Re: Explorer-type file manager

2003-02-18 Thread Jeff
Roy Pluschke, 2003-Feb-18 09:55 -0800:
> On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 11:57:09 -0500
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Personally, my machine has better uses for its time than a DE -- so I
> > utilize blackbox, have ROX-Filer throw some icons on my workspace, and
> > try and utilize applications that don't require KDE or GNOME (there are
> > a lot of GTK+ apps that don't require GNOME, for instance, and QT apps
> > that don't require KDE). For this reason, I've really liked browsers
> > like Phoenix and Skipstone (which utilize GTK+). But I have yet to
> > utilize a good *graphical* file manager that didn't come with a DE; for
> > the most part, I've been doing without one, but I can also see your
> > reasons for wanting one (making the machine easier for others to use).
> > 
> The most windows like file manager that I have seen is called
> "Endeavour". Search google for Endeavour Mark II -- which is the
> latest version. You will probably have to compile it yourself but
> some people I know use it extensively. Personally I generally use
> "emelfm" a simple 2-pane gtk based file manager - very light weight!
> Hope this helps,
> R. Pluschke

I just started using endeavour2.  It's in unstable now and I installed
it on my testing system.  It's running nicely and I like the
flexibility in setting up your own mime types.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Tripwire

2003-02-21 Thread Jeff
Kirk Strauser, 2003-Feb-21 13:29 -0600:
> At 2003-02-21T12:45:59Z, Jeff Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is there a comparable package available for debian?
> I've started using AIDE on my production machines.

I'm using Integrit.  It's working nicely on my Testing system.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Two network cards of same type, which eth0, which eth1?

2003-03-08 Thread Jeff
Mark Janssen, 2003-Mar-07 14:17 +0100:
> On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 13:26, Hugo van der Merwe wrote:
> > I am going to be installing two new network cards soon, most likely
> > I'll be getting that cheap junk that is the rtl8139. How do I choose
> > which one must be eth0? Module parameters to the 8139too module? (In
> > the past I simply loaded the correct module first.
> THey are detected in PCI order... so the lowest numbered PCI slot first,
> and then in order. So this depends on your motherboard. In my case they
> are numbered from low to high in the case. Check your mobo
> documentation.

My motherboard assigns them by the highest PCI number first.  01:06.0
gets to be eth0, and 01:05.0 gets to be eth1.  This is with 2.4.20
kernel and a Tyan S2060 Tomcat i815 motherboard.

Check /var/log/dmesg to see how they are assigned.  I don't know if it
depends on the motherboard or the kernel, but I suspect it's the


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: wvdial permissions modem device

2003-03-08 Thread Jeff
matt zagrabelny, 2003-Mar-07 09:16 -0600:
> i am currently stopping wvdial with:
> killall wvdial
> sometimes the permissions to /dev/modem (/dev/ttyS0)
> which are usually "root dialout -rw-rw"
> do not get reset to this.
> i know that when pppd is running that it removes
> group "rw" to the device, effectively making the permissions
> "600", and then when pppd is shutdown properly it restores
> them to "660". so then it appears that pppd is not shuting
> down properly.
> 1) does anyone else experience this problem?

I have not.  I run wvdial from a terminal and when I'm done I Ctrl-C
in that terminal.  The Ctrl-C always shuts down pppd properly.
> 2) do you know why sometimes wvdial can "properly" kill pppd
> and other times it cant?


> 3) what solutions have people used for this problem?

I haven't needed one, but you could right a script that will kill both
wvdial and find the PID of pppd and kill it too, if it exists. 

Something simple run from root, or preferrably sudo:

echo "Stopping wvdial..."
killall wvdial
echo "Checking pppd..."
PPPD_PID=`ps axww | grep pppd | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ "$PPPD_PID" != "" ]; then
   kill -9 $PPPD_PID
   echo "pppd process killed"
   echo "pppd already dead"

Bear in mind, this bitty script is quick and dirty and needs testing.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: alternative to endeavour2

2003-03-13 Thread Jeff
martin f krafft, 2003-Mar-13 20:18 +0100:
> i have a tree of all the documents i ever touched in the last 14
> years, and i would like to reorganise it. there are 120,000 files
> and thus i am reverting to a GUI approach; on the shell, my fingers
> would fall off, mc is nice but a little archaic to use i find, so
> i want a mouse-driven proggie.
> there's endeavour2. it's nice. But until it can put a filter on
> files and weed out dotfiles and links out of the display, it's
> hardly usable.
> so i wonder: are there cool alternatives to endeavour2, other then
> konqueror? i don't do KDE, i'd prefer GTK. if it has to be gnome
> than that's more alright since galeon forced me to install most
> libraries anyway already.
> the bazaar is open. suggestions to me!

Give Filerunner a look-see.  I use it when I'm doing reorganizing like
you describe.  I has a two-pane view, mouse driven, supports FTP,
flexible config, etc.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: alternative to endeavour2

2003-03-13 Thread Jeff
martin f krafft, 2003-Mar-13 20:18 +0100:
> there's endeavour2. it's nice. But until it can put a filter on
> files and weed out dotfiles and links out of the display, it's
> hardly usable.

I've been using Endeavour2 for a couple months now and really liking
it.  I forgot to check this the first time I saw your message.  You
can filter the dotfiles, that is if I understand correctly what you
mean by that...files that begin with a ".", right?  Under Settings,
Customize, File Browser, there is a section called "Filter" with two
options.  One of them is "Hidden", when unchecked you won't see any of
the dotfiles.  I don't yet know what the other option is for, "No
Access Objects".  Is this what you're looking for?


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Cisco VPN Client.

2003-03-24 Thread Jeff
Vicente Ferrando, 2003-Mar-24 16:12 +0100:
>   Good afternoon,
>   I'm using Cisco VPN client to connect a Debian box to a Cisco VPN 3005.
> I've got the client configured and working for this computer. But I want
> this linux box act like a router, making the tunnel available to the
> rest of the LAN connected to this box.
>   This is what I've working right now:
>   Linux box ---> Internet --->Cisco 3005 --->Lan2
>   And what I want to:
> Lan1--->Linux box ---> Internet --->Cisco 3005 --->Lan2
>   I want Lan1 to access Lan 2 using the tunnel stablished between Linux
> box and 3005.
>   I've set Ip_forwarding to 1 on the Linux but the problen is that I'm
> not able to add any route through the cipsec0 device created by the
> Cisco VPN client. And the traffic received on the eth0 is forwarded to
> the default gateway bypassing the tunnel.
>   May be it is not necessary to and any route to Lan2 as the VPN client
> creates a route LAN2. But I'm not sure is forwarding process is aware of
> routes not shown by "ip route show".
>   Any help on how to get this working would be appreciated. Or if anyone
> knows if this is not posible with the Cisco client.
>   Kind regards. 

You should check the feature set for that client because it may not
allow forwarding to the IPSec tunnnel interface from anywhere other
than the local machine.  I know other clients do not allow this, not
because they can't, but because the company providing the client wants
you to buy something else, more expensive, to provide such a service.
Cisco is very good at this too.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: adding a printer on Open Office.

2003-01-27 Thread Jeff
Gilberto Garcia Jr., 2003-Jan-27 12:53 -0200:
> Hey guys,
> What I have to do to add a printer (hp 840 c) in Open Office? The kde text editor 
>(Kate) recognizes the printer without any problem, but I couldn´t install it at OO.
> any help are welcome.

You need to run spadmin.  This should be in your OpenOffice
directory.  If you have your printer setup with cups, you'll see the
printer already listed, you'll just need to add it.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: OpenOffice 1.0.2 font ugliness

2003-01-27 Thread Jeff
Matt Price, 2003-Jan-27 12:22 -0500:
> Hi folks,
> just upgraded to OpenOffice 1.0.2, and the fonts are _exceedingly_
> ugly, despite the fact that I installed the x-ttcidfont-conf as
> suggested by the openoffice package, and up
> dated the FontPath settings in the XServer.  I remember having fixed this
> problem in the past somehow, but can't remember how I managed it.  Can
> anyone point me to a solution?  thanks,
> Matt

Did you add the ttf fonts to OOo using spadmin?  I believe you still
need to do that.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: good GUI file manager in woody

2003-01-28 Thread Jeff
John Griffiths, 2003-Jan-29 10:18 +1100:
> g'day guys.
> I'm looking for a good multipane GUI file manager for woody, preferably
> with ftp support 
> or would I be better off dedicating a workspace and arranging konq windows?
> (konq does upload right?)

Take a look at Filerunner.  I use it when I have a lot of files and
directories to move around and when I have a lot of FTP'ing to do.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: partitioning hard drive & /usr is already 96% full

2003-02-06 Thread Jeff
Andy, 2003-Feb-06 07:41 -0900:
> Fresh woody install on a 20 GB hard drive and partitioned my drive this
> way after reading the recent partitioning thread on this list:
> / 1GB
> /usr 1GB
> /var 1GB
> /tmp 500 MB
> /home  15 GB
> The only thing I have done is install KDE 3.1 and and now
> /usr is 96% full.  (/home is large due to temp. storage from another install)
> Question for the list:
> What is the lists advice in managing my /usr partition
> so it does not completetly fill up and cause problems in the future?
> Filesystem   1k-blocks  UsedAvailableUse% Mounted on
> /dev/hda2   964532 32044883492 4%   /
> /dev/hda3   964532 872024  43512  96%  /usr
> /dev/hda5   964500 257156  65834829%  /var
> /dev/hda6   474443   746 4492001%/tmp
> /dev/hda8 14824384  1323483283650895%  /home

I always give /usr 2GB.  On my laptop, /usr is using 1.5GB.  I
recently started separating out /usr/local onto it's own partition of
500MB too, since I install software there that is not part of Debian.

For your situation, you could resize / to 500MB and add that to /usr
using parted.  


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: xchat2

2003-02-09 Thread Jeff
Roman Joost, 2003-Feb-09 10:50 +0100:
> Does anyone know, if some xchat2 packages exists for debian? I find some old
> packages in the net, but xchat2 goes any day closer to version 2, so i thought
> someone packaged it for SID?

I don't see it in sid.  Try the developer's website, perhaps they've
packaged it on their own.  You could also package it yourself from the
source, if you feel so inclined.  


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Debian und Counterstrike

2003-02-09 Thread Jeff
sean finney, 2003-Feb-08 23:18 -0500:
> On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 03:15:05AM +0100, Marcus Schopen wrote:
> > Julian Hüper wrote:
> > >  
> > > Weisst jemand wie ich unter Debian Linux Counterstrike spielen kann ohne 
> > > eine windoof-partition zu haben?
> > >  zusätzliche Information: ich habe eine NVidia Riva TNT2-GraKa.
> > 
> > This is the englisch speaking news group! Dies ist die englischsprachige 
> > News Group! ;-)
> But i want to know if you get it working, because i'm about to put debian
> on a geforce-4 ti machine :)
>   sean

Some folks have been doing it for some time now.  I plan on trying it
out, but haven't gone after it yet.  Here's a nice howto:


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: maildir vs. mbox vs. mh ???

2003-02-09 Thread Jeff
Michael D. Schleif, 2003-Feb-09 15:05 -0600:
> Considering moving from mbox to maildir a very large (~2GB, ~100
> messages) email archive.  Mostly concerned with the integrity of
> receiving messages intact.
> Obviously, this will impact performance and inodes used.
> Given this brief overview, what ought I to consider?
> Are there other options to consider?
> How else might I handle this data?
> What do you think?

I've not used mh mail boxes before, only maildir and mbox.  I use
maildir for my active mailboxes for it's ability to keep messages from
getting messed up on delivery (sorry for the non-tech reason).  For
mail boxes that I use for archive and are non-active, I use mbox for
it's ease in backing up.

Performance-wise, I don't think you'll notice a difference in loading
the mail box on a modern machine.  On older, slower machines, you
might see the mbox loading faster than the maildir folders.

If I had an archive mail box that size, I'd leave it as an mbox so I
can back it up easier since it's a single file as opposed to a

my 2 cents,

Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Expect Script Loop issue

2003-10-02 Thread Jeff
I'm not currently subscribed, so please respond directly.

This is a little OT, but I'm in a bind.

I'm trying to write an Expect script that loops from 0 to 50,
incrimenting the value of i until the condition {i < 51} breaks the

I can't seem to get this to work.  This section of the script executes
only once:

set i 0
while {$i < 51} {
  do stuff
  do more stuff
  {incr i 1}

Can someone tell me why this doesn't run through 50 times and exit?


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: ADSL using pppoe & pppoeconfig

2002-10-04 Thread jeff

i've found great success using rp-pppoe from

i have an AMD that i use as a firewall/router and rp-pppoe has worked
great for me every time.

read the documentation on the roaringpenguin site about how to set it
up. it's really simple.

good luck and i hope this at least helps!


p.s. send me email if you need help with it! i'd be glad to give you a


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Re: image backup utility

2002-10-04 Thread Jeff

Lance Hoffmeyer, 2002-Oct-04 14:44 -0500:
> I am looking for an imaging backup utility.
> Linux really isn't a problem but I have win2000
> on hda2.  I need something that will create the
> image on hdb2 and that I can simply copy back to
> hda2 and boot from if need be.  Will partimage do
> this?  I don't use win2000 much (games mostly and
> now work related stuff) so I don't know if I need
> to do anything other than reboot after copying an
> image back from hdb2 to hda2?

According to apt-cache show partimage, yes it will do exactly what you
are asking.  However, I've not used it before.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: What did I download?

2002-10-04 Thread Jeff

Fred Little, 2002-Oct-04 17:48 -0500:
> Need to experiment with various desktops. Is there a way to install
> several
> and quickly switch from one to another?

The way I do this is install "menu" which lists installed window
managers and allows you to switch between them on the fly.  Menu
creates a menu system of the all the Debian applications.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: kbdrate set by normal users

2002-10-07 Thread Jeff

Jason Pepas, 2002-Oct-06 18:11 -0500:
> hello,
> I would like to change the default keyboard repeat rate.
> I have tried writting a /etc/ini.d/ script, but it does not seem to 
> change things globally.
> any ideas?
> thanks,
> jason pepas

Hey Jason,

I'm not sure I know what you mean by "globally".  Do you mean for all
users?  Does it work at all?

I do this on my laptop (Woody, 2.4.19) through the use of APMD.  I put
the script below in /etc/apm/resume.d/ called typematic:

# Set keyboard repeat rate to something fast
case "$1" in
 if [ -f /sbin/kbdrate ]; then
 kbdrate -r 30 -d 250
 exit 1
 exit 0

It seems to work when the system is rebooted too, although I don't
understand how.  Also, if your script doesn't work at all at boot, it
could be because you haven't place a link to it in /etc/rc2.d.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: odd networking problem

2002-10-07 Thread Jeff

Ed McMan, 2002-Oct-06 19:22 -0400:

> Here is the weird part.  This computer works fine using the same
> configuration in Windows.  All the other computers work fine too.  I
> have been trying to figure out what the problem is, so I did some
> packet sniffing with ethereal on the router.
> I listened for any packets going to or from the debian machine in
> question.  I ran ping (some host on the internet) and let it sit.  The
> first two pings went through, and then it stopped.  The *really* weird
> part is that the machine stopped sending the pings!  Well, the router
> wasn't receiving them anyway.  Another oddity is that running
> /etc/init.d/networking restart on the workstation would fix the problem, for a few 
> packets.  After letting ping sit, another ping would go through about
> every five minutes.

This is weird.  A few thoughts...

- are there firewall rules on the router that might be limiting ICMP?

- could system be on a bad switch port? or patch cable?

- are there errors being generated on the eth1 interface,
  e.g. ifconfig eth1 ?  perhaps a bad NIC?


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: ifup, dhcp troubleshooting

2002-10-07 Thread Jeff

paul, 2002-Oct-06 22:36 -0400:
> Hello, I've recently compiled a fresh kernel (to get my audio working) and
> have lost connectivity.  I have a sis900 adapter built in to my board and I
> configured the kernel to include the sis900 driver.  The driver seems to be
> working, ifconfig -a shows eth0, but I can't get an IP.  If i try ifup eth0,
> after a few seconds i get this:
> 'eth0: Media Link On 100mbps full-duplex'
> then it just sits there, so i ctl-c after a minute or two.  Everything
> worked before I compiled my own kernel, what components/options may I have
> neglected in the kernel?
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul.

ifup refers to /etc/networks/interfaces for it's configuration.  If
you don't have an IP configuration or a reference to use DHCP, then
what you see is what you get.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: [despammed] Re: odd networking problem

2002-10-07 Thread Jeff

Ed McMan, 2002-Oct-07 15:25 -0400:
> Monday, October 7, 2002, 12:39:40 PM, you wrote:
> Jeff> Ed McMan, 2002-Oct-06 19:22 -0400:
> Jeff> 
> >> 
> >> Here is the weird part.  This computer works fine using the same
> >> configuration in Windows.  All the other computers work fine too.  I
> >> have been trying to figure out what the problem is, so I did some
> >> packet sniffing with ethereal on the router.
> >> 
> >> I listened for any packets going to or from the debian machine in
> >> question.  I ran ping (some host on the internet) and let it sit.  The
> >> first two pings went through, and then it stopped.  The *really* weird
> >> part is that the machine stopped sending the pings!  Well, the router
> >> wasn't receiving them anyway.  Another oddity is that running
> >> /etc/init.d/networking restart on the workstation would fix the problem, for a 
>few more
> >> packets.  After letting ping sit, another ping would go through about
> >> every five minutes.
> Jeff> This is weird.  A few thoughts...
> Jeff> - are there firewall rules on the router that might be limiting ICMP?
> no, the first few go through.  any other machine can also ping,
> traceroute fine.
> Jeff> - could system be on a bad switch port? or patch cable?
> nope, works fine in windows.
> Jeff> - are there errors being generated on the eth1 interface,
> Jeff>   e.g. ifconfig eth1 ?  perhaps a bad NIC?
> no errors, and it works in windows.
> This is driving me nuts ;)

I'm sure it is...'s another thought, I've heard that if you do a soft-reboot
from Windows to Linux that some things don't work right.  I've
specifically heard this about sound, since Windows configures the
devices one way and then Linux wants to configure it a different way,
wrt resources.  Perhaps Windows is setting the NIC to a certain irq
and Linux is having trouble with it.  If you shut Windows completely
down and then boot directly to Linux, Linux should be able to
configure the devices the way it wants.

Also, are their any messages in /var/log/syslog or messages or
kern.log or any other logs that might help?


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: kbdrate set by normal users

2002-10-07 Thread Jeff

Jason Pepas, 2002-Oct-07 14:50 -0500:
> > I'm not sure I know what you mean by "globally".  Do you mean for all
> > users?  Does it work at all?
> when I say globally, I mean it actually didn't work at all.  I have noticed 
> that if I change kbdrate in an xterm, and then switch to tty2, the kbdrate is 
> back to default, and when I switch back to the xterm, it too is now back to 
> default.  So I was assuming it changed the kbdrate for tty1 (I assume that is 
> the tty which the script ran attached to?) and then kbdrate got changed back 
> to default when gdm started.  I have no idea if that is what actually 
> happened.
> have you experienced anything similar to this?

Not really.  When I change the rate in an xterm it's changed for all
the xterms, all new xterms, and all tty's.  I have the same results
when making the change from a tty.

Are you issuing the command as root?  I don't know if it works as a


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: [despammed] Re: odd networking problem

2002-10-08 Thread Jeff

Ed McMan, 2002-Oct-07 20:37 -0400:
> Argh.  Now I'm just more confused.  OK, tethereal picks up the pings
> leaving the machine.  So, that means there must be some kind of queue
> or rate limiter blocking it as the router never receives it.  That, or
> the switch is evil and blocks frames coming from that machine while in
> Linux ;)  Now, what kind of rate limiter/queuer could be blocking it?


Can you run tethereal on the router interface to see if the pings are
reaching it?  You should still see the packets even though the router
isn't responding to them or dropping them...whatever it's doing.  


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: ifup, dhcp troubleshooting

2002-10-08 Thread Jeff

paul, 2002-Oct-08 00:17 -0400:
> I have 'network packet filtering' disabled.  I think that's used for a
> gateway/firewall configartion.
> I don't see 'socket packet' but there is 'socket filtering' which is also
> disabled.  what would you suggest?

Right, you need socket filtering..."CONFIG_FILTER" in the kernel
config.  The packet filtering is only needed for using iptables
(replaces ipchains).  I would recommend packet filtering
too..."CONFIG_NETFILTER" in the kernel.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: using locate properly

2002-10-08 Thread Jeff

Claudio Bley, 2002-Oct-08 16:25 +0200:
> On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 15:15, Robert Wilhelm Land wrote:
> > This could be more a question of bash fundamentals:
> > 
> > By trying to find Muttrc on my HDD I used the locate
> > program.
> > 
> > This was the command I ueed:
> > 
> > rland@MINI:~$ locate [Mm]uttrc
> > ... no reaction.
> > .so I tried:
> > 
> > rland@MINI:~$ locate '[Mm]uttrc'
> > rland@MINI:~$ locate "[Mm]uttrc"
> > ...nothing.
> > 
> > But:
> > rland@MINI:~$ locate &pi0;[Mm]uttrc'
> >  >
> > put the bash into this ">" - mode and could
> > only be reset by ctrl+C.
> > 
> > What has happened here?
> > I would be awfully grateful if someone would help.
> If you specify a shell pattern to search for, the file needs to match
> exactly to this pattern (including the directory part). 
> $ locate '*/[Mm]uttrc'

Btw Robert,

The files you're trying to locate are /etc/Muttrc and


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: [despammed] Re: odd networking problem

2002-10-08 Thread Jeff

Ed McMan, 2002-Oct-08 15:21 -0400:
> Tuesday, October 8, 2002, 12:00:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (debian-user) 
> Jeff> Ed McMan, 2002-Oct-07 20:37 -0400:
> >> Argh.  Now I'm just more confused.  OK, tethereal picks up the pings
> >> leaving the machine.  So, that means there must be some kind of queue
> >> or rate limiter blocking it as the router never receives it.  That, or
> >> the switch is evil and blocks frames coming from that machine while in
> >> Linux ;)  Now, what kind of rate limiter/queuer could be blocking it?
> Jeff> Ed,
> Jeff> Can you run tethereal on the router interface to see if the pings are
> Jeff> reaching it?  You should still see the packets even though the router
> Jeff> isn't responding to them or dropping them...whatever it's doing.  
> The router is only receiving the first few.

Hmm...and the only thing between the machine and the router is the
switch?  Try patching the machine directly to the router.  You'll need
a cross-over cable.  Also, have you found anything on the firewall
rules?  Try as root on BOTH machine and router "iptables -L" and
"ipchains -L" to see what rules might be there.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: X with NVidia: "(EE) No devices detected"

2002-10-08 Thread Jeff

Issac Trotts, 2002-Oct-08 16:36 -0700:
> I recently upgraded my video card to a PNY Verto
> sporting a GeForce Ti 4600 chipset.  The first thing
> I tried worked for a while: I downloaded the binary
> kernel module and GLX server from and
> followed the directions.  startx worked fine and I
> had nice, accelerated OpenGL.  I even got some binary
> nvidia demos for windows to run in WINE.  
> But then I rebooted, for a reason that I don't remember,
> and since then I have not been able to get X working
> with my shiny new NVidia card.  I can still run X if
> I plug my old TNT2 card back in, but that's not powerful
> enough for the application I'm trying to build.  The
> output from startx -- -verbose 5 is attached, along with my
> XF86Config-4 file.
> Since I rebooted I downloaded the binary debs for the nvidia
> kernel module and glx using dselect, but it didn't help.
> My kernel is still version 2.2.18 because the 2.4.18 that I compiled
> doesn't work properly with my system and I haven't had time
> yet to track down the reason.  
> Running insmod NVdriver didn't help...
> I wonder if I should just back up all my data and do a fresh install
> of Debian, or maybe start looking for a less complicated alternative
> to X, if such a thing exists.  Usually I don't need to run the application
> on a separate machine from the one displaying it.  If I need that
> functionality I would be quite happy to incorporate it into the application
> I'm writing rather than deal with all the complexity of X.
> Anyway, has anyone seen this problem or does anyone know how to
> fix it?
> Thanks!
> Issac

Re-installing is a bit drastic.  It seems to me that the modules
aren't loading.  The installation process puts them, I think, in
/lib/modules//misc so check there and do the insmod on those
specific names.  You'll also need to add those modules to the list in
/etc/modules so they are loaded at boot.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: official debian cds

2002-10-09 Thread jeff

Bruce Park wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone tell me which cds I should download if I want to install 
> gnome with workstation like environment? I know that there are seven 
> cds including the non-us but I've read that you really don't need to 
> download more the third cd.
> bp

*I notice all the CDs are bootable. Is there any difference between the 
bootable parts of the individual CDs?*

Yes, although this is only the case for the i386 architecture. For other 
architectures, only the first CD is bootable (except for arm 
, where /none/ is).

Some hardware configurations of IBM compatible PCs require Linux kernels 
with special options enabled or patches applied. For this reason, the 
CDs contain several different kernels:

* binary-1: *multiboot*. This CD offers you a choice between all
  available kernels, so unless you happen to have one of the very
  few machines on which the multiboot feature does not work, you
  should boot from this CD.
* binary-2: *vanilla*. A 2.2 kernel with many drivers for older
  hardware (such as ISA-based systems) and USB support.
* binary-3: *compact*. A 2.2 kernel with PCI SCSI and IDE drivers.
* binary-4: *idepci*. A one-size-fits-all 2.2 kernel which should
  work on most machines. This is also booted by default if you just
  press Return at the prompt of the multiboot (binary-1) CD.
* binary-5: *bf2.4*. A 2.4 kernel with ext3 and ReiserFS support.
  You should choose this kernel if your hardware is recent, e.g. you
  are using a USB keyboard.

The kernels correspond to the different disk images on the FTP server 
for stable  
and testing 
. In case 
your system cannot boot from CD at all, it is also possible to write the 
kernel to floppy disc  and 
boot from there.

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Re: X with NVidia: "(EE) No devices detected"

2002-10-09 Thread Jeff

Issac Trotts, 2002-Oct-08 17:16 -0700:
> >Re-installing is a bit drastic.  It seems to me that the modules
> >aren't loading.  The installation process puts them, I think, in
> >/lib/modules//misc so check there and do the insmod on those
> >specific names.  You'll also need to add those modules to the list in
> >/etc/modules so they are loaded at boot.
> >
> >jc
> >
> Here's what my session looks like:
>$ cd /lib
>$ find . -name \* | grep -i nv
>$ find /lib -name \* | grep -i gl
> insmod nvram didn't help so I rmmod'ed it.
> Issac


Please reply to the list only, thanks.

I think there's also a glx driver that needs to be loaded.  Is the
NVdriver the only driver in that directory?


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Unable to use network card with 2.4.19

2002-10-09 Thread Jeff

Darryl L. Pierce, 2002-Oct-09 13:53 -0400:
> On 2002.10.09 12:54 Marcelo Ramos wrote:
> >El(On) Tue, 8 Oct 2002 09:59:35 -0400
> >"Darryl L. Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió(wrote):
> >
> >> I've had on again/off again problems with my laptop and the
> >2.4.1[8,9]
> >> kernel. I boot my laptop with the card (both a D-Link 660 and a 3Com
> >
> >> EtherLink III) inserted and the system sometimes comes up and
> >sometimes
> >> doesn't (I'm using DHCP). But, if I reboot my system and load the
> >> 2.2.19 kernel, the network comes up immediately, no problem.
> >>
> >> Any ideas? This same system works beautifully at home where I use a
> >> D-Link DWL-650 wireless card. It comes up at home no problem.
> >
> >Have your 2.4.X kernels got the CONFIG_PACKET (Packet socket) and
> >(Socket Filtering) enabled ?
> >
> >The dhcpd README stats that those options are necessary.
> I'm not running a DHCP server. I'm using pump to configure my NIC via 
> DHCP. And, this problem *never* existed before I installed the 2.4.19 
> kernel.

You still need CONFIG_FILTER for the socket support, and
CONFIG_PACKET, for the client to work.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Unable to use network card with 2.4.19

2002-10-09 Thread Jeff

Jeff, 2002-Oct-09 11:33 -0700:
> Darryl L. Pierce, 2002-Oct-09 13:53 -0400:
> > 
> > On 2002.10.09 12:54 Marcelo Ramos wrote:
> > >El(On) Tue, 8 Oct 2002 09:59:35 -0400
> > >"Darryl L. Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió(wrote):
> > >
> > >> I've had on again/off again problems with my laptop and the
> > >2.4.1[8,9]
> > >> kernel. I boot my laptop with the card (both a D-Link 660 and a 3Com
> > >
> > >> EtherLink III) inserted and the system sometimes comes up and
> > >sometimes
> > >> doesn't (I'm using DHCP). But, if I reboot my system and load the
> > >> 2.2.19 kernel, the network comes up immediately, no problem.
> > >>
> > >> Any ideas? This same system works beautifully at home where I use a
> > >> D-Link DWL-650 wireless card. It comes up at home no problem.
> > >
> > >Have your 2.4.X kernels got the CONFIG_PACKET (Packet socket) and
> > >(Socket Filtering) enabled ?
> > >
> > >The dhcpd README stats that those options are necessary.
> > 
> > I'm not running a DHCP server. I'm using pump to configure my NIC via 
> > DHCP. And, this problem *never* existed before I installed the 2.4.19 
> > kernel.
> You still need CONFIG_FILTER for the socket support, and
> CONFIG_PACKET, for the client to work.


I'm replying to this message since I inadvertantly deleted your
response asking where to set these config attributes.

I don't recall for sure that you self-compiled the 2.4.19 kernel, so
I'll assume so.  Using "make menuconfig|xconfig", these attributes are
under "Networking options", and then "Packet socket" and "Socket
Filtering".  If you simply modify /usr/src/linux/.config then change
CONFIG_PACKET=m/y and CONFIG_SOCKET=m/y.  I prefer to put them into
the kernel, answering "y" to each.

happy compiling,

Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Unable to use network card with 2.4.19

2002-10-09 Thread Jeff

Darryl L. Pierce, 2002-Oct-09 17:52 -0400:
> On 2002.10.09 16:33 Jeff wrote:
> >> You still need CONFIG_FILTER for the socket support, and
> >> CONFIG_PACKET, for the client to work.
> >
> >Darryl,
> >
> >I'm replying to this message since I inadvertantly deleted your
> >response asking where to set these config attributes.
> >
> >I don't recall for sure that you self-compiled the 2.4.19 kernel, so
> >I'll assume so.  Using "make menuconfig|xconfig", these attributes are
> >under "Networking options", and then "Packet socket" and "Socket
> >Filtering".  If you simply modify /usr/src/linux/.config then change
> >CONFIG_PACKET=m/y and CONFIG_SOCKET=m/y.  I prefer to put them into
> >the kernel, answering "y" to each.
> AH! I'm not building my own kernel, instead using the kernel-image 
> package and the associated PCMCIA package. I'm hoping not to have to 
> build a kernel if I can help it. ;)

Okay...hmmm...I'm not familiar with the kernel-image's, but I have to
assume that socket is in there.  Check by searching the
/boot/config-2.4.19 file.  It might be a module (CONFIG_SOCKET=m)
which would put the module somewhere in /lib/modules/2.4.19-?.  I
don't know what the module would be called to insmod it.  Probably
something like socket.o or the like.  


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: CD-R not mounting

2002-10-10 Thread jeff

Marcus wrote:

>Running Debian 3.0
>I've added the appropriate "hdc=ide-scsi" option to grub.conf, but the
>CD drive still won't mount.
>It seems that setup did not add ide-scsi to the modules? Or are they in
>the kernel already?
i had the same problem. i don't think that 3.0 comes with a stock 'scsi 
enabled' kernel. the module you're looking for is called 'srmod'.

>Can anybody tell me how you would add the appropriate driver config? It
>seems in Debian you don't directly edit modules.conf.
the only thing i can recommend is that you build a nice new kernel and 
include 'scsi emulation', 'scsi support', and 'scsi generic support' - 
all of which can be built and loaded as modules.

to load modules at boot time, run 'modconfig' as root.

>After several attempts I'm fairly clueless. Mandrake recognized the
>CD-R and added ide-scsi to modules.conf. What do I need to check?
you're doing the right thing by adding the 'hdc=ide-scsi' to grub..  you 
just have to make sure that scsi emulation is built into your kernel.

good luck bro and email me if you still need help. i know it can be a 
bit frustrating. i came from mandrake too.


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Re: Unable to use network card with 2.4.19

2002-10-10 Thread Jeff

Darryl L. Pierce, 2002-Oct-10 10:33 -0400:
> On 2002.10.09 21:28 Shyamal Prasad wrote:
> >You certainly should not have to. Look in the
> >/boot/config-2.4.19{-arch} file. There is a section that looks like
> >this (form 2.4.18-k7)
> >
> >#
> ># Networking options
> >#
> These values are all set in the config file installed with the 
> kernel-image package.
> >In this case the CONFIG_PACKET option indicates a module. Make sure
> >you have 'af_packet' listed in /etc/modules to get it loaded at boot.
> I rebooted and did an lsmod and saw af_packet was installed. I typed 
> ifconfig and it only listed the loopback interface. I did "ifup eth0" 
> and it said the connection was already configured. So, I finally did 
> "ifdown eth0" and then "ifup eth0" and the connection came up! 
> Rebooting, I had to go through the same steps to get the interface 
> online. Any ideas on that?

A couple thoughts:

1. I don't know if it's been suggested, but check
  /etc/network/interfaces and make sure it has these lines:

auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

  This will make it use dhcp to configure eth0 at boot.

2. Actually, that's my only thought :-)


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Simple terminal question

2002-10-10 Thread Jeff

Felipe Martínez Hermo, 2002-Oct-10 13:36 +0200:
> El Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 05:18:03AM -0400, Kevin B. McCarty escribió: 
> > Hi all,
> > Are there any terminal emulators that have an option to save the contents 
> > of the terminal buffer to a text file?  Gnome-terminal (the version 
> > in woody, at least) doesn't seem to have such an option, and if I remember 
> > correctly, xterm doesn't either.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > 
> > -- 
> > Kevin McCartyPhysics Department
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Princeton University
> >  Princeton, NJ 08544
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> try "script": it works with any shell.   
> It logs anything in your shell until Ctrl-D is typed

You can also run "screen" and do a Cntrl-a H to start and stop


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Why is apt trying to install packages from Sarge ?

2002-10-10 Thread Jeff

Pat Colbeck, 2002-Oct-10 16:17 +0100:
> This is getting stranger. I have simplified my preferences so it looks
> like this:
> Package: *
> Pin:release a=stable
> Pin-Priority: 900 
> My sources look like this:
> # Stable which is Woody at the moment
> deb stable/updates main
> deb stable main contrib non-free
> deb stable/non-US main contrib
> non-free
> # Testing which is Sarge at the moment
> deb testing main contrib non-free
> deb testing/non-US main contrib
> non-free
> # Unstable which is always Sid
> deb unstable main contrib non-free
> deb unstable/non-US main contrib
> non-free

Change you preferences to look like this:

Package: *
Pin: release a=stable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 75

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 75

That should fix it, it works for me.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: desktop

2002-10-10 Thread Jeff

mollie k parkerson, 2002-Oct-10 10:18 -0400:
>I have installed Debian 2.2. I am now learning the line commands,and
>command manual. In my search I have yet to find how to open the desktop.
>I feel at this time I would be more comfortable operation from the desktop
>Can someone send me info are direct me to info on how to open the linux
>thank you,
>terry parkerson

Sounds like your just getting started with Linux/Debian.  I recommend
getting a book to help you get started.  Something like "Learning
DEBIAN GNU/LINUX" from O'Reilly, by Bill McCarty would be good.  I'm
sure there are others, but this one was good for me.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Toshiba 2405-S201 cannot configure xserver card S3 SuperSavage/IXC1179

2002-10-10 Thread Jeff

Andres Toussaint, 2002-Oct-10 12:17 -0500:
> I have installed Woody into my Toshiba 2405-S201 laptop and want to 
> start xserver-xfree86 but when i give STARTX i receive the error:
> Fatal Server Error:
> no screens found
> I first tried configuring (using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86) 
> with the following chipsets with the same result: S3Virge, savage
> The video card that i have is: S3 SuperSavage/IXC 1179 with 16Mb RAM
> Second, i tried (following some advice in this user lists) replacing 
> the from the distribution with the one provided at: 
> without success. The same 
> error.
> If any one has any clue on how to start this video chipset, please advice.

You could try this:

apt-get install discover
apt-get install mdetect

XFree86 -configure

This will build a XF86Config file based on the autodetection of
hardware.  It works nicely.  You may have trouble with the mouse
detection, so if you have problems check that part of the config file
that's generated.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: a good file manager - any suggestions?

2002-10-11 Thread Jeff

Sandip P Deshmukh, 2002-Oct-11 14:26 +0530:
> hello all
> it has been almost a week since i shifted to linux and it has been 
> wonderful.
> one thing that i am missing is a file manager like explorer. two paned. 
> left side tree, right side contents of directory.
> any suggestions?
> thanx in advance
> sandip

Take a look at filerunner.  It's light, configurable, 2-paned...not
much like explorer, but easy to figure out.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: 2 NIC, 2 Gateway

2002-10-11 Thread Jeff

david hong, 2002-Oct-11 14:20 +0800:
> what nate said is closest to what i am asking for.
> my network is a bit tricky.
> the linux box eth0 is connecting to internet.
> the eth1 is connecting to one of the VLan.
> what i am trying to achive is to do a portforwarding
> for smtp to a different lan which is not
> the network.
> i hv tried the 2 gateways setting, so far no luck.

Could the destination you are port-forwarding to be using a different
path to get back to the source? 


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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mutt reply_regexp help

2002-10-11 Thread Jeff

mutt guru's,

I'm on a number of internal distribution lists where I work and they
are all terrible for format and netiquette, but one goes so far as to
add a bunch of stuff to the subject line which messes up my
threading.  Actually, it could be the outlook clients doing this, but
the Re: part is actually "RE:".  I think this is the reason threading
is messed up because on the few posts that come in using "Re:"
threading works.

So, I need help putting together a reply_regexp line that will
recognize this.  The default is "^(re([\[0-9\]+])*|aw):[ \t]*".
Obviously I'm regexp-impaired, so how could I change this to help my


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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a good argument for ext3 or reiserfs

2002-10-11 Thread jeff

i'm considering converting my current ext2 file system on my nice debian 
box. could i get some feedback from the list? i have read through some 
manuals and how-to's but i would like to hear personal experience on 
what you think might be better or maybe faster or whathaveyou.

1) my box is just a home internet station... which would be 'better' in 
your opinion.

2) what's a good url for ext3 how-to

3) what's a good url for resierfs how-to

much appreciated list. i know you won't let me down.  :-)

rock out...


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Re: minicom 1.83.1 hangs

2002-10-13 Thread Jeff

Lukas Ruf, 2002-Oct-13 16:16 +0200:
> Dear all,
> recently, I bought an external ADSL modem.  To configure this modem at
> the command line level, I needed to connect via a serial interface
> (RS-232) with no flow control and no initialisation methods.
> So, I removed all the entries accessible when starting minicom as root
> su -c "minicom -s".
> However, when I try start minicom, it hangs.  Neither ALT-Z nor any
> other keystroke works.
> Does anyone have any idea how I could fix this problem?
> Maybe it is due to the terminal emulation minicom imposes (VT102 while
> Windows Hyperterminal shows VT100).  How can I change this to VT100?
> Using 
> setenv TERM VT100
> does not help anything.
> Thanks for any help!

Try starting minicom with the "-o" option which will forgo the
initialization process.  I use this whenever I using the serial port
to console into a device.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Should I convert to ext3?

2002-10-13 Thread jeff

Chip Rose wrote:

>As a new Debian3.0 user, I've seen posts about converting to ext3 or
>another type filesystem.  I don't know anything about this, but if it
>would make my single-user computer more stable, I might want to try it. 
>Are there significant benefits, to outweigh the "risks" of me possibly
>hosing my system?  I went to the following links, and didn't see much in
>the way of advocacy or potential upsides.
>Thanks/Chip Rose

howdy chip.

not too long ago, i posted the same question about converting to ext3. i 
had to see for myself exactly what was the big deal. as far as speed 
goes, i don't see much of a difference. but that wasn't my main concern. 
what was driving me nuts was the fsck every 20 mounts with ext2. it's 
not really that big of a deal. nonetheless, i went on my quest to 
convert all my partitions to ext3. i built a nice new kernel with both 
ext2/3 built in, ran the necessary tools to convert, changed my fstab 
accordingly, and rebooted. lo and behold ext3 worked like a charm. and 
just for fun, i shut my machine off while it was running just to see how 
ext3 would recover. just like everyone said, what would take ext2 like a 
couple of minutes to recover took ext3 like 20 seconds! i'm not much of 
a speed/hardware freak like some people on the list. i like workhorses. 
with ext3, i feel like i took a step in the right direction.

just my opinion. it worked for me. no problems yet. your mileage (or 
km), of course, may vary.

good luck!


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Re: OT: Programming books

2002-10-13 Thread jeff

Jason Stechschulte wrote:

>I know there are a lot of programmers on this list, so I'm hoping
>someone might be kind enough to help me.  I already am a so so
>programmer.  I'm comfortable using Perl and PHP and I have a little
>experience in C/C++.  
>I'm now thinking of taking the next step and starting a real programming
>project.  I'm thinking of writing a game.  My question is this: Does
>anyone know of a book that doesn't teach you a language, rather it
>teaches you  how to do an entire project.  I'm more interested in
>something that says by going through this book you will create this.
>Then the book focuses on that one task from planning to final
>I know there are some books that do something like this but they just
>give you source code and then talk about the code.  I'm hoping to find
>something the other way around.  The author(s) discuss(es) the concepts
>before giving the code that way you have a chance to try to create the
>code yourself without looking ahead.  
>I'm already looking at and altering the sources for nethack to get a
>handle on how they do things.  I'm also reading OpenGL Programming Guide
>to learn graphics even though the game I want to write will be 2D.  So
>does anyone know of a book such as I'm hoping to find?  C/C++ is
>preferable, but other languages will be considered too since I don't
>find learning new languages very difficult.

just stick to the motto i see on your website: flash is not what will 
make your game poplular. period. the game industry needs an enema so 
bad...   well...  that's another story.

i'm no programmer...  just an older dude with good ideas and some 
storyboard/character development experience behind me. would be cool to 
have a debian gamers group or something like that. fun stuff exclusively 
written for my favorite distro.

well, it's all pipedreams until we start emailing each other. so, like, 
get something started already!  :-D


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Re: new install - /root dir open to all users?

2002-10-13 Thread jeff

Chip Rose wrote:

>Uh - maybe I'm missing something, but why is my /root dir open to all
>users to enter and view files?  Permissions as follows:
>drwxr-xr-x6 root root
>I just installed from CD last week, and haven't changed anything to do
>with /root, so...  It must've installed itself like that.  Anyone else
>have this situation from new install?
it's only read and execute. there's no write permissions. but if you're 
really paranoid, go ahead and try editing some of the files and saving 
them to the root directory and watch what happens. half the fun of 
owning a linux box is learning what you can break and fix.



p.s. i always make a test account along with my regular everyday use 
account so that i can blow stuff up on purpose..  just to see what happens.

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Re: oopadmin/spadmin problem?

2002-10-14 Thread Jeff

Richard Weil, 2002-Oct-14 09:50 -0700:
> I added some new fonts to my system and I want to make
> sure they've been added to OO. But when I start
> oopadmin (formerly spadmin), I get a blank, full
> screen. It happens when I run oopadmin as either a
> normal user or root. Is there a problem with oopadmin?
> Am I missing something? I'm running woody. Thanks.

I'm not familiar with oopadmin.  I use spamdin to add fonts to OO.
When you open spadmin, click the "Fonts" button at the bottom, then
click "Add" on the right side of the new window.  Browse to the font
location and add them.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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quick n00b tip - purging files using deborphan

2002-10-14 Thread jeff

just a quick small tip... so as not to waste too much list space.

to collect a list of 'orphan' files (files that your current system 
doesn't depend on) on your system and then remove them:

$ apt-get install deborphan
$ deborphan > 
$ cat  | dpkg --purge

this will use  as a package list of the items you want to 
remove (including config files).

worked like a charm for me!


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making a deb distro

2002-10-14 Thread jeff

was curious if there's any nifty documentation out there that would 
cover creating you're own debian distro. i would like to make one with 
all my favorite junk on it and pass it around to a handful of friends so 
they can play with it.

thanks list!

you guys always rock.


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Re: Knoppix & DemoLinux

2002-10-14 Thread Jeff

Andy Saxena, 2002-Oct-14 21:58 -0400:
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 05:45:08PM -0400, Andy Saxena wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am trying to promote Linux at the office. I handed out a few DemoLinux
> > CDs for my co-workers to use. Could somebody draw a comparison between
> > DemoLinux & Knoppix?
> > 
> > Thank you.
> > Andy
> > 
> To answer my own question Knoppix has more of the latest software. Other
> than that I don't know too much at the moment.
> -Andy

Hey Andy,

I like Knoppix best for promotion because it has more recent versions
of software, a huge amount of applications, and won't change anything
on the host system.  I also use it as a rescue and recovery system
since it has a lot of tools and will run inspite of how botched a
system might be.  DemoLinux is really good too, and allows you to do
somewhat of an install, using a small amount of disk space for config
file storage.  I haven't used DemoLinux much since I discovered
Knoppix.  I roam to different offices and can sometimes find a windows
PC in a cube I'm borrowing.  I get permission to reboot that system
and boot it to Knoppix and use it for awhile.  That's pretty nice.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Setting Sound volumn

2002-10-14 Thread Jeff

lameth, 2002-Oct-14 22:53 -0400:
> In what file do you set the volumn level for a sound card.

You don't really use a file, but rather a mixer.  If you don't have a
mixer installed, there are a host of choices:

$ apt-cache search mixer

I'm currently using tkmixer.  They all pretty-much work the same,
providing a means to set the volume on your sound devices, but the
interfaces are different.

If you are using ALSA, you should use alsamixer or amixer.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Knoppix & DemoLinux

2002-10-15 Thread Jeff

Wendell Cochran, 2002-Oct-15 08:47 -0700:
> >Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 21:06:14 -0700
> >From: Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [SNIP]
> >. . . I roam to different offices and can sometimes find a windows PC in
> >a cube I'm borrowing.  I get permission to reboot that system and boot
> >it to Knoppix and use it for awhile. 
> Aha.  You use Knoppix in your role as a floater -- a practice, & a term,
> useful in promoting Linux amongst the heathen.
> That is to say you're not a bumptious missionary but rather a journeyman
> carrying a  magic box of tools.

"the heathen", I love it!

I must say that I've done quite a few demo's with Knoppix when folks
pop in and ask, "Hey, what are you using there?".  I also get
questions when I pull my laptop out of my bag, open the lid and start
typing within a few seconds.

And, my "magic box" has proven successful in far more situations for
me than for my MS-toting peers.

Spreading the Word,

Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Project organizer and time-tracking software?

2002-10-15 Thread Jeff

Kirk Strauser, 2002-Oct-15 11:02 -0500:
> I'm looking for some software to keep track of open projects, and the time
> I've spent working on each.  I need to be able to track multiple clients and
> multiple projects per client, and easily search for projects that are not
> completed, have been invoiced but haven't paid yet, etc.  I tried using
> PHPGroupware, but it just wasn't quite up to par as of a month or so ago
> (although certainly far better than nothing).
> I don't care if the app is Gnome, KDE, PHP/mod_perl, or Emacs based, as long
> as it works.  Any suggestions?

I've used gtimer.  It's pretty simple, but may help you out.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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2002-10-15 Thread Jeff

john gennard, 2002-Oct-15 21:25 +0100:
> I'd like to try using IRC. There seems a wide variety of programs 
> available and I wonder what is the one most commonly chosen
> by list members. I'm running Woody.
> Thanks.

Hey John,

I see there being 2 types, gui and text.  I prefer the text based
because I use ssh quite a bit to remote systems and just use the
terms.  My preference is irssi which has both a text and gui version.
I've also used bitchx, but I moved to irssi so I could tell my mom
about it, among other things.  Also, I've used xchat which is a nice
gui version.

Like you said, there are a plethora of choices.  So I suggest starting
with one, get familiar with it, and then try the others till you find
one you like.

have fun,

Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Compiling a kernel for another machine

2002-10-15 Thread Jeff

Alex Malinovich, 2002-Oct-15 16:07 -0500:
> I've got an Athlon XP 2000 system running as my desktop machine. I've
> also got a PIII 850 laptop and a p133 mail server. While recompiling the
> kernel on the laptop isn't too time consuming it still takes almost
> twice as long as it does on my desktop. And don't even get me started
> about the p133... :)
> Using the Debian Way of rolling a kernel, can I use my desktop to
> compile the kernel for the other machines? Are there any special flags,
> or is there any special optimization that is done at compile time that I
> might lose if I compile on a machine other than the one the kernel is
> going to be run on?
> Eventually, I'd like to do all of my compilation on my desktop, but for
> now I'd be content with just the kernel. Though if anyone has any
> general tips on the subject, they'd be very much appreciated.
> -Alex

Actually, using kernel-package makes the kernel image very portable.
I do this exact thing.  I've compiled kernels for friends and emailed
the .deb to them.  There are no flags or anything special you need to
do, besides using the appropriate config options for the machine in
question.  Also, you'll probably want to use a different source tree
for each machine, and use a different name for each kernel-image using
the --revision=customename.1.0 option.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Problem with XSERVER and PS/2 mouse

2002-10-15 Thread Jeff

Wathen, Metherion, 2002-Oct-15 16:33 -0500:
> Hello, I just installed Debian 2x on an older Pentium PC. Everything went
> well until it was time to start X, the screen flashes text rolls by then it
> stops with a message that "xserver cant find /dev/mouse". I have a generic
> no-name brand mouse, it has a driver disk for the windows os.
> Do I need to reinstall everything? Is there a way this can be fixed w/o
> reinstall?
> Thanks in advance for any and all help.
> mw.

It looks like you don't have /dev/mouse created as a link to the
actual device.  Assuming your no-name mouse is a PS/2, as root (or
using sudo) do:

# cd /dev
# ln -s psaux mouse

This will link /dev/mouse to the actual PS/2 device /dev/psaux.

Hopefully, this'll do it.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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wmdate acting up?

2002-10-15 Thread jeff

was curious if anyone on the list uses the 'wmdate' dockapp and if so, 
have you noticed that it seems to go nuts on your system? i've been 
watching it the past hour or so and at really odd intervals, i run 'top' 
and watch as it maxes out my cpu for a good 2-3 minutes before it goes 
back to 'normal'.


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Re: (no subject)

2002-10-15 Thread jeff
> and it looks a little snazzier out of the box,I'll come back,but until 
> then I'll have to just say no thanks.Maybe some people out there will 
> take this as the constructive criticism its meant as and point it in 
> the right direction,and more likely some people will take this as an 
> attack that its not.
>All Im saying is that until its more idiot firendly,Ill have to 
> take a pass,because IMO the bad outwieghs the good.

*ahem* when, the polish is applied?  :-)  forgive me for saying.. i can 
totally tell you come from using mandrake. me thinks you need to look a 
bit deeper than looks. if you think debian is not quite up to par, go 
and try installing freebsd or slackware.  :-D  looks are irrelevant. 
does the dern thing work? does it get the job done? for sure.

i'll coin a phrase from the creators of south park... 'looks are to 
debian what salad dressing is to sex...' if that gives you any idea of 
where your argument is going. quite frankly my good man, i really don't 
understand how you could outweigh the sheer power and flexibility of 
this os because it doesn't look pretty when it boots up. i think if you 
really take some time and play with it a little more, you'll love it! 
and this mailing list goes far beyond the call of tech support. the 
collective brain power is simply awesome. the coolest and smartest 
people who are willing to help with every question i ask. that's nice to 

i'm not going to knock mandrake either. because, like a lot of users on 
this list, that's where i came from. and it's a good distro. but when 
the time came, i wanted something more. and i certainly have found it.

> Thanks for your time,
> C

hey, good luck bro and don't give up!


isn't that nice?  :-)



p.s.  <--  fluxbox 
on my box..  joy.  :-)

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Re: Simple HTTP Server Recommendation

2002-10-16 Thread Jeff

Doug MacFarlane, 2002-Oct-16 14:41 +:
> Team:
> I need to put up a simple, HTML-only site.  No database/CGI/anything.
> Apache looks like overkill.  
> Can you recommend a nice, compact, efficient alternative?
> madmac

I use apache for HTML-only.  It may be overkill, but it runs
out-of-the-box and the configuration is pretty easy.  Also, it's so
widely supported that I don't have to go far to find answers to my
questions.  Also, if you decide later to use a database/cgi/anything,
it's a simple matter of installing the module for that purpose and you
don't have to go learn a whole new platform to do it.

my 2 cents,

Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Installing QuakeForge?

2002-10-16 Thread Jeff

Edward Guldemond, 2002-Oct-16 23:35 -0400:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 07:56:21PM -0700, nate wrote:
> > there is no quakeforge package in any of the 3 main debian distros
> > that i can find(stable,testing,unstable). where did you get the package?
> > perhaps it was built for debian 2.1 or 2.2 or maybe...debian 2.0
> > 
> > nate
> I downloaded the source from QuakeForge ( and
> rolled Debian binary packages using the script that they provide.  I was
> just wondering if there was a source for the quake-game package out
> there somewhere, if I had overlooked it.
> Thanks,

quake2 is in woody, if that's what you're looking for.  It loads the
data (wad?) file from either a commercial CD or from a shareware site.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: OpenOffice

2002-10-16 Thread Jeff

Patrick Lane, 2002-Oct-16 20:33 -0700:
> Hello All,
> Recently, all of my OpenOffice applications seem to have lost their
> fonts. What I mean by this, is that all text in the applications is
> missing. Menu text, text typed in by a user...ALL TEXT. It's odd. This
> happened a couple of days ago and I'm just now getting around to trying
> to fix it. 
> I can't remember if anything happened to change the system (obviously
> must have) before this problem arose. I'm just not sure.
> I'm running sid and am getting the OpenOffice debs here:
> deb unstable main contrib
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> --Patrick

There was a short thread a few days ago that might help you with
this.  The subject said in part "ooadmin/spadmin".  There was a font
issue that had something to do with defoma.  You might want to check
the archive.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: aptitude works as root, not with sudo

2002-10-23 Thread Jeff
Tom Cook, 2002-Oct-23 15:45 +0930:
> On  0, Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> > I get something similar running
> > 
> > $ sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
> > 
> > The update works fine, but the upgrade gets this:
> > 
> > 
> > Fetched 2287kB in 13s (172kB/s) 
> >
> > Reading Package Lists... Done
> > Building Dependency Tree... Done
> > E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
> > E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?
> That would be because your shell is dividing the line:
> sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
> into two commands:
> sudo apt-get update
> apt-get upgrade
> Shell parsing happens before the command is executed!  You could do
> this:
> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
> but then you might get prompted for your password twice.

Ah, I see.

And, I get prompted for password on for the first one only, so this
works.  sudo will use the first password for a certain amount of time
before it will ask again, within the same shell.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Lighter window managers

2002-10-23 Thread jeff
Jamin W.Collins wrote:

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 15:26:57 -0400 jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

and a nice screenshot of my current desktop:

this is a complete minimalist one liner:

apt-get install fluxbox xterm mozilla xmms xchat gaim xserver-xfree86 
gpm xbase-clients xfonts-100dpi xfonts-base xscreesaver linuxlogo

You can't be serious, listing both xterm and mozilla and claiming it's
minimalist?  First, rxvt is _much_ lighter than xterm (about half to
two-thirds the size).  Second, using "mozilla" in your apt-get will pull
in mozilla-browser, mozilla-mailnews, and mozilla-psm.  Phoenix (even at
v0.3) is a much better choice, but if you're looking for a solution that
uses only Debian pacakges, try Galeon or Skipstone.  Third, drop the
amusements linuxlogo and xpenguins.


ok... what i meant to say is irssi, mpg321, lynx (installed), micq, and 
cmatrix (no amusements = BO-RING!).

no X.

is that better?  :-)

i was speaking in terms of the number of programs - 1 of each is all ya 
need - not necessarily their size.

silly people.  :-D


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Re: local Mail: naive question

2002-10-23 Thread Jeff
Auke Jilderda, 2002-Oct-23 20:47 +0200:
> Ofcourse you can go fo either the most simple setup or a more flexible
> one.
> Jeff is looking for a simple setup which would, in my humble opinion,
> probably be some MUA (e.g. Mozilla) fetch mails directly from your POP3
> and IMAP accounts and sending mail through your ISP's mailserver.

Yup, that's what I was going for.
> Nate described a much more flexible setup which I, in fact, have.  In my
> setup, fetchmail fetches my mail from various POP3 accounts and delivers
> it through Exim and procmail to the proper mailboxes.  The courier-imap
> server provides access to the mailboxes, giving me both location and MUA
> independence.  My reasons for wanting those two capabilities is that I
> want a text based client (Mutt) when on the road and without proper
> mouse and keyboard and a GUI client (KMail, Ximian Evolution,
> SquirrelMail) when at my dockingstation.  Ofcourse I can send you my
> config files and a more detailed description of my setup if you'd like.

Personally, I prefer and use this for the flexibility too.  I use
mutt, postfix, maildrop and fetchmail.

> In addition, it is wise to install a mailserver on your local machine if
> only because lots of daemons would like to use it to tell you things.

This is the only thing I haven't done [yet].  It's on my list to do though.

> Auke


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: doc about ide-scsi cdrw drive

2002-10-19 Thread jeff
Matěj Hausenblas wrote:

I am using debian woody and I successfully configured all I need until now. My 
ide-scsi cdrw drive won't be recognized by cdrecord -scanbus command nor 
other (modprobe...and in my lilo figures the append="ide-scsi" option) So I 
would like to ask if there's some documentation specific to post-install 
configuration of this device. Or even an example would be sufficient. 
thanks very much for help


matej, make sure that scsi support is compiled into the kernel or is 
available as a module.

email me directly if you need some help.



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Re: Lighter window managers

2002-10-21 Thread jeff
Russell wrote:

Hi all,

I've been using fvwm2, and it has tons of configuration options,
which i find hard to master.

What are some good window managers that are even more light weight,
have less options (simpler to configure), and work well?

I'm into functionality more than flashness.

A large desktop that uses the screen as a window onto it would be useful.
A pop-up menu to select applications, and icons for applications would
be useful, but i don't mind editing the config file for this capability.

Is anything extra needed to run a gnome or kde application?

and a nice screenshot of my current desktop:

this is a complete minimalist one liner:

apt-get install fluxbox xterm mozilla xmms xchat gaim xserver-xfree86 
gpm xbase-clients xfonts-100dpi xfonts-base xscreesaver linuxlogo xpenguins

and you're good to go  :-)

good luck!


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Re: which half are you in?

2002-10-21 Thread Jeff
Russell, 2002-Oct-21 13:49 +1000:
> dave mallery wrote:
> > 
> > hi list!
> > 
> > there's a saying that all people are in two groups:
> > 
> > those who have done an rm -R * in root
> > and those who have not done it yet.
> > 
> > last evening, i joined the former group after six years of linux and a
> > lifetime of computing...
> It takes a bit of conditioning of your habits to avoid
> these kinds of errors. I've never been locked out of my
> car because i *know* that it would happen if i didn't
> always lock the door with the key.
> Likewise, when doing a recursive delete of directories
> as root, always do "pwd" or "ls -al" if your path isn't
> displayed in the prompt. Another way is to do the delete
> from midnight commander where you can see everything.

I've locked myself out of my car, my house, my office...and I've done
rm -R * in /etc before.  I can sympathize.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: local Mail: naive question

2002-10-22 Thread Jeff
Jerome BENOIT, 2002-Oct-22 15:49 +0300:
> Hi All !
> How can we read the local emails with Mozilla ?
> Mus I install a POP something on my laptop ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jerome BENOIT

I don't understand.  Do you mean email messages stored in local mail
boxes?  If that's the case, then you need to make sure the mail boxes
are a type that Mozilla can read, like MH or mbox.  I don't think
mozilla can read maildir format, but I don't know.  


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: local Mail: naive question

2002-10-22 Thread Jeff
nate, 2002-Oct-22 12:34 -0700:
> Jerome BENOIT said:
> > In fact I want to fetch my different POP boxes
> > to my laptop and still read my email with a Mozilla
> > which deals with POP or IMAP stuff:
> > so I guess taht I have to install a POP stuff on my laptop.
> > Does it sound reasonnable ?
> > Is there a more orthodox way to do the job ?
> it is probably cleanest to run a MTA(Postfix,Exim,Sendmail) and
> a IMAP server locally(Courier, Cyrus, UW IMAP) and use something
> like fetchmail to retrieve mail to the local system. Then use
> mozilla to login to your local IMAP server to read email. this way
> if you were to connect your laptop to a network you could access
> your email on it from another system by logging into the IMAP
> server.

Would an IMAP server really be necessary?  Fetchmail could retrieve
IMAP and POP mail and a MDA(procmail,maildrop) could deliver it to local
mailboxes(mbox,MH,maildir) and then Mozilla could read from the
mailboxes.  I don't think Mozilla requires a MTA, so sending mail
could be done directly.  I'm just thinking how it could be made as
simple as possible.  

Hmm...I was just messing around with Mozilla Mail (woody) and it
doesn't appear that it supports mbox format although the mailboxes it
creates look like mbox, accept for the permissions (0644).  It looks
like you would need an IMAP or POP server to access the mail fetched.
IMAP would probably be easier to deal with as nate says.

However, you could simply create a different mail account in Mozilla
for each POP mail account.  Mozilla would retrieve message for each
one.  I believe you'd have only one outgoing mail server though.  This
way you wouldn't need to install a MTA, MDA and an IMAP server.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: aptitude works as root, not with sudo

2002-10-22 Thread Jeff
Jeronimo Pellegrini, 2002-Oct-22 17:33 -0200:
> Hi.
> As the subject says, I've tried aptitude as root (runs perfectly),
> and with sudo. When I use sudo, I can't update the package database:
> sudo aptitude update
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree   
> Reading extended state information... Done
> Reading Package Lists... Done 
> Building Dependency Tree   
> Reading extended state information... Done
> W: Warning: could not lock the cache file.  Opening in read-only mode
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object
> But I can use sudo dselect, sudo apt-get, etc, without problems. (And
> /usr/bin/aptitude is close to /use/bin/apt-get in /etc/sudoers, both
> should work the same)
> Could someone please try to reproduce this? Is there something I missed,
> maybe?

I get something similar running

$ sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

The update works fine, but the upgrade gets this:

Fetched 2287kB in 13s (172kB/s)
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?

However, sudo aptitude works perfectly.  I haven't figured it out
yet.  Sorry I can't help yet, but I thought this info may help


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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2002-10-24 Thread Jeff
Ángel Carrasco, 2002-Oct-24 10:26 +0200:
> Ok:
> My office network is: and his IP is:
> My web network is: and his IP is:
> My service network is: and his IP is:
> My public network is: and his IP is:
> The public router is (and only works with the range
> The office router is (and only works with the range
> The static default route is
> This is my route -n
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> Iface
> U 0  00 eth0
>   U 0  00 eth1
>   U 0  00 eth3
>   U 0  00 eth2
> UG0  00 eth3

This system is your gateway to the internet.  You must have the
default route point to  All the networks on your
private network are known and can be specified in the route tables,
but you cannot specify all the internet routes.  So, the above route
table should look something like:

> And my dinamic route to using the public network is:
> ip rule add from table publica
> ip route add from default via dev eth0 table publica
> ip route flush cache
> And the problem is when I try to use in my internals
> networks doesnt run because the information goes by and not
> in the normal routes.

I'm not clear on whether you have internal routers, but if so they
should all have default routes to the gateway system as well as
specific routes to the local networks.  The gateway IP for the local
PC's should be the router interface nearest them.
> Can you help me, please?

I hope this helps,

Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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2002-10-24 Thread Jeff
Ángel Carrasco, 2002-Oct-24 22:21 +0200:
> I have two routers because I use one for internal users and other to use
> with public internet servers. Ok? And I cannot manage or add new rules in
> these routers because they are administrated  by other company.
> Can you help me,please?

> > My public network is: and his IP is:

> > UG0  0  0  eth3

Try this, remove the above route and replace it with one to

# route del default gw
# route add default gw

and see it that fixes it.  I believe my previous post is all wrong as
far as what I thought the route table should look like.  I think this
is all you need to do.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: VMware & Debian 3.0

2002-10-26 Thread Jeff
Aedificator, 2002-Oct-26 10:49 +0200:
>Any experiences with Debian and WMware 3.X?

Yes, and it works very nicely.  Woody with VMware 3.2.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Strange problem w/Ripping CDs

2002-10-26 Thread Jeff
Jack Pistachio, 2002-Oct-26 16:23 -0700:
> Recently I've ripped most my CD collection (with jack using
> ogg vorbis encoding).
> However, now I can't rip audio files (wav) from my cd-rw
> drive anymore.  Here's the skinny:
> I used to have both an internal CDROM and CD-RW.  The CDROM
> drive was a piece of crap so I removed it from the IDE bus
> (had both drive on the same cable with the CDROM as master
> because it was slightly faster).  Gave away the CDROM
> drive.  Now for some reason the CD-RW which is left
> operates fine mounting, reading, playing CD music, etc...
> all except for ripping CDs.  Tried using cdparanoia and
> cdda2wav, both have the same problem:
> I'm using scsi-emulation for my CD-RW.
> When I try to rip a .wav file I get a scsi transport error.
>  The scsi emulation complains that the drive is sending
> more data than expected.  By the way, I've tried another
> CDROM drive and ide cable and I still get the same error
> with those.
> Anyone have any clues as to why everything works but
> ripping audio cds?  Why did it work before and now it
> doesn't?  I'm positive all the device nodes are setup
> correctly.  I would like to finish ripping my CD
> collection.
> Thanks,
> jackp

When you moved your cd-rw drive to the master position I think the
device name changed.  I'm thinking the ide-cd driver found it and it's
probably linked to /dev/cdrom whereas before it was on a scsi device
and linked to /dev/cdrom0 or /dev/cdrecorder or the like.  Check
/var/log/dmesg to see what device it is and then check in /dev for the
links to make sure they're lined up right.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer 
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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2002-10-27 Thread Jeff
Ángel Carrasco, 2002-Oct-25 08:36 +0200:
> I cannot do it because, the big router has a little bandwidth only used by
> these servers.
> I try to use the office network to give internet all rest.
> And the second, I would have to do NAT because, each router only manages his
> range.

Well, I'm having trouble visualizing your network.  This is what I
invision at the moment:

|   |   |_Office(
|   |_Web(

Based on this, the default route on the BigRouter must be to and not  

The other, as you mention, you must be doing NAT on the BigRouter for
the 172.x networks.  The problem with using the Office network for
Internet access is that it doesn't have a legal address to use for
sending traffic to the Internet.  It can't traverse the
network to the BigRouter to get to the Internet unless you have a
tunnel between the two routers using legal addresses.

Also, if the Web router has a default route to the BigRouter, you may
have a routing loop.

Let me know if the diagram is off.   


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Problems with internet browsing

2002-10-28 Thread Jeff
Joyce, Matthew, 2002-Oct-28 18:08 +1100:
> You can try to ping a host by hostname, one that is not in you hosts file.
> If DNS is working ping with use and display the ip address.
> Also look at the 'nslookup' or 'dig' util.

You can also test dns with host:

$ host -v
Query about for record types A
Trying ...
Query done, 13 answers, status: no error
The following answer is not authoritative:   1791IN  CNAME IN  A IN  A IN  A IN  A IN  A IN  A IN  A IN  A


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Eterm font error

2002-10-28 Thread Jeff
Eduardo Gargiulo, 2002-Oct-28 11:56 -0300:
> Hi all
> I'd installed eterm, but when i try to run i get the following error
> $ Eterm 
> Eterm:  Error:  Unable to load font 
> Falling back on "k14"
> Eterm:  FATAL:  Couldn't load the fallback font either.  Giving up.
> I was playing with switch to change X fonts, but that font isn't which
> i've choosen. How can I fix this?

The first thing I'd check is to see if the font is installed.  Do
"dpkg -l | grep font" and check for defoma, xfonts-base,
xfonts-100dpi, xfonts-75dpi.  I don't know what font package that font
comes from, but I suspect xfonts-base.

You can use gtkfontsel to view all the fonts installed.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: XServer

2002-10-28 Thread Jeff
Guilherme A. Mendes, 2002-Oct-28 15:03 -0200:
>Hi everyone,
>This is my first message here...I hope I can learn and teach with you !
>Well, I installed Debian 3.0 and the basic sytem. So, I downloaded the
>XServer with tasksel. During the download, no problems, but when I tried
>to start the xserver I got an error : "AddInit error on driver 0".
>Then I tried to set it up again with dpkg-reconfigure and it didn't work
>out, I got the same error.
>My video card is a Intel i810, LG Monitor 15 Inches.
>How may fix it ?
>Thanks for all.

You can have XFree86 create a config file based on the detection of
the devices.  Run as root, "XFree86 -configure".  It may not find the
mouse correctly, to check the generated config file for that.  Also,
you may need to install a few packages to help detect the hardware,
such as discover and mdetect.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: VMWare on Debian and VPN on Windows

2002-11-02 Thread Jeff
nate, 2002-Nov-02 13:29 -0800:
> Andy Saxena said:
> > Does anybody have any experience running VMWare on Debian hosting
> > Windows (preferably Win2K) and using Windows VPN software?

I run woody and vmware 3.2 with Windows 2000 as the virtual machine.
I have both host and bridge mode running so I can connect to the local
host system as well as have a bridged connection.
> There are other products, such as Cisco's VPN line which support
> IPSec encapsulated inside of UDP packets, which work perfectly in
> every NAT enviornment I've worked with, and I've personally tested
> it in VMware on win2k on debian in bridged mode behind a NAT box
> with flawless results.

I use the Nortel Contivity VPN Client and it works perfectly.  It uses
IPSec as well and works with NAT. 
> I think I read recently that the IPSec-over-UDP implimtation
> is to be(or perhaps already is) integrated into the 'official'
> IPSec spec, so chances are more vendors will support it in
> the future.

Nortel calls this "NAT-Traversal".

> (I don't want to get into a NAT flamewar, I find NAT useful in
> many enviornments and am very gratified that some software vendors
> make products to accomidate me)

Agreed.  It's been a pretty good work-around that has solved all the
addressing problems I'm aware of.  I also like the freedom it provide
in creating private newtworks.  I wonder if IPv6 will ever take off.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Installing TrueType fonts

2002-11-06 Thread Jeff
Chris Lale, 2002-Nov-06 15:52 +:
> >In a magazine I've found a CD with many ttf files for the use
> >with Photoshop under windows.
> >
> >What's the straightforward way to install those ttf files under debian
> >woody for the use with gnome 1.4, OpenOffice, and - above all - the
> >Gimp?
> >
> See
> Briefly:
> 1. Install xfs and xfstt using apt-get.

Do you need both packages?  I was under the impression that xfstt
serves all that xfs does plus the tt fonts.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: ip_forward - 2 nics

2002-11-06 Thread Jeff
Kevin Coyner, 2002-Nov-06 23:50 -0500:

> It seems conceptually correct to me, yet I continue to wonder whether
> eth1 needs a gateway entry.  I guess not though, because when I try to
> add one, it doesn't take.
> In addition to these entries, I've changed /etc/network/options
> ip_forward=yes, and manually executed "echo 1 >
> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward".  I haven't done anything with iptables
> yet as it's my understanding that with these settings it should forward.
> Problem is though, it doesn't forward.  From a client I am able to ping
> but I am not able to ping an outside, internet address.
> What am I missing?  I'm quite prepared to say "duh".  Thanks, Kevin

Your interface config looks fine to me and the forwarding settings
look good too.  I suspect that you don't have a default gateway set on
your client PC's.  It should be  Also, can sumida ping the
world?  I suspect yes since you have the correct default gateway set.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: Elementary Woody Firewall with DSL.

2002-11-06 Thread Jeff
Dan.Hunt, 2002-Nov-06 23:15 -0600:
> After basic Woody install, with nothing extra at first.
> I upgrade the Kernel to a stock 2.4.??
>  and 
> Is there was a way to install a 2.4 kernel right from the c.d.?

If you have the full set of Woody install cd's, you can boot to cd #5
to start the installation and it will install with the 2.4 kernel.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-07 Thread Jeff
Rob Weir, 2002-Nov-06 04:40 +1100:
> On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 11:21:37AM -0500, Levi Waldron wrote:
> > On November 5, 2002 02:27 am, Rob Weir wrote:
> > > AFAIK, emacs supports this out of the box.  Open a .gpg file and it'll
> > > prompt you for the password and decrypt it for you, automatically
> > > re-encrypting it on save.
> > 
> > My xemacs 21.4.6-8 doesn't do this, although I have gpg installed now - 
> > probably have to load a module.
> Oops, you need crypt++el.
> -rob

Is there something else that's needed for emacs21?  I'm having

$ gpg -c file.txt
reenter   : 
$ ls
$ emacs -nw file.txt.gpg

emacs asks for the "encryption key", so I enter the passphrase,
because if I hit "return to ignore" is see the scrambled data.  After
entering the passphrase, emacs reports "Searching for program: no such
file or directory, crypt".

any ideas?


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ip_forward - 2 nics

2002-11-07 Thread Jeff
Kevin Coyner, 2002-Nov-07 14:14 -0500:
> On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 12:03:24PM -0200, Christoph Simon wrote..
> > I didn't read the start of the thread, but from what I'm seeing here,
> > you are missing some masquerading or source nat. First make sure, the
> > default policy of all enabled iptables is ACCEPT and not DROP (most
> > probably, it's OK). Then, you need to add an iptables-rule like:
> > 
> > iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $LAN -o eth1 -j SNAT $IPE
> > 
> > if you have a static external IP address, or just
> > 
> > iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $LAN -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE
> > 
> > assuming that LAN is something like (your local network and
> > mask), eth1 is your external interface and IPE is the external IP you
> > have.

You don't need NAT on sumida since both networks are private and you
router does the NATing, according to the original diagram.  Remove
these POSTROUTING entries.

> Sorry about the two posts in a row, but I forgot to mention this is the
> earlier post ...
> When I try pinging to the outside world from the client (via the proxy
> box) I can't get out.  In trying to gather more clues, I did the
> following:
> sumida:/etc/init.d# cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack
> udp  17 9 src= dst= sport=1059 dport=53
> [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=1059
> use=1
> udp  17 17 src= dst= sport=1061 dport=53
> [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=1061
> use=1
> The first destination ( is the router.  The second dest is
> a DNS server on the outside world.  In both cases the [UNREPLIED]
> message is appended.  Is that the proxy box 'not replying'?

Ah, when you ping the world, are you pinging using a domain name or an

I appears you are using a domain name and it's not getting resolved.
According to he cat above, your router is may be droping the DNS
requests.  Could this router be doing a DNS proxy?  Try setting the
DNS IP on your client and sumida to and see if it
works.  Also, where did come from?  According to you
original post, the network between sumida and the router is

One last thing, can you client ping  That would prove
that sumida is forwarding.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: networking woes with 2.4 kernel

2002-11-07 Thread Jeff
Jeff Cours, 2002-Nov-07 10:52 -0800:
> My first thought was that it might be a problem with the integrated 
> RTL-8139 NIC, so I installed a new Linksys LNE100TX (a tulip chipset), 
> disabled the 8139 through the BIOS, and got the same results with the 
> Linksys. (One note, though, is that the 2.2 kernel network 
> installation CD I was using noticed the 8139 even though it was 
> disabled by the BIOS, so I'm not sure exactly what the BIOS did to 
> "disable" the chip. It certainly didn't remove it from the PCI bus.) 
> I've since pulled the Linksys card to try to simplify the system, but 
> I've had no luck getting anything with a 2.4 kernel to work.

You didn't mention it, so I assume you didn't check to see of the 8139
module was loaded under the 2.4 kernel.  


# insmod 8139too

and see if that gets thing going for you.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-07 Thread Jeff
Osamu Aoki, 2002-Nov-07 14:18 -0800:
> > Is there something else that's needed for emacs21?  I'm having
> > trouble:
> > 
> > $ gpg -c file.txt
> > passphrase: 
> > reenter   : 
> > $ ls
> > file.txt.gpg
> > $ emacs -nw file.txt.gpg
> > 
> > emacs asks for the "encryption key", so I enter the passphrase,
> > because if I hit "return to ignore" is see the scrambled data.  After
> > entering the passphrase, emacs reports "Searching for program: no such
> > file or directory, crypt".
> Did you make gpg key and made available in your home directory in their
> default location with proper permission.  (~/.gnupg/ exist?)

Yes, it exists:

$ ls -la ~/.gnupg/
total 28
drwx--    2 jeff jeff 4096 Nov  7 13:18 .
drwxr-xr-x   38 jeff jeff 4096 Nov  7 13:07 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 jeff jeff 4342 Nov  7 13:08 gpg.conf
-rw-r--r--1 jeff jeff 4342 Nov  7 13:07 options
-rw-r--r--1 jeff     jeff    0 Nov  7 13:07 pubring.gpg
-rw---1 jeff jeff  600 Nov  7 13:18 random_seed
-rw---1 jeff jeff    0 Nov  7 13:07 secring.gpg

However, I have not generated a key pair.  Do I need that to
encyrpt/decrypt local files?


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ip_forward - 2 nics

2002-11-07 Thread Jeff
Kevin Coyner, 2002-Nov-07 16:55 -0500:
> On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 12:20:52PM -0800, Jeff wrote..
> > > 
> > > sumida:/etc/init.d# cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack
> > > 
> > > udp  17 9 src= dst= sport=1059 dport=53
> > > [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=1059
> > > use=1
> > > udp  17 17 src= dst= sport=1061 dport=53
> > > [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=1061
> > > use=1
> > > 
> > > The first destination ( is the router.  The second dest is
> > > a DNS server on the outside world.  In both cases the [UNREPLIED]
> > > message is appended.  Is that the proxy box 'not replying'?
> > 
> > Ah, when you ping the world, are you pinging using a domain name or an
> > IP?
> I'm using an IP, not a domain name. It seems to try the ICMP ping packet
> first 
> icmp 1 29 src= dst= type=8 code=0 id=22790
> [UNREPLIED] src= dst= type=0 code=0 id=22790
> use=1
> udp  17 8 src= dst= sport=1112 dport=53
> [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=1112 use=1
>  and then when it doesn't get a reply, it tries sending a udp packet
> to the DNS server (I've no idea why it does this).
> Separately, I'm able to sit at sumida the proxy box and ping everything
> and anything, both by ip and DN.  
> > I appears you are using a domain name and it's not getting resolved.
> > According to he cat above, your router is may be droping the DNS
> > requests.  Could this router be doing a DNS proxy?  Try setting the
> > DNS IP on your client and sumida to and see if it
> > works.  Also, where did come from?  According to you
> > original post, the network between sumida and the router is
> >
> I tried changing the ip's for the DNS as you suggested ... no success.
> The network was  As part of mucking up the whole system, I
> changed it at one point.  It is now  I'm quite sure that I
> was consistent with my changes throughout both boxes.
> > One last thing, can you client ping  That would prove
> > that sumida is forwarding.
> The client is not able to ping (used to be
> It can, however, ping the sumida the proxy box, both by
> IP and by pinging sumida the DN.
> Banging head against wall at this point.  This should be
> straightforward.

Oh! Oh! Oh!  The router doesn't know about the network.  It
needs a static route to to reach the
network.  That's why!  The traffic leaves fine, the router doesn't
know where to send the responding traffic to reach 10.0.0.?.

This has to be it!

Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ip_forward - 2 nics [solved]

2002-11-07 Thread Jeff
Kevin Coyner, 2002-Nov-07 22:15 -0500:
> Solved !!! Thanks much Jeff for helping out and getting me on the right
> path.
> It's as you suspected, the router didn't know about the network
> so I had to have the proxy server sumida do NAT in order to convert from
> the network to the network.  Probably obvious to
> some, but not to me in my first attempt at this.
> Since I've had my router assign a fixed IP of to sumida's
> first NIC, I've gone with SNAT for the setup.  And once that was
> decided, the key entry for iptables was ...
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to ${NAT}
> ... with $NAT being (the NIC connection to the internet).
> Again, thanks for your help.
> Kevin

No problem...that was fun!


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-10 Thread Jeff
Christian Jaeger, 2002-Nov-10 01:11 +0100:
> Additionally, you need to set the encryption type, i.e. with:
> M-x set-variable RET crypt-encryption-type RET
> (C-h will show you help at this point)
> "gpg" RET
> then:
> M-x crypt-rebuild-tables
> Well, but I then get "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil". Don't have 
> the time to investigate further now.
> chj

Ahah!  That was it.  Although, for the crypt-encryption-type I had to
enter "gpg" without the quotes for it to work.

However, I'm having trouble putting the right settings in my ~/.emacs
file for this to be set when emacs21 loads.  Any suggestions?


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-10 Thread Jeff
Rob Weir, 2002-Nov-09 18:14 +1100:
> On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 05:28:34PM -0800, Jeff wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > emacs asks for the "encryption key", so I enter the passphrase,
> > > > because if I hit "return to ignore" is see the scrambled data.  After
> > > > entering the passphrase, emacs reports "Searching for program: no such
> > > > file or directory, crypt".
> > > 
> > > Did you make gpg key and made available in your home directory in their
> > > default location with proper permission.  (~/.gnupg/ exist?)
> > 
> > However, I have not generated a key pair.  Do I need that to
> > encyrpt/decrypt local files?
> That's odd; gpg -c is supposed to just use a symmetric cipher and (I
> would assume, since it's otherwise pointless) not require a DSA or RSA
> keypair.
> rob@thebox> echo "This is text." > /tmp/a
> rob@thebox> gpg -c /tmp/a
> Creates it just fine
> rob@thebox> dtemacs /tmp/a&
> Opens it up just fine, when I provide the correct password.  I do have a
> public/private keypair though.
> -rob

Well, I created a key pair with "gpg --gen-key" and it does the same
thing.  Why is emacs asking for the "Encryption key" instead of the
passphrase?  I have to be doing something wrong?

I can decrypt the .gpg file fine with "gpg -d file.gpg" and it goes to
stdout, like cat.  How could I pipe the output to less?


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: file encryption

2002-11-10 Thread Jeff
Oleg, 2002-Nov-10 22:11 -0500:
> Hi
> How can I encrypt a file in a PLATFORM-INDEPENDENT manner using a password so 
> that I can decrypt it later using the same password (e.g. on a different UNIX 
> or Windows/Cygwin machine)?
> Thanks
> Oleg

I just learned how to do this using gpg:

$ gpg -c filename

this creates filename.gpg and then you must delete filename.  You may
want to overwrite the file before deleting it to make sure it's gone.
The -c option uses a symmetric cipher.  You could use -e also which, I
think, give you more encrypt option.

To decrypt:

$ gpg -d filename.gpg

This spits the decrypted file to stdout.  You can pipe it to a file as

I'm still learning, but this is where I am now.  I hope this helps get
you started.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: recover ext3 deletion

2002-11-10 Thread Jeff
Gerald Livingston, 2002-Nov-08 22:54 -0600:
> I went googling and found a utility I had set up when I was first
> playing with slackware years ago. It's called safedelete and creates a
> "trashcan" like wrapper around 'rm'. I don't see it packaged anywhere
> and the .rpm's I found while goggling seem to have been created sometime
> in the year 2000 -- the link I provide below indicates a tgz version
> from 2001.

I simply have an alias for rm for my shell:

alias rm='mv --backup=numbered --target-directory=/home/jeff/.Trash'
This is in my ~/.bashrc

I have this for my root account too...after deleting my entire /etc
directory once, I learned my lesson.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: encrypting a single file

2002-11-10 Thread Jeff
Rob Weir, 2002-Nov-10 16:08 +1100:
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2002 at 01:11:34AM +0100, Christian Jaeger wrote:
> > Additionally, you need to set the encryption type, i.e. with:
> > M-x set-variable RET crypt-encryption-type RET
> > (C-h will show you help at this point)
> > "gpg" RET
> > then:
> > M-x crypt-rebuild-tables
> > 
> > Well, but I then get "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil". Don't have 
> > the time to investigate further now.
> Ok, final instructions that work this time:
> apt-get install crypt++el mailcrypt gnupg
> Add this line to your ~/.emacs:
> (setq crypt-encryption-type 'gpg)
> Recompile your .emacs if you're using byte-compilation.  Restart emacs.
> You should now be able to open previously encrypted files with emacs.
> If you create a new file with a .gpg extension, then emacs will ask you
> if you want to encrypt it when you save.  This seems to work _without_ a
> gpg keyring (though gpg does complain about it).
> Could someone test this out for me?  It works here, but it's always
> worked for me.
> -rob

Perfect!  That works perfectly for me with Woody and Emacs21.  I even
made edits to an encrypted file, saved, closed, and then opened the
file again and verified that the edits were saved and encrypted.  I
did 'cat' on the file to make sure the edits were not left in the

thanks for your help,

Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

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Re: gpg: Can't check signature - is something wrong?

2002-11-11 Thread Jeff
Sandip P Deshmukh, 2002-Nov-12 09:38 +0530:
> hello all!
> i often get messages from the list which say begin gpg signature.
> invariably, the second line says can not verify signature.
> is something wrong with my set-up or is it a tampered message?

Does the message say that a public key couldn't be found?  If so,
perhaps your system can't reach a keyserver.  Check your
~/.gnupg/options file and make sure a valid keyserver is listed.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dhcp-dns problem

2002-11-12 Thread Jeff
Alex Malinovich, 2002-Nov-12 00:40 -0600:
> And finally, I keep seeing references to BOOTP while looking around for
> information. Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with what BOOTP is.
> All I know is that it allows a computer to get an IP address and some
> basic network information. It sounds to me a lot like DHCP with some
> options being passed. I don't HAVE to have all the machines in my
> network listed in DNS, I just need to have them SOMEHOW accessible to
> each other by name instead of just by IP. So if BOOTP (or any other
> protocol) can handle this for me with a minimum amount of hassle I'd be
> very happy to give it a shot. TIA for any help.

This is the only thing I can help withBOOTP is the protocol used
for the DHCP application.  BOOTP runs on ports 67 (server) and 68
(client).  Also, BOOTP uses UDP.

On my local LAN, I drop port 68 on my external interface because I'm
on a cable modem loop and I see all the other client DHCP requests.
However, I listen on port 67 on my internal interface because that
machine serves DHCP to my internal LAN.

I hope this helps,

Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Moving away from KDE to what?

2002-11-12 Thread Jeff

Wathen, Metherion, 2002-Nov-12 10:27 -0500:
> I'm in the process of compiling XFCE, in the hopes of replacing Gnome. Can
> you provide any pointers, pitfalls to avoid, etc.
> How much disk space does it require?
> What if any problems have you had with it?
> TIA,
> mw.

I don't understand why you are compiling it.  Why won't the deb
package work for you?

The .deb file is 3.8MB, I don't know how much total space it adds but
I'd guess at less than 15MB.

I use the deb version and have had no problems.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: depmod and multi kernel systems

2002-11-12 Thread Jeff
Johan Ehnberg, 2002-Nov-12 19:39 +0200:
> >And a second question. Is there any arguments for using ext2 
> >instead of ext3? Cause I can't find any that would make anyone 
> >choose ext2 instead of ext3, and still Debian 3.0 installs on ext2.
> I guess ext3 is getting mature in 2.4 kernels. Accordingly, ext3 can be 
> used using the bf2.4 flavor when installing Woody.
> I see two reasons to use ext2 instead of ext3:
> -Ext2 is more mature
> -Ext3 uses up space for its journal
> On the other hand
> -Ext3's journal kicks butt.

Agreed.  I would add the following:
1) I've seen some recent tests that make Ext2 faster than Ext3 
2) Ext3 on a laptop may not be desireable...the journalling tends to
   keep the drive from spinning down for power management (noflushd).


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Practical differences between Netgear models

2002-11-12 Thread Jeff
Jonathan Matthews, 2002-Nov-12 17:44 +:
> Evening all -
> I'm looking to take my home network up to 100Mbps,
> and I wondered if anyone could give me a clue
> as to the difference between a couple of netgear
> models that I've seen advertised at a fairly decent
> price (~35UKP+tax, I think)
> I'm looking at the FS105 & FS108, versus the
> FS608.
> The datasheets just don't give me much, except the
> number of ports and other /physical/ attributes.
> Are there any real, practical differences between these
> models that I should be aware of?  The model I get will
> not be public facing in any way, so I believe that security,
> e.g. ARP spoofing, won't really be an issue.  Having said that,
> you probably know more than I do ... in fact, I'd bet on
> it :-)

The only difference is the number of ports.  They are part of the
FS100 series.  There is also a 16 port model, the FS116.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: depmod and multi kernel systems

2002-11-12 Thread Jeff
Alan Shutko, 2002-Nov-12 18:05 -0500:
> Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 2) Ext3 on a laptop may not be desireable...the journalling tends to
> >keep the drive from spinning down for power management (noflushd).
> OTOH, ext3 on a laptop may be more desirable, since it's more likely a
> laptop will go down, because of power or APM bugs.  That's why I
> switched to ext3 on my laptop.

Agreed.  I'd switch to Ext3 on my laptop for that very reason if my
HDD didn't sound like a turbine engine.  I use noflushd as stress
relief, not for power management.


Jeff CoppockSystems Engineer
Diggin' Debian  Admin and User

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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