Thanks for your reply.

I'm using apparmor the last 2 years and I made my own profiles for my

The problem I'm having is that since flatpak is a bit different i do not
have any idea how to combine it with apparmor or if its even possible.

On 4/7/19 10:20 AM, didier gaumet wrote:
> Hello,
> Disclaimer: I have never used Apparmor nor SELinux, I only just
> installed Apparmor on Stretch because it will be enabled by default on
> new installations of Buster and I want my future migration result to be
> like a new install.
> I would surmise (even if I am not sure of it) that Apparmor profiles
> (being upstream for different linux distros) are not package-manager
> dependant.
> Here are the lists of Apparmor applications profiles included in Debian:
> base:
> extra:
> So if your app in the lists and the packages installed, you probably
> have nothing more to do.
> There is an Apparmor section in the Debian Handbook that should be of
> help if you need to create a profile:
> And there is a tool to ease the creation of Apparmor rules:

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