its packaging method which uses RPM's. Debian's RPM equivalent is a DEB.

This document explains the Debian packaging system in four steps.  
The first step is to introduce Debian's concept of a software package.
Second, I explain which files and directories are used by the Debian
packaging system.  Third, I explain  how to install and maintain
packages.  Fourth, I give a quick method intro to building a package.  

 Debian Package Files 

This section introduces the Debian package concept.  After
reading this section, you will know the answers to the following 

	 Does Debian use RPM's
 What is a Debian package called
	 How does a DEB compare to a RPM

 Does Debian use RPM's? 

The quick answer is no.  Debian does not use RPM's.  RPM's are clumsy
and not as powerful nor safe as a Debian Package file.  The longer
answer is that Debian can use RPM's but it is not its preferred
packaging method.  Debian uses files similar to RPM's called DEB's.
 What is a deb file? 

Deb files (or packages) are single files which end in ".deb".  They
contain a collection of files, directories and scripts which 
are performed during installation and removal.  Different scripts can be 
set to execute at various points in the installation of a deb. 
Deb files contain a wealth of information besides files, directories, and 
scripts.  For instance, every deb file contains the following information:

	 pre-requisites and,

 How does a deb file compare to a RPM? 

Users of RedHat should see a close similarity between a deb file and a RedHat
RPM.  Both ".deb"s and ".RPM"s are single files which contain multiple files 
and scripts.  They also contain version information, prerequisite packages,

 Debian Packaging Files and Directories 

This section covers the files and directories
used by the Debian packaging system.  While
reading this section, you will learn  
answers to the following questions?

	  Where do you get DEB's?
	  Which file determines where DEB's are obtained?
	 How do you install via net, cd-rom, or floppy?
 	 Where is the packaging database stored? 	


The /etc/apt/apt.conf doesn't exist any more.  In its place is
a Debian conf tool.

storage area for retrieved package files.

servers to use for apt.  Note, you use this file to determine if you
are using stable, testing or unstable.  Apt will install the latest version
it finds.  So, its not uncommon to have stable and unstable entries in this
file.  By default, apt will install the latest version, but you can 
specifically install a different version.   ie. install wine from stable
even though the rest of your system in unstable.
 Sources for packages 

Debian can install packages from the file-system (ie. a file on your
Linux file-system), mounted cdroms, or via the net.

 Debian Packaging Tools 

This section tells how to use the packaging
tools to manipulate debs.  Some of the questions it attempts to
answer are:

	 How to install and remove packages.
	 How to get new packages.
	 How to determine which package owns a particular file.

 Common Tools 

Debian has many tools for packaging and I don't know them all.  I've
tried to document the tools which are more commonly used in this section.
In other words, these are the tools which I use on a daily basis.

APT package handling utility -- command-line interface"
The basic command line tool to get and install packages. Also used to upgrade 
and update

vim help file "Error detected while processing BufRead Auto Commands for "*.gz""

2002-03-22 Thread John F Davis

Debian Unstable

I have the latest vim.  When I try to issue the :help command I get the

Error detected while processing BufRead Auto commands for "*.gz":
E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
E434: Can't find tag pattern
Hit ENTER or type command to continue

What gives?


Re: vim help file "Error detected while processing BufRead Auto Commands for"*.gz"" solved

2002-03-25 Thread John F Davis

Yes that helped.  Thanks.  I deleted all au comands for gzip's in my
/etc/vim/vimrc file.


"Seneca Cunningham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/22/2002 03:34:14 PM

Subject:Re: vim help file "Error detected while processing BufRead Auto
   Commands for"*.gz""

John F Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the latest vim.  When I try to issue the :help command I get
> following
> error:
> Error detected while processing BufRead Auto commands for "*.gz":
> E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
> E434: Can't find tag pattern
> Hit ENTER or type command to continue
> What gives?

This issue came up on monday night (EST). vim has changed.


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Re: xemacs on debian = horked

2002-04-09 Thread John F Davis

Does the new emacs support tabbed windows?  I really like that about
xemacs.  I got used to it
on ultraedit in windows.

If you don't know about tabbed windows, its where the windows have their
file name displayed on a little
tab at the top of the window.  You can easily switch files by clicking the


Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@softhome.net> on 04/06/2002 09:23:53 PM

Subject:Re: xemacs on debian = horked

On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 12:01:52PM -0800, David Wright wrote:
> Xemacs (xemacs21-21.4.6-7) on Debian appears to be completely horked.
> There are tons of bug reports going back over 2-1/2 years, many without
> much as an initial reply from the maintainer. Many appear to cover very
> simple but very annoying issues. What's going on? Is this package
> orphaned? A Linux distrubtion without a working xemacs is not a serious
> Linux distribution.
> I'd offer to help but there is no way I'm learing lisp. I just need a
> decent multimode text editor that has both a nice GUI AND a text console
> interface. Are there any alternatives out there?

If you really want to get away from XEmacs, give GNU Emacs21 a try.
It has most of the features that XEmacs does, including font-lock on
consoles, and graphics in buffers.  Plus a toolbar if you really want


I did not vote for the Australian government.

Description: Binary data

shared memory and dynamic pointers

2002-05-15 Thread John F Davis

Does anybody know if there is a open source library which provides dynmic
memory in conjunction with shared memory allocated using shmget/shmat?  I
want to allocate some shared memory and then later dynamically create some
buffers also in shared memory.  It seems that I will have to have an ID and
a shmget/shmat for each time I want to create a buffer.  Is there some
library which allocates a big shared memory buffer and then handles dynamic
allocations from that buffer so these smaller buffers can also be shared
between processes?  One more thing, the processes are seperate processes
and not forked child/parent processes.

Also, what is the deal with shm_open and mmap?  I think these are the posix
equivalent (Or, is that BSD?) to SVR4 shmget and shmat.  On my box, I have
a man page for mmap which refers to shm_open, but I don't have the man page
for shm_open.  I have the include files for shm_open and mmap.


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