Gnome extensions

2021-08-15 Thread Georgios
I upgraded from debian 10 to debian 11 today and I noticed that a gnome
extension I really liked dont work on the latest gnome.
More specifically I used "workspace to dock" in order to have access to
I just put the mouse on the right side and the workspace list that is
viewed on overview was popping up on the right side. Really useful!

So I would like to ask if everyone knows an extension that can achieve
a similar result or if its possible to achieve the same result through
command line.
I search for similar extensions but I couldnt find any.

Thanks in advance!

apparmors extra profiles.

2021-08-18 Thread Georgios
Im trying to install debian 11 on virtual machine manager in order to
prepare my self for moving my laptop to debian 11.

Default install leaves unconfined a lot of apps so I tried to install
extra profiles.
According to documentation it supposed to install extra profiles at
but there is no apparmor folder. only apparmor-features.

I would like to ask if anyone knows where apparmor-profiles-extra
install its profiles?

Thanks in advance

Backports and upgrade to buster

2019-05-23 Thread Georgios
Hi there!
I'm thinking installing debian on a new laptop. The problem is that the
current version is stretch that comes with an old kernel that doesn't
support my wifi card.
I was thinking about using backports to install the latest kernel.

I have the following questions.

When I install stable and use a kernel from backport when you install it
you upgrade a couple of packages like libglib, firmware-linux-free etc

When the buster is released what happens when i try to upgrade the
system from stretch to buster?
Do I have to remove backports from sources.list?
What happens to the packages that were upgraded from backports? Are they
replaced by the new stable packages?

Thanks in advance for your help.

ps.I know we are close to the release of buster.I could simply choose to
install debian buster. But i would still have the same questions if I
use backports in buster.

Re: Backports and upgrade to buster

2019-05-23 Thread Georgios
thanks for your fast reply

On 5/23/19 12:11 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Hi Georges,
> Quoting Georgios (2019-05-23 10:44:14)
>> I'm thinking installing debian on a new laptop. The problem is that the
>> current version is stretch that comes with an old kernel that doesn't
>> support my wifi card.
>> I was thinking about using backports to install the latest kernel.
>> I have the following questions.
>> When I install stable and use a kernel from backport when you install it
>> you upgrade a couple of packages like libglib, firmware-linux-free etc
>> When the buster is released what happens when i try to upgrade the
>> system from stretch to buster?
>> Do I have to remove backports from sources.list?
>> What happens to the packages that were upgraded from backports? Are they
>> replaced by the new stable packages?
> Yes, the packages are simply replaced: Packages in 
> are versioned "just below" their non-backported counterparts to migrate 
> seamlessly.
> And yes, remove the obsolete beckports from sources.list when bumping to 
> buster.
>  - Jonas

Re: Off topic: Carbon. Was: Off topic: remaja (teens)

2019-06-23 Thread Georgios
Right or wrong are highly subjective. Besides that right or wrong always
has to do with your goal. What accomplish your goal is right.
for example.
Want to be good a math?
Well the right thing to do is study after school.

You could say that every society based on its values finds something
that is considered right by the majority.
for example.
Slavery i bet 99% of us would agree that is wrong and would criticize
it. Slavery was accepted as right a couple hundred years ago.

By the way the last example probably answer to Heinlein.(based on today

ps.Just felt that I had to answer that quote. Dont really like what it
implies. Of course it could be out of context.

On 6/23/19 1:26 PM, Joe wrote:

> "Does history record any case in which the majority was right?"
> R A Heinlein

Flatpak or repository apps

2019-07-11 Thread Georgios
Hi there!

Based on security and stability i was wondering what is more preferable?

Installing apps through flatpak or through debian repositories?

Some thoughts in my mind.


-I was thinking that in repositories you have old software that gets
bugs fixes. But what about old software that it isnt supported? Are
fixes backported etc? How fast?

-Doesnt offer easy sandboxing like flatpak

-Apparmor can restrict applications



-Propably bug fixes are faster if the developer support flatpak distribution

-No Apparmor.

-are the latest applications stable enough?

Any thoughts on the issue?

Re: Flatpak or repository apps

2019-07-13 Thread Georgios

On 7/12/19 10:14 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Vi, 12 iul 19, 09:33:44, Georgios wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> Based on security and stability i was wondering what is more preferable?
>> Installing apps through flatpak or through debian repositories?
> This is quite generic. It would help if you provided concrete examples 
> of software that is available both as Debian package and flatpak.

well i was thinking if it has any advantage installing user apps like
gimp,keepassxc,shotwell,vlc and libreoffice through flatpak.
They are on debian repositories and flatpak

>> Some thoughts in my mind.
>> Repositories:
>> -I was thinking that in repositories you have old software that gets
>> bugs fixes. But what about old software that it isnt supported? Are
>> fixes backported etc? How fast?
> Depends on the software.
>> -Doesnt offer easy sandboxing like flatpak
>> -Apparmor can restrict applications
>> Flatpak:
>> -sandboxing
>> -Propably bug fixes are faster if the developer support flatpak distribution
> What makes you assume that?
>> -No Apparmor.
>> -are the latest applications stable enough?
> Depends on the application.
>> Any thoughts on the issue?
> Some, as per above, but not very helpful without examples.
> Kind regards,
> Andrei

Re: Failed to sign email. Thunderbird or enigmail bug?

2019-03-03 Thread Georgios
I found a discussion in a forum that led nowhere. I "solve" the problem
by changing my settings by choosing "prefer enigmail(openpgp)" vs
"prefer s/mime".

On 3/2/19 11:27 PM, riveravaldez wrote:
>> I want to report it as a bug. How should i report it as a thunderbird or
>> enigmail bug?
> Have you checked upstream on Thunderbird [1,2,3] and Enigmail [4,5]
> sites/communities?
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]

Re: Failed to sign email. Thunderbird or enigmail bug?

2019-03-03 Thread Georgios
Thanks for your reply.

After i send my email to the list I found a forum discussion that led
nowhere.  I solved my problem by changing enigmail settings.
I changed  "prefer s/mime" to "prefer enigmail(openpgp)"

On 3/2/19 11:27 PM, riveravaldez wrote:
>> I want to report it as a bug. How should i report it as a thunderbird or
>> enigmail bug?
> Have you checked upstream on Thunderbird [1,2,3] and Enigmail [4,5]
> sites/communities?
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]

Mailvelope in firefox: "GnuPG is not available"

2019-03-23 Thread Georgios

I'm running debian testing and I'm trying to use mailvelope with Firefox
in order to encrypt/sign my emails. I plan to use it with my yubikey.

I'm getting "GnuPG is not available". Any ideas how to solve it?

One solution i could try is downloading the packages from and installing them.
The problem is that this option means i must manual update them.

I already tried putting a file called gpgmejson.json inside

"name": "gpgmejson",
"description": "Integration with GnuPG",
"path": "/usr/bin/gpgme-json",
"type": "stdio",
"allowed_extensions": ["jid1-AQqSMBYb0a8ADg@jetpack"]

I'm thinking that the problem is that there is no gpgme-json.
Any ideas what package i should install?

Or any other solution?

Thanks in advance.

Xfce Power Manger and watching movies full screen

2019-04-01 Thread Georgios
Hi there!

I'm running debian testing buster and I'm using xfce power manager.
In xfce power manager settings on "System" tab I activate "hibernate" on
30 minutes and on the "Display" tab "Put to sleep" after 9 minutes and
"Switch off after" 10 minutes.

When i watch videos on netflix (full screen) the display doesn't Switch
off in 10 minutes but the computer hibernate at 30 minutes.

I do not want my laptop to transits on hibernate if I'm watching videos
full screen.

I'm running debian buster with firefox-esr browser and xfce4.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Xfce Power Manger and watching movies full screen

2019-04-01 Thread Georgios
First of all thanks for the fast reply.

Yes I have presentation mode. I didn't even try it to see if its working
with hibernate. The problem with that is that its inconvenient to check
it and uncheck it all the time.

I will inevitably forget it sooner or later.

On 4/1/19 4:02 PM, Curt wrote:
> On 2019-04-01, Georgios  wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I'm running debian testing buster and I'm using xfce power manager.
>> In xfce power manager settings on "System" tab I activate "hibernate" on
>> 30 minutes and on the "Display" tab "Put to sleep" after 9 minutes and
>> "Switch off after" 10 minutes.
>> When i watch videos on netflix (full screen) the display doesn't Switch
>> off in 10 minutes but the computer hibernate at 30 minutes.
>> I do not want my laptop to transits on hibernate if I'm watching videos
>> full screen.
> I really can't understand your attitude here.
> Just kidding.
> Don't you have a "Presentation Mode" checkbox somewhere in your xfce
> power manager settings (or right-clicking an icon somewhere or something)?
> Or maybe
>  xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p 
> /xfce4-power-manager/presentation-mode -T
> I actually don't have xfce power manager here, so this is all completely
> theoretical.
> Or are you already in presentation mode, and something else is intervening?
>> I'm running debian buster with firefox-esr browser and xfce4.
>> Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Xfce Power Manger and watching movies full screen

2019-04-01 Thread Georgios
Thanks for your reply.
I already took a look at Caffeine before I send my first email.
The problem with it is that it looks for an app running so I do not
think its a good idea.
I often leave my laptop with a lot of firefox tabs open and expect it to
go to sleep mode or hibernation instead of closing it.

I will probably have to settle with manually checking presentation mode
although i was hopping for a more automated solution.

On 4/1/19 6:15 PM, Curt wrote:
> On 2019-04-01, Georgios  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> First of all thanks for the fast reply.
>> Yes I have presentation mode. I didn't even try it to see if its working
>> with hibernate. The problem with that is that its inconvenient to check
>> it and uncheck it all the time.
>> I will inevitably forget it sooner or later.
> Well, that's how you do it, presumably, with xfce power manager, which
> was the question. Obviously, you toggle presentation mode on and off as
> necessary, unless you're watching netflix 24/7, which might curdle your
> brain.
> If not, there's 'caffeine'.
> curty@einstein:~$ apt-cache show caffeine
> Package: caffeine
> Version: 2.8.3-3
> Installed-Size: 314
> Maintainer: Andrew Shadura 
> Architecture: all
> Depends: python3.5:any, python3:any (>= 3.3.2-2~), perl, gir1.2-gtk-3.0, 
> gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1, python3-xlib, python3-pkg-resources, python3-gi, 
> libnet-dbus-perl
> Description-en: prevent the desktop becoming idle in full-screen mode
>  Caffeine prevents the desktop from becoming idle when an application
>  is running full-screen. A desktop indicator ‘caffeine-indicator’
>  supplies a manual toggle, and the command ‘caffeinate’ can be used
>  to prevent idleness for the duration of any command.
> This exhausts my extensive knowledge in the area.

Re: Xfce Power Manger and watching movies full screen

2019-04-01 Thread Georgios
I'm watching movies through netflix so I do not have any ideas how to
write a script that will do that thing. I guess the script should detect
if an application is in full screen mode.

A "solution" I'm thinking is to put a cron job with the following command
xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p
/xfce4-power-manager/presentation-mode -s false to repeat it self every

Theoretically that should solve the problem of forgetting to change it back.

Doesn't feel like a clean solution.

Anyway It isn't a big problem. Usually I do not watch movies at all.
Just had a leg surgery and I'm going to be bored to death the next
couple of weeks until i start walking again.

On 4/2/19 5:09 AM, David Wright wrote:
> On Mon 01 Apr 2019 at 18:43:33 (+0300), Georgios wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> I already took a look at Caffeine before I send my first email.
>> The problem with it is that it looks for an app running so I do not
>> think its a good idea.
>> I often leave my laptop with a lot of firefox tabs open and expect it to
>> go to sleep mode or hibernation instead of closing it.
>> I will probably have to settle with manually checking presentation mode
>> although i was hopping for a more automated solution.
>> On 4/1/19 6:15 PM, Curt wrote:
>>> On 2019-04-01, Georgios  wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> First of all thanks for the fast reply.
>>>> Yes I have presentation mode. I didn't even try it to see if its working
>>>> with hibernate. The problem with that is that its inconvenient to check
>>>> it and uncheck it all the time.
>>>> I will inevitably forget it sooner or later.
> How about watching your movies with an in principle 3-line script:
> set the presentation mode
> run the movie
> revert to non-presentation mode
>>> Well, that's how you do it, presumably, with xfce power manager, which
>>> was the question. Obviously, you toggle presentation mode on and off as
>>> necessary, unless you're watching netflix 24/7, which might curdle your
>>> brain.
>>> If not, there's 'caffeine'.
> Cheers,
> David.

Re: Xfce Power Manger and watching movies full screen

2019-04-03 Thread Georgios
Thanks for your help! I will try that!

I think grubing cdm decryption module makes the program too specific. I
can think a couple use cases that full screen should prevent hibernation.

On 4/2/19 3:55 PM, Curt wrote:
> On 2019-04-02, Georgios  wrote:
>> I'm watching movies through netflix so I do not have any ideas how to
>> write a script that will do that thing. I guess the script should detect
>> if an application is in full screen mode.
> Here's a GPL script not far from your desire (can't vouch for it, though).
> You'd have to alter, of course, the if clause to toggle on
> xfce-power-manager presentation mode (xfconf-query ...) rather than
> deactivating xscreensaver ('xscreensaver-command -deactivate'), and I
> guess add an 'else' to toggle it off when the active window isn't
> fullscreen.
> It seems possible to grep the output of 'ps aux' for the cdm decryption
> module, which might be another way to go in Netflix stream detection.

Re: Xfce Power Manger and watching movies full screen

2019-04-03 Thread Georgios
I understand what you are saying but I dont think its the simpler option
to make 2 different launcher for the same application with different
parameters. I will try the script Curt send me. I think that solution is
applicable to other use cases. Reading pdf files, presentations etc.

Thanks for your reply!

On 4/2/19 5:46 PM, David Wright wrote:
> On Tue 02 Apr 2019 at 08:55:58 (+0300), Georgios wrote:
>> I'm watching movies through netflix so I do not have any ideas how to
>> write a script that will do that thing. I guess the script should detect
>> if an application is in full screen mode.
> What the script is doing is signalling your intent to watch a movie
> rather than to, say, browse the web. The power of the CLI is that you
> can wrap a number of actions that follow from your intent within one
> command, whereas it might take several clicks on menus and buttons
> to achieve the ssme ends on a DE.
> You write "an application" above. Presumably you watch movies in
> one application but you also use that same application to do other
> things too. One solution to this may be to have two ways of opening
> this application, one for when watching movies, one for otherwis
> This is standard practice with CLIs, where calling the same program
> but with a different commandname makes it behave differently,
> eg aplay and arecord, which call the same binary.
> For a DE, this could mean, say, having two icons for opening the same
> application, but which do different things to start with. It's much
> easier to cause something to happen on the system than to try to
> ascertain a certain application's state when its author didn't think
> of providing the means to find out.
> A different tack might be to see if your WM has menus, or can create
> buttons, or define a function key, that can be used to change your
> power settings. For example, in fvwm, I have Alt-F10 set to take a
> full screen shot with:
> Key F10 A M Exec exec
> and a button for just a window:
> *MyButtons: (2x1+2+0, Title 'Grab PNG', Icon xterm.xpm, \
> Action 'Exec exec &')
> Ignore the syntax and particulars here; the myfvwm… script could be
> used to make any number of actions or changes to settings.
>> A "solution" I'm thinking is to put a cron job with the following command
>> xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p
>> /xfce4-power-manager/presentation-mode -s false to repeat it self every
>> morning.
>> Theoretically that should solve the problem of forgetting to change it back.
>> Doesn't feel like a clean solution.
> Cron has a facility for running commands at every reboot, for example:
> @reboot   /sbin/kbdrate -r 8 -d 500 -s
> As for being a clean solution, the system itself runs scripts to
> initialise state that would otherwise persist across reboots,
> eg cleaning /tmp.
>> Anyway It isn't a big problem. Usually I do not watch movies at all.
>> Just had a leg surgery and I'm going to be bored to death the next
>> couple of weeks until i start walking again.
> Good luck! Perhaps you won't miss the facility for long.
>> On 4/2/19 5:09 AM, David Wright wrote:
>>> On Mon 01 Apr 2019 at 18:43:33 (+0300), Georgios wrote:
>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>> I already took a look at Caffeine before I send my first email.
>>>> The problem with it is that it looks for an app running so I do not
>>>> think its a good idea.
>>>> I often leave my laptop with a lot of firefox tabs open and expect it to
>>>> go to sleep mode or hibernation instead of closing it.
>>>> I will probably have to settle with manually checking presentation mode
>>>> although i was hopping for a more automated solution.
>>>> On 4/1/19 6:15 PM, Curt wrote:
>>>>> On 2019-04-01, Georgios  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> First of all thanks for the fast reply.
>>>>>> Yes I have presentation mode. I didn't even try it to see if its working
>>>>>> with hibernate. The problem with that is that its inconvenient to check
>>>>>> it and uncheck it all the time.
>>>>>> I will inevitably forget it sooner or later.
>>> How about watching your movies with an in principle 3-line script:
>>> set the presentation mode
>>> run the movie
>>> revert to non-presentation mode
>>>>> Well, that's how you do it, presumably, with xfce power manager, which
>>>>> was the question. Obviously, you toggle presentation mode on and off as
>>>>> necessary, unless you're watching netflix 24/7, which might curdle your
>>>>> brain.
>>>>> If not, there's 'caffeine'.
> Cheers,
> David.

Flatpak and apparmor.

2019-04-06 Thread Georgios

I would like to know how i can set up an apparmor profile of a
application i run through flatpak.

For example.

Lets say i have installed libreoffice through flatpak.
In order to start it I must run

"flatpak run org.libreoffice.LibreOffice --writer"

How do i set up a profile with aa-genprof for that application?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: Flatpak and apparmor.

2019-04-07 Thread Georgios
Thanks for your reply.

I'm using apparmor the last 2 years and I made my own profiles for my

The problem I'm having is that since flatpak is a bit different i do not
have any idea how to combine it with apparmor or if its even possible.

On 4/7/19 10:20 AM, didier gaumet wrote:
> Hello,
> Disclaimer: I have never used Apparmor nor SELinux, I only just
> installed Apparmor on Stretch because it will be enabled by default on
> new installations of Buster and I want my future migration result to be
> like a new install.
> I would surmise (even if I am not sure of it) that Apparmor profiles
> (being upstream for different linux distros) are not package-manager
> dependant.
> Here are the lists of Apparmor applications profiles included in Debian:
> base:
> extra:
> So if your app in the lists and the packages installed, you probably
> have nothing more to do.
> There is an Apparmor section in the Debian Handbook that should be of
> help if you need to create a profile:
> And there is a tool to ease the creation of Apparmor rules:

Re: Flatpak and apparmor.

2019-04-07 Thread Georgios
Thanks for your help!

So flatpak and apparmor are not compatible.

Well what about selinux?

I was thinking moving from apparmor to selinux sooner or later but I
already had a working system that I didn't want to mess.

If selinux is supported I guess I should consider making the transition.

On 4/7/19 4:06 PM, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Sat, Apr 06, 2019 at 09:30:11PM +0300, Georgios wrote:
>> I would like to know how i can set up an apparmor profile of a
>> application i run through flatpak.
> It seems impossible.
> For instance, I've executed:
> flatpak install flathub com.dosbox.DOSBox
> Along with the new whole root filesystem I've got this executable:
> /var/lib/flatpak/app/com.dosbox.DOSBox/x86_64/stable/aa1cdd7cf25ba150b5fbb0de0c46783ef0f645e99a48802a0d7194f60aafa8d2/files/bin/dosbox
> Upon running:
> flatpak run com.dosbox.DOSBox
> Along the other things I've got "dosbox" process with an executable
> pointing at:
> # ls -al /proc/6961/exe
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user 0 Apr  7 15:59 /proc/6961/exe -> 
> /newroot/app/bin/dosbox
> Apparmor is written in such way that it requires an absolute pathname of
> the executable to apply its policy to.
> The problem is:
> aa-genprof /var/lib/flatpak/.../dosbox
> Produces zero effect.
> Alternative approaches such as:
> aa-genprof /newroot/app/bin/dosbox
> or
> nsenter -t 6961
> aa-genprof /newroot/app/bin/dosbox
> rightfully complain that:
> ERROR: /newroot/app/bin/dosbox does not exists, please double-check the path
> Of course, what you could try is to apply Apparmor policy to
> /usr/bin/bwrap (which executes all flatpak 'containers'), but it fails
> to generate any useful policy for me.
> Reco

Re: Flatpak and apparmor.

2019-04-07 Thread Georgios

On 4/7/19 5:45 PM, David Wright wrote:
>> On 4/7/19 10:20 AM, didier gaumet wrote:
>>> Disclaimer: I have never used Apparmor nor SELinux,
> Ditto. I've only explored the Debian profile for evince in order to see
> how it's possible to click on a link and call a program that's run via
> On Sun 07 Apr 2019 at 12:32:31 (+0300), Georgios wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> I'm using apparmor the last 2 years and I made my own profiles for my
>> applications.
>> The problem I'm having is that since flatpak is a bit different i do not
>> have any idea how to combine it with apparmor or if its even possible.
> Reading around, it does seem that you've bitten off a big problem to
> chew while you are laid up. (Hope it's all going well for you.)

Everything is fine thanks!

> It looks as if the raison d'être of flatpak is ease of deployment,
> and so a developer might expect to write an application, say foo, that
> can be installed on different versions of linux by means of flatpak.
> Flatpak is meant to be able to sandbox foo for security, but this
> method seems to come in for a lot of criticism.

It depends what kind of sandboxing we are talking about. I think MAC
model is a better option.

> However, to run foo in an apparmor environment, you've either got to
> write a profile before/as you run it, or the profile is going to have
> to be supplied readymade along with foo. In the latter case, you're
> placing its security in the hands of foo's authors/developers rather
> than the packaging team at Debian, and who do you trust more?
Good question. I would trust debian team but i would certainly feel the
need to take a look.

As far as I can see
They are planing to sandbox each application in its own selinux context.
That means that probably there are no plans for apparmor or apparmor

Not a big surprise i guess.

thanks for your replies!

>> On 4/7/19 10:20 AM, didier gaumet wrote:
>>> Here are the lists of Apparmor applications profiles included in Debian:
>>> base:
>>> extra:
>>> So if your app in the lists and the packages installed, you probably
>>> have nothing more to do.
> AFAICT, there are also apparmor profiles bundled into the packages
> themselves, like the one I was interested in, evince.
>>> There is an Apparmor section in the Debian Handbook that should be of
>>> help if you need to create a profile:
>>> And there is a tool to ease the creation of Apparmor rules:
> I take it that this is the method to use, but on the application, foo,
> that's installed by flatpak rather than on flatpak itself. It sounds
> as if you're (OP) familiar with doing that.
> Cheers,
> David.

Re: Attempting a VERY minimal install (using --no-install-recommends ;)

2019-04-24 Thread Georgios
My minimal install include just installing standard system utilities.
I build my system after that without the use of --no-install-recommends.
Its better to install recommended packages for full functionality of the
installed packages.(Just my opinion)

ps. Im using xfce and i usually pick the packages i need.

ps2.Find your network hardware and see if it needs firmware installed.

Check you
On 4/24/19 8:36 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I'm attempting a very minimal install because:
> 1. small size in and of itself is a good goal
> 2. fending for oneself is a valuable educational experience compared
>    to having everything handed to you on a "golden platter" {Debian's
>    default installer}
> My current experiments revolve around defining my personal take on a
> minimal MATE desktop. Part of the motivation is that some recommended
> packages clash with ones I wish to use. Just removing offending packages
> after the fact is unaesthetic.
> My test machine has both a default install from DVD 1 and my minimalist
> install. I had done a standard install without specifying any GUI or
> extra packages.
> My base setup was installed by doing
>   apt-get --no-install-recommends install task-mate-desktop
>   apt-get install pluma gparted synaptic
> All it lacks is internet connectivity.
> I have a WiFi hotspot from T-mobile which I effectively use as a modem
> (WiFi is intentionally disabled). On the standard install it appears
> eth2 on Network Manager Applet.
> I used Synaptic to install network-manager-gnome
> The apparent problem is that connecting the hotspot does dot trigger the
> "connecting" icon.
> How do I determine what else I need to install?
> [Recall point #2 in my first paragraph ;]

Firejail, firefox, and xpra

2019-05-04 Thread Georgios
:49:14,864 Xpra gtk2 client version 2.4.3-r21350M 64-bit
2019-05-04 09:49:14,864  running on Linux Debian testing buster
2019-05-04 09:49:14,865  window manager is 'Xfwm4'
2019-05-04 09:49:14,874 Warning: failed to import opencv:
2019-05-04 09:49:14,874  No module named cv2
2019-05-04 09:49:14,874  webcam forwarding is disabled
2019-05-04 09:49:15,595 GStreamer version 1.14.4 for Python 2.7.16 64-bit
2019-05-04 09:49:15,703 No OpenGL_accelerate module loaded: No module
named OpenGL_accelerate
2019-05-04 09:49:15,809 Warning: vendor 'Intel Open Source Technology
Center' is greylisted,
2019-05-04 09:49:15,809  you may want to turn off OpenGL if you
encounter bugs
2019-05-04 09:49:15,849 OpenGL enabled with Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD
Graphics (Whiskey Lake 3x8 GT2)
2019-05-04 09:49:15,912  keyboard settings: rules=evdev, model=pc105,
2019-05-04 09:49:15,914  desktop size is 1920x1080 with 1 screen:
2019-05-04 09:49:15,914   :0.0 (508x285 mm - DPI: 96x96) workarea: 1920x1054
2019-05-04 09:49:15,914 monitor 1 (309x174 mm - DPI: 157x157)
2019-05-04 09:49:16,224 New unix-domain connection received on
2019-05-04 09:49:16,231 Handshake complete; enabling connection
2019-05-04 09:49:16,263  mmap is enabled using 256MB area in
2019-05-04 09:49:16,265 Python/Gtk2 Linux Debian testing buster x11
client version 2.4.3-r21350 64-bit
2019-05-04 09:49:16,265  connected from 'Laptop' as 'gpdsbe' - 'Georgios'
2019-05-04 09:49:16,345 setting key repeat rate from client: 500ms delay
/ 50ms interval
2019-05-04 09:49:16,347 setting keymap: rules=evdev, model=pc105,
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:  Symbol map for key  redefined
>   Using last definition for conflicting fields
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
2019-05-04 09:49:16,361 setting keyboard layout to 'us,gr'
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:  Symbol map for key  redefined
>   Using last definition for conflicting fields
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
2019-05-04 09:49:16,378 Warning: keymapping changed:
2019-05-04 09:49:16,378  keycode 108 points to 2 modifiers: mod1, mod5
2019-05-04 09:49:16,378  from definition: ISO_Next_Group,
ISO_Level3_Shift, Alt_R
2019-05-04 09:49:16,378  mod1: Alt_R
2019-05-04 09:49:16,378  mod5: ISO_Level3_Shift
2019-05-04 09:49:16,378  keeping: Alt_R for mod1
2019-05-04 09:49:16,384  client root window size is 1920x1080 with 1
2019-05-04 09:49:16,384   :0.0 (508x285 mm - DPI: 96x96) workarea: 1920x1054
2019-05-04 09:49:16,384 monitor 1 (309x174 mm - DPI: 157x157)
2019-05-04 09:49:16,416 server virtual display now set to 1920x1080
2019-05-04 09:49:16,431 enabled fast mmap transfers using 256MB shared
memory area
2019-05-04 09:49:16,432 enabled remote logging
2019-05-04 09:49:16,432 Xpra X11 server version 2.4.3-r21350 64-bit
2019-05-04 09:49:16,432  running on Linux Debian testing buster
2019-05-04 09:49:16,436 Attached to :846
2019-05-04 09:49:16,437  (press Control-C to detach)

2019-05-04 09:49:16,439 client @01.567 Xpra X11 server version
2.4.3-r21350 64-bit
2019-05-04 09:49:16,440 client @01.568  running on Linux Debian testing
2019-05-04 09:49:16,440 client @01.572 Attached to :846
2019-05-04 09:49:16,441 client @01.572  (press Control-C to detach)
2019-05-04 09:49:16,451 DPI set to 23 x 25 (wanted 90 x 90)
2019-05-04 09:49:16,451  you may experience scaling problems, such as
huge or small fonts, etc
2019-05-04 09:49:16,451  to fix this issue, try the dpi switch, or use a
patched Xorg dummy driver
2019-05-04 09:49:16,539 server does not support xi input devices
2019-05-04 09:49:16,539  server uses: xtest
2019-05-04 09:49:16,540 client @01.674 server does not support xi input
2019-05-04 09:49:16,540 client @01.675  server uses: xtest
2019-05-04 09:49:16,924 New unix-domain connection received on


1998-08-23 Thread Georgios Dimitriadis
I recently tried to install debian on my laptop, 386sx. I have 5M of free
RAM and acording to the installation guide it is enough. The problem is
that when i try to boot from the disk the error message "cant find
coprossesor or math emulation" appears and the boot stops. The manual says
that an FPU is not needet to run Debian.

Since I am a begginer at this I havent any idea what to do next...

Georgios Dimitriadis
Snapphanevagen 44
177 54 JarfŠlla

Re: Yubikey and LUKS on testing (Buster)

2019-02-20 Thread Georgios Pediaditis

> As far as it accepting the non-yubikey password, remember that a LUKS
> container has multiple key slots (8 or 24, I do not recall precisely at
> the moment).  Accessing a LUKS container only requires that a single key
> be unlocked, so any available password is sufficient to gain access.
> Once you have the yubikey-based password working, you will need to
> remove the other key slot if you no longer want that password to unlock
> the container.

Thanks for your reply.

I know that it has multiple slots. For the time being that's the only reason i 
can open my laptop :-p

It must be challenge response and not static password since i already use the 
yubikey slot 1 and i need to use yubikey slot 2 with challenge response on 
other services.

Thanks again for your help

Stretch and grsecurity

2017-05-18 Thread Georgios Pediaditis
I'm running debian 9 stretch.
Does Debian 9  support grsecurity? Is there any info how to activate it?
I can find paxctl and gradm2 in my repository.

thanks for your help.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Identify Slow Networking Problem

2016-01-18 Thread Georgios Dimitrakakis
Dear all,

first time poster here.

Can someone help me identify a networking problem in a Debian Linux server.

The server is behind a corporate NAT and although can be reached without a
problem it serves webpages very slowly.
Downloading files from the server can be as slow as 7kbps when there is a
dedicated upload line to it of 10Mbps.

The odd thing is that if I try downloading files from the internal
corporate network the speed reaches the maximum available capacity. On the
other hand from the external network is very slow as said before.

How can I identify where the problem lies? I have a feeling that this is a
networking problem (either on the NAT or on the corporate's firewall) but
cannot verify it.

Any help much appreciate it.

Best regards,
