Re: muttprint only printing one page

2003-02-17 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 06:29:31PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> hi there,
> how do i go about fixing a problem i have with muttprint? it will only
> print one physical page, so if i try to print a document consisting of
> three pages, with two pages printed onto one, only pages 1-2 will come
> out, the third just doesn't get printed.

I'm not sure if this applies to your problem: printing two pages onto
one only works with A4 paper. If you are using a different paper size
weird things happen.

> i verified with muttprint whether LaTeX is working fine, and I get
>   Output written on mail.dvi (3 pages, 8880 bytes).
> in the log, so it seems to work that far. but when i print it or cat
> it to a file, only the first page gets created...
> ... which is weird because the file in the /tmp/muttprint-*
> temporary directory is correct with three pages.
> i am clueless. help, anyone?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Epson Stylus C82 "Printer not connected", nothing prints

2003-02-17 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 11:19:11AM -0800, Ruchira Datta wrote:
> I have a Debian Gnu/Linux 3.0 box, dual boot with Windows 2000, on which
> I'm running Cups v. 1.1.15 with gimp-print v. 4.2.5.  When I add my
> Epson Stylus C82, it claims to have added it successfully.  The
> connection was through "Parallel Port #1 (Epson Stylus C82)", since when
> I booted the parport module had detected my printer:
> dmesg said
> parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778) [PCSPP,TRISTATE]
> parport0: irq 7 detected
> parport0: Printer, EPSON Stylus C82
> lp0: using parport0 (polling).
> lp0: console ready
> If I say ls -l /dev/lp0 I get
> crw-rw-rw-1 root lp 6,   0 Mar 14  2002 /dev/lp0
> The CUPS admin claims the Printer State is
>  Printer State: processing, accepting jobs.
> and the printer is connected through
>  Device URI: parallel:/dev/unknown-parallel0

I have a different Epson, but it is connect via parallel
port. /etc/cups/printers.conf uses "DeviceURI parallel:/dev/lp0".

> But whenever I try to print a test page, first it says
> "Printing page 0, 7%"
> then eventually it says
> "Printer not connected; will retry in 30 seconds..."
> This never changes and nothing ever gets printed.  Furthermore, nothing
> happens if I say
> echo "stuff" > /dev/lp0
> although I don't know if I should expect it to.  I know it is not the
> case that the printer actually is not connected, since whenever I reboot
> to Windows I can print everything just fine.
> ADVthanksANCE,
> Ruchira Datta
> datta at math dot berkeley dot edu


Description: PGP signature

Re: xmms, realplayer, and plugger

2003-03-03 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 09:54:12PM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:
> I'm using plugger with galeon.
> Few questions:
> - When I click on an audio file the entire file is downloaded before xmms
> begins to play.  Is there a way to get xmms to start playing before the
> download is complete (stream)?

xmms streaming depends on the audio I/O plugin. Configure the
plugin in xmms, and you can enable streaming and set buffer size. I
think streaming can only be set in Vorbis and Mpeg layer 1/2/3 player
for mp2 and mp3 streams.

If you are using plugger to call xmms from galeon, you will need to
setup streaming in /etc/pluggerrc or whereever you have configuration
file. See man plugger and look for "stream" and "preload" flags.

> (I noticed on a friends machine running Windows that their player is smart
> about downloading just enough to start playing and not overrun the slow
> download speed.)
> - When I select an audio file with galeon, xmms is started, and galeon
> window is blank.  If I click "Back" then playing stops.  It would be nice
> if xmms was started and then the browser was not blocked.
> - RealPlayer.  I downloaded Realplay (rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2.bin), ran
> it and it installed in ~/RealPlayer8/.  Even if I set in /etc/Plugger-4.0:
> audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin:rpm:Realaudio-plugin resource locator
> exits nokill: /home/moseley/RealPlayer8/realplay "$file"

I don't run realplay as a plugin via plugger. Within galeon,
audio/x-pn-realaudio is set to "Run with helper App"; helper is "Gnome
Default"; and "Always Use" is set to "True". Setting "Gnome Default"
is done in Gnome Control Center.

> I still get messages like:
>   Plugger: No approperiate application for type audio/x-pn-realaudio found!
> about:plugins does show:
>   audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin Realaudio-plugin resource locator rpm Yes
> So I'm not clear what the problem is.
> Thanks,


Description: PGP signature

Re: X and mouse problem

2003-03-11 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 05:45:43PM +0530, Bhushan Kulkarni wrote:
> +++ Bhushan Kulkarni [10/03/03 10:21 +0530]:
> | Hi ,
> | I am using Debian Woody3.0 r1 .
> | My problem is when gpm service is on i face problems using mouse . Mouse gets
> |  hang for few seconds and retains again after, mouse doesnot run smoothly but when 
> gpm is not on i dont

Try setting the mouse device to /dev/gpmdata in X and restart gpm with
"repeat_type=raw" in /etc/gpm.conf.
> |  face this problem . I have Logitech mouse , for gpm i am using ms+ .
> |  The mouse section of XFree86Config-4 is below
> | 
> |  Section "InputDevice"
> |  Identifier  "Configured Mouse"
> |  Driver  "mouse"
> |  Option  "CorePointer"
> |  Option  "Device""/dev/ttyS0"
> |  Option  "Protocol"  "Microsoft"
> |  Option  "Emulate3Buttons"  "true"
> |  Option  "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"
> | EndSection
> | 
> | Section "InputDevice"
> | Identifier  "Generic Mouse"
> | Driver  "mouse"
> | Option  "SendCoreEvents""true"
> | Option  "Device""/dev/input/mice"
> | Option  "Protocol"  "ImPS/2"
> | Option  "Emulate3Buttons"   "true"
> | Option  "ZAxisMapping"   "4 5"
> | EndSection
> | 
> | Why there are 2 mouse configured ? where is the problem .

Not sure. Maybe in case you want to connect two mice to your computer at
same time, which I did for a while. If you want X to ignore the Generic
Mouse and still have debconf manage XF86Config-4, put a new 'Section
"Server Layout"' that does not include 'Input Device "Generic Mouse"'
before the line that reads "### BEGIN DEBCONF SECTION".

> | I have i810 Chipset . Sometimes when i startx X freezes when i again go to
> | console say by pressing ctrl+alt+F2 , x gets hang i have to powerdown
> | machine. i this X's bug or Debian :( ??
> | I hope this list will help me ...
> | 
> | 


Description: PGP signature

Re: cups installation: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting

2003-03-13 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 03:08:07PM +0100, iks_kzm wrote:
> I had problem with cups: 

Please don't break the text in you message into blocks by placing "--"
between the blocks. Some mail user agents (e.g. mutt) interpret this
as the start of a signature. It makes it difficult to incorporate the
text of your message in the reply.

> During the installation I got the following message:
> "cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' -
> exiting"
> and there is no file cupsd.conf in /etc/cups/.
> Then when I connect (using mozilla) to
> http://localhost:631/
> and then try to choose "Do Administration Tasks" or "Printers"
> I got :
> "Alert! The connection was refused when attempting to contact
> localhost:631."

Connecting to http://localhost:631 will only work if cupsd daemon is
running. You will not be able to use web interface to administer your
printers until you get the daemon to run. Until then, you can
administer printers with the lpadmin program. Make yourself a member
of the "lpadmin" group to be able to administer printers without
becoming root.

/etc/cups/cupsd.conf is in the cupsys package. It doesn't sound like
your installation is complete. Check this by running "dpkg -s cupsys". 


Description: PGP signature

Re: cups installation: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting

2003-03-14 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 08:02:52PM +0100, iks_kzm wrote:
> Thanks for answer.
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Jerome Acks Jr wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 03:08:07PM +0100, iks_kzm wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I had problem with cups: 
> > 
> > Please don't break the text in you message into blocks by placing "--"
> > between the blocks. Some mail user agents (e.g. mutt) interpret this
> > as the start of a signature. It makes it difficult to incorporate the
> > text of your message in the reply.
> I am really sorry.
> > 
> > > During the installation I got the following message:
> > >
> > > "cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' -
> > > exiting"
> > >
> > > and there is no file cupsd.conf in /etc/cups/.
> > >
> > >
> > > Then when I connect (using mozilla) to
> > > http://localhost:631/
> > >
> > > and then try to choose "Do Administration Tasks" or "Printers"
> > > I got :
> > > "Alert! The connection was refused when attempting to contact
> > > localhost:631."
> > 
> > Connecting to http://localhost:631 will only work if cupsd daemon is
> > running. You will not be able to use web interface to administer your
> > printers until you get the daemon to run. Until then, you can
> > administer printers with the lpadmin program. Make yourself a member
> > of the "lpadmin" group to be able to administer printers without
> > becoming root.
> I think it is a bug in dselect or in cupsys debian package.
> I used 'dpkg -i cupsys...'
> and the package and cupsys-client and cups-bsd were installed.
> How one can make a user a member of the 'lpadmin' group?

# adduser your_userID lpadmin

> Still have problem:
> When I use the printer from NON-root account it seems that
> the configuration of the printer is NOT OK.
> E.g. when I print some picture (region filled with gray colour)
> it is printed as black but from the root account it is printed OK.

That sounds like a permission problem, i.e. permission or ownership of
some directory is not set properly, or user needs to be added to some
group to get write access priviledges to a device.

You have not mentioned anything about installing drivers for your
printer. You probably need to install one of these packages:
1) cupsys-driver-gimpprint, 
2) foomatic-bin and foomatic-db, or 
3) cupsomatic-ppd.

Do you have libcupsys2 and gs-esp installed?

Which version of debian/GNU are you using?

> I use gv to print postscript files and acrobat to print pdf files.
> The command for printing is lp or lpr: both work in strange way
> described above.
> BUT I noticed that when I use KGhostview instead of gv to print .ps
> files  from non-root account the picture with gray filling is printed OK.
> In KGhostview I can choose in print dialog window cups or lprng and so on.
> Of course I choose cups system.
> It seems that gv and acrobat are not aware of cups system in non-root
> account.
> Any clue?
> Jan
> > 
> > /etc/cups/cupsd.conf is in the cupsys package. It doesn't sound like
> > your installation is complete. Check this by running "dpkg -s cupsys". 
> > 


Description: PGP signature

Re: cups installation: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting

2003-03-15 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 05:07:12PM +0100, iks_kzm wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Jerome Acks Jr wrote: 
> > You have not mentioned anything about installing drivers for your
> > printer. You probably need to install one of these packages:
> I have HP Laserjet 1200 series. 
> > 1) cupsys-driver-gimpprint, 
> > 2) foomatic-bin and foomatic-db, or 
> > 3) cupsomatic-ppd.
> I have installed 1, 2 and 3.
> But I just copied from the CD (which I obtained with the printer)
> the original HP_Laserjet_1200.ppd
> to /usr/share/cups/model/HP/, restarted cups and then connected to
> http://localhost:631 and add new printer choosing the  
> HP_Laserjet_1200 series model.

Is the version of HP_Laserjet_1200.ppd the same as other ppd's that
come with the cupsys package? 

> I noticed the following:
> the files /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and printers.conf can be read and executed
> ONLY by root. I changed the mode (using chmod) so any user
> can read the files but nothing changed: the described above printing
> problem remained the same. When I did '/etc/init.d/./cupsys restart'
> the two files again can be read and executed ONLY by root.
> I use debian 3.0 (woody)

I'm running the testing version of CUPS. I'm not sure what all the changes
are between woody and testing. On my computer ownership and permission
of files in /etc/cups are:

# ls -l /etc/cups
total 160
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   21 Oct 16 21:46 certs -> /var/spool/cups/certs
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2183 Feb  9  2002 client.conf
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1215 Jun  6  2002 command.types
-rw---1 lp   sys 19728 Aug 20  2002 cupsd.conf
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Mar  9  2002 interfaces
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2798 Aug 20  2002 mime.convs
-rw-r--r--1 root root 5659 Aug 20  2002 mime.types
drwxr-xr-x2 lp   sys  4096 Aug  3  2002 ppd
-rw-r--r--1 root root94464 Oct 16 21:46 ppds.dat
-rw---1 lp   sys   279 Oct  5 19:51 printers.conf
-rw---1 lp   sys   279 Aug  8  2002 printers.conf.O
-rw-r--r--1 root root  947 Aug  7  2002 pstoraster.convs

Try running debsums against the cupsys packages to check the integrity
of the installation. 

Edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, change "LogLevel info" to "LogLevel
debug" and then restart cups. This should generate more message in the
error log and may give you better idea of what the problem is.

> > Do you have libcupsys2 and gs-esp installed?
> I installed libcupsys2 but I cannot figure out whether I have gs-esp.
> What gs-esp is? Using search in dselect I cannot find it.

Wrong guess on my part. gs-esp is version of ghostscript from Easy
Software Products (ESP). It is available in debian testing and
unstable; you should not need it with woody.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CUPS Update failed

2003-03-16 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 09:47:59AM -0800, debian_newbie wrote:
> I am running Woody. I was trying to update CUPS by using Synaptic when I
> got this message:
> (Reading database ... 93315 files and directories currently
> installed.)
> Preparing to replace cupsys 1.1.14-3 (using
> .../cupsys_1.1.14-4.4_i386.deb) ...
> Stopping CUPSys: cupsd.
> Unpacking replacement cupsys ...
> dpkg: error processing
> /var/cache/apt/archives/cupsys_1.1.14-4.4_i386.deb (--unpack):
>  trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/lpinfo', which is also in package
> cupsys-client
> dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
> Starting CUPSys: cupsd.
> Update failed - Scroll in this buffer to see what went wrong
> That was all it said, nothing else. What do I need to do?

# dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/cupsys_1.1.14-4.4_i386.deb 

See man dpkg.


Description: PGP signature

Re: cups installation: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting

2003-03-16 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 07:04:46PM +0100, iks_kzm wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, Jerome Acks Jr wrote:
> > 
> > Is the version of HP_Laserjet_1200.ppd the same as other ppd's that
> > come with the cupsys package? 
> I did NOT have any  ppd files in the cupsys for HP Laserjet 1200 series
> and I was advised to use the one from the CD.
> I tried to use some ppd file for HP Laserjet 4 or something
> like that but the result was similar.
Do you get same results with running:

lp /usr/share/cups/data/ 

While not same printer and setup you have, here is solution of someone
who had similar problems to yours. He was having problems where printing
ps files with graphics worked from kde but not from terminal/console.

> > 
> > I'm running the testing version of CUPS. I'm not sure what all the changes
> > are between woody and testing. On my computer ownership and permission
> > of files in /etc/cups are:
> > 
> > # ls -l /etc/cups
> > total 160
> > lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   21 Oct 16 21:46 certs -> 
> > /var/spool/cups/certs
> > -rw-r--r--1 root root 2183 Feb  9  2002 client.conf
> > -rw-r--r--1 root root 1215 Jun  6  2002 command.types
> > -rw---1 lp   sys 19728 Aug 20  2002 cupsd.conf
> > drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Mar  9  2002 interfaces
> > -rw-r--r--1 root root 2798 Aug 20  2002 mime.convs
> > -rw-r--r--1 root root 5659 Aug 20  2002 mime.types
> > drwxr-xr-x2 lp   sys  4096 Aug  3  2002 ppd
> > -rw-r--r--1 root root94464 Oct 16 21:46 ppds.dat
> > -rw---1 lp   sys   279 Oct  5 19:51 printers.conf
> > -rw---1 lp   sys   279 Aug  8  2002 printers.conf.O
> > -rw-r--r--1 root root  947 Aug  7  2002 pstoraster.convs
> > 
> my 'ls
> # ls -l /etc/cups
> drwx--x--x2 lp   sys  4096 mar 16 18:47 certs
> -rw---1 lp   sys 18394 mar 10  2002 cupsd.conf
> drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 mar 13 20:27 interfaces
> -rw-r--r--1 root root 2749 mar 10  2002 mime.convs
> -rw-r--r--1 root root 5634 mar 10  2002 mime.types
> drwxr-xr-x2 lp   sys  4096 mar 13 20:30 ppd
> -rw-r--r--1 root root   693392 mar 15 16:38 ppds.dat
> -rw---1 lp   sys   285 mar 13 20:45 printers.conf
> -rw-r--r--1 lp   sys   285 mar 13 20:43 printers.conf.O
> I do not have client.conf file.
> (I use the cupsys for woody).
> Jan
> > Try running debsums against the cupsys packages to check the integrity
> > of the installation. 
> > 
> > Edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, change "LogLevel info" to "LogLevel
> > debug" and then restart cups. This should generate more message in the
> > error log and may give you better idea of what the problem is.
> > 
> > > > Do you have libcupsys2 and gs-esp installed?
> > > 
> > > I installed libcupsys2 but I cannot figure out whether I have gs-esp.
> > > What gs-esp is? Using search in dselect I cannot find it.
> > 
> > Wrong guess on my part. gs-esp is version of ghostscript from Easy
> > Software Products (ESP). It is available in debian testing and
> > unstable; you should not need it with woody.
> > 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Xserver fails after upgrading to testing/unstable

2003-03-16 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 06:18:15PM +0100, Willem-Jan Meijer wrote:
> Hello,
> Last week I upgraded my debian system to testing/unstable. Then I turned off
> my computer and didn't use it for two days. Today I wanted to use it again,
> but now I only see a grey screen w/o the cross in the middle. The screen
> isn't equal grey, but with white spots on it. I'm using a geforce 2 with the
> nv driver, this mix worked well before. I know I actually must use the
> nvidia-kernel driver, I tried several times befor. I can build the package
> and install it, but when I reconfigure the x-server xfree86 I don't see the
> driver in the list.

I am using nvidia 4191 kernel with my gforce2. The name of the nvidia
driver changes depending on which nvidia kernel you are using.

If you are using debconf to manage /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, you will
need to edit XF86Config-4 and put something like the following at the
top of the file:

# The area before the DEBCONF SECTION is needed for using
# the NVdriver kernel module from nVidia.
# If I want to revert to using the "nv" driver, remember to add
#   Load"GLcore"
#   Load"dri"
# to Section "Module"
# and remember to uninstall nvidis-glx package.

Section  "Device"
Identifier  "NVdriver Device"
Driver  "nvidia"
Option  "NvAgp"   "1" #I need this; you may not

Section "Screen"
Identifier  "NVdriver Screen"

[snip: mode definitions for my monitor]


Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier  "My Server Layout"
Screen  "NVdriver Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"



Description: PGP signature

Re: CUPS Update failed

2003-03-16 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 03:09:56PM -0800, debian_newbie wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 16:27:43 -0500
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sat at his keyboard and wrote:
> > On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 09:47:59 -0800
> > debian_newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >  trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/lpinfo', which is also in package
> > > cupsys-client
> > > dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
> > > Starting CUPSys: cupsd.
> > 
> > Read man dpkg, especially the section about --force. Focus on
> > "overwrite".
> > 
> > This sounds like a bug in the packaging.
> "IF" there is a bug in the packaging, is it still safe to force the
> install?

Yes, the bug in this case is /usr/sbin/lpinfo is included in two


Description: PGP signature

Re: Nvidia Issues

2003-03-18 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 08:16:29AM -0500, Bill wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I "move" to woody? I am not sure what that means.

It means do a distribution upgrade to change your Debian/GNU 2.2
to 3.0.

The below link discussed upgrading from Debian 2.2 to 3.0:

The manual is slightly out of date. In the manual "stable" refers to
Debian 2.2 and "testing" refers to woody, i.e. Debian 3.0. 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems installing quickcam on kernel bf2.4

2003-03-18 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 06:49:33PM +0100, Hans van Leeuwen wrote:
> Hello,
> I have problems installing qce-source. I have a Logitech Quickcam (you 
> know, the golfball) and I want to use it with my Debian server.
> The problem is that the module is not loaded correct. This is because I 
> have kernel 2.4.18-bf2.4 installed, but the kernel source is 2.4.18. 
> When I try to load the module insmod says "kernel-module version 
> mismatch mod_quickcam.o was compiled for kernel version 2.4.18 while 
> this kernel is version 2.4.18-bf2.4."

Use config file for 2.4.18-bf2.4 from /boot. If you want to retain
"-bf.24" in name of the kernel you compile, use "--append-to-version"
option to make-kpkg.
> I have searched but I can't find the source for this kernel.

Source should be kernel-source-2.4.18.

> I have tried the quickcam on SuSE 8.1 and Mandrake 9.0, and it is 
> automatically detected and works fine.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?

I think you will need to compile your own kernel. I use pwc and pwcx
modules from for my Logitech
Quickcam. To get that to work, I have to compile kernel and module
with "# CONFIG_MODVERSIONS is not set" in the config file.

make menuconfig
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --append-to-version=[whatever_I_want] kernel_image
make-kpkg --appent-to-version=[whatever_I_want] modules_image #if needed has instructions for how
to do it without using make-kpkg.

> Hans van Leeuwen
> output:
> teletram1:/usr/src/modules/qce-source-0.40b+cvs.2002.04.13-1# ./
> Using /lib/modules/2.4.18-bf2.4/kernel/drivers/media/video/videodev.o
> insmod: a module named videodev already exists
> Using /lib/modules/2.4.18-bf2.4/kernel/drivers/usb/usbcore.o
> insmod: a module named usbcore already exists
> Using /lib/modules/2.4.18-bf2.4/kernel/drivers/usb/usb-uhci.o
> insmod: a module named usb-uhci already exists
> Using /lib/modules/2.4.18-bf2.4/kernel/drivers/usb/usb-ohci.o
> /lib/modules/2.4.18-bf2.4/kernel/drivers/usb/usb-ohci.o: init_module: No 
> such device
> Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, 
> including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
> insmod: uhci: no module by that name found
> ./ /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq: No such file or directory
> mod_quickcam.o: kernel-module version mismatch
>mod_quickcam.o was compiled for kernel version 2.4.18
>while this kernel is version 2.4.18-bf2.4.
> Module  Size  Used byTainted: GF
> cs4232  3584   0  (autoclean)
> ad1848 20672   0  (autoclean) [cs4232]
> uart401 6016   0  (autoclean) [cs4232]
> sound  52876   0  (autoclean) [cs4232 ad1848 uart401]
> soundcore   3236   4  (autoclean) [sound]
> nls_cp437   4384   0  (autoclean)
> nls_iso8859-1   2880   0  (autoclean)
> ipt_MASQUERADE  1216   1  (autoclean)
> iptable_mangle  2112   0  (autoclean) (unused)
> ipt_REJECT  2816   7  (autoclean)
> ipt_limit960  17  (autoclean)
> ipt_state608   4  (autoclean)
> ipt_LOG 3136  15  (autoclean)
> ibmcam 38912   0
> usbvideo   24024   0  [ibmcam]
> ov511  74336   0
> videodev4448   0  [usbvideo ov511]
> ne  6368   1
> isa-pnp27432   0  [cs4232 ad1848 ne]
> iptable_filter  1728   1
> de4x5  39136   1
> eepro100   17264   1
> nfsd   42848   8
> smbfs  31296   0  (unused)
> ip_nat_irc  2368   0  (unused)
> ip_nat_ftp  2944   0  (unused)
> iptable_nat12660   3  [ipt_MASQUERADE ip_nat_irc ip_nat_ftp]
> ip_tables  10432  10  [ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_mangle 
> ipt_REJECT ipt_limit ipt_state ipt_LOG iptable_filter iptable_nat]
> ip_conntrack_irc2496   0  (unused)
> ip_conntrack_ftp3200   0  (unused)
> ip_conntrack   12684   4  [ipt_MASQUERADE ipt_state ip_nat_irc 
> ip_nat_ftp iptable_nat ip_conntrack_irc ip_conntrack_ftp]
> keybdev 1664   0  (unused)
> usbkbd  2848   0  (unused)
> input   3072   0  [keybdev usbkbd]
> usb-uhci   20708   0  (unused)
> usbcore48032   0  [ibmcam usbvideo ov511 usbkbd usb-uhci]


Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Anything simpler than emacspeak?

2003-03-23 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Mar 23, 2003 at 12:15:15PM -0500, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
> Hello, all:
> I'm trying to set up a Debian laptop (so this is not _completely_ offtopic
> :) for my Dad, whose sight has almost failed.  I have bought Fonix's
> DECtalk software, and it works quite nicely on the command line (i.e. it
> "speaks" what I type), but the only application I can find which uses it
> is emacspeak, which has way too steep a learning curve and in any event is
> much more than Dad needs, which is basically web-browsing (lynx would be
> good) and email (for which I'd set him up with mutt or pine).  I tried
> screader, but couldn't get it to work with DECtalk's 'say' program; and
> its documentation is so sketchy, I couldn't begin to diagnose the problem.
> Any help will be much appreciated, and I'll report back (and probably
> create a website) so that anyone else wanting to set up a minimal but
> functional "talking" system will be able to do it more easily!
> Thanks
> Patrick

This is about best website I've seen on Linux accessibilty.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Detecting the fysical mouse URGENT

2003-01-19 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Jan 19, 2003 at 01:04:20PM -0800, Joris Huizer wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> As some of you allready knows I've got many problems
> to get an USB mouse working (I only have that USB
> mouse)
> I allready posted this before but I got not even one
> reply on it so I think most of you must have missed it
> or something.
> I'm kind of sure The mouse is not at all found be
> Debian - so something is very wrong - missing a driver
> or whatever, unfortunately I just don't have an idea
> what it is - or what I should do to get it fixed :-(

Are you trying to use the mouse in X or in console with gpm or both?

If X, what are the mouse related lines in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4? 

What is reported about the mouse in /var/log/XFree86.0.log?

Have you loaded all the usb kernel modules you need or compiled them
into your kernel? 

If gpm, what is output of "cat /etc/gpm.conf"?

When you run "/sbin/lsmod", what is the output?

When you unplug the mouse from the usb port and plug it back in, what
is reported in /var/log/messages? 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Cupsys & printer

2003-01-19 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Jan 19, 2003 at 04:08:16AM -0500, thanhvunguyen wrote:
> Hello, I used cupsysd for my USB printer on Sid before, now I switched
> to Woody. I reconfigure everything via the web interface on port 631
> exactly as I did before. But for some reasons it seems that nothing is
> sent to the printer.  I am suspecting that linux doesn't configure
> /dev/usb/lp0 as where my printer is connected to.  What can I do to
> check to see where my printer is connected to ?  Is there some file that
> shows where the printer is at ?  
> The kernel is configured with usb printer support. The module 'printer'
> is loaded.  Via the web-interface of cups, I can configure the printer
> and other details fine. Only thing is nothing gets sent to the printer. 

Check /var/log/messages to see how it is registered. You may have to
unplug it from the usb port and plug it back in.

Alternative: mount devfs on /dev. devfs will only create device that
exist on your computer. I expect the printer would appear as
/dev/printers/0 and /dev/lp0 will be a symlink to printers/0.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Apt-get problem with libc

2003-01-24 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 01:57:12PM -0700, Curtis Call wrote:
> Disclaimer, I'm a novice so bear with me.  I've run into some problems with
> apt-get.  Currently, when trying to use 'apt-get -f install' to clean things
> up I continue to get this error:
> ogd2jpr6908:/home/curtis# apt-get -f install
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> Correcting dependencies... Done
> The following extra packages will be installed:
>   libc6
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   libc6
> 0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0  not upgraded.
> 1 packages not fully installed or removed.
> Need to get 0B/3191kB of archives. After unpacking 12.4MB will be used.
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
> E: Cannot get debconf version. Is debconf installed?
> (Reading database ... 11 files and directories currently installed.)

Since your system reports that only 11 files and directories are
install, /var/lib/dpkg/status is probably badly damaged. I suspect
a damaged filesystem or hardware that is failing. You should
boot into single mode or boot from rescue disk and run fsck on the
partition in which /var is located. After repairing any file system
damage, replace the /var/lib/dpkg/status with a backup. Look in
/var/backups for a recent backup of the status file. The backups will
have names dpkg.status.0 or dpkg.status.[123456].gz.

Good luck.

> Unpacking libc6 (from .../libc6_2.3.1-10_i386.deb) ...
> dpkg not recorded as installed, cannot check for epoch support !
> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.3.1-10_i386.deb
> (--unpack):
>  subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.3.1-10_i386.deb
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
> I noticed that dpkg is complaining that perhaps it isn't installed?  Any ideas
> of how to go about fixing this?
> Thanks


Description: PGP signature

Re: DEVFS, howto test creation of devices in /dev?

2003-01-24 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 09:02:40PM -0500, Jameson C. Burt wrote:
> For "Device File System", Debian "devfsd" package,
> how might I test that "devfsd" properly creates files in /dev?
> As a particular example, I work with the Debian "camserv" package,
> so I added to devfsd's configuration file,
> the line,
>REGISTER  ^v4l/video0$  CFUNCTION GLOBAL symlink v4l/video0 video0
> When starting "camserv", I get the not so specific error message,
>(V4L) video_open: No such file or directory
> Unfortunately, this message does not specify the problematic file,
> but I get neither the device /dev/v4l/video0 nor /dev/video0.
> So, with several possible sources for this error 
> (camserv, devfsd, devfsd.conf),
> I would like to test that "devfsd" properly creates devices in /dev.
> For example, I would like some testing-tool that my command line 
> ***   some-testing-tool   /dev/video0
> would induce "devfsd" to consider devfsd.conf, then create the following
> device and link,
>/dev/video0  -->  v4l/video0

On my computer devfs is mounted on /dev. To test creation of devices
for my webcam, all I did was modprobe pwc and pwcx and then plug
webcam into usb port. I did not modify any configuration file in

A simple "ls -l /dev/v[4i]*" verifies that /dev/video0 symlink and
/dev/v4l/video0 were created when camera was plugged in. There should
also be entries in /var/log/messages when the devices register and

> Such a testing-tool would hopefully induce "devfsd" to create 
> any specified device, whether concerning video, audio, or mass-storage.
> *** Does anyone know of such a "devfsd" testing-tool?
> PS:  I would address this question to a devfs email-list, 
>  but the author's email-list site,
>  no longer exists, and I find no replacement.


Description: PGP signature

Re: xwindows

2003-01-25 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 07:43:52PM -0500, Bob Wheate wrote:
> i got it working late last nite,im new to debian and the install was
> different from other flavors,how ever once i got it working i enjoy "woody"
> a lot,i'm led to believe that the kernel is 2.2.x,is that correct ?,any way
> thanks for the reply,my internet access is limited.

Running "uname -a" will identify which kernel is being used. Alternative, 
check contents of /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/messages for boot messages. 

2.4.x kernel images are also available. To get a list: 

# apt-get update
# apt-cache showpkg kernel-image

> bob w.
> -Original Message-
> From: Bas Zoetekouw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 9:32 AM
> To: Bob Wheate
> Subject: Re: xwindows
> Hi Bob!
> You wrote:
> > i successfully installed debian,how do you start xwindows ?
> Normally, X is started with the command "startx". Alternatively, you can
> install a so-called display manager (like wdm or kdm), which will start
> X and present you with a nice login window.
> BTW: this list (debian-project) is meant for (non-technical) discussions
> about the Debian project.  You should direct your user questions to the
> debian-user mailing list (
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> ++
> | Bas Zoetekouw  | GPG key: 0644fab7 |
> || Fingerprint: c1f5 f24c d514 3fec 8bf6 |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  a2b1 2bae e41f 0644 fab7 |
> ++ 
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Description: PGP signature

Re: devfs newbie questions about mounting

2003-01-25 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 10:44:14PM -0500, Dave W wrote:
> I've been messing around with devfs in sid, trying to learn my way
> around, since this may be the way of the future ... and although
> /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target2/lun0/cd makes good SENSE and is pretty easy
> to figure out, it's not so quick to type when mounting by hand.  I'm
> used to more or less ignoring the fstab and mounting the old way, like
> "mount /dev/fd0 /floppy ."  Takes about two seconds, and it's
> done.  
> Outside of starting to use fstab, is there a better/faster way to mount
> things using the command line, with devfs?

devfsd creates symlinks from old device names to devfs device names.
/dev/hda1 will be a symlink to ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1. Your 
/dev/cdrom will be a symlink to /dev/cdroms/cdrom0. 

So "mount /dev/fd0 /floppy" will still work, or you could mount the device
with "mount /dev/floppy/0 /floppy".


Description: PGP signature

Re: USB primer?

2003-01-25 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 08:34:37PM -0800, Paul Mackinney wrote:
> Hi, this is mostly a request for a pointer to the right docs. I haven't
> ever had any USB devices until the past few months, when I picked up a
> webcam, scanner, and mouse. The webcam & the scanner aren't on the
> compatability lists, but I'm curious to get the mouse going. There
> doesn't seem to be a USB howto, and I've no idea what modules to load or
> what device listings to try. dmesg doesn't list anything about a USB
> hub.
> I'm glad to receive general pointers to USB docs, or specific advice for
> my hardware (all really cheap stuff I picked up for <$10 after rebate)):
>   Webcam is Veo Connect [it sucks]
>   Scanner is Artec e+48u [not too great]
>   Mouse is Logitech Wheelmouse (optical)[very nice, can move wheel
>without accidentally clicking button 2] for general information on
usb. discusses mouse.


Description: PGP signature

Re: devfs newbie questions about mounting

2003-01-26 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 04:05:52PM +0100, Nicos Gollan wrote:
> On Sunday 26 January 2003 15:32, Dave W wrote:
> > What I _did_ try was
> >
> > mount /dev/scd0 /cdrom
> >
> > and that still fails. I still have scsi emulation and the like setup so
> > I guess perhaps at least THAT little bit has changed.  Perhaps it's
> > using sr or sg or one of the other scsi alphabet soup assignments.
> Have a look at /dev/cdroms and I think you'll have a pleasant surprise...

Or /dev/sr0

If any devices you expect to see don't exist, make sure you have loaded
the associated module or compiled it into the kernel.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intel extreme graphics

2003-01-26 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 04:12:14PM +0100, Janke Dávid wrote:
> Hi all!
> Has anybody experience with intel extreme graphics (I845G/I845GE), and
> XFree86?
> I'm going to by a motherboard and an ASUS P4GE-V would be a godd choice for
> me.
> David


Description: PGP signature

Re: How to determine why a package is "held back"?

2003-01-26 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 10:35:00AM -0500, stan wrote:
> I've got 2 differnt "testing' machines that should be set up in a very
> similar fashion (mine which I tend to test things on first, and my wife's,
> which I ry to keep _very_ stable).
> Latley when I do apt-gte update ; apt-get dist-upgrade, her machine has
> been "holding back" gnome-common.
> How can I determine why this is os, and correct it?

This may tell you why it is held back:

Start aptitude.
Search for gnome-common.
Press enter to display package description and dependencies.
Scroll to bottom to view available versions.
Highlight held-back version and press enter and scroll through list 
to find dependencies that are not being met.
Repeatedly press "q" to close displayed information and exit aptitude.


Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-get problem

2003-01-26 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 03:36:53PM -0500, Trey Sizemore wrote:
> While trying fix some broken packages, I ran apt-get -f install from my
> terminal...after all packages were downloaded, I got the following
> error(s):
> etched 49.1MB in 19m6s (42.8kB/s) 
> Preconfiguring packages ...
> (Reading database ... 159964 files and directories currently installed.)
> Unpacking kdelibs-dcop (from
> .../kdelibs-dcop_4%3a3.1.0+rc6+kl-3_i386.deb) ...
> dpkg: error processing
> /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-dcop_4%3a3.1.0+rc6+kl-3_i386.deb
> (--unpack):
>  trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/dcop', which is also in package
>  kdelibs-bin
> dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
> Unpacking libkdefx4 (from .../libkdefx4_4%3a3.1.0+rc6+kl-3_i386.deb) ...
> dpkg: error processing
> /var/cache/apt/archives/libkdefx4_4%3a3.1.0+rc6+kl-3_i386.deb (--unpack):
>  trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/', which is also in
>  package kdelibs4
> dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-dcop_4%3a3.1.0+rc6+kl-3_i386.deb
>  /var/cache/apt/archives/libkdefx4_4%3a3.1.0+rc6+kl-3_i386.deb
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
> What is this error telling me ('broken pipe') and, I guess more
> importantly, how can I fix this?  I know there are several sources for
> kde3 packages.  SHould I try a different source?  Here is my
> sources.list:

The "broken pipe" results from /usr/bin/dcop being found in two
different debs, and dpkg is complaining about it.  

If you want to continue, one way to force the install would be:

cd /var/cache/apt/archives
dpkg --force-overwrite -i kdelibs-dcop_4%3a3.1.0+rc6+kl-3_i386.deb
dpkg --force-overwrite -i libkdefx4_4%3a3.1.0+rc6+kl-3_i386.deb

and then continue with the apt-get install.

> #Libranet
> deb updates/2.7/
> deb security/2.7/
> #Debian
> deb sid main contrib non-free
> #deb-src sid main contrib non-free
> #Debian Non-US
> deb sid/non-US main contrib non-free
> #deb-src sid/non-US main contrib non-free
> #Debian security updates
> deb stable/updates main contrib
> non-free
> #deb-src stable/updates main
> contrib non-free
> #Evolution
> deb woody main
> deb woody main
> contrib
> #deb ./
> deb testing main
> deb ./
> Thanks for help.


Description: PGP signature

exim - retry time not reached for any host

2003-01-27 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
For mail I use a fetchmail+procmail+mutt+exim combination. Not every
message I send but a few don't get sent to my ISP's SMTP server. 

When I run eximon and check the message log of messages awaiting
delivery, I will see entries like:

2003-01-27 20:09:01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=remote_smtp defer 
(-44): retry time not reached for any host
2003-01-27 20:23:01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=remote_smtp defer 
(-44): retry time not reached for any host
2003-01-27 20:38:02 [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=remote_smtp defer 
(-44): retry time not reached for any host
2003-01-27 20:53:01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=remote_smtp defer 
(-44): retry time not reached for any host
2003-01-27 21:08:02 [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=remote_smtp defer 
(-44): retry time not reached for any host

The message will stay in the queue until I tell exim to send it.

When I check the retry rule for the SMTP server, I get:
$ /usr/sbin/exim -brt
Retry rule: *  F,2h,15m; G,16h,1h,1.5; F,4d,8h; 

From the retry rule, I expect exim to try to resend the message every
15 minutes for the first two hours. From the above log entries, the retry
rule does not appear to work as I expect. 

Any suggestions on how I can fix this?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Gimp Print Problem

2003-01-27 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 11:36:55AM -0500, Thomas H. George,,, wrote:
> Epson Stylus Color 860 on /dev/usblp0 installed with 
> CUPS+GIMP-print_v4.2.2-pre2.
> Print Test Page prints a page with color hexagon but no test.
> From a command line escputil -s -u -r /dev/usblp0 returns printer 
> status information.
> From a command line lp printtest results in request id is lp-81 but 
> nothing is printed.
> From a command line lpr printtest prints nothing and the next command 
> prompt is displayed.
> How do I get back to Band Camp?

Maybe you can get more information on what the problem is by setting
the LogLevel parameter in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to "debug" and restart
the cupsd process by running /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

The /var/log/cups/error_log file will contain a detailed log of
everything that is reported by the scheduler and print filters.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Gimp Print Problem

2003-01-29 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 01:37:23PM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
> I ran the error_log as suggested.  The first 'false' result occurred on
> line 285.  I saved this and the following 10 lines but can't figure out
> how to use vi to insert them here.  vi wont let me switch to the file I
> saved without exiting this message.

Posting pertinent lines from error log to the list might help people on
the list figure out what problem may be.

You could always display the error_log in a different console or xterm
window than one where vi is running, select the text you want to copy,
switch back to window/console where vi is running, and press middle
button of mouse to paste the text into vi if you have gpm or X

Or attach an excerpt from the error_log to you email. 

> At any rate, the line immediately following the 'false' result reads
>   Error: /syntaxerrorin --%ztokenexec_continue--
> and then, several lines later,
>   Last OS error: 2
>   ESP Ghostscript 7.05.4: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
> If anyone can interprete this, I would appreciate advice as what to try
> to do to correct the problem.
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 10:44:36PM -0500, Jerome Acks Jr wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 11:36:55AM -0500, Thomas H. George,,, wrote:
> > > Epson Stylus Color 860 on /dev/usblp0 installed with 
> > > CUPS+GIMP-print_v4.2.2-pre2.
> > > 
> > > Print Test Page prints a page with color hexagon but no test.
> > > 
> > > From a command line escputil -s -u -r /dev/usblp0 returns printer 
> > > status information.
> > > 
> > > From a command line lp printtest results in request id is lp-81 but 
> > > nothing is printed.
> > > 
> > > From a command line lpr printtest prints nothing and the next command 
> > > prompt is displayed.
> > > 
> > > How do I get back to Band Camp?
> > 
> > Maybe you can get more information on what the problem is by setting
> > the LogLevel parameter in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to "debug" and restart
> > the cupsd process by running /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
> > 
> > The /var/log/cups/error_log file will contain a detailed log of
> > everything that is reported by the scheduler and print filters.
> > 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Gimp Print Problem

2003-01-30 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 10:12:20AM -0500, Thomas H. George,,, wrote:
> The attachment is a segment of the /var/log/cups/error_log beginnig two 
> lines before the first "false" result and continuing to the Ghostscript 
> exit.  This was generated by trying to print a single line of text.
> If anyone can help resolve this problem I would appreciate the help.
> Background: The Epson Stylus Color 860 printer was working perfectly 
> with a purchased version of CUPS installed on a Debian Woody system with 
> a 2.4.18 kernel.  It is attached to a USB port.  At that time I was 
> using Gnome.
> Two changes took place.  First, I switched to Testing and a 2.4.20 
> kernel trying to get an Actiontec Wireless USB Adapter to work - I have 
> never succeded.  Second, I switched to KDE  2.2.25 to be consistant with 
> the other users in the family.  To get the printer to work with KDE 
> installed the Debian cupsys, cupsomatic, gimp, gimp1.2-print and 
> escputil packages.

It is not clear from your message whether you have gotten your USB set
up properly. What output do you get to "cat /proc/bus/usb/devices" and
"cat /proc/bus/usb/drivers"? 

According the, the usb
printer device should be /dev/usb/lp0. Below you indicate you are
using /dev/usblp0 as as printer device. Typo? What is the output of "ls -l

What does "lp /usr/share/cups/data/" print? Any error

> Current Status: lp testtext prints nothing, generates the  attached 
> error_log segment.
>escputil -s -u -r /dev/usblp0 returns the 
> printer status information.
>A print test from either localhost:631 ir 
> kde prints a color octogon in the
>upper left corner and two large 
> L-shaped bars (backward L's).
>Gimp prints a nice picture.
> Note:  I usually try to respond from mutt to attach the message to the 
> relavant string.  With vi I have worked out how to open two files and 
> cut and paste between them but I haven't figured out how to paste or 
> attach a file to a response being generated by mutt.  If there is a way 
> to do this, I would appreciate hearing about it.

> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] margins[] = [ 0.125000 0.125000 0.125000 0.00 ]
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] END INIT 300 1963328 618657 1622424 335134 true 1071 
>4 <0>
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] END GLOBAL 300 1963328 622141 1622424 335540 false 
>1070 4 <0>
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] END GC 330 1963328 600231 1622424 326318 false 1059 3 
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] Error: /syntaxerror in --%ztokenexec_continue--
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] Operand stack:
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] --nostringval--
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] Execution stack:
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   
>--nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   
>--nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop  
> 1   3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   
>--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] Dictionary stack:
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] --dict:1059/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] Current allocation mode is local
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] Last OS error: 2
> D [30/Jan/2003:09:25:48 -0500] ESP Ghostscript 7.05.4: Unrecoverable error, exit 
>code 1

This looks like an error from gs-esp. If you reinstall the gs-esp
package, does the problem persist?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Gimp Print Problem

2003-01-31 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 10:45:28AM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
> > 
> > It is not clear from your message whether you have gotten your USB set
> > up properly. What output do you get to "cat /proc/bus/usb/devices" and
> > "cat /proc/bus/usb/drivers"? 
> T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  2 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
> D:  Ver= 1.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs=  1
> P:  Vendor=04b8 ProdID=0005 Rev= 1.00
> S:  Manufacturer=EPSON
> S:  Product=USB Printer
> S:  SerialNumber=w21080004150213140
> C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=c0 MxPwr=  2mA
> I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=07(print) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=usblp
> E:  Ad=01(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
> E:  Ad=82(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms

I would expect "cat /proc/bus/usb/devices" to list your root
hub. Check /proc/pci for hint as to whether your hub is UHCI or
OHCI. If your hub is UHCI and you are using usb-uhci module, try using
uhci module or vice versa.

>  usbdevfs
>  hub
>  prism2_usb
>   0- 15: usblp
> > 
> > According the, the usb
> > printer device should be /dev/usb/lp0. Below you indicate you are
> > using /dev/usblp0 as as printer device. Typo? What is the output of "ls -l
> > /dev/usblp0"? 
> >
> crw-rw-rw-1 root root 180,   0 Jan 24  2002 /dev/usblp0

Usual Debian setup would have ownership root.lp with premissions
crw-rw. I don't think this matters since you have world read-write
premission set.
> > What does "lp /usr/share/cups/data/" print? Any error
> > messages?
> The printer prints the color octogon and L's previously described.
> There are no error messages - that is grep error error_log and grep
> false error_log return nothing.  error_log exists and contains 1704
> lines - I erased all the previous entries before running this test.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Gimp Print Problem

2003-02-01 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Feb 01, 2003 at 10:15:15AM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
> Embarassed.  Part of the problem was a defective ink cartridge.  
>   lp /usr/share/cups/data/
> is now ok.  But termial problem persists.  lp printtest prints nothing
> and generates the error_log previously reported.  printtest is a one
> line of plain text in a file produced by vi.  I also tried copying dmesg to a
> file and trying to print that file with lp, again with no output.

If you ran "gs printtest", I think you will get a similar error
message. Cupsys seems to be passing the file to gs-esp without first
converting it to postscript. Your cups mimetypes may not be configured

What does "file printtest" report?

Check /etc/cups/mime.convs; it should have section that reads:

# PostScript filters

application/pdf application/postscript  33  pdftops
application/postscript  application/vnd.cups-postscript 66  pstops
application/vnd.hp-HPGL application/postscript  66  hpgltops
image/* application/vnd.cups-postscript 66  imagetops
application/x-cshellapplication/postscript  33  texttops
application/x-perl  application/postscript  33  texttops
application/x-shell application/postscript  33  texttops
text/plain  application/postscript  33  texttops
text/html   application/postscript  33  texttops

The "texttops" filter should be located: /usr/lib/cups/filter/texttops

Also, Check /etc/cups/mime.types; in the section
"Text files...", you should have an entry:

text/plain  txt printable(0,1024)


Description: PGP signature

Re: Trouble Starting up

2003-02-01 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Feb 01, 2003 at 01:26:33AM -0700, Benjamin Meakin wrote:
> Hello,
> While installing the packages for debian I get an error message that
> says:
>  Errors encountered while processing:
>   cxref

What is the result of running "apt-get install cxref"?

> I also run in to trouble when I try to start gnome. I can not get gnome
> to function properly. The images are distorted, the desktop does not fit
> to screen, and many other problems. How can I go about fixing these
> things.

If you start X without starting gnome, do you also get distorted
images and the desktop not fitting on screen. If so, X may not be
configured correctly.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Gimp Print Problem

2003-02-02 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 10:20:18AM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
> > Also, Check /etc/cups/mime.types; in the section
> > "Text files...", you should have an entry:
> > 
> > text/plain  txt printable(0,1024)
> There was no such section.  I tried adding one, stopping and restarting
> cupsys then trying lp printtest - again, nothing printed and the
> error_log looks the same.  Perhaps my addition was incomplete or
> incorrect.  I'm inserting the mime.convs file.
> Tom George
> #
> # "$Id: mime.convs,v 1.16 2002/04/23 17:54:04 mike Exp $"
> #
> #   MIME converts file for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).


Your listing of /etc/cups/mime.convs look correct except for the next
8 lines. These lines belong in /etc/cups/mime.types and not in
> #
> # Text Files
> # 
> # Added by THG
> #
> text/plaintxt printable(0,1024)

I have attached a copy of my /etc/cups/mime.types to this message.

# "$Id: mime.types,v 1.22 2002/03/19 15:47:47 mike Exp $"
#   MIME types file for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
#   Copyright 1997-2002 by Easy Software Products.
#   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
#   property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
#   copyright law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
#   "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file.  If this
#   file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
#   at:
#   Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
#   Easy Software Products
#   44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
#   Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3111 USA
#   Voice: (301) 373-9603
# WWW:

# Format of Lines:
#   super/type rules
# "rules" can be any combination of:
#   ( expr )Parenthesis for expression grouping
#   +   Logical AND
#   , or whitespace Logical OR
#   !   Logical NOT
#   match("pattern")Pattern match on filename
#   extension   Pattern match on "*.extension"
#   ascii(offset,length)True if bytes are valid printable ASCII
#   (CR, NL, TAB, BS, 32-126)
#   printable(offset,length)True if bytes are printable 8-bit chars
#   (CR, NL, TAB, BS, 32-126, 128-254)
#   string(offset,"string") True if bytes are identical to string
#   char(offset,value)  True if byte is identical
#   short(offset,value) True if 16-bit integer is identical
#   int(offset,value)   True if 32-bit integer is identical
#   locale("string")True if current locale matches string
#   contains(offset,range,"string") True if the range contains the string
# General Notes:
#   MIME type names are case-insensitive.  Internally they are converted
#   to lowercase.  Multiple occurrences of a type will cause the provided
#   rules to be appended to the existing definition.  Type names are sorted
#   in ascending order, so if two types use the same rules to resolve a type
#   (e.g. doc extension for two types), the returned type will be the first
#   type in the sorted list.
#   The "printable" rule differs from the "ascii" rule in that it also
#   accepts 8-bit characters in the range 128-255.
#   String constants must be surrounded by "" if they contain whitespace.
#   To insert binary data into a string, use the  notation.

# Application-generated files...

application/msword  doc string(0,)
application/pdf pdf string(0,%PDF)
application/postscript  ai eps ps string(0,%!) string(0,<04>%!)
application/vnd.hp-HPGL hpgl string(0,<1B>&)\
string(0,<1B>E<1B>%0B) \
string(0,<1B>%-1B) string(0,<201B>)\
string(0,BP;) string(0,IN;) string(0,DF;) \
string(0,BPINPS;) \
(contains(0,128,<1B>%-12345X) + \
 (contains(9,512,"LANGUAGE=HPGL") \
  contains(9,512,"LANGUAGE = HPGL")))

# Image files...

image/gif   gif string(0,GIF87a) string(0,GIF89a)
image/png   png string(0,<89>PNG)
image/jpeg  jpeg jpg jpe string(0,) &&\
(char(3,0xe0) char(3,0xe1) char(3,0xe2) char(

Re: Gimp Print Problem

2003-02-02 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 03:42:10PM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
> My error, didn't read carefully.  The entry
>   text/plain  txt printable(0,1024)
> is in /etc/cups/mime.types.  I have restored the original version of
> mime.convs which I saved before editing.
> Frustrating.  It seems like everything is in order.

Yes. A few other thoughts:

You could check /etc/printcap.cups and other config file in
/etc/cups to see if any thing looks wrong. 

Run debsums against various cupsys, gs-esp, and gimpprint packages to
check if there is corruption in any installed file. 

Also, look at your printtest file with bvi or a different binary file editor
and see if there is anything strange about it.

Another possibility is the Epson 860 has both a parallel and usb
port. If you have a parallel printer cable you could try connecting it
via the parallel port, reinstall or reconfigure the printer with cups,
and see if problems persist.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Printer Problems

2003-02-05 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 10:38:32AM -0500, Thomas H. George,,, wrote:
> I have three standalone systems all with cupsys, cupsomatic, cupsys-bsd, 
> cupsys-driver-gimpprint, gimp1.2, gimp1.2-print and kdelibs3-cups:
>Debian Woody, 2.4.18 kernel with HP Deskjet 940c, Foomatic+hpijs 
> (my daughter)
>Debian Woody,  2.4.18 kernel with Brother HL-730, Foomatic+hl7x0   
> (my grandsons)
>Debian Testing, 2.4.20 kernel with  Epson Stylus Color 860, 
> CUPS+GIMP-print v4.2.2-pre2  (mine)
> The problem: Printing a simple ASCII file (printtest) from a terminal. 
> The results of lp printtest are as follows:
>Brother HL-730:OK.  Prints the 
> file with no problems.
>HP Deskjet 940c: Ejects a blank 
> page.
>Epson Stylus Color 860:Nothing.  There is an error in 
> /var/log/cups/error_log
> (See previous posting, Gimp Print Problem
> (for details.)

If you "cp printtest printtest.txt" and then "lp printtest.txt", do
you get the same results?

Also, please post output of "head --lines=20 /etc/cups/ppd/*".


Description: PGP signature

Re: Printer Problems

2003-02-06 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 09:58:31AM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:

This latter is the one I use with my Epson 860 without having errors
you report. 
> *PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
> *%PPD file for CUPS/GIMP-print.
> *%Copyright 1993-2001 by Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.
> *%This PPD file may be freely used and distributed under the terms of
> *%the GNU GPL.
> *FormatVersion:   "4.3"
> *FileVersion: "4.2.2-pre2"
> *LanguageVersion: English
> *LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1
> *PCFileName:  "escp2-860.ppd"
> *Manufacturer:"EPSON"
> *Product: "(GIMP-print v4.2.2-pre2)"
> *ModelName: "escp2-860"
> *ShortNickName: "EPSON Stylus Color 860"
> *NickName:  "EPSON Stylus Color 860, CUPS+GIMP-print v4.2.2-pre2"
> *PSVersion:   "(3010.000) 550"
> *LanguageLevel:   "2"
> *ColorDevice: True
> *DefaultColorSpace: RGB
*LandscapeOrientation: Plus90
*TTRasterizer:  Type42
*cupsVersion:   1.1
*cupsModelNumber: "16"
*cupsManualCopies: True
*cupsFilter:"application/vnd.cups-raster 100 rastertoprinter"
*cupsFilter:"application/vnd.cups-command 33 commandtoepson"
*OpenUI *PageSize: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PageSize
*DefaultPageSize: Letter

The error you reported in prior email thread is a typical ghostscript
error that results if you try to display a nonpostscript file. It
seems that the cups filter is not converting your text file to
postscript before passing it to gs-esp. That sound like a mime
definition problem, but we already checked the cups mime definitions. 

Just on a lark, do you get the same error with "lpr printtest" and
"lpr -p printtest"?


Description: PGP signature

Re: CUPS password?

2003-02-06 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 07:18:13PM -0500, stan wrote:
> I've got CUPS installed on my Debian machine from .debs. When I try to go
> to the damin section of the web interface, I'm prompted for a username
> password pair.
> Where do I look for this config?

If you don't want to login as root, add yourself to group lpadmin, and
login using your username and password. 


Description: PGP signature

Re: dpkg inconsistency

2003-02-07 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 11:35:49AM +0100, Florian Sukup wrote:
> Hi,
> I've done a really stupid thing:
> I tried to install&compile some stuff for the kernel which failed.
> I made a dump before that, which I restored to make my system running 
> again.
> But I forgot to dump & restore the /var parition.
> Therefore data in /var/lib/dpkg are not consistent with the rest of the 
> system.
> What can I do here? Is there a command which makes dpkg building its 
> database from the installed system?
> Thank you in advance for help!!!
> Florian.

There should be backup files of dpkg's "status" file in /var/backups.

If you don't have any backup files of status, this thread in archives 
discusses a method for recreating it. The script in the first message 
contains and error, so read subsequent messages also.


Description: PGP signature

Re: package and driver problem

2003-02-08 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 05:44:33PM +0100, Mikkel Liisberg wrote:
> Hi
> i need to install a display driver for my Hercules Prophet ( ATI 9000) in
> order to start kde.
> but my problem is that i can't (don't know how) open/install the rpm
> package.
> i have debian woody!
> How do i do this?
> Thanks
> Mikkel

install alien
then use alien to install or convert rpm to deb


Description: PGP signature

Re: man pages: dangling symlinks

2002-10-04 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 12:15:02AM -0700, ben wrote:
> On Thursday 03 October 2002 10:19 pm, Colin Watson wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 09:25:00PM -0700, ben wrote:
> > > is there any kind of process by which dangling symlinks can be resolved?
> >
> > Er, that depends. Which ones? Either remove them or get them to point
> > somewhere that exists.
> >
> > Cheers,
> hi colin,
> thanks for the response. i guess the question should probably be, how do 
> dangling symlinks come to occur in the first place?

I recently looked at a number of dangling symlinks (some of which were
for man pages) I had in /etc/alternatives. For all but one of these I
eventually traced the problem back to debs installed while potato was
still testing. Some version installed the symlink; a later update
either didn't require the symlink or changed the name of the file to
which the symlink should link. For example, an early potato deb for
elvis installed /usr/man/man1/ctags-elvis.1.gz and in later packages
this file changed to /usr/share/man/man1/elvtags.1.gz. During the
update process the first packages gets removed, but the prerm script
does not remove the alternative. If there is no other alterntive, you
end up with a broken symlink, and update-alternatives gets set to
manual mode for that alternative. When the new package is installed,
the symlink doesn't get updated because update-alternatives is now in
maunal mode.

The fix is to run "update-alternatives --config [name]" to reset the
or "update-alternative --remove [name] [dangling_symlink_path]" to
remove the symlink entirely.   
> for example: 
> me@mybox:$  man gconftool
> man: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/gconftool.1.gz is a dangling symlink
> No manual entry for gconftool
> should I construe from this that there never was a man page for gconftool, or 
> is it the case that it simply failed to install? in the event that there is a 
> man page for each of the many various apps that return this message on man 
> requests, what's the best way to fix this?
> am i making sense here?
> ben


Description: PGP signature

Re: Unidentified subject!

2002-10-05 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Sat, Oct 05, 2002 at 02:03:03PM +0100, waterboy waterbody wrote:
> Hello,
> >
> >i began to install GNU/debian linux and now i,m configuring my 
> >computer. I have some problems with escputil package for install my 
> >printer epson stylus color 880. The synopsis i write isn´t admitted by my 
> >computer. i don´t understand it. If you could say me the way of i have to 
> >use the escputil package with an example or with my printer, i would be so 
> >much grateful to you.
> >
> >Oliver

Hi Oliver,

The escputil package is not used to install a printer. "escputil" is a
command line utility to perform various maintenance tasks on Epson
Stylus inkjet printers.  These tasks include head alignment, head
cleaning, nozzle check, printer identification, and retrieval of ink
level from the printer. 

Some maintenance can be done as a normal user; for example, printing
nozzle test pattern. To do this, just enter, "escputil -n" at your
xterm or console command-line prompt. However, you need to be root or
a member of the lp group to use escputil when the command requires
access to a raw device like querying ink levels or aligning the print
heads. Here is an example of checking ink levels of my Epson
Stylus Color 860, which is attached to /dev/lp0:

# escputil -r /dev/lp0 -i
Escputil version 4.2.2-pre2, Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Robert Krawitz
Escputil comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type 'escputil -l'
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type 'escputil -l' for details.

   Ink colorPercent remaining
   Black 91
Cyan 33
 Magenta 32
  Yellow 41

See "man escputil" or "escputil --help" for more details.

If you are still trying to configure your printer, you need to use the
cupsys package and not escputil. Look at my response to your message
on 28 Sep, for details on how that is done.

Description: PGP signature

Re: j2se-common (was Re: java debs, where?)

2002-10-05 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Sat, Oct 05, 2002 at 04:58:49PM -0700, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Saturday 05 October 2002 03:42 pm, Edward Guldemond wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 05, 2002 at 02:06:24PM -0700, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
> > > Hello:
> > >
> > > I have been getting errors from this server for the last week or so. 
> > > Each time I attempt an update, the server reports that it is full.  Is
> > > there alternate site for these debs?
> >
> >
> >
> > Happy to help,
> Thanks Edward.  This now brings me to this problem:
> j2re1.3  installed ;  install (was: install).  Optional
> j2re1.3 depends on j2se-common (>> 1)
> j2se-common does not appear to be available
> Googling isn't helping much either!  Is this package supported?  I came up 
> with this apt line:
> deb 
> woody non-free

add "main"

deb woody main 

> (without the linebreak of course).  Do I need to add additional apt lines for 
> other parts of this java?
> tia
> - -- 
> Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls\/A GNU-Debian linux user\/
> If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. I SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
> Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see
> iD8DBQE9n3y5ZHBxKsta6kMRAv3QAJ4lOJzij0IHLZJncznAHM/cTSZMfACgphgl
> Yt/I6QvbAcSym3Ol091Fx10=
> =5+Wu


Description: PGP signature

Re: Q: Xfree troubles!!! help, please

2002-10-06 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 10:15:12PM +0200, Raúl Wild-Spain wrote:
> Hi!
> I've installed with apt-get the x-window-system package . I've not been able
> to successfully execute Xwindows. When I try to execute startx it says:
> "could not open default font 'fixed'"
> Looking for information about my problem I've found the following
> possibilities:
> * to reinstall xfont-base, 100dpi, 75 dpi
> * to launch xfs manually
> * to revise font paths
> * to reinstall x-window-system
> * to reinstall xfs
> I've tried all and ... nothing!! :-(

What does running "dpkg --audit" tell you?

If all packages are installed and configured, you could try running 
as root, "XFree86 -configure". It may give you a minimally working 
XF86Config-4 that you can tweak into something more useful.

> Very interesting:
> * When executing xfs manually, it says:
>  Starting X font server:xfs
>  /etc/init.d/xfs: line 100: 2224   Aborted
>  start-stop-daemon --start --quiet $SSD_ARGS -- -daemon
>  already running
> * When installing x-window-system package with apt-get I could see the
> following during the configuration process:
> error processing xfonts-scalable (--configure) error status 127
>  dependency problems prevent configuration of x-window-system core:
> w-window-system-core depends on xfonts-scalable
>  xfonts-scalable isn't configured yet
>  error processing x-window-system-core (--configure)
> * I attach my XF86Config and Xlog for more information
> ... I need your help!! I don't know how more I can do
> thanks in advance,
> Raúl


Description: PGP signature

Re: escputil epson

2002-10-06 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 04:56:34PM +0100, waterboy waterbody wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >> >
> >> > i began to install GNU/debian linux and now i,m configuring my
> >> >computer. I have some problems with escputil package for install my 
> >printer
> >> >epson stylus color 880. The synopsis i write isn´t admitted by my 
> >computer.
> >> >i don´t understand it. If you could say me the way of i have to use the
> >> >escputil package with an example or with my printer, i would be so much
> >> >grateful to you.
> >> >

You have posted the same message three times and have not said anything
to indicate you have tried any of the previous suggestions.

Can you restate your problem in other words and provide more
information about the problem? 

What have your tried already?

What printing software (for example, lpr, lprng, cupsys) have you installed? 

Does your printer connect via USB or parallel port? What kernel are
you using?  


Description: PGP signature

Re: NVIDIA_kernel-1.0.3123 install fails

2002-10-10 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 07:52:23PM -0400, lameth wrote:
> Okay I installed kernel-package and did make-kpgk. The response I 
> recieved a message about not being in a top level directory ( I was at a 
> /) or make-kpgk was totally out of date.  So I downloaded 
> kernel-headers-2.4.18-bf2.4. After that was installed I tried to make 
> install the nvidia driver and still got the error about modversions.h, 
> no file found or directory not existing.

Install nvidia-kernel-src_1.0.3123 from sid. 
Compiling and installing instructions will install in


Description: PGP signature

Re: disabling ide-scsi

2002-10-19 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Oct 19, 2002 at 02:38:17AM -0500, Jason Pepas wrote:
> hi,
> I need to know how to disable ide-scsi emulation.
> The 2.4bf-xfs kernel appears to have ide-scsi emulation built into
> the kernel, 
> and its behavior is to grab all cdrom and zip drive IDE devices by default, 
> rather than the old behavior of only grabbing the ones which you specify 
> using the append option of lilo.
> In one machine I have only an IDE dvd-rom, so I don't need ide-scsi at all.
> In another machine, I have an IDE burner, and an IDE zip drive, and I want 
> only the burner to be ide-scsi (currently it automatically grabs both).
> The "ignore=hdX" option appears to do the exact opposite of what I need (it 
> tells ide-cd to not grab a cdrom).
> The cd-writing howto addresses this question, but does not give an answer (see 
> ).
> any ideas?

I copied this from the list a few months ago:

"If you have another ATAPI CD-ROM, you would want to add this line to your 
/etc/modutils/aliases file and run update-modules:

pre-install  ide-scsi  modprobe ide-cd

This causes the IDE driver to load before ide-scsi. It then takes control of 
the ATAPID CD-ROM -- anything that it hasn't been told to ignore. That leaves 
just the ignored devices for ide-scsi to control."

But it assumes ide-cd is a module, so this may not work with if you
have it compiled into kernel. 

Description: PGP signature

Re: More probs installing packages

2002-10-20 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 09:35:39PM +0100, Paul Lewis wrote:
> The second source package has failed during ./configure when trying to 
> find I am using the Gnome desktop so I cannot really tell 
> why - apart from the fact that does not exist.

There is a /usr/lib/ in libgnome-dev, but I don't see a in any package.

> Secondly prompted by a thread on this list I downloaded alien and tried 
> to make some .debs, it all seemed to go very well and sure enough I 
> ended up with .deb packages. The thing is I can't seem to work out how 
> to install them. I have tried apt-get install  which 
> does not work.

# dpkg -i 

> So anyone care to reveal what I am doing wrong?


Description: PGP signature

Re: I broke apt and dpkg - need help

2002-10-25 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 02:20:31PM -0400, Robert wrote:
> On Friday 25 October 01:06, nate wrote:
> > Robert said:
> > > Help.  I just did a major patition reshuffle and I've wiped out
> > > /var/lib/apt  and also /var/cache/apt -- and now dpkg and apt are
> > > broken,  Can't reinstall them either.  Any suggestions or humorous
> > > comments welcome  :(
> >
> > does not sound serious to me. the critical stuff is in /var/lib/dpkg.
> >
> > you should just be able to re-create the directory structure:
> >
> > drwxr-xr-x3 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:21
> > /var/cache/apt drwxr-xr-x3 root root 8192 Oct 23
> > 18:21 /var/cache/apt/archives drwxr-xr-x3 root root
> > 4096 Jun 25 10:52 /var/lib/apt drwxr-xr-x3 root root
> > 4096 Aug 24 16:44 /var/lib/apt/lists drwxr-xr-x2 root root   
> >  4096 Oct 14 13:12
> > /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/
> >
> > and try running apt-get update see what happens
> >
> > nate
> Thanks for your reply.
> Sorry, should have been more explicit.  /var/lib/dpkg is gone too.   It 
> was late at night and I forgot that I had made /var a symlink to a 
> partition I was cleaning out.  So, there is nothing left of apt or dpkg 
> in /var, and only thought of it halfway throught he carnage.   
> So now I guess apt knows nothing about the installed packages on my 
> system.  None of the apt commands will run without an error about 
> missing files in /var/*.
> Reinstall the only solution?  Or is another copy of this info kept 
> elsewhere on the system?   Unfortunately, I  did not back up /var as 
> part of a backup strategy.  (good lesson I guess).
> all the best,
> Robert_L

I take it you totally wiped everything in /var and don't have a
backup. Or do you still have file /var/backups/dpkg.status.0? 

If you are using ext2fs and haven't reformated the partition, you may
be able to recover files by mounting the partition on /mnt and using
mc "Undelete files" command. Also check


Description: PGP signature

Re: best way to have gcc-3.2 on woody?

2002-10-31 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 12:02:45PM +0100, Andrea Borgia wrote:
> Hello.
> In order to correctly build the cvs version of MPlayer, I've been told I
> need to use gcc-3.2, which is currently in unstable.
> My question, then, is: what is the best (as in "most debian compliant") way
> to install it on a woody system?
> As far as I can see, I have these options:
> a) grab binary debs from unstable
> b) grab sources and rebuild
> c) grab prebuilt debs for woody (where from?)
> I have no problems with rebuilding from sources and I have a reasonably fast
> machine, but I would like to avoid unnecessary extra steps, if at all
> possible.

check /usr/share/doc/gcc-2.95/README.Debian.gz


Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing new software

2002-11-02 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 01:05:08PM +0100, David Jones wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running Debian Potato with XFree86 3. I have a full woody set of CD's but am 
>unable to get XFree86 4 to work at all. Unfortunately, I can't use
> any of the other software on the woody cds because the system always wants to 
>upgrade everything including X, which then won't work.
> How can I use the updated versions of say gimp, mozilla apache etc without the need 
>to update X.
> I will come back to the problem with X later but at the moment I would just like to 
>use the other updated packages.
> Is this possible and if so how?

To use Woody packages you'll probably need to upgrade because of the
library dependecies. Alternative is to install source packages and
compile them for potato environment. 

There are some unofficial XFree86 4.x packages at that were develop to run on potato.


Description: PGP signature

Re: DPKG Problem with corrupted file

2002-11-03 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 10:36:07PM +0100, Sven Gaerner wrote:
> Hi,
> I got a problem after a system crash. The file /var/lib/dpkg/available
> is corrupted and dpkg reports an error if I want to remove a package.
> Does anyone got a hint or some other info for me how to solve this?

run "dselect update" or "apt-get update"


Description: PGP signature

Re: creating /dev/hd[m-t]

2002-11-04 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 02:54:09PM -0500, Sven Heinicke wrote:
> With woody, I got a system with 20 IDE drives (5 IDE cards).  The kernel
> in finding all of them but /dev/MAKEDEV seems to only know how to make
> up to /dev/hdl:
> ds2:/dev# ./MAKEDEV hdl
> ds2:/dev# ./MAKEDEV hdm
> ./MAKEDEV: don't know how to make device "hdm"
> but I need up to /dev/hdt, I think I know what the major and minor
> numbers to use as I have another distro (Mandrake) running on a similar
> system that figured out all the drive letters but I wish to bet a better
> way to figure this out then "install another Linux and look" in the
> docs.
> Where do I look, even in the code if necessary, to find this out?

If you are using a 2.4.x kernel, you could mount devfs on /dev, let devfs
create the devices.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Weird problem with self-compiled kernel

2002-11-04 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 04:03:09PM -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 09:39:54PM +0100, Patrick Brunier wrote:
> > Everything works fine. But the problem is that I can't connect to
> > certain sites.  Eg. When I type "lynx" he tries to
> > make a http connection but nothing happens.  Also when I type "lynx
> >" it goes wrong. All other site I have tried do work
> > perfectly.  When I switch back to 2.4.18-bf24 I can connect to the
> > sites that don't work in 2.4.19.
> There are broken (old) routers between you and the sites you're trying
> to contact.  They don't support Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN;
> see RFC 3168).  You should disable this in your new kernel.  You can do
> so at runtime via something in /proc/sys/net/ somewhere 

echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn


Description: PGP signature

Re: netscape

2002-11-04 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 11:36:23PM -0200, Galileu Paulo wrote:
> Hi guys:
> I am new to Linux and I have had some sort of problems I could not find the
> way out. I am using Debian 2.2r5 in an old brave Pentium 166. Here are the
> problems:
> 1- I could not run Netscape. I installed the system completely and later I
> installed nestscape-base-4 with all the packages recommended by dselect.
> However, the icons on the desktop that should point to the browser do not
> work. I tried the command "netscape-remote" at the xterm window and I just
> received the answer "not running on display :0.0". 

I get same results with netscape-remote. I'm not sure why.

> I tried as root and as
> regular user. I tried to find any other executable that could start
> netscape, but no succeed. I uninstalled netscape, installed again several
> times, and nothing.

netscape should start by simply entering "netscape" in xterm command
promtp. Or at least give error message.  

$ whereis netscape
netscape: /usr/lib/netscape /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape
/usr/bin/X11/netscape /usr/local/bin/netscape /usr/local/lib/netscape

$ file /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape
/usr/X11R6/bin/netscape: symbolic link to /etc/alternatives/netscape

$ file /etc/alternatives/netscape
/etc/alternatives/netscape: symbolic link to

This last is what actually runs on my computer since I have
communicator installed.

> 2- Every time I install the xwindow system (I did it many times), Linux
> always run the graphical environment at startup. Sometimes I like to be able
> to start Linux with the prompt shell only. How can I do that. (I did it
> once, when I had a RedHat installed, just changing the runlevel at startup,
> but it did not work with Debian).
> Could anybody help me?

Disable or remove gdm, kdm, or xdm. Assuming you have xdm installed:
To stop the graphic login, [Ctrl][Alt][F1] to switch to console, login
as root and run "/etc/init.d/xdm stop". The other are similar.

To disable graphic login at boot, put "exit 0" on second line of the
script in /etc/init.d 

To remove: apt-get remove xdm


Description: PGP signature

Re: Which print document shoul I read?

2002-11-06 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 08:01:41PM -0500, infotechsys wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed woody on my cpu and
> would like to get my printer working.
> Can someone point me to the document
> I should read? I did a google search, but
> could not find a current howto. I also
> went to the debian home page, but the
> document didn't have any content.
> Later-
> Wayne
zless /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/Printing-HOWTO.gz


Description: PGP signature

Re: Manual ldconfig required HELP!!!

2002-11-11 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 03:29:35PM +, Pigeon wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 07:24:56 +, Pigeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >Nah - no luck. Rescue disk has no dpkg. It's the same as the boot
> >image you get in the Debian 2.1 single CD.

Instead of using rescue disk you could try tomsrtbt at

> >
> >I tried copying /lib/* and /etc/ from the rescue disk to
> >the hard drive. Now the kernel can find init, but it still gets an
> >error loading shared libraries - undefined symbol: stderr - and panics
> >(unsurprisingly). Same with rescue 2.2.12 kernel and my 2.4.18.
> >
> Am I right in thinking that all ldconfig does is update the symlinks
> and /etc/[ache|onf]? If so, isn't all I need to know, what is
> the binary data at the beginning of /etc/, and how to
> calculate it?

From man page:
   ldconfig creates the necessary links and cache (for use by the run-time
   linker, to the most recent shared libraries found in the  direc-
   tories  specified on the command line, in the file /etc/, and
   in the trusted directories (/usr/lib and /lib).   ldconfig  checks  the
   header  and  file names of the libraries it encounters when determining
   which versions should have their links updated.  ldconfig ignores  sym-
   bolic links when scanning for libraries.

> I'm also limited in my ability to experiment because the Linux box is
> too broken to run tar/gzip so I can't unpack debs from my CD to
> restore stuff from. ar still works, and WinZip can handle .tar.gz
> format, so it's sort of possible with a lot of rebooting to swap OS.
> Is there a Win98 archiver that can unpack debs?

You can unpack debs with ar. See 

Alternative: you can download package tar files from subdirectories of and use tar to unpack. You can
search for specific packages at There will be a link to tar
file on the packsage html page also.


Description: PGP signature

Re: X file explorer

2002-11-12 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 10:22:10AM +1100, Russell wrote:
> Hi all,
> What file system viewers are there for X? I've been using
> midnight commander which is ok, except that when i view a
> file, i want to be able to copy text to the X clipboard.
> I'm using fvwm2.


In midnight commander hold down the shift key while trying to select 
text to copy it into X clipboard; also, use shift key to paste inside 
midnight commander window.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Manual ldconfig required HELP!!!

2002-11-12 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 04:03:14AM +, Pigeon wrote:
> Nonono you didn't read my post! I'm trying to do exactly what this
> page suggests. ar still works, so I can get to the control & data
> .tar.gz stage. But tar/gzip don't work. So I have to copy the .tar.gzs
> onto my DOS partition, reboot into Windoze and unpack them with
> WinZip. 

tomsrtbt has tar. sash also has tar as builtin.


Description: PGP signature

Re: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives

2002-11-13 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 04:21:59AM +, Pigeon wrote:
> Well I've got round my ldconfig problems. Eventually I found
> base2_1.tgz on my Debian CD, unzipped it on my Windoze box, wrote it
> to a CD, and copied stuff in using the rescue disk. With the addition
> of some of the rescue disk itself (fsck) I got an ldconfig, and got it
> to boot again, after several false starts. I then used dpkg -i to
> reinstall most of the stuff in main/binary-i386/base which got most
> stuff working, including dselect.
> I'm now using dselect to reinstall pretty much everything and get the
> system back into a consistent state. I have got a few errors on some
> packages due to /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/foo being corrupt. (eg. foo
> = awk)
> Is it permissible simply to delete these files? Will I risk breaking
> the whole thing again? If so, how do I restore them?

See man update-alternatives to see how you would normally modify files
in /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives. I am not sure if anything would break
if you just delete the files. 

The files in /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives are ascii text, so you could edit
them with vi, emacs, bvi, or any text editor. I would suggest bvi or
ghex so you can see what nonprintable are in the files. 

Here is a couple of examples (vi & emacs) of what files in
/var/lib/dpkg/alternatives look like. These would be different on you
computer depending on what packages you have installed. 

$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/vi


$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/emacs  


The first line of the /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/foo is mode.
Second line is the alternative command symlink.
Third line refers to filename in /etc/alternatives/
Fourth line is man symlink.
Fifth line is single LF (hex 0A, '\n')

The remaining lines are various alternative commands, priorities, and
associated man pages. The file ends with two LFs.

I hope this helps.


Description: PGP signature

Re: /dev/ttyUB0 on debian

2002-11-16 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 05:58:41PM +, Rus Foster wrote:
> Hi All,
>  Not sure if this is quite on topic but I have installed bluez from the
> debian packages and am running 2.4.19. However I'm having trouble with
> hciattach as /dev/ttyUB0 doesn't exist.  Also /dev/MAKEDEV ttyUB0 comes
> back as
> /dev/MAKEDEV: don't know how to make device "ttyUB0"
> Has anyone hit this? I've compiled bluetooth into the kernel statically

I think you need to use /bin/mknod.

Major and minor numbers are listed in devices.txt in the kernel source


Description: PGP signature

Re: LiLo installing

2002-11-22 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Nov 23, 2002 at 12:30:30AM +0200, HNO3 wrote:
> Hello.
> How i can install lilo when i have system like this:
> there is Win98 installed at hda
> and linux is in hdb, without boot partition. (only 2 linux partions and swap)
> Now i have a boot disk and i put it in when i want to start up linux.
> How i can install lilo (or something similar boot menu) if i don't want to
> lose data on my disks?

For dual boot, use a lilo.conf something like:

lba32#maybe don't need this
root=/dev/hdb1   #assuming you boot first partition
message=/boot/bootmess.txt   #If you want a boot prompt

initrd=/boot/initrd.img  #if you need initrd

#other is Windows98 boot partition

Or you could use grub with menu.lst:

default saved
timeout 15
color cyan/blue white/blue

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.4.19-k6  #change to your kernel
kernel  /vmlinuz-2.4.19-k6 root=/dev/hdb1 ro #assume boot hdb1
initrd  /initrd.img-2.4.19-k6   #if you need initrd

title Windows 98
root  (hd0,0)
chainloader   +1


Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem with mount floppy

2002-11-23 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 06:30:35PM +0200, Egor Tur wrote:
> Hi folk!
> > >> > Now I see this message:
> > >> > /dev/fd0: Input/output error
> > >> > mount: block device /dev/fd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
> > >> > when I do `mount /floppy' and I can only read data on floppy but cannot
> > >> > write. What 's happened? How can I solve this problem?
> > >> 
> > >> Have you checked the write-protect tab on the floppy?
> > >Of course, I   see this message when I try mount not write-protected floppy :(
> > > 
> > Have you looked at /etc/fstab?  Is /dev/fd0 "rw" or "ro"?
> Yes. I heve "rw" option.
> I think that message happen wnen user take his floppy but not umount it.
> I don't know how solve this - now help only reboot computer, but this is not good 
>idea :(

sudo umount /floppy


Description: PGP signature

Re: Xfree86

2002-11-24 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 04:11:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> please, help.  I installed Debian on a laptop (old one) using the floppy 
> disks.  I want to install and run X. Files do I need and how do I go about 
> installing X. This is the first time I have ever used Debian, but not my 
> first time w/ Linux. I love Linux.
> Thanks,
> Shawn Jones.

apt-get -u install x-window-system

Instead of apt-get, you may want to do this by running tasksel. This
would also let you install a desktop environment.


Description: PGP signature

Re: installing package

2002-11-24 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 10:44:11PM +0100, Raymond Gree wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to install a new package and get the following error message:
> debian-server:/# apt-get install lprng lprngtool magicfilter
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> Package lprng has no available version, but exists in the database.
> This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
> never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
> of sources.list
> E: Package lprng has no installation candidate
> my sources.conf content is:
> deb stable main  deb 
rerun "apt-get update" or "dselect update" 

If above URL times out before downloading Package and Release files,
change your sources.list to point to another mirror.

> stable/non-US main
> deb-src stable/non-US main
> deb stable/updates main
> any idea  of what can cause this
> Many thanks
> Ray


Description: PGP signature

Re: still monitor problems

2002-11-24 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 04:19:25PM -0600, Liudmila Yafremava wrote:
> Hello!
> I just installed Debian on my fairly good Pentium !!!, and just barely
> got my (very good indeed!) monitor to work (thanks to the people on the
> list). Now, I am having major problems configuring it, as the
> configuration utility that I run during installation never configures
> the mouse right. I have to do it manually later, and afterwards I cannot
> reconfigure the monitor. I want to be able to change resolution, but my
> changes in XF86Config-4 never take effect after reboot; ctrl-alt-+ does
> not invoke the list of resolutions, and when I run xf86config to change
> things manually, it throws resolution way down to give me screen-size 
> letters. I am using BlackBox on this machine. Do you think it is the
> problem with BalckBox, Debian installation/configuration, or I am doing
> anything wrong when configuring?
> To add, I might say that when I try to set the fonts in XTerm, it never
> finds them. The fonts are there, I checked, in the appropriate directory.
> It just does not see them. Hmmm... 

What kind of mouse are you using? Are you using gpm?

Please post your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and /var/log/XFree86.0.log


Description: PGP signature

Re: still monitor problems

2002-11-24 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 05:34:13PM -0600, Liudmila Yafremava wrote:
> Yes, I use a standard gpm mouse (to the best of my knowledge :-) )

I think you need to change /etc/gpm.conf to read something like:


and then restart gpm, i.e., as root run "/etc/init.d/gpm restart".

Change the mouse section in XF86Config-4 to:

 Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "PS/2"
Option  "Device" "/dev/gpmdata"

> Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "Keyboard0"
>   Driver  "keyboard"

Maybe add some options to better define your keyboard and the number
of keys it has. My XF86Config-4 has these, but yours will probably be

You could add mode lines to Section "Screen" to control modes and add
line to control default color depth.

> Section "Screen"
>   Identifier "Screen0"
>   Device "Card0"
>   Monitor"Monitor0"
# set default color depth as 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, or 24
DefaultDepth  16
>   SubSection "Display"
>   Depth 1
# add mode line to control modes; maybe something like
# check /var/log/XFree86.0.log for supported modes and add the ones
# you want to use. Maybe something like:
Modes  "1280x1024" "1152x870" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
>   EndSubSection
>   SubSection "Display"
>   Depth 4
# add mode line to control modes; maybe something like
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
>   EndSubSection
>   SubSection "Display"
>   Depth 8
# add mode line to control modes; maybe something like
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
>   EndSubSection
>   SubSection "Display"
>   Depth 15
# add mode line to control modes; maybe something like
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
>   EndSubSection
>   SubSection "Display"
>   Depth 16
# add mode line to control modes; maybe something like
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
>   EndSubSection
>   SubSection "Display"
>   Depth 24
# add mode line to control modes; maybe something like
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
>   EndSubSection
> EndSection
> (II) NV(0): Supported VESA Video Modes:
> (II) NV(0): 720x400@70Hz
> (II) NV(0): 720x400@88Hz
> (II) NV(0): 640x480@60Hz
> (II) NV(0): 640x480@67Hz
> (II) NV(0): 640x480@72Hz
> (II) NV(0): 640x480@75Hz
> (II) NV(0): 800x600@56Hz
> (II) NV(0): 800x600@60Hz
> (II) NV(0): 800x600@72Hz
> (II) NV(0): 800x600@75Hz
> (II) NV(0): 832x624@75Hz
> (II) NV(0): 1024x768@87Hz (interlaced)
> (II) NV(0): 1024x768@60Hz
> (II) NV(0): 1024x768@70Hz
> (II) NV(0): 1024x768@75Hz
> (II) NV(0): 1280x1024@75Hz
> (II) NV(0): 1152x870@75Hz
> (--) NV(0): Virtual size is 1920x1440 (pitch 1920)
> (**) NV(0): Default mode "1920x1440": 234.0 MHz, 90.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz
> (II) NV(0): Modeline "1920x1440"  234.00  1920 2048 2256 2600  1440 1441
> 1444 1500 -hsync +vsync
> > On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 04:19:25PM -0600, Liudmila Yafremava wrote:
> > > I have to do it manually later, and afterwards I cannot
> > > reconfigure the monitor. I want to be able to change resolution, but my
> > > changes in XF86Config-4 never take effect after reboot; ctrl-alt-+ does
> > > not invoke the list of resolutions, and when I run xf86config to change
> > > things manually, it throws resolution way down to give me screen-size 
> > > letters. [snip]

If you are using xdm, gdm, or kdm, after you make changes to
XF86Config-4, stop the service and restart it for the changes to take
effect. For example:

# /etc/init.d/gdm stop
# /etc/init.d/gdm start


Description: PGP signature

Re: still monitor problems

2002-11-25 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 03:04:01PM -0600, Liudmila Yafremava wrote:
> These modes are supported, there should be no problem implementing them.
> However, now when I open Mozilla the screen just turns white. Right-click
> with the mouse - and standard menu for Mozilla appears. But I do kind of
> need to see the page What would that be, do you think?
> That reminds me of the problem I had before, when the colors whould change
> every time I opened a new window. 

At what color depth is the X server running? The log file you posted 
in an earlier message was bpp 8 (i.e. 256 colors). Last time I had wild
color changes when Netscape/Mozilla window opened, changing to bpp 16 
or bpp 24 fixed the problem.


Description: PGP signature

Re: still monitor problems

2002-11-27 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 03:04:01PM -0600, Liudmila Yafremava wrote:
> These modes are supported, there should be no problem implementing them.
> However, now when I open Mozilla the screen just turns white. Right-click
> with the mouse - and standard menu for Mozilla appears. But I do kind of
> need to see the page What would that be, do you think?
> > > (--) NV(0): Virtual size is 1920x1440 (pitch 1920)
> > > (**) NV(0): Default mode "1920x1440": 234.0 MHz, 90.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz

Just one thought: if you opened mozilla while the screen resolution
was 1920x1440, the mozilla window may be too large for the edges to
show if the resolution is now 1024x768 or less. What happens if you
move ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla.old and then start mozilla? 


Description: PGP signature

Re: sawfish makes itself x-window-manager

2002-11-29 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 03:09:33AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
>   not sure when it happened, I guess it was during dist-upgrade, but 
> suddenly sawfish was the x-window-mananger (I definitely did not run 
> update-alternatives).
>   is this a bug or intented behaviour? If it's a "feature, can it be 
> disabled?

Yes, if set to automatic, update-alternatives will set alternative with 
the highest priority. If you run "update-alternative --config x-window-manager"
and select your preferred window manager, update-alternatives will go
into manual mode and will not change x-window-manager again until you
manually change it or reset update-alternatives to auto mode.


Description: PGP signature

Re: HELP, PLEASE!! Apt-Get update Errors

2002-12-01 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Dec 01, 2002 at 05:23:09PM -0800, Xavian-Anderson Macpherson wrote:
> I think I read somewhere that there is a problem with one of the libraries
> causing APT-GET UPDATE to fial.  I keep getting the same error; UNABLE TO
> PARSE PACKAGE FILE  /VAR/LIB/DPKG/STATUS (1).  I would really appreciate
> someone telling me how to resolve this.  I am running the testing (with some
> packages from the unstable) branch of Debian 3.0.  Everything else works just
> fine.

mv /var/lib/dpkg/status to_another_name
cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status

If that does not correct the problem, you can find previous backups of
/var/lib/dpkg/status in /var/backups.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Booting 2 Linuxes with LILO

2002-12-03 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 05:48:56PM -0800, alberto wrote:
>   Please, send reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have 2 debians installed on my system but I'm having troubles with having
> LILO allowing me to boot any of those.
> I have  potato on  /dev/hda3.
> I just erased  win on  /dev/hda1 :-))  and installed  Woody there.
> Now, Woody's LILO offers me a prompt to boot the old potato, but won't make
> it: If I try, it will stop at
> What is the correct way to have woody's LILO load my potato on /dev/hda3?
> I'd also love to keep the subchoiches there for different kernels.

You may want to check the mail list archives; there has been several
discussions of this in the past.

Here is couple of discussions on the subject that are not Debian/GNU
specific. The second one gives a nice example of how to set up your lilo.conf:


Description: PGP signature

Re: Quick way to set up printing?

2002-12-03 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 12:06:27AM -0600, ZephyrQ wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 22:52, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 10:05:59PM -0600, ZephyrQ wrote:
> > >   Somehow, printing didn't get set up when I installed lpd.  I need a
> > > quick and dirty way to get my OOffice stuff printing so I can get some
> > > work done--I'll convert to CUPS later (I've never used it, so I'm not
> > > familiar with it...)
> > 
> > so was i when i started out. but cups is quick and easy. cupsys,
> > cupsomatic ppd is all that you will need. then links localhost:631. took
> > me less than a day to get it running.
>   But I can't seem to link to localhost:631!  I tried with both Galeon
> and Mozilla and Lynx!  I keep getting an error!
>   Help! I'm trying to print a test for my students in the morning through
> OOffice!

If you cannot connect to localhost:631, the cupsys daemon, cupsd, may
not be running. If it is not running, start it by running
"/etc/init.d/cupsys start" as root.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Reset old package state after running dselect's install

2002-12-03 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 06:40:38PM +0100, Holger_ wrote:
> I've got two questions:
> 1) how can I get dselect to ignore the settings I (somehow)
> selected during the last dselect session (reset the packages
> info to the currently installed state. Right now, dselect
> tells me for instance, that the package samba2.999+3.0alpha...
> *is* already installed. But, as I said above, I stopped installation
> before downloading of all packages was complete. So I still have
> the old samba2.0.5a).

try moving /var/lib/dpkg/status to another filename. Then 
"cp var/lib/dpkg/status.old  /var/lib/dpkg/status". If that doesn't
reset dselect selections, try one of the older backups in /var/backup.

> 2) What went wrong such that dselect updated quite freely
> to the alpha versions (how do I get dselect only using certain packages from
> the unstable branch, but not any others?)

Once you set sources.list to point to unstable and did an update,
running dselect is sort of like running "apt-get dist-upgrade". If you
only want to install one package from unstable, run "apt-get -u -t unstable
install package_name". "-u" will force apt-get to list what extra
packages will be installed, and you can abort if you don't like what
is happening. An alternative is to download the package and install
with "dpkg -i".


Description: PGP signature

Re: xlibs-dev package unresolvable conflict

2003-04-02 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 08:10:17AM -0500, Blitzen wrote:
> Hi, I have the "xlibs" version 4.2.1-6 package installed, and am trying to

Since you have xlibs 4.2.1-6 installed, you ought to have libc6>=2.3.1-1 
installed also. So you are probably running some sort of woody/unstable
hybrid. You might as well install xlibs-dev 4.2.1-6. You can either
download xlibs-dev 4.2.1-6 and install with dpkg, or you can change
your sources.list to include unstable.

Add these to your sources.list:

deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free

Then run:
apt-get update
apt-get -u -t unstable install xlibs-dev

Unless you want to continue to pull packages in from unstable, after
you install xlibs-dev 4.2.1-6, comment out unstable lines in
sources.list and do another "apt-get update", or set up a
/etc/apt/preferences file to use pinning. See "man apt_preferences".

> install "xlibs-dev" to resolve other dependencies. However, upon hitting
> enter at the selection screen, it complains with a "Dependency
> Conflict/Resolution" screen and says "xlibs-dev depends on xlibs (=
> 4.1.0-16)". The xlibs-dev version I'm trying to install is 4.1.0-16, and I
> just did an update. Here is the uncommented portion of my
> /etc/apt/sources.list (the 3 that come by default, with the word "stable"
> replaced with the word "woody", and a 4th "" added:
> deb woody main contrib non-free
> deb woody/non-US main contrib 
> non-free
> deb woody/updates main contrib non-free
> deb woody main contrib
> Is there a way to fool it into thinking it's an earlier version, or how to
> either downgrade the available xlibs, or upgrade the available xlibs-dev?
> Thx.


Description: PGP signature

Re: 'apt-get upgrade' error this morning

2003-04-02 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 09:41:11AM -0500, Rick Pasotto wrote:
> I've upgraded lots of packages to testing this morning (the libc6/php4
> problem evidently got fixed) and finally got the following error.
> How do I fix whatever went wrong?
> (Reading database ... 170160 files and directories currently installed.)
> Preparing to replace ncurses-bin 5.2.20020112a-8 (using 
> .../ncurses-bin_5.3.20021109-2_i386.deb) ...
> Unpacking replacement ncurses-bin ...
> Setting up ncurses-bin (5.3.20021109-2) ...
> dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 49824:
>  missing package name
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
> tc:/# 
> tc:/# apt-get -f install
> Reading Package Lists... Error!
> E: Encountered a section with no Package: header
> E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status
> E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

If you can figure out what the missing package name is, you could edit
/var/lib/dpkg/status with a text editor and fix the file. 

Or, you could copy the file to another name and replace the status
file with one of the backups. The one closest to your current setup
would be /var/lib/dpkg/status-old. Older backups are in /var/backups.

Description: PGP signature

.xsession-errors: event->keyval: xxxxx, event->state:0

2003-06-02 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
I see thousands of entries in my .xsession-errors that read:

subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 110, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 116, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 47, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 100, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 111, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 115, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 99, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 47, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 65293, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 65364, event->state:0
Not mathced
subset is whole list!
event->keyval: 65364, event->state:0
Not mathced

Googling around I haven't seen anything that quite matches these
errors, although they seem similar to some on gtk and bonobo. Has
anyone else seen these and knows what it means?

I'm running Debian/GNU testing and just did an update yesterday; but,
I am not sure these are related to the upgrade.


Description: PGP signature

Re: floppy device deleted

2003-06-11 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 06:50:15PM -0400, Alfredo Valles wrote:
> Hi debianeers.
> All my device files for high density floppies are gone, 
> I mean no  /dev/fd0h1440 or any other  /dev/fd0hxxx.
> But /dev/fd0 exist and it's not a link to any other dev. 
> (Shouldn't  /dev/fd0 be a link to /dev/fd0h1440?)
> I installed vmware4.0, played with it and uninstaled it, then I discovered 
> that my floppy drive isn't reading my floppies anymore, and saw that vmware 
> left me no device for my high dencity floppy drive.
> Now how do I get back these devices files? 

Use /dev/MAKEDEV script to recreate devices,


if you want to try something different, mount devfs on /dev.

> Thanks in advance
> Alfredo


Description: PGP signature

Re: Cannot acces my machine (woody)

2003-06-21 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 10:50:57AM -0400, Jean-marc Belley wrote:
> I have a problem to access my computer.
>  I cannot access to root or any user.
>  When i tried to login as root or user i have
>  the following error:
>  Cannot Execute /bin/bash: Exec format error
>  So i cannot access my computer. I tried
>  with the rescue disk and same error.

If you have /bin/sash installed, try that rather than /bin/bash.

If you cannot boot with a rescue disk, you could try to booting from a
floppy with tomsrtbt. You can get tomsrtbt from Once you have booted from tomsrtbt, you can
mount your partitions and try to fix the problem. To fix the problem
you may need to run programs using chroot; the tomsrtbt FAQ has
some sections on this.

You should probably also take a look at:

What sequence of events led up to your problem?


Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt won't send mail now

2002-12-15 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 03:41:13PM -0500, cmustard wrote:
> My mutt has fleas,...well anyway,  
> I posted earlier that /usr/bin/mutt was giving me 'message aborted
> error' when i was trying to reply to emails and someone was kind 
> enough to point out that ${EDITOR} was probably not specified, he was right.
> well now it appears that mutt doesn't know 'how' to send mail.
> It will state message sent but nothing will be sent. I looked at /etc/Muttrc
> and ~/.muttrc and there is no line about what sendmail to use. 
> I found a line 'set sendmail' and tried to configure it to 
> set sendmail='/usr/sbin/exim' but that doesn't appear to work. I don't 
> know what happened to my 'mutt' files, it was working fine. 
> 'mail' and exim/sendmail still work and are configured fine because i
> can sendmail from the command line fine.
> I would appreciate any .config files or examples anyone may have,
> thanks.

Unless you have changed it, mutt's default is set to use
"/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi", so you should not need an entry in
muttrc. On Debian/GNU, /usr/sbin/sendmail will be a symlink to your
MTA. As long as /usr/sbin/sendmail is a symlink to exim, try checking the
exim logs in /var/log/exim or exim's queues to see what is happening
to your message.

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt won't send mail now

2002-12-15 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 05:31:28PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >Unless you have changed it, mutt's default is set to use
> >"/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi", so you should not need an entry in
> >muttrc. 
> well, those entries were not in either mutt config file, i don't know why
> these 'disappeared' i re-entered them in both and it still doesn't appear
> to be sending, the exim log file states the the email's are 'frozen' (?)

I don't have those entries in my mutt config files either and
everything works; it is documented in the mutt help file. 

Since exim has frozen the messages, there should be earlier entries in
the logs on what the problem with the messages are. You could try
running eximon and thaw the message (or send a new message from
mutt) and watch new entries in exim log as to what problem is
occurring. You'll need to run eximon as root or "sudo eximon" to do
this. If you haven't used eximon before, run "man eximon" first.


Description: PGP signature


2002-12-24 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Dec 24, 2002 at 03:30:30PM +, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2002 at 05:37:21PM -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> > doesn't appear to be a debian wiki.  Anyone
> > know what's up?
> It seems to be correct now ...



Description: PGP signature


2002-12-24 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Dec 24, 2002 at 10:32:43PM +0200, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> What does `wiki' mean ?

Wiki Wiki is Hawaiian for 'quick'.

For an intro


Description: PGP signature

Re: apt -- which method is preferred?

2002-12-27 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 08:42:47AM -0200, andrej hocevar wrote:
> It's turned out that a certain package was
> somehow not downloadable, even though apt-cache policy showed an ftp
> entry. It's probably not in the archives anymore or something. The
> package itself was not important, I just wanted to know. It's all
> right , thanks.

If the package is no longer in the official Debian/GNU archives, you
could try looking for it in:


Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-get (status file) broken?

2003-01-01 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Mon, Dec 30, 2002 at 10:25:00PM -0700, Adahma wrote:
> I get the following error when trying to use apt-get or dselect:
> Hit unstable/non-US/non-free Release
> Reading Package Lists... Error!
> E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
> E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
> E: Error occured while processing liblircclient0 (NewVersion1)
> E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status
> E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

Try adding "APT::Cache-Limit 25165824;" to /etc/apt/apt.conf.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Kernel 2.4.18 image unbootable, source uncompilable

2003-01-02 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 10:18:08PM +, Tim wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a new computer on which I am trying to use kernel 2.4.18, so far
> without success.  I can use 2.2.20-idepci without problems.  I am using
> Debian Woody rev 0, on an AMD Athlon XP 2200+, with ASUS A7N266-VM
> motherboard, which has nVidia nForce chipset-that requires 2.4.18
> kernel.  I have tried to use the kernel image as well as compiled from
> source, so far without success.
> 1.  Kernel image, obtained with dselect from my installation CDs.  I
> have verified that /vmlinuz points to /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-k7 and
> /initrd.img points to /boot/initrd.img-2.4.18-k7.  My GrUB boot line reads:
> kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 initrd=/initrd.img

I think you need to execute the initrd line after the kernel load
command. For example:

grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1
grub> initrd /initrd.img
grub> boot

I'm assuming /boot is not a separate partition. If it is, the grub
root should be the /boot partition. 

I always specify absolute filenames in my grub menu.lst so there is
not question about what kernel is being loaded.
The kernel panic message indicates the initrd.img is not loading the
modules needed by your root file system.

> The kernel panic message is:
> request_module[block-major-3]: Root fs not mounted
> VFS: Cannot open root device "hda1" or 03:01
> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01
> I have looked in /boot/config-2.4.18-k7 and found that IDE support is
> compiled as a module.  I presume my initrd doesn't use this module at
> the moment.  I am not familiar with mkinitrd so am unsure about how to
> ensure this module is installed into the initrd.  Hopefully it is a
> simple solution.  Do I have to use make config while in a specific
> directory?
> 2.  Kernel compilation-I have tried multiple times with various kernel
> configurations.  Make bzImage fails to complete.  The error message
> is:

Here is a howto on compiling kernel the Debian way:


Description: PGP signature

Re: WindowMaker without icons. How?

2003-01-02 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:08:43AM +0200, Egor Tur wrote:
> Hi folk.
> How can I get rid of icons in WindowMaker. No icons, no backgraund - only menu and 
>root window from X.
> Many thanks.

Start /usr/bin/WPrefs to configure many of the options. Or use
editor to edit various configuration files in ~/GNUstep/Defaults.


Description: PGP signature

Re: USB Mouse not working ( contd )

2003-01-04 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 11:45:55AM -0800, suresh kumar sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for help ,but I am still not able to get the
> usbmouse to work .
> Here is what all I have done .
> I loaded input,mousedev,usbcore,usb-uhci,and hid
> modules .
> I can see the red light in the mouse but it does not
> work .
> I already had /dev/input/mice and my XF86Config-4 file
> points to /dev/input/mice.
> I have attached my XF86Config-4 file along with this
> mail ,if that helps ..
> if I do "cat /dev/input/mice".it says .
> cat: /dev/input/mice: No such device

If the device doesn't exit, you need to create it. One way is:

mkdir /dev/input
/bin/mknod /dev/input/mice c 13 63

The device should be owned by root.root with mode 0660.

An alternative way, since you are booting a 2.4.20 kernel, is to mount
devfs on /dev. For more info, see 
If your mouse has a wheel that also functions as a third button, you
do not need Emulate3Buttons option. If your mouse does not have a
wheel, you probably need to use the PS/2 protocol and not need
ZAxisMapping option. 

> Content-Description: XF86Config-4
# Before the line "### BEGIN DEBCONF SECTION" you could add:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier  "My Layout"
Screen  "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "My Mouse"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "My Mouse"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "CorePointer"
Option  "Device""/dev/input/mice"
Option  "Protocol"  "ImPS/2"
Option  "Emulate3Buttons"   "true"
Option  "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"

> # XF86Config-4 (XFree86 server configuration file) generated by dexconf, the
> # Debian X Configuration tool, using values from the debconf database.
> #
> # Edit this file with caution, and see the XF86Config-4 manual page.
> # (Type "man XF86Config-4" at the shell prompt.)
> #
> # If you want your changes to this file preserved by dexconf, only make changes
> # before the "### BEGIN DEBCONF SECTION" line above, and/or after the
> # "### END DEBCONF SECTION" line below.
> #
> # To change things within the debconf section, run the command:
> #   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
> # as root.  Also see "How do I add custom sections to a dexconf-generated
> # XF86Config or XF86Config-4 file?" in /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz.
> Section "Files"
>   FontPath"unix/:7100"# local font server
>   # if the local font server has problems, we can fall back on these
>   FontPath"/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
>   FontPath"/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
>   FontPath"/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
>   FontPath"/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
>   FontPath"/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
>   FontPath"/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo"
>   FontPath"/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi"
>   FontPath"/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi"
> EndSection
> Section "Module"
>   Load"GLcore"
>   Load"bitmap"
>   Load"dbe"
>   Load"ddc"
>   Load"dri"
>   Load"extmod"
>   Load"freetype"
>   Load"glx"
>   Load"int10"
>   Load"record"
>   Load"speedo"
>   Load"type1"
>   Load"vbe"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "Generic Keyboard"
>   Driver  "keyboard"
>   Option  "CoreKeyboard"
>   Option  "XkbRules"  "xfree86"
>   Option  "XkbModel"  "pc104"
>   Option  "XkbLayout" "us"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "Configured Mouse"
>   Driver  "mouse"
>   Option  "CorePointer"
>   Option  "Device""/dev/psaux"
>   Option  "Protocol"  "PS/2"
>   Option  "Emulate3Buttons"   "true"
>   Option  "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "Generic Mouse"
>   Driver  "mouse"
>   Option  "SendCoreEvents""true"
>   Option  "Device""/dev/input/mice"
>   Option  "Protocol"  "ImPS/2"
>   Option  "Emulate3Buttons"   "true"
>   Option  "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"
> EndSection
> Section "Device"
>   Identifier  "Generic Video Card"
>   Driver  "ati"
> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
>   Identifier  "Generic Monitor"
>   HorizSync   30-60
>   VertRefresh 50-75
>   Option  "DPMS"
> EndSection
> Section "Screen"
>   Identifier  "Default Screen"
>   Device  "Generic Video Card"
>   Monit

Re: System won't boot

2003-01-04 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 06:32:13PM -0500, Trey Sizemore wrote:
> When attempting to boot my newly installed system, it gets as far as the
> following and then stops with a kernel panic.  Is this repairable, and if
> so how.  I am a relative newbie, so be as simple as possible.  Any help
> is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
> These are the last 4 lines when booting:
> kmod : failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k block-major-33 errno=2
> VFS : cannot open root device "2105" or 21:05

Check your kernel config to see is low level support for your disk is
compiled in and also root filesystem support. If they are modules, you
need to use initrd to boot.

> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> Kernel panic : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on 21:05
> -Trey


Description: PGP signature

Re: Files saved to one directory Drive space consumed somewhere else

2003-01-04 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 07:39:18PM -0800, Denzil Kelly wrote:
> I downloaded an .iso and specified that it be saved to
> /home/myhome/myiso, however, when doing this wmmount
> shows that the / partition is the one actually
> decreasing in size as the file downloads. Does anyone
> know why this might be happening? I have a 2 drives in
> this box and they are patitioned as indicated below.
> Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available
> Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda2   768744425720303972 
> 59% /
> /dev/hda1 8657  4710  3500 
> 58% /boot
> /dev/hdb6  5763616   1177980   4292856 
> 22% /usr
> /dev/hdb7 11535344   2025656   8923720 
> 19% /home
> /dev/hda5  2700988   1843620720156 
> 72% /oldhome

The file could be initially downloading into /tmp. Since you don't
have a separate partition for /tmp, it is located in your / partition.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Desperate for Mplayer apt sources

2003-01-04 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 06:19:08PM +0800, Elijah wrote:
> > Actually, if you want to use mplayer, you _really_ should download the
> > source from the main site and compile it. 
> > 
> > Sean
> I've already done that and I'm having problems running it, gives me an
> error in my configs or something (?). that's why I've decided to use the
> debs instead.
> Elijah

The source from should include a debian
directory. You should be able to create a deb by running "fakeroot
debian/rules binary" in the top directory.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Desperate for Mplayer apt sources[SOLVED] ... Onto another problem with gnome :(

2003-01-05 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 09:38:05PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I hashed some outside apt sources and it somehow fixed up the dependencies 
> of libxvidencore0, mplayer seems to download now. Thanks :) 
> another prob: 
> After rebooting I logged on the usual gnome wm but it just flashes a bit 
> and throws me back to gdm. Kde works though.
> I figure the bogus outside sources could be the reason for all this  I 
> just updated gnome last night with plenty of errors (my fault for updating 
> via damaged apt sources). My XF86 logs doesn't explain much or I could be 
> looking at the wrong logs. Can anyone help?

First step would be to check error files for clues as to what is happening. 
Look in ~/.gnome-errors. Also, check log files in /var/log/gdm directory. 
For a problem occuring with X itself, look at /var/log/XFree86.0.log.

You could also run aptitude (or dselect) and check gnome packages for 
installation status. 


Description: PGP signature

Re: GLCore doesn't exist -- where find?

2003-01-05 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 03:43:51PM -0600, Hank Marquardt wrote:
> I'm trying to install a new vid card (ATI Radeon 8500DV AIW) ... the old
> card was an nvidia chipset ... xfree is choking, saying the GLCore
> doesn't exist
> I moved the old XF86Config4 file out of the way and did a clean
> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 ... all the libs are installed x, GL1.2
> GL2, mesa ... and it's a completely new kernel build 2.4.20 with no
> nvidia stuff around at all ... where does GLCore come from and how do I
> replace it?
> The old nvidia card still works (albiet non accellerated), but I can't
> get X to start with the ATI in the box.
> Thoughts and pointers appreciated.
> Hank

I'm not sure if this is the problem, but...

If you have installed nvidia's glx, symlinks in /usr/lib get reset to
point to nvidia's GL libaries instead of ones in xlibmesa3...

Also symlink to libGLcore.

Look at /usr/share/nvidia-glx/diversions/ and

I think you need to reset symlinks or uninstall nvidia's glx.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Just installed Woody but need help with boot...

2003-01-05 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 04:42:41PM -0700, Scott (sidewalking) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just took the time over last night and all day today to install Debian
> 3.0 from all 7 discs.  I went through and did the partitioning and base
> stuff right, and shut it down and rebooted, so I had LILO right at
> first.  I logged back in as root and went through the dselect options
> and added tons of stuff, but after stopping there and exiting through
> the proper menus, when I shut it down and rebooted, I must have done
> something to screw up the MBR, as this is what I got:
> __
> request_module[block-major-3]: Root fs is not mounted
> VFS: Cannot open root device "303" or 03:03

My guess is you installed a 2.4.x kernel which requires initrd and
lilo.conf is not configured correctly to load the required
initrd.img or you forgot to rerun lilo before rebooting.

Check lilo.conf and look for lines like:


/vmlinuz and /boot/initrd.img will be symlinks to the kernel image and
its matching initrd.img. 

You may be able to boot the prior linux kernel. Try booting
"linuxOLD". If not try booting from CD and fix problem...or maybe try tomsrtbt
( tomsrtbt FAQ includes an explanation on how
to run lilo using chroot.

> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> Kernel panic: VFS Unable to mount root fs on 03:03
> the only thing I could get it to do was this message below the others
> when I hit "Return" once or twice:
> spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ7
> so I am not sure if that is part of the error or I interrupted it by
> pressing Enter.
> I kind of "winged" this install, after reading lots of documentation,
> but the install options are usually pretty good about telling you what
> you should probably answer, so I kind of left things as the default
> whenever I didn't understand the question.  There were a couple of
> prompts near the end that talked about the MBR or LILO or something and
> I was a bad boy and didn't make a boot floppy.
> So, does anyone have any input as to how I can:
> a)  Get into the system to fix it, if possible, and
> b)  Fix it?
> I feel that my step will likely be to boot with the first install disc,
> but I don't want to mess up al that I have installed on there already,
> if possible.  Maybe that is the only way I will learn, though...  :)
> So, any thoughts are certainly welcome and appreciated (please)!  :)
> Thanks,
> Scott (sidewalking)


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Re: openoffice: dictionary.lst

2003-01-07 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 06:04:12PM +0100, Hans Gubitz wrote:
> After installing several dictionaries mode of 
> /etc/openoffice/dictionary.lst was changed to 0600. I think mode should 
> be 0644.

$ ls -l /etc/openoffice/dictionary.lst 
-rw-r--r--1 root root  609 Aug  2 01:00 /etc/openoffice/dictionary.lst
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   30 Aug 23 15:00 
/usr/lib/openoffice/share/dict/ooo/dictionary.lst -> /etc/openoffice/dictionary.lst


Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-get requests glibc-2.2.5-x; won't install it

2003-01-14 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 06:05:02AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> When I try to install locales using apt-get I get:
>   # apt-get install locales
>   Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
> locales: Depends: glibc-2.2.5-14.3
>   E: Sorry, broken packages

It looks like you are trying to install the testing version of locales. 
Since you have a woody installation, check your /etc/apt/sources.list
to make sure it includes woody or stable sources, and /etc/apt/preferences
to make sure woody is your target release.

You could try "apt-get -t stable install locales" to make sure you are trying
to install the woody version. 

> ...but if I try to install glibc-2.2.5, I get:

glibc-2.2.5-xxx are virtual packages that install libc6-2.2.5-xxx.

>   #  apt-get install glibc-2.2.5
>   Reading Package Lists... Done
>   Building Dependency Tree... Done
>   Note, selecting libc6 instead of glibc-2.2.5-6
>   Note, selecting libc6 instead of glibc-2.2.5-9
>   Note, selecting libc6 instead of glibc-2.2.5-11.2
>   Note, selecting libc6 instead of glibc-2.2.5-14.3
>   0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 333  not upgraded.
> Therefore, apt-get is inconsistent when it comes to using libc6 as a
> substitute for glibc-2.2.5-x.
> (I am using the 2.4.18-686 kernel.  The distribution is Woody.)
> How can I get around this?
> Many thanks!
> kj
> PS: Please Cc: me in your reply
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Description: PGP signature

Re: galeon "personal security manager" needed?

2003-01-16 Thread Jerome Acks Jr
On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 05:55:39PM -0600, will trillich wrote:
> when i click on a link, in galeon (using potato/gnome), that
> tries an https:// connection a dialog greets me saying
>   This document cannot be displayed unless you install the
>   Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM
>   and try again, or contact your system administrator.
> eh? "personal security manager"?

I think you need to install mozilla-psm.

try "apt-cache search psm" to search for it.

> the system administrator didn't have a clue (that's me, of
> course) so i snooped around--
>   $ apt-cache search galeon
>   wprint - Print any charset from web browsers and HtmlDoc
>   galeon - Mozilla based web browser with GNOME look and feel
>   galeon-common - Mozilla based web browser with GNOME look and feel - shared 
>   galeon-nautilus - Mozilla based web browser with GNOME look and feel with 
>Nautilus support
> maybe nautilus is what i need? hmm -- maybe i've got it already:
>   $ dpkg -l galeon\*
>   Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
>   | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
>   |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
>   ||/ Name Version
>   +++--
>   ii  galeon   1.2.5-0.woody.1 
>   un  galeon-beta
>   ii  galeon-common1.2.5-0.woody.1 
>   pn  galeon-nautilus
> nope, it's not installed. so what is it?
>   $ apt-cache show galeon-nautilus
>   Description: Mozilla based web browser with GNOME look and feel with Nautilus 
>Galeon is a fast Web Browser for the GNOME Desktop Environment.
>Galeon's use of Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine makes it more feature
>complete and standards compliant than most other browsers available.
>By using the GNOME and GTK libraries for the user interface, Galeon is
>usually faster than mozilla and the interface integrates well with the
>GNOME Desktop Environment.
>This version does include the nautilus galeon view, for viewing web pages
>within nautilus with galeon.
> what that tells me is-- well, nothing. after a few more searches i find
>   $ apt-cache show nautilus
>   Description: file manager and graphical shell
>Nautilus is an open-source file manager and graphical shell being
>developed by Eazel, Inc. and others. It is part of the GNOME project, and its
> relevance to my problem: zero.
> so -- what's this "personal security manager" galeon is looking for?
> how can i apt-get it?
> -- 
> I use Debian/GNU Linux version 3.0;
> Linux server 2.2.17 #1 Sun Jun 25 09:24:41 EST 2000 i586 unknown
> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #27 from Will Trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> :
> Would you like RXVT to start with more than 80 COLUMNS OR
> 24 ROWS? For an rxvt session, running under X, specify
> how many rows and columns you want:
>   rxvt -g 132x30 &
> Try "man rxvt" for more info.
> Also see ...
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Description: PGP signature

Re: Help me!! Kernel Panic!!

2002-08-30 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 07:55:59PM -0300, Gabriel Elias de Aquino wrote:
> My kernel was a 2.2.20-idepci, then i have installed the kernel 2.4.18-586, 
> and when i restart the system, the lilo report this error:
> VFS: Cannot open root device "hda2" or 03:02
> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:02
> what i do to solution this problem???

I assume you have installed the stock kernel-image deb. So you will
need to use an initrd image
Add the module needed for you root file system to
/etc/mkinitrd/modules. If you are using ext3, put "jbd" on the line
above "ext3". Then rebuild your initrd image by running:

mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-2.4.18-586 /lib/modules/2.4.18-586/

If you haven't done so already, add
"initrd=/boot/initrd.img-2.4.18-586" to your lilo.conf.

rerun lilo


Description: PGP signature

Re: Help me!! Kernel Panic!!

2002-08-31 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 11:52:55PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
> Jerome Acks Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Add the module needed for you root file system to
> > /etc/mkinitrd/modules. If you are using ext3, put "jbd" on the line
> > above "ext3". Then rebuild your initrd image by running:
> This should not be necessary.  In fact, it's probably a bug if your
> box doesn't work without it.

Is your statement in reference to putting the root file system module in
/etc/mkinitrd/modules or, putting "jbd" in /etc/mkinitrd/modules?


Description: PGP signature

Re: WindowMaker

2002-09-01 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 10:29:40AM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:
> I'm trying to add my own command to the Window Maker WM.
> What I'm tyring to do is add the ability to run a single command 
> line from the F2 key.  This is simeilar to the functionality in 
> KDE of the F2 button.
> Someone has recommended
>   "Run..." SHORTCUT F2 SHEXEC %a(Run,Type command to run: )
> The only problem is that I really don't know where to put it.
> help?
> Personally, I think it would be pretty neat to put together 
> something in the docs of the WindowMaker.  (I really hope I didn't 
> miss seeing this file if it does exist, I'll feel really stupid.)

You want to add the command to ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu. You can
edit the file with any text editor or /usr/bin/WPrefs.

The following is the WMRootMenu that I use. It is based heavily on an
example Karsten M. Self published to the list several months ago.

cat ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu

  (Run..., SHORTCUT, "Mod1+F2", EXEC, "%a(Run, Command to run:)"),
  (Terminal, SHORTCUT, "Shift+Mod1+t", EXEC, rxvt),
"rxvt -bg grey20 -fg wheat -exec sudo su -"
  (Galeon, SHORTCUT, "Shift+Mod1+n", EXEC, galeon),
  (Jpilot, EXEC, jpilot),
  (Gimp, EXEC, gimp),
  (OpenOffice, EXEC, "/usr/bin/ooffice"),
  (gtop, EXEC, gtop),
(Bibletime, EXEC, bibletime),
(Dillo, EXEC, dillo),
(Galeon, SHORTCUT, "Shift+Mod1+n", EXEC, galeon),
(Lyx, EXEC, lyx),
(Mozilla, EXEC, mozilla),
(Mutt, EXEC, "rxvt -bg black -T Mutt -e mutt -y"),
(StarOffice, EXEC, soffice),
  "screen w3m",
  "export SHELL=/usr/bin/w3m; rxvt -name w3mTerm -bg OldLace -title w3m -e screen 
w3m /usr/share/doc/w3m/MANUAL.html"
  "rxvt -name w3mTerm -title w3m -e w3m"
(XChat, EXEC, xchat),
  "Xlogo confirm",
  " ~/bin/ \"%a(xlogo ,Run xlogo now [y/n?])\""
("Default menu", OPEN_MENU, "/etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu"),
  (FSViewer, EXEC, fsviewer),
  (Calculator, EXEC, xcalc),
  (XProp, EXEC, xprop),
  ("Font Chooser", EXEC, xfontsel),
  (ColorMap, EXEC, xcmap),
  (ColorSel, EXEC, xcolorsel),
"rxvt -bg black -fg green -fn fixed -T top -e top -s"
  (xosview, EXEC, xosview)
  (Eterm, EXEC, "/usr/bin/Eterm"),
  ("Gnome Term", EXEC, "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal"),
  (Konsole, EXEC, konsole),
  (rxvt, EXEC, rxvt),
  (xterm, EXEC, xterm),
  (wterm, EXEC, wterm),
  (uxterm, EXEC, uxterm)
  "rxvt -T vim -bg darkslategrey -fg gold -cr yellow1 -e vim"
(emacs, EXEC, emacs),
(xemacs, SHORTCUT, "Shift+Mod1+x", EXEC, xemacs),
(elvis, EXEC, elvis),
(nedit, EXEC, nedit),
(ted, EXEC, ted),
(lyx, EXEC, lyx),
  "rxvt -T bvi -bg darkslategrey -fg green2 -cr yellow1 -e bvi"
("Legal Panel", LEGAL_PANEL),
  "Help MENU",
  ("Debian Online Help", EXEC, "/usr/bin/dhelp"),
  ("Debian Online Help (old)", EXEC, "/usr/bin/dhelp_fsstnd"),
  ("Gnome Help", EXEC, "/usr/bin/gnome-help-browser"),
  (Info, EXEC, "x-terminal-emulator  -T 'Info' -e /usr/bin/info"),
  (Xman, EXEC, xman)
  ("Debian menus", OPEN_MENU, "/etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook"),
(Appearance, OPEN_MENU,,
("Arrange Icons", ARRANGE_ICONS),
("Clear Session", CLEAR_SESSION),
("Hide Others", HIDE_OTHERS),
("Save Session", SAVE_SESSION),
("Show All", SHOW_ALL)
  (Workspaces, WORKSPACE_MENU),
  (Refresh, REFRESH),
  "/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -lock"
("Activate (no lock)", EXEC, "/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -activate"),
("Enable Screensaver", EXEC, "/usr/bin/xscreensaver"),
("Disable Screensaver", EXEC, "/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -exit"),
  "Restart Screensaver",
  "/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command  -restart"
("Demo Screensaver", EXEC, "/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -demo"),
("Screensaver Pefs", EXEC, "/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -prefs")
(Restart, RESTART),
  (WindowMaker, RESTART, "/usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker"),
  (Sawmill, RESTART, "/usr/bin/sawmill"),
  (BlackBox, RESTART, "/usr/bin/blackbox"),
  (Enlightenment, RESTART, "/usr/bin/enlightenment"),
  (fvwm, RESTART, "/usr/bin/X11/fvwm"),
  (vtwm, RESTART, "/usr/bin/X11/vtwm"),
  (twm, R

Re: CustomKernel-EliminatingInitrdNeed

2002-09-02 Thread Jerome Acks Jr

On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 07:27:39AM -0700, ThomasRatliffDDS wrote:
> What else do I need to change?

Comparing the stock config-2.4.18-k6 to a 2.4.17 kernel where I had removed
initrd, look for these:


> Obviously new at this custom kernel stuff.  Currently using the default
> initrd.img-2.4.18-k6
> vmlinuz-2.4.18-k6
> Figured I would start my learning by using the .config file from
> kernel-headers-2.4.18-k6
> and the source package
>  kernel-source-2.4.18
> and trying to eliminate the initrd need by changing the ext3 from the
> default module and building it into the kernel.
> make-kpkg -rev Custom.0 kernel-image created the .deb without a problem
> and the install was uneventful
> However that kernel fails to boot from
> grub (GNU GRUB 0.91)
> hanging with a request to supply a proper root partition.  I know I have
> the proper root boot parameter as I copied the section from the working
> section
> # For booting DebianSystem-1stDrive
> title Linux-Debian_Default
> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-k6 root=/dev/hda5
> initrd /initrd.img-2.4.18-k6
>  title Debian-NewBuild
>  root (hd0,0)
>  kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18 root=/dev/hda5


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