On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 12:15:02AM -0700, ben wrote:
> On Thursday 03 October 2002 10:19 pm, Colin Watson wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 09:25:00PM -0700, ben wrote:
> > > is there any kind of process by which dangling symlinks can be resolved?
> >
> > Er, that depends. Which ones? Either remove them or get them to point
> > somewhere that exists.
> >
> > Cheers,
> hi colin,
> thanks for the response. i guess the question should probably be, how do 
> dangling symlinks come to occur in the first place?

I recently looked at a number of dangling symlinks (some of which were
for man pages) I had in /etc/alternatives. For all but one of these I
eventually traced the problem back to debs installed while potato was
still testing. Some version installed the symlink; a later update
either didn't require the symlink or changed the name of the file to
which the symlink should link. For example, an early potato deb for
elvis installed /usr/man/man1/ctags-elvis.1.gz and in later packages
this file changed to /usr/share/man/man1/elvtags.1.gz. During the
update process the first packages gets removed, but the prerm script
does not remove the alternative. If there is no other alterntive, you
end up with a broken symlink, and update-alternatives gets set to
manual mode for that alternative. When the new package is installed,
the symlink doesn't get updated because update-alternatives is now in
maunal mode.

The fix is to run "update-alternatives --config [name]" to reset the
or "update-alternative --remove [name] [dangling_symlink_path]" to
remove the symlink entirely.   
> for example: 
> me@mybox:$  man gconftool
> man: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/gconftool.1.gz is a dangling symlink
> No manual entry for gconftool
> should I construe from this that there never was a man page for gconftool, or 
> is it the case that it simply failed to install? in the event that there is a 
> man page for each of the many various apps that return this message on man 
> requests, what's the best way to fix this?
> am i making sense here?
> ben


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