Re: allowing a "normal" user to work efficiently
On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 02:53, Ryan Nowakowski wrote: > On Windows, by default, there's no restrictions on who (or what) can > install or run software. That's partially why MS is it such deep > trouble right now in terms of security. However, if you prefer that > level of convenience while knowingly sacrificing some security, you > can setup your debian install to run everything as root. There are > a couple desktop distros that run everything as root by default. > > - Ryan This isn't strictly true. This was the case in Windows 95/98/ME, but the NT based series of Windows has always had restricted users. The actual usability of these user profiles is somewhat questionable, due to a large portion of programs assuming Admin/root access, and the lack of ability to add security (I never did find out how to lock out, or allow access to a printer or CD Writer for example) but they are there. - Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Re: Gnome, Nautilus, KDE anomalies
On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 03:51, G D Roux wrote: *snip* > This morning, I booted up and tried to run K-Mail. The Gnome desktop > had gone, but my mouse cursor froze, my hard drive light went on full > time, and my whole system went totally sluggish. First message I got > was that Nautilus was searching my drives for 'Trash folders' , and > later one that said that Nautilus-throbber had crashed (fatal error or > suchlike, error message 2147), then the system started spawning > desktop folders *snip* > Ziggy It sounds like you're in KDE, but for some reason Nautilus is attempting to run. In my experience, Nautilus - in it's default configuration - does not like playing very well with anything except GNOME. If you are trying to run Nautilus - don't, or leave it till you are using GNOME. Just to clear a couple of things up; Konqueror is a file manager, and a web browser, similar to IE/Explorer/My Computer in that regard. Nautilus is a file manager. It is not a web browser. It has some capacity to handle basic http, but is not (to my knowledge) anywhere close to acting like a full web browser. Galeon, it's counterpart - is a web browser, and does not have any file manager like properties. KDE and GNOME both have what are called sessions. This is where programs that were open when you logged out will reopen. The effectiveness of this depends on how well the program save their state. My suggestion is to open KDE, and leave it for five minutes while the computer grinds away. Once it's got everything open, close off all the unwanted programs. I hope this helps. :) - Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Office CUPs setup
On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 14:33, Jerry Haltom wrote: > I have a few cups questions. I have a CUPs printer set up successfully > on a central server. The central server can print just fine. Now, I want > 30 or so odd desktops in the office to also use this printer. I had > assumed you were suppose to set up a local queue on each individual > machine, which pointed to the remote queue. However, this is not optimal > at all. I noticed that checking to see what jobs were printing, only > shows items in the local queue! In a workgroup environment, people would > want to be able to see what other people are printer, how long they will > be, or an admin might want to cancel the jobs. > > How/is this possible with CUPs? I really feel it should be, and I'm > missing something important. I came across this only a day or two ago! On each workstation, edit the file: /etc/cups/client.conf Uncomment the ServerName line, and change it to the IP or hostname of the server. There are options in that file that allow automatic detection of CUPS servers, but I am not familiar with them. Also, if you are running GNOME, it seems you need to install gnome versions of some applications to get the automagical CUPS usage. Eg; apt-get install abiword-gnome Hope this helps. :) Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: "Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers"
On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 13:02, BruceG wrote: > My experience with the wonderful world of Linux and end users > - or normal people. My sister needed a laptop to help her > start a new business writing grant proposals. I figured I'd > help by buying her a laptop (used, but still good, a Dell > Latitude PIII, 256Meg RAM, 12 Gig hard disk, CD-RW, external > floppy, Xircom 10/100+56 card. I tested Mandrake 9.1, SuSE 8.2 > Personal and Knoppix installed to harddisk. Decided to ship it > with SuSE with all updates done, and with OOo 1.1.0 and > Scribus 1.0.1. Paid for Internet access, and configured dial > on demand. Also configured KMail,Evolution, Mozilla Mail and > KNode. > > She called today. Had a problem with it (trouble-shooting was > turn it upside down and shake it). Brought it to computer > repair shop. He installed non-licensed Windows and MS Office. > I'm discouraged. It truely was 'point 'n click'. Everything > was installed, tested and working. Literally plug it in, turn > it on, connect the included phone cord and your online. Just > click the Seagull and you have a choice of OOo1.0.2 or > OOo1.1.0. > > Think I want my SuSE 8.2 Personal boxed set, SuSE Live Eval > CD, and boot floppy back! But on the good side, my 7 year old > son and 14 year old son are perfectly comfortable with SuSE, > Mandrake and RedHat. Maybe Debian in a while. That's damn shame. Rather than actually trying to fix the problem, he went with the Format, Reinstall approach. Exactly what I'd expect from 99% of so-called 'technicians'. About six months ago, my parents got fed up with Windows 2000, and asked me to reinstall. I had my Debian box up to do some programming work, so I demo'd them that, and had them interested enough to change over. After some lengthy downloading on their 56K modem, I had a functioning Debian (Unstable/KDE) install. It's been six months, and to quote my father 'It just works.' Multizone DVDs, VCDs, DivX, Quicktime, and Realplayer movies, something that's always been a source of much frustration under Windows, now 'just work'. The only thing's that are annoying are a lack of a decent Access replacement for my father (The various free SQL servers are excellent, but I have yet to find a decent front end GUI for them), and my brother has got my sister using Photoshop instead of the Gimp for my sister graphics stuff. Grrr. The fact that they're 400km is not a problem. I have an IRC channel that I monitor. Starting Xchat from one of the user profiles will automatically log them in, and the rest is done by SSH. If everything goes to hell, they can run wvdial from the console, and ring me on my cellphone with the IP (hasn't happened yet). One of the issues I've hit, that's already been pointed out, is the unwillingness of people to learn a new interface or program. My brother already knows Photoshop, so he is/was unwilling to learn The Gimp. In the cases where the FOSS software is not up to scratch - such as Access as a Click'n'Drool interface, this is acceptable, when it comes to things like Photoshop, where equivalent tools are available, it undermines the whole effort. I have nothing against closed source software, but I have a large problem with software that only runs on closed operating systems, because it's so damn hard to emulate the underlying OS properly. My advice when switching people over is to avoid all non-native software as much as possible - unless there is absolutely no alternative. - Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Night mare to set day light savings time
On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 10:30, Jigga Man wrote: > Its seems like a night mare to be for the simple > reason that windows has this capability built into it > and debian being far better than windows lacks such a > basic thing?? are there any apps are written to over > come this ? The timezone setup in Debian (and other distro's I assume) automatically adjusts for day light saving. Did you adjust the GMT time to take account of this? For example, in New Zealand, we are normally +1200 GMT, but right now, during daylight saving, the GMT clock is 13 hours behind our timezone. It would be good to know your location/timezone to help. Run tzconfig as root, and see if this sheds any light on things Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: gnome installation help
On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 05:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hello, I'm trying to run Gnome and XFree86 on my > Debian box, a Dell Precision. > > The Debian command line works great. > However, I can't get Gnome working properly no matter > how many times I try variations on apt-get install > . I get an Xserver could not start error... > > I *am* able to boot to Knoppix, which correctly > identifies my video card and runs KDE. > > Please give a basic list of commands or link to gnome > installation tutorial. It would be good to know which version of Debian you're running, the kernel version, the graphics card, and possibly the version of XFree86. However, most likely the computer is attempting to run the screen/card at a resolution or display depth it is incapable of. The settings for this are held in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 You can edit this manually, or reconfigure it with the command; dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 Alternatively, try copying the configuration file from Knoppix. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, don't forget to check the log file. The log file for xfree86 is at /var/log/XFree86.0.log. It is probably easiest to read the file with less, so the command would be; less /var/log/XFree86.0.log Hope this helps; - Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Desktop for a Joe Average
Hi there, A friend of mine has had Windows installed for over a year. He's getting somewhat sick of it due to the recent spate of virus and spyware that's rendered his machine unusable. He's asked me to reinstall Windows, and Linux in a dual boot configuration. The problem is this; while I've been running Debian on the desktop for over two years, a large proportion of the average Joe desktop stuff has never graced my machine. I've never seriously looked at any hotplug, automounting, gui configuration tools, hardware auto-detection, or any of the other little things that make an OS 'easy' for non-tech people. I'm hoping for a list of applications and software that people have come across which has worked (properly) every time. I am doing my own research, but I'm hoping other people may know something that I don't find. I'm aiming at a GNOME desktop, but am perfectly happy to recommend KDE if the applications support is better. * Things that I'm seeking information on specifically; * Automount of CD's for KDE. (Gnome has magicdev) * Automount / appear on desktop, of USB / firewire devices. * Video editing/collection applications. The guy has a Sony digital cam, and likes to rip and edit movies. Connects via USB and/or firewire. * Versions of GNOME 2.x, and KDE 3.x that are stable - and that goes for the bundled applications as well. I like the bleeding edge, but the average user is not so forgiving. * Automagical detection of hardware. * Something to handle screen resolution changes. * DHCP for the network, overridable by the ppp (dial-up modem) connection that doesn't hold up the system if no DHCP server is available. * An apt-get shell that lists applications, rather than packages (this probably doesn't exist). * Basic image editing software (preferably not something as complicated as the GIMP). * Those apps and libs you don't notice until you discover you forgot to install them - like gnome-spell. * Anything anyone else can think of. The hardware is as follows; Athlon 1600, 256 MB DDR, nForce1 board, nForce1 sound, AGP GF4MX, generic networking (Realtek I think). Cheers Edward Murrell -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Debian Desktop for a Joe Average
Since I can't reply to everyone, I'll reply to myself. Peter - Cheers for the link to table of equivalents. Much Appreciated. ;) Several things to note; I'm not buying Libranet. While I support what they're doing, it's more than the guy wants to spend - given that he's already paying me for my time. I am effectively his system admin. Major upgrades will be done at my house due him being on dial-up and me having scades more bandwidth and an apt proxy. For this reason, I'm not worried about the whole Debian is hard to install thing, but I'm buggered if I'm going to install one of those rpm distro's. I've tried them, and the last thing I want to do is support them. Things I'm still looking for; * Automount of CD's for KDE. (Gnome has magicdev) * Automount / appear on desktop, of USB / firewire devices. I've come across several packages that handle this, but I'd like to know which is the proper way to do this. * Automagical detection of hardware. This is not internal hardware, but things like scanners, printers, and so on. * DHCP for the network, overridable by the ppp (dial-up modem) connection that doesn't hold up the system if no DHCP server is available. * An apt-get shell that lists applications, rather than packages (this probably doesn't exist). * Those apps and libs you don't notice until you discover you forgot to install them - like gnome-spell. * Anything anyone else can think of. The hardware is as follows; Athlon 1600, 256 MB DDR, nForce1 board, nForce1 sound, AGP GF4MX, generic networking (Realtek I think). Cheers Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Debian for Joe Average
Ben, this is generally directed at the whole thread, but I had to reply to someone. It's going to be Debian. For a variety of reasons, Xandros and Libranet are not really doable. The problem is not the install. I'll be doing that, and I'm well capable of doing so. The question is which packages. While I've used KDE / GNOME and the usual suite of desktop apps (Galeon, Evolution, GAIM, xmms, xine, totem, etc etc etc), I've never bothered with most of the automagical hardware setup. If I plug in a USB device, I'll mount it directly, and if I change the soundcard, I'll be quite happy to fire up make menuconfig and recompile the appropriate modules. The problem is mainly in hotplug stuff. The last time I to install it, I ended up with a mess, and discovered it didn't make much difference anyway - this mainly being due to sheer amount of non-standard-desktop stuff that my desktop does - Hence my request for suggestions of packages. Regards Edward Murrell (Original poster of thread :) P.S. Of course, some of this thread has turned into which is the better distro for newbies / Joe-Average without any support. On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 03:19, Ben Edwards wrote: > I would go for Debian and install it for them. Once installed debian is > a breeze (stick to woody and let them loose on aot-get/apt-cache). > > The best bit of advice I have heard for newbees is use the distribution > your mates use (then when you have got the hang of that make your own > judgment). > > The easiest to install is probably Mandrake (based on Redhat). > > In fact Knoppix and run the HD install utility is also a quick and easy > option but the installer is unstable and it is only an option if knopix > installes/probes OK. And its based on Debian. > > The other thing to bear in mind is alough redhat/mandrake have an > apt-get type util the packages are not centrely manages so there can be > incompatibility/dependenct problems. > > Ben > > ScruLoose wrote: > > >On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 10:37:26AM +0200, sturla wrote: > > > > > >>Ron Johnson wrote: > >> > >> > >>>On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 22:29, sturla wrote: > >>> > >>> > >>>>If I should advice somebody new to Linux, I would say RedHat, that's > >>>>where I started. > >>>>RedHat 9 has a great installer and contains anything a normal user > >>>>will ever need, including OpenOffice.Org. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>Gak! And send him into Dependency Hell? > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>Hehe, why do you think I made the switch? > >>I don't say RedHat is better than Debian, but it's easier for Joe > >>Average to start with. > >> > >> > > > > > > > >>Some of the problem in the discussion about what distro to use is that > >>everybody has their favourite and sticks with > >>it at all cost. > >> > >> > > > >Considering that here in this thread (on debian-user, don't forget) > >there have been recommendations for at least four other distros, I > >wonder how you can make this claim at all. > > > > > > > > > >>As I said, I like Debian, but lets face it: For Joe Average RedHat is > >>easier to understand at first, so give him that, get him > >>hooked on the stability of Linux and when you see him tired because he's > >>been up all night trying to solve dependencies > >>to install something new THEN tell him about Debian and apt. > >> > >> > > > >Your entire argument seems to be based on the assumption that there are > >only two choices: You can have ease of use (RedHat/Mandrake) OR you can > >have apt (Debian). > >This assumption is false. > >If our friend Joe installs Xandros, or Libranet (or Knoppix?); he gets > >BOTH the ease of use of a newbie-friendly system for the desktop user > >AND an apt-based system. In what arena can RedHat compete with this? > > > >This has two immediately obvious benefits for Joe: First, if he uses > >his system for a couple years and a new version of his distro is > >released, he can buy the new version, drop the CD in the tray, do a > >dist-upgrade, go for coffee, and continue with a working system. > >Second, if he turns out to be a little more tech-oriented than we > >thought and starts peeking under the hood, he'll be learning the > >*right* system, rather than giving himself ulcers by messing with RPMs. > > > >If you wait until poor Joe's been up all night trying to install > >something before you inform him about apt, you risk losing him back to > >MS. > > > > Cheers > > > > > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Creating Custom CDs
Hi, I'm currently burning a bunch of CD's of Debian for a guy out in the wops. One of the things he's requested is a bunch of the more up to date packages like GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice, xine, and so on. Since he's on 28.8k due to line quality issues, updating everything with apt-get/unstable sources is not really feasible. I've been trying to assemble a CD, but so far I've either come up with building the Packages.gz by hand, or just dumping the .deb files into one big directory on the CD. Surely there is a better way? Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Creating Custom CDs
Perhaps I should have explained things a bit better. While Jigdo can handle getting all the files and so on, my chief interest is not trying to handle all the dependencies by hand, or generating the .jigdo files by hand. Is this doable? On Sun, 2003-10-05 at 16:21, Todd Pytel wrote: > On Sun, 05 Oct 2003 16:22:12 +1300 > Edward Murrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I've been trying to > > assemble a CD, but so far I've either come up with building the > > Packages.gz by hand, or just dumping the .deb files into one big > > directory on the CD. Surely there is a better way? > > Yes, you want to use jigdo. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Games for 1-2 year old child. Recommendations wanted.
On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 10:52, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote: > But I'd rather my daughter played with computers than watched TV. She is > not even 2 but already has memorised many advertising jingles. I know we > live in a consumer society but this is disgusting. Solution. Ditch the TV (or remove it's ability to pick up broadcast/cable). - Edward (I could go into a big anti-TV rant, and annoy everyone, but I thought I'd keep it short and to the point.) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Keyman
On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 14:35, Oki DZ wrote: > What is the equivalent of Keyman ( on Linux? To my understanding, there is no direct equivalent, because Linux supports all keyboards (and if it doesn't, it's fairly easy to add support). For other Languages/char sets, the idea is to support them at a system level, rather than at the application level, thus allowing people to easily port all applications to a given language, rather than just one or two. For example, there's are large efforts underway to translate GNOME and KDE to Mongolian and Welsh. - Edward (Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Best Nics.
On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 01:56, David Palmer. wrote: > But as all of this is going to applied later in a commercial > environment, I was wondering if anybody would be able to advise as to a > decent make of commercial standard Nics. First off, avoid anything with a realtek chipset. That should avoid 90% of problems. Depending on the price performance ratio, I've found CNet PRO 200s to be good at the cheap end (Davicom chipset - dmfe driver). I have three of these in one of my routers, which has been running nonstop for a good three years now. They handle medium amounts of traffic fairly well, but I wouldn't use them in my main server, where high CPU usage could impact their performance. If you need good 100mbps performance under load, you can't go wrong with Intel. The 3Com 3c905Bs I use in my workstations also seem to take anything I can throw at them (including trying to run Q3A X11/OpenGL over a network, just to see if I could ;). DEC Tulips (if you can find them) in my experiance are picky. When they work, they work brilliantly, but I've always had major issues with full duplex settings, and getting them to not kill the interface when the cable is unplugged (which also does fun things like stop the DHCP server). Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: squirrelmail and exim send problem
On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 02:02, Benedict Verheyen wrote: > When i try the smtp method i get this as error message: > > 2003-10-09 14:27:33 rejected EHLO from arthur.camelot []: > syntactically invalid argument(s): That should be HELO, not EHLO. Either someone/thing has modified the php code that sends that, or the version you got is just plain corrupt. Suggest the following: apt-get update apt-get --reinstall install squirrelmail - Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suggestion for Common Third Party Install system
Recently, I have been working over strategies for Linux on the desktop. In particular, I've been comparing usability of system administration tasks to Windows 2K/XP and Mac OS X, the main contenders on the desktop. System administration tasks are done by almost everybody who owns a computer. It's not only things like applying security patch's, but includes mundane tasks like cleaning out old files, changing the dial-up number for your ISP, and installing and removing software. The last point is a bit of contention under Linux. Sure, apt-get, urmpi, and the like make it easy to get and install the latest open source software from your favourite vendor, but they don't cover 'other' software. Third party, and closed source software is somewhat more difficult. Third party applications are tricky. If a vendor wishes to support Linux, they currently have two options - to include packages for all the major distributions, or to roll their own install/uninstall system, often in the form of a script. If the vendor takes the first option, there are at least four major package formats to support (apt, rpm, emerge, and slackware tgz), with multiple sub-versions of those. If the vendor wishes to support more than just i386, or wishes to provide native support for say, Itanium and Opteron CPUs as well, the number of packages multiply even further. The second option shifts the burden to the user. At first, it seems reasonable enough. A piece of software installs, with it's own script, probably into /usr/local/. A directory in /etc/, and files in the various users /home/ directories are created. Maybe the script also has the facility to clean up after itself. But where is this script kept? Perhaps on the install CD, or in the /etc/ directory, or with the program in /usr/local/application/, or was that /usr/local/application/bin/ ? At first glance, this doesn't seem like an insurmountable problem. Most Linux or *nix software is open source, and files are kept nicely controlled by the package manager. Just how many pieces of closed source software could there be on a Linux system anyway? A lot. Personally, I already have the following installed; Quake 3 Arena, Team Arena, Real Player, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Unreal Tournament 2003, Enemy Territory, Return to Castle Wolfenstein. If Adobe ever releases Photoshop for Linux, I'll probably buy a copy of that as well. Add a couple of things like VMWare, maybe WineX, a video production package, and some random compiled from source packages, and it starts to get out of control. All these programs have their own way of doing things. I could drop everything into /usr/local/, delete it when I'm done, and hope there's not too much cruft left lying around the system. The problem is that there will be cruft left lying around the system, and after a while, cruft builds up. Some of it possibly in horrible places where it's going to affect other things. You could argue that developers should release packages for your preferred distribution. You could argue that they should release the source code, and that I shouldn't install dodgy software that doesn't stick to /usr/local/ and provide an uninstall script to remove the various files hanging around /etc/ and my home directory. You could argue that end users should learn to use /usr/local/, /opt/, and install/removal scripts. You could argue a lot of things, but the world doesn't work like that. End users need a system that allows their file manager to handle the install and removal of third party applications without bothering them with the details. One possibility, that I put forward here, is for a simple install and uninstall system, based around symlinks, and a common applications directory. The application, to all outward appearances in most common file browsers, would appear as a file, but it's really a directory. Let us assume the application is called 'Foo'. Foo consists of binary files, supporting libraries, icons, configuration files usually found in /etc/, and so on. We can express most of these in terms of where they normally fit in the unix file system. A few, mainly icons, and programs shortcuts, vary from environment to environment. The 'Applications' folder is accessible from the users Control panel as a special directory, allowing write access with sudo and the root password. The folder itself would most likely sit in somewhere like /usr/local/Applications/. Thus, our application 'Foo', would be in /usr/local/Applications/Foo/. It's file structure would look something like this: /usr/local/Applications/Foo/ /usr/local/Applications/Foo/icon.svg /usr/local/Applications/Foo/description.en.txt /usr/local/Applications/Foo/tree/linux/i686/usr/bin/foo /usr/local/Applications/Foo/tree/linux/i686/usr/lib/foo/ /usr/local/Applications/Foo/install/etc/foo/foo.conf /usr/local/Applications/Foo/home/.foo/ To install, symlinks from are made from /usr/bin/foo and /usr/lib/foo/ and /usr/local/Applications/Foo/tree/linux/i686/
Re: apt-get dist-upgrade problem
Since they're not crucial packages (by crucial, I mean things like bash, and init), I would suggest forcing the removal of all of them, and then apt-get the new ones. Edward On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 23:21, ZekeVarg wrote: > I just ran dist-upgrade on my sid-box and I got problems with: > python2.3-glade2, python2.3-gnome2, python2.3-gtk2 & python2.3-pyorbit > and got a suggestion to run #apt-get -f install to fix it. > This is the output of #apt-get -f install after I accept the install of the above > packages. > > (Reading database ... 121196 files and directories currently installed.) > Unpacking python2.3-gtk2 (from .../python2.3-gtk2_1.99.17-3_i386.deb) ... > dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-gtk2_1.99.17-3_i386.deb > (--unpack): > trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/pygtk-codegen-2.0', which is also in package > python2.2-gtk2 > dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Brutet rör) > Unpacking python2.3-pyorbit (from .../python2.3-pyorbit_1.99.6-3_i386.deb) ... > dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-pyorbit_1.99.6-3_i386.deb > (--unpack): > trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/pkgconfig/pyorbit-2.pc', which is also in package > python2.2-pyorbit > dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Brutet rör) > Unpacking python2.3-gnome2 (from .../python2.3-gnome2_1.99.16-4_i386.deb) ... > dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-gnome2_1.99.16-4_i386.deb > (--unpack): > trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/pkgconfig/gnome-python-2.0.pc', which is also in > package python2.2-gnome2 > dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Brutet rör) > Unpacking python2.3-glade2 (from .../python2.3-glade2_1.99.17-3_i386.deb) ... > dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-glade2_1.99.17-3_i386.deb > (--unpack): > trying to overwrite `/usr/share/pygtk/2.0/defs/libglade.defs', which is also in > package python2.2-glade2 > dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Brutet rör) > Errors were encountered while processing: > /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-gtk2_1.99.17-3_i386.deb > /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-pyorbit_1.99.6-3_i386.deb > /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-gnome2_1.99.16-4_i386.deb > /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-glade2_1.99.17-3_i386.deb > E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) > -- > ZekeVarg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Suggestion for Common Third Party Install system
On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 00:53, Nicos Gollan wrote: > This sounds awfully like an extended version of stow. It'd be nice to see > that. Hmm, having looked up stow, I see what you mean. The only thing is that stow, as far as I can tell, tries to do it for everything, which apt/dpkg already does better. This is only for 3rd party stuff, and is meant to provide ease of use to the end user. Plus, once I've cleared up the details, I'll actually write some scripts to make it happen. Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Hardware
Generally, anything that the Linux kernel supports, Debian supports. However, SATA support last time I checked was non-existant in Linux/Debian. Blame the manufactures. As for ATi. Go with nVidia, same yourself the pain. Edward On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 01:38, Henk Vuijk wrote: > Hello, > > I have to buy soon a new komputer and I wonder if Debian support: > - the S-ATA standard for hard disks > - are there drivers for Videocards with the ATI 9000 and 9200 chips > > Sorry to bother you, but I cannot find a friendly list to check these > things and the HOW-TO's do not answer my questions. > > Please write direct to me, because I am not subsribed to this > mailinglist. > > Thanks, > henk > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Hardware
Repeat after; *sits in the corner repeating "Do not post at 2:30am after coming down off a caffiene buzz. Do not post..."* Seriously though. While ATi has drivers, they don't appear to work for the full range of OpenGL functions. To my understanding, they have a bunch of patents, some not owned by them, in those drivers, so they can't release them as open source. Instead, they've done the next best thing, and released them as closed source which works with pretty much any 2.4.x kernel, and without sacrificing features. Twinview, and TV-Out both work - although I can't get two separate displays for two separate servers (where I would plug in a separate mouse and keyboard, and run two 'terminals' off the same computer. :/ Actually, having done some reading since I last upgraded my video card (at which point, I want to play UT2K3, and only nVidia cards would do this), it seems things have got better. Preferably, I'd like something nvidia style, or better yet, something downloaded with Xfree86. It MUST do the following; OpenGL (at a decent speed, with full support). TwinView TV-Out If ATi drivers can now do this for all cards, across all archs, without buggering around (which includes things like using alien to get at Redhat only drivers), then I'll take a look. Until, I'll stick with nVidia. If this is the case, then I'll retract all my points and return the rock from whence I came. ;) Edward On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 05:01, Pigeon wrote: > On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 02:36:28AM +1200, Edward Murrell wrote: > > > > As for ATi. Go with nVidia, same yourself the pain. > > I would point out that while "My ATI 9000 isn't working" has come up a > few times on the list recently, "My NVidia isn't working" comes up all > the time. > > > With NVidia you have a choice of open-source drivers which are crappy > because NVidia won't release enough information to make them not > crappy, or NVidia's own drivers which are binary-only closed-source > and sit like a cancerous growth deep in the bowels of your system. > Yuck, yuck, yuck. Don't buy anything from NVidia. Support > open-source-friendly hardware manufacturers, go with ATI. > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: raid question
You'd think that since it's a mirror, it would work fine right? Apparently not. Last time I tried this stunt, I nearly toasted 45 GB of data. Edward On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 23:19, Rudy Gevaert wrote: > Hello, > > I was wondering can I set up raid when a partition is mounted? > e.g. hda3 is /home and I want to set up raid1 with hdc3. > > Can I run mkraid when hda3 is in use? I would use the following > raidtab: > > raiddev /dev/md0 > raid-level 1 > nr-raid-disks 2 > nr-spare-disks 0 > chunk-size 4 > persistent-superblock 0 > device /dev/hda3 > raid-disk 0 > device /dev/hdc3 > raid-disk 1 > > Also, would I lose data? When happens if I change the above order? > > Thanks in advance, > > > > -- > Rudy Gevaert[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Web page > GNU/Linux user and Savannah hacker > It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating. > - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Debian Networking problems
First question - Can you ping it, or can the debian box access the network and/or Internet. For user/groups see commands adduser, and addgroup (you can get the manual pages for these by typing in man adduser, and man addgroup at the console). There's also a couple of tools under GNOME and KDE to manage these things - apt-get install kuser gnome-system-tools - (if you're running unstable) should help you set these up. Regards Edward On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 07:39, Ronnie Tarkas wrote: > I have just recently installed and set up a Debian GNU/Linux > machine > I know for a fact that the Network card is working, as I downloaded > and installed things with apt-get.. > > Now, I can't connect to the Debian server, from my WinXP computer, via > our local network, nor can I access it by FTP. > > What should I do, in order to enable the Debian for use on my LAN, and > FTP. > Setting up accounts/users/groups etc > > I am a total Newb, so I will appreciate any and all help. > > Regards > Ronnie -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: CD players not working although sound otherwise fine
Try chmod 770 /dev/hdc Other than that, try running it as root. One thing you may find useful as a side note is the digital CD plugin for XMMS. apt-get install xmms-cdread It enables reading of CD's so the digital-analog conversion is done on the sound card instead of in the CD drive, and transmitted through that EM hellhole that is the inside of a PC. Regards Edward On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 04:09, Anthony Campbell wrote: > I can't use any of the apps that are supposed to work on my CD drive > such as cdplay, dcd, xmcd. > > Sound is otherwise fine: I can play mp3 files from the hard disk and I > can listen to CDs by pressing the buttons manually. > > Attempts to use the above apps produce the following errors: > > ac:~:$ cdplay > cdplay: ioctl cdrommsf > > > ac:~:$ dcd > ac:~:$ CDROMREADTOCENTRY[1] failed: Invalid argument > CDROMREADTOCENTRY[2] (CDROM_LEADOUT) failed: Invalid argument > CDROMPLAYMSF failed: Input/output error > > Something seems to be misconfigured but what? I am added to the sound > and cdrom groups and iso9660 is enabled in the kernel. This is an ATAPI > drive and /dev/cdrom is linked to /dev/hdc: > > brw-rw1 root cdrom 22, 0 Jul 5 2000 /dev/hdc > > > Any suggestions for what is wrong here? > > AC > > -- > [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| > using Linux GNU/Debian || for book reviews, electronic > Windows-free zone || books and skeptical articles > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Galeon & antialiased fonts
apt-get install mozilla-xft (ttf-freefont will probably help as well) Regards Edward On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 14:46, Oki DZ wrote: > Hi, > > It is said that Galeon uses Gecko, the Mozilla's rendering system. But > the Sid's Galeon couldn't display the fonts nicely. Is there anything > that I should setup on Galeon's preferences? (I didn't see any, though.) > > Thanks in advance, > Oki > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [OT] Why does X need so much CPU power?
On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 14:32, Marc Wilson wrote: > But as long as there aren't equivalents to Photoshop (and I'm sorry, but > Gimp ain't it, not while it doesn't do something basic like CYMK), InDesign > or the equivalent (and TeX ain't it either), Office (yes, OOo may be there > someday, but it isn't NOW), and an easy to use database (and the SQL server > of your choice CERTAINLY isn't it), along with many other applications... > Linux will be incredibly useful to the geeks and not at all to Joe Public. GIMP now has CMYK. :) I don't know when it appeared, since my use of GIMP very basic, but it's there. The version on my desktop is 1.3.19, although it may have been there a bit longer. Open Office - I agree, v1.1, when it's released, should be everything 99.95% of people need (Access type applications not withstanding) btw. I've already converted a couple of people, most notably my parents (!). I can't really speak on business desktop apps (I haven't done enough research to comment one way or the other), but most home users (gamers not withstanding), seem to limit themselves to 'net browsing, email, instant messaging, IRC, word processing, perhaps some spread sheets, those simple little games like crack-attack. The biggest use seems to be movies and music - which Linux is completely capable of. Anyway, my orginal point was that GIMP has CMYK, that is all. :) Regards, Edward P.S. I agree that Linux completely ready to kick Windows of the desktop in all areas, but it is surprising the number of areas where it is, especially compared to say, a year ago. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Could not load OpenGL library
On Sun, 2003-11-16 at 07:15, Nathan wrote: > Sometime in the last few days my OpenGL (or SDL, I'm not sure) has > stopped working. I use OpenGL primarily for gaming, so not having it > hasn't killed me. The error message I get when starting up Unreal > Tournament (and UT 2003) is: > > Opening SDL viewport. > Bound to > Loaded render device class. > Initializing SDLGLDrv... > binding > appError called: > Could not load OpenGL library > > This is odd because both Quake3 and glxgears run normally at the same > frame rates as before. I am using debian sid, with XFree86 4.2.1-14. I > have the latest drivers from nVidia, and I haven't changed them since UT > stopped working. If anyone knows what packages are needed for UT2003 to > work correctly, could they tell me? I seem to hit this problem each time a dist-upgrade is done that upgrades any of the graphics components. As far as I can work out, the nvidia drivers exercise a shotgun approach to installing GLX drivers, by overwriting everything with it's own drivers and the dist-upgrade overwrites those. Reinstalling the nVidia drivers seems to fix it. If the SDL-GL drivers are missing, apt-get install libsage-0.1 should fix that. - Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: snd-card-es18xx.o
On Sun, 2003-11-16 at 12:13, Gustavo Perro Boksar wrote: > Hi, I have a Debian Woody (2.4.18-bf2.4) over a Compaq Presario 1267. > I'm fighting to install my soundcard with no success :( > I know that the correct module is snd-card-es18xx.o which I downloaded form > the Internet but all versions are for a previous kernel... please thow some > light to this newbie just where to look or what else should I do... I believe the module you describe is an ALSA module for the 0.5 series. ALSA is now in it's version 0.9 series. The correct modules is snd-es18xx. You will need to download and install ALSA, and compile it against the your kernel headers. To do this in debian, do the following; apt-get install kernel-headers-2.4.18-bf2.4 alsa This may also help; Also, your email client is broken, it does not break lines at 80 chars. Please fix this. - Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Experiment: Neophyte versus Windows XP & Debian Woody
On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 12:23, Roberto Sanchez wrote: > > I haven't come across packages that install into /opt. For source > > packages, I use ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/stow/packagename > > and have "stow" handle the symlinking to /usr/local/bin, etc. > > > > > > The binary tarball defaults to /opt (at least it did > in version 1.0) I've never understood the need for /opt/. Or more precisely, I've never understood the need for /opt/ when you have /usr/local/, and in my travels have yet to find any solid reasoning beyond what seems to be that the first person to create /opt/ didn't know about /usr/local/. (I'm almost certainly wrong of course, but I still haven't been able to find anything that tells me so with any decent authority.) - Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Web server Partitions
On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 16:38, Braxton Neate wrote: > Hi Everyone, > I know this is a question that gets asked a lot, but googling around I > can't seem to find a good answer. > I'm re-installing a web/sql server which currently has one large root > partition and a swap partition. > This is obviously not the best setup. > > I'm wondering what other people would recommend in the way of > partitioning? > > The server is a 2x 800mhz PIII with 512MB RAM and a 40GB hard drive. > There will be 3 main users of this system. This box would probably get > around 200 hits a day max, but also hosts and internal intranet as well > as an external website so there is quite a bit of data in /var/www. > > -Braxton Neate The first thing I'd look at doing is moving the default webpage to a directory in /home/. In the case of my companies webserver, there's /home/mcnz/ directory, with various company sites in directories off that. People who have admin rights to the website accounts are part of the webedit group. With that in mind, I would divy up your drive as follows (the following assumes that the server doesn't have any major mail server roles (/var/), that /usr/local/ will be free of anything major, that there's no NFS mounting, and that the server will run a database that will keep things somethere in /lib/, and that /home/ will stay mostly free of general user files. / - 10 GB /home/ - 20 GB /lib/ - 2 GB /var/ - 1 GB /tmp/ - 5 GB swap- 2 GB The reasoning behind large swap, /tmp/, /var/, and /lib/ file systems that are partition off, is due to Joe Random Webdeveloper doing some creative web developing on the server. At some point, someone is likely to try and do something funky like try and run licq through php, and chew through several gigs of storage of infinitely recursive log files. (Yes, I had something like this a few years ago, thankfully, it was on a test server.) I have a webserver with a similar setup, and the swap goes unused most of the time, but with anything where people have shell access, eventually someone does something stupid, and you end up being thankful for that extra memory space. The reason for /tmp/ comes from various things that write there, that don't always clean up properly, and things that put files there before doing something to them, and that happening multiple times. One of my users once had a stats package that chewed through 1500 MB of data in about two hours, and then would condense it down to less than 100 kb of text. It took me about two weeks to discover why users would complain of running out of space, but whenever I got the email, they would have more than enough. At the end of the day, partitioning the drives up seems to be a case of not so much what's going to work, but what's going to go wrong. Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RE: Web server Partitions
> With that in mind, I would divy up your drive as follows > (the following assumes that the server doesn't have any major mail > server roles (/var/), that /usr/local/ will be free of anything major, > that there's no NFS mounting, and that the server will run a database > that will keep things somethere in /lib/, and that /home/ will stay > mostly free of general user files. > > / - 10 GB > /home/- 20 GB > /lib/ - 2 GB > /var/ - 1 GB > /tmp/ - 5 GB > swap - 2 GB On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 17:52, Braxton Neate wrote: > I have separate directories for each website but they are in /var. > Is there any particular reason why you have yours in /home? I tend to > keep /home strictly for users home directory's. There isn't many users > that will have shell access, but my home directory is usually quite > large 3=). > > The plan is that all development of code for websites will be done by a > user in there shell account uploaded to CVS and then when it is ready it > will be deployed in /var/www or /var/www2 etc. > > I currently have 1GB of swap space which seams sufficient, 2GB seems a > bit excessive. I was told that the rule of thumb is double the amount of > physical RAM. > > My main concern is running out of space in a partition once everything > is setup and running. So I want to be sure before I go ahead. It's a > shame that there isn't a tool for Linux like Partition Magic. I have > always been to freaked out to resize partitions on an existing > installation of Linux. > > What do people think about the following: > > / - 7GB > /usr - 10GB > /home - 10GB > /var - 10GB > /tmp - 1.5GB > SWAP - 1.5GB I suspect my requirements are slightly different to yours. About five sites are 'root' sites. That is, sites developed by company staff. The rest (and there's more than a few) are generic websites that we host for various people, varying from simple .html and jpeg types in ~/public_html/ to php/mysql wonders with proper domains. The only other things that appear in home directories are the mbox files for the IMAP servers (something I wish I'd actually thought about). Most people have shell access, but few use it. Given your development method, I see nothing wrong with the way you intend to do. Your partition seems fine, although it's probably not worth having such a large / partition if you are going to separate out /usr/. Without /var, /usr, /home, and /tmp, the entire / partition will probably weigh in at less than 40 MB, unless you have some truly large files in /etc/. Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Playing a wav
The wavtools package has wavp, which will do what you ask. It seems to be strangely missing from unstable though. *shrugs* Edward On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 09:26, Michael Satterwhite wrote: > Back on SuSE, I could play a wav file just by entering "play file" from the > command line. I liked this for script end notifications. Play isn't installed > by default, and there are hundreds of hits if I enter "apt-cache search > play". > > Would someone be so kind as to suggest a command line tool for this that's > available on Debian? > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Help Needed Urgently on Printer Configuration
On Sun, 2003-12-28 at 04:35, yuvrajspatil wrote: > Respected Sir/Madam, > > On my debain server I am not able to configure > printer which is installed on a remote windows > machine. > > I am using a debain server - Ver 3.0 for my project. > It is connected to the windows machine in network. > > I want to take my printouts on that remote windows > machine's printer. > > I do know that I have to install cupsys, cupsys-bsd, > cupsys-client, foomatic-bin, samba, smbclient, gs-esp > & a2ps packages. > > But at the very begiging cupsys is giving a lot of > dependencies error, as a result of which I cannot > proceed. Are you attempting to use apt-get, or dpkg to install? If you are using dpkg, you should use apt-get, which will work out all the dependancies for you. If you are using apt-get, my guess is that you need to update /etc/apt/sources.list to use some of the debian repositories. Read the fine manual! Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: usb pendrive strangness
On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 06:48, Damon L. Chesser wrote: > On a stock debian sarge, fresh install, I can enter these two lines into > fstab: > > /dev/sda /mnt/pendrive autodefualts,user,noauto,umask=002 0 0 > /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usbdrive auto defualts,user,noauto,umask=002 0 0 > > I can then mount as user or root both devices. In Libranet 2.8.1, mosly > sarge I can mount the usb drive IF it is sdb1, NOT sda1 or sdc1 or > sdd1. I CANNOT mount /mnt/sda: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mount /mnt/pendrive > mount: /dev/sda is not a valid block device > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ > > Making it /dev/sda1 or c,b etc has no bearing. If I specifiy vfat > (which is what I think it is) I get: *snip* > unable to read partition table > usbdevfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed dev 2 rqt 128 rq 6 len 18 ret -110 > #above line repeated about 20 times## > > The message at boot (does not show up if I run dmesg) is: > > Starting Htoplug subsystem: Inputt*** cant synthesize input events > -/proc/bus/input/devices missing > pci*** cant synthesize PCI hotplug events > usbsync: [oo1 oo1 oo1 oo2 oo1 ] > > /proc/bus has pci & usb, but no input. Should it have input? IF > so, how do I make input dir? I'm starting to think this is a kernel > issue. I am using 2.4.23 on this box (stock Libranet kernel settings) > and 2.4.21-1-I386 stock Sarge Debian kernel on the box these devices > work on. Same family of motherboards (ECS k7s5a and k7s5a Pro) so > hardware is not an issue. In addition, on the problem box (Libranet > 2.8.1) I have an USB-2 pci card, eliminating the possibility of an > onboard usb problem. This has me scratching my head. Where do I look > and what do I do? Given that I just woke up, I may be difficult to understand... :) IIRC, There are checks in place to stop you mounting a device, when you should be mounting one of it's partitions. However, a few manufacturers of the pen drives appear not to have read the specs and either didn't pre-partition the drives, or have their own strange system. In either case, salvage the data, and cfdisk the device. The hotplug system uses a bunch of data from /proc/ to get it's required info. For some reason, the required sub tree of /proc/ doesn't show up automatically. To mount it, add this to your fstab; none/proc/bus/usb usbdevfsdefaults0 0 This should also fix the usbdevfs lines. You need to have usbdevfs compiled into your kernel. Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Warning -- mounting ext3 as ext2
On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 10:43, David Baron wrote: > On Thursday 01 January 2004 21:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: > > You need to be using a kernel that either has ext3 compiled in > > or has ext3 module available on its initrd. > > > > I'm not aware of a debian kernel 2.4.22-xfs, so I assume that you compiled > > your own. Did you ensure that it has ext3 support enabled? > > mtab says that the disk is mounted ext3. > > This 2.4.22-xfs is on a knoppix distribution. If it has xfs, then ext3 should > be there as well but how would I find out for sure. BTW, as I said, I had a > hard reboot incident and the initial fsck due to this was 100% clean. > > The "warning" occurs on the initial read-only mount to test so maybe the > problem is there. If in any event, I do need the ext3 reference in initrd (/ > etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf contains nothing but some explanatory > comments),how do I get it there. The presence of XFS in the kernel does not mean that the kernel supports ext3 (or ext2, or any other filesystem for that matter). To get a list of filesystems supported by your kernel, from the command line type; cat /proc/filesystems Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: lost dhcp on boot up
On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 05:49, Paul Schwartz wrote: > I just made and installed my first kernel [2.4.18]! and booted too! > One problem is that the network initialization that used to occur > [2.4.18-bf24] doesn't. > The ether net card is recognized but my machine no longer does an > inquiry to the router to get an address. > > Where do I find the stimulus? > > Nother issue: I thought I was compiling the ALSA driver into the > kernel, but dmesg says > > No ALSA driver installed > Starting ALSA sound driver (version none): modprobe: Can't lodcate > module snd failed > > On the other hand sound is now working for the first time. Any idea > what happened? > > Thanks > > Paul Schwartz Check your /var/log/messages file. The most likely error is that you didn't enable Socket Filtering in the networking options. You will need to recompile for this option to work. The ALSA error is exactly what it says. Previously the ALSA driver was searching for modules, now that it's compiled into the kernel, there are no modules. I would suggest getting a copy of the 2.4.23 kernel, since it contains a bunch of fixes, without any major differences in the way it's laid out. Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: 56K Modems
On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 15:37, Jacob S. wrote: > Is it just me or is it hard to find a good external hardware modem > (non-win/linmodem) these days? > > I'm looking for one for a friend that's using Linux and not ready to pay > for broadband yet. He needs a non-pcmcia, preferably external but PCI > will work as well, 56k call waiting modem. > > Any suggestions? (Yes, I've read the supported devices lists on various > websites and browsed through various websites selling hardware, but I'm > curious to hear what others are using.) > > TIA, > Jacob >From recent experience, most places don't actively stock them anymore, due to common public perception that serial modems are 'slower'. Go figure. However, your corner computer seems happy to get them in on request. Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: ide-scsi cdrw mounts, cdrom works but no mount
On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 20:07, John Felix wrote: > Has anyone seen this problem before, any help ? > on debian sarge 2.4 *snip* > mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cd0 > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on > /dev/sr0, or too many mounted file systems > and /var/log/messages gives as a response: > I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 64 > isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=0b:00, > iso_blknum=16, block=32 *snip* Based on that error, and that writing works OK, I guess that your configuration is fine, but the reading bit is broken. I had a similar experience earlier this year with an Acer 16x16x12 CD-ReWriter. Reading worked perfectly, but any writing activity would spit out IO errors all over the place. I think - take with a large grain of salt - that the CD drive has separate lasers for reading and writing, and the read laser maybe stuffed. IANAHWE (I am not hardware engineer). Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: xserver-xfree86
On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 20:25, ^Wei Hong^ wrote: > Hi i am trying to startx but i keep getting this same error message. > > (--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device. > (EE) No devices detected > Fatal server error > no screens found > X conection to :0.o broken (explicit kill or server shutdown) > > I am using Geforce4 TI 4200. Assuming you are using a fresh Debian stable install, the problem is that the default nv driver doesn't support anything above a GeForce3. You can fix this by downloading and install the binary drivers from In the meantime, I think you can use the vesa drivers (I have not tested this myself). Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Problem With Getting Printer To Print
On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 06:15, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. wrote: > I'm using foomatic (although I have many other print services at my > disposal if I need them) to install a local and networked printer. The > local printer is a Canon BJC-2100 and is detected just fine. The only > problem is when I send it the test page, it won't print! I spent about > 30 minutes toying with it trying to figure out how to get it to print > but nothing seemed to work. So I set it to default and moved on to > installing the networked printer. It was detected kinda okay. Had to > select make and model (Epson Stylus 785) but it won't print thet test > page, either. >From this page, I gathered that printing on the Canon BJC-2100 can be really really slow. Try leaving for up to ten minutes to see how well things go, and of course, check your ELMP (Errors, Log Files, Man(ual) pages, and Permissions). How is the Epson Stylus connected? Is it connected to a windows computer, ethernet, or through CUPs on a unix box? Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Pros/Cons Kde vs Gnome?
On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 09:10, Cecil wrote: > I am curious as to what the pros and cons would be of picking just one > desktop and deleting the other. Please tell me which you prefer, and > resons why. I have bothe kde and gnome now. Thanks, > > Cecil > It's really a case of how much you want to fiddle with things. KDE is big on options. GNOME is big on setting the defaults for you (which by and large, I prefer, with the exception of that weird ass spatial nautilus thing). As far as versions go, pretty much anything prior to KDE 3.0 and GNOME 2.2 is generally considered out of date (a fairly important point if you are running stable). Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Debian Slow?
On Sat, 2004-03-06 at 13:09, Osamu Aoki wrote: > On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 03:36:13PM +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 01:47:01PM +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > >> > > >> Given this, I'd expect the machines to be fairly similar in speed. > > >> While I know that gentoo does optimize stuff, and it does result in > > >> performance gains, It shouldn't make that much difference. Things like > > >> GNOME and Nautilus start somewhere in the order of 10 to 15 times > > >> faster than on my machine at home. > > > > > > Have you made sure you're using DMA access on all your drives? > > > > First thing I did on install. Double checked the other night, just in case. > > 10 folds change for seemingly non-cpu-intensive/disk-intensive task > still suggests something about disk access issues. > > * Do you have the same issue if you change filesystem to other filesystem? > * Did you verify disk mode with "hdparm -I /dev/hda"? > * Even when I boot very slow live-CD based system, I only get a second >to see the menu. And human can only see 1/30 seconds. Aren't you >over stating?? You have a fast system. > I dumped in XFCE4, and found things to go a lot faster, even loading the same applications. Anyway, on the speed front, I discovered that gconfd-2 is/was chewing through around 40 MB (!) of ram, and magicdev was taking up another 16 or so. This doesn't seem right. I tried creating a new user with the same theme as the machines at varsity, and it runs pretty well - it's not quite as fast, but given that it was running along side my own users session, and therefore digging into swap, it seemed quite fast enough. So - something in my config is apparently broken, but I'm not sure where to go from here. I've deleted all the extra junk out of my home directory, but it doesn't seem to make much difference. Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Debian Slow?
On Sat, 2004-03-06 at 07:16, Jens Benecke wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > I'm starting to wonder how much difference gentoo's optimization actually > > makes. The labs at uni where I'm writing this from have near identical > > > Kernel at labs is 2.4.25 versus 2.6.3 at home. Both use ReiserFS for /. > > Labs use NFS for /home, versus second ReiserFS partion at home for /home/. > > Any ideas? This is driving me insane. Even the CD-Rom mounts faster! > > /home on NFS makes Gnome/KDE etc. quite slow, because they keep writing > cache files there, and NFS generally has worse access times (not > necessarily data transfer rates) than harddisks. > > Try 'export KDEHOME=/local-home-dir/$USER/.kde' somewhere in your start > scripts, this way the .kde dir will be created locally (but then you will > only have that config locally, of course). > > > 2.6 also has some hefty improvements in memory management, ReiserFS was > optimized, etc. I have an Athlon 2600+ at home, 1G RAM, local 40G DMA-100 > disk, /home on network (server is a duron-650). Generally, the speed is > comparable to my lab computer (P4-1800, 80G local disk, 512MB RAM). The > software is the same, KDE 3.2-686-CVS compiled with optmizations and Debian > unstable. That's what I would have thought, but apparently, despite all that, my machine, running 2.6.3, Local ReiserFS access to everything, and a custom kernel was slower. Go figure. Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Debian Slow?
On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 10:48, Mark Roach wrote: > On Fri, 2004-03-05 at 13:47 +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > [...] > > gains, It shouldn't make that much difference. Things like GNOME and > > Nautilus start somewhere in the order of 10 to 15 times faster than on my > > machine at home. > > gnome/nautilus startup speed is often affected by incorrect > configuration of your hostname. > > check that the name returned by "hostname" is properly accounted for > in /etc/hosts > > -Mark /etc/hosts: localhost euphoria [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ hostname euphoria Is that correct? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: XMMS Error After Compile of kernel 2.6.3
On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 19:35, Alexander B. Cheng wrote: > Hello All, > > I've just compiled kernel 2.6.3 and have things running pretty well. > However now when I try to start XMMS I get the following error: > > cannot open shared object file: No such file or > directory > > ** Warning **: alsa_get_mixer(): Attaching to mixer hw:1 failed: No such > device > > I've even removed XMMS with apt and re-installed it but I still get the > error and I'm at a loss on what my next step would be. XMMS used to > work fine before the new kernel was installed. The first error is a non-fatal error telling you mikmod isn't installed. If you don't know what mods (in the music sense) are, I wouldn't worry about it. The second one is XMMS complaining it can't access the ALSA mixer. This could mean one of several things. 1) ALSA, or it's driver for your sound card wasn't compilied in, or as a module. Check your config. 2) You don't have permissions to access the devices. This shouldn't be a problem if it worked before. Check that you have permission to use the devices in /dev/snd/. If you followed standard Debian pratice, this means that you are part of group audio. 3) The various ALSA start scripts have buggered things up again. This seems to happen to me far too often. Have a look in /etc/init.d/alsa* and see what happens when you run them as root. It's most likely 1. Either ALSA isn't loaded, your hardware's driver isn't loaded, or it's a module, and you haven't loaded it. Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: soundblaster live alsa
The mixer will have the 'SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack' set to to digital output (UnMuted). Mute it with alsamixer to fix this. Edward On Sat, 2004-03-20 at 15:56, Paul William wrote: > Hi all, > > I am trying to get my soundblaster live card to work using alsa. I get > sound out of the left/right speakers but a lot of static from the center > and back left and back right speakers? They worked fine with the emu10k1 > driver. I have done a lot of tweaking the alsamixers settings without > any luck. > > Any ideas? > > Thanks very much > > Paul > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: upgrading to testing from woody
On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 12:29, Rolando Abarca wrote: > I just one to upgrade a few packages fron woody to testing, not all of > them, for instance, mysqlserver, apache and X... > What's the easiest way to do this without having to upgrade my entire > system to testing? > > salud! (cheers!) > funkaster = (person *)malloc(sizeof(person)*curr_age+2); > Add the testing lines to /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get -t testing mysqlserver apache (which will get mysqlserver and apache from testing, along with any packages they depend on). However, since you obviously intend to run this as a server, I'd recommend against installing testing. To my understanding testing gets security patches much later than stable or unstable. The reasons for this are somewhat complicated, but it essentially comes down to that testing is the next stable, not meant for usability. Pretty much all software you need for a server should be in stable anyway. (This is my understanding, someone who has more of a clue than me feel free to correct me.) Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: microsoft sidewinder joystick and linux
On Mon, 2004-02-02 at 12:23, Frederico Rodrigues Abraham wrote: >Is there a way i can make my USB Microsoft Sidewinder Joystick work > in linux? No, right ? >Thanks >-- Fred I have one on my desk, it's worked fine ever since the generic USB joystick (since that's what it is) drivers got worked out. Any 2.4 kernel should support it fine. Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: US Robotics Modem drivers ?
On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 01:02, Marc Hultquist wrote: > Hey All > > I just got hold of a us robotics 56k message modem and am busy trying to > install it under linux however, I hit > a huge snag, I cant find a driver for it, and I dont have a origional cd > from it :\ I tried probing for it but as of yet I have > not been able to find anything, I also had a look at >â=5668b > which is the direct link to the modem in specific but I cant seem to find > anything in regard to their modems being compatiable > under linux ? > > Has anyone installed one of these before, and if so would they be willing to > give me some pointers ? Or maybe show me where I could > look for a driver ? > > Kind regards As others have mentioned, this is a standard serial modem, so you should be able to plug it in to COM1 or COM2 and link /dev/modem to /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 respectively with the following command; ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem This isn't strictly necessary, but many dialling programs look at /dev/modem by default. As a further note, that I know from personal experience dealing with my parents modem of this type, with the default ATZ init string, it connects at only 33.6k. To activate the X2/V.90 protocols, you also need a second init string. From /memory/ this is ATF1, or maybe AT&F1. Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: USB surround sound - what's my chances?
On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 02:49, Jonathan Melhuish wrote: > Jonathan Melhuish wrote: > > > There's a logic3 5.1 surround sound USB sound card going on eBay, > > which looks like exactly what I was after: > > > > > > > > But the question is, what's my chances of getting it working under > > Debian? > > Okay, let me rephrase that. Are most USB soundcards generally standard > "USB Audio" devices? Are surround sound ones usually just several "USB > Audio" devices? > > I'm not looking for a definative answer here, just an idea of whether > it's worth buying and selling on if it doesn't work. > > Cheers, > > Jon In theory... yes. There is a USB-audio standard, and it's supported by ALSA. However, going on personal experience with USB devices, the cheaper they are, the more likely it seems the engineers didn't do their homework and failed to follow specifications. (See mass-storage devices for the occasional bad example where almost everyone follows the standard, and USB modems for an example of where practically nobody does.) The remote could be anything, depending mostly on if the engineer did in hardware (which he should have) or left control up to software (which is a bad thing). If it's a half and half option, say where the USB reciever hooks in as a serial device, you may even be able to make use of lirc to use it. Let us know how it goes, and email the various hardware compatibility lists with your results. Regards Edward -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]